The Clinton News Record, 1928-02-09, Page 4SI)AY,
R JARY 9, 12,3
Nwr im r
91,d.0t l lxi 13 oaks
Eqe *1 cd s lhe,
I,r iocctrpieil
on, hnx tics
1te; ldreei
Paha' C _cis,'',C rt;Outs; 13ook-'
leis and E'o'olites .for
entitles 11)a3, Febouar:vrl4tlr,
fiery Ilopulag a,
ed 'tugs, 'oval'
Bright Cleor nrat61,
up to two
leftts hid den goon rYai'1?
sit er=1t fields df octivit) '
.wee noted ;:inn the' 'atten-'
gilt,• the Sunday, 3chool and' also".
iount; ,ivesi by'tho sono ars
ons, -.the" amount'being,'for
.,� ononailis,. $218.00, has des'
$'ill%4for ilio' running . expense's'of,
The '`Y`,`P, • S: ,raised 62,00 for 'taeir.
current exponscs bail i5,42.00' i or
Good reports were riven- by the
W; `114. S. the Iielly Auxiliary, the
'Marion Olivor Circle and the Mission
Band, showing 'total contributions "of.
�'li' reporta ox �., of 'the ie'' church ' treas-
I e p
1 ureri revealed 'the .fact' that the con-
gregation b
regation'had- given ;1130,00 for the
iTainteiianee and Extension ?Fund,
Which was :3$0:00 ,over -the amount of
their, allocation, .
'l*etc is also 0 balance on' hand in.
the general treasurer of$200.00.
,t"�iatcen :ureYnberS were added..and
foul d'romoved "cloying the present
nxenihe sl i al; 333,
r r p
jo,The'himilY friends all Miss Ella 11I
Scott were. glad to see; her out.after'
her recent illness.,`-``
The teachers, officers and their
friends of file: United church, Sunday
school held' their annual oyster sup-'
per at the manse on Friday „evening
Feb, 3rcl;'when .over 'thirty partook of
the ,supper, A Most enjoyae'eten-`
ing Was spent.- Rev. 1t7 A.. mill Mrs:
Bremner are certainly great enter=
The eomninnion will be observed.
next Sunday al.' the morning service:
Preparatory;•service to be field on
Friday at 2.30.
The meeting of the, W. M. S. to be
held on Friday at 1.30.
ance]ines of odd:Dinner-•
ware.. at less than dm lf >rice,
See our tables.
R i1JAiL:
All wen ter ,being
c '
od at special 1)1ees.
Also a number of good
used Pianos
for sale at reasonable prices.
Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative
Always at Your Service' .._ ,Lox 113 or Phone 273,Clinton
>E ul
ted a cash for Graded Cream -
Operated by
We guarantee Service, Satisfaction` an
Quik!k Returns.
190 or 145. Night 180•
reloading car of Dominion Sugar Feb.14 •
Note Special Price
for Cash
at Car. $6,25
I. -F'F(3 D LO'EB
Dangerous: Varicose. Veins
-' Redu d or
Mone . • Back
This Simple Home Treatmentis' 'Giving' • Amazing Results
;tub' Gently and; Upward 'Toward the
.Heart' as Blood in 'Veins. Flows
That 'Way ..•
I£ you or any relative or friend is
worried because of varicose veins,
or bunches, the best, advice that any-
one in this world 'can give you "is to
ask your druggist fo'r an original
two -ounce' _bottle of Mamie's Enter
old- Oil- (fulI strength) And apply" as.
directed night and •morning to the
swollen, enlarged veins. Soon ,you
will 'notice that they are .growing
smaller and the .treatment should
be continued' until the veins are of
normal sire So penetrating and
powerful is Emerald Oil ; that even
Piles are quicklq relieyed Drug-
gists se11 lots of it;
Goder:1C1 Ttimi i1ship
Mamie P •idham teacher do
i1'Iiss 141 lie t
Tipperary: `school .is in Clinton Hos-
pital, havi0g: inidet•gone an operation
last week. Slle xs pi 0gressing: favor-
ably and it is Ilop.e0;Will seen. be able
00'resume- er xwetk.
The funeral' do the.late Niss T5I urger-.
et Craig tool: place from her home on
the 1.6thhon1,riday afternoon,' a short
service being held at the house and a.
