HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-02, Page 3peel'Cant' LeSll
c l u t
dicast in Specdr- F'roln .t
ister3 to Japain;and Feance•
The most' mp rtart announcements the provincial etiVerninents to land,
trade by Lore Wihingdou, governor settlement; placement and supervisory
gena al ,and personal ;epre;entative work. ,Several provincial' qeiitres„have
of the crown, in `hc reech from, the already titian e tablished for• the' re-
throne which he read at the opening ,caption and distribution of British
of:parliandiet itliursday were youths .for agricultural work and a
X;- Canadian miniskcis 1+71-3n1poben.- tiontructive settlement scheme .has
nary are to bei soul .o Peri :and begin put 'into' Scree for. settlers of
Telae. • Chi cl s5.
': 2. Legislation arising from the -re Harbor• cane a stcsis .,have `been
cent con•feresnco ueta'een the dominiti;i established at- St. Joint and Halifax.
and the provinces Will be introduced, This, it is expected, will facilitate and.
3. Negotiations, are eontiniiina with-axpand the movement -cf traffic•
the prairie :.provinces • Qr return v£ through Aldan -He seaports. The' vol-
their natural•resourcee. trine of trade at; other Canadian ports
4. The government is considering' during the past season increased. In
restoration' to British :Columbia of the grain shipments the port of Montreal
railway belt lands: and Peace River attaining a pre-eminent position ant-
block. env world ocean ports
Railway problems of several pro-! An organization has'been establish
vine.., as•,outlined at the recant con- ed for the 'administration of civil avis-.
ference, are under consideration., - � tion, distinct from, that of . the air
3. Contract tray been let' for •dad -'force. In the postal servioo the year
ing and br-idging,Siudson Bay Railway has keen marked by the inauguration
extension to' Fort Churchill, which has of an air mail service lsetrlieen Rim-
been 'chorea: as the terminus' of the ouski and <Montreat•
1.. An airship mooring tower is to `Satisfaetieryprogress has been ma
ie. elected on 'an. -airship_' base nears in the areaninotion of the: department
Montreal and a public air terminal for of .national revenue. The final re -
airplanes provided: port of the royal commission on cur
$. Departrn Crus of health and sal- toms ad excise will be presented to
diem civil, re-establishment are ,to bo parliament immctliately and kegisla-
amalgamated in a singla department tion based upon the, report' will be
of rational healthand vetezam' wel-
9: Tradetreaties between Canada
land "certain foreign eountrnes" and
for "substantial assistance t'o, and im-
proved 'facilities .for; ' industrial and employment, the increased railway
scientific research are to be ,submit- -., ceipts,..tbe expanding revenues, nnd
usiness:conditions generally; all bear
odtimbny, to a sound economic drivel
.punent which' promisee .much .in the
vay of substantial progress," he
lie referred .to- the. doniidion's jub-
ilee last year,'to the visit of the Prince
of Wales,. Prince George and'Premier
Baldwin of Great Britain and to Can-
ada's election to the League of 1 -
tions council.
don announced. Last ` November's 'inter -provincial
CO.OPERATE ON SETTLEMENT conference was described in the speech
WORD{ as bring'"•"of the utmost value" lo'the
A substantial increaae:1, the num- provinces'and exiledominion..
ber of British immigrants as well as No mention "was mads of the devei-
hi the number of. irnanigrents of 'a opment of the St. Lawrence water -
suitable type `froa} the Continent of ways. - This may develop later as' it
Europe wes'reported. Steps have been is the' most popular matter'before the
taken towards closer cooperation with Canadian public at present. •
heti+oduced. • •
His ,excellency congratulated the
members on the nation's "market pros-
peritg." "The:volume of trade and of
building construction, the. growth in
ted to parliament: •
10. Appointment to•Canada of a r.
presentative of the British govern
silent in Groat %Britain is bezi ee die
, . cussed between Iloii. L; ` C. Id.'..`i
Amery, .secretary gf state for enmity•
ion affairs iil.GreatBritain, who is aai
present. in' Canada, and members of
the Canadian government, in order to
bring the, two governments into more
direct personal contact, Lord Willing -
Many Meetings . Esca.ped Political
In.February. Caught
Prisoner Caught
` Seed Growers, Stock Men and Irish Republican is Recaptur-
Horticulturists Will Gather ed at Callan, Kilkenny
During Month .
