HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-01-19, Page 4_.
t < r9
tr i
e or I sen C
o 1us la t: year wtotcat-• .
siiect'and we are predicting a
aipei demand for this year.
During Jan a y we will sell all
'Vegetable 'and I'loyvei ,�,"ds
't pkgs. b
rte' c i 2
l �
:Prices rices ;viii l e 6 for 25c:
These . e - seeds' aro all
Government ;stock., Go;+ei'nn 5
1 t,
Bargains ll tauonb li the
store. .,ee .last ;veer „ '� •
.- c: Sale
Record a cr tist of. ,,oxd
SALE CLO`� `� ,ib.i 31st.
Mrch of the 192A/all Peper Alreadyonsale,
,Stamped R11'` s
Now in demand for the Win-
ter Season, 1 yd. 114 yd., 1a4,i.
d. and 1 "`! d. Choice l'at- ,
tern:;, 35c to 81.00,
e Prints Cil hams .
F4 Prints. i g a
Take .advantage of our, New
Spring DressGoods, which we
offer.. at special ..prices. "Ging-
hauls. as low as ] 6e,
English Colors. East' Dyes
T' J0 "a
l'l.J ...
Also a number of good
used Pianos
for sale afreasonable prices
0 o MeNEIL
Clinton's Musical .Instrument' Representative
Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
We Want
Good hahhty brings Good Prices
Gunk, Lang/kis Co., Limited
PHONE or.rtra=====reammt210======avaammai
L held its
xe r�Q•},4}l�'0 hall .at
h..The et"
W TiL4od; Dist D.
Drelil` Dist '�,G�hap lain C.
Pilgrim, Dist: Rec,-Secretary, Fred
McClymont; 'Dist, .Fin -secretary,
George Castle;. Dist Treae n ei . J. W.
Reid; Dist. Marshall, Lewis Clark;
Dist- 1 .t, Lecturer, Melvin Clarke;
Dist. 2nd.'Lecturcr, Lorne Epps; .Aud-
IiIcMu McMurray and'G. C Pett".
ibors' R. r y
We are pleased to report t. Dr.
W. S. Elliott, who has been ill.: with a
at the home
severe attaelc�of 'Pleurisy
of his `brother, Mr, G, W. Elliott;,
Goshen Line, is improving. "IIe, had
not been Feeling well for ,Some time.
and iv.s taken 111 on- his way h ne