HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-09, Page 6THUGS BOSS CHICAGO an its of Business „Who .Profiteer at Pistol Point—Astonish- i 'ig Revelatitixis of.a'New Crime Caine that is : warn ing Princely Loot for Chicago's Undersvol'ld. A SORDID ' RECORD The following are two examples of 'on' the idea of et anizing his �r:ont what ; acutally is taking place iii' petitory out of _business, Chicago. An Guitn+ onCanadian,re I rte started a-salocni proprietor's a'i- tlurned' recently from this City of sociaticn, and invited all the, retailers Crime ' and certified the following of Illicit boose' andI all ahs"'speak, stories to the editor 'of this page and, can nes" (tvhere alcoholic P at(s 'can told tales even more unbelievable. ;ha obtaintt1),. who cot.ld safely lie B111 Parsons whistled blithely as' he corrced, to join. turned into' his home street in the sigokmalling the Pe pr tante crowded tenement quarter of Chien- Anyone who doclinell r,1., beaten ga e North Side, It was a lovelyup, or had his :dace iiyidod,,aticl.. lits evening. I `took smashed„ or a tiremysteriously Bill was going to take -his wife to hrolte omit. , • a movie as soon hs he had washed, 1 That broke • the ,back of the cold- eltatf rid and; eaten. His pay en- petition, because the saloon jiropi•to- velope,;.fat with dollar hills --Bill was toys' agsociatian got itsmembers,'-ancl a dental -mechanic—snuggled he his .the members had to sign an. agrce- tronsc,r, 'pocket. • I meat to get certain brands of liquor Suddenly, as he passed a side street, I front an "approved" firm. Schrager six men wee had hoen standing chat-, was the "approved" firm. ting at the corder, turner] and leaped Schrager is 'dead now. They-.turu- . on 'BPI "Hite a trained football scrum oda machine gun' ea .him—one of the getting their man. r [first to be imported into Chicago for Down went Bill, On his face' arms • gang use—from an upper window es spree. kinglet?, and two men knoll: on he passed, in his car cite day,'aiid per, his back. • • • i [crated him like'stamp paper, Axid Bill howled, abruptly, horribiy; 'Tho four survivors' of, his body; like an animal in agony. -He-lay there,guard of six armed :thugs 'bowed to twisted up, howling. •the :Pores of • circumstance; and took The mien had vanished. Only a service under the gang chief who -had big, black mei, speeding: clown the so neatly- exterminated Schrager, street hinted that they might ,have ' The police knew' the whole plen, been an the spot a few moments'bank. and let it go. They always do. They: whet, the crowd came running, they have enough( trouble . keeping the found only a man on the ground with cruder gangs front highway robbery his hands smash:etl to a pulp. and similar' blatant' outrages on 4 rain 'of swift, fierce blows with Chicago's helpless millions. without -'1550 • steel crowbars• wielded by .a worrying about gang feuds. �� > another," coupenn .. particular operation, had. reduced Bill .ea7 tile' police' ehlefh kegs so many on at it would always earn.11ie good weekly long enough y' wage, to le 'helpless creatures delve for us," dent; on charity for ilio job which is But Schreger's' ideas lived on. 'tin- given, for ,humanity's sake, to'a hand. lightened lords of gangs begin to ease e lite on burglaries and hold-ups—which loss marl. anYwee have become difficult now in style. Bill; was maimed for life. He that people send their. valuables and Crooks In Glover would never mould wax or lift a cool,.., 1 of tscu'ar specialists in this Let em shoot up one 1 r," renes limn a complete ;artisan, who thugs less, and 1t they P X" 1 they'll clean the cit' up r_ - ea "ADNVilSSON'S :ADVENTURES"—Ab 0. Jucobse,ax_ 1/ Walt PER 'Hit= W e t LP 1-1(1S' FIVER, Si ig 13 iTCt Frilaitoy TIIARI us? Just a Nice Little Breeze.