HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-02, Page 147-481 Ye
1i II Iy INc
P.ATF D 'Hili 'CLIN']'ON, .NEW ER,
& NTAtt•1 0, T
t9 3
Cur dues
,ire hear 22ost
Jreasrared 906 ge361011
Son't Je e �Y let Jhem
Tho first minute you realize your'vision-is impaired consult us.
We ivrll givd you a thorough : examination -telling you frankly
whether you do or do not need -glasses. If you do you can be assured
of the best service possible' at very modest rates,.
P --hone 174w
. elf
Residence 174j
orFriaa`�y . and Saturday
h0 rs
A17 Linen iTa5Sle Clothe 11/tt1 . yards, hemsti'tc'hed s'11 -arot}nd,
Rog -tiler price '475, On sale at .. ,.•. 1.. SD,
Pelle-ger'Sweaters in Incas' Thin and Ilgettelt'sd'wo'rd, ilsb'otlt 15 in
the lot, ,sizes •36 to a, On',srt'he ma Price. ',
t, Boys Bildt All Wool l timstred HHose,'sises Ti Ito110, ;Oe Sale at 205'0
'We have also a anniikrer tel remnants •oI '38 '" :stripped flannelette
in. lengths ;one 'to five eteatds_st't'very ,tittracteve princes.
The Last
These prices should move ' ever .J
y You ,t
ty Your
Next Winter's-' verso.
$9.00 and 7
Overcoats 0,50"
�� 5 �
Overcoats 9.50
.50 pp��'pp
12.00 Men's overcoats ^,
0 00
Men s ilk
ckinaw Co
e 5
18 50.
'A Imre Deal for Every '- .n.
Wheat, $1,26'
Barley, 72e.
Buckwheat,, 72c.
Oats, 50c to 51c,
Butter, 32c to 35e.
Eggs, 24c to 35c.
Live Slogs, 158.40,
Baptist Church •
Sunday - Song service 8.45.
Preaching service, '7 p.m.. Subject:
"A Weary Sabiour and a Wayward
Woman," Sunday school and Bible
classes at '2,30 p,m,
The B. Y. P. U. will meet Monday
evening at 8 o'clock in the church
Prayer serviceand fellowship meet-
ing Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock,
Presbyterian Church
Services on Sunday as usual.
' Su y
Morning, Subject: "Childish Things."
Evenings subject: The Mote and the
Beau." -
Sunday school and Bible Class at
Midweek service each W,ednesday
evening at 7.31).
The W. A. will meet in the church
on Wednesday,' February -8th, at
eight o'clock. This will be a social
evening, to which all the young people•
of the congregation_ are invited:
St. Paul's Church
Sunday's service will begin with
celebration of Holy Communion at 11
a.in Stinday school at. 2.30 and Sen-
ior Bible class at 2,45 p•m, Evening
Prayer at 7,Ir,m.
On Monday evening the A. Y. P. A.
held on open meeting: when the prin-
cipal item on the program was a tra-
vel talk by Rev. A. A. Holmes on a
trip. through•. Egypt and Palestine,
Program -was arranged by Miss -Edna
Wise. ' .. .
The Ladies' Guild and the W. A. are•
giving a point social on Wednesday
evening next. for the benefit of the
flower fund, ' There will be a pro-
gram and refreshments will be ser-
Wesley -Willis Church -
"-The Girl's Club will: meet at the
home of Miss Ida . Walkinshaw 'on
Monday evening next, instead '•of 1
Tuesday, at'eight o creole
The congregation 'entertained the
church choir to a chicken sapper in
Wesley hall on Thursday 'evening 'last
when - 11e'twe3l fifty'':'ana Sixty slit`
doom to handsomely decorated and
well -spread tables. After "the' inner,
man had been supplied -With the ab-
undance ;of 'geed things provided some
after-dinner speeches were given, the
Rev, J. E. nogg acting as toastmas-
ter. The -affair 'was Toted a very
pleasant one by 'those fel-tuna-Le
enough to be present,
The W. M. S. 'will meet 'on•Thura-
day afternoon -next -•ut tire''h'oin' o1!
.Mrs: 'Gaudier.:'
The minister's ntordjing-su'bjedt-will
be: "A 'Wonder Regarding Oursel-
ves.r E'vetiing: "`A 'Wonder 'Regard-
ing God.." • •
For ,the neitt few weeks the Mid-
week prayer service will 'begin at
seven -thirty, Instead of eight d'clocic.,
Ontario Street. 'United Church
Fellowship ;s:eraice at ten :-o'clock.
