HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-02, Page 5RECORD. d 1V1 . , .11%bo1 1iai1 111.0 or ces ,1 rice dUring ihe Great; War, died ilddenly in, Erigliiii(1 on: :Monday. ail. !Tajo' made,,a. totyr of Canada 01 1.025, Tim openint141(414lintertt00 - hursdaY • sholill event When 'Mennittio WOnian rjorpied, their -best cloOlifS and cattle mit to -see and be seen.Now it is filo members to get down to biteiness .anci see -how muc1 . world they can. put .thrlaigh before Easter. • Vo little 'children were sufCocated e len an electric heater in their bed- room ignited the bedding • or curtains 011 the vviridew the other night in Tor- outo. , •The children; twenty-two' mouths' old twins, and another- child vere alone in the house at the time, The fire was put out by cheniicals' bin tile children had died when res- mued. • Tile practise of leaving sleep- ing children, alone in the house lias so eften. re'Sulted Such a grim'tragedy that it is a wonder 'it is not diechritiri- uctl. Some newspapers are blaming The ...-overnment that no wo"rd of senate reform appeared in the speech froni -the throne. But hasn't it been re- forming that body as fast as possible by appointing Grits? It will Soon IA as fully reformed as any reason- able Government would want. You never hear a Government complain about.the Senate when it has a major- ity of Govermnent supporters. But, when the -Tories are returned to pow- er it will have to be reformed all ov- • or again. The pleasant little town „of Thorn- bury has come hi for a bit of "rag- ging" because the Citizens „carried a -bylaw at the begifining of the new year prohibiting cows running at 'large on the-etreets. If 'the citizens had defeated the bylaw thee avould be some excuse for poking fun at the - town. Bet they didn't, .they -carried itoby a large maority, thus denion- -strafing that they are desiroua'of hav- ing an up-to-date, prOgressive 'town, even at the inconvenience of havin to carry a milk pail, out to the -pasture field each evening and morning to.re- • ceive the precious liquid so necessary for the health -of the family, or having Johnny lead the family cow in by a halter, tying her to the backyard gete to be najlkecl. to, alms, we said, demonstrated the fact that_ 51 is.a evideawake, -progressive town and ought to be'commended. General regret iS expressed at the destraction of the Metropolitan Um • ited chilreh, Toronto, on lVforiday morning. This thurch, •,which .was built over fifty years ego and was a • beautiful and dignified building, has been deseeilted as "the cathedral of Methodism." It has held many 'an 'important .gathering. and was consid- ered the dean Of the United Churches in Toronto. Fifty,eyears in a young country like Canada is it long. period, but this historie church might have stoo'd for five hundred, or a. thotisand years, had no mishap beliallen it -It -.will probably be rebuilt but no. new building can replace the fine, lovely old structure. -This is the- second United ..Chureh . of Canada to be des- troyed by fire in Toronto within the -past,few weeks, Fortunately the'fine rarililon of.belle, installed in 1922, the first to' be brought ' to this eounthar, are unharmed, • ' +1+ * 4 "Canada's foreign -born , population is OnlY six percent, of the total" says The Owen -Sound Sun-Thne0. "Surely we can Canadianizen far larger per :cent. then that, if they are a good kind." e • Yes, we surely ought to be able for such a task, But it Must be remem- bered that this paltry six per cent. is not evenly scattered over the whole t Dominion but is jargely bunched to- gether in parts of the Western pre- einces and the