•: annum—a high figure; . .move: Our panting lungs could get per man per t.14150,.+,.t l •.escue Laic only sticky, foul air. but the- job of a sblebolard to a'.Four Dead.After Thirty -01x Hours. Chicago gang leader Is about as safe ` 'o 6�" amide Effort ®r "Alt • thirty-four -f ur hours the second On An Island in -tae Seine Is the ' Valhalla • of Pet Deas 's iL�lalbl'-.iV monis Bear Sentitnental:.pita 1'aanguages In elle Seil+o, a little wry- ne•stof the following., ing: 141y `d"pg Pterrlii:, Mr, Parte, .Where'the river eneeSe'betweee gocd;_<1og, ,..1005- feetteeu years, yass, wooded haulm, giving glimpses of ltvcid my 11fp. Oraing to yoeu kind« villages and pretty -homes through the toss and 'lour int ill Renee we vvtxr, ar- two souls that only death coubd sopor greenery„ Iles an island—Mlle.-des ate; 1 cannot bo consoled, .'Your hetes-dictated' to a speolal sentt• master and I -weep over you and wlU , anent.. On it,'behind high triple /laved forget gout".. gates,' ie the Cem+tory of Doge, where The grave is surmounted by 'an people' may bury animal ,pets. iron trellis from which depend -flower - A caretaker sits at, the gate ex1tlbit- pots>illletl wli:b artificial violets. A ing : an indifference that is profound. photograph Of a mongrel is surround- 'I'he,only thing that bestirs -him is tied by a beaded wroath. , On the the arrival of persons. wlth boxes" `trellis are hung metal Plates bearing under their arms• He receives' 30 the following: tributes; • "Hi's" birth. francs, (a tittle' tor° than $1) for each day. We will never forgot you," "An Plot . talcpn for a year•, besides occa; afeeclionaoe sour ealr," 'These' flow- sional tips for keeping graves clear of ors we place, weeping, on his grave, weeds. to show how' profound is oar grief." In this animal cemetery lnnumera- Maty lonely-persoii.s centre their af- hic paths twist about. Sore eli.ade :Section() in dogs. Fiero is an example and the form. ot trees and boxwood of the.tributes they pay, " "Little bushes aro such as to- give the place I Zonka, you alone were my real friend. an aap*al of solemnity. ' In many 5 The best and ntost �faitltful corneae' cases. photographs'. of departed Pets ion of my life." are. place' -above elaborate,- marble I One largo' gravis 'entirely covered totuhstones. e One huge .tombstone •witlea thick,gro'ath.of peri•.yiitkles is bears' the•` sculptured .effigies of two-dealeated'to the'.meineey of 'leo?town,: dogs:' 'that belonged to.. a Russian a horse that was killed at Auteuil at e. Princess., : ' I Prix do Drags. • A flat of his victories Insertptions on the monuments are In Russian, Japanese, Greek,' Ger: man, Spanish, Italian; English, One large fiat slab .has a Japanese inscrip- tion. Among the English le:scrip- tions oee finds such epitaphs as these: "So 'small, pet every inch a dog, guisquls," and "Darling Crummy, 1025." A' trench couple are respondtble for as -flirting with a live -wire, el t y o - ,Still, there is enough profit lift to 1 man died. .Tion it went faster. Tho like liquid lite in mouths and throats maintain ties lords of the underworld Gerinari Veteran Says At- commandant, Captain' Lieutenant 1Iu- for hours 11118 I unaccustomed to oxygen. .I bscheelied, followed soon by the tor- pedo gunner forward. That made four dead at the end of thirty-six is given ' his pedigree is recorded, This is a very -dignified memorial. 51 must be noted that not all the inscrip- tier's are ridiculous, Many of the epitaphs tell an honest and simple story of years • of oomradeshtp and iippreoiation. Ona slab of marble ' six feet high is inscribed; "Dash. Come on, old •man." Suddenly Fit became quite clear. 