HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-02, Page 6�.� /'� Stilet; . but that adorned irapellte)- �t -K- ,. Geon ",limy- hasdiy'seem to treat your. con "'. / • tentiona,,'With the •seriouitneka that ]( 'O`: �r1'� .0 i.aO. ,they doaeX m,'• 6 Wait to know oaagtly ';what ai"o,your olip,rger, agtc'InsL Dag Mand and shoi�,you•substanti,tt0 them. 'Erg IS ar► I?riL'i'VYi�V$' n 11 n 1 . ; , TO 3 W ro,f+i georg_, May r'r . hQn1Auoiir :. `I Fora 1000 eiat hi, 10id 'n0th1ug, IIe: !rShreWt1 . C'o8,ro:1 -Mill: rentainedstdring into uiy 1{600, 'S°,"heti •ho reached out 511s'hand 0nil grasped' o d'Iolent im%itio l n' mlie'. •a3turo � a fib1l of ParcanielnL.' ( b 'an cl I' u.`Y Sc'1Pe$ `. looked as though it.had been well re hoarsed).-', Fie unrolled the 'parelintOit EL1GHT-FUL IRONY ' on his luno(, and this balling dialogue' took pisco:• ' severiey 111 bn s Deserlbes 1-lts Visit "George Washington," he said, "was 'tU" Big ,5111 'in' "The Worlds Work." the father of ottr-country:' 'the anterooms ` of the groat aro Quite. lently eloquent of the inen'to whom I novena George Washington.'` they' lead Onc used to approach the ,"Quite." Ate Lord 4urzon through chilled. and "This Is- a copy of the Americ pfty•ooriidors-in the manner -of Louis •Constitution." 'Oottchea 'i r lite Empire style, The "America doctsai t meddle i q'gad` to Lloyd .G'egrgo,- on_the otliei' 'fairs of other nations."' "Z' ud ^lead@'throngh'ia homely cloor'in" '°Quito."• 3)51elsea; :painted; a;;cheertnl green; re- "pV ell t" looked, at me as' though expect iYoXent of oPtilnism, White. 'walls°, - Ile loo atarkly;siilPlo oondaeted -One to Bet, , ing me to eay Somethings. ''I, was at';a *ad' Shaw's apart tient.in tate Adelphi dose, ,I: was waiting tr5atie'ntly, for, And an iron "gate; securely loclted, bar -r; hitt-1'h) 'Sag somethings ,l5o;lar ,he diad ••r e1 - the i opulace• frotu- ^ascen'clittg the, : •oply delivered. lthneelf .of four moral •staircase ;filet led; to the• sage's study:,, platitudes It wee my turn to say And sa it, weul�nueed,no, Picttjre' sttniod:'and I did: WhsreuPon he re. I>elntes tb fob a esu ' l Mayor= Thompgonsminil rrrerOly Wliaso theeofeio, should'other •saes' by• o1 ying the proparatoiy para tione • meddle lir the affairs of Ameri-. •phernalia, of his otitco i lead; received ca ?" O hurried'Ca11 to that efliCe which Is'% But what -nation le actually mad- e tuateri'iu a va$t' Chibego.'hotel an11 dung?"'' clued thither Precipitated MYSelE `'vith' So surprised was he at, Pale naive 'su0h hasto'that I fe[irod I should have • gttestiou that his cigar, ' whish -had little titn,e to collect my tbopghts be- mow: the consistency of damp sea :lore being ushered;pato the Presence. weed, fell svith 6,du11 splash on to the However, as ft. hapbened, I had a good Doer. It was; picked up by, an attend- Iiefhour to wait, in an atmosphere, rut and deposited with its fellows in •of .Clicking typewriters' and buzzing the `waste basket, "What nation Is, `telephones, before site' was. ready for. meddling?', 'roared his Honor. "What me, And. that half -home , in view of nation is , .. Here! Look at that the strange' objects' wit), which the book infrontof you obits( .,Was filled, was .by no means He pointed to a small -blue volume KYI and,' await ;itis 3106001 upon' Quite:' u -fife tib - "ADAMSON'S 'ADVENTURES,' - Rays Yq.��t /za.,ir„ q,sc(r .• d<Lyy.,� anti' n� G,c1` /. 0. JacnhsOIn. Tol(WblE);, ,5 10 TSN POUND of 5MOKLIJG `i515A000! £eafi do ' ,¢mss.' r &0766 vZF fo-.l•e• •wastoil, that lay on the table. I' took it up., It pint the pictures What immedi- was. a copy of •Schlesinger a New rr , tel :caught my ;attention: was four Viewpoints in Amel'ioan-Hist0ry: P Y Panels, ` enclosed: in a single:frame, . i'Tinrit to page 160: each representitrg Mayor ,Thompson I.turaetl, o i marked at some stage of his career: The first head the passage. that fl icture'. showed a husky youth stand- in pencil. Then 'tell me' what' you P Ing against a blue• slcy, contemplating think, not as an l;uglishman; but a somewhat ;'misshapen football. tsmauan honest man." Moral: this''is 'a real he -pian.) 