Morning sermon.+sdbjeet "The �CCppeu
Room:' Eveping; "Deman the De-,
Berlet:' Sunday'sdhool with Mission-'
dry 'Program' and offering at half-
past two. "
The Sacrament of the Lord's, sap-
per :will be "given 'at the clpse of the.
morning 'service. ' Il,eception of :mem-
-bers: also 'held. Those wishing to un-'
ite 'wrthethe elrurdh either `by 'certij i
tato' or 'profession of faith will be re-'
ceivod ,
The Zoung Poole's .League held; It
very inte.restan:g .meeting on Mondays
everting:. After the :devotional per-
iod a literary program of Irish num-
bers was given. Instrumental ,selec-
tions were rendered by W. 13. Johns -
„ton, George and Edna Elliott 'ani Mrs.
Wended. .„Readings were : given by
1VIr..Elliott and'Mr."Doan sang a.
solo and gave a brief sketch : of his
visit to .Ireland some years ago, A
large.nember were present and all
seemed to heartily enjoy themselves.
The congregational meeting was
held last week and'was a very 'suc-
cessful gathering. The large num-.
her present and the splendid spirit
On Friday night, "i,he Clintonl Jun- A' -fortnight: or so ago, at election
lore received their first loss this sea tune, we : inadvertently stated that
son, in the O. Ix. A: race, at Strat= Mr. Jackson had defeated Mr. Cooper
ford. Tlfe'larger we surface was for, mayor in 1924. This was an er
new to most of theni and it took the ror, Mr. Miller was, Mr. Jackson's
first period before 'they could find opponent. Mr. Cooper was mayor,
themselves" Stratford got two goals during 1923.and was nominated for
that period. the position for. 1924 but, declined to
Tho second; period was scoreless, rune
and the locals pres"ed,.lutrd but were LITTLE LOCALS
unable to • score The third' period
the Stratford boys; scored another Stratford and Clinton Junior
and the, gasne ended 3-0 in fever of Hockey teams will play off. in Chile
Stratford. ton tonight for group honours.
The Clinton team
i Was saved a The Clinton Public hospital board
worse beating than; the score Indic-, will meet- in the board :room of the
ates through the excellent playing of town hall on Tuesday evening next,
Twyford, their .goalie. Jack was right. Feb." 7th, at seven o'clock.
on and 'made the' Stratford team go
the .limit to beat itini Reeve . Langford was appointed to
The line-up was a' follows:- the Executive Conunittee of the.Coun-
Clinton: Goal Twyford; defence, ty Council last week, one of- the most
Mutch, Cook; centre, Elliott; Wings, important, if not the most' important,
McEw an, Kennedy; ;subs, McClinchey, committee of the council.
Castle . The C. C. I, commencement exec-.
Stratford: goal, jcandle; defence, cises are on this week, last eight, to-
Brundock, Zulauf; centre, Fritz; night and tomorrow night. The pro
wings, Herr, Leneyi, gram is being given on three. evenings
Referee: "Dot" Meier, Seaforth. because the Collegiate Auditorium is
not so large . as the town hall, which
NURSING SISTER BURIED used to be filled for two evenings.
Por thefirst time in the liistery of The, inspector of Kitchener Public
Clinton, probably ;the County or a achoels,: recently: reporting on the
much larger area, a woman was given work of Miss Eva Carter, who is a
a semi -military funeral, when, with rnember'of the staff, said "She is
flag -draped casket :,the ,remains of new Here, very promising, doing ex -
Nursing -Sister Claxrir Ferguson were cellent work, Thus Clinton girls
solemnly carried to this last resting' make good when they go out into the
place in the. Clinton cemetery on world. °
Tuesday afternoon. DEATH OP ',JOHN MILLER
After suffering ill -health ever since
she returned from eervice-in• Frame After a short illness John Miller
with the Canadian Expiditionury :of Goderich township passed away at_.