1 i n is ns tried to unscrew 'thc'hatch. Butfay strength was gone. Two others help- • 1 ed trio. - Fresh Air Like Ligquid. Fire. e e t Chase to breath of fresh air was Take Up Farming The ifrt bs cash about the .city by the new Onea celebrated Grime' baron who again. '1'h le sinister little real-life story-- armoured ear services -and go into ,runs string of labor unions and bust- a told in the Chicago pollee courts the new fake labor union and busi- it was flees association game, a month ago--aonuds like the tele of d a couple as fantosfteal: vengeance. 'something le the latter they',have been so so cinvaga and' unheard-of that it successful that a large number of per-' weuld be splashed all over the news- fectly respectable business, men 1n'Florida estate in addition to his p 'the textile , automobile, grocery iron nu u .o h1 tempt to End Lives by Firing Torpedoes Sent Craft Upward _ had. a vague feeling of being saved when I fell into. a deeii taint from which I awoke after four hours. .Of Race, Fast Dwindling Ten Years Ago, Begins 10.lVlul- tiply as Noble Red Man. hours, the thirty-seven members of the Turns to Agriculture i ,W 1 Ir nil a Despair gripped us a Ay a ou es associations, and has live gangs ly groaning and coughing, and many of crew, only nine were alive. Ottawa.—The noble red man has at oder his hand—an retains i Nine of Crew of 3T Lived the men became insistent in Weir The hull of the' boat wasbattoretl last become a farmer. Divorced from f smart lawyers all the time to steers plea: `Dill us with 'a bullets' like a can Mounded aimlessly- rudder a the ehase, he has taken to the plow, m clear of trouble has a h18,They Were Imprisoned for "On co more,I tried to use the blow hammer- like diving was after many mffigivttdgs, and what ton 1 1 papers next Lay. vibe In V."'•• occurred?.: ,•,.d tnongery,. candy, drug and other But i t,•trades, are today paying members of Plre police' 00;;;;t" nu$ienca f. hp t new, trade associations, whose argent - yawned ettb n Bill, just out of. hos 'seri open or secret, is n Well-known' pltal, ghastly Pale,• weals,, his broken n bars n' et the underworld, e, " halide in bandages, told Itis story. i, ;Ona man, 1:1,- a stiff-necked owner One Cop; muttered ° to' his Pal' of a small'Clothing factory, resisted. • "They're :slick, those .guys. If tiler, He Rude times told the eepresenta- go on at this rata their, won't be ••l Live of the take union to'"get out." togti+=Pudder's parlor loft: open in The representative, smooth,. smll- town." - • ing, said the last time: "Aro you in - ,And the newspaper reported tttat eared against fire?". "I am!" "That's • another dental mechanic had had itis lucky," laughed the other. Mande broken because he refused to Throe days later H—s place went join what purported to be a dental' ,ttll in are and smoke. n+echaulc's trade union. ( I•'Ie grinned savagely .when the re - That 'was e•That'was Bill's crime: He had said, presentative called at tits home soon the was all righle and refused to sign after, •Ixa told Wm he was setting up the membership form of a fake trade a new and better place with the in- -union organized by crooks who had, surnnee looney. hit open a new way of making easy' 'iAnd is your stew place insured money, I against tiro, I•I--?" asked the caller. A lot Of cuter tlental nteahante3 had "It will be—to the limit," was-tho an- nutde the saute mistake, and dill was' slyer, "No," said tiny ropresentativo, the eighteenth kis pay the penalty of smiling, "Olt, no, Mr. 11—', it won't," obstinacy. 