HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-09, Page 5the Varan :rys wife' N most farms the hens and the money they bring in belong to the farmer's wife. This money will soon grow to a considerable sum if deposited in the bank regularly. ,4 jar a copy of Oar Memo laoZ.'contrtalla , useful zaforraalioN Jnr• far,.rs. r634 Clint(/'Drench- 0011111i1/1 ranch aL.nk, d..d : R. I. Magnin,;, Manager Cotun3tg COtAl The Council of the bfunicipal'Cor- poration of the County of Huron met in the council charnel-, Goderich, Tues. January 24th, at two' o'clock,. in the afternoon, pursuant -to statute. The following Reeves and Deputy Reeves made and subscribed the de- claration of office and'took their seats with the exception' of A. E. 2ohnston, who was unable to attend through ill- nesss Ashfield=Alex Hackett, T. J, `'An- derson.. Colborne -Hugh Hill Goderich Tp. -H. C. Cox. Grey -Henry Keys, F. W. Rowland, Hay -E.`15. Klopp. - Holvick-Thos. Inglis, 'Geo.- Hub- , ;herd. Hallett E, Adams. ' McKillop -k . T. McQuaid. A2orris-W. - J. Henderson. Stanley -John A. Manson. Stephen -John J, Hayes, Reuben. A. 'Giete. Tuekersmith-Roland Kennedy, Turnberry-Isaae Wright. Usborne-Tames Ballantyne, E. Wawanosh--F, D. Stalker: .1 W. ,Wt,wanosh-A. E,; Johnston. -- Clinton -B. Langford. , ' Goderich-R, E. Tiuner,'J. W. '•Craigie. Seeforth-J. W. Beattie. Winghani-J. W. McKibbon. • Blyth -Dr. J, W. Milne. ee Brussels -A.. C. Baeker. Exeter -C. B, Snell. Vv roxeter--John Henneburg, Henson -Robert Higgins, A resolution of :sympathy with Mr, 'Johnston was passed an, d his. nafne -was placed on the pay roll. County Clerk • liohnan opened the session and presided until -the new warden, John J. Hays. of Stephen, was elected. He, was then esoorted to the :hair and was duly sworn in. In his inaugural epeech'Warden 'Hays called attention to the •increased expenditure in the county and urged economy on the -part of the nmelnbers. Ho' said he' could depend upon the :members to give their best attention to the woik,of: the • session. On tnotion of Messrs, Henderson- and Goetz -Dr, Milne, R. Kennedy, R. ,E. Turner, J. W. McKibben and Alex. Hackett were appointed:, a, striking .committee. This committee later re- ported the following standing commit- tees for the year '1028: Executive -F:. .J'. 31feQuaid, -3. ,W. Langford, . R. At Goetz, R. E. Turner, J. Ballantyne; :Special -E. A. Adams, T. J.; Ander- son, F. J. McQuaid, J. A. Mattson, F. 1). Stalker; Finance' -A. 0.. Baelcer, J. W. Beattie, 1. J. 'Wright, R. Hig- gins, E. P. Klopp; Education -J. ' . WuBeattie, A. C. Baeker, Dr. Milne, F. -W. Rowland,. C.;IL, .Snell; Rood and Bridge -A. E. Johnston, R. Il;,. :Turner,; W. J. Henderson, Ales; Hackett,, J. W. McKiblion; County 'Property -.J: A. Manson, J. W. • Craigie,.- George Hubbard, John Henneberg, H. A. Keyed; House of Refuge -Dr. Milne, R, Kennody,.,,- J, Mclibobn, George Hubbard; Wardens' Committee -Alex , Hack. ext, W. J. Henderson, John Henne, 'berg, R. A, Goetz, E. A, Adams; Geed . Roads Commission -7. Inge 'lis, H. Hill, H. C. Cox., , A, C. Baelcer amid G. W. Rohner) •'wore appointed on the Criminal Audit. Tilos.. Inglis,' Hugh Hill and H. C. -Cox-were appointed Good'Reads' Com- missioners for 1928, e: W. Brydone was appointed to the °Clinton'. Collegiate Institute - board. Mr.' Harry Stewart to the Seafortli 'board, J:' J. Robertson' td Goderich Collegiate board, 'R. Vanstone xo ' Whigham High school board • and F. H. Rowe to the' Exeter- board of edu- cation. "• The 'ratter of, entertaining .the Bruce. County Council was discuseecl but.aetiooi Was left over until later, 1`tistrict' Representative Paterson made an extensive report on his week 'in the' county, which; was in part as; follows: • Many: ealls have been received for •' assistance -and advice in the purchass- ',ing of hard and ,flock sires, while docking and dipping, demonstrations -rave" beengiven, in sev rale t e en e.rs Iso wi yin rove s Flo l p mens; the most not.' e '% able ..chievemelmt was the organiza- tion and holding of the first Huron. 