February will he a busy .month for who made a dramatic escape from St.
,the farrier, and: still busier for the riein's military hospital was re -
score reporter, as there' will be about two captured 12 hours later. at Callan, Ifi'l
score agricultural meetings; held in
'Comnte during they period. These' .lcenny, 20 miles from his" birthplace,
include the regular breeders' meet- "Finiel.
in is flight Nugent was assistedh g by
inns, practically alt.of wisiell' will be , thousands of soldiers; He is a great was seised bya whirlpcirl and dragged centre," the four foot patcards bald,
held in Toronto this year, after thole two armed men who crept into the
t h W' est la 1927 as well dimly lighted hospital wail on hands etlucationaiist .and •is the author of a clown As 'w' .head 'went under I felt 1 "we have elevated the 82 -year-old
ono trip to the
(nnct knees and bundled• him into street
Dublin, Irish Fres State. --James
Nugent, a wounded political prisoner.
President of the executive council of the government of the Irish Free
State at present honored g aest of Canada's Government.
'Plane Presented
To Tor nto Club
Gift. is : Made by Sir - Charles
Wakefield, Bart
London.—Sir % Charles Wakefield,
Bart, is presenting a Moth 'airplane
to the Toronto Flying Club. A Moth
Costs in the neighborhood of $7,000,
klercedei Gleitz
Nearly _Drowned
London Typist Narrowly Es- Lee
capes Death in
'Gibraltar awes Plan
Swixn Irkes Junkers
Tangier.—Miss , Mercedes �Gleitz,
London typist, was almost drowned in Choose Eve ,of Wilhelm s
7'o>lxaoi :o� Eiffel Tower May
•xr'wa e to,Be.Ta ken
® , is • Report
Ca1ekl1ar Cast
•:7c5 :3 `Proposal"l c.''rt •'of '
.14x -id's -whole Diabolical
Glut wgo -L Coe _ tip, h a age tli eai- ),
ender Mei> oclual moritlw of 28 days PASSED ITS LIFETIME`
wage denounced by.' Mayor • William -
Hale I hauinia,n as part of ` Eingiand`s Its Fall \1Jould Endanger Lives
»perts to Exilrrine Its Rivets
and Painted Sides
whole diabolical plot" to make the of Thousands of People
United S£a.tes u't "subject <f King, Paris. -A com>nissien of experts of
Gem ge., the city of'Psirds will crawl around the
The 5nay errs views om Cho pian were whole Eliiel Tower in May to deter-
eter-cont. ned in a ,telegram to a' ilinne-' )mine whether it should-be'deraeliehed.
agolia journal • in reply to a request Private engineCrs said the tower is
or his star -d. doorneel and, that the lite -beet 'struc-
The telegram follow,-: "To the tare in the world must be;torn down
Slayer:- Men •s Coesivorth, English Within 10 years before it' falee down,
been British Citizen, here on world a catastrophe which . would threaten
tours_ advocates,. ebasging the calend' the lives of thousands of residents in
to equal months calendar of 28 days,eaeh, elim-' one of the richest quarters in'Paris.
inating fourth of July, Flag Day, Col- The Ministry of the Interior, in an -
embus Day, Memorial Day and all i nouncing appointment 'of the Comsnl8
P'a ;seg la Newt Y'o:e!'
Major General George W000,}
ins C=q�ethalsGreatead,of all
�rrrierican Ene'imee:rs
Joins Geat.
Burial According to Wish at
West Point, Where He
Was 'Trained
Now . York—Major, Con, George
Washington Goethals, officially nem
razed as the `man who aeeomplislired
one of the greatest enirseer if feats
since the Egyptians built .the pyre-
raids' -•the Panama Canal—died qn
Saturday last in New Yeek aftir• a
long illness. ,IIis wife and two cions
were at. his bedside ' when he died.