tendency it to isolate the foreigners in groups by them- selves, where they continue their for- mer customs, speak their , own Ian- -guage mid, in sortie cases, • wish to -have their own schools, where theie own langaage is taught. In such cases the difficulty of Canadianizing them becomes much greater. .We should be willing to learn from -these new Caradiarie -anything of good that they can teed; us, (and there may be few from whom We might not learn -something of value; ,but care must he taken that Canadian -ideale and .Canadian sentiments aee nob -'moth- ered out and something'Inferier set up in their place. It wet% far better. to go more slowly in ,populating this great coentry than that it shOuld lose any part of its fine birthright as a British Dominion, with' all the pride - less heritage that that implies,. - • 14011deSbOr0 Mr. a,nd Mrs. Will Lyon of Blyth spent Saturday afternoon with the latter'mother, Mrs. Toe Lyon, who left Monday f ot.' Ottawa -to visit her 'daughter, Mrs. E. Devver. , • Mrs. George Lyon of the 12th con- -cession is spending a few weeks with Mss Esther Lyon. • The young people's group held their experience' social in the basement of the 'United ehurch last Tuesday even- ing, when a, most.interesting time was spent. Each 'told how • they raised their maintenance fund. . They br oughlin $20.00. . Aftel.l'an illness 01150100 ,montlis Marshall Braithwaite, a respected citizen of this village, passed 16 the Great Beyond on JanuarY 19th at the age of '79 years. The deceased Was -born 111 ,Yorlcshire, England; crossing the Atlantic when only three months old. The1 family lived' al, first just east a Toronto', coining to this com, Inanity some time later. After his marriage to Miss Margaret MoVittie in 1876 he resided on a -farm on the 15111 concession lor ten yea -rig, after which he lived in 13lyth for fifteen , years. • Prom there he moved to 0 -farin just ,west of T.,ondeshoro, where Is resided for a number of years, be - elg e0oci hy, 'ee'edingelt 41, He loaves tiPitip,nimg. 10 Siater) seri, Detr-o-t; and th:'nodaiagh- tei's, Mrs, Wm, Fothergill, tondos- , bpro; Mrs. .Tos. Vode(M. Hallett and Mrs. AlVa.111CDowell, Wawamosh. ; The fitocriil was: held in Die 5ormer Methodist, naw United church; on January 24t1is Intermont,was•inade the -Union Cemetery Myth. The a00 - vices were con( ucted , Snell, the' pall bearers being, 'Messrs, WTam , George and Henry Moon, Gee. and Simon McVittie and 'Robert Cald- well. • • - The sympathy o( the community is extended. to the bereaved family. Reit. Jaynes Abery spent last week in Toronto. , Mrs: George I,yon et the 13th con- cession is' visiting Mios Esther Loyn. Wells o1 near Blyth was the. guest of MTS.- A, Wells several days last week. , Quite's:number from here attended the annual,nleeting a -the Blyth 'Tel- ephone Co., Friday last, Mr. and Mrs: H, lateen treated quite a number-sof their} :friends ,a fowl dinner leat Tuesday eVening.. - Miss A. aSnell recently visited re- fatives.near Seaforth, " "- Mr. Webster has, bought, the" house where he has been re'sidinst for some tine. He Purchased it front Mrs.. Wallis, who is malting her Iname,with her son in Clinton. • ' Mr. James Campbell is not 00 web as his many friends would like te see. Mr. A. Wells and Mr. G. Cowan :completed wiring Mr. E. Adams dwelling and barns on Monday. • Mr.' .lames McCool is having the store and his dwelling place done this Mr. Smith of Blyth celled on friendsahere'last Tnesclay.' blie E. Adams spent several days bn Goderieh last week attending Coun- ty Council. ' Mr. A. Braithwaite of Detroit who came to attend Ms father'e. funeral, has