'Tho The. 'Cause. of tile Trouble: ;second picture showed that youth >+ grown to maturity, a large pink face beaming from-.alfove a highly starched collar. ' (Moral: this is a kindly- red- blooded man.) The third picture was quite a tour de`force.-of imaginative' art, for it portrayed' the. Mayor, magna, -sired to tonne seventy times hie natural size, perched on top of the City Hall, from, which:position he surveyed the world triumphantly (Moral: thin is' a' Colossus.) 'The fourth picture'showed, one trusts, the most vivid imagination cif all, for . it appeared to be a• view of the 'White House, slightly impreVed Omni an architectural point. of view. ('.the moral of this is too obvious to be indicated),, As soon as I had observed these pic- tures. 'I was happy to note that his Honor, with that impartiality so be- coming in tho great, had permitted a picture of another American to be hung beside his own, This was none other than Lindbergh himself, and it. was gratifying to read the Verso that, was printed underneath, for it showed ^ that the'Mayor understood that so supreme an •exploit could be cele brated's only iu lyric words. Tho *yds (am I Wrong in attributing -them . to the Mayor himself?) ran as lo11ows: • 'TheY'askod ruo how 8 did it And I. pointed to that Scripture test: „-!',I{eep-your light a'shining - A. little in front of the nest" His Artistic Tastes A Silent Horn lug .honestly, alarmed by their activi- tie . - ,. read therefore, Ihad begun Ito heady, realize -that. as far as the schoolbooks were. concerned, the.Mayor's cam- paign. was a ,farce. I was still, how- ever, undecided as to whether he wee honest 'in,his contention that George V. was "conspiring" against Chicago. The idea was so obviously -opera bouffe that one hesitated to suggest • At last, I bolt, I was at the heart of it to any person of adult intelligence, the matter. Taking a deep. breath, I but here before me, apparently, was read the passage. And since it was its originator, and I had to get at the the only evidence that Thompson truth. showed me, since it was presumably- Hence I began: "Now, about George the most powerful argument that he j had (to offer, it is only fair that it should he'reproduced in .full.' • Bere it 101 been esti stirring, for .apart iron isle own evasions there `had been,, a corn; Stant stream of coniUiotit from the satoUitoa -, Thl sena+ of couamt lit was evidently iistended'to dole filo !sane lor. it fent 'Thomlisori b at to to ,toll tae: t:ories in' vrrh1C1h he 'apPe teed ;it Ii ath- er' u less 'dublous.diSht, At , (mailed nufoflitly One of tliese atoned seems to -nntl very well warth reheating, for it net o, ly, ilrupiluates the corruption, of a certaln section of the Press, but also serves to clear Tliorpson 03 on`e quite mrivarrantod accusation. ,He said, to tae:. "l expect you have. heard that .d ring the, war, I'pabltoly `insulted J'offre by refusing to meet —'— g Increase nits EXpOr f yet ` t'ade,F ul•o I,ssu,ed , QIl 'decrease. in Import London, Groat Britain's foreign 'trait( fignrmu for 19'27 •lust Published, ,show e)icouraging' increeSe; lib export( Viand decrease in imports ash compared with these for,1923. ' Imports totalled $ 5,944,61.3,682, a de- crease of 6109,869,205 under those for 1626• Exports totalled $3,466,888,835, 011 t1Fe 'statlgn: ' increaso' of 3230,292,664 over those for I :tittered that such information 1926. had indeed reached me, ' "Very Well.' Look at this." ,_ 'seemedi.;;brutal -and