HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-02, Page 8TO :-NI iS , lk1 0 TIiURsik ffSA 2, 122f1 'CL IN TON'S L,EAI ING JEW: That ontintious Strain Yl ysicians will tell you that eye Ntz r,in is responsible for many serious ills. Certainly it will cause jumpy nerves, headaches, and an uncomfortable feeling in general that is a serious handicap to you. Let us examine your eyes, 'Phe'. examination will reveal the trouble --if there is any. And, if there isn't -then it will be a great satisfaction to us to tell you that your eyes don'tzleed glasses, If you'do•.need ;lasses, then each day you go withdut•,them means added strain on your health: Wo have a becoming style for e7,ery type of face. Every ,pair ' of glasses from Johnson's' has a mark•of distinction and personality. And oiur"prices are 'so .reasonable that this need riot enter into the ciuestion,at all. Ra Ha JOHNSON- . Graduate of Toronto College of°Optometry' Fine jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug: Store d� inter Sale CONTINUES FOR- THE BALANCE. OFR THE MONTH , Cut Prices on All Lined of Winter Merchandise Men's and Boys' Clothing <andFurnishings, Staples and Shoes all represented in this Clearing Sale Special .low Prices on 'Overcoats •to' CIear,• About'10 dozen Bath Towels all sizes, Reg: -25c to -65e. Sale Price 17c to 49c. Pute Linen. Toweling, a Bargain 15c Another 10 dozen of those Pure Linen Glass Towers, to dear at 25e. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON ALL LINES FOR r." QUICK TURNOVER. 1urIstee1 Bros. PHONE` 25, a iola o s v u a o. you ve not you do not Ugly �1't R ldro reception is at itS best 'Come in and let us cIenronstrate this z}tacluno t0 re, e:Ni 5ee,the simplicity of operation. Operates from .any lamp soeicel, ,• S[tacliolu 1,7 has attained the Goal of all Radio Manufacturers, yet "it defies competition at its low price. A Canadian General Electric Product,. - Perhaps you are tired fussing with Batteries and chargebls. Le ue give .you a value in price on your present Receiver. Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC 'WIRING Phone 147w Nil els' Dance Folio .. ,The one Iarevious to this was, No 12, but many people think that 13 stands -1 or Bard luck so the publisher:, commenced numbering afresh with Series- ".A". There is no hard luck associated with Feist Dance Folios and the new one.is an A-1 collection containing, the cream of the Feist publications during the past six months, including ses you fit ill -realize when ;you see it; many big lute and many worth while pieces that were I not perhaps quite so well known.. Life without music would be just about as drab as prohibition without booze. You naturally have to have music to be cheerful and we think you willbecome enthusiastic about the new Folin. It has 30 pieces', of music; for which if you bought them seperately you would pay at the rate of 35'c each or 3' for $1.00 makings total of $10.00, The price .of the, folio is .60e at•rate of two cents Bach for the 30, pieces, THE ,NEW FOLIO- INCLUDES: "At Sundown" '"Honolulu Moon" "Just 'Once Again" "Sing , -I0 "a' Baby Song" `You Don't' Like It—Not Much"' "Just the Same"' - "In a Little Spanish Town" "Sant, the Old Accordion Man" "If You See Sally" and -21 Other Good Ones. Don't forget- tie a string around your, finger ,if necessary: T1ie ..D., Fair.'Co. Often the'Cheapest—Always the $est Reeve Langford was in . London and Detroit the beginning of the week. Miss Viola Livermore was the guest ""—of Miss Bertha Crittenden' over tho week -end. Mr, Jack Gibbings of the Western University was home for the week -end. Mr. Harold Langford left this week ' for. London,. to take a six -weeks' military course. Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Windahl are spending some time in Detroit and Sagina- , ' Mich. Miss McDonald, milliner, left on Wren.- , day for a few Weeks' holidays be- fore the e -fore -the opening t p g pin ee s sea - g ofde son. , ' M,rs.•Helen Quinn, who has been via - 1 icing her sister, Mrs. W, T. Herman tiurinj; ; ;' rash month, has ret'oy'n- ed to. Toronto. . Miss Bessie Irwhi, who has been Un- dergoing a. rest cure treatment at Clifton Springs for some weeks, is • notw at her -hone in town; that of M1'g 2. Ms111i9 of PoWirssin has been visiting relative;`; in Clinton am vicinity during the lldst *SA, bay ing come to attend teen funeral of her ireother, %he Ibtt) John Miller. hIr 5,)linlop cif tete Toronto Univers 3ity was :in town on Saturday,'re- newing the scenes of his boyhood, having spent .some years here when his father was pastor -of the Clinton. Baptist Church.. Mr. J. T. Pickett of Maple Creek, Sask., was. intown this week cal- ling on old friends and