;mime s013510e in • the Presbyterian
htreh, Clinton, The Rev. A. Mae-
arlane had charge of the, services,.
ei p assisted at the church by Rev.
E. I1ogg. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Henry Corey; • John ,Jerdis;-.
James Jackson 'u7i'd Alex: Ellhott.
• The late •Miss -Cram, was born ;in
,Vanghan'I,townsliip''P'orlc-County the
fanii]y coming top to ,TZiu'.on- county
when she was .every young. Tley
first resided 011 3110 Base,'line but she
had lived, cin tlio ;:Capri -on':which she
died_ for about fifty years She was
the last of 'her family. She is surviv-
ed by two nieces,' Mrs, Fred Nott of
Tucleersniith, and'Mrs. Bert Jackson
of Morris, and three nephews: James
Craig, of 1(incardino, and Russel and
Hurry . Craig of Lion Forks, Stisk,
Two cousins, Misses M. and A. Ewing,
of Toronto, attended the ±ureteral,' Her
nieces were both with her 'luring her
last illness, Internment was made
Clinton' cemetery.!;,
erxt '0s,nie1
and •Charles
1'.nr scvent,
altor it was -
•lai e 1 consid
ono lhoxnas
many ears' ct, 1
collar maker- He also had0 similar,
business, at Bruce'ield. tle passel
away .in 1847:, The material in the
building was remarkably well pieml
served and will be used in • nevi.,
building at the rear of the lot:which..
e w 1
John Cameron, Thomas
The. Senior Guild of Trinity church
met at the home of Mrs, F. A. Ed-:.
wards on-' Thursday last When the
following officers were elected Pres=-
ident,.,i4lxs F W Baker; Vice,,, Mrs:
Geoi. Itm Secretary, -Mrs.
Paull, Treasurer, .list , H. Mcllrs3"
The aftctinoon tris spent in work for
bazaar, at tto closeof which 11Ii's. Ed-
.Wards served delicious xefo'o hn ents,_
Boom;recently' added to the Lib.'
rah are, Tuve nlle .A-rts Girls Own
Annual;. 1\T tures Native' trees of
Canado, Useful Arts: Pur-.Baneyiing,
l�ticchler;, Your Money's Worth;
Chase -Schfind_ Travel: The Wort'_
Coast in. the earlier Aloyhis Horn;
The Vanished •Pomp jof. N tterday,
eioreclerieb'a., Hamilton; 'Arabellas. Let -
toe. Sociaology,.;The land of Living,
men R A. Trine: Religion: The Im-
patience 'of' n • Peron; IL R. L. Shep-
herd. Literature: A Peoples B'eeet,
33. J. Stevenson. Juvenile.`' Fiction
Lizzie Aiin,-Thompsen; Emily's Quest
Montgomery; 1027-1928 Chums. Fic-
tion: Toward Sodom, Mabel Dun-
ham; Lights up, G. Richtheed; The
Aristocratic Miss Brewster, J. Lin-
coln; The Ninth Circle, H. Steele;
Hugh Loyal, T- .R. Elliott; "Grants of
the Earth; 0. E.- Ralvaag; Through
the Wheat, T. Boyd; The Golden Dog,
W. Kirkby;
The book. Girls' Own Annual, is
very interesting., and it is a worth
While book for: any woman to read,
seeing .that it .contains recipies for.
cooking, patterns and fancy 'work, be-
sides the stories.
Mjls. W. J, Elliott returned to her
home on the Blue Water Highway on
Saturday after having visited her
'sister in London.
Miss Susan Parke returned on Sat.
erday after having 'spent a day in
London, s . '•
Mr. F. A, Seeds of ' Detroit spent
the week-ond with his family.
hood on the'_
nor land was
he lot across'
ti home. Las:
o:fho eo);nc,r of Main;.
et;. where`"it stood'
' -.;years. Sometime
ovedthere it was on-
' bly.
ntzlily. Donald Cantor
"Ineron's -faith ci 20')
'led on::harness leak.
lug here •rad was noted as an expert
Mrs. G. Lyon, who Spent some time
at the home of Miss: E, • Lyon has re-
turned to her home on the 13th con-
cession. -
]lfiss Parrott. of -S. S. No. 6: spent
the week -end ether home near Blyth.