tragically de- •; He pushed across the desk a press humanized. And atter them had roll - Photograph and requested . me to.:ed a ,monstrous parade of ,alike, conk• ... Study' it. I did, So. It sand 'PhomP Ing for all the wer14 like -biose drag - 'son, Immaculately ran hatted and cravat-' ons ulna, it was be glory of 7 i}gush ted, sitting in a car whose only other `heroes in the, mid hays to destroy. occupants were Soffre . and Vivian!. They. passed • Uy..thaso young men in Alithree men wore smiles 'of beaming the flower of youth, and the world amiability." The picture wascertain- was • tho sweeter for their paesin ly a record of'fact, and it appeared to since they had been twisted by civili- tie a record of i sufficiently hapPY nation to grotesque and evilPurposes. fart, "Got it?'°And wines they had gone there was I intimated that; I had "got 11." nothing left 4 but a peaceful, English "Very' Wolf, then. A 'certain news village; and the smoke coming from paper -in Chicago printed -that picture. the cottages ,and the faint chime from that, You: 00(1 .befci•c you, , in its. 12 a church that had once echoed to the o'.cloek edition.. , iViien .the 8 o'clock' tramp of Cromwel's amen. edition appeared, the picture had boon l Full Steam Ahead. taken out; and •.In 868'place there was 'a story, that -3 'had. publicly insulted l Would it ever. stop?, Woulil' peace Toifro by refusing tq meet him at the, ever come? And ;would .lt cone from station •; and incorporated in 'that , sueli men as Thoni-psop� I looked at story was a suggestion that, any Flrlr hIm again. He liras reading aloud tisk, delegates would be Well advised from a pamphlet that lie had printed. to keep 'away from Chicago for fear for his "America first" campaign. that they would' be' subjected to stmt Phrase after 'phrase came -drifting Ian insults: What d'you think of across the table, -each with a chorus that?" � of approval from his attendants.. : Needless to say, 1 thought—as any 1 ' "Nair Old Glory to her masthead i .docent person Would have ti'ronght .and keep her there." that Tliontpson had heen.subjected tot "Send to Congress red-blooded extremely shabby ;treatment, Americans." "Maintain our national defenses in 6 AMan ofPoae. n nave attack its:' 'I a that. none trade each way ,,But it was net that story thatTobe prepared for war is one'of, the tiro _ me think better of .him. , It wasmost effectual moans of preserving answer -entirely unexpected—that he •nesse" gave me just before I'left, oa the still- "To tie prepared re aced for wart" At that jest of international armaments. True, grisly mkt lie, which has killed three thesudden impression was only niomeutary million Young Europeans in the •last a sudden hash, of light upon a start: ,decade, I. almost laughed aloud.` So held—but it was strangely 'vivid while it had all been a dream. , That .mo - it lasted. For suddenly„out of those montary 'vision o3- Thompson '• as a lips that had been muttering inanities and ,hollowphrases, there came a Peacemaker was a mere mirage.' Al- ter all,' he was on the side of. the -old passage that hue •both'stateswansli p regime, the big battalions, all the and -vision, -Be said: 'I am a man of hideous apparatus of _carnage from peace. You mayn't believe it; but I which we Eng.lishmen--at least, we am. I believe that all American men S,oung 811a51ishmen-aro sU pitifully are nt-heart men of peace, and I am , endeavoring to escape.' - A moment quife convineod that no American To, later he declared his ,colors beyond man Is .even again going• to`wo n o any•shadow of d0115(, by dictating -a e the mail who may send het sons to telegram to a "pacihst' (why is that hght on foreign soil, • do more than wish ;great word a sign of ,contempt?) —a. "But we need to telegram that was as brutal (and inci- for peace,' he continued. 