HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-01-19, Page 5r0,2 'Waive ,Pin!n4,05". q...,"4,e0414!!" „ itiPli7."`I/t79149larkdatlet- • gog .1i0elcCie made o fel shes an enemy Ps eet.4`iek;",..,•'.We'!*eleerirelhitih Co isid,.PP•eifie.',0"cinat!.frait,' ''it:Seelp.0! he heSt- ePijles'ith!tr-W'orld;- ,W.OUld crYeTte.:itniibriT'Po .1VIriryS, • , It iiI,generallYIkoPPOSedii•.SayS.,tire Toronto.lStar',.;W3aekly that 'wditien • have hiererCiiridaSittt1afl iudit " it 'le".usbally,.'the ;husband, nqti the. lt,,,Ofife; ;Wife' keepeSs!.the". radio! ,going SaYing :and -Probnhly'ilie..reastre 'qt. Is generally. • arippoeedi.' i beCauae..itterbayo been that wintery' Yircire'noire- mem'aird 'saying it over an& oYer -again se often . that! -thy have 'qome.fe.beliorie it thenielyrs.• , : The pithlie; ha a been:she-eked, during" 7 -the nest few, .weeks by some -of' the niost' revolting ' cringes , ever 'recorded.: ' The, liacicrnan-Parker;:caiii•-in." ."ego,' the recent Casein Michigan,' and the ricurder in: 'Toronto 7 the • other morning. of One child and:the serious -.wounding: of the wife , and another - child ,by the huaband aria' father, has ,..sent: a shiver 03 horror and constern- ation to, the hearts ' of all, normal, • right-thinking - people. What are the recisbna 'behind these horrible primes? The:Toronto Man- gives as his reason -for the -attempted .wiping but of his -3 aniily thefaet that he could not make a living for them and he Wished to put them out of misery. There Would -seem to be something very lacking in the moral training of men who resort, -to such crimes, radess they aro utterly unbalanced mentally, • ' The Woodstock Sentinel-Revietv* says thatWoodstoelc. is a city of just the right size—that it is big enough to. have advantages over 'smaller, piaci.- • es and yet not so big as to possess the disadvantages that attend life in the • great' cities. The Ottawa Journal, on • the other hand thinks Ottawa is about the right size for thecomfort and pleasure of its inhabitants but Toron- to, we think, is about the size a pity ought to be if its people are to have everything of the best. We understand tee, that the people of Oshawa, 01-11 Fergus, Galt Clinton, Goclorich and ether placea. feel quite sure that their own corner of the land has some aavantagei over all others—'roronte • Star Weelcly. • st Yes, we are fully -convinced that 11 more -people lived in towns about the size of Clinton, where living condit- ions are simpler and mcire wholesorne instead of being cooped up in crowded city apartments it vvould be inner hater for the country, generally, Slum conditions in the , Country or in a sniall town are rare while in a large city they are the:usual thing. Bagfield • The annual -meeting of the Hayfield -cemetery Company Was held in thd town hall. Monday -afternoon January the -16tin, when -the allowing" officers and -directors were apnointecrfor-1928); President, Ian" McDonald; Vice,. ja.nies IL Reid; Sec. -Treasurer, Al - ;red E. Erwin; Direetors, Charles R. Middleton; Thomas H. Elliott George Ruche, D H 1VIeNasighton, William Stewart; Sexton, Richard Elliott. The grounds and plots have been much improved during the past, year. The system of -Permanent upkeep was adopted a year or so ago and is prov- ing to bp a, success. The annual meeting of the inem-, hers of the Bayfield Public Library was held an 1VIonday afternoon at the, Library Room. .The reports were very favorable, showing that the Lib- rary had beeo well patronized during the past rear. The treasurer'sstate- ment shows a balance en hand of $41.86. Special mention Was made of the work of the assistantilbrarion, Miss who,has proYed_her- self most capable. . . 