returned... • Mr. Qpinnie and daughter of near London spent sev,eral, days with rela- tives here lest Week. , Miss Annie Garrett, who teaches near Blyth, spent the week -end at her horn° here. The Ladies' Aid of 'Knox church are boldieg a chicken pie soeial Tuesday, Febipary 14111. A good pro- graneis being prepared, consisting of -niusie and .a three -act coniedy, "The Path Across the Hine," -Mr. Ed. Hutton' of .SaskatOon has 'been -visiting his brother, Mr. John Hutton of tide Auburn. Next Sunday, Feb. 5, the.serviale in Knox United chuarch will be 1141:d 0. the evening at 7.30 instead of in the morning-. Sunday school will be held as- usual. at 9.30 a.m.. This arresige- melt- will he only for.' the one .Sundase " Mrs. Jno..Raithby is in Stratford this week with Mi...Itaitliby, 'who is having his. eyes treated. Mr. Oliver Anderson returnee from Toronto on MonislaY; -where he, has been,taking. a short course for a week, Miss Margaret 'Williams of no- mesville. is `visiting at the home 02 her uncle, Mr. has. Straughan. -Mrs. .Torn Straughatt Ilea returned to her home here .after spending .a, 'month with ie1atl0s atByt1n Miss Arnot called at the home of - Mr. 0. E. Eratt.on'SaturdaY. Mrs, Sara Cox of Goderich ie visit- ing Mrs; .1litodridge of Base line. ' Mr. Thomas Hamilton -was in „p.a. erieh on Monday this week. - , Mr. Clayton Robertson end; Mr. Itelmer Dawson' were home from.G. C. L. over the week -end, ;The "sympathy of the community is eattended to Mrs -Wilmer' Nicholson, -whose mother, IV.frs. Edward Gaunt of' Whitechuich, died this -week. The •Aubuen L. 0. L: held another seelai and card'party on Wednesday evening, Feb. 1St, in.the For,rester'l hall. , . The Auburn Egg Circle is holding o soeial. evening in Forrester's hall on Friday night title week, All mem- bers'and their families are cordially 'invited to attend. , • , No doubt -the people of this vicinity are Much interested -in knowing just what progrese-is being mede toward the permanent beautifying. and up- keep of Ball's cemetery as -a result of the campaign started by the 'Board of Trustees .1aSt July. At that -time the Board After dee consideration con - Chided that the -only' pradticalway. to keep the grotinds^ in anything like proper condition Was to raisO a trust fund of at least $2000.00 and. Use the - 'interest, on aaane for the perpetual maintenance of the grounds, the:fund to be .raised by voluntary subscrip- tions. In making this' appeal the Board desired to call attention to the' fact 'that many -thousands of dollars had been fp:vested 0. mentuneets while no prOvision whatsoever had heed -made for the care of the grounds and, furthermore, there were many Plots containing whole families with- out any living relative as far as the Board were aware,'interested .in the care of their resting places. The Board then' sent to each plot - holder an explanatory subscription form which stated that the 13oaed eS- timated that an aVerage contribution" of $25.00 per plot would be, remlired to insure the proper upkeep of the cemetery' in perpetuity. This wns 'followed by a personal iiitervie`w or '. However, sinceslartin • tl isniove- inent the 13010001 had )eared that ac- cording to statute-the'Boad of Trus, toe,s should consiSt , of only three meinbers and whereas -seven hnd beoi appointed in June,..1024, a nomination sem, oc eew Hemel aviva held imo the Vol, dSterS' Hall, Auburn; on Jan. 2lIrd. when 0. L. Sturdy ; -0. A. Hawser' and George Raithby•wern•-elooted to work- in conjunction with the -trustees. The following 'were appointed as an ad- yisory Boards, Roy'Pattersom 11.. Mog- ridge, J. V,Tagner, d R an ,. Mc- Gee. At