111 u : read ` And it wasn't Brit theunion ist tiling quickly note. As 'the :pollee can't pre,' This trader couldn't find alt'insur- ance company In town to handle lila Chicago mansion, three , imported, Rolls Royce ears, a retinue of ser- vants and. henchmen', and s pretty wife (he took, her ant of a New Yorlc cabaret) whose jewels are valued at over a quarter, of a intllton . and al's the envy of'nll:tile belies of .the under- world. nder world. lent them, the dental mechanics bneleeee• Every office in Chicago it wiser to pay hibuto to the under.. bad ]tad a visit from a 1•epresentative w,irlcl. of the league .ha •had refused to join. G an ,. - i s f the inc- B, n n 9 lir, II-- whose TheP id who had se' . h ;c long as they par tribute,, lr1'the tory rens burnt dentin recently, utay be form of regular neloa fees, they're Coining to you to tape out insurance safe.- Por the lords of the ender- + for Ills new 'place,' But la.e is :not a world nye. above 'attic lutsinosallke-. member of our League." , They won't kill tht goose that lays; "What:about it?" the golden eggs. 1 "Nothing. Only I thought you • This 'le a new -typo activity of the might like to know. He is Outside have won for the great 0w' League," gangsters. win:, city ruled by the celebrated Bill, The lnsnranee companies inquired Thomeson,'the unenviable title of the into, this peculiar matter, and put the "world's crime capital." ban up on 11--,- tectlgood,s ttneeetin but Chicago . A et Y fL. ' d Ivan G p It ea have g already Y G Th ov fr- the highest foe- , and or3mO.Of- no moments wants. 'tis ins^ttre 'a t c viefenee rate in the 'United States-- tory that is due for a dee until its and the United States has the highest owner is Inside..:a-trade tengne which rate in the world, and is breaking her somehow manages to guaeentee �,lts own records with a murder rat's of utembeis against' mysterious fires. 9,3,000 for the current crime year, He iolnel. tie passed Crone rage to It is , `enerall cmi+tided that 0i+0 tears: No SV"as a broken man. It was s Y • Schrnga,', a brainy crtniinai v;Uo runs. suri'encler, or roil. And he had a a regular crime ring, with bootleg• family to consider. itig. as his,Main activity,✓briginated . In all, 1t 15 a worth -while tininess, In ,art investigation following sit tit- ' falto trade union and bo>xns bnsi•. - /less assoOtatfOit, Which 'servo as.is quest on 0 Ong loader who. had had "mask' for eictortian as barefaced as hs head- blown all by lured assassins the. operations of the robber .barOfis of it gang chief --whose territory the of, old. ' Idead man. luta unevisely invaded—It began c uletly three years _Was revealed Lhat the annual re - S, whet ni i the canthi store association ago, -ulnen 'competition in the Bootleg-lve+tue;of e y ging ll inesa was iuteu=e. of which the .deceased Was founder ,.ng b s •- Rivel bootlegging, unwilling toin-,' sod president was over $2,000,000. Jogai/nate,' Out of.tbat, et coulee, a-large-eCale 'doge in the pafc'e-rear of 110 • lusn es were eliniinating:competlti+n .terrorist: otgapizatio+l. has- 'to e + 1 noaintatnod, llavislr:pclice Bribes' paid, by the simple l:rocess of• lieaf..itg" „iii., other • chiefs in their, 1•ivy11g1.�. heads or disclta+gle trbute pact to other gang h Bashed -off shot -guns at them at spelt whose torritery• operations are car- raieg'e, .)'tied 011, and ' au . armed bodyguas 1, grin ..5e'r had "burped off" several maintained et et coat of anything net Vital:less competitors, wheirlte lift from five to fifteen thousand dollies "MUTT ` AND ' JEFF," ---By Bud Fishes: MANN' 1+ -GLoi (OV S. LeNDoat Mo12NUviG. AS 5110 51DNGY WOO+ -b enel1T's A LetPPING She: I've :made a resolution not r New or boys after to kiss an more Y Y Year's. He: Goody: Now 1111 be the only one.. "Tile gratin and the sharp banging "Tile slight shock of the discharge France nihil WCGSteS With g on this outside of the boat indicated was followed again by the seam close, Franchise 1?roblem'in Algeria .that wo were lying on a rooky bottom. sinister silence, But, relieved of the Forty-four 11 450 Feet 1 Yo clearing lite air but my