9. 1Q C1*iit1 t4 141'4000i4' • r. 'e „II-InSS.[;EOW10.; ieIiaL iee!MdSo.e;'" idraW'S ii•FS'119,Y44taii"9,94.:r(*" t":"WeeK'!lit. mane s ,.t was at the iist /i4de-PAgi,!$,:de:=1YeOr!!::44e0fS , ty one to the:tadie Aid ntnt':0,;.*4s:..•‘e04(1". to" feity. -ladies....nre.sent..-:' • ha sepMhand1btling 7,31p.e • 'rederitly,..PaCicecite. b.e aentwith others frOintario tlre:P'reeliteriabtell:OrtheilltOn- ' ter Rev)I.92 ti as 11ay: 1lh's.! Gale,".P'reSiderit:;,‘111-re. Win• tea 'and 'Mel( iiz"' • ' reSiderit41., p.".veway;.,,troaatirer,":"' Kra.: R. -;s4iiteliin6r, • Secretary, . Tlia Ladis Ajd SodietY 'Officers ere:: 'Mrs.-, '"Clarkil?liesident;' "Mrs. "W., :Wallis, .r"cica;:.: Mrs: A. .Brandon, treasurer ; It...,Seoteliiner, Secret-- . '• Offteet's• ieappointed at the ardijial • Meeting" of, St. Andrew's church entlY heldare as follow:—Elders 'Wm,' Reid; Lancelet Clke,„ S. Cleave, -E. F.-Merner; W. Wallis, 0. Campbell. Stewards:" R. C. Reid, W. Stewart, -J. McDonald,' R. Stotchmer,..j. Scotch. mer; Win. 'Sparks; S. flohner, D. Mc- Kenzie, D. Dewar, P. Cleave„,' Ushers; Wm. Reid, Albert Dunn, W. P."' 'Cleave. See,treaSurer; E. P. !Werner. Treasurer; M. & E. Ftind, 11. Drehrnami. „Organiats: Mrs. W. Stew: - art, Mrs. R. Scotelimer. Supt. S..S., Fr. F, Merrier. - '&4 The following officers weie reel- ected; President, F. A.,Edwa.rds; Sec. - Treasurer, George. E. .Greenslade; Librarian, E. H. Johns. Assistant, Miss V. Fowlie; •Directors, Johns, F. A. Edwards, G. E. Green- slade, -E. F. aVlerner, Rev. F. 13. petal, Mrs. Robert Scotchtner, Mrs, H. It MclCay, Xrs. A. R. Seed, Miss Joseph - Inc Sterling, Mrs. F. II, Paull; Aud- itors, E. 11. Johns, F, H. Mira. W. J. Elliott, Blue Water ighwaY, Goderich TP-, is visltIng lier 'Etter in London. • Mr. and Mrs. E. 'A. Saucier, Mist etty and Mester Bobby Sander alld r. and Mrs. Wilbur Ervdri motored rem Kitchener and were the guests f Mr and Mrs. F. A -Edwards on Miss 'Jessie Tough -of- Stanley Tp,` Varna The Library ASsociation will hold 14 annual meeting in the ' frame church on Monday evening, Jan. 23rd, at 8 o'clock. All members and those interested are invited- to attend. The following new hooka have been added to the, Varna Library shelves:— : VictiOn—Golden Snare,: Curwood; Anne of Avenlea, Montgomery; Curwood; ,Hunted Woman, bur - !wood; Mad CaroYa, Ostense; Bar 23, Mulford; Luther Chronicles,, Mont- gomery; Marked Man, Detzer; God and the Groceryman, Wright; The Dark Road, Bindloss• The 'House of Fear, Service;' The niterloper, Oppen- heim; Magic .Garden, G. S. Porter; The Mating Call, Rex Beach; Juat Mother, Porter; Wild Geese, Ostenso; Lost Estacy, Reinhart; The Light of Western Star, Zane Grey; The 'Man of the Forrest, Zane Grey; Last of the Plainsmen, Zane Grey; Ken Ward in the Jungle'Zane Grey; Young Ferro- ters, Zane Groy; Inc of the Hawk and Raven, McCutcheonf Barberry -Bush, Norris; Witch Wood, :Buchan ; &ding the Hold, Ballantyne; • Tracks in the Snow, Charwood;• Galliena Reach, Toriainion; To• .the Light House, Wolfe; The Sixth .' Comniandment, Wells; The Broad Highway,Farnoll; At the Crossroads, Comstock; Black Hunter,, Garwood; Devils . Mantle, Packard; Comrades, Packard; Beneath the Grey Olives, Keith.; Cappy Dicks, ' , " • Nin 'of Alber- ta, EleLean; Old Gems in Nevi