HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-02, Page 4A-77. BA, LtI U Rx' 2,'.1;)28. ws 1 u Y. gains tt F, A` be �ell worth See our Windows and ' visitthe store as often yin' can � Valentines Now on -Display P y CL NTON SPECIAL• PRICES FOR •. JANUARY Also a number of good. used Pianos ..' far sale at reasonable prices MeNEIL. ' Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative: a - Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273 ' Clinton i ante( We pay cash for Graded Cream CLINTON CREAMERY Operated b '' GUNNLAN.GL®IS & CO.,_ LIMITED f CLINTON, ONTARIO We guarantee Service, Satisfaction and - Quick Returns. ti Phones 190 or 145. Night 180 1 BI:YTII TEL18iMJONE COMPANY '. APPEALS TO MUNICIPAL BOARA • :The Ontario ,Railway ,and -Municipal Board will be asked to decide a por: blem 'which has arisen in the. affairs of the .Blyth Rural Telephone Com- pany over the purchase by the 1021 commissionersof a building in Blyth which they,proposed to use for new central ,office. The subscribers will holda meeting in June to ask the board, tojudge whether the liurchese was made legally by the old commie,. y,ioners and whether :the 'subscribers can be held respensible for this action of the commission. This was the LLdecision made et the annual meeting on. Friday, which Wad' marked"liy,•one of the largest atter".dances in t38 history of the company, The financial statement' showed tlio company had a . good year and had paid off considerable of its indebted- ness, buiethe action of the,commission in purchasing the new building cane -in for considerable criticism, A5 a consequence the old" board refused to stand for r•e-election and the -follow- ing were chosen: George Chambers,; Sohn Bar' and J: H. -Hoover. Presi, dent John E. Ellis presided at the an null meeting. Colborne Township • 1r ',T. H. Wtlsois busyassessing these days, • - Mr. and ,Mss. Wm, Watson enter - tanned their relatives,, neighbors and friendsto a euchre party; numbering about thirty, on Monday night. The lady having the highest •tally was Mrs, Thos. Shields and the gentleman winning the highest was Mr. Edward Fisher. A little surprise. was given' to each of the winners. Wood cutting is, the order of the day in this, locality. The young; people are making use of the ice these nights at Nelson 14Ic- r Cla±ty. and Clark Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Errington atten- ded the funeral of the former's moth• sir at Dungannon 00 Thursday, We extend our: sympathy as n in his to 114r. Errington community sorrow. Mrs. C. A. Robertson has returned hone, • We were sorry that more are not present t0 hear the fine messages that Rei, E. A. Pouiter 0 giving these Sundays.` 131», and 111r's, ,i Fred i1Mu,gford an - 310811100 the of their ounge,ti daughter, Laura Mae, -to1VIr,"Bruce SL Grigg of Detroit, n Christine Rob- N4iss. Dorothy and s ertson were home- from' G. C. I. on Sunday:,' • ' ' Smith's Hill 'Congregational meet-• lug was held Monday to ti'ansaet the many matters of interest for a bet- ter and prosperous year. The trouble 'nen for Rural' Tele- phone Co. • were around this week working Cil the lines for 'better ser- vice. SOUTH IIURON 111.B.P.P SPEAKS 01roe more the "annual Bond Sell-, suis'•- Campaign, to finance - C.S.E.T• wor•]c• throughout the S'royince, of On-: tarso; has nearly arrived on the scene, again. In a few days:- the boys;;of, your community will be asking you to 'buy a bond lin order that ,you anayr help finance our movement. Slow' your•: interest in our work and buy a share in the• vitality of your country for only ailollar. I Have tried to bring' before you the high sta�rdard'o£. our work. The Money received taoitr• the sale of bonds=is:msoil to sped our work