Forces,. Nursing Sister Clara Fergus- the home of his sister, 1Y,s. T. Mc -
on died at Christie Street hospital Cartney of Clinton, on Friday in his
Toronto, late. Saturday night. Born -sixty-ninth: year..:
in Clinton, ,Mies Ferguson was the
daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs 'Dir, Miller 'had been in failing
James Ferguson. She graduated health for 'some time but had been
from Victoria. Hospital, London, Ont., : going about until within a couple of
going to' New 'Fork City, where she 'weeks er•: so ;of his death. He had
practised surgical,nursing for about been for many years manager of the
fifteen years. In 1,910 .she came to farm of the late Miss Craig, whose
Canada again to, Millet in her come death occurred yesterday morning,
try's nursing Service: She ` offered- and though his friends wished Mini to services to th'e:'Canadian -Govern. give up the work for some time he
anent hut there was;;so much delay in would nob do so, until he became :so
her acceptance that., she joined the ill that he had to be removed to the
Queen Alexandra 'Imperial Nursing home of his sister, where he died.
Service and saw service in Eng- He is survived by three sisters and
laird duff France with the troopsp In four brothers Mrs. T, McCartney, J.
-France she wgc g.t;itched to the 34th A•; Harty'owl ':'Jacob.'Miller, Clinton;,
Ambulance ,rant;.whichwas station. ' Mts. rsen, Wroxeter; Mrs. E,
ed at E'tapleie Sister -Ferguson .held- ,Morins, P Patterson, tf.. and T: W, Miller,
the Queen Alexandra D:coratton, the Goderich towliship.
General Ser%ice and the Victory
Medals. The funeral took place from the
On going, to Fiance. first Miss For. home of, Mr_ and Mrs.' McCartney,
gegen Vas connected with No. 11 Gen- Huron street, on Monday afternoon,
eral. Hospital but in 1917 the Anieri• The servIcbt were conducted by the
cans took- over this hospital and she Rev, A. A. Holmes and the .pallbear
was attadhed to No. 24 at litaples,' ere were old neighbors: Henry Corey..
In September of that year she went Ian ;Jervis, Alex Elliott and Jaynes
on the 34th :ambulance train; where Jackson. Interment 'was made in
she served fourteen months. Daring :Clinton: cemetery. `-
this period she had many thrilling Mrs, l0fakins of Powassin, his sin -
experiences. They were often under ter, and' two nieces, Mrs, McLean and
fire andonce barely escaped being lifts, W. Patterson of Wroxeter, were
tniten •prisoners, being obliged to amongst; those from a distance who
leave otic store coach; which had been were here for t'he funeral•
derailed and which fell into the hands
of the enemy. She later served both
in Franee and England, returning A gathering of Conservatives of
home in July 1919.
op PAPS1
Dlr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings enter,:
tained the Ontario street church choir;
at'theirihome on Friday evening last,
when a happy social time was spent.
`'On Tuesday evening Mr, and Mrs.
C. :Wendorf 'entertained the same
choir to an oyster supper, which
they also enjoyed.
The News -Record doesn't begrudge,
the choirs any 'entertainment they
get, they're not as a rule;. killed with
kindness, but they do say that eating
too _heavily is not good for the voice
and we hope this doesn't keep up too.
long, as it would be a pity to ruin
so fine 'a band of singers:
' The regular `meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute was held on' Thins'.
day last; thirty-two ladies being pre-
Afterthe usual routine business
wits transacted Mrs. N. W. Trewaitha
gave a very instructive paper entit-
led "Woman's Partin Canada's Pro-
gress." Miss Grace Evans sang it
solo, and Morris Rozell and Audrey
Carter gave-a'piano duet.
The hostesses for the day were:
Mrs.- P. Cudntore, Miss M. Walker.
Mrs. H. Jenkins;' Mrs. (Dr.) Thenrp
son and Mrs. I•h 1V1eBrein.
A special meeting of the W. I. will
be on • February 9th at three
o'clock at the horn of Mrs. N. W.
Trewartlia, for a social hour and pic-
nic lunch, when a sale of useful ar-
tieles willtake place. Each member
is asked to.please bring some article
worth twenty-five cents for the sale
and also bring a friend.
North and South Huron was held in
Ilei health as been uncertain ever the council chamber, Clinton, •on
Tuesday evening for the purpose of.
stck her return
.but she bravely. hearing ZVII s. %'anis who has charge of
stuck to her work as long as she the wont of organizing the young
could. For some months her condi- Conservatives in the province. A
tion has been serious and it was
known that she could not recovenumber were.' •
present, from the 'north
r. riding..