Sit- ta, McLean; Ohl GOIAS in New Set - Barton; Stopping Heciikenward; Drag- on and -Raven, Ilenty; For -Name and Henty; Desk from Ithartoun, Ilenty;--Under :Wellingtons Command. Ilenty; Fitting Death, Henty; Final Reckoning, Henty; Whet. London ,Burned,'Elonty;- Last 'of ' the Great Scents, Zane Grey; Rea Headed Out- field, Zane Grey; The Steele Square, Vol.I; What can a Man Believe, Bar- ton; Christ of the Indian Road, Jones; In the Hills of Galilee, Tucker; Tod Hale at Camp, Barbour; Early Times in....Great West,' Base; 'Lawrence in Arabia; Buffalo Days, Wheeler; Jane Eyre, Bronte; The Wrecker, Steven- son; The Ebb Tide, Stevenson; Lure of the Labrador, Wild, Wallace; Wo- man the Masterpiece, Green; Cross- roads to Childhood, lVfoore; Miss Billy, E, Porter; Mies Hilly beeision, E. Por- ter; Miss Billy Mauled, E. Porter; Turn of .the Tide E. Porter; The Boy Tramps, Oxly; The 1Vtiracle Song of Jesus, Macdonald; ' All in the Days Work, Creighton; Grenfell Knight Errant of the North, Waldo.; Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures, Emer- son; Ruth Fielding Dawn in Dixie, Emerson; Ruth Fielding an the Sad- dle, Ernoson; Ruth Fielding of the Red 113111, Emerson; Jane Allem-of the Sub Team, Bancroft; Jane Allen Right Guard, Bancroft; Joe's Boys, Alcott; In his Steps, Sheldon; Voice of the Great Creation, Belden, en't,"!!)KetyingtYJSel'eiiees. 9 9k: ei*:IaVe:;ctionseed:Yario , Yal.„1"0,0,4! SQ4 , the ipg elgsse13 bmdpy hs3 3l3ith,, • FirSt;AielatiOngrthe jan.164,.• 25;i:-:1111S's Wary! Honaten, lies Jectute end derpoxistrations in EverY.Eridey'afterneerr_Is'„set'aSide: for.;•;oint epiaealin••Litatary and, SOP-- ..ial Mate/MS; feotrite$•:, thethe restof then. are nYt_ :the; firat. to' it will :Ise. a'qiieneare indeed "to take Paiit , , • , „ V.jsjtorsare -97.9,Ya• /ffe,coine:,an,cl everYdise • ''reasanable,!. distance .'slibirld:striYd to !atteti'd.e,fe,W.of';the: sessiona ' especially :' When '„ Speeial• speakers are ,piesent,' • etiasi vis4ipe 110:Jut Birtlis TYNDALL--In Hullett township, on "Jan. 8th, to IVT.r. and 1Virs.-Fred TY/1-• (la, a son. Bayfield, on Jam gth, to •Mr. and Mrs. L. IL McLeod, a daughter. • TIIE GOOD ADVERTISER The only one like iiim is the good • advertiser, The man who contracts every week for the space To tell the subscriber all about his good stock there, Aral just what to pay for it at his place! " He never says : "STOP IT! I cannot afford it!" Besides,it don't pay me to 710W advertise!" But always says ; "RUN IT! I know what I'm doing! I stopped it- before—but now L am wise! • , (0! the joy that it gives us to hear him just say it:), "Run my ad, in your paper—and don't you delay: For the ,people. they read it— And some of them heed it! • AM NOW.ADVERTISING-,-* -)337ICAtrsE LT Do135. PAY We outwardly thank .tim—we in- wardly bless him— Tha nod advertiser—who is prompt with the pay! • --(Originel with The Lttean News. •. Pasture Land For Sole 3214 acres, more or less, on Corner Teldphone Road and Bayfield Con. road, one half mile :from Clinton, ap- ply to R. Miller. 45-2. ' Hides 'Wanted. Horse hides and beef hides, highest market 'price paid. Will eall in Clin- ton any night by appointment. John 1% Tighe, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phone 637r83, Clinton central. 'Farm For Sale 100 acres, lot 26, con. if, Hullett township, property of the late Wm. Morrison, mostly under cultivation, small hardwood bnsh. Large brick house, barn 613x58, good- young or- chard. Apply to George Carbert or Mrs. James Brown, ,executors of es- tate; R. R. No. 1, Clinton. 