HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-16, Page 2r oda: AtibtaNitins' 'LINTO1 S -RECO D 'C[ ;N'T'OIN, oNTAtii0 et•rrts of Subscrlptlo 1 52'.00 per y eiir fu advance, tc, Canadian addresites:. $2.50 to •the CT.S. or other foreign. l';(1tles No' ,aper 'discontinued. until all arrears are pato unless at the option o2 the publisher. Toe date to which .everysubscription is paid is denoted on tho-label. .Arvereisina Rates -Transient 'cover• tisx„,',. 12c per count line for first insertion, 8c for each subsequent tUSa1tion. Heading counts 2' lines. Small advertisements, not to exceed one.ineh, such as "Wanted,'. "Lost? •Strayed," etc,, inserted once • for 36c, each •SOS equell t insertion' 15o. Advertisements sent In wtthut 1n atructions as to the number of in• cornetts wanted will run until order ed out and will be charged accord. in€1y.,' Rates for display advertising nmade'icnowu -on application. Communications intended for publi• cation must, as a guarantee of :good faith, be accompanied by the name of Olio writer. G. L. HALL, 111; R, CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. BANKER A getiei al 'Banking Business transact. ed• 'Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed .on., Deposits. Bale ,Ades Purchased. I -I. T. RANCE'• Notary Fugue, Conveyancer, Financial, Real ,Estate. and Fire In surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division court Office,'Cilnton. W.'BRYDONE. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, eto, ()Ince; SLOAN BLOCK CLINTON DR. J., C. GANDIER OOtce I3ours:-1.30 to 3:30 p.m., 6.30 8o 8.00 p,m,, Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m, Other hours by appointment mai- Office and Residence -•- Victoria St. DR. FRED G. THOMVMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont One door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172. Eyes examined' and glasses fitted. DR. PERC I�AL'1HEARN OEce and' Residence: Huron Street. Clinton, to n, Ont f(1'ornerly'occupied b th late Dr.O. W. Thompson). Eyes ' Examined and Glasses Pitted. DR. H. A. M CINTYRE DENTIST • Office hours 9 to 12 A: 8 _ AI. and 1 to P.M., except Tuesdays and Wednes- days. Office over Canadian National Express,, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21. DR. F. A. AXON. DENTIST Clinton, Ont. Graduate of 'C.O.D.S., Chides°, R,C,D.S„ Toronto. g and Crown and Plate work a speelalty D. H.11Idc IN�[ES Chiropractor -Electrical Treatment. 01 \Vinghain, will be at the Comlper. ciao Inn, Clinton, on Monday, Weduess day and Friday forenoons of • each week: Diseases of all kinds euecesgfult handled. Y BEGIN' HERE TODAY Peter Newhall, Augusta, Ga., flees to Alaska, after being, told by Ivan Ishmin, Russian violinist, he : had drowned Paul ;Sarichef, Ishohin's!sec-I reituly, following a quarrel. Ishmin null Peter's wife, Dorothy, had urged hint to flee. He joins Big ChrisLar- son in response to a distress signal at sea, forcing his sea jacket upon him. Their launch hits rocks. Carson's body' is buried as Newlhall's. Peter, rescued, finds injuries have completely changed his appearance. Ishmhr and Dorothy go to Alaska to ,return Peter's body to Georgia. they do not recognize Peter, who is 'chosen head glide. kistorm carries, thein ship te'sea, stranding them itt the grave. Ishmin urges Dorothy to nhazmy him. Mit she ould' first ask the spirits of her husband, whom- she 130 - heves dead. They hold a seance with one of the guides as medium. • She re- ceives the message: "Cltainge name," and believes it means to marry Ish- iuin'. told him with a plaintive sweetness CHAPTER XII.