h1 'the more. remote iliacs of".the 'Province 'and - to lnrinr, bo;Vsto; Christ. Roselle' -of this moimeyis tizenship, Tb. every Troy; 'selling,. siva dollars worth of 'bonds' he receives a' bronze medal and if be sells -fifteen' dollars worth he receives e silver me- dal, and a gold Medal for '818 ty dollars worth: ,The objective for South Huron is 590. Help us raise it. Not only have we always raised our objective, but also surpassed it. Surely the citizens of Clinton and the surrounding ,tins= -tricts are jnrst -30 anxious to Boost South Iiurmn as formerly. Help us put this over again this ,year and make 0 a Greater success than ever, before. W.' C. BARBER, M:B,P.P, ASHFI'IlLD:. The Ashfield Circuit United church parsonage, Lucknow, was the scene' of a quiet- wedding, when Rna'May ;Nicholson, daughter of Mr. and Mas. Angus Nicholsons, 98 Ashfield, was united in marriage to Thomas 5, ,Glazier, son of Mrs. Glaz- ier and the ' late John; Glazier, 01 Ashfield, The'- ceremony was per- formed by- Rev. A. W. Brown: The bride was attended by Miss Esther Glazier, of Ashfield, ;sister of the' bridegroom, while the duties of best man W11'0 pei'foi'siied by Archie Nich= olson, brothel• of the bride. .The wedding darner=' was served at rhe' house, of the Bride's Parents. Tho Young coaiple will reside on` the Glazier farm, concession 8, township of Ashfield, epresentet•(11 to rte tl TIi hotly icc0+j Tit rt st to Beck' ;211t1i . annival At ?Tome of .tho :Bob Ktng: Ilrnl,o, 7dBo,ys' Association,Toronto incl everybo4,,,. was, held rri t12' Foresters Teinplc; help' 'b4 corner of Bay and itiahinnoul Sts., that Th city' on Thursday evening, Jarniary 26Lh erozo ;,A,,,fd. , il.d, 3:azttieip<;tecl=the � bu£`the •ero. :1 largest attendance in tine History of 1 hcmnr er twoFlbr the Ass ui ztion the 'Temple • beim, t tiled to its capacity 'Lai, accomodata The !:'nests w c e receiv d by. Presi- dent R O. King and Mrs King, and probably half of tliem :devoted them, selves to euchre and bridge, while tl.e other half amused themselves -in the "merry dance", m � by Excellent music was furnished Al Lin Ins i elobrated orchestra three of the -numbers on the, pro gram, being the old time "Lancers-. which were much enjoyed by the sen for members -of'the•Association. 'Tiro "Caller Off" was Mr. J. Thein;'-9'or- merly of Bluevale, and',specialaviolin music was provided for the oldtrine The pri rani WAS hroadcast;liy Or following gentletneg e lauded greetings to the different towns is -the Old•Canty 81»Bloody, to' Clinton;., J. A. 1llcLaren, ,t9 ,913 98 Papez' s Da tyme, and every - "What They ,are Sayi : It was a, bowling succus ax(d 1, c p'r'oud of 'the old boys and. girls. 1resident King. • ;i ' •-� Nothing a "l-sucees` itg • -succeeds 'hlces , q` wase a record breaker tiecietary m it takes the radio to draw the, crowd—ll. IT, 1McCreath. Nothing toe 'good for. Old Huron.— a. A. McLaren, 1. pulled ,the Seaforth Crowd out; all aright. -A, P. Forbes. They area fine lot of dancers.-�= D. 13, Wildon. The music- was simply . gr Ernest M, Lee. Goderich, A -'E: Forbes to Seaforth: , How T love to dance the Lancers.— Walter Buchanan.` Wait'and'•see _Our big surplus:— Treasurer John 'Robertson. This --beats any: political meeting 1 ever saw.—It, Holmes, ex. NLP, TIC Lack.Kennedy to Wingham and N..P. Cobbleilick to Exeter. Therefresliments were served by an_: energetic -committee of ladies under the leadership of Mrs, D. Thompson with a unanimous verdict of the guests, that. the plena was par excel: )cute. An'ong the 600 guests present 'were the following:—Mr. and Mrs. R C. -King and the 111issesKing, Mr. and "Mrs.