45-tf. ' Annual Meeting - The annual meeting ofthe Huron central Agricultural Society will be held in the office ef the district rep- resentative, Clinton, on Saturday af- ternoon, Jan. 21st, at two o'clock. All members aid those interested are *in- vited to attend. 46-1. Unreserved Auction Sale Horses, Cattle, sheep •and Pigs.. The "undersigned auctioneer has re- • ceived instructions to sell by public auetion at Tot 29, concession 7, Goder- ich Township, one 'mile south of. Cot line, on Wednesday, Jan. 25th, 1928, at 1 -o'clock sharp, the following.; HORSES--BaY mare, 7 loam old, weight about 1500 lbs; bay gelding, 6 years, weight abdtit 1500 lobe; -Per- eherori filly colt, rising 2" years old; COWS --Choice Holstein cow, 3 years with, calf at foot; choice Hol- • stein co*, 3 years old, With calf at foot; red cow, 3 years old, due Feb - 51 choice black eow, 4 years old, due titne of sale; choice Durham heifo, 3 •years old, due in March; Hereford co, 7 years,, due Yeb...7.th; Hereford cow, due in April; roan cow, 3 years 'old, clue Feb. 14t1r,Holstein cow, 4 yrs old; freshened 6; ., weeks.; blue cow, 8 years old, due March 5th; black cow, milking well, 8 years old,- bred 2 months; roan covv, 5 years okl,, clue in April; Durham cow, 7 years, freshen- ed 3 inenths; 2 choice black steers, 2 Years old; red steer, 2 years old; Here - fora „calf; 6 weeks old; 10 choice young cattle 1 to 2,years •old; Billy Goat.' PIGS—Yeung. sow, 'with 7 pigs; 8 weeke old; "pirre,bred York - shore sow; dim,!IVIarch'lst; pure bred 'Yorkshire 'soW, dfie- April 20; pure bred Yorkshire 'sew,' due May 10; Pure bred...Yorkshire 'se% just bred'. 'These sews. are a choice dot and are carrying thei;.8rd,litter; -5 Pure bred Yorkshire,sewS, ;welghtlilabont 200 lba., ready to breed; ...16-Starc Pigs weighing; ahout SHEEP -1.0 Leicester'nwes- and a 'Leicester ram, 1.3 of 400 are fron,:itire bred. Lea - _ester Stack, rising, 2 -and 8 yeirs, diie to from March 20 :Le 16: Set single harness." , , ; • , Taions:=-All Punts of ten dollars -and. ander, c411, overz that ,amount, 10 monthel-credit will be given on fur- nishing hankable papers or e -discount of 5,,ner 'cant straight for ?cosh, on ereclit anibunts, , •' •Eyerything, offered _will be sold yPithout reserve as the preprietors are over -stocked, The eale iviu tilt audio's, ..E'red ancl Albert "tona,..Propriatele, GeOrge Ii: 'Auctioneer. ' 454, , (Crowded.out last weel_c) , The regular meeting of the Council was held an IV/onday, the usual busi- ness being transacted. -There being no election the old members retain their seats and there are no new -ones to "break in.". • , Owing to the heavy snow storma during the past weelc our mail courier •experienced great difficulty delivering His 1VIajosty's mail over some parta of, hip route. ' •• - Mrs. I: Harnwell anent, a few days Mat' week with friends in Girder. tdh . , Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid and daughter Jean left Inet week for Flint, Mich., whera they intend spending, the 'win- ter Mr Reid haVing' taken a .posi- tion there, ',. _ The District meeting of the, L.O.L. was hold in the Temperance Hall hitt Tuesday atternoen, • • ' Miss OliVe Pollock of StatileY, Tu.. s the., guest 'of her.'annt,..Mieh 'lV4fer- aret CasnplielL thiS week. ,Miss Lucinda Reid returned to 'Bit- ter , alt Monday .after 'having spent 14 past three weeks with lier sister. Mr. and, 361!!