'Count Bacon TIog hair an the y d he osr • tt.,iliehment of two more Boar Clubs,. 'There are nine Boar Clubs in. the county. Commenting on', the .Bacon Iiog JJ's1 the report said, "Local opinion is Noteworthy regarding : the Hog, liair, Many have .expressed them- etelvcs as: well satisfied 3n e revery way with the results and the are looking forward to the permanent establish- ment of a County Hog:Fair. Hog grading has perhaps suffered, due ` to the fallen markets. Nevertheless •some centres have continued supply - hogs has -not done the business any good as far' as raising select hogs is eencerned. Conepulsory grading• will be lecei9ed by the majority as a step in • advance' It , mighty be inter- esting to add•that in 1926'1523 sows` and 142 stags -were marketed while in 1927 to Dec. 8 only 1181 sows . and 93 stags were disposed of in that way, Thid''15 . an indication. that our hog raisers -areare not, panicky and from personal observation ewe believe that is true." "The poultry -industry is one . of the most valuable £arnT side line's in the- county. -The quality of poultry. produce is showing yearly improve- ment and' whilepriees are only' fair yet increased production by careful management is }'taking the enter- prise very profitable. • A culling campaign was conducted a's -in the past. Leis an established: part of the_businees'on.a goodly number of farms to cull' annually. A' number of young men were trained to • mill" the ,flocks." `.Generally speaking. -the live stock. situation is fairly good` It is thought that the gradual transition to. dairy - frig will 'necessitate the formation" of cow -testing associatigns and .• asele- tanee in establishing dairy. herds.The. 'natter of declaring the county a 'bet- ter bull area' .and 'making . it a T. 'B. or over is very -satisfactory, SeVetl- teen gardens ocored 90 per 'cert 'oa better.:,, "Two Juniors Farmer a9sec- tat,on ac • prosoni, tent , 1 erdwieh 23 men -tolls; Bly h 25 members.,- These arc all that„ie t mat') of the oin,airizetionk 'formed app the 'conclusion.:of each short eottrse It is .felt that a real nucleus has been established in. the Blyth As o ration Its. members have been very active ever since the conclusion of the. short course in. January 1927. A nuinber of Junior Farmers not affiliated ty"iti;' any local association have takercon-,' sidoe ble interest in the wgrlc of the Department Several attended 'the judging -competitions and ,lpractic held during during theyear and a numb of thein are planning to attend Juni Conference this ,`;fall. There is '.county association as , 4Tunior. farmer work is no* one our Meier projects. There is a pre field for further; work and with in 'cations of good results from paste cleavers we are -,keenly interested advancing the work in as yet u :touched districts in the county." "Three Junior 'Institutes or Cir Clubs are active, '['ordwich oi...Ret nam Junior Institute ' 26 member Blyth Girls Club.: 30 members Lo desboro Junior Institate, 20 'mei .bens.` These organizations have de ively engaged in, Institute' week - co-operation with the' local" senior i statutes. 'Coaching ,iu household se ea er or no af° at di- ;- in n- ls' t; s; n= t- in n; id. ence judging was received with operi arms and the 'results were exception- ally good. ' Several debate's, plays and; ocial evenings, have resulted from the interest ';taken in Girls' Club work," Provision was made for the'. pay- ment of grants .on:seme basis to Con- inuation 'schools; as -to. Collegiates and High schools, to be made to apply o last, year also; •: •- A. Porterfield and A. E. Erwin were appointed audito'rs."