Mr. Button of Saskatoon, who rec•
ently visited his brother Mr, J. Hut
ten hat retained home.
Mrs. R. Townsend was in Clinton
a few ,days last week.
Mos. R. McCrae spent several clays
last week with Belgrave relations.
Mr. Jones of London galled p1
fr'ie'nds here last Tuesday.
MT. T. Johnston "is .' having his-
house'wired this week. 11Ir. A. 'Wall
is •doing the work. "
Mr. A. 'Lyon was home from the
Clinton C. I,' over the week -end. '
Mrs. Armstrong of near Constance
was the guest at the"home of her son,
IdIr, • and Odra.' 3, Armstrong, over the
week -end,
Miss Rogerson, of near Constance
has returned.. after a very pleasant
visit with 11liss' Alberta Moon. ' •
Mrs; I3, Allin 'of-I3arlocic recently
visited at the "home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. 'Moon. -,.
idiiss Esther Lyon'spent the week
end in Clinton with Mrs.' Wm. Biles,
returning Monday.
. Mrs. Wm. Miles of Clinton is vis
'ting this 'week with Mrs. Jas. Eisler
and Mrs. Tarnblyn.
Mrs, harry Lyon is in Clinton Hos
Pita] this week, where she had to un,
dergo an operation having,one,of her
fingers amputated. -
Mr. .Fred Shobbrook of the : 18th
concession received a message' Tues •
day. 'saying that his niece, Berta
Sprung, had died of scarlet fever and
pneumonia. • . She was the daughter
of,Mr. Gabe Sprung of Darlingforcl,
Manitoba, It 'was ,just eight years
since her mother died leaving this
little ,girl a few weeks old.
The monthly. meeting of the "Wo.
Men's Institute was held in the Com-
munity hall on 3.'hui'sday,' Feb, 2nd,.
with the president inthe chair. The
meeting was opened by •singing ehe
opening Ode.' Mrs.' Rapson- lead
in prayer and Mrs, 'Hall lend' in the
Lord's Prayer. After' he. regultir bus-
iness had been transacted Mrs, B.
Snell gavo a paper on.`Cenedian Mue-'
lc," a quartette was given by Mrs,
Adams, Mrs: J Crawford, Mrs.' Ii,.
Siint}ercock and ''Mus. J. it ansini
readings by Ma's. Melville and Mrs.
Carter, a solo by Miss .Alberta Snell:
and tip instrumental by Miss -Norma
Snell; After; singing "God Save the
King,"' all repaired to the basement.
where an excellent hutch was _ served
by Miss •o Moon, Mrs. D Carter,
Mrs, A. Wells, Mrs. B. Wells, Mr's: F,
Sh'obbrooft and . MISS Mary Seott,`
There were eighty-one in attendance,
A chicken pie supper will be held
in the 'community hall on Tuesday,
'Fair. 14th, under the auspices of the
Ladies"Aid of Knox church. A good
grogram will be `given consisting' of
a three -act play, "The Path Across
the Hills," Music, etc.
Si. Helens
Messrs. H< McFarlane and Gordon
McPherson' spent the week -end at the
former's parents, near'Bluevale. •
Miss Lila Humphrey is visiting her
sister, IlIrs. George Walker' of East
Mr. 'Reg. Lavin of Kincardine spent'
Sunday. at his home here,
. Mr. Allister liughe''s . of 0:Iolyroad
spent :the 'wcelc-end• with her brother,
McKenzie Webb.
' Quite a few from around here=at-'
tended the funeral of' th'e lata T1105
Somerville of Cargill. 'Mr, Somerville
was a highly respected resident of
this vicinity for, over 50 years, before
going to live with his daui,`iiter at.
Cargill. Mr. Somervillehad attain-
ed -the age of ninety-three, The fun•
.eral from the Presbyterian. church
Luchnow, was. largely attended.
Mrs.' Cameron has returned, home
after spending a few clays witty her
daughter at Mitchell, '
Woods Saturday
Wm. V.00d. spent b dy t
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dan
Martin, whose'y'oungest daughter
seriously i11 at ,present,
IlIr'A, M, Rice left'on Saturday for
Welland to visit his mother who is
very ill, . •
Mr. and IV's.. E. Ilhillips visited in
Godorioh over the week -end.