this meeting tt motion swas . Passed calling Tor $h annual meeting of the plot hoidens' to be, held at the ,..enactery mach June on •on about the middlc of the month Mr. George Itattliby,, soc,-treasurer 01 the subscription committee, roper- te4-olhat ;subscriptions ",vere coning ih WC11 arni tint ovi, 5l200.00, 'rid been subscribed...,The committee wore . . confident that -t( fifty'per cent of the, balance of the plot holders would sub- scribe this winter the $2000,00• Would' be reached early echllei Le commence improvements ill the spring, ' The following ,extract from a let., ter uhows how the efforts or the Board are particularlytapreciated by non-resident plot holders, "I am an glad-I:I& trust fluid iia been considered hy your Board of Trustees, and wishyon success' in the uridertaking. • Trust you will be able to raise the necesary amount. En- closed yotto will rind my cheque for $50 . 00," , Below is alit of the subscriptions up to date: Ed. Mole,' $5t00;, Geerge Raithbn s$50.00; 0. E. &reit, ,;350;00; Adam Dyer, $5.00; GeorgeBall, 025.00; Frank Gibbs, $10.00;- Harold -'i'urner, 025.00; Miss S. Pierce; -$25,00; 1VIrs, Allen Boles (Lena Sprung),.52..).0 Margaret King, $10.00;, Henry Stur- dy, 525.00; li1,411. J. Dobics,. $15.00;;A„ E. Cullis, $50.00; Wealth's Institute, $50.00; Joseph Lawson, 515,00; Johin Mills, $50.00; John Finkel', 015,00; George Dawson; On, $15.00; Jean R'at- cliffe, $50.000 Jeremiah. Taylor, 025.00; 111).'S. John Symington, $10.00; Mrs. E. Phillips, $5,00; Tarries 1VIedd: $10.00; A. Asquith, $25.00; Mrs, 'John Lbgan, (A. 1V1i118); ,$25,00; R. A. Roberton, -$10.00; Alex McKenzie, $25.00: -.James Ladlaw, $10.00; Miss. Bedford, $10.00; Miss Sarah Oliver, 525.00; Wan. Davidson, $5.00; W. C. RoberVon, $25.00; Mrs; W, C. Rob- ertson, (N. Elkin), $25.00; John Rob- hrtson, • $25.00; Roy Patterson, '525.00; Wm. Waite, $25.00; Win. Neaves, $2,5.00; Mrs. Wm. Scott, $25.00; Motile Armstrong, $5.00; GeOrge Beadle, $25.004 Jasper Me - 'Brien, $5.00; Minnie Dobie, $25.00; Mire., Fuller Cowell, (M. Arthur) $25.00; „Thomas Brown, $20.00; Mrs.' Nelson McClarty, (Liezie Lawlor).; $25,00; Mrs. • Margaret, 'Arthur e, 62.00; Mrs. J. Hickingbottem; 525.00;. Mis...Robt,...Tolmston, (Edna Hicking- bottom), $25;00; Wm. Patterson, 625.00; Archie, Robinson, $25.00; George Howatt, .625.00; 0hre4eScott, $25.00; Edgar Lawson, 825.00; G. L. Sturdy, $25.00; W. B. Patterson, $5.00; Mrs, Themes' 'Straughan, 525.00. ' DetettaS • MILLER -In Clinton, on San. 271.11, John Miller of Goderich township, in his 69th year. CRAIG -In Goderieh township, on Feb., lst, Margaret Craig, in bee 86th year. FERGUSON - At Christie Street Hospital, Toronto,. on Jan. 28111, Clara Ferguson, R.N., daughter of the, late Mr. and Mrs. James ler-- . gusiin of Clinton. , • IN, MEMORIAM LANXON-In loving meMory of Mrs, 5, Lamson, who passed away ori ,Tan. 30th, 1927. "Gone but not for- gotten." Her daughters. , ' CARD OF THANKS - The relatives of the. late Nursing - Sister Ferguson Wishe to thank the veterans, Who turned out to the fun- 'el:al, the Many friends who sent fleets ers, and 'also .the friends and neigh - bore for their -kind sympathy te, them in their bereavement. ' , CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Stewart wishes to ex. - press her appreciation and thanks to, her friends end rieig.hbors foe. theie pinny tokens of kindness during her recent -illness. ' CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Thos.