- The Wardens ,Goods "'Roads Com- rissroners arid County Engineer were appointed,to attend the Ontario Good gads Convention. The .County Printing was. awarded o the Goderich Signal. A graiit: of 5750 was -voted to -each of: the „established county hospitals, hen` they submit a financial state entto'the clerk. Only a coupleol rein had submitted reports„ The: usual" grants were made to the ring and fall fairs. • The Children's. Shelter came in for ome criticism and ,a grant.of only 00 was given. The committee rec- mmended that if the matron was anged at once a further grant; be made'hs June. The members seemed think that -when council gave so rgely to the support. of .the shelter at the members should have some versight.-e same.' and the Govern - 5 t t R t w m tl sp s $5 -o eh to la 'tli 0 ent is to be asked to change the ildrenst Aid Act -so as to allow the Co :Council to control the Shelter it does the County Home. The Inspectors of North and .South uron each subnmitted lengthy. a- rts, which were accepted and order - printed in the°minutee;• A motion: was made to the effget at the Warden and Clerk - be auth- zed .to sign and eubntit'to the Min- er .of Highways and .Public Works the Province the petition- of the nnty of Huron, showing that der - g the year January' let to Deeere- r• 81st, 1927, there has been ex- derl the sunt of 5217,462.25 and re sting the statutory grants mm that ountas provided• by, the Act to aid the improvement ° of Public High - Free District are also' 'future:pi:ob"i-Ch lems, ' C "No special campaigns were inaug- as urated except:the Corn Borer -cant-' • paign. 'Reith the appointment of a lI capable inspector it would appear 'Ii that the possibilities of • having to ed discontinue corn growing were lim- ited.. You have heard the •inspector's' ee report on' the progeeas of 'leis -work ori and our assistance is 'available at ist any time." ' of. "The spray'. service in connection oe with the apple growers'ivas continued with excellent results.. We have a eel' number of 'splendid letters- of appre- lien oiation of the spray •service on file, ;tee These are from both our regular and am supplementary list of• growers." • ' ei There,.is an increased 'interest -being' taken--' indrainage judging from the diiificultythe manufacturers had in suppyling the for field work:" "In weed control our success, was limited. 'Nearly all 'municipalities appointed inspectors to enforce the new- het. Some 'inspectors succeeded. in .clearing up their districts pretty well and it is hoped that we may be in a position to offer•= more assistance tin 1928• than'we•were able 911 .give in - i "The Royal Judging Competition' was a keen .ane,. The ten flee -trip Winners earned their . places and all eonipetitors 'expressed' :themselves as being extremely .well pleased with the nature and object of the competi- .tion, , Nearly every township was represented aticl • almost, equal „Mini- bers-of-prize winners cairie ..from north ,and ,south Huron. Fortunate- ly good classes of stock; Poultry.,.'ap- ples, -seeds and'potatees were sup- plied and that belpe_considerably.-in making contests of this. nature sue-: eeesful,,"• - "The domestic science. "jgdging;' Competition at Blyth July 20th was the first of its kind in the county, The girls did:' -exceptionally good work' and this•`promiscs t0 be a real- contest in future years?'. The inter •-county live stock judg- ing team was thirteenth at the Royal and' sixteenth itt Guelph out of 31 and -24 teams respectively..: They stood' second 'as a 'team at Guelph in lodging dairy cattle and • Harvey Johnston was second and -Wm. Moll' teeing third individual in this' eless.