-(Cont'd.) that carried himoffhis feet. "You. as ho spoke. "I don't know at thea inferior races." Ivan smiled inscrutably. ".At some other place and tune -perhaps just before -we sail -1'11 give you a chance toshow whether the Anglo-Saxon is superior to the Mongol. It would be really diverting, for' a moment. At present, both of us have work to do- yen to take care of the .ebur» and I' to go after supplies. c His>: voice', changed andsoftened, but it had never: been perceptibly hard. "ICeep up the hunt for caribou," he directed, "The boys haven't done so well lately. Take care of the meat and cure it as fast as possible." Then he turned to say, good-bye to Dorothy. She walked a short distance up the trust in her- self and her t at hill with Ivan n , self' and -her love for him swept back to her to the full when lie gave her a> good-bye kiss. "Take care of yourself, Ivan," she "You wniit- me. -call Paul SiOri- chef?" "Why, Dorothy?" Ivan whispered 'tensely. "IIs would have no message Tor you-" - "I want him to try, just thesame,' the girl replied. Can you call him, Joe-„ The native 'vas already calling;- and; all of.' theist knew that psychic' energy expended in that summons was. beyond their wit to grasp. Fortune Joe -seemed immersed in a terrific .struggle that would seemingly rend the spirit drone the body. "He come," the -witch -doctor muttered at last. "He no leant to -ho here soon" The muttered cords grew unintel- ligible, then ceased. The circle waited for Paul Sarichef-Newhall's victim sof months before -to speak to them from beyond the grave. "Hasn't he anything to say to us?'" Dorothy asked, after a long periodof waiting. 'Weil of Sarichef's forgi'te- ness was an urgent need with her. But as they waited, Joe himself emerged into their familiar world. Heewas white and drawn; and he seethed more like a ratan drowsy with slumber than.one who had pierced the greatest' of all mysteries. The chain was broken, and he got up.. "iNis no try any more to -night," he said simply. "A3nybe some other Mine." The VA. gave him a smile of heart- felt gratitude. "Thank you for what you've given me," she told him earn- estly. "You've answered my greatest question -I really don't need to know any more Ivan, at the door of the tent,read the truth in her radiant. face. He reached her hand's, then drew her slot+ly toward hint-. "Do -you know now?" he asked, holding her and peering down into her luminous eyes. "I know now," she told ]rim tremu- lously. "Ivan -you can have my promise, now I know 'that it's Peter's Wish as well as nty own.He wouldn't n vise me wn:on . a g "Then I've on you at last " "Yes. ,When we conte hone again." He could not urge her, to -night, for itnything more. His plan of immedi- ate marriage, the Russian priest offi- ciating, could be discussed ate another hour. He kissed gently, triumphantly, her soft, yielding lips. From the door of his hut Pete saw their forms, in 'the dusk, the girl's white blouse and the man's encircling arms. Ile guessed the truth; that this was the first kiss oY their definite be- trothal. Despair swept over him like a great wave of the sea he had once battled, but the madness, the haunting and torturing jealousy was spared him now. He had conquered that; And he must never, let it awebp him into hell again. CI•IAPTER XIII. FALSE STANDARDS.` - • GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the .County " of Huron. Correspondence promptl answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Chargee Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. OSCAR KLOPP' t. Honor Graduate Carey Bones' Natfosial Sehool 08 Auctioneering, Chicago. Spe. _ alar course taken in Pure Bred LW* Stock,' Real Estate, Merchandise 'and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with • prevailing market. Satisfaction• as. mored. Write 'or wire;. Zurich, Ont, Phone 18.93. 13. R. °HIGGINS F-; • " Clinton, Ont. ` • General Fire and Lite Inauranee.'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance: Huron and tele and Cana-' de Trust Bonds.. Appointments made to meet parties at Brucedeld, Yarns and Bayfield. 