wrecked, and there was no pass bi sty years ago was avast-rlwiudling taco y pipe r of diving again. But we 'were breath•, feeble arms refused to function: Pain fully the hours dragged ail. We knewtl As or wo 7i do mate asked me' togo mond. In nine days we managed -to ernment,' reside, there has been a In connection with the discussion "Tarn torPe sail on the surface around Ireland be- steady -increase in the cultivation of forward; with him, saying, tIr we how tweea the .Shetland, and the ,Orkney on submarines and their aeaworthi• to die anyway, let's '.and it, right sow the reserves until now the tribesman I C' b b letting loose the torpedoes' Two Isles, through three knee of Magnate is commencing to tette a, real interest Provincetown, Mass., on Dec. 17, the with us forward. With immense die- n y' + runner-up p Munchner Neueste Nachrichten print- liculty; eve began to unscrew the cover had got badly rnlxed with sea -water. ed an interview with Paul Ordtole a of a torpedo tube, so as to flood the Our main food stores had got clamp veteran German submarine sailor who torpedo, We had been taught that un- served through the World War. Ord- der the pressure ot three atmospheres enough of, from the outside', i. ,, at a depth 01 In Bergen, with the aid of the Ger- to1Yt utter giving his views an the pox- man Consul, we obtained food. In sibility et resitting the crews ot serge thirty meters, the torpedoes tGould _leaving we shook nIl under cover of darkness, an English warship, prob- ably informed through the, English espionage service: The next morning we were able to establish radio con- nectton whit Norddeicit, and near the scene of the battle of Skagerrak we were taken in charge by tf flotilla ot German destroyers sent out to meet in for mixed farming, Two curlaado us and safely convoyed to nut' home of steers from the Dula Lake reserve Orly- our -ours ee is once more commencing. to multiply, Downiii Bristol Chart ing tiesh air once morel In Ontario; in the West and in Clue, nel in 1918, _1 le t ty t had passed All hope had We nine bald' loyally together, bee, where'virtually all the 105 000 Says vanished.: the ideal in the service, I tools corn- - Indians, wards of the Canadian goy. nese, revived in the German press 9' y e ng oo a picket spino, and reach Bergen; Nor' in agriculture, Au Incllan was the Ilio loss of the S-4 with forty men off firemen tiaggod themselves along a The fresh water 111, file tanks in the provincial plowing en submarines, told the following as the story, of his worst experience at sea: "On Sept 20 1918 in the U -B SO explode of themselves, "We lay waiting for the detonation that would end our sutfering% It did. not come. A dud? It took us nearly we attacked a convoy of merchantmen an hour, with enfeebled limbs and elf the west coast of England at the 'fighting for breath, to ren10v0 the entrance to the Bristol Channel. Af- cover of the second tube, The same ter torpedoing the Shad steamer, the sinister silence. eommatidaut tried to olive under the "Now we know that even under a ship, as Was the custom, in' enter to water pressure of fourteen atmos - conceal traces of the U-boat, pheres tho torpedoes -did not explode. "Then either we were palled doev'n With a vague gitmmer of hope we un - by the suction of the sinking vessel strewed the rovers of the two other or else' the vessel itself jntstled its to- forward torpedo tubes. I crawled ward the bottoms. At any rate,' our back to the firing control, the torpedo depth manometer fell with arul matebehindme.. ShnultansouslY tee t us of the.clec' r t til. re-. Pressed the tont' bu to spend Co 100. meters. The de P glitter -'was only kat to 'vetoed that trio 8rtug apparatus. Wore there much, but the chtit•t,showed a depth rocks near the boat