- Wm. Meliwaine stood seventh• in the entire' competition. "The Inter -county" girls' judging hg. team at the C. N. E. stood'third :out; of 25 teams, it very creditable show- ing. They were first as a team „in judging clothing. Louise Mills ;took first -place in this Class. Melda "Mc- Elroy was seventh and Edna 'McCall tenth, Miss McDell rya's tied for 11th . place iii house furnishings, h gs, •1Vliss Mary Wood'who was carried ' as a snore was enterad in '• the' open clothinI g class: and was retnrned'ctlro"" winner.",,, 'sboHefei _enc e Twas'nia dc to th e var d ui :short courses in -.agricultue",and economiesswine and sleep,marketing, • Fara': 'mecha»ics :and -ewlne eon`se at'tli. e pa'eking Dennis, "Our schools fans . were, better than in 1926._ „More and' better en- tries Were shown at 15 of the ,19 fairs: ' :The fairs ran more smoothly and the co-eperation of all concerned was excellent • The generous.•ti-e;tt ment o,f these "fairs Int- the comity council 10 deeply appreciated •by all "Three Home Garden Contests wore held. The judge, reported.the contests (cry keen, Nearly; all had heir gardens deo shape for judeine ing a large percentage of select 'hogs. w "The decreased premium on select 1 o Expenditures Outstanding cheque, Stand- ard Bante 4,191.22 Criminal Justice , . 11,484,-56. County Home t ,_ , 13,502.10 Schools 117,019.50 Land. Tax.. ,. 760.71 w Grants -,. 6,075.00 Municipal Government , 8,750.90 Road and Bridges , 407.49 County -Property ,: 8,727.70, Registry Office and Gaol :4,407.98 Adv„ Adv,'Lrrinting and postage 2,868,51„ Extra expenses• of County'" Equalization, .. . 2,868.51 Mothers' Mothers'. Allowances , 11,887.50 Charities -. 3,437.86 Division Court 571,45 M'iscell aneous 60.16, Children's Shelter ...,, 3,167,46: Executors' Auction -Saler Loans Repaid ✓, 78,000:00 ' 0f Fa, harm Stnek and Debentures Redeemed . , 67,000.00 Farm,harm rlfl: CT Iiti"J'QN-1'1 i5'S RECORD '-ori Otte S Burges;;' Portrait Studio in'4linten will be open every Tuesday, The r hours, until further: notice will be 'exon' J2 `L i, 2 top.ia..; If 'y.0 'v ant ilotegeaphs .taken -'please come in hese;oti>,s. My 'Studio wilt .always be waimm, so do not be afraid to bring 91)1 children in the winter, a :gess, Portraai-audio VIlTCIIELL AND 'CLINTON 261, fcf MEMBER 3' '1'. 15. Prompt attention to Orders for Flow- ers, Plants, FIora1-Designs, Flowers and Designs sent Anywhere Lettuce 'tad Forced Rhubarb Now Ready. e V. Cooke Two -Phones-6,6w end 66j Clin op Flour Mill Car of Feed Wheat ' .iUST ARRIVED' • 52.00 per Cwt., Ground. 51:15 'per Bushel SCHOE N '[ALS' 47-2, Clearing Sale -of Men's . Overalls and Smocks Men's Work 'Shirts Men's and Boys' Underwear. Come in. and Share in the Bargains. T FA1I SERVICE LONAESBORO, • 48-2. Valentine Social In Holmesville United Church. TUESDAY,'FEBRUAHY 14th: Come to the Valentine Social, one and all, -• You are going to be measured, wheth- er short or tall. Four cents cents per foot' -and 1 cent for each inch, Is the fee we are asking„ sodo not flinch. But conte right -"along and bring' a • friend, " And see What a good time you can spend. With' the Lady Aiders. Social Starts' at 7,30, 45-l.p, M arnceges: JORDAN-WAA.LTON-In Clinton, on Feb. 8th, by the Rev. A,. A. Holmes, Mary Louise, youngest daughter df Mlr, and Mrs. Richard Walton to Morley Cecil Jordan, son 'of Mi..and Mrs, Samuel Jorclaii, all of Clinton, • Births' , MAlINS-In Bayfield, on Feb. 2nd, to 1V15. and Mrs, Lloyd Makins, a sob: - Deaths . TEVENS---Iu Clinton, .on .Feb. 4th, James Stevens, in -Itis Olst, year, CARD .OF THANKS Mts. Lucy Thompson wishes to ex- tend her thanks to the friends and neighbors for the 'many manifesta- tions of sympathy. and helpfulness Shown during the illness of her fath- er, the late James Stevens, and since his death, Also to Mr. Steele and the other members of the church choir for their kind services, to those who sent flowers and all who showed sympathy hi any :Ivey, Coupon Interest ,,, -, 6,892,50 Interest'•on_ notes and ex. cccge 'on'"Clicghes 2,757, 2G 8355,263.03 1:30, as follows: , ORSES: Aged work horse; aged ed drivers'a.good resider. CATTLE: cow, Will beheld at lot 20, the Gravgi Road, 3th miles north of Clinton,. 