$.! return - •d 'to' the Village,; C week ',age et 'I•idfIST• 4.1.i9r• linvin$, 51)60 tbn, 'Past weinenths inStratford, Miss Mande Steilirig icturned SrefiriesdaY,',ef "last Week, to her Auties tj runtren,..„0 '0Weri Sound. General. and H9sPitel, " • , r.erl.1t W1gbIsasid Iwo senS Ise left the' mule 'cla:Y" to 'visit lei 151e0,..',Wir5! 33 McLaren ,rn ,Fort 811, In.......„...1.4.;$:. to 0`,:!Ilifik0... 15 . 9 ••.:.,... :'4';' w ISP16:.': .4.,„ .0p• 04 b, -,ai;:. :**i::.4-:'.44:::,i14,•:,ia.::-,134,-,..:404 4: ,,,,:t......4:::;,::61'':::,,:,•1:::!1.,,,::::::4::?•;.'...:: l?'::i l'fri*O°:#0's's1•:.::::-!.:;':::.t:Oa:::.i':'OhSt%i:•T'::: i:ri:i:0:1: FLU: :anyWhere.:Cic.ehertedt ..inCitieel be";49:: Aigvi ,e!teek !!ef"'Ijor!!...erie,g. • ,!!! ! ,I.IfiPliy.:Atia,"Prosnerous •CJ1a8.V 060lie TiVO Photes.---661v;and 36j: 0.:EA1ORTll.sit0'er' coxritsgp IN , AG/it/CULTURE AND • • -'• :ECONOMICS 'Tlisl'Stts,Pikillis -at , tlasS.c _Annual Whiter Courses.haS graduallY increas- ocb until!'entering the third' weekthere are . (Are* 40 boys and -about , 45 girls PUBLIC MEETING- CALLED public meeting of all in- • terested plot2holders in Baird' cemetery will be held in Walk- er's Hall, &greened, on 'Satur- day afternoon, Jan. alst, 1928, at 2 oiclock,when the matter of Perpetual maintenance - will be thoroughly discussed. Every- one interested kindlY be present as this will be a very important meeting and decisions arrived "at will be considered final. IL Secretary:Treasurer. NOTICE (RIESCISEI Under the provisions of the Ontario 'Companies :,Act, ,Clinton Creamery Limited hereby gives public notice that it • will make application to His Honour, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario in Council for .alt order ac- cepting the aurrender of its charter on and from the fifteenth day of Feb- ruary. 1928. Dated at Clinton This' 1,8th day of January, 1928. S. E. Rozell, Secretary. : 46-1, Skating Party " A skating party will he.,heid in the local rink on ITuesdny'.eicening, Jan. 24th, under ,theauspides. ef the L. 0. B, Skating at 8 'o'clock. 'Refresh- ment 'counter AdMission.25e arid 15c Cristem Salving. Custom sawing will be done as us- ual the corning 'spring. John Hutton. Londesboro. ' 48-2. "WiSoa For 'Hospital • Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned op to Feb. 4th for ten cords of hard, green maple, 12 inches long, to be all body wood. Mrs. W. L. Mnir, Box 294, Clinton. • 45-1. Woodwork Repairing, .Etc. • Having taken the shop,,next .jonds' blacksmith shop, am prepared to do all kinds of woodwork repairing, saw sharpening, etc. Let me have your rejair work' and see how. satisfied you will be. 'David Elliott :• 45-2. Made a Mess of It Bought cheap remedies, got (0). Use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs TonSilitis and tonsil ills. Success . or money for Cough, Bronchitis, Croup, Quinsy,, Hera Colds, Catarrh, Sore Throats back. Clinton Druggists, 45-2. IL F. 0. Oyster Supper The Londesboro U. F. 0. 'Club held their annual meeting on.Friday, jan. 13th, at which it was decided to hold an Oyster Supper, -1 or paid-up mem- bers only. The da!te of supper will be Inade known at a special meeting to be held in the community hall, Lon- desboro on Thursday, Jan. 261h. Any person interested is invited to attend this meeting. Thos. E. Adams, Presi- dent, Chas. josling, Secretary. 