'V e mutat: dentally, as ungrammatical) as was will it. And one of•tlie finest ways of I the average recruiting pamphlet dun - willing it, in my opinion, would be to j ing the tvAr. incorporate 1n the body oT tlio Amerk l With that, I left him. I had enjoy- can epouetittition a clause that made 1 it illegal for America to declare war od one of the most singular mornings until after a'referenndum had been of my11f That nohe is but deulaagogue taken by the great body of the nation. I is pa p wit And it wouldn't be only; the old n1eu'' could hon stl that have e bed lee edc'Incl the (the type which declare war so flip- campaign ea pantly, in lourope) who would vote on ,ting.. And Mayor Thompson is not a that referendum. The young men, the half-wit. IIe is ashrandl, coarse few ecru? las, fighters themselves, would vote, and or'violent am bitione the young women—the sisters and And yet, ie. some- ways, a pathetic s=+• -would vote us well, In figure. For, in another ago, Thomp-- swoetlteait. 1 Sot the that way I believe that you would son might have been great: , guard against the risk of, any war that ',him !clock u mala of P with ur red toyea s ;Ithaco is the nation had not willed with its P heart and soul. And if a nation does back, and what might he not 110aa 111 a war ac - r with its Heart and soul, I, complished? Sir Francis Drake would01 not have counted him 0005 his sturdiest what is it hitt slaughter,” Amon. u. The Spaniards would have "And then?" I asked him, , 'h1r:i, And if he had then, when we had altered our . quailed bacone Conatitutidn, we could turn to other ,survived, Queen Elizabeth herself nations, and say; 'if you aro in earn-. might have bestowed upon him one est about Peace, f yen sincerely and el her most gracious smiles, and honestly. Wish to' avoid uniiecossary -knighted ]tial 'Sir William Thdmp• alter your constitutions in a son, Lord Mayor of London,' wars, similar manner':' ,%te leant over the Tho typo Who Follow. table toward me. "Flava you arnY { Tho following I vandered round the room'as 'to him. And also that he was not (hos 1roud of having 3oneiso. though to, find some other toy with particularly p - '1iich to' placate maids persecutor, 1 But I obtained an admission a fete. hut slime., none presented itself, ho minutes later. And. so significant �d i l looked me straight in the eye once that admission appear to 'me, t more. - Icopied it down, -Word for word, on his "Are' Americaat chilch•en'- to be Ilonar's teak, under his honor's nose; taught that—" We had ': .beau "discussing . the, letter - I that a young American named Durant This time -it wars my turnato ititoi I Presiding at Oxford, had just rtipt, Ill n loud voice. I said: Amari- i Smith, can children are certainly not to be published in The London DairyNews fibs taught that George Washington was a, condemning 'Thompson and l that We RN both agreed upon that worlts: Thompson, referring traitor: R e e point. :What Iwant to View is if you letter, said: reallythink that lKing.Go---" ' "Certain of my friends"—he paused, In asttll louder voice ho cltasecl ,and' added quickly, "my emotional away the phantom ot His Majesty. friends, have been inclined to deplore V. n RR interru ition. "I'm pot that I was 80 desperately endeavoring ,the existence of the Rhodos echo ars. At once, 1 V. cin to materialize, Speaking very rapid- They have said" -(always "they," ' you about about George Pial talking ly, he said: • observe) -"they hav'b said that young about now., Washington. Americans selho go over-to-Oxford,be- + r Westo man seem A cad "When. 