The remains were brought to Olin -
ton on- Monday and . a short service 'Mr's. Fallis, Mr. D. Walker,a young
was held at the home' of her brother- University . student, member of the
in-law, Mr. Thos, Cardwell, on Tues- Macdonald -Cartier Club, Mayor Mac-
dily;'afternoon, followed by a service «Ewen and Mr. H. Blackstone, Getter
in the •Presbyterian church. The lee ich, all spoke. Mayor Col, Conibo of
al veterans attended.this service in a Clinton: occupied the chair. ' d'
body, following- the casket,, draped Mr. Walker made a stirring speech,
with the'•Union Jack, and ` occupied urging upon the young people': the
the centre 'pews. necessity. of organizil for wok in
The service was conducted by till their own party.
ho r
Rev. A.L. C. Harrison.assisted 'fo t Mrs, 1. albs¢ evho is a very ready
flea, L. C. HarrioThe former and fluent, and withal a very Pleas -
Preached from 'the words: "She hath ant, speaker fleet touched upon the.
done what she could," and spoke. of 'work of the Conservative women.
the self=sacrificing ' work of'- this She urged that women take an inial..
young Canadian' woman, who enlisted ligent part in the politics of the coup -
even as thousands of young Canad try, which was, she said, nothing,
ians,'.her, brothers, to serve the coun- more than taking an interest- in the
i! ,and the- Empire which she loved, governing of the -country. She 8180
"She gave her life as truly as the men -considered that mdre'slioulii be done
who laid tient. down in. Prance", los to interest the young people, Boys
throughout the meeting,;signified the •sail• and girls, in public affairs, - 80 that
' healthy condition Of the cluieclr, The • the casket was simply draped with `they could, take the places of the 'old-
various organizations i p p �
rens' in all their won.]:: The. Bttnday'sent by friends near and far so that thought the Conservative' party was
nine month
`the r s
school raised 8430 in tit
and'the :Feting People's Leagee; 3180.
0 and the
The, Ladies' Aid raised $40
W, Me S. 8350. The Junior -League
ltas'n'membership of 65 and is doing
a splendid' work. The 'aniount'con:
tributed'for the nine months to the
Maintenance and Exteesiono Fund
was $1500.. The Sybil Courticg Soc-
iety has •a membership of 25 and is
looking; forward to real Missionary
r raniza-
aetivify this year. Every organiza-
tion: in:the church is well officered and
anticipates' ?greater wort: in the: cern
Ing ye'tr. The pastor•, in giving Inc
address, drew- attention to the value
of 'statistics not in the here facts,; but
that the
education V
in, the religions
represent•• ,;The cgngregations• are
well. maintained add show an appree,
iation that _is very encouraging. The
mad -week prayer and prase servic,o is
well attended and shows an, inereasinf'
ntei•est and'spit spiritual fervor. 'The r'o-
bortthis year. is for nine 'montlts' only.
The pastel- is emphasizing in Isis min -
many t -ons .re orted re- the' -.Union' Jack, many flowers were or ones as they droppedout She
istty;;the fundamentals of practical,
'religion. for which the church should
rtt is ex -
'oat on
stands and a hearty inert
tended to all +w,ho have not a regular
church home, to attend and enioy the
services and profit by any helpful-
ness that the 'baster and church may
be able to render,
to tori' the.one whose policies best suited the
developenient of the country and said
it was not enoughto'.be a.Conserva-
tive by birth, one should, be a Con
servative' by conviction. She spoke
in the highest terms of the'construe-•
tive leadership given by both Premier
Ferguson, and Mr, 13. B. Bennett.
Mayor Combe, after M,gs. Failis sat
down, said he could add'"his name to
the list of "Conservatives from eon -
victim," though he•said `his Liberal
friends• considered hila a back-slidev
and a renegade: -
Ori:motion of 1)r. Thompson and. E.
Walton..a resolution was' passed, pro-
viding that the local association
should facilitate the organization of,
iv Club o • Clin-
a Young Conservative o u r
ton'and ^vicinity. And on motion of
II E. Rorke and' j. ,5choenitals, that
f • all Conserva-
tivessocial ;'ttherhi for
asoi P
in Clinton and vicinity be held
in March, tyre following: committee
'being appointed to arrange for same:
C,el. Combe, H. E. Rorke, 3.Schoen-
pals, Dr. Thompson, G. N L`lliett,
Z 14Telinilov,
Iolines . t
W. S:,R: 1 s
-l4 .. r
MRs 'Thompson, Mils C Hicks. Mrs,
N. W. Trewaitha, Mrs G Jenkins
and ',I'es, Mabel Ciuf;.