'Phone 37. TIME TABLE. Trains will arrive at itnti'depart from Clinton as foliews: Buffalo and, Goder)ch Div. Going East, depart - 6.44 a:m, <. ' + 2.82 p.m." Going West, ar. 11.50 a.m. •. ar. 6.03 dp.. 6.53 p.m, " ar. 10.04 p.m. N` London,. Huron 4 Bruce Div. CoingSouth,ar. 7.66 dp. 7.56 a.m. 4.10 p.tn. polite North. depart - 0,60 ,rat:. p ar. 11.40;:,' 11.51 a.m.' -The C. Yl�O P squarely in .the eyes. There r 9 Y Y was no Fire .ins r doubt tltatever that tilde �n p� t at h s t uIAiCL • t non meant �o n man... � y At the appointed,timo Ivan packed his supplies for his journey across the narrow, rugged Peninsula in quest of help. He took three days' rations, tied them up in Pete's light caribou robe, that was in'itself suffleient 'protection from even severe' cold, and strapped the pack on his lean, well muscled "Pete, I'm leaving you to take care of Mrs.'Newhell," ho said siinply, "I know you'll do it -as you've ,done be- fore. ' She'll be wholly in yaws charge till I get beck, and don't let any harm befall her." are all I have now. I have lost so much, and I couldn't bear to lose you." They clung together, and then she watched hiin as he strode away up the hill. Sighing, she turned back to the camp. Pete had her breakfast ready when she reached the camp, and his homely face glowed 'when he brought it to "Then I've won you at last?" her.' He had taken especial pains .to- dny-venison liver' fried. with bacon, coffee such as'her • colored mammy herself could mike, brown flapjacks not too thick, served with maple syrap. His broad shoulders towered above her; and he, boyishly elated when he saw she' was pleased. The day ore on, and his care of her, his watchfulness, was a wonder. Al- though his work carried him far afield, he had cut fuel always redly for her hand in case the. fire burned low he personally superintended her meals, and he saw -with line generalship --- that at no time she was 'left alone with Pavlof and Fortune Joe. When the clay paled, and the dusk crept. in from the Sea,' she appreciated his care more and more. Mode in Conada- No Tum! t•.Ker t,=e J .p& neae Turn Light of 'Selene Coo IBiCIUSt Research ; Bt Ings 'Modern Methods to "'Every FTeld' ire" National Transition ; Many Economies Effected Transition from hand•labor to mass -production, from oxen as a vehicle of power to'' high -tension trausmisefon lines, from jinriltishas to motor cars, represents the pace 10 the present-day industrial development, of Japan and foreshadows an economic ,idtance' of greatsignificance to , the Western world. In her industries, social life, 'amuse- ments, press and publications transi- tion is the keynote. The nation is im- pelled by the forces of research- and applied science -with /Inch power that she is passing through an industrial metamorphosis which ,is reflected iu • all phases of lzer';attitities. Young Japanese' engineers -30,000 of them raaeltgraduates of Sa1inase uuiversi. don't see why the police don't loo3c ties, aro gradually, taking over the hole first for them:; a.man•wlio wants control 1, procical, ero methods in electrical, chemical, aeronautical, slut to -get away finds himselfup here be- and other industries. fore he knows it -or in South Am - Leads in Fisherles Technology, erica. 5Y • "Andyou "are exiled from home? "I Ili iisherfee technolog, Japanleads she asked him bluntly. Yet there was the world The high degree of perfec•- no hint of vulgar curiosity in.her tion of scientific ,process inthis 'held, tone. He turned to her with a grate -'1 of industry is attested by the'suceese fill smile. • lot pearl culture operations; ' This ere - "Forever, But ,I can blame -no one -coos of aiding the: oyetor by a.surgieal but,my'self. I guees I simply couldn't' operation to grow a pearl where none stand civilized existence. If you'd aslt 'grew before was. originated, and prac- the trouble; I'd say -false standaids."Iticed exclusively by theJapanose, Tt This had been the cause of Peter's,.was long -lh guarded secret of one downfall, toe;., false standards of family. It is only in recent years that which both • Peter, and herself had' foreigners-, and but few of