The Clinton News Record, 1928-02-09, Page 3Rya Customs Comrnis.sien Reports e. � ern v --Firms i'osecuted e •FFails at Lasts I-Iewing to Line .Coni'identialIntel in.• Re -sorts fare L"a il-cd By Minister Ciastorr-s°and Important ?i axiges and . Lthoi s <• Are Iminent Wil ,L CLEAR- .APR Party Politics Played No Partin Pea-fforinanee of Duty-- , 'Norte Protected` The IIon,.' It Evil t; .riliuister of tion of his cul c, in that real cot (as Customs s sial Excise, ise, h is tahli d iu Surveyor) yor) i of the 'capacity to pe toile tlxi nie '1.-fici nt1Y ' I hamming • Parliament .the ten � ca ifidenCi tl n- ol acct., aro ssid to bo generally atten- terim reports which the cahcintissiom: rive to their duties, •cept in afew has rendeire.t le the administration. cis ,in which they tend to carry them It is. interim 'report number nine Mit in 'Srfunc ou'Y manner. scores Particularly the port of To- AC"PION RECOMMENDED. Tonto Its lana cage upon cOUOQtiona Another of..the, inter •m reports. there is strongly critical, The collector which was cabled gives the names of draws the coinnlission's fire for "not appearing to have the situation suf- fici,ently in hand." The chief appi•ais cover amounts allegedly iiwnus to the er'' is characterized' lie "lacking In Government, Among them ere three qualifications for his important office" Toronto concerns:,' G. Oertly, a mann and the outside appraiser is declared fecturer's al 'nt, the Majestic Dress to be -unfitted by "training and quell Co„ Ltd. he,fellowing Ontario firm's: fcations for the post which he eau- are similarly mentioned; The Windsor p&s. These brief' Characterizations .Electric Supply Co, The Windsor aim all summed op :.with the.eonclusion Flower Shop,- Gt mmas,e and Sons of that"`'ln the interest: of efficiency a London, Ont.; the L. C. Flower Shop, chainge iii these position, is'desirable.°' o f Windsor; E. W. Morris, of Walker In the same report conditions at ville; J .R, Beal and Sons of Pem-' the port of Windsor are reviewed, The :brake; S. II. Rutledge' of Orangeville, collector there is declaredto,be•"thor- The institution -of actions against oughly'honest and' conscientious," but practically all of the breweries ;and not possessed of sufficient eapacity to distilleries of the province is recon- aditrinister: so 'inihortant a port. His :mended to recover` sum owing under transfer it accordingly, suggested, sales and gallonage taxes., The surveyor, the next principal offs- The Government, it would appear, oral there, is also mentioned as not proposes to "hew" the line and let the appearing to hnve "proper ap'precia chips fall where' they may. Ireland the LandLandC6"6e-esco"-Corporation ,� 1 Of Contradictions Rem= inns r°itisb. No One—Not Even' An Irish- Long Drawn Out Litigation man Can Understand the Minds of All "Fighting ' Irishmen" , and Women the firms against whom action is re- commended by the Commission tore - OPPORTUNITY CALLS With President CoSgravvoicing his sane, statesmanly opinions on this Appears -to be Ended and Strong Canadian Finan- cial Group Now Be- hind Nova Scotia's Chief Industry • SPLENDID EFFORT Rumor' has had it that American Great British Commander Hears Lest Bngle' Premier Ferguson' Laysa Gh<, st Makes Statement that Should Allay Orange Fears and Alsd Please Our French' People A - "BEAU GESTE". • "Yoti cannot centro' the spirit or mental process of a people," Hon. Howard Ferguson said, discussing the bilingual issue. "You have to win TEN-YEAR-OLO BOY INHERITS GREAT TITLE , their confidence, and show thein that The leader of the British. Empire's armies ou the western front ti the .you are prepared to treat them prop- world war, Field Marshal EarlHaig, O.M., EST., G.CB., Zi,C.I.h7., etc., died erly and do what is right in the inter- suddenly M. London January 30th. (1) Shows the field marshal in war gni- .term, as he appeared tothe troupe in France and. Belgium; (2) Viscount Dawick, his ten -$ear -old son, who succeeds him as the second Isart Haig of Bernersyde; (3) The late field marshal as he appeared at Christie Street Hos pital during his visit here in 1926: He is seen talking to Private James Ash- ton; (4) Jilar1 Haig and Countess Haig, who was a daughter of the third. Lord Vivilau; (6),A photograph'of Earl Haig In the full dress uniform of. a British field marshal. ests of all, and when you have done that, and people have, confidence in you, you can get anything done that you want" side of the water' inviting American interests w re seekingto gain .