Ho was buried with -full military'
other •Anserican holidays .now. appear- 'soon of experts said, that examination. honors-; 'at West Point, where he was'
inig,on our calendar. Suggestion means , last May resulted in the replacing of trained 'Mei whore he was an instrne-
compfae recasting of year. Tho 1 many rivets.; The tower, was pro- for at one time,
present long-established holidays pounced safe, however. Signal achievement: 'marked the
would cease to exist, ' IIas' English
backing, also'fananced by group head-
ed by Gcergo Eastman. As leader
America First Movement, can 'you''
make : stateinent for- us as `to your.
opinion of"this Englishman's • plan?{'
Froin the 'Mayor: "Answering Your'
wire. Some day the loyal American
people who would preserve our price-
less heritage will awaken to the fact
that there is in' this country a well -
organized effort to make this nation
a colony of Great Britain •again,. haul
Clown Old GIoty and put in her plate
the Union Jack. Your statement about
Mases Cdteworth recommendingthe
abolishing of American holidays is in
line with perverted histories' calling
George' Washington a rebel and trai-
tor and belittling our famous Amer-
ican heroes in the nation's public
schools which I have stopped girl Chi-
cago. It is to me a part of the whole
diabolical plot. It is my hope that
our people will understand their dan-
ger beforeit is too' late and to that
end I am trying to do my part." •
• Those luke-warm on thesubject will
now believe it: has real merit since
"Big Bill" findsit wanting.
so Sir Chas'los' gift is a handsome one. a futile attempt to swim the Strait
Sir '1;harles'is without doubt the of Gibraltar recently.
world's greatest benefactor of flying. . Miss' Gleitz entered the water' at
Ile has presented planes to flying clubs 12.08 a.m. After swimming for five
throughout Great Britain, to promote, hours, she was caught in a whirlpool
the interests of flying. • and nearly drowned. She abandoned'
Sir Alan Cobham is a protege of Sir the swim. Berlins:—Berliners awoke Thursday
Sin' Alan is now mapping On reachaing land, Miss Cledtz, whoto feud the streets plastered with Ger-.
South. Africa. It will cost a fortune, seemed greatly, distressed. at the fail -
which Sir Charles is giving as his ure, said she would abandon all fur- flier attempts to swim the 2man i ascist pasters ironically •pro-
eontributiion to. strengthen Empire 27 -mile 'aiming S. Parker Gilbert, AnrreIean
bonds. - 1 stretch of water. She Showed no agent for the Dawes plan, emperor of
Sar Charles Wakefield greeented sighs of exhaustion. . {Germany.
the Mace to the Canadian Parliament "it was terrible," .the swirmner said l The occasion wag the sixty-ninth
shortly after the war. For two years of, her experience. "I had just con- i birthday` '(Jan. 27) of the former
during the war he was Lord breePer • plated the fifth hour and was Setting kaiser.
of London, during which time he earn- set although the 'etintlnuod darlcness I "Since the German people appar-
od the undying grabitude of teus of inude me rather sleepy. Suddenly I 1 eptly aroincapable, of wielding the
Birthday for; Enthronement
.. of S. Parker Gilbert lis Em-
peror Who Rules .. With
"Stove -Pipe I-Xat and -Bind
'Cutting Scissors''
Passing - of tlio Eiffel Towed would career of 'Gen:. Goethals„ scarce"ee
be regretted i>y'.all 'Frenchmen to them unheard of 'unta he literally'
wham. it;iias become a landmark, as- moved `mountans to bring trite the
impertent'-a'part of•the Pt ris skyline eeemingly hopeless dream,;—the Pan -
`as the towers 'of Notre Dame. • lima Can'ai. It was this stupeedoue
ns' gatherings of thehorticulturists, •clothes. A guard 'who WAS aroused by
seed growers aud. officials of the fairs; the noise interrupted the men, who
oriel emeetans In detail the
To -i
tiopened tire on 'tint with revolvers. The
ionto o as s fellows? igs under the various guard threw himself on the floor and
dates ate areturned the file, but the three mien
.DotaII of Meetle a • fled. -' make It very simple for the Interna -
Wednesday; Feb. 1—Ontario' 1a s- Nugent was one of a number' of ti0nal Aeronautical Foderatldn to da -
sedation of Fairs. and isxhitiiitions
annual" convention. Il Re subtle an prisoners who osccaped elle ,what. avitltor was untitled to it, !