Mrs. Jas. Johnston visited her
daughter, Mrs. R, Farrow of Mitchell)
last week,
Miss Dorothy Anderson returned.
from Toronto on Thursday evening
Jest . after spending a few days with
her aunt there. •
Mr. and Mrs. George Rutledge of
Buffalo are visiting with Mrs. Robeet
Plunkett and family.
013Ir, and Mo's, Joshua Allen of Col-
borne township are visiting with their
son Arr. Maitland Allen, in the village.'
Mr. Albert Neagle went this week
to,take a course in electric welding.
Mr, 0. B. Erratt went to Toronto
this week. on business.
The .local board tef health met tri tho
township hall, Varna, on Monday af-
ternoon. Dr. Shaw, M.0.1.5, was un-
avoidably absent. No eases of, con.
tagious diseases 'were reported and
the township is pretty free from sick-
ness. The following sanitary=inspee-
tors were ',appointed: J: Johnston,
So falx—
and. yet
so near!
"I must call John by Long
Distance and let bim know
a I got here a11' right. Then
neitherof us will be worry-
ing, 'It's wonderful to be
able to visit you like this,
and .yet keep as close touch.
with home as if I were there.
;_ What'must it have been like
in the'old days, before Long
Distance made it, possible?"
"I'll place the call for yon
while you are taking , off
your wraps.",
"That' will be' fine. Just ask
fox,our;'number, 124, se Pll
get the:' cheaper Station -to -
Station rate, In, a couple' of•
days I'll call 'u again in the
Y p g
, evening; so I can have a few
words with the children, too.
T.he Evening Rate after 8.30
is really very low."
"Ever?/" Dell''.('elepltone' is a
Long Distavee Stratton,"..
1311150:) Ainxat;;oig and W. Osmond;:
Lao tield,,
Tbo .to nsinp e,out cit met on Mon
'day) +w'a<i 3 i2b tnditots'. "henort was:
pr esetl't ., #1.f., ing the t0Wnsh,p'ac". `
ooun#'rot2aAl"0 In splendid conflation,
W1,llleyt tr4' Gm ernment subsidies age:
reoeitAtdiete will be a ba,anee on,
hand of 'about $3500:
Sorry tc re9ort; thtt ,Mrs.C. Pit=,
rim h3g3 to bo_`removed•.;to Clinton.
IIosplj, '4i treat toe nt, .Txu,t she
\r 113 soon' lie better
lhe,.l"1 P • L, of- 4hG Urii_ted church
evil' hold a Veleittille box;;5ocial in the
iottn hall on theevenang-of, Feb, 14th,
rA program is being nrepased consist,
lag: cc, di aloguoe;,' monologues and a
Meek" trial end the ladies; are asked
toMing' b•o es.
kttrie�r.'i ooio ship
.1, _,-a<, .,nc. Missh
Taylor 0'>Science ITill, ' have heen
vi5i0.inx vrilhe their friends' -in Stanley
and also in Clinton for•a few days.
'Ili's. rarer LiaVes shortly with her hue -
band for their: - lao1no i1t Gleiaa}-on,
Miss Audrey Johnston of 'Varna is
the 'guest.of tier. aunt Mrs. V. Wild,
• 1V1`ss:- Ilarry,Talbot is the guest: of
Icer. daughter; 'Mrs. Lloyd Makins of
Miss Olive Pollic c;, who spent the
Past' _ two ' 'eelts in Bay£ield, . has '.re-
turned homer ' "
'Mss. Milton, Steep of_,Goderich.Tp,
'spent Friday'last with friends on the
Brunson line.
MT: Mort.' Elliott 'shipped a fine
carload of stock to Toronto last week, Township -
Smith's Hill United 'church held
its congregational meeting in the hall
at Carlow on January 30th: Rev. A,
A. Poulter in'the chair. The minutes
of the ,meetings fon the pastyear
were read and adopted The business -
and discussion arising from the Irvin,
utes were then dealt .• with, :after
which the reports from the various
branches of church work .were given.
Following were the officers -elected:
Session: Rev. E. A. Poulteremodera-
tor-Gordon Young, R. M, Young,
W.' W, Walter, Board of Managers
Victor Young; J. A. Young, Wm.