'tallied and v have' i h you ri is ro B "I know., But rl- seem imbued with p b ut George .V, haven't you?" up to me and asked mo how my,p • Wlhen the representatives of George V. rendered homage' a few years ago at the tomb of the great clisloyalist and rebel' of a former century, George 'Washington, tate minds ,of - many Americans roVerted, with a sense ot bewilderment, to the times when an- other Ding George was guiding the, destinies of the British nations. The fact is that the average American still •accepts without-, qualification or. question the partisan Justifications of the struggle for independence which have come down from the actual par- tipipants in the -affair on the Ameri- can side- 'These accounts, colored by. the emotions and misunderstandings of the times and, designed to arouse the colonists to a warlike pitch against the British Government, have formed the basis of the tieatmeutg 1n "Well, a friend of mine said it wee Thomas Lipton. I knew Sir .Thomas our school textbooks and have served about time that I had a tolopha-radio quite as ivell as the Mayor knew hint, to perpetuate judgments of the Amsri- set so I could ring uti Buckingham and I hadn't coma to hear any more.. can Revolution which no fair -Minded Palace whenever 1 felt like speaking I had come to find out tt it•was pos- 111 i Three stele that the mayor of ono of tho ac- Making a nietttal note, to discover a6 Making the earliest.opportufdty'the precise Biblical origin of those words; .I re- suinod my exannination of the room, under the 'suspicious eyes of a num•, her of secretaries, journalists, and' satellites.' Stopping over a quantity of spittoons, conveniently disposed, I entered a. second anteroom, to be ...greeted by further evidences of the Mayor's intellectual leanings. His Honor's taste in music was happily displayed by throe phonograph re- cords bearing the title "Two Black Crows: 1119 Honor's taste in art was agreeably demonstrated by various bronze figures of elephants and other monarchs of the jungle, occasionally relieved by a recumiront figure,•of a Moorish females -executed in china and daintily piclted.out in blue, yellow, and red. His sense of the whimsical was ao , He moved impatiently in his chair. tate war with Icing George was get - "I want to ]snow, quite definitely, ting along," I Bald, "Yve got no prl- what. you think he is doing in Ch1- vat war with>I�ing George.". I cage:" ' leaped at my oppertuuity. It Ho moved still more impatiently. seemed aces( of now or newt, I said Suddenly, with a disarming smile,. he "Then you didn't over actually refer jumped to his fent. Aiul.this.time, the to George V. in so many words when diversion that he introduced was so you ware fighting tho library conimit- tee?" He looked at am fiorcelyand ignored that question. , Ile said, "And another man asked mo if I hated all Dng_ish- nien. 1 told:111m not. to talk nonsense. I told him, for example, that Sir Thomas Lipton was one of m3' great- est 'friends," Silently I cursed Sir Thomas Lip- ton. I didn't want to hear about Sir amusing that I almost welcomed it. He lumbered over to the other side of the room and pointed to a singular abject that hung on tho wail over his hod. It appeared to ba partly a tele• phone and partly a radio set. His Sense of Humor "See this?" ss,id Thbmpsou. , Momentarily relegating George V. to the back of my mind, I looked at it. anti-American ideas. tip till now I may not have agreed with them. But after Durant Smith's latter+,, I'm not so sure. That kid ,}vas a friend of reline." He looked at me rather path- etically. "llo used, ' to be a 100 per- cent. American. And now , . , this." He handed me a' telegram from Smith ldmself,. In it Smith stated that he was a• patriotic Aniet•Ican, IIe also stated that it was absurd to main- tain that the .British ruling. classes' And were conspiring against America. Galley TWO—Mayor Thompson as soon as I react that, I. 