them, have beenguilty. "I'd know bettor again," been permitted to visit the pearl .cul-. she heard him •say. "I'd never sacri- tore farms. flee my blrthright again -•waste all I Tho pearl culture process consists have. But that'. alwa s the son we ebsentiall ccordir to Maurice s Y gY, a tg t ce Tio1- land, director of the National Re- searek Council, in a recent copyright- ed report published -with the aid of the Japan Society. of New York, in insert- ing a perfect sphere of M€ssourf-River mussel shell, about .three thirty-sec- onds of an inch .in diameter, in the mantle of the living oyster: Upon the skillful execution of this delicate sur- gical operation the success or failure of cultured pearls depends. After the nucleus 1s inserted the oysters are set in a cage of iron shelves, which as lowered about' fifteen feet below the sureace of -the water. In the season 200 diving girls are employed to clean the enters, remove' foreign growth and st.as "nursemaids. At Gokasho then are said to be 80,000 of these, pear oyster cage inoubatot•s en opera - Doll, with an average yield of 140 pear oysters to the cage. Pearl Yield Is Profitable. T+ yeare. shot your 're- exiles sing." (To be continued.) Chicken Feathers exiles Danhpneese, filth and roil» occupy the . same quarters .and are fast friends: A bucket of whitewash - is better than a chostful of medicine. Painted Chickens. Phil fearee chicken thieves, so lto took some green paint and spattered it on the feathers of his white towns; .As a result of these tell-tale spatters, Phil was able to locate 17 stolon birds, and the thief had Hanle tall explaining to do, The beet he got (the thief -not Phil) was bail, while awaiting trial. When ,you want to d.ri7e a townie. to a corner and capture it. there is nothing that helps more than a broom. Don't 'rush after Biddy; just amble slowly toward her, holding the broom by the meet of its handle. It you wish t'he bird to go to the right, hold the broom out to the )oft"?If the -to -WI rune too far to the right, shift the broom quickly to the right )land: Just as maims promptly the hon will change het year mind and rail the other way'. It's set Prising now (juickly a chicken ,or O'mut whole flock, for tliae matter, will get Alii( the ilea, •,tam I Put about a peek of alfalfa leaves hall' and chaff in a gunny sack, : anti'im-, acv nierse the sack in a tub of hot water' 111' L'or. a few.minutes. P138 bons .relish '`alt He took special pains with her'din- gl 0 her. He made reflector biscuits, thin the 'warm, plumped -m) leaves, for the ,0 and l3giht; to be serve.'] with marina alfalfa is rich in protein and, miilertils. where )ado; he Pot -roasted a line canvas It is a great help in filling the egg stoned back duck that Pavlof had decapitated basltett. I gather the leaves when put. 1 t cultivation for five to six •s after the operation, this being 110riod of prime activity and maxi n proddetlon of. pearl essence, The imoto pearl stators, owned by the 317 of the originator of the science, e 0 total area of nearly •11,000 as. Thsee nlillioii peat] oysters planted yearly and the 01101101 to of pe0r1 production averages 30,000- eversing the figures for .Merica, ere tell pounds o1' "ileal al's 0011 - ,Sado; for every porta( of Seli, the a 0 a a 1 1 1e life cycle of the oyster is twelve •e. ,The nucleus is not inserted, ever, until the fourth year, as the 1: of the operation is too great for young oysters. The Pearl oyster ling up ]lay in summer. Thee- would SaPenese eat ten pounds 08 fish .for be waste if i did not gather them 03 every. »ennui of me t. Japanese diett- antl put them away fey winter, 01508 and ecortont3sts therefore oro In- Fasti Fasting on a 300 per (lent. increase in der rat • cateh a mall basic production during tho next tit. While face powder may c g It takes bolting powder to keep him, . teen years; Research and science —.tea -_ with the pistol; he fried potatoes crisp and .brown. He watched her