that would be of 144 meters (about 450 feet). bound to make the torpedoes go oft? Pressure' of Fourteen Atmoeph_res. Boat Begins to Rise. ' Appointment of Pierre Louis Sordes There was plenty ot electric power to succeed M. Viollette as Gavernor- on hand, its WO hall dived only a short General of Algeria, writes the Pisces wliile..before. The diving tanks seem- correspondent of "The Christian Set,- ed to 118 damaged.Water trickled once Monitor," has aroused once more through all the rivets and plates, but :in the press . a discussion which re- the boat's sides stood up under tho turns periodioaliy, as tohow best to frightful pressure of fotu'toen' atmos - extend the franchise to the native phone, -• n population. Shall the 800,000"Euro- Our first task was to trim the boat, peons in Algeria. be placed in such a wh1eh had landed en tine bottom with' position that they could be at any her'bow down. This was done easily time outvoted,by the 5,000,000 natives enough, but all our attempts to empty who might be eligible foe the frau- the diving'tanktt• by air pressure and chine? Is Algeria ready for such, a thus make the boat-rlse were In vain. ? The submar`iue''did riot move. Our ste These 'are problems which M. store of compressed air was seen ex- i3ordes will hove to take 05. IIo is hanged' and with ,11- all preselects 01 well qualified • for the post, having rescue. rued in a lesser capacity in the "There were thirty-seven et us.. At ce.• coutetiy for some years. There is to ter twenty hour's the air was thiole be au intra -ministerial - connllittee 'to enough 15 be cut with, a lenife, deepite wont out the electoral reform for the facet that we had cleared 3t: every Algeria, so,that ,Algerian@.'are headed once in .w,while; with:pm ampoules of. g ohloi'atc of potasa'1urn and had drawn 'towardecthis r tit tb vote. 011ier -upon our store of oxygen. Breathing; French colonies are.for the most Bart 1 diftl It i t •permitted• a•.cereein number of native represent5tives in' 'the; French Par- liament:• , A New York profeesor says that married men ore Much more inventive than single men. They have to be. weight of tate torpedoes, the boat be- gan to rise by the head. Soon 3t stood upright, 'with the bow upper- most. Our attempts to pump water from the 'after. ballast tanks into the forward tanks, and 'thus bring the boat on an even keel, failed, as the pumps 'would not take hold. "But the fact that the boat had match to Ontario last year, holds an executive office in the Ontario Plow. man's Association and may be the provincial champion next year. It is just forty-three '.081'8 slace the 'Indians of the West entered into a treaty with the government and etart- ed to lay aside the tomahawk, Last year they raised 1,000,000 bushels of grain. They seeded 64,584 acres et wheat, an increase of 2,385 acres. Six thousand acres of ugly land woe. broken and 50,000 acres were summer fallowed, The Indians . also are going port of Kiel, - "We were questioned 111 detail by the naval authorities in Borliu, and finally I was' personally presoteted to the Keeper. - 8 ace Panama and 1' New York. Times:.. (The trafile through the Panama Canal was great- er ht 1027 than ever before). The•faet won elle dist prize at the Moose :law show last fall in open competitiion with the rest ot Saskatchewan. From their cattle , sales alone the 855,000. he Mane 10 the 'West realized $100,000 in 1027: , nun in' n the g teaching 1 S for g of o n s Soh diau how to farm aro thought to be. largely responeible for the change and the introduction of modern methods on reservations. The young Indian is particularly worthy of notice at t111a,. not only is modernizing farming but time,, when America's "imperialistic" is learning sanitation, and mortality designs in Central America are beteg rem the. great scourge cif tuberculosis e dropping: 3. • Rural Credits Three Rivers Bleu Public Cons): cognition of the independence of the Tee Ontario Gorarntneut Commission so vehemently condemned as utterly selfish and brutal. 