`McCartney and the other brothers and sisters of the• deceased wiSh to extend -their thanks to the frieeds and neighbors for the kindness shown them in their, recent sudden and severe ber- eavement -the death of their brother, the late John 1VIiller.. CARD OF THANKS • , Mrs..Fred Nott and Mrs. Bert Jaeltson wish to extend their sincere 'thanks to the neighbors for the many isindness.showe their ,aunt, the late 1Vliss. IVIargaret Craig, especially ing her illness, and for all the come Cesies -shown them. Cbsys for Sale . • 3 good, young cows, pwo to freshen in February and the in April. Apply to 'Wes. I-Ioggart, R. R. No, 1, Clintom Phone. 22 on 641, Clinton Centrel. • - 47-1-p. . For Sale AM Auto ,Knitter; triple plate in good condition, Will' sell cheat.; f or Cash. Inquire at The News -Record office, " 47-2; For Sale Cutter and net of single. harness. Apply to A. E. Erwin, Bayfield, Ont 47-2, Dog Lost Young black Collie, short, tail, of ol- loWed cutter to town Monday and 1MS not returned. Informatien regarding same thankfully received. Fred C. C,00k, IioR. No, 4, Phone 21 'on 617,1 Clinton central, 47-1. , Dog Tax OWIlet8 and harborers of dogs .afe Thereby- notified that the dog tax'. is' •duo, on or before March 1st.. Payable at tb, offico' of the tax collector, tOWil hale Clinton. L. Stong, col- leetor. NOT'T‘-',E The firm, of l'omnsclon 0. ,ivas dissolved on OctOber 20111, 102-7, hy mutual agreenient. All mit- . -stonding account:ware reouested to he settled not later tiller; FebisuarY .201h; 1.928, nib either Lendesboro or laainiain T. Briindeen, J. Howard Difindson,"- Specinl ors nirgess' Portrait Studio in Clini do will he open every Tuesday. Tlio hours, until further notice, will be from .12 a.m. to 2 pmi, If you want Phet,oal'aplis• taken ' please crone in these- hours. My studio will always be warm, so do not -be afraid to bring thu children 11 the winter. Burgess, Pertraii.,Sludie AND CLINTON.-. MEWIBER at: T. La Prompt attention to Orders for Flow. , ors, Plants, Flo-rtil Designs. Flowers 'and Designs soot Anywhere: Lettuce and Finced Rhubarb Now Ready, ,Chas.V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and 661 Clinton Flour Car of Feed Wheat - JUST ARRIVED ; $2.00 per Cwt., -Ground, $1.15 per Bushel. J. SCHOENHALS 47-2. Tourist Homes ---W4NTED" „ Parties willing to rent room- ing accommodetion to motorists season 1928 in Clinton or at in- -termediate 'points on or' near Highway can earn from $300 to $2500 in their own home, serv- ing of meals optional. For 'par- ticulars write now to Tourist Service, 24 Waiatt 'Ste London, Ont. . 47-1. ,Farm for Sale 80 -acre farm on Base line, 2 miles north of CJinton. 8 -room frame hew, bank barn '80x40, Artesian well, with windmill. 5 acres good maple bush. Good orchard. Apply, on premises to j. Macdonald or to 3. Macdenald ,R. R. No. -1,, Clinton. , 47-2-p,. Huron County Breeders The Huron County Horse Breeders held their annual meeting on Jan. 14, The secretary -treasurer's report was read and found satisfactory. ',Any person wantineto join the club; for 1928 should apply to the secretary as the list is filling fast. G, R. McCart- ney, Secretary,'Setifortho L it No. 3. 47-2, Auction Sale O0 dattle . • ffr. Ernest Towniltead has instrue- ted the undersigned to. sill by public auction at Lot 92. Huron Road, 2,4., miles west of aohnesville, on, Tues- day, Feb. 7th, at 1,00 sharp, the fol- lowing: 50 head of cattle consisting of young farrow cows, springers, 2 year 'old, and bus year old heifers and 6 spring calves.. - This is an exceptionally good lot ef stock, in .good condition,. and will be' sold without reserve on the following terms: • - 7 months credit will be given on furnishing bankable paper, or a dis- count of 4 percent straight allowed or mall. Sale conducted undercover. Ernest Townshend, Proprietor. Geo. H.. Elliott. Auctioneer. 