011 Monday,;; Feb. 26th conrliencing • at BLY'I'H COUNCIL WILL, COMPLY WITII ACT . I'urlis Over'Contminity'.Tlall td Rep- reseut;ltive Cant»nittee in Effort .. To Hold Government Grant BLFT1•T, Feb. 7. -The village coun- cil decided at a meeting last night to hapd over Blyth ,Cominunity Hall. to a, committee representative of all organizatioins interested at a special Meeting called for next Monday ning. It is hoped that the arrange - molt at __last nig•ht's meeting will meet with the approval of the. De- pertinent epertinent of Agriculture .which had demanded areturn: of a $2,000 grana given under the Ceminunity Halls Act. The' government complained, that the teams of the act'hall not green carried out hi Blyth. peeve 1)11,-11/1 1p, who had tlu•eat- ened to resign. over the affair, with-, drew his• resignation at last' niglit's meeting. The " , ' cot'nr.rl also decided 'to; -a pay $200 'Pent for the. u`se orf the hall for council meetne•s. during the', i ,rear. -and len, o"'theaetlarice' Cf the :financ- ing til -'the followingcominittee,nam-- ed• last night: 'Davi,' I aidlasv, rep - t eicntlOC the Agricultural -Society Mrs,i'1Vi;cCnilough, the,; Women's stittite; 1VLr, Hinder, the Horticultur- al e Soci t y Miss St ,e mhaf S the Sew -- nm Oi cls; 'Dr. Milne and ITilliarn Mills', the Village cnuncil -James T? Mood -i, churches ane fratef'nal so- cieties. tid E FOUND..`C1ITS Rzsaranv' ' - nine years, duo. April 29th; cow,. 8 years, due.1VIar. 10th;. cow,"7 years, freshened 2 months; -cow 5' years due May est; cow 7 years, due Aprie23rd; aged cow; 2 year-old heifer; 3 heifers rising' 2 years;• 2.r year-old• steer;" Pig about 10.0. lbs.: IIVIPLEMENTS-seed' drill,'grass seeder, all eorniilete; 'mow- er, McCormick, 6 ft.. cut; horse rake, 1128; good team .wagon; light wagon; steel tired buggy; robber tired buggy; riding plough; double plough; gang plough; 2 walking'ploughs,•1 nearly new; set of 2000 lbs. scales; fanning mill, nearly new McTaggart cutter; scuffler, good as new; set of harrows,; 4 section complete; set cif :: Manitoba sleighs; gravel box; disc ',harrow, in throw; quantity of = 3 -incl - clay tile; long ladder; set of hay fork rope and pulleys; HARN.ESS: set of single hal'ness; set plough harness; some collars; cross cut saw; hand saw; ton of cement; .2- pig troughs; 200. bushels of barley, -5 tons of good feed: bay; 50 bushels. of Buckwheat, POULTRY: Ali mit' 100 white rail'. Frey rock hens and ullets, • :Post hole l 'edger; 6 grain •bag`se" "sone "lumber; wheel barrow neerly new; sa Y w. pieen• 14- lbs. of„grass seed; churn;, cool' stove; 2 robes' bis pole; `ras. ,, ggy pole; .'? S seed sower; -tables and several other 'ar- ticles are-, ticles too nunmerous to mention. 1f not sold before- that date .t e he farnm, a choice 100 acres, property of the late William Morrison, :conven-` lent to schools, churches and market; will also be, offered for ''i Terme: i On stock., and idIplements, .11 sums' of :$10 and'under r,aslr..-0v- Ci; that amount tell m6nth;, credit will pe given, on '1i,' fishing ., approved Mrs Sybilla -Sp ihi s, T.atisilitis-near•- _1 joint notes, ore Shscount el' S per cent' le 90 rte' tell{- seeress dreolra' Sore Throats, Ileaci Colds, Bronchia" 'Ast,h- Ufa': "C (nigh, r on cutis; Catat•u1i and. hen ho calfed'and the:faet that 63 Tonsil diseases Results " r•gofl or Y st`ri'aight-allawad for Cash. 1 'Perms of_ farhn nmarle,-known nn day of sale.' Liv Fess POULTRY Bain atu; poultry:: d eggs here. ar,d'ni 1F: more 0ofii or yaittsc t:, R2rrlat nriieu fos- heavy hens ate; ad tniage of thein now, Clinton's Leading Eg Grading. St i.ti,gi, #niton Poultry House Phones -Office, 2149 Residence, 214 v LOGS ar ANTED We aro again in the market for good 'logs of all kinds, either deliv- ered in our mill yards or on the Stump 13ighest cash price ,will be. pito. Custom sawing will be done at Bayfield, Thermos Wallis', 4th can. Goderich township, and Clinton as usual' during• the year. McEWEN BRQ5. Hayfield P.O, Phone624 r-4, Clinton 41-tf Ste art -Warner MatchedUnit Radios Six reasons why you should buy 'a Stewart -Warner five tube Radio set. 1 The price is within the Fetich of -all. 2. It gives very little or no trouble, We have a set out three years old. It is working. as good • as 3. I9 is easier on B. Batteries than a six tube' set, 4. It is very clear : fine tone, e, and works well in any kind of.