• J. A. McLaren, .Mr., and Mrs. B. IT. 11Mcereath,_ and Mrs. W. McCreath. Mr. and Mrs. Ai E. Forbes and`TbP Misses Forbes, Mr F. Floody,.: Mr. Tphn Robertson, NIr, E. Ni. Lee,' Mr. H. •I: Morrish, Mr, and 'Mrs. L. NIa Pringle ,Mr. and Mfrs, W,A; Buchan- an, Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Stowe, Mr.' and Mrs. D, •D, Wilson, :Mr., and Mrs. D. The;npson and- Miss Thornpson,C Mr and Mrs, N. '.B Cobbledick1 Mr: and Mrs: Lack Kennedy, and Miss Nora Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs, H. Martin,'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Holines, Mr. and Mr's. A. C. M,ac(z'iear, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. F. 'McLaren, Mr.. and Mrs, 5, L. Scott. Mr: and Mrs. H. E. Worsen, Mr. and: M» s. II. Me}lardy, Mr, and 'Mrs. Is- aac'Browntalid Miss 1VEldred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCaughey, Mr. and Mss.. Athol McQuarrie, Mr. apd; Mrs. T, W. Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. %Snni>;h, Mr. ailtl Mrs.. R. W. Hut- cheson, Mr. and Mrs. George Donald- son, MrY, 3. -H. Langton and Mrs. 311: Langton, -Dr grid Mrs. H. J. Ilicdgins, ns� ortli Jones Dr, d Ii: U v Dr. an Mrs.; r and Mrs P E.»,dlarkson, Dr, and Mrs, Il W. Hoag, Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Brv- ans; Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Houston,`Dr. and Mrs. O. M, Johnston, Dr. A. A, Curtin; Di'. B. B. J. Stanbnry, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.' Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Chiji- 'tenden, Mr, and Mrs. -C. L. Carter, Mr.`;and Mrs: R H: King, Mr. .and 16s. G S. Leckie, Mr.' and. Mrs. -C. McAihster,.Mr. and Mrs, It. C. Lewis and Miss Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. IL V. Sneare: 114•',: and Mrs. Ji C. Hughes, Mr. 'and Mr. Felker, Mr. apd 'Mrs, H. White; -Mr. and, Mrs, ' .A. E. Calvert. Ma. and Mac. IL: Watson, Mr and Mrs,. Sainbury, 'Mrs. C. G. Vanstdne, -Mac, G. Spotton, (Winghan), Mrs. Jos. .Beck, Mrs H. J D. Cooke, Mrs. A, R. Egana Mrs. ' E. • Pridhaxi, Mrs, 181, Johnston, (Clinton), Mrs. G. Gray, NIr•s, Freeman, Mrs, J.• Sanderson, Mrs. J. Sanderson Mrs. E. C.' Calder, Mrs. E. C. McIntosh and The Misses. Mclnt0 sir, Mrs'; I L': Smith, Mrs, C. Bell, Mrs. G.1VIackay, Mrs. J. Dunlop. Mts.''1VI.-Hareourt, Mrs. M. Johnston. Mrs. N. 'Hanson,. Miss -Lily Patersee, Mise Fannie Paterson, ' Miss F. Whyte, Miss Taylor, (Winghal;n), Miss Otivr: Hartland, Nliss.J. McNair; Miss R. Speiran Miss Anna Flynn, Miss Lor- etta Flynn,. Miss 1VLadge • Crawford. Miss ; Mary Crawford, Miss- Isabel Foster, Miss Mildred Gni*, Miss Jean Beattie, Miss Gertrude Correll.' Miss Helen Shape. Miss Gertrude Robert-' Son, Miss Agnea Walker, Miss'Jean- Otte Cottle, Mise. ' Grade Kelleem art. Miss -Ella Swallow, Miss Etta.C'arrie,: Mr. J. A..Sutherland, Mr, 3. C. Var. coe, Mi.. 3, N. Kernigham, Mr. 0. 0. Hutchison, Mr. TNT, Guenther, Mr. Ray Mason, Mr. Harold T', Jervis, 114r. E. W. Hunter, Mr. R. Leiper, Mr, K. L Iiamilton, 114x,. W: K. Cooke, Mr, Reg. Williams Mr. L. Curren, Mr: S. D, Hoey, NI:r,'W':"Minclrtim, Ma. A, T. Bruce, Mr. Reg. King, Mr, F; 'Cools, Mr. G. C. Beavers,•,Mr. S E, Sawers, Mr'.' E. J. Walsh, Mr,:at 5:- Sheppard, and • many ' others 7vlrosr; names we' were unable, to obtain. Notes: • r interspersed 'with, , tine dance, pro- gram, popular intrunietital duets•.wer'e rendered by Mr. Bert King and Miss Alice Arirfield, and liano solos by Mjr. James Hughes:. Letters of;icgiet ..for.; dbsencc- were received by •thc,secrotary frrori - Mayor S. 1VI,eBride, 'Ilon Senator Spence T. McMillan, MX., George'zSpetton, M.' P.,.-Sheraiff Middler n of Clinton and Sir William D, Otter' Mrs. E.Floody and Mrs. H. L Mor- rish,_both'officers of_.thc _assoc ation, were absent through illness. NIis. H. B. 