47-1. Auction Sale of HorseS Mr. Charles J. Wallis has instructed the undersigned to sell by public atm - tion at hie sale barn, Clinton, -en Thursdays, February 9111, at' 1.30 sharp thet following; 18 Clyde and Percheron geldings and fillies from 3 to 5 years old, weil b ' roken some well inatehed„teams in. this lot, also 2 good delving herses. 'Phis is a ehoice lot of horsesecarefully selee,ted and all Ontario bred. Terms:. Cash, or 6 months credit will be given on burnishing bankable paper with 7 per ,ceni; per anneal ad- dod, . George, Elliott, Auctioneer, Charles Wants, 'Proprietor. 47-1. • AUction Sale of Cattle and Horsee Webster and Jarvis havOinstructed, the,undersigned eell by,publie auce tion. at Let 22, l3agfielci Road, 'one mile east; of'Varee, ort•Toriday Feb- ruary ard. at 130 otelock sharp, the following: 10 young cows,, in calf, 5 spring calves, 20 head of 2 -year-old and. 1 -year-old heifers and 'steers, Durham . Grade, " Ontario Stoek, 2 Clyde Geldings elsing 3, Clyde Filly rising 3, Clyde Filly, yearling. Terms: Nine mar:His' creait will he given on • fernishing approved joint notee, or a discount of 5 per, cent straight allowed for cash. Webster and Jarvis, Proprietoes, G. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. 47-1, Wanted - 4000 " dollars on first mortgage on fn. Inquire at News-Recora • - 46-2-p. Lost A reddiali yellow jolig tailed Collie dog, with white strip between 05'es, white aroud n.neck, breastf , rn ot lega, ancl hind paws white. Any informa- -regarding same will he gratefully received by j1,1,:Oslo 13e,attie ,Sea - forth, Ont., Box 448. r0• Chinchilla rabbits, bah sexes. Prices rensoimblea Apply to Gordon 11. Rathwell, phone 60606., Clinten . , 48-2. , 'Salesman Wanted - To not as agent for one of tho le:I.:l- ing Canadian Assurance Coe:wellies, lis Clinton and semen -tiling country. For information write -Manages, 203 Dundee Building, London, Ont: Live"Dresse POULTRY. WANTED . yon47+ poultri ana...egge hero and make more:profit, for yourself. Mmicet prices0.or heavy. liens Inc high-tako aavnntage of them now: Ciliate/ea. Leading Egg-Graxling Statiens • Clinton Poultry House IbL W; Trewartna. Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w LOGS WANTED • We are agam in tbe market for good logs of all kinds, either deliv- ered in -our mill yards or on -the stump. I-Iighest cath price ,will be paid: Custom sawing will be. den° at Bayfielcl, Thomas Wallis', 4111 con. Goderich township. and, Clinton as usual' during the year, ` •MeENVEN TIROS. 13ayiiole P.O. Phone 624-r-4, Clinton 41 -11 - Stewart -Warner Matched -Unit Radios - Six reasons why Yon shoidd buy a. Stewart-Wlertier five tubo ,Radio set, 1. The price is within the reach oa all, 2. It gives very little or no trouble,. We have a set out three yearn -old. It is working as good as 11050. 8. It is easier on B. Batteries than it six tube set. 4.'11 is very clear, fine tone, and works well in any kind of wea- ther and has plenty of volume, '5, Brings in Termite and London with Very little interference. 6. Will' tune in statiolus as far away as -Californift on the loud speaker. What 171.01.0 could you wish for in O -radio. Try one out and be Zona vinced for yourself. H. A. Hovey, Clinton Postponed Sale " The auction sale of farm stock and implements of G, 14IeMicIiael, which was advertised to take place at Lot 106, Maitland Con., Goderich town - 00 Thursday, (today), San. 26th, has been postponed until SaterclaY, Feb. 4111, when it Will be held at the seine time and place. G. McMichael, proprietor, G. H. Elliott, auctioneer. 