`avea- ther and has plenty of volume. 5. Brings in Toronto•and London with very little interference, 6, Will tune in stations as far away as California on the loudspeaker, What more.could you 'wish for in a radio. Try one: out and be.eon-. vineed for yourself. H. A. Hove • -Clinton' Hovey, • Work Wanted ,. Farmers needing .help, by day or week, cutting wood, etc., ring 8 on 607, Clinton, central. Cows for -Sale' 3 good, young .cows, two to freshen '.in February, and one in April, _Apply to was. Hoggart, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phone 22 on 641,.Clinton Central., 4'77.-p, For, Sale, An Auto Knitter, triple plate, in good ' condition. ' Will sell cheap for cash, Inquire 'at The News -Record. office. 47-2, -For Sale ' - Cutter and '• set of single harness. Apply to A. Ey Brwin, ,Bayfield, Ont. 47-2. Dog Tax;, Owners and harborers of dogs are hereby notified that the dog tax is due on or before March lst,, Payable at the offiiee of` the tax .collector, town, hall, Clinton, 'r,. Stang, "col- lector. NOTICE The firm of William BXunsdon .& Son -was dissolved on • October 20th, 1927, by mutual agreement. All out- standing accounts are:requested to be settled not later than:February 20th 1928,i at either . Londesboro or Bltyh. William T. Brundson, ' ,I. Howard Brundson, Farm for Sale ' 80 -ace a r farm n Base ase line, 2 miles north of Clinton. 8-r:ooin• frame house, bank'barn 80x49. Artesian well with windmill. ' 5' acres good maple bush. Good orchard, Apply on premises to J, Macdonald or to J, Macdonald ,R. R, No. 1, Clinton, ' t - • 47:'2-p, Huron County. Breeders .The Iduron' County, Home Breederas held their annual meeting. on Jan. 14, The secretary-treasurees; report was read and found satisfactory. Any person -wanting' to join the club for 1928 should apply to the secretary as the list is,filling fast. G. R. McCort- •ney, Secretary, Seaforth,R. R:;No. :3. 47-2' Property For Sale 8 -room brick house, corner Spen- cer and North streets, coal and wood slier, cement Cistern. Nice garden with small -fruits, new. barn and gar- age, hen house, pig ,pen, ' new fence around property. All buildings sup- plied with Hydro and town water, Phone in house, Also a good h'nilditg lot,: Albert street, north next to'L F. Wasnman's ` residence, Also a black mare, suitable for delivery, with rub- ber sheet, harness, 'sleigh and wagon, Would consider exchanging same. in part paynment on farm property. All - win be sold as proprietor: -intends leav- ing' tawiL 3 r.i-Lep,' m •f t o t Bow 4 1 g z yfi-, phone 276w, "Clinton, "4 6 tf-3-1i. •Farm For Sale ' 100 acres good soil, good buildings; F, GtinO sugar bus['; 41/ miles from Chil- ton. Will sell 00 _easy- tern's. A. `P-, 'Vat/Ibsen. Ssafoi'th 1'. 0. Phone 614-33, Clinton central. 38-tf .sarin For Sale Choice 100:acres 1 , of 20, on T iovru- cial Highway, 849. miles nortim-of Clinton,' convenient, to Public and Sep- arate schools, property of L1le lite 7Vlorrison,: mostly tinder cultivation, Small hardwood bush. L0570 brie'- houS. _e, bat"rt 68x58, good young or- chard. Apply. to `Georg' G roert the'7G ardepl5 sto4 eS'' ,. ' ;.,,.. TIITI1rSA) 4.y, T'EBILUARY 9, 19211, Cali dlet us slio , "r yOtt the 4: ita I.T'R GUARD to fit and is " t - changaMMe ors aill Mowers. No tools or rivets required; and, so tingle that ten year old boy can replace a entire :set' of hedger Plates in 15 minutes Made for all makes (ii Repairs will h c 'for carried a calte all -I ales 'o f Mowers, " Bi!! dear°s:. Etc.y in - 'eluding IVIcCoririick, • Harris Frost Wood, Cois'autt ..Etas. . ardvvare: CLINTON Vii=al'31N%Sli .' Electric Ranges, Bullss, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 Wanted -Fox -Furs Will pay 810 to 520 each for; good fox furs. Highest prices for all, other furs. H. A. Iiovey, Clinton. 