-control "The policy of the province is that invest in . the "Emerald of the great assets of the Brutish the English language.must prevail, capital to l Isle," the Free. State authorities are Empire. Steel Corporation. These and must be Available to every child ose believed to be respon rumors are now definitely laid at rest in the - province, That is the policy; �lble,for, thabzf r,, , t .. - ,thC recent alleged conspiracy when on Thursday, after meetings ilef l. and Standby it and adhere to it, against the life of. James McNeill, the British Empire SteeC Corpoi.i a "What we have undertaken to do ng subsidiary conipnnies,- official an - The new Governor-General. fthenouncement was glade of the aequisl- first step of authorities was the arrest of two.women, declared to tion of control of"Besco" by the Holt- -' 'be agitators. The defendants, whose Gundy' interests: President Wolvin names were'not made public, were re° announced his resignation ad wag sue- ntantled for trial on a charge of con cceded as head of the corporation by spiriitg' with persons unknown t� pub, C. B. McNaught of Toronto, while .Sir t S. H It J H Guild r George largely�t experimental. There have Britain P•a yaks' been three former experiments, and inquiry has shown that none of them U.S. Ilnn' Forengn� Have ,been successful. •' "When tlioy talk about wiping out Regulation 1'7, of course, it is gone— in .the letter but the spirit of that hel- lish malicious and criminal libel con- Herber o 3, was the limitation of 'use of, a hel- Ii, Montgomery, G, II. Dugan and W. page ether than English, and that oerning the Free Statel;overator-Gen oral anil.,the Minister of Justice and E• Wilda'', became members of requirement is' there still, and we have to incite members of the the board of directors.- only attempted to adapt it to condi- public, to i i The new controlling interests have tions, ° so that it will be more success- hind the gun as well as the native born public to murder the Governor -Gen- . eral and other officials. nothing to say regarding their plans fel than an the past: ReCentlj! with is love for his country?" he asked: The specific heels of the alleged for reorganization. In fact, tndieationa "It is a crime against the,tvelfar° Despite the vast amount of foreign • pl p, are .that it will a some. time before of this country to constantly stir up security issues floated in the United vv km 2 offense was the posting before inflatitnta- p tory bulletins just bafora ZVLeNeill's such a plan is filially drafted. strife and bitterness against 'the coif States in the last few years, the total Investments The "Fighting Irish" Agamst the Govt. Inflammatory Manifesto Post- ed By Dail in Ulster Belfast, Northern Ireland:—Pasters headed "Manifesto from the Dail Eireann,' calling upon young men loyal to the "republic" to train for its defence have been pasted on public buildings throughout Donegal. The "Dail Eireann," is .a title that a sec- tion ef,, Irish- Republicans claim sole. night to use, - regarding the present Parliaments in Dublin and Belfast as -usurpers. • Tho posters read: "When, England is at war, this country will also be at was, but against England; not on her 4o take up other work." side. Jronch•Oanadlana' are farmers "par "England seems not far from war excellence" and would do well on land law'. in the west, and Cauadlans of British "It is better to be ready to light for axtraetion ase"'probably better'busi-. tate freedom of Ireland than as Eng - gess men, Tho two were a perfoet p1 eombivation that would greatly slur Total $20,000,000,000, as ther the national spirit of the Do- minion. "The time may come when wo will have'to defend Canada. Will import- ed Canadians be willing to stand be. Agains $13,000,000,000 for American Despite Big Flotation: There arrival in Dublin, where lie took the oath Thursday, succeeding 'Timothy Healy. d 50 The prisoner's, aged 40,an re- spectively, laughed when a suggestion merely a start, . it is a start in the was "made that they seek ball.: right direction, however, with sound ' "What we did before, we will ,do administration assarned by the melt again, until. everything British is kibk- who have become interested, It is l get through with it." ed out of Ireland," said, one of 'them also expected:; that., Frank P. Jones : "----e.