46-2-p. Property -For Sale , 8-20001 ,, brick house, corner Sen - dor and North streets, coal and wood shed, cement eisteen. . Nice garden with small freits, neve barn and gar- age, hen house, pig pen, new fence around property. All buildings sup- plied with Hydro and town water, phone in house. Also a good building lot, Albert street, tenth next -to 5, F. Wasmari's residence. Also a black' mare, suitable for delivery, with rub- ber sheet, hareess, sleigh and wagon. Would consider exchanging same in part payment on farm property. All' will be sold as Proprietor intends leav- ing town. T. H. Leppington, Box 332, phone 2761v, Clinton. '45-3. Farm For Salo, , 100 acres, ,good soil, good buildings; fine sugar bush; 40. miles from Clin- ton. Willusell on easy terms. A. E, Matheson,- Seaforth P, 0. Phone '614-33, Clintoe central. 38a10 Hides Wanted. Horse.hides and beef hides, highest market price paid.. Will call in OM; ton any night by appointment. John F. Tighe, R. R. No, 1, Clinton. Phone, 637r33, ,Clinton central. 45-3-p. ' Farm For Sale Choice 1,00 acres, lot 26, on Previte cial Highway, 30. miles north of Clinton, convenient to lPublic and Sep - orate schools, property oe the late W. Morri.eon, mostly under cultivation, small hardwOad btah. Large brick house, barn 68156, geed young 'or- .cliard. 'Apply to George Carbert or 1VIrs. James Brown, eXecutore °fats: tate, R. IL No, 1, Clinton, 45-10. NOTICE TO CREDITORS '-In thc Estate of William Morrison. Deceased, , NOTICE is hereby given that all pgrsons having claims against the estate of William IVIOrrison, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Hurn, yeonum, deceased, 'Who died on or about the 9111 day of January A.D., 1927, are required to deliver to Cehego Culbert; and Maiy Arm Brown the exec -kers of the seid estate or their solicitor, on or beitire the 10011 day of 'ehruery .A. D.,1028, a full statement; of thoir claims to- gether with particulars thereof, -and the natore of the aecurities, -if,,helcl by thoin all duly verified by affi- davit, ` AND TAKE NTOTICTS that after the said last, mentioned date the said Execute' Will proceed to dietribute the eatete of the said deceased amongst tae persous entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as they shall haviereceivecl due eotice and in accordance therewith. • Dated ate-Olinton, Ontario, this 1111 day of January A, D.. 1028. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,- Solmitor for the said F,xecutors. r•], PHONE, .74 , CLINTON . o e ritier IJRSDAY, FEJ3RtIAJ5,Y hi !chitty •We are agbhtsi 16:c Ole ‚0:15: Bia,aei Connielie oil Elora; and quo e you PRICES: ,on'their produigs, Cerripa 12 Plate,' In -Throw Disc Harrow -Nvitli 2 liors,e evenor hely, „with 0111, gonipuitprh and' licte the saviin.": You( '• 00 .1 br.ise, Harrow. with 8 horse evoile.n 50.00 12' Pifite' Out -Throw Disc. Hariase, -with 2 horse evertor 5.00 5200. 1.4.1 Plate, Out -Throw Disc Harrow with 3 lorse evener, If truck is required ADD $5.00 to the above pri11.es 14' Plate Tractor Disc handy control double -action . 102 00 14' llate Trector Disc, levee control : 96.00 0 foot Land Rollers, steel; elevated frames . 70.0.0 foot Tillage, width, ... . . 101.00 8 foot Tillage width MalchorePacker . . , .. ....a 101.00 6 foet long by 30 ipehes wide Steel Stene Boat ---------------------13.00 7 foot long ,by. 30 inclies wide Steel stone Boat 15.00 , Above pricQs,' payable, by note October 1st, 1928 A diberel rednetion in the above latices; for CASH Ale priees, include. delivery. at . your freight, station,. Me' r THUM-ONE 53 IId ar ware 1 0+14.4144191•010400P44.4. 