At the conclusion of the business
coffee.' sandwiches ' and dalce were
served by the focal organization.
a conveyaipzce' was neededy
them to the .cemetery.
Miss Ferguson is survived by two
sisters, Mrs. W. J. Carter. and Mrs,
Thos. Cardwell - of Clinton, and one
-brother, J. Q. Ferguson of Redlands,
She was a woman -of a lovable dis-
position and lead- runny warm friends,
who deeply regret' her untimely pas-
Mrs. Oliver Rh ans, a cousin, and
her son Phillip, of . Burlington, ac-
companied the remains, to Clinton and
amongst other friends who were here
for the funeral were: Dr. David
Smith, 1Viisses Martha and Margaret
;Stevenson, Mrs, James Gourley, Mrs,
Mata 1
"Jezard, and the Misses ,
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Fer
gusen, Seaforth; Mr. George and Miss
Lily Ferguson' and Mr. and 1V1i
iE;unnings, Goclorich; Mrs. George
ivs.achin, Miss C. Machin and Mr. W,.
McLean,• Blyth.
The veterans marched behind tho
casket to the cemetery - and at ,the
grave thr: lest, t t Peswas sounded by
D14. E Mitch.
The pallbearers were: Col. B
Coinbe, ,Lt,; Col. 1. T. 'Rance. Lt.-
t.Col. J. W. Shaw, Major D. Smith,
Capt. T. ;lI2orgsui and Dr, F. Thomp-
Final arrangements have been made
to Itold„a Special Poultry Course lh
the .Clinton Collegiate' Institute en
February 7, 8 and. 9.
This is the first course of its„kind
to be held in Huron 'and will likely
be the only one held in Clinton. Poul-
try raisers whether Parin,- 3 iwn or
Comentrcial can ill afford to miss I:ltie
feature arranged for by the Local
Department of Agriculture.
The program for the three days is
ne follows subject to minor changes;
Tuesday, February 7th.
10.00 it.m.-7/ntroduction.
10.10.a.m.-Equipment required
4or,'a'Perin Flocllf"of 200"leying hens
11.10 aatt.-Sanitation.
1,.30 p:m.-Housing:
2.45 p.im--.fudging Utility Birds
and Culling Demonstration.
Wtednesday, February 8th -
1.0.00 am, Diseases of Poultry.
11.00 a.in.--Incubation and Brood-
in 1,30 p.m. -Feeds and Feeding.
2.45 pat, -Feeding Laying: Hens
and Floc* Management,
Thursday, February 9th
who died. in Toronto en Saturday
and was given a, semi -military fun-
eral' in Clinton on Tuesday afternoon.
The County Council last 'week vot
ed -a grant of $750 to each of the
county hospitals. The management
of the Childrens' Shelter came in for
some crticism and the grant to it was
reduced. Ex -Treasurer Lane was vot-
ed a retiring bonus of $500 and ex -
Inspector J. Torrance of Clinton was
given a gold -headed cane, in -recogni-
tion of their services to the., county.
-These are just, a few of the.en-
actments. We hay. not been - able
this week to make room for a fuller
report, which we hope to carry next
week. -
Clinton is 'a' progressive town in
some ways but it is very 'much be-
hind the times in that it does not pos-
sess a town flag, or at least cannot
'tIy one.
On more than one occasion on spec-
ial holidays The News -Record has
called attention to the fact that the,
town flag was not flown, only ,ta'be
told by ` Chief Stong' that the flag • '
could not be run up owing to some
defect in the pole. This has been go-
ing 'on
o-ing'on .for some time; a couple of
years anyway, perhaps more. The
town council has spent money for
numerous things as the years have
coxae -and gone, -why have they not
supplied a town flag and a. pole on
which it can be flown when occasion
presents itself ?
10.00 a.nt. Egeeding and Rearing
11,00 a.m.-Egg Grading.
1.30 p.m. -Fattening and killing,
2.45 p.m. -Marketing.
Special Speakers
Mr. T. A, Bettson,•Poultry Division.
Dominion Department of Agriculture.
Mr. 3. W. Clark, Cainsville, Ont.