--.... '' OTHER HAND. may figure in the situation on his re- Active e P lblicit� ON THE y Addressing the New York Bond turn from abroed. where he regarded Inc audience The corporation enters this new era Club, ,iat a. time when 'industrial outlook as then cream of the financial ofmereregarded b % leading men gists in this, the money market the of Canada fs:reg t g world "• Mr. Cosgrave said that Ire- as particularly bright. A great deal land still has "great untapped re- is expected of the coal business of the sources which wain found to repay corporation, and the new interests e which are at the helm represent :in - and ill." iture of energy, money dustries which aro large users of ceai, and skin." • , ` whieh should be a help. One possible He indicated the Emerald Isles , . would seem to have been proximity to the great-;mareta of'eliminaatian wo• + meeting of. representative local organ - Europe. y ern shoe factory,for eliminated .when W. F. tiRundle of the izations called together byi Mayer Europe:: A mod National Trust Go. expressed. hearty g instance, he said, could build up a approval of, the deal and. foresees a John, A' -A-ndrew, veryfine business in, I'rel'and and could pp , The matter wets first taken up ie a Icompany of which Canada can .tie also expert'to Great Britain. „ conference between the Mayor and Iia' anhted out that Belgians and, Rrdud. a Hon.: Dr. ,1. 1) Mcntittlt, provincial p PROBLEMS STILL T'O SOLVE. ferent elements• of: this Canadian Do- minion, When you eau arrive at a con- clusion that will be of advantage to all i people concerned. 1 I am' so convinced that I ant rights that I aur going to convince every per- son hi the Province of Ontario before There are still minty complications and knotty problems to be desalt with and what has been done up to now is y Stratford City Mayor Favors Movies to 3' City's Story Stratford, Ont. --Preliminary plans for the taking of a motion picture film of the city, whibh may have world- wide distribution, were heard at a Tell Germans are taking a 'hand in las country's_commereial development,, Mr. Cosgrave regarded'his Govern- meat's financial situation as eminent- ly eatisfaetory,:explaining that the national debt, had been kept at a low figure, thereby not only reducing the interest charges, but enabling the bor- rowing of money at 2averable tern`s, lvltat do yon say?. But, he explained, "I ant in the happy position of not asking for anything, n Another nclvaafage in havhrg a situation thicli;:may appear to you typist is that:;y`Qn San Ilse big words 'soineavhut unusual when We of the Old . Yon 'don't kunw iti w to: :seer]. World are ecncerned.1 •:�----» treasurer, during which Mayor An- drew was•advised the -. the departtaent Strafford int aiid at present, stn sbe isagainst :4310000,000 --for Great Jiri- reads as follows: would he willing to �alte the pictures g b , lug -m dioxin it the o.as beet's. : ;'That thiel Rxehange petition the like's drawing etre dole:' of Stratford this year, • rain. British net interest receipts. • Mayor Andrew lopes to be able to were also greater. ea 1920 on its long' Government: to inaugurate a sworn of iarrange a huge ice 1meeent an Lake'. term investments the U.S. re• state insurance in the Province of Tie- -May I' lass '" you? She --I Victoria in whieh school children and ceived a net amount of $528,000,000; should say not; lie. -1 know. But citizens would take part in skating on the interAllled debts $1067000,000; and ice sports in order that pictures and on short-term foreign borro'wiitgs night be taken. a net of '521,000,000 -making a total ' l of net Interest receipts of all kinds of If It weren't for ead,peoplo the good $667,000,000. . ' ones .would have •notlriug itterestlnk to tall about: Would Extend of Amerlcan Investments in foreign secitrittes is still less than Great Bri- tain's, amounting to an estimate of $13,000,000,000, as compared with $20.