relatives. Mr. Pickett is a native of . Clinton but his mother -left here for West- field when he was about seven, -so his: "recollections of the; town ; are "`not very vivid, although he has: al- ways kept up more or -less frequ nt intercourse with it. It. is twenty- one years since he went west. He and Mrs. Pickett are Spending a couple of months visiting their:re- latives in West Wawanosh, Mrs. Pickett was 1or3nerly Miss- McCue- • lough of Westfield. Snit. Sp cia for January .Regular ' 43,00 Suit for '$35.01 "pecia1 price _for the balance of' January only a l Custom -Tailoring esszmnainwinewwwwweisanisin . Here Cleaning and Pressing . Out .fresh vegetables and fruits, our colripIete line .of .bot bled,'packag'e and canned goods, send oar consistently lovi.lev'el of price's, make this stove the best aco l:Or.you'to do your inarkebu, ing. 1' 'oaz will find fresh, ap- - petizing and tempting food- stuffs that x'ill satisfy the most fastidious ;appetite, and furnish many delightful variations 13 your menu. This week we -are- offering particularly' attractive prices on all grroceries and mar, kat dainties.' 'THE C Branch 125j GROCERS Main 125w STICK TO SCHOOL The lecture 'given by Mr. Dunlop head of the University Extepsion work, in the Collegiate auditorium en Friday -night gas listened to by a. goodly number of students and young people as, well as a number of 'older. ones, andwas most interesting. His subject was; "Careers for Boys and Girls' and he began' by showing a number of £SBeel)eiit moving pic- tures of, the University buildings, w ith Sthdents at work :and at play,. Y.13 then tried to show the need and advantageof`ob tainin .a good wok - ung education. No matter what a boy or girl had in'mind as a life work an, education would not hinder him or her. He said he"lciiow it was difficult for the boy and the girl to under- stand, often for the mother and the f ather, too, just what, good certain subjects would be in future. But ho. thought the subjects chosen werci chosen with care and experience, and that any student would do wellto get at least his• junior matriculation before quitting school. : Then, ifhe did leave for a year or two arid wish- ed to comeback it'was comparatively easy fbr him to gb en, He urged the students to get' the grounding any- ww Ile":raid the Extension Department would.:he glad to assist in' any way a student who was undecided as to what he or sho.wished to take up as a Iife tvozk. - On Friday, -- Fed 10th. Prof. Moore will lecture on, ',The Origin of the Earth." 1 ruarg e; ar snow storm of Bargains. -Dig out your mon these values are yours. They may not last .as long; as the snow February 3rd, 4th, 6th. and 7th- --for Cash. 25e SPECIALS Breakfast Bacon, per lb, ` 25e .2 lbs. Soap Chips`:. ,,.,.'. .... ......... .;...-:..,2 c 5, 2 cans `Tomatoes ..... ,,, 25c 3 plcgs. Corn Starch:. ...... •25o 3M/1 .Granulated Sugar , , , , 25c Large Pink Salmon 25c Matches, per pkg. 25o Loose Buckwheat Flour, 3 lbs .. '., ........... 25e " Good Rice, 3 lbs. , . ,25e Castile Soap, 6 bars ... 25c $1.00 SPECIALS 8 Cans Clark's' Vegetable and Tomato, Sbup „ ,. 23 'lbs. Rolled Oats , 23 bars P 8z G. •Soap , 16 'pkgs. Ammonia 16 pkgs. Jelly Powder 8 lbs. Ungraded Prunes 6. lbs. Dried Peaches . , 11 lbs..,Broken Sodas. ... , 25 Bars O'NeiI's Soap .. $1:00 1.00 1'.00 1.,00 1'.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00. 3 pkg Corn Flakes 25c New Breakfast Cereal, "Red River" pkg 35c Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail . :,33c 2 lbs, Dated .: 22e 3:1b, pail of Lard;.-. 51c Special Black Tea . 550 Regular 70e Tea 65c Fresh Salmon, B, C. , - 30c Halibut, per lb. „ 80c Fresh Herring, per lb., .......... . ...... . 450 • . Finnan' Haddie _ and Filletts '. Head Lettuce Celery' 'Grapes : Grape Fruit, Our own Special Coffee per pound 70c Watch` for Canned Goods Demonstration Display next week IN THE MORNING 'FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. •IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY- 2:30 p.m Cash and Service T. O'Neil �,. WHERE "SELLS 1: 'OR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS ORDER EARLY Phone 48 SKATING PARTY In the Clinton, Rink on the evening of T e4ll,e Feb.14 Under•; the auspices of the LADIES' AUKILXAR-Y of the Presbyterian Church BAND IN ATTENDANCE Hot ' Dogs, Sandwiches, Coffee ADMISSION 25c. 40c. alentirieSupper IN WISLEYWILLIS 'HALL ON Tuesday, February 14 Under the auspices Of the Girl's Club, MENU Roast Pork, riot Potatoes, Salads Jellies, Pies,' Rolls and Tea or Coffee. ` Served from. 5 to 7. Bruaefield Miss Eleanor 'Snider .has returned from Pahr eraten where she has been. spending a few days. Miss Eva ',Boyce is spending a few days in Sciaforth, • , - • A large number attended the Y. P. Society meeting on Monday eVeiling. A' debate, "Resolved' that poor rela- tions are more bother than rich," was very, interesting. The ysegativs- was the winning side. • Those taking pant were Miss Pearl Brock and Jinn McIntosh..