Mr. J. T. Pickett, who .has been cal-
ling on oid friends in town .this week
and who, incidentally,called in .to -re-
new .:his subscription to The, News -
Record, is 'a native of Clinton,' being
a son -of the late William. Piekett.,
IIis.• father,•died, however; when he
was but a few months old and when
he was talent seven the fatriily_•left
here for Westf feld, where• he grew to
manhood, married and remained un-
til twenty-one, years ago, when, with
his wife and three children, he were;
west, settling in the 'Maple •Creek
distriot. Tle was a pioneer in that
district, which was only becoming'
settled at that tidse and took part in
the work of ' organizing the first
school in the. district. ' He has eon -
tinned to take a keen interest: in the
schools and in publio : affairs eve./
since and has been reeve of the Mun-
icipal Area of Maple Creek since its
organization, having been , returned
for the eleventh triine by acclamation
in January, -
are no •
managed ;just
Civic affairst g
as they are,m Ontario. For instance
there ate no county councils, no coun-
ties, as we have them here. A munic-
ipal area is made up of aline town-
ships, each six miles 'square,' and
these are again divided into six equal
parts,'a councillor being elected from
each of such parts. Each councillor
is electedfor a two -year -term, three
beingelected each year. The reeve
is elected by the votes of, the whole
hteen-miles uare municipal. al ar-
ea, and these areas ' deal directly
with the Municipal '' Department of
the Provincial Gdvernment.` Mr.
Pickett says this works' out very well
so far but that if the population be-
comes more dense other -arrange-
ments may have to be made.
is the
Mr. Pickett has prosperedr e
west and has become firmly stakedd
to the country' in which he and 1n
family have resided so long. Some of
his family are Married and settled
near him. The crops in the vicinity
of Maple Creek were good last year
but the snow cant early. before the
all doMr. Picket
`threshing was done.
had the good 'fortune' -'to have hi
done bat: some of his neighbors have.
threshed since the beginning' or the
new year, the gain turning out in
Pine condition.
A seed -cleaning- demonstration
train is being sent out by the Ontario
Government this month, which will
visit points its the counties of Huron.
Bruce, 51rey, en; - - Perth, -
Lampton, Dufferima*-Wnllid Wgtonaterloo dur-
ing February, MMareh°and April,
Seed -cleaning machines will be in
operation daily on' these trains and
the use of proper, screens will be de--
monstratcdby qualified Hien, and a
small portion, of grain will be cleaned
and graded at each, of the points de-
signated. Lectures will be given at
half past two each day on diseases of
different farm 'crops, 'insect pests,
destruction of weeds,' etc, . Informa-
tion will be given as to sources of
pure need gran, ,
The train• will stop at II
s p moa points
on the fallowing dates, from 9 o'clock
a.m., to 5 p.m.: :February 27th, Sea'
forth; February 28th, Clinton; • Feb-
ruary 29th, Exeter;, March 1St,. , -len.
sail; March 5th, Brussels, Ma'rehi,31st,
Wingham; April ilth,,.B1yt11.and.April
12th, Goderich r,
This train is being tuft for the'ben-
efit of the farmers in the Vicinity of
these points' 'and' the Deliartinent
hopes they will take advantage of the
educational features they supply.
The organization meeting of the
Collegiate Board was held peter-
day evening, when tlt'e following of-
ficers and -committees were appoint -
ted Chairman, W. Brydone;' •vice,
R.. E, Manning; Secretary -treasurer,
John Ransford.'
Study and: Dicipline Committee:
R. E. - Manning, Dr. Axon and Dr,
ShPawroe Y
. lrt '
r : H. B. Chant, W. Il. •Hell-
yar and Dr, Evans.
Finance: W, Brydone and It, E,
A motion :of epprecietien of the
services of Rev: J. E. Hogg was un-
animously adopted as follows:'
"That this Trustee .'Board 'of, the
Clinton Collegiate Institut
e place on
record our high appreciation' of the
services of Rev. J. E. Hogg,'sho,'as
nine ears has
Trustee for the past t y
so efficiently and ,unsparingly given
of his time and his,: talents to the
t'.ruse•of education in this community.: ,
• During the erection; and equipping
of the new .building, Mr. Hogg has
been indefatio'able inhis attention
5 his'
' the work; mid to story detail of .bc w ,
i,i elniteal knowledge and sound :judg;:
meet have proved, at all times, most
ii7e desire, herewith, , to :express to
Mr, - I-Iogg, the gratitude, not of the
-members of the board only
rt, we
believe of the eitiletrs generally, for
his untiring and self sacrificing ser-
v es in the interest of the education
rc.i .
of the youth of Clinton and the sur
r'oitnding district,"