- Employers and Employes 000,000,000. ".The Index," published by the . New York Trust Company, point out that on the basis of tate net credit' position of the - two countries also, the "United States has not in= creased its net foreign investments of all kinds as much is Great Britain r en s Compensation • , Agree Ontario Plan is Best' ' BEFORE GOVERNMENT Contractors Pass Resolution The figure of $20,000;000,000 for Supporting Scheme For since securities is about the same as it was Capital and labor in the Province of in 1914, indicating that the foreign, Is• Quebec are agreed that when the sues floated iu London in recant years workmen's Compensation Act comes have offset the securities which Gretit up for discussion at the present sex- Britain was forced to sell during the slog of the Provincial government war. The foreign securities issued in they will both demand a system of Great Drltaindurign the last Six years state insurance similar to that hi have averaged about $600,000,000 a' -vogue in Ontario, year as compared with 'W0,000,000 At the annual meeting of the gen- for the United States. oral contractors' section ef. the Build- Comparing the net credit position -ors' Exclhttnge Inc., of Iltontreal, at the Of the two countries," says Tho Index, "we find that the balance of interne- tional paytriaiits for the last seven years 'shows a credit surplus, of $3,- 232,000,000 for the Thiited States, es Great Britain's, Investments in foreign Quebec Pro offices of the exchange, a resolution was passed stating the position of the contradtors throughout the province on the matter. This resolutipn, which will be forwarded to the Govornmout; Canadians Visit Europe,Farms BROADENING THEIR VISION WITH 'TRAVEL A group of tiro. leathng' agt cul, ulia15 nf. 000000 tS Slog of the Atlantic. 1 0 touring th-1 el lei centres of ,interest our the other. lish conscripts." Wheat Speculation Affected by Pool Condition Foretold by Pool • Organizers Now Be- comes Fact CHICAGO PIT HIT New York.—The Canadian Wheat Pool, which controls a tretrtijadou proportion of the wheat production of the Prairie Provinces, is, shaking the big stick over the American wheat market and the American farmers to- day. This is shown to a remarkable extent in 'the decrease in dealings on the more prominent,_ United States wheat exchanges. Trade in wheat has Quebec, ., provision therefore to be incorporated in•legialative propos- als presently reeeloiing the considers' tion of the Government,"' The opinion, of• members tis that tiro rates• asked by the insurance compen- ies last year when the new law law was proposed, will be the same 'this soar andtherefore prohibitive; that General Opinion Proved . Wrong Montreal in Favor of Corn- pletion of St. 'Lawrence Watervcray Proposals AN EXPERT` VIEW Ottawa—"I give It as my considered opinion as Chairman of the Montreal Harbor. Commission, and as the epin- ion -of the technical staff of the Har- bor Commission. who are .• in daily toucli with-shipping,and with the movement of yariotie commodities in and out, of that port, that the business of the port will increase rather than dci`.rease on the completion of the deepening of elm St. Lawrence waterways, which would. give an impetus'likely to double the present volume of business at the Port 1 of Montreal " This emphatic statement was made by Hon. Wilfrid L. MMDougald of Montreal, speaking in the Senate, Thursday in the debate on the Ad - dregs inreplyto the Speech from the Throne. Senator MeDougald is Chairman of the Montreal Harbor Commission anti a member of the National Advisory Committee on the St. Lawrence Water- way'. ' REPLIES TO MR. GRAHAM. Dr. MeDougald cited a number of striking statistics regarding develop- ment of power on the St. Lawrence between Lake Ontario and Iffontreal. s He took issue, too, with Right Hon: Georgo