'Marsh, Tait Clark, Alex Young, John
Treble,, Envelope. secretary; Reg.
Glen, Church secretary: 'John Young,
Mission • envelope secretary: Ruby
Young,, John °Gallagher, John Fo-
gey, Organist: Mrs. Marsh, Sunday
school organist, one ` month about:
'Amelia Melllwain, Dorbtli Robert-
son, Winnie Marsh, Caretaker: Wm.
The books all show a balance on
the safe side,, which shows growth
and good .outlook. Fourteen new
members have been added ,and two
removed and two baptisms, . while
none from the congregation have been
removed by death,' The auditors care-
fully 'examined the books of all of.,
fleas' and found all correct and in
good : condition,
The Riflemen's Association helda
euchre and donee in the Saltford Intl}
on Jan. 31st, and invited their friends.
Among those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Robertson, Mr, and Mrs,
Win. Watson and Mr. and Mr's. ,,A. W.
Theg.young people of Smith's Hill
have chosen a .play, "Aunt Susan's
Visit" to be 'staged as soon as prac-
tised, .
Mr. Hamilton Clutton' is in Toronto,
t}lis week.
An event of much interest tools
place on Monday, January 30th at Un-
'ted church Manse, Benmiiler, when
Laura -M, younger daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Tired Mugford, was united
hi marriage to IL truce. Grigg of De.
troit, son of ToIr, and Mrs. Reuben
Grigg of Godericb Township. Miss
Nellie Mugford of North Bay, sister
of the bride, and Mr. Arnold Coombes-
also of North Bay, were the only -at-
tendants. ' The bride Looked very
sweet ha ii gown 'of 'rose georgette
trimmed with 'silver and silver shade
of- hose with dainty black .satin :dip-
pers. The wedding party later drove
to the bride's home to a dainty din-
ner, after which the -young couple de.,
parted one short honeymoon trip, the.
bride °travelling. in a French wine- Vel-
vet and; georgette frock with pinceldrn
coat with a becoming Metallic • hat.
Mr and- Mrs,'Grigg will . reside' in
Detroit. • • •
Many :from here attended the party
held on Friday night 'at Saltford
The young people of Carlow•onjoy-
ecu a euchre party on Friday night,
after which a dainty lunch was ser-
Mr. Harold Waiter of Godorieh is
spending, a few days with lila:, Thom-
as Wilson,
`Fruit -a -tines" Brought",
Speedy Relief
Read 01110 liondst litter
1\ananno;' Ii L= "Z 'load been ,'suffering
t' ith `rheumatic pains in my'shoulders.
Decided to try 'Frcit-a-tives'.'In a very,`
sl ortiaglilc I had relief. `Also had a
touch' of bleeding 'piles, "'Fruit-a.tives' a charm. S think they are
really marvellous" ; —Mr. S.'Floyd.
`Fruit-a`-tives" is composed of fresh fruit
juices intensified and con bined'with
tonics.. The easy, natural-a,ction corrects
'constipation, stomach, kidney and; blad-
der troubles; rids the system of poisons,
purifies the blood,.and banishes rltetima-
time and kindred phins. "T'r'ait-a-tives"
is sold everywhere: 25c and 50c a box.
Test it--to-day.
A Columns a t
,ed peclaih fu Women ---
°3ut Not 1'ciFadden to Vent
Almost every woxnan has lieaird the.
Phrase, "Oh . women are 5o catty." ;
They have heard it so often; ligysper-
haps said it so often, that they firm.
ly believe that it is so and, it must be
admitted, some women seem to have
clone their level best to lige up to
their; reputation.
Some women are catty if by "catty"
is meant that they like 'to give the
other woman 11 sly scratch whenever
opportunity presents itself. Some
woinen seen' to take. a sort of pride
in not havingmany women _friends.
They be
Y r na y popular with hien for
they,spend all their energies in trying
to please. thein; .bat they do 1iot make
women £rieirds, Such women -usually
excuse this lack by explaining to their,
men friends that tvoinen are so.. "ca:t-
ty";ahoy can't be bothered with them,
Usually however, it is the.1otthan who
accuses others i
o 0 being catty who
really sustain' that .role themselves.