'StowVhad charge; of th e •Brilge and Euchre; -t-And'urth j. oyer• 200 taking part, :handled '.'the program !lice clock work. Our association' can claim. to have Llie. most, gcnerous pneii iii -.the whole' city, ,T. A. McLaren supplied the cof fee, Aleck MacVicar :and Gar. Van stone supplied the sliced cooltcd'hann. and the Western Canada Flour 111131(1 and, Bread,.'.:No, wonder the Huron Old Boys` and Girls are well :fed, C. G V anstene was called to Mom,. areal on inn:por'tatrt busi.nens and -could. not be present. A. -large crayon piettire on the wall attraete1 very:much- ' attention, arlcl •n0 ' Person -Mould, tell hew 88 came there, riot 'even Bert.' 'MbEireath, If B,ngiield , Ms. John Thompson who has been visiting his nbth'err, Mss Jas, Thomp- son, left on Tuesday for Toledo, 0h. io, where he•will visit» his sister,. be- fore returning to -his home in Fort Frances".' Mrs. J.- Li" Buchan event to: Toronto on, Thursday' •r last, where she, will spend the-'re.mainder of Mao- ,winter with Or. 'and Mrs. -E. P, Lewis: ' Miss Jane Reid left on Monday to visit friends .in Clinton. - -Miss. Gladys Dayidson of London is spendieg a week's vacation with" hes' mother. Mr, J..R. Canneronleft on Tuesday a couple of weeks.. - Mrs. A. R. Seeds, returned en Sat- urday after spending a week in Tory onto. She was accompanied. _by her mother, Mrs. Jones of Oro Station, who will visit her for 5 while. ' ' Dr. and Mics. Metcalf- returned on Friday after spending several clays in Iaetroit. Varna i rneetinir, ,o etyr #isr-X1.00. or' -three ke see oard>;yvi}u"j� h to ly a' nieinber 'J.; -there ;ending 8.01 aver O,dy. The' n r �'W 'da a d ." 'fo erre ve o .e S Z tar .Y P Satnr h afternoon• and lXeh 11i », 11Irs; L; Be1tl ;'*vas a1aiit d appointelibrar-» iau TIt ;1lcction of di ,"1011).;-a for the yeh was'=^'us• fololtiyst Mrs: Geo, J"ohnston; Mrs; `Sherlock :Keyes 7VIrs. Cha . 'Si i k, Nlrs.' Johii :•Beatty,_,-1lo-s..Morten Elliott,°1111». John. Rathwell; Mr. 4lr Ings ivIri'Foi Cony 1 red 4Tc(;1 xuont. Mr. George Lindsay and family had a lucky escaPc froi • losing * thee: home early. Tuesday ,morning when fire was discovered in the pantry. George Jr., and his brother John, Mose room .is directly over the pan- try, wakened when the smoke made' them sick- about three o'clock." They immediately investigated- and the rest ofthe household were aroused and were able after quite a .fight to .en- tinguich the flames which had gain- ed considerable 'headway.' All the shelves in the 'Pantry were burned and quite a patch of the ceiling. It had also•'eoine through to the kitchen ceiling before it- was extinguished. Luckily a. :full cistern was near at band. -The origin of the conflagation can only. be accounted for by the fact that Mice may Trove nibbled a- box, of , matches which was in ,the pantry. , Mrs. Castle and Miss Maude 'Cas- tle left err -Wednesday to visit in De- troit. '. Mr. Jaues lIakins of Saskatchewan spent the week -end with his brother,, Mr. Lloyd Makins. ' Miss Olive Pollock returned to 'her home en the . Goshen' line on Friday last -after: having spent a couple of weeks with her amrt, Miss' Margaret Campbell.,. ,;The evening service in St. And rewys church was cancelled on Sunday owing to the illness of the Pastor' Rev, R. M. Gale. Mr. Calvin Caimp- bell conducted the - morning service.. • _Mr, John McClure, Goderich Tp.. ,president of the Bayfield. Agricultur- al Society, attended the .District meeting, of Fall Fairs at Stratford on Tuesday. The ladies of • 'Paidity chi.trOR are busy preparing for the hot -supner lir the taiv.n ...hall on February tire;, ninth. Both the eats and. the pro-. gran pr•oiinise to' be the best ,yet. ' H4D2>r 'e ville At-tle a al;i etmg`'o.Zro:' Zion Tabernacle 'United, :Church, 'Ii[amilton`- held