'Just twenty-five yea18 ago au act of America's "im- perialistic" policy was' being even more vehemently denounced—tete re - Panama Republic. And yet that r0-. will lend up to 50 per •ce:nt, of the cognition made possible the rapid utit'anteed value. The sum lent at corn g construction of the canal, whtt+h, vvhih: I VA Der cent, Is repsg'able, yearly over t vitai'iiuportanco-to the interests of 1 a period of years, As tee Govern. moved revived our pirits. There re the United States, has brought in-. mailed only one Met desperate thingbenefits to Latin«Alnerigant, to d0 -to lire the atter torpedo. Pion+ pressing and this world at largo,. meet have en prod. in view, but only the welfere or the agricuitai'al class, the do not take estates f01' 1 non-payment of clebts: they take stops 1 lI �I sere there s 1 the position of the boat it ought to strike 1115 rocky bottom. And then ell IIo. "After a ,, l sine e "tor fortytto ut hours we had lain ,me. She: "•Rrhy, has x.,011 the contrary to safeguard the would be over, no place lika7+o farmer on his laud; tIioy voluntarily the Club, unpleasant happened at oiler' an extension to the debtor tit the t+lub, clear?" arrears, and they will writ 000, ttvro r three .years unlit better terming tl button • An En liehman, a Scotsman and an •0 1111 to 0151+1: 1111+ • conditions permit h Irishman worn arguing -which had was no explosion after 'seen the talieet polleeniau of his sou lx still, There p 111e shot. to one will ever be tilde to try. The Englishman sold: "We havesay "4f the for +edo'scoarse was. de, got nue so tall dist he.call loots over 1 fieeted'tow,ar(1 the• surface by,its own al haystack, and *See who is on, the force or. if we' were 'no longer on the outer ,side." The Scotsman stated: became -More:difficult every air nu a bottom 0l the' spa: "We Rave got one -tail enough to" look- Then suddenl a pian over a: row at Ionses and •seolwho is• look - Wo were crushed'down by -a ltorridLt i l?t e waited. Y s11rieked;. 'Fortypiglets!' and we all: on the -other side:' "That's hat's 'nothing," Peeling of ]a'ssitiidc. "After tvveut•-eight int hours some of glued our •eyes' to the dentin .regists;.:.-i•espeoaded-tile Irtslutian""pre have one.: 3 g life- men ;fainted, sitter • thirty-two Slowly the boat - rose.' At fifteen so tall. that the barber has -to lower 11e hours the first death occurred. Apa. meters we saev ,clear, green• water him clown a eolliory sltaft before t etic, we lay around 'hardly abbe to t rough the Heavy. patios of glass:' eau cut•111s hair: , h Penned in on the bottom at that tear- ful depth when the after tenmedo was made ready and I pressedto to on. of the electric.. firer. It was awesome - L'• anllt,al paynlent5 and interest. / ee GONNN GeT UP AND Go over To Melee PAt`k ,AND EAete, UoTNe ei nrslAtNe= wl1AT Ate? (r'mpie. esireGeJEFFI. jOU vie ' Na Bet, Fete. M'E MToRCULSt-ice. �. r--•' to WDNDffREUL MORNING A$'1L'i1S lS•' rriNV And Then ,For A Few. IVIngs' of Ale. 13v[ Row`(ou Gent\ e� Mc- PUBS, . DoWT . oPC N Colt 'FOUR t{oUlkS ti ItS 1' „s. 44/11/40 iS in -: ROP,1_61,2 tonnoN tit "Because 'bacon la':.nuear•c ed don't' imagine 'taint Irom healthy Not Working Z ' 'A Negress, presenting herself for confirmation, was asked to repeat the, Creed, this Lord's Prayer, and the, Commandments. She got threugit,the first two fairly' well, but when it came to the last she bungled and hesitated, and orally re- marked in a confidential tone; "De Sac' is, All hasn't boon prise- tisin' do Ton Conunandtuents lntely.'t