45-1-p. Wanted • • Quantity of feed barley. Will pay 750 per bus., delivered at -Clinton Chopping Mill, weighed on town scales, Phone, Switzer's', 81 on 614, Clintom„central.. , 45-2-p. Lost goodyear tire Chain,. op aab. k3th, IsetWeen Brocefield and poderich, Re. ward to finder. -'John B:MuStard Coal, C.,. Clinton, &greened „and Goderich, ' 0' nog !Feather •03!E EQR.',PRICES; `arket fer Bulky al El iflton Poultry OitS, qtpdetTei 214ty. 1 aye -Yon seenr , ounew - medela in above?' ! Many .",,insproveinents since last year.; , , ' • Call :and let ,us..tlenionstrate, • , pRICES MIDDERATE J. '13...'LAVIS.: 37-tf „ • Don't DriYe on Welke , • • Driverr;of vehicles are -warned that driving on sidewalks is against. the law -and those indulging in the przie- tise leave themselves open to a pen- alty. This is a warning that the law must not be transgressed 'in future. L. Stong, Chief Constable. 45-2.. Wanted—Vox Fara WilI pay $10 to $20 Oath for good fox furs. Elighe-St prices -for all other furs. H. A, Hovey, Clinton. 43-11 Cottage For Sale Small, comfortable cottage, wired for electric range. Garage on prem- ises. Apply M. J, Moore,William street 38 -If Meeting of Huron County Council . The council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'clocic in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 24th day of January, 1928. All accounts against the County must be in the hands- of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W . HOLMAN, ' County Clerk. Goderich, •Tan. 5th, 1928. 44-2 LOGS WANTED We are again in the market for good logs of all icinds, either deliv- ered in our mill yards or on the stump. Highest cash price ,will be paid. Custom sawing will be done at Reynold, Thomas Wallis', 4th con. Goderich township,- and . Clinton as usual during the year. McEWEN BROS. Reynold P.O. Phone 624-r-4, Clinton 414f Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements at lot 30, con, 6, Hullett township, about 4 miles north of Clinton on Tuesday, January 24th at 1 o'clock sharp, con- sisting of the following: Horses— Grey mare, rising 4 -years; bay mare, rising 6 years; bay mare, rising 7 years; bay mare, rising 9 years; filly colt rising 1 year. Cattle—Red cow, rising 3 years, freshened 2-months ago; roan cow rising 6 years, due to freshen Jamul.** 26th; red cow, rising 5 years, due to freshen Jan. 29th; roan cow, rising 7 years, due to fresh- en lab. 20111; red cow, rising 5 years, due to freshen Jan. 29t1t; Jersey cow, rising 6 years, due to freshen in Sep- tember; Guernsey cow, rising 4 years, due to freshen Feb. 261h; spotted heifer, rising 3 years, due to freshen jam 30th; ted heifer, rising 2 years, due to freshen April 1st; roan cow, 4 years, farrow; red steer 1 year old; Guernsey heifer rising , 2 years, due in September; 5 calves rising 1 year old; calf about 2 months old. Pigs— sow with 11 pigs 7 weeks ol_d; young sow due' middle of ,February. About. ,100 hens, 2 geese and a gander. Im- plements—Massey-Harris binder, 6-31. cut with sheaf carrier and truck; Massey -Harris mower, 6-11. cut; No.. 21 Deering hay rake; seed drill; Mas- sey -Harris cultiVator in good repair; set of 3 -section harrows; Fleury walking plough, No. 21; land roller; farm wagon; McTaggart fanning vilifier; Portland cutter; rub- ber tired top buggy; ••set, of sleighs; double set of team hipmesS; set of single harness; Wartman and Ward hay car; a quantity of hay and grain. Everything to be sold as proprietor is giving up• farming. Terms: HaY, grain and poultry and all sums Of $10 and under, cash; over. that amount •Months' credit -will be given