HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-09, Page 8T1 ri NTON-• . RECORD a2Si7A1; 1'LBRCARY "hit' 1923, LADING J C CNELT RY STORE hway 7 That tinuous ,ye Strain Physicians will tell,'yroii that eye strain is.responsibl•e.for many serious ills, Certainly `it; will cause lumpy; nerves, ;headaches, and an uncomfortable feeling in general that is a serious' handicap' to you. 'Let us examine your eyes, The examination will reveal the trouble—if there is any, .find if there :isn't than it will be a great satisfaction to us to tell you that -your eves don't need glasses. - If you do` need glasses, .then each day you go without •them means added strain 'on your health. We have a becoming style for every type of face. Every pair of glasses from Johnson's has a mark, of distinction and personality..' And our prices are so `reasonable that, this need not enter into the` question at all, u Ho JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto' College of Optometry; Fine Jewellery and Repairs 'Next Hovey's Drug Store • mmarommeosome New Styles' imported Uatcrials HIGH - PRICE Is no longer Essential to Fine Clothes Beautiful new fabrics, rich tweeds and cheviots, handsome wore steds and'fast dyed blue Berges, all ready to be made up 'into theinew-. ''Spring Suits -by the most expert clothes designers in Canada, We are agents, for The Berger Tailoring Company , Prices from $20.00 up. AIso Tip Top Tailors, made -to -measure at factory price, $24:00 •_ A few' of the Winter Overcoats left' to clear at prices like these $24.00 Coats reduced to $15.95. s $16.00 Coats reeueed to $10.95• Buy your. coat for next winter slut save 1?jggey • Cut prices on all lines of whiter goods, mh s PHONif 25, 117 Haveyou listened to this wonderful Radio. If you have not you do not know what Radio reception is at its best. Come- in and let us demonstrate this machine to you and seethe simplicity of operation.,' Operates from any lamp 'socket. Radiola 17 has attained the Goal of all Radio Manufacturers, yet it defies�co°mpetition at its low price.' A Canadian General Electric Product. Perhaps you are tired fussing with Batteries and chargers. Let us give you a value in price on your present Receiver.. Sutter .Perdue PLTJMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIR/NG Phone 147w 1 uit Special for January Regular $43,00 .Suit for $35.00 Special price for the balance of January only 'Davis & Her an .Custom Tailoring - Cleaning and Pressing Gu T-0tJ7 No V 32G . Valentine's Day The day of love and; chivalry.The one day in the -year set aside solely to payrespect to those we love. It's: Leap. year .too and that should iaake the celebration doubly interesting. Dad, mother, sisters, brothers, Sweet- hearts and wives, how we respect; thein, yet how, matter of fact we take them most of the time. Tis love that' makes the world go round and there's no other day in the live -long year when so many messages of dove go flying up and down the land as on Feb. 14th—the. day, . St: Valentines abroad. The day had its" origin. two hundred years before the birth of Christ, it may be older and on that day we are doing what people did hyo thousand years ago only some of the customs have been ,,modified. ' Rom- ance still lives and most of us secret- ly; oropenly like the idea .otr°otnance. so the custom if 'sending a.,greetiing has not died out -with the passing of time. Send Valentines this year quite in.,keeping with the growing' social custom. Our assortment of cards and novelties is greater in number, more extended in variety handsomer' in de- sign. Some express ridicule `13ome specially adapted to Leap year; some ornamental, all' ntended.to make the occasion a happy .one. Prices 2c to 75c, Serious—Sentimental—Comic. It's the night for a: party, and if your going to be a hostess we suggest frivilities' for the party. Red card, board for cut-outs, arrows, hearts Festoons, Streamers, Taper Hats, Cupids, Decorated Crepe Paper, Nap- kins Table' Covers, Luncheon Sets, Tally Cards as •fanciful as your fancy craves. Tile W. D. -Fair CO. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best Mrs. W. Brydone returned last weed after a trip to Vancouver, B. C. Miss . Marion'. Thompson was home from Stratford over the week -end. My. and Mrs. A. W. Vodden are spending a month with Toronto .friends, 11 ,, J, 11, Tt. Elliott of the Standard, Myth,- was in town yesterday of-, ternoon. Mi; Vic. S. Mawson don visited with Mr,; and, I4fr Phee over the week -end, ,Mr. -Russel McCrai alt was in town yesterday c on some of his old friends. Mr. 11. M. Hanly w Goderieh on Friday' evening attending s meeting of the B nights. Miss Bessie: Cleff erich town- ship visited.her other, Mrs; John Cluff, over veek-end. .Misses Mary Armstrongand Margar- et Tudor' of Bay visited Miss ' Violet Morrison a week -end, Misses Grace Coop Mona Mc- Gregor of Kippe a 'guests of Mrs. Jean Grievethe week. of Toronto Enteral of their s Margaret Craig. of Lon gofG ailing as in fast lack J of God Brandin the i field over th Cooper and ewer over end.. . Misses A. -and. M. Ewing were here for the cousin the late Miss Registrar W. Coats of Goderieh was in-town•on Tuesday, coning to at- tend the funeral of the late Jatnes Stevens. Mrs..Joseph Clegg and son, Master Jack of Brussels spent, the week -end with -the lady's mother, Mrs. M. Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. George Huller and Miss Florence have returned free.' North Bay, where -they spent several weeks with the formersson. Mrs. A. Wankel of. Seaforth and her „daughter, Miss Muriel Wankel of Elbow, Sask., spent the 'week=end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crieh. Miss 'Florence Caninghame returned on Monday after a fortnight's vis- it with friends and relatives in New "York City. She spent the week- end in Toronto en lier way home. Mr. Benson .Corless is visiting his uncle, Mr. E. J. Colquhoun, at Sci' ence Hill, On his return Mr. Cor- less will be taken .on as junior in the office of the local:branch of the Bank of Montreal. • Mr. Hudson and Mr. Hobbs of Lon- don and 'Miss Stiver of Unionville were in town over the ''week -end; visiting Miss Hobbs, Miss Stiver and Mr. Carbiu of the Collegiate staff, They caiueup to be present ._'for the last nightof the commence- ment exercises at -the . Collegiate. Mrs. Frank Pridham of, Russelclale returned to her home on Friday cif- - ter speliding'a week • in i otVn, as the guest of Mr. and Mars. M. T. Cor less,. 'Mrs. Pridhann was hero on account of the illness` of her daugh- ter, Miss ilifeiniie' Pridharn, teacher in Tipperary school, who is just now -recovering nicely Cram the ef-. f5cts of an operation in Clinton Public Hospital. I p ATI. John: Moon, who with Mv>;rs,. Moon and their son, Master Jack, left Toronth several weeks ago, writes from Mexicali, B.C.; Mexico, that they lire having. : a • wonderful trip;; r They,, Have ; been motoring all around southern Califoyrnia and ,, were on their way to Pheonix, where they intend tpending,,`.a month,and they will ,ato: motor to, Florida and spend some time there before returning to Toronto, A R IA PRODUCT WEEK canned goods are "Better 13ecause,Canadian," own nvegetables, �n �°od�acl�� ®��; ®� Canadian canned in. . our ovvn Canadian Factories.`These goods • rill ,'be on display and demonstrated throughout our' -store. Call and -see Them, • 1lA'aple,Leaf Corn, 2 for'. Pea's" (Burford) 2 'for . . Tomatoes, -2' for 25c 25c '25c • Port Dover Dove Peas, No, 1.. Golden Bantoni Corn ........ 25c 20c Aylmer Peas, No. 4 . 15c Corn : 15e Ai �i i s ande •etables acice Apex Fut Vegetables p d in Hamilton. Peas,:' No, 1 .. 30e. Peas,, No. 2 25c Peas, No. 5 . - '20e Coin, white . -_ 20c Corn,. Golden: Bantoip 20e' Spinach 25c Sour Kraut 30c Fruits in glass, Cherries (on display), ; Peaches, 'Asparagus, Green Beaus. Clarks' Soup, Tomato and Veg- . etables, 3 for' ......25e Pork and Beans, 10e,'2'for ., 25c Dominion Sugar car to be unloaded about the 10th. Special Prices:in 5 sack lots. Creamery Butter, :from ' Clinton' Creamery. EDWARDSBURG SYRUP 5 1b, Pail, ° ° 33c 10 lb, pail 65c MAPLE LEAF -FLOUR From Clinton Mill Breald'ast Bacon, per lb. . • , , . 25c (Canadian Product) Made in Canada Brooms 49c Maple.. Leaf Matches'29c Maple 'Leaf Salmon Maple Leaf Vanilla 3 for 25c Maple Leaf `Cocoa 15c • � ate i�, The Maple Leaf For Ever OP i' IN THE MORNING FIRST' DELIVERY 9 a.m. Cash nel ,t`II I Service IN THE AFTERNOON' FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 T. O'Neil WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS P.111°. ORDER EARLY 48 pomommorionsionomor 40e 8AT•ING YalolltrneSupper p A R � Y _IN WESLEY-WILLIS HALL ON Tuesday, February '14 Under the auspices of the Girl's Club; 11AENIJ P .oast PorkHot Potatoes, Salads Jellies, 'Pies,S Rolls and Tea or Coffee. Served'from 5 to '1. DON'T MISS HEARING REV. J, N. E. • MILLS, GODERICH Lecture on the Our fresh vegetables •and fruits, our complete lino of bot- tled, package and canned goods, and our consistently : low level of prices; make this store the best place for you to do your nilarket-. ing.'' You will find fresh, au- • petizing and tempting food- stuffs oodstuffs that will satisfy the most fastidious appetite, and furnish many delightful variations to your tuenn.'