A woman who has no women friends
will usually be found to be, the woman
who.,is in'the habit of slandering Otho
er women if she thinks it will gain,
anything for'herself.' Women can see
through the tactics of other women
very much more easily than men can.
A woman can flatter ' a 'man into
'thinking het a very female Solomon'
for wisdom and a very angel of sweet,
ness, if She is careful to keep from
stepping'on his pet corns and rubbing,
his fur the wrong way. But all the
time that 'she's doing this other wo-
lnewcan seethe workings of the little
scheme and if they do 'occasionally
take the opportunity to call attention
to itthey can conveniently be des-
cribed as "catty" and so disposed oft
But are women any 111040 inclined
to belittle the virtues of other women
than inert to 'belittle those of their
fellows? Personally, 1 de not think
they are. 2 used to think nien were
much broader, more tolerant, kind-
lier and less inclined to little spites
than women. I think now it was be-
cause I was fortunate enough to grow
up and associate during my formative
years with men who really were. broad-
minded and tolerant, nwho were not •Mr. McLean left for Detroit on
swayed by . small spites, who' could 'Thursday, after_ an extended visit to
overlook the failings : and Weaknesses her brother Mr. D. Milson, and ethers.
'of their fellgwnen without discount Tho W M. S. meets this, Thursday
ing their', virtues. Since going: out afternoon at the -home of Mrs. Robert
into the world and mixing with. all Lawson, •
sorts of people. I've come to the con- Mr, and Mrs. Ed Britton spent Sun -
elusion that men and women are very ; day with . her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
much alike; they 'have the same hu- Joe Love, at Walton.
man frailties; they love and hate, The Forresters held a ball' in the hall
like and. dislike,' and react to, these liere on Friday evening, There was
loves and -hates, likes,.. and dielikes in not as large an attendance as might
'much the same. way. Neither sex canhave been lied there not been other
claim, all the virtues or disclaim gllattractions the same evening;
the, vices,
One thing "I have noticed, however.
When women dislike. each other they
usually just say so candidly. Ono
woman will' not support another for
some office in a. society or club be-
cause she doesn't lil.`e•. her: And that is:
considered 'quite a sufficient reason,
But a Iran seldom adntite that he op,
poses another man for-. an office in
society. or club or for municipal or par-
tianrentry honours because he doesn't
like hint. , Oh, no, It: isn't that at'all,
The reason for their opposition is that
they do not believe this man fitted for
the position; or it would not be for
the .good of the club,- society, :town or
country that heshould he elected to
this position; They are really look-
ing broadmindedly at the question
from w oc the anle of the public weel.
g 1 ,
This is anattitude you will note very
t your -keep your eyes open for
But it would be well for us all if we,
instead of indulging in the pleasant
pastime of lookingefor faults in oth-
ers, would take. a hand at eradicating
some of our own. If we should try
honestly to give every man' or woman
full credit£or all their good qualities;
-irrespective of our, •own likes or dies
likes. For, after all, the person we
like is usually the •person Who: is •nice•
to. us personally, The fact that we
like a person does not argue that he
or she possesses all the virtues, it on-
ly means that there is some personal
affinity between us. But many who
are not at'all drawn to us, (it may be
because We 'are too email and narrow
to appeal to them,) may possess an
ability , , and a personality which
should command our admiration, and
we should not withhold it,' We as
women' should try to live down that
reputation for "Cattiness," whether
we ever deserved it or not,
The breakfast •you'll like best.
The breakfast that's best for you.
nu can tell; a good driver
by the mileage he gets from,
his tires
SOME'fellows are -sure rough on tires—slant on
the brake andslide a yard or two in stopping—
drop in , the clutch -and spin'. the rear wheels' in
starting—speed round, corners and skid.
It may save a few minutes running
-even look a little "showy" to the' man 021 the side-
walk—but the .rcal driver knows that it beans
miles off the running life of the tires.
Good tires will gipe'uhbelievable miles of service' if
you, treat them right. Drive sanely.
• Come in and let. us put. the .gauge'oil•the valves
P. .
once ' a • Week—tinder inflation means certain'
trouble, Let us examine the casings regularly"'
g for .'
embedded flinis arid nails.'This service Vvill save
dollars on.your.year's car expense.
, t9.
A FORD, pts b
leu esor