- car the affirniiztive and Miss Edna Breinmer and Alec. Addie son on•the negative, • St'ai.iei TowiisiiIP Mrs. Clifford Stewart had the mis- fortune early last week to dislocate her 'wrist. WO hope it will soon be better. ' Miss Clara Potter has taken a poli% Mon in the; telephone office in Clin- ton. - ' •On Saturday afternoon last, while Masters Clifford and Jack Henderson were sleigh riding, Clifford had the - misfortune `to have his .leg -broken belowthe knee. He was talion to the hospital .and had the injured member attended to. Report of S. S. No, 1 for January: • .'Jr, 4th -Total 375: --Marl Stan - bury, 257; Norma Shipley, 250; F1os. sic Stelck, 77;. Sr. 3rd, ,--Tot Sl,- 375:—Stuart Mc- Ewen, 241;; Joe Carey, 232; Nora Stewart, 224; 'Dorothy Sielck, 179:, ' Jr. 3rd --Total, 375:—Clarence L. Bealb 194. -' Sr. 2nd—Total, 275:—Ruth Roxel1, 1896 Jr, 2nd—Total, 275:•—Jack .1-Iender- son, "2.00 .' - list class—Total 275:--13obhy Glen, [171.; Chfforct`1-1endei•soYl, '152. Primer—Helen Roze11, Highest average marks: Class work Joe Carey; Examinations; Jack Hen- derson; Conduct: Clifford Henderson; Perfect' attendance: Stuart McEwen, Sack Henderson Number on'Roll: 13, average atten- dance, 10.5: The marked with an * missed part of examinations. --:-Margaret A. Pentland, teacher, HENSALL: Carmel Presbyterian congregation is having the church beautified and when the auditorium is completed the basement or school- room will also undergo improvements. While the work was in process, ser- vices were held in the schoolroom.. Skating Parley A Skating Party will be given in tho CLINTON RINti, under the auspices of the , Women's Institute, • on the evening' -of Tiles. Feb. 7th Skating Weight o'eloek. Lunch Served. - - ADMISSION° 25e. 47-1, CAL. D. L. and W. Coal and Semet-Sol- vay Coke alawyson hand for immed- iate delivery. Also_n quantity of dry, Mapco -Wood. Orders tskeh at 'Sutter ,and Per due's and accounts may be paid therg, W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. Phone 46 If you need a Pluhber .Just telephone us_ and watch how quickly and efficiently we will han- dle your plumbing work -for you, Out skilled plumbers aro ever ready to serve you upon a minute's notice- We take' particular pride in render trig the highest quality of'W rlcman-' ship at a cost that will `prove very moderate. ` ' The very next .time yon need '.a pi,unrber just telephone 214 and let US' prove what we say in this advertise- ment. - ARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone' 244 OUR ANNUAL iYEid-W!tor Furniture Sale So if you want to -save ..real,doilars it will pay you, to Hay Now, because when we advertise a sale you know its Genuine and that you really will save on anything you purchase. This year we are specializing on a lot of Chairs .and Rockers, upholstered in leather and leatherettes. Also a nice variety of Reed and Fibre chairs and rockers. The prices on thein will surprise you. As usual during our Winter. Sale we have cut the prices on our Desks and Section. Book Cases, Dining Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Chesterfield. Suites; Tea Wagons, Chesterfields and Lrid Tables, Fer- neries, Piotures.and Mirrors. Clinton Hardware and Furniture THE STORES: WITS A. STOCJi FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 0 QUALITY SERVICE ATIEN_ .. • Sm HOUSEWIFE ,,Cottage Roll' •:(in piece), . Pea Meal, ler . . 20e, Corn. Syrup 5 lb. pail ..... 35e. Good Rice, 3ib. for :..... 25e Tapioca, 2 lbs. for'...... 25c Breakfast 130con, piece,.. 25c Pure Lard, (8 lb; pail) .. , 55c Corin Flakes, 3 pkgs. 20e Canned Peas,' 2 for 25e Tea, (special black) , 58e ,r Msrnnalade, Ob. jar) ,40o Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for. , . 25c Vanilla, (large) 23o; Ketchup; (large) . 25c Granulated Srigar, 10 lbs. 73e Family pkg. Sodas , , , 08e Magic Baking Powder, can -34e Our own Baking Powder. 190 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. .. 29c '. • HERRING HALIBUT RED SALMON FILLETS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Lw. L . PHONE 111 PROMPTi3E DELIVERY And You Cannot Fail to Do Well and Wisely. Will this Season Result in the Completion of Plans for a New the Renovation of the one yeti now occupy? If so, we would'. Horne orY iike to o our 'Mill Work RegnirssS"ents. . . figuren, Y o Wdretlier,your Ostler' be large or small you. will. find a u prices Fair. Phone SS T cl en e. l: fadelith - -Residence, 6'S;