on furnishing bankable paper, or a: (Hs., 'count of 5 per cent:' allowed for Cash on credit amounts. Wallace Powell Proprietor. George I-1, Elliett Aire- tioneer: 44-2- . Property Fer.:Sale 8-roorci brick house, corner Spen- cer and North streets,- eocil and wood shed, cement • ciatern. Nicegarden with small frtilts,• new 'barn and gar- age, hen house, ' pig pen ''"-new fenc0. around property. All braidings Sup-. plied with Hydro and town water, phone in house. Also a good Variably, - lot, Albert street, north next tp.j.--V. WaarriarTfs regiclertee; 00 a' black. mare;-Puitable for delivery, Viatil, b01.' 1-keet, harness, sleigh and Wagon:: Weida consider exchantiang catne part payment' on, farm pod'porty AU . willhe sold as oiori -to tend I ' pr 111 S qt1M- .i31;! town, T. H. Leppingtob, Hex 382, phone 276W, Clinton. ' 45-2, Wood Wanted •, 15 cords of , 18 -inch • beech and maple body wood wanted for S. 8. Na, 4,' Tueltersmith, Apply to 0. R. Fear: 11, ga• 5, Clinton. FlIOne 615-0-24, . 44-2.p 7 , Varin For Sale . _ 100 'acres, good soil, gobt) linilclingS; day of janttarVA-:-P',., 1P2S! ''' fino,.ugaibushi 41*Inliefi from Olin - ton,' Will sell on e4sy terinis. : A, E, ' -1V BRYDOND .01iiiten 'Ontario - ,• ! , - Matheson, Seaforth P, 0., Phone • , „ ''' SP15,0461' .c)r.t11',.'4"04d.'glcselitows. PI104, .74: .: el.INTON , 614-333, Clinton central. .'. . 38-tf, '1' , ' l'. . ,,.',3‘,.;. ' ',. '• , . 45'73. ', ' , • 1111 t Plate,Iii,!;ThrOWDise I•larrei,vi'!With!-'2„:11Oreo:C‘ierief!"!;"•. $42;0!1," ;"hers,e,.; evener '• „50 OEl DiSelliarrew.. With- g :licirsa..evener'' • ,45 00 14:: Plate. Otit4hroit Disc .11arroVir,Witli. a beige' evener 52,00, • reqUirecli ADD- $00911,:te..the above. 4•!,Plate. Traater,!....DiSe;;:haticly...centroliclotible-tietion , ; 102 ..00,l ! „.• !„ , „. single-leVer 'ecintret. • .; :..• ' 96.007 ' 6 feet' i_aatici!.::Rolleics,'.stoej eferrated.'fremes. . , ,'70 00 8 'foot Tillage width Mulct -Packer , :,„••• 101: 00 .8' feet 'T!illage db Miiicher,Peeker 101, .6, toot, long by air 'lichee wide Steal Stone! Beef . • 1 voo, .incheS"'Wide'..Steel'LStone-Boat : • „ . ' 16,00 , ' payable' by note Deteber ist, 19213 'A liberal reduction in, the above imices, for C.A.SEE prices .include delivery at :yeur freight station. - i131 , er arclivvare TELEPHONE 53 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Morrison Deceased, - CLINTON' • C. H. -VENNE , Eiectriciari tlectrie Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans -and other Appliances Phone 7 Wiring and Repairs. Property For Sale Shop: and residence combined, cor, ner of Albert and Princess streets. Garage large enough for three cars, also winter storage for "several cars. Garden with small fruits. Apply. to W. L, Peffers, Mary St., Clinton. 41-4-2p :Farm For Sale Lot 28, con. 13; Goderich township, 85 acres more or less, good land, well witli windmill, bank barn, hog pen, 6 acres hardwood bush, an acre of orchard.' Comfortable frame house. Also 50 acre farm on London road, Tuckerenith. Apply to T. Mc- Knight, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 604-r-4, Clinton central. 28-11' Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re, paired. Woollen .goods dry cleaned. Rooms ver Hoard's B.rber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-13 P uitry Supplies LAYING' MASH SCRA.TCH FEED—7— GRIT, SHELL AND BEEF SCRAPS COD LIVER OIL, $1.25 per Gallon E. L. MITTEW Huron Street • ,NOTICE 4e -hereby given that all persons .haying. „claims , against the 'estate of itorrieon, late of the !Township of in the Connty :of .luron, "yeoman, deceased; who 'died- On'.or. about the. Oth day of January "A.D., 1027',;..ara required, to „deliver'.to George Carbert and Mary Ann )3.rovIni: the. ex,pentars ,ofthe said ,Oetatc.