P. Graham, 2oisuer chairman of the National Advisory Committee, who spoke in tate Senate on Tuesday. Dealing with the electric power phases of the project, Dr. MeDougald said: "In the first place the barge - power datum is outside the realm of controversy, and is approximately 5, been <iecreasing • 000,•000 on the whole St. Lawrence River between Prescott and Montreal. It is also beyond controversy' that, of this 5,000,000 horsepower, approxi- mately 1,000,000 is in the United 819,740,000 a year ago. It has been States and, belongs to the United States, and 'approxintatety 4,000,000 Potential horsepower is in Canada and • belongs to Canada. • since 1924 onward until now the latest monthly report issued by the Chicago Board of Trade showed only 436,484,- 000 bushels `dealt in, compared with years since the volume of transac- tions in wheat on the Chicago Board of Trade has been at so low an ebb. Restriction of speculative interest has been brought_abob ut by several factor, hut the influence of Canadian Wheat Peel is perhaps thegreatest. 4' Old Lady: "And what should a polite little boy say to time lady who I was the eighth on "Bob told me ghth w - der of the world.' "What olid you say?" "I told him not to let me catch him with any of: the other aeveis " lebseet-minded Professor—"Walter, lute given ham a half-penuy for tarry half an hour ago I ordered some lamb : Mg her paresis?" Little Boy: "I'm chops. %Iave youforgotten thorn ---or too :polite. to • el1 you, ma'am." have. I had them?". L rnd Pr°llvllegesstate •'iusiirance 'tvilf only cost about - 4% of the premium for administration as'aria, while the cost to, the 10. L. Boulanger Would Give iusuranco companies for gdminlatra- In Ont Eastern Canadians Aid tion'would bo at least 25% of the pre - min= and also that the guarantee of iq Settle state insurance: or insurance by the introdnctiou el -a bill asking that Pro -'ince will be. it full guarinteefor the same privileges he given to 5ast• employersItis-a150 asclaixwall asthat employees.therevail• ern Clana.tliaus who wish to' take up' neil p land.. ip the west as the, government x115 rates in Ontario are from. 300 to gives to foreign immigrants will, be, 400 nor „cent: less. than they would be ` made by : 0. L Boirlatiget', N1.1'. fat• iri• Quebec under any systecf in- lhelieohaaso, he has -announced. suranee not administered. bs m the pre - 'We advance moiley tor land and vine°• i;10 in meat to foreign settlers in order When he Woke up on . Chi istms,s y make them ctlrne to - this :gantry to settle on farms and do not givo Nast- iunrnizrg;dittic 'Wilfroti found a box of crn'faruleri and theit•-sons the sa:as. lla,ihts'hi bis stocking, .and so Casein- eensidoi•ation , algid oris he by his present that he The speak oh said that he Was not fell to work iustantl "What are you opposed to the present system of aid- painting, Wilfrid?" his Mother asked in .itnmig'iauts blit that there slimed. 1111), •when she ean1e into the bed - be' an equal privilege foLthose� in the room. "ileaheii," answered Wilfred. east. - With reference to Quebec Gracious child!" seeped las mother, farms, lie referred 'to his, own, family,` in a s)iockoel•,"You mustn't• There 'trove nine sons, but only rooto paint that, Nobody inions what for one, to remaina:nd work the family heaved Tooke like"" "They will, farm.This was a deplorable' tact and tiiougli," returned the youthful artist •its a result, t.c0,,in.any of the younger confidently, "when i get this finished," generation. 1Fere forced, to migrate to •i� the United States: Nafivc ;born sotis • Lady—","How. much are those chick Canadian:falmihl':experience, wlhere- leach." Lady -"Do you raise thong of tho soil comp)1 iseil families with ens?" Market'. Nlan-.-"Poor 'slirlliii y as forelgnora felee.a,long tiinq 10 be- come useful citizens, "And when tltioy do," he said, "1)163' grove to tbo cities yourself? Market Man—"Oh, Ye;. tliey'av010 three shill n5?.i ai.d sispenoo yesterday:' � THE LEADER OF 1-415 MAJESTY'S LOYAL- OPPOsiTlON 'flog R. n; ;Bennett, and his si,1tert. Miss Bennett, as they appeared at tit opening of Parilem0At'. " 'w.:.eu-`'a"s• _..��..--•