from Mount Joy prison in I92ir'. and 1927 medal_:far',i'Siti greatest-ae$isve• Bi§hoi Stubbs once forgot his treed and other victims woeld.expreess' their
Thuaday, Feb, 2—Out trio Associa- was reel tepee ' in Clonmel, Dec. 21, nrent in aviation lest year. l
1 when attending a ceremony at Oxford, 'gratitude for. the, whipping which:'in
to t 1 `[t 1 h
book that has mowed 'world-wide •re-
the side of the boat It was at the end Parker Gilbert to the icaiaership.
eommentduiaosr, "On Leaving Sehocl an a bitter end too, but better than , "The • former kaiser ' ruled with
eer." crown and sceptre; the new one rules
and the Choice of a CAst being defeated by bad weather, orad p ,
Another thing which Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh accomplished was' to
verge currents.
"I have no intention of making a
further attempt, but I'Wish luck to all
Who' try,"
?- — •�
with a stove -pipe hat and seissors
'with,�illich ho eats bond coupons."
The placards announced that."to-
morrow" •there would be a mass-
meeting.in Gilbert's' honor meat which.
unernpailyed war cripples, trench swine
tion of Fairs suit Jiihibitious annuli, after a struggle in which he was shot'
Cnuvention I Swedish } Yacht MayBe
Tire wee s r which and
borrowed one representing the erns. ions • cap a as. administered
1 r, from same degree et 'another university: to then since 1918."
,r-- - — even. the Scandinavian Gold Cup
Friday, Feb, 3.-0u`rrio Seed lin the hip.
.Growers' As000tatlon auuual meeting.
sten last fall, lira been
On hearing someone remark: "The The placard was signed 'by Reich -
b It is to 'be hoped that rival Cantral Ithe United S# htvl been Btsarop waiars a l.la on ells back;' he stag Deputy+ Wilhelm I{ubo, among
Cana yI+` Feb.Club. 'An;-drican rulers have Learned' that, it.purchaoed by SanFrancisco
Monday,rtlFcb. f1 -Ontario Tam- they trust go up in the air, it is bast l yid they have an eye on winning the' retorted "Not no bad as that—only ethers, on behalf of the Lerman Fas-
�uorth Club. ff a a falsehood."
else party.
Dual I'urpose Shorthorn Breoders, to do so with Lindbergh., t tiup back May 13o?
Club. I _
Ontario Berkshire Club.
Ontario Large Yorkshire Club.
Ontario Swine Breeders' Aasoeia
tion. '•
Tuesday. Feb; 7—Dentinloa Short
horn Breeders' Associatimt:
Canadlarl`Jersey Cattle Club.'
•Caliad'an Hackney Iforso Society,
canactla» Pony Seelety.,
• Canadian Standard Bred Horse As•
:meiat+en: - •
Canndlan Swine Breeder's; Associa-,
tion. •
' Wednesday. Feb;; O—Canadian Shire
horse Association.
,Ontario Sheep Breeders; Associa-
Von.. e , . . ,
Canadian Perckortile Breeders' Ae-.
so clatiee.
Ontario Hereford Breeders' Asso=
Ontario Branch Canadian Stational,
Silver Fox 'Association.
Ontario Aberdeen -Angus Associa-
tion. •
Canadian Hereford' Breeders' Asso-
Ontario Vegetable Growers' Agape!.
Thursday, Feb. 9! ---Ontario Horti-
cultural 'Association. annual Conven-
Canadian Ayrshire Cattle Associa-
Canadian National Poultry AE.so-
riation. , •
Clydesdale 1ros'se Association of
Canadian •Sheep Breeders' Sssociit-
Friday, Feb.' 10—Ontario Cattle
Breeders' .Association,
Ontario YFerse-,Freedees' tssocia-
"Aye, lad,' said one Yorlcsbireman
to another, "we're gettin' on at a,1ir
place, I can tell Cha! Wo'vo:a. mayor,
and we've- given hire a:coll'ar and a
chain to ilt. him up like." Ileo, ye
really?" exclaimed the other, "Why,
we let oors run loose!"
Germany's lnnovatlone iapartments
for housekeeping bachelors, recalls
one ilachelor's recipe for toast; ,care-:
fully barn a -slice of bread, than
scrape it.