„•pvisheir,"SOlicitoi,..:on or before Ilktid.Oth;day; of FebrifarY 'A. H.; 1928, a Aril: stateMent et their Claims gethe1.?Wit1J,partienl07e'' thereof, and !the.- nature !Of theceuritiestrif.,,hold- VY 'thorn' all'aulyi:verified'Iry affi, . . AND T.Aia NOTICE that after: the said last mentioned date the Said Executors Will ,proceda to distribute •• the estate of •the • said docegeol amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to 01.16 clairtre as i 11 and in nOcordanee therhvith. ' • . i. 14eY SlIall lisvP. reesived due notice - Dated at Clinton, 'Onteria,,this 1.6th Clinton 31-tf Poultry, and Eggs Wanted We handle eggs every day Poultry Tuesday and Friday mornings • , Call us if yell want fcr get the highest market price . A. E. Finch Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231 27-13 Clinton's' pengei SPRING IS ON THEW11 (oi LITTLE. PREMATtikE NOT, AT ALL. A LOAD OF HEAT POWS COAL 15 ON ITS WAY TO SOME LUCKY FANO( -THAT's • swesenres.ms.satregamra4 NE TERM Opens on Jan. 4b1 in each of -SHAW'S TWELVE BUSINESS SCHOOLS in Toronto. Write for Calendar. W. R, Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto. . House For Sale Large red brick house, corner Or- ange, and. Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences. Possession when desired. Also a barn an 1,1 acre lot on Wellington street. Apply to Mrs. W. Jenkins. 064f -6p Buy 'Your Coal NOW It's a long time until spring. Three more cold winter' months are ahead, and the mercury will shiver down to 'zero more than once before the flow- ers bloom again. • Have you enough coal to last ell winter? Don't gamble with yam. family's health and comfort. Nt is much cheaper to buy enough coal than to pay doctor bills. HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 ' Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery Phone 111 WOOD 'I have a quantity of good hard wood, slabs and cedar. NOTICE Any coal accounts not paid by the first of February will be handed 10 for collection. • , E. WARD Phone 155- Huron street Singer Sewing Machine eased on Small Monthly Payments Big Discount on Cash Sales • . Now is the time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for, all makes. ' W. GLEN COOK I Phote 1713 P.O. Pox 201, Citrates We haven't Hard a robin, • Nor seen„ a spring flower. But spring weather is Surely on its way to somebody's houiel Whoever receives a load of Heat Folks Coal has warm weather- in-! gide his home, no mattei how down- hearted the thermoineter gets! 1 C hi ,tr for good, clean coal RADIO KOLSTER-KING Give your family a radio set for Thristmas, in doing so you will be giving them• something which they! can enjoy the year around. We are dealers for the Kolster arid Kings sets dud will be' e pleased to giv you' a demonstration at. any,. time. Batteries charged and storm/. for the winter W J. Nediger, Prop, ASPHALT R� FING We have a complete line of Toronto Asphalt Shingles and Roofing for siding or roofs if you 'are considering roofing compare ours, before buying, with any other, This is the best by test: Feeds Always carry Bran, Shorts, Western Oats, best quality a lowest price. FORD A SOW Phone 128 Flou and Feed Merchants enol Grain Buyers