'fixed upon it and asked: "Do you think that the British ruling elasses are conspiring agail136 you?" Words of Wisdom. It was a direct question, aud Thomp- son could not evade it. He, gulped, set his mouth and said those words: "I may think that the British ruling storIan can accept to.day. to King George, riot( it. s, I finished wading the passage, but rings for 338101;11511am Palace. 8315- greatost cities, in the world settle class is' sproadittg iusidioys propagan- omnent Y kept my oyes 'on the tors" kindly ho so plunged in ignorance as da, or some one else." tarn m mall os little`,am• Hand on hip, beaming at 1110, cigar to 06 ,convinced that the constitution- 'Pita, was one els for aro. Heedless book. This was Y Iof Dearman, .h061110es of the attenadnt 1 t 1 • hi• ruouth he liresa0d a al motuu•eh of the British Emptt'e was secretaries, satellites, and publicity men, 1'- eized a penc1i•and wrote down those sixteen words cif folly. Ism- folly that they evoke ' picture 1t Y they ar'e. The a barrassing, For I saw aDao u o Y i dripping from s , nothing'of an offensive nature in it. i button. A. boll rang three times, A' endeavoring thy what moans, heaven If Washington,was not a 'great dis- i musical box tinkled a gay tune: Anil' knows) to poison the mint.% of Ameri- what was he? Was it not siudiletilF, tate doors of the apparatus i can school children, I had come to isti14a 'or to alanti since the y y' flew. open; disclosing a bottle contain- 1 find that out, the fact that he had chosen a. greater d h six would not suy 'it himself, I decided ' loyalty than his allegianc0 to an An."ing a yellow fluid, Surrounded y is too ludicrous to warrant any but glo-Germathat entitles lasses, 1 that tho only thing to do would bo to the 'briefeat consideration, Yet, con. him sovereign of history? If he � "What d' bu think of .that?" He''say it fon' him. I, ,;herefore, took a eider it for a moment. You tvonkl him to the respectw awaw my cigar, were not a great +'rebel;' `what was 1 slapped his thigh and doubled up with sleep breath, -titrelnaye to picture is darkened 700111` in th hrngo' "tine 1 1 t r Thu ranghter was caught' which out o£ sheer ner'ioneneee I was London, with Lorci 'Balfour whisper - evident in two plaster' figures of, girls, fiucli as one observes 1n certain 0t the . remoter streets of Tanis, These girls - were clothed in little ,bunchy froclai tied round 'the, waist. Across the^chest of each of them therm craW1 -ec1 a miniature fly a3out t investigate a picture .^I.was t .,,4 that, sheaved a large likeness of Mayor 'semis 'v r on' su'rrounded•'. by ', e y ThomPs stiiall-liliendaeSe of slill5':leSeer iigihes ag Washington; Jeiterson,' aria Lin: coin, whoa the door of the sanctum was thrown.opon, and a voice, roared out that I should go in. I went in. I'saw seated before me amain rath- br ,pact .the, prime 'of life, built;. ou a very lare scale, with -the complexion and figure that one'. usually assootates with a ben viveur. A half -chewed cigar protruded' front' his somewhat full. lips.,(I observed a dozen dist carded cigars, well chewed at both ends, in the wastebasket by his sido), Ile Was in shirt sleeves, very much at his ease, and apparently in an amiable• mood; for he held out his hand in, a ,titre of •.welcome, the meaning of e p , • aug h e , American ReVO1tit10n"? It,,vas 011 th0'1up by- the attentiant,satellitee and ,boginuing to masticate in a manner tip of my tongue to give utterance to 1 secretaries. Tho room echoed with , similar to my august host, and spoke these reflections when Thoreps011 In- I guffaws- I had a nionlentary - h$ttte ' as follows: torrepted DM `vision of another Mayor I had once • The Big Boss Delnh. I child- L rd'Ma yon of London, sit. imagine that when 'you referred Publia seine seen—tire b Y "I ixnag � enters au Aro Chicago's i and there e and mor ild= 