+This week we are. offering particularly attractive prices on all groceries and ,mar, kct dainties. THE C, & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w Eighth Merman Temple Also a Short High-class Musical Program ST. PAUL'S SUNDAY SCHOOL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th at 8 o'clock under auspices of the Laymen's Association. In the Clinton Rink on the evening of Feb. 14 Under the auspices of the LADIES' AUXILIARY of ..the Presbyterian Church BAND IN ATTENDANCE Hot Dogs, Sandwiches, Coffee ADMISSION 25e. Shrove Tuesday Supper TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st.. ST. PAUL'S PARISH: HALL Under the auspices of .the Ladles - Guild MENU. Dressed Roast Pork Escalloped Potatoes Salads and Jellies Rolls, Pie, Tea, Coffee. Supper served from 5 to 7 o'clock Admission'50e. 48-2. Mrs. Thomas•• Campbell of Brussels spent a few days visiting' friends in the village... Mr, Douglas' Ward of Elmira is visiting at the home of Mr. John Cudmore.' -The. Ladies' Aid • of the HolmeOville United church are having a Valentine social in the basement of the church on February 14th. Refreshments will be served and; a nice social -time is anticipated. Quito 'a number from around here took in: the Commencement at the Clinton Collegiate last week. Holmesville Hockey`teain and Clin- ton -Knitting Company team played on the rink Friday evening. The game was a' tie. ' Holmesville `- United' church held there cliiarterly. Sacramental services on Sunday morning. The quarterly official board.' 'meet on Monday after- noon. • The Clinton: News -Record had an item; last weela about the 'Clinton /lag not flying. What about'Holmesvillc' flag? The council should look after it. The following letter which explains -itself was forwarded by. the officials" of the Holmesville United church:'. February '13t, 1928. "To u'Mr. Dudley Holmes and Mr. Melvin M. IIewelI, executors of the ,estate of the late J. R. Holmes: Dear Sirs -- At a trustee board meeting held in Iloimesville United church on the above date, the 'mem- bers of the board voiced their sincere, appreciation of thegenerous gift of a thousand dollars. -,front the heirs and executors of the estate of the late 3, It Holmes and appointed the tinder - signed conmitteo to convey in writ - Mg to the Heirs :and •executors such appreciation for their splendid and magnificent gtnoroaity in thus carry- ing oat -the expressed wish of the lata J. It, Hermes. Signed on •behalf of the Trustoo. Board by the committee appointed. Rev. I. J. Kilpatrick, W. II. Lobb, W,' J. Yeo." The Annual. Spring Show of Seaforth Agricultural Society will held on. Tuesday, April -3rd, 1928. he be COAL4 D. L. and W. Coal and Semet-So1- vay Coke-alawys on hand for immed- iate delivery. , Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Orders taken at Sutter and Per - due's and accounts may be paid there. W. 1 MILLER &m SON Orders taken at.residence, Ontario St. Phone 46 If you need a Plumber Just telephone us and watch how quickly and efficiently we will han- dle your plumbing work for you, Our skilled plumbers are ever ready to serve you upon a minute's notice. We take particular pride in render ing the highest qualityof workman- ship at a cost that will prove very The ,very next titne you need .a .plumber.' just telephone 244 and let us prove what we say in this advertis- y; 0 HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Our Mid -Winter rniture,1 is Going OverBig So if you are interested in Furniture at real Bargains, it will pay you to pick them off while they last. .= • We have a few rockers upholstered in Leatherette left, the best vale you ever got. Some sensational values in Dining Room Suites Just imagine a 9 piece Suite in Walnut finish for $110 and others in iOak and solid Walnut at prices that will surprise you. Then if its a Chesterfield Suite or a Bedroom Suite we can save, you goad money by buying this month. Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phgne: 104 hardware 195 a 3 ,fli9 I.,: - ....vs." -, 40 �\ :.gyp6N411 BARGAINS L F I„ r id k.y FEBRUARY Canned Goods Specials - 2 cans Peas , . 25e 2 cans, Corn..:,.,28e 2 cans Beans . - 26c : 3 cans Beans (liunz) 29e 2 cans Tomatoes ., 25e 2 cans Pineapples (sliced) -"35c' Chicken. Haddie • . • ..... 25e Herring, in Tomato Sauce 25c Large fancy Pink. Salmon 25c Specials 23 bars P. & G. Soap.. $1.00' Breakfast Bacon, lb. .... 25e Special Black Tea, lb:.... 65c Coffee, lb. .......... 70e • . Matches, pkg. 25c Good Rice,.3 lbs. for.:.,25c 2 lbs. Soap Chips 25c 3 boxes Lux 33e Choice Prunes, 3 lbs,.:, 29e READ LETTUCE, CELERY, GRAPES,' AND. ORANGES • Le - LAWSON ,CO. PHONE 111 PROMPT DELIVERY d a r;+ww ..s vl: r ,r P r And You Carnot Fail to Do Well Wisely. Will this Season Itesiilt in the Completion of Plans f91 a. New Home' or the Renovation of the one 'you now occupy? If so, we would': like to figure on your Mill Work Requirements, 'Whether your Order be large or small you iyill_find our prices, - µ Fair..` Thomasc eu le I✓atate, Clinton Residence, .61' Phone 88