Who Said Sea Water Wouldn't Freeze?
't' -e
111 thu 13
toainshih P'inee George
y of Fundy.and was lit
seen, above; as she entered Boston harbor. a miss of ice. After leav,ir5g Yabmouth she ran into a severebilzzard
the teeth 01 a northwester for the entire voyage,
Serious corrosion the metal worts feat, the separating of the Americans
has increased with time and• although continents, that 1rraught fame to the:
160,000 francs ie spent every year • man who for more than 30 years had
on its upkeep and painting, the tower -been conquering: tides and currents in
would have long einem fallen had not th,e .streams of the nation. He was 57
a squad of men crawled continually when he competed the Panama Canal
over its face, replacing bolts and and he was 22 when he entered upon
tightening screws. , his career as an engineer. .
PASSED, ITS SPAN. Gen, Goethals continued his work
Built in 1889 for the world's fair, until two months ago, although he'
the homer already has passed its span had been retired nom the Arniy at
of life by 19 years. Its builder„ Alex- his own request almost 13 years, andt
Andre Gustave Eiffel, constructed it his rugged health seenjed:impregrtabla
to stared 20 years. When he died in to the advancing years. He wars 70
1923, he expressed `the hope that mod- when be died, abut until two months
ern engin err would find d: way to en ago enjoyed ;exceptional health. - One
close the tower an a shell of stone or dhy he was taken ill hi his office and
concrete in order to reserve it for went home, but .only his family and
posterity:, intimates knew of it. The feet ,that
If the tower comes doeen, Paris will he frequently was called out of town
lose "the highest American bar in the allayed any suspicion, of illness. Iris
word," a bar whicll serves cocktails Fath came as a great shock -
to American, German and other, world In 1923 Gen. Goethals was drafted :.
travellerson the tore floor of the tower by Gov..Smith to serve as State 'Fuel
906 feet above the"+ground. Administrator and his service' in that
In 'reoanf°, years, the tower hes paid post won', the approval ref the State
its' way. The French army used it dar—
ing the war for observation and signal the principal advisors of . the Port of
purposes. The Post Office Depart- Naw York Authority during, the eon
mens uses•the wireless station for struetiom of Cha Holland Vehicular
transmitting messages over great div- Tpnnal and also was an advisor of,
Cancer. The electric advertising signs the Port Authority in its other ,pre
on its .sides bring- 600,000, francs n jests, including' the bridges now being .
year. The bans, restaurants, post card• built between Staten Island and New
shops and dance halls on its various y,, and the proposed bridge across
flofre, alt show a profit.' the Hudson to •.Fort Lee.'
The tower also served asa jumping-: DECISION OF CONGRESS.
off place e% its 39 years of existence in 1903 Congressfinally decided to
for 111 suicides, • Some climbed the provbvde funds for the United States to
tower to get ai vieyv and jumped over take over the Panama Canal project.
to obey a Gudden irresistible impulse Three French companies had been un
which doctors call height madness. suecessful in them: efforts to build the
WAS RIDICULED. canal. -Their` failure eras die to the
If the tower ever should : fall, it fact that they did not appreciate the
would bear out the dire prediction of necessity of making the country a 111
mo st of the engineers and publie men ,place for the white laborers to live in.
of Eiffel's day. His structure,. nidi- Also because they could not find a sea-
ruled as the "modern tower of babel," level canal possible and were unable
while it was being built, was bitterly to solve the problem of an adequate
criticized. As a clinching argument, lock system. Even the famed De
one member of the Academy said in Lesseps, builder of the Seem Genial,
public session that "Even America abandoned the task,
would not tolerate such ,a monstros- In 1907 President Roosevelt isp-
iey,a pointed Gen. Goethals Chief Engineer
Parisians protested to tho Premier, of the canal project '
Gen. Goethals 'gathered about him
the newspapers printed. hundreds of
columna predicting disgrace and div- the ablest mem: in his profession and
aster and persons rioted in the street. proceeded to Panama, but when re -
Alexandre Dumas and Guy De Mau- ports showed little progress was, being
passant were only two of the many made there was a, storm of protests. ,
prominent writers to .give most bitter But Goethals had. a definite plan in
condemnation. view and 11 was found leis first stop
.Tho tower mos within a few days of upon arrival en the Isthmus was to
completion, despite all the opposition, appoint Major Gem William C. Gorr-
when handbillxwere:passed aroundthe gas, Ohaef Sanitary Engineer.' of the
streets' of Paris announcing that the :one. - It was 'Gun. Goegas duty to
heat of the sun's rays had done its make the Zone safe for Workers. Gore
ork that afternoon, and that the iron ,! as cleaned up the Isthmus, drove out
was bent, just: above the first landing, the fever, providecl a pure water sup
and that the tower certainly would ply, and when the place was made
fall within a few days. habitable workmen were brought in
Parisians, after such a }sitter cam- and the real work of rdiggimg the big
paign, held the tower le horror. All ditch Cysto on.