'z at tit u f h i, Washing-, n t. he Cr r"._ i o t eo n o neer. a paused to s h n -• ns I as i r immense m t oR g i b George 1 non to b0 taught that Georg ting in a to Goo a hail, in robes of scarlet and Fold, with marked the fact that I said. '`whom" American professor, his Pockets load - a face like fine parchment, : That' and not ' it"—"Yon wore using him ed with British gold, his horn spec - Mayor had spoken in a quiet vele(, ,sly as a synhoi?" taeles removed in order that he may i had given me sherry to drink out i' h The two and ing evil thoughts into•th0'ear of Pre - mice Baldwin. You would have to Place before 'them certain history books, into which- they penciled their wicked imaginings: There would bo a ton was a traitor?" ' "No;" I -said, "but—"" A Wordy. Flood. , in little incident may criticisnt. o[ that, n gravely. I1 la ,please all those who feel that i have I' looked at him eta Y treated Prayer Thompson unfairly, much the best ,thing you have said ; As soon all I lead left his Ilotior's of- yet." 3- yet " There was a faintly applinucling "ileo, I sought out a stenographer's of - rustle from the chorus iu the back - in I dao ono of Chicago's latest hotels, ground, But I paid no attention wait the object of dictating, as rapid. t'.hom. 1 was thinking, thinking fort ly as possible, the foregoing incidents ous1Y• you, in America. -can have lit- $iand arguments 'while they wer-o still tie idea of the extent to which the i fresh in my memory. I had not Mc- Cloud of future wars hangs like 0 fated more than ,linea lnat.drecl vends blight .over pintaopo's youth. It' is a I when, to my groat astonishment, the form of creeping paralysis, It chocks !When, threw clown her pencil, endeavor, it stultifies ambition. it rose to her feet, glared at me feroci- poisons the tvholm springs of Youngorose to 1d said: "D'you think I'm get Yo reply, peas for its l ng7 l man, existence, What is tile, use of build - to to take clown that cert of so" 1 that 1% continued, "that perfidious statesmen show the probes- tag, of studying, of looking forward to l huppen to be a 100 per cant:. bunk? - "z imagine al 1100 years of truitton. that must nor• ie ativarm Itis. ales Y of serving, man; tend I ern toll yon t1:at Trlayur you av it with gloating approval, And thou mealy_ follow ..3510 706118 y0wars are exceed/rids' limited? That to Buckingham Palace, ,h n at any moment the tempest may Thompson's little Cngmr is worth hn°1 a the ,consent of Parliament is neves- they all repair v e than any b littshman that ever seem e before can change a button ou to receive, tate sauctfoif •of the blood-' be upon us once more? over here," Teary 1 thirsty King -Limpet -or,' wltoao forked I remembered walking, a tow tIr h which sentiments, I am sure, a goat many people would agree, 6 Ibowever, perhaps it was all for rho best, Ibex spelling was atrocious. • I. was answered by a torrent , of I of a fragile glass emUosbed wink tea words. Ho gave me no opportunity to King's arms, However, London was say that I thought ,his p t11 y was a far away—far, far. away hero, it fake. The air was thick with vitupera- seemed almost "like the land where tion: a"They had removed from the tho Junibiios live," history books Use name of Von Steil- ,,Ho's a reg'lur. guy." ben, the' German who helped. to drill T1ltat's the stuff all right," George Waflltington's army, "They( „Some stiffs would gip [t hundred had omitted to pay due homage to De dollars for a spoonful of that," Kalb, who had served in a similar ca- A sudden silence.'it was up to me. ad -impudently las ?'. llvktet1tly,. t1t0 pacify: ' „They h that sheirld'-1 say Jelled'. their. fervoon • the Battle of 'vron :thing. Because 5 said, for the Which •made Canada .