devour every mouthful of her portion. then after he had remade the bed and built up the fire in the tamp stove, he turned to the task of washing dishes. Pavlof and Joe, meanwhile, were cut- ting into,strips for curing the caribou meat they had procured in the day's hunting. "I wouldn't mind washing the dishes tc-night," ,.Dorothy told him in 0 friendly tone. "Maybe you'd like to help the pert take cute of the meat-" "Couldn't think of it," Pete return- ed, "If you'll excuse me saying so - I suspect you're' nor very experienced et it. But'if'you should care to help ane dry 'em-•" They made quite a little party out of washing and drying the metal plates and the crude, iron knives and forks And goon it was deep dark, and night winds were blowing from the sen. .this work done, the girl_ started to -turn away, But she halted; and he saw her. girlish profile in the soft light of the coin» fire. "Would you like to conte and sit at the door cif any tent, a little while?" . she asked. Her voice was soniew aat tremulous; but she din not try to ask herself why. - Pete glanced about 'him, "Canip • worry about that," Ptv -ere wont is pretty elY cione , f ..to -night. of assured piniI will smoke my pike once at your Ivan shook his lean shoulders care- tent door, if yeti don't mind. Human lessly, to settle the pack. I won't be coinpenionsjilp is very reassuring, back for three days," he went on caeu- very necessary in this North." ally, with no emphasis .whatever in� She went in and sat comfortably an hi come back before --so I can't look after month. They talked easily, surpris- her' personally. • But I might say that ingly 'freely while the leaser stars if any harml did befall' her, .I would d chase the man down, no; matter` what and glowedenean, and his pins` n the eorp,er of the earth he fled•tb,'keeping lard and; paled again: in the niter him and after him till I :.got loonh. She felt wholly secure and at a e musical voice, "unless I choose to heti bed,' while he sat at the tent him. When,I did get him- zoinetinierr there is a throwback He paused, and Pete looked: him In your speech, an accent 00 a cholas - of word that, mtereste ane. immensely, Pete," she told him. "J don't want to. be`eurieua-bet curiosity is 0` very humeri trait, after all. Sometimes I'm caused to think that you must have know» something; very'thiTerent frons this=tieforo you eumo here." "I did," he answered quietly. "It's nothing unusual, up here. This end ofAlaska 15 a poift of missies men. I J Head Office, Seaforth-, Ont. DfRECToRV: president, Ja:ses COD noll Vice, James Ev Y Qpderleh: ons, B,eeehwood; 3oc,- Treaurer, Taos. 17; ;lays, Seafor'th. Directors: George Mcdartneyy.- Sear forth'; D. F. Ycprogor, Seafortt; .1 Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Deefort111•, 10T, McEwen, Clinton; Itobort Ferries Ifarlock; John Bennewer, llrodhagon' Jas. Connolly, Goderich., Agents: Alex,"Leitch, Clinton; J, W, Yeo,: Goderichs Ed. - 7liitchray, Sea.. forth; W, Chesney, IJgmoudvflle; It ' G. Jarmuth, Brod-hag-en. Acty money to be paid fu may be - paid to Moorish Clothing (' 5 Clinton, oh. Parties desi1Ing to affect insurance pr trappsa9t vtil(0]' ) livedo will. be promptly a ,legit e to en app)ioatioai to any of the above offloers' addressed to their respective post 'office. Losales • Inspected by the Director }who ihlelj rloar@at the 806313. v or atCntt's Clroeery, G "+ I' ,o1er What he said, and no doubt of his reason for saying' It. "That isn't nec- eseary, airs" Pete told hint stiffly, "Well,, I didn't think it was, but I wanted you to understand, 1n case you were tempted.' I'anh a Han myself, and l know what temptation is," "lPete!s eyes blazed. amptatou of that kind doesn't come to then of our rake, unless they are perverts," he said eastly. ITo was somewhat pale, but he lit his pipe w•,ith' a steady match ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS W. Me.elVlillon and Company Unloitkai 11}i1clin3, Galt. Phone 