r eeently the, pastor, llev 11. J. M¢Ceimiclt. who :slap pastor,.:ot`the Holmesyille` Methiidist circuit, -for -a tern, was tendered: a hearty ,reSolu- `tion of „thanks for his valuecl'ser'vices, during 'the 'year.' Tribute".Sens paid by the congregation to "the faithful ,and fruitful efforts` of the ,minister" al>,d li s gifts lir the pulpit'. were cull ogizech Mrs. MkOormielo also receiv ed her need of warm praise ---and Vast presented' with 'a bouquet -'of flowers by the 'congregation, onyw rag, with pearl' setting, and to 13 4pp151nap a sill neelcseari, Mx. i »4 1i 5; Ilolmes lett •by. nmouo fes» I don nmd Toren o They mt 11 r0 ;t q on the },•room's farm, p11 the Bur - , road; dear Ckeder stir, The bride tght at the Taylor's Corners school S, S. No. 2, Goderich township, and':is well .known in this part of the town- ship. ' BLYTII I. C Heflron has pus ch rsed from o n .11Trs, Lillian •I otter. aSi irurus'tratix of the estate sof the laic I Wallace Potter, north h¢rl'i` of Tait 4I, on the =1st concession of East Wawa- 110±11».This lot, comprises about ten , acres of good hard wood bush. McKILLO 1 : Robert Holland died at the horne of his son, Theodore Hol- land, of McKillop, on Sunday week. [iowas 87 ears -of age • nd a y, b afine: a,ii type' of Canadian c t zea His wife Yl �. s 1pre eeceased him 'One Year ago. IIe Y1.9 9;i9Gn. 1It . and TAIrs. Jas 4i'rigllt of the London.road,alorth, on Monday night of last week entertained a number of their old `friend.. as well as their new neig2,bo`rs". to a good old-time dance. and all , enjoyed. themselves' humans. Miss, Mildred Workman ,speat last week with' Miss Mabel :Workman of Hcnsall..` Mrs. -John Moffatt of Clinton i5 vis- iting her son, Alfred, for a time, Our business 'nen report times as very brisk - Mfrs. Joseph Ilenderson, Mrs, Jas. Logan and Mrs. Thos. 'Judson are visiting''I-Iillsgreen friends this week, Some of our citizens are under the weather :111St now with bad colds. Mr. French's and Mrs. McClymorrt's Sunday 'seiidol classes :spent, a jolly '.veiling at .T. B. McLeann's last Fri- day evening, ,anloying games mucic and a good lunch. , Mr. and Mrs,' Gordon Love of Hills-, green -were recent visitors at Mrs. J, Workmans. 'One day last week the stork left "a .lovely little daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. •Robt. 'Daymaid of the 2nd line: Tuckersmith. Mr's. Glazier of Clinton is visiting her daughter, ;Mrs. Robt, DaymOnd St.-dawUnited church held thele iuAninualem!seeting on Tuesday, ev- ening, Jan, 31st... A: good. - sllew,- ing for the past year is on record and the congregation have decided to er- ect neer sheds this coring stammer. This is likely to be of an. up-to-date character with cement wall and gal- vanized iron roof and will be centred - diens and a e»reat boon to the village aswell. as the church. - OnderiClli' T+wnship The A. Y. P. A. of ,St. - James'. church Middleton 'will hold a''social evening gt`the hone or Mr. John Hu- lie on Tuesday, Feb., 7th, to which all are invited` The ladies are requested to bring some article valued at' not less than twenty-five .cents 'for• tile'. parcel post. - Mliss Margaret Craig, 'died. at her home on the sixteenth concession -yes,' terclay morning after -a shon't 5119010 of pneumonia, in her„eighty-sixth year. ,The funeral will take lilacs tomorrow Fr•idaya afternoon, A short; private service will be held at•. her; home, followed by ra, public service -in time Presbyterian church Clinton '0 halfr past -two. A fuller; notice will be made next week., THE BLANKET Tl.o blauhet, was: first 111ade ani) used by Thonnas Blanket, 1 Flem- ish merchant. in 1.340 I,1,1Nfx IN. InII1'II 'NICK thos,N , eiL11'0 e entre with th pucurt,xch isms1powerlittlc of