• g Quebec in ` o " 3reread ,title; " and'hero : - Vktho. "LhmJ . were; a out George V," .British U , star s •'tlnin's X Y impatience. "they", had dein( these" g. r , Therm' was n rnstlii, nE• iml a But• if' ' their" `;salvia his ''Honer , closed the not' info'rined. , Rather sullenly ties were. fairly •exemplified 'by" the' t to l lumbered very mild passage to Which he had drawn my attention,'I cannot imagine anybody but . a neurotic. old maks be - "Come right in, '.Make' yourself at ,tonic." - '+Tiley told me I'd never get out of this -office alive;" "Well.-c1'you thinit that now?" I shook my head, "What d'you want, anyway?" I Ieaned forward and faced him, leo returned"any stare frankly. Give the reap his clue -he looks you straight in the eyes. • "Ivo come' to you," I said, "as a • fairly typical 'Englishman 10110 hap- pens to possess a considerable Per(- sonal affection for America. 1 have a feeling that I haven't got the truth "boat you'feonn the newspapers. The itewenapers make you"—(I wanted to ' pay that they. made him look a prize 14i•t ,s ser their haiidlvrorlc and bo examines his soldier's unlform'Y' tail eau be perceived cocking out of months before, through: a. Peaceful No reply, his ermine robes. Euglis1 village, Sucldontly in the dls- ,I was becoming a -little urinated' ' , f- (laze I heard the rattle of terries, the • accounts for what tolioivad, "I And -this IS the pictures thatIfni-, gcldiere:.marclr- irna h ''that: '0u ;iicioiitiy., deluded the iahabitantx of • metallic alialn;''x;liak of imagine':also,"'I cit"woled, y ..tet' eittea to tri I stepped -aside and waited. "would be inseam one et the :world's. gree e Inga• .lnan- t ottl gar(l a tg Geo ge , by-- ri orit,';of Soon,it was ,upon me -the. "'mea , • , . naso them -to e10ct,. . a'. 'aj Y, • ,.. to, rogarc2 King 0,0711 V. as in any c r d" 'army. of uh:ch; t 0 hi , L+,uglattd: ?" 0 000' the Mali, Whe Paitate& it,, Andi ,o. ae to an bady. at:all?" 18, 1. - stn d;scus way. a mens Y U ,hent -not onlY,to Sleet hfm llut,l hsvos iecently heard No mu •seise, Aa sl3xee n1 'ands, of any 'own' age. -.•Al-'isile•..th 6 a ,'" i � ` •ever- " 18 s •:;t Y so. ao :bot g abaudonod that, ;psi, txl s .. their And"thee,-avenue 7 • tramped forward .like,Roholi , 'red thont: ie , a roach: ^ I tlthat c onceh asks thou- ,feller avetlt pp •d with as zl 1 to tacos masks g. s and t It had taken an hour to stop door( of the apparatus I was justifiedThumps in sou xprees that to Ids seat. He took another had ex tossed the 'Phomlison'e posings aha to got him bodies clothed inn;san:a complicated back Mayor Thompson p ci ar and almost bit it through la; the h.ad been attributed down to brass tacks. The .procesa.had apparatus of 'steel and leather. 'nun!. g sentiments that • first two seconds. Fora moment iris MUTT AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. ANb• wake. _cN�t?t� (LuB'S "BOA vS '/a C1octc wCrtt oNt-Y Two viG%,) CS on3 1•C: 'iwo(0c- ANb Fev(zt %U sec, BAR'0PE1iS /IT. TWELVE, NOON,- AND cLos1s' AT LI. A.M. l?IPIl i tSG: rt't'S A GRCA'1-ctuQ..NCAR. 81iG GNTRANc ' IS A BIG MING iii({ICN T1-t€Y St"I u.WfSS LP1lb tSY Ti6.6RMANS IN' -i({e Oc231t3 Nola`(1'1 L ICC5.AN . ,north. n[ . e4-kli ss (do x iltMNic. ITS q -SNA; MiNC: Li1X41M1 ot, rU OVG(0 ANb Loa( lsT t (' ANb' come- Gash iTCLt htc vjf( YoU TtAiNic: nla,pd'y THAT was. q Wtl-b PARTY Ll4S .)03' 'YIDS 'a•kid yon had to like; : Shh. r nn e` •as a pence,, t .. , 1ko a'mat:orh Ilor Ydnn6 Manticagllt • '" To,give the. girl a thrill. T1ieY go each Sunday f61' a 85111, _ Alas for Pretty Doti per, 611100 those pillion -seats came, in She's fallen off a lot, A Couple of Fast Workers..: 7 TA('P YIkE MINT' wail, I}(15 SLCDGC-ilAMiHrt�; /- MUTT, AND `ia MAtce A koNG, sx-oPy SPlorel vr`Cre W(ol'3(1 11�t, 1111• 1, til h' d'ti t`1 , ag IW llIIIIIII) MI 111 III9)lfelplls eox '4/! )1 L re 0 51,J, .Yt sr