during the' exposition the ,tower wee For seven years Gen. Goethals drove
the hit of the fair and hundreds of himself recklessly in the undertaking.
thousands 'of foreigners went to the But he met and conquered aline tt un-
top in its elevators. Not more than believable obstacles of nature and
100 Pat'isaane . had the courage to go science. Then when everything wau
up. In later years, when the tower in readiness for scraps to pass through
peeved that its critics were wrong, the canal Gen. Gocthaie reported to
Parisians made it a playground."', Congress that his life work was cern-
pleted and that for the jlrst time the:
American continent was separated by
-ovi •
Interprncgal a navi'gtulrlewateiway.
o Spurns
Ontario and Quebec Develops Cica or
Co-operation s ave
Power at Chet 'Falls • • '
Quebec, Que,-Details of the first,
development of - a water .power, on .an
interprovincial river by the provinces
of Quebec and Ontario. will „be pub-
lished officially. ` Tho proposed devel-
opment as at Chat Falls; on the Ot-
tawa river, andv the worlc; .for which
plans for the Quebec portion have al-
ready been prepared; will be under the
control of tho Chat Falls Power Co.
, The 'Ontario 'side plan 'hes not yet
received the sanction of the Ontario,
government, although 11 is expected
that this will be given in the near
future. The capacity of the develop-
ment is about 150,000 hcersepower and
the work will be commenced to t'acil-
itate the full development being niade
although at first only around 40,000
horsepower will .be developed on the
Quebec side of the river.
There is mot e p cted to be any
question of provincial and federal
rights in this asaiter, anthem its no
navigation canal in` the `.Chat Falls
region, and the differences at present
existing' between the provincial and
federal ;authorities with respect to the
Carillon Falls isdue to there being a
navigation canal there.
"When did the robbery occur?" the
cross•-examing-lawyer asked the' wit-
ness. "l thlnit-„ he began}. "We
don't caro what you think—eve want
to know what you know,' remarkedd
the lawyer, "Well; I may as well get
off the stand, then/' said the 'witness.
"I can't talk witheet Welting. I'nr
The Associated Prees i'ports that
a letter from Clirdoe,'Mass., to Mayor
William Hale;'Thempsoti of -Chicago,
in which it wan stated that ,hiss asso-
alation with any patriotic .program
"detracts from; and sloes not add to, stat•
effectiveness," has been framed here
by the delegates to the Conference of
the State Department, American, Le -
gime The letter was in reply to ono
received • by the State- Department
from Mayor Thompson, in which the
latter asked the support of the M•assa-
cliussetta Legion hi his. program to
"Americanize Amerieen lsieto!ry. The
delegates represented 79 Legion pasts:,
in the State. The letter said,in part:
"You acslc our sinport, You, who,
in 1918, by your actil>ins would, in
political glee, have seen the support -
ere and defender of weir national in-
tegrity 'sold out into slavery' _ You,
who, in' 1918 by your actions, gave
vent and leadership to:. that opinion
which would have put a crepe on our
honorr door', and hang our heads in
shame. •Yuri, a defender of American
institutions? You a patriot? You a
defender *2 the America of "yesterday,
to -clay or to -morrow? You -you who
had a great chance : in the world's
,greatest crisis and who failed."
The letter was signed by John W.
Reek, Department Conunander.
The inspector was asking general
knowledge questions. "Willie, what is ;,
a bigamist?" ho asked.' ' The anss'or i
carie quickly, (Please; sir, a man,,
istak twice'r