five acme -are being c <114d in by the de- palrtfnei 1; of finance in order to give complete. rel reign g to the, bigger ` and really nickel itielcels. The banks are now' expected to hoard the tiny ten- der freely and to give out only the targe nickels, so that a tinmately 'the 10011110 piece' may be withdrawn _rani- circulation and the 'big•: ones remain as 'currency. As., the salver nickels are brought in they will be melted down and ^used' in the making of dimes, quarters and half dollars The 'mint: can only withdraw 'them' as 'they come in. from the banks, and. if merchants refuse them at the banks acid insist.an the large niekels Lire -hanks, will have to amid thein in to: the Mint and sooner' or later they 'will disappear from common usage. leaves three daughters, 'two of whop?, are in Saskatchewan, and Mrs, Rae' .of McKillap; 8150 sons, Moody '.in Grey township, turd Theodore with whom he resided, and' one Brother, James Holland, of Clinton, Charles [Tolland, another brother of the de.' diin ecase'an, died in Detroit on Sat arday. News 01 Happenings in the CountU and District ILENSALL; A pleasant and inter- esting function tools place at HenselLodge, No. 223; independent Order of Odd Fellows, recently, when District Deiiuty Grand, 'Master Moffatt, of Brucefield, and his team of installing officers installed the officers of Zen - sill Lodge foe,. the indoming tern. The 'work was done in an excellent manner, calling forth much praise frons the members present. After the installation was over a very pleasant social hoar was spoilt, during which delicious refreshments were served, G0DE3ICH:. 'At the annual meet- ing of the Goderich Radio Association held Saturday night, • it was, resolved to take steps to install a powerful radio receiving set in the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, for the benefit of the patients and nursing staff. Although definite :plans are not conipleted,itls expegted.that each bed will have onehead set, enabling a patient to listen in at will.- A loud speaker will also be installed in 'the nurses' quarters. The officers ofthe society, elected for the year, were; Hon: President, Mayor McEwan; pre- sident, Fred Barker; vice-piesident, G. W. Schaffer; secretary -treasurer, F. Riley, WINGHAM: There passed away nn Friday in .the township' of Kinloss,' Ada Susatna'Garbutt,• wife of Edwin Gaunt, int' her 61st year. The funeral. ryas held on Monday aftei`iroon"from her late residence, lot •22,• concession 1 :Internment in the' Winghan cem- etery: • .'ODE4RICH 7'P,: A quiet though very petty -'Wedding was; solemnized'. Mr the Hatted church manse, Ivan, on- .Jarnary'11, When Mabel; ornly caught• ter of Mss Calvert and.th1•late E, E..' lv, Caert,=was •united in, rnarriage•-.te Andrew • Purvis Tiolmes, :only. son of John- Relines ',of', Goderich township. The bride •. and :1>ridegrisonn were; ate clodMargaret ten ' Miss' Scott ,arid b v. Bruce' 'Douglas: of Ilderton,• The ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr, Oliver, B.A., pastor, of ', the United churches of Ivan and Vamnecic. Fol- 1(wing• the ceremony the bridal party proceeded to the home of the 'bride's cousin, T. Scott, where 'a dainty luncheon was served.. The bride- groom's gift to the.bridesmaid was an BRUSSELS: The annual meeting of East, Huron' Agricultural ,Society, held in the public library drew a small attendance. However, the treasurer's report showed that the society closed, the year's business with 9140` to the good, notwithstanding the fact that Cast fair day was a wet one- fi1om morning until night Last year's of- ficers, £ ficersand "directors were all re-elec• ted and the usual fair dates set for this year, viz., the first:Thursday and Friday in