0,101•111:11,124eData.1021.1, CLINTON C. H VENNER, Vectrician Ilieeirit Ranges, Fixti.nres, Bultas, irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 Wanted -Fox Furs Will pay 510 to $20 each for good fox furs. Highest prices for all other furs. H. A. Hovey,' Clinton. 43-tf Cottage for Sale or Rent Small, comfortable :cottage, wired I for electric range. Garage on prem- ises. Apply M. J. Moore, William street. • 3840 ‘ Farm For Sale Lot 28, con. 15, Goderich township, 85 acres more or less; good land, well with windmill, bunk barn, hog pen, 6 acres hardwood bush, on -acre of' orchard. Comfortable .franoe house. Also 50 acre farm on London road, Tuckersmith. Apply to 3 T., Mc- Itnight; 15. 15. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 604-r-4, Clinton central. • 2840 • Clothes Cleaned and Pressed plains cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry oleanad, Rooms iser Heard's' B-rber shop, W. J. Jago. • - 228341 Poultry Supplies LAYING MA.SII SCRATCH FEED GRIT, .SHELL . AND BEEF scnAn COD LIVER OIL, 51,25 per Gallon E. L. MITTELL Huron Street e Clinton 3140 Poultry and Eggs Wanted We handle eggs every day 'Poultry Tuesday and Friday mornings . Call us if you Want to get the highest market price •A, E. Pinch Victoria St, Clinton Phone 231 27-t£ Clinton's 00-05tA ALLANI309.1.11XE1: su5lIpeci;to The Sunshine Special, our "crack" train, leaves these yards Overy day gor points south. . • ,And the Heat Folks, who run the trait:, take all the responsibility f or a pleasant journey. All you have to'worry about is get- ting on board. An order for _coal -from, the Heat Folks' yard pays .all your expenses and puts yeu oil the train. Let'e go! Call the V17;.'Al for goo& clean coal COAL, COMPANY J11.11.111101.19,0131 NEW, TERM 'Opens on Jan. 4th in each of SHAW'S TWELVE BUSINESS SCHOOLS in Toronto. Write for Calendar. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto, House For Sale Large red brick house, corner Or- ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern cenveniences. Possession wheridesired. Also a barn an 14 acre ;lot on Wellington street, Apply to Mrs. W. Jenkins. . 064f -Op Buy Your Coal NOW • It's a, long time until spring. Three more cold winter months are ahead, and the mercury will shiver down -to zero more then once,before the flow- ers bloom again. Have .you enough coal to last all. 'Winter? Don't gamble with your family's health and comfort, Nt is much cheaper to buy enough coal than to pay doctor' bMs. 'HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery Phone 111 WOOD I have a quantity of good hard wood, slabs and cedar.' NOTICE Any coal accounts not paid by the 15111 of February will be handed in for collection. • ' E. WARD Phone 155 Huron street Singer Sewing, Machine Lensed on Small Monthly Payments 131g Discount on Casio Sales Now is the. time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repair, Needles, Belts' and Parts for all makes. W., GLEN COOK Phone"1713 P.O. Box 201, Clintont ADIO KOLSTER -KING Give your family a radio set for Christinas, in doing so you will be giving them something which they can -enjoy the year around. We are dealers for the Holster and Kings sets and will be pleased to give you a demonstration at any time. • Batteries charged and stor.d • ,for the winter W. J. Nediger, Prop, ASPHALT ROOFING We have a complete line of Toronto Asphalt Shingles and Roofing for siding or roofs if you are considering roofing compare ours, before buying, with. any other. This is the best by test. Feeds Always carry Bran, Shorts, Western Oats, best quality at lowest price. A. FORD Az SON Phone 123. Flour and Feed Merchants andl Grain Buyers ,_