43-tf Cottage for Sale or Rent Small, oontfortabie cottage, wired for electric range. Garage on prem ises. Apply M. J, Moore, Virilliani street. _ 38-tf. Farm For Sale ' Lot' 28; con. 15, Goderich township, 85 acres more or less, good land, well with windmill, bank barn, hog pen, 6 acres hardwood bush, an acre of orchard, Comfortable frame house. Also 50 gore farm on London road, Tuckersmith. Apply to J - T. Mc- Knight, R. R. No, 2, Clinton. Phone 604-r-4, Clinton central. 28-tf CIothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired: 'Woollen goodsdry cleaned, Rooms Iver Heard's B..rber shop,. W. J. Jago: ' 22834f ouJtr°y-Supplies LAYING MASH SCRATCH FEED GRIT, - GR1T, Ss;ITLL AND BEEF SCRAPS COD LIVER OIL, 31,25 per Gallon E L 1111 .kl ELL Iluron Street Clinton 31-tf Poultry and Eggs Wanted - We handle eggs everyday Poultry Tuesday and Friday . mornings-' Call us if you want to get the highest market price ' A...E. Finch Victoria St., Clinton Phone' 231 27-tf Js09 • 'T 1 l-si'l3t-1' Ti Mc: t, !-rt; ;dEA;T 1 OLMS ON 1,l ,... ES 10 Some people hunt a warns climate for the winter. Others buy coal from, us and stay. The latter' are the Healthiest; for winter weather is an excellent' tonic, when it is taken properly. To go out -from a warm house into brisk exercise in the cold, then back. again: into a warm house, this brings healthy color and boundless energy,: aice sur,of 1 0 havingur• house yo l o se warm i by ordering now a load of our coal. Call the teisNIMY' for good, dean coal aeraummutavomponmeinswom NEVERt aw to to start, a h School LCourse as the. safest path to a good salary. Wesinvite you to -write for partic- ulars as to courses and results: Shaw Business, Schools, Bay -Char- les, Toronto, 5. House For Sale Large red brick house, corner Qr- angeand Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences. Possession when desired, Also a barn an '49 acre lot on Wellington` street. Apply to Mrs. W. Jenkins. 06-tf-.6p Buy Your Coal NOW It's. a long time until spring. Three., marc -cold winter months are ahead, , and the mercury will shiver down to zero more than once 'before the flow - ere bloom again, •r Have you enough coal to, last ali winter? Don't gamble with your family's health and comfort. Nt is much cheaper to buy enough coal than to pay doctor mut, HOWARD. CLARK Phone 182 orders Taken at Lawson% Grocery Phone 111 WOOD , I `have a quantity of good hard Wood, slabs and cedar. NOTICE Any coal accounts not paid by the 16th of February will be handed in for collection. E. WARD Phone 155 Huron street Singer Sewing achine Leased on Small Monthly Payments Big Discount on Cash Sales • Now is the time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles; Belts and Parts for all makes. W. GLEN COOK Phone 1713 P.O. Bog 201,. Clintosl _ k w IO KOLSTER-.K1NG Buy .a radio for the family in doing so you . will be giving them something which they Gan enjoy the year around. We are dealers for the lfolster•and Kings sets and will be pleased to give you a demonstration at any time. Batteries charged and,storad -for the winter - W. J. Nedi erPry3" . 9 ASPHALT ROWING We have a complete e ' ..,lmexof Toronto Asphalt _ ph 1t Shiteg Ica and ,Roofing for siding or roofs if.. yof are considering roofing coni are ours before l? , buying, with any other. This is the best by test --Fee Always carry Bran, Shorts, Western Oats, best quality at lowest, price. - POe d9' Phone 123