October. ' EXETER: A. B. Gibson. V. S., who has been appointed to. the yeter, (nary staff of the Dominion -Govern- ment, health of animals branch, and has left for Toronto to take charge of ,his duties. LOOI{ING TO THE FUTURE. It Would -Take Walkerton 4,000 Fears To Reach Cityhood. Thee Walkerton Herald and Times is always interesting when it puts on its figurirr'tcap; as per the followings That,the natural increase in Walk- erten isn't likely to cause any over- crowding or 'sorne time to come, is evidenced by the fact that for the year -ending Nov. 15 last, 39 births occurred in these clearings as against 37 deaths that ensued within the cor- porate°]irriits:• 33n other words, the gain for the•year was 2, which shows that, left to itself, it would take the town, at this rate, te, four thousand ' yearn to. reach the status of cityhood. As it is estimated that the world only opened up shop about eight thousand years ago, the fact that this globe wil have to revolve on its Axis half as long again will give some idea how hoary this pla;tet, would be when a city covers the: clearings here, How one mother keeps young "How splendid, that we'can nil ^ away for a few days to visit your mother! 'Without Long Distance it would be of course -quite out of the, ques- tion, but' ues-tion,.but' it is so easy to call up our homes by Long Dis- tance and make sure all is • well that, really, there is no excuse for denying oneself:" "1 suppose you use Station - to -Station calls: 1, -do. By asking forthe number. S gets ` the cheaper rate, -and' the Evening rate after 5.30 is really most reasonable.” . The rates to nearby towns; within a radius' of say 25 -miles,- are so low that it is now possible to keep up a wide circle of friends at very slight expense. • ' "Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station." 755 Aching, », Swollen Feet Money Back if Moone's Emerald Oil Doesn't Do Away With Al! Sore- cess Swelling and Distress M 21 Ilchn•s, , 'Two or, .three applications ,of' Moanob'lfinerald' Oil and in ;fifteen Minutes.' the pa lm. and soreness '.-dis appears ` A f'ew 1010 app lIca ti,oiis, at regular intervals and the swelling; reduces.' And :best '03 all: any offensive' odor is' gone' for good -Ti's , a wonderful.'. formula—this combination of es- sential oils with canmphoi' and other antiseptics So marvelous 'that thou- sands of, bottles are sold annually. for reducing varicose 01' swollen, livery good druggist guarantees the, very 1'iTn8 ,bottle of Moone's Emerald 011 toC11(1yourfoot troubles 05 0101» cry bade. EARjor B, ` •'k� tips'+ yq�� y,� 0+{� may,,-�� �. � 3 '" k . .� OL' N 91. SL:AL 66.0 TOKEN" 99 o^' � ,,.r u y tn�nN� +fr { :s� Mi ? I OUNDED beforaCanada .,i 'had anycurrency ofits • .......... ..l Y „.... own, the Bank of Montreal early obtained authorization from the Government to is- sue, copper tokens for stnall change. /.''r, ,Aokdct• Et POT...., v., '..t.›, v , add. Reproduced herewith ate the -two sides of "Bouquet” Bou ueta tokelis one of the :earliest coins issued $ by the Bank. The inter- mingling nter- min g ling of the rose, shamrock and . a hes of „ thistle . indicates the ,three branches ' :the British people—the English, lis h, Scotch English and Irish --while the use of• Eng Is hon �iie sicje of the coin and French on the ng of other :is 's' nificant, of the mingling � �g the two to ccs in this. country. ');'radeatId Agriculture" indicates the earl v ;.connection of the Bank with both , urban - and rural `.life in Canada. g Throughout its long history"the Bank of Montreal has always been active in serving tl�e financial needsof all the people. >. - Established! "ASSil , , 000,000 r i°oral Assets in excessof $ 830 Clinton Branch: 1-1. R. SHARP. Manager