508 Also 161•ollto and --Kitchener W. MACMILLAN, L,A, 11-28i ISSUE No, 7-'28 Mother 'Goose China Special attention to kiddles,.travel- lip,g with, their parents on: trains of the Canadian Ndtonal Ralweys, Iha's for some time been a, feature of ser- 010e;01! Camidian National diutng care.,! Nursery rhyme 1110015, illustrated" with all the'popular nursery 5hyau0, characters, nave, been provided 'tor the youngster's to select their own ineals,`and, special fusels,' suited to the kiddies' tastes have been provid- ed. Now anotlier aLeraction for• the children' has been .erovided,' with the Placing on, sash of the diners of special -china ,services for,: the Mill - ) For Tiny Travellers andsaucers, nun Chaim ter the eon ven1eriee of tiny travellers who nr still tee great to be seated at the re alar table, audspecial bibs to.pre vent soiling-. of pretty dresses,: • are part ef the onuipmeltt of every stand- ard 'lining cat. $e a people OO BI vise' bells lea They • e. i� I11Ielr'='� N9� �oe?:I�egfe pying fob. Oyu; .atiA �p brag end ire° "tldl n t ` �I vol r-?— � hat i et,adiscr>ivsrfad d $A A A't _ fist. reg, resllly .ftdk lavicetred---pealed meta eemeto the ald of the government' and business men with plans' for the full- est utilization' of shallow Waters in bays; intensive use of rivers and lakes for fish culture, improvement of fish- ing vessel design to affect economies in operation, more extensive 1180 of labor-saving devices and automatic machinery, The Imperial Fisheries Institute is the national c r en t o of i sc entffi c 'cubo teehnieal development of the industry In Japan. Laboratories, experimenii(l stations and hatcheries of all forty* - five prefectures of the empire serve for investigatlous le zoology, life hts- tory,.11abits-and-nllgrations of varioue 81)ecies, nutrition value' of fish, shell. flair and seaweed, the (development of by-products' and improvetnouts in pro• cess technology, apparatus and meth- ods of capture. - e dreit; each of the plates, cups, etc, bo - big decorated with paintings Mein the nursery111. rhymees. Ate famous .0055 is t jnph1gUt•el' the 110071 and 1 Miss' i'lut- fet shrieking 10 horror frons th spider which "sat down, beside her' are but two of the nursery rhyme (*erecters illustretedsin -colors on•'the edges of Soup and dinner plates, euPs• Selling Price .Broadcast.. Tine., practical application of fishers. les technology can be beet aeon in the Ifyodogyogyo (Union Fisheries Com- pany), the largest single fisheries com- pany iu .71pan, and which can be just- ly compared to any of the great pack- ing houses of Chicago. Deep soli trawlers, equipped with Diesel en- gines. and radio, operate In pairs in blocked -off numbered sections. Eaclt morning the central °Mewef:tlhe com- pany telephones to the principal mar- kets in, representative cities, such as Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe and Tokio, to determine the selling price ' of the principal varieties of fishfor that clay. Using a weighted factor based on vol 'un10. of demand the wholesale price le fixed by formula each day. Tire 'gelling price Is then broadcast by radio to the captains of the fishing fleet, who in the mean time have re- ported their exact positione, amount of haul and kind of fish to the central office. - Facilities for research are definite- ly provided inall basic -industries, The National institute ofPhysleal encu' Chemical Research c.nahpares favor- l ably with the forenhost,••resoarch or- ganizations of the world, such as the Bureau of Standards, in 'Wlashington; the National Physical Laboratory, ht England, and the Kaiser Wilhelm In- stitute, in Germany. Among unusually interesting (utc(in1- plisltments of the institute Is the de- velopment of pure ° chemical deriva- tives from human hair. Of Houle thirty' odd derivatives developed to date, one i sunder investigation for the treat - Meet of tuberculosis, Research Institute do -operates. The Tokio Research Institute La- boratory; similar to the American Bureau of Standards, operates In close contact with all industries 1u investi- gating new produetS and process technology through its section for chemical analyses; a section stealing with oils, wax, cellules, wood, PIP nient. and lion -metallic substances; rh section for content, tile, -building ma- terial; one for coal -tar derivativos,;1 dyestuffs and their applications, and a fifth for researches in iron and el eel, lnnchanical tes11ng; reinforced cen- creie etrue ares and elell5oplating. 111 the ore testingsection, a num• ber of experiments are in progress for the recovery and refinement of used oil. } Sonnet I1 you should die, I should live on and see Datt•11 '.•lee and day end, and the weary moon ' Climb into heaven; Hear the shim- -breve tune Of stealing 'water; watch the lissome tree ' Stoopto tile river's brim; Toole• up, and be •Aware of strong winds blowing; e1 the flight • Of cra1108,.and o1 the swelling *elle of night -- And yet there woulitbe nolle o1 these iu mu. . There would be neither woe nor strife, but rest; As dream long ended, gloiy long for done, Blossom long spent, For you, whose hands 111010.r Holding light, J120, and all -if you were gene, • 'I'he tale of all my -wonder would be toll And only earth might tante ale to her breast.. . -118., Cameron.. Wilson Publishing Company 0 UR BOYS' PAJAMAS. 1 M u t S R • Write your name and address plain- ly, giving 11111lbet' and size of such patterns tut you. want. Iinelese 20e in stamps or ecin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent 16y return mail,, Canada Over Threshold Prosperity Ottawa, Cauada�- "Canatla Is today no longer sounding one the 'threshold opportunity. She• has stepped across that threshold and 1s proceed• nig swiftly along the corridors- of 'treineudous economic development. Her progress is already attracting the attention of the rest of the world," Mild Creighton J. hill, of the Babson Statistteal Organizatbou, in en' ad- dress gh'on recently en Ottawa. "Fundamental"Fundamental conditions in the Do- minion M1110510 that general bust Hess in 1028 will exceed That of 1927, and white ht the United States the trend will be slightly downward, in Canada it is going to be upward. Canada is to -day In ti position to lnaintnie an independent prosperity, through 1028, staled bit. hill, A thrifty person is 0110 whose needs keep his wants in the background. It is essential that boys have conn. fort while asleep as daring the play hours. Mother will be happy n find this simple pajausa pattern is' large and roomy for the little fellow, yet tailored (enough to suit. the gr wn-up bay. Any refs werlsahle Mater •iel is suitable for this slight-garnten . The collar is high about the neck Or rolled loev for the wane weather, and but- tons and buttonholes or braidd loops lintels the front closing, Nm 1106 is curt in sizes 4 to 16 years. Size 10 requires :3% yenta, c 1 32 -inch, r S yards 36 -inch material: Price 20e the pattern. • HOW 'TO. ORDER PATTENS. The Oil War 13a1'tiniol•e 'Sun: 'J'lhe• Royal Dutch Shell and the Standard Oil of New 'York are giants in the oil besineee, coming into competitiontition 10 many countries. If they push their price warin all o'i' them, thee country will da be drawn•in, a development which could not 'be viewed' here without` grave concern by :an 'industry wllt:ch is now in tate doldrums and whose fu,. cure seems most uncertain, -The dis- sstretis 110305(8 01' various A»lerican. companies for 1527 leave no doubt: that env of them are in 1(0811ion to stand up, lens -milder a drastic ctrl In sellingprices-of their producte, • 14, Add to the joy of the open road -this pleasure. F). giving refreshment. A sugar mated guni that 4 -i aii=ordr,doublc value. Pep- we permint i.avox ilh.the sugar coating and peppermint flavored guru inside.. . :tieti'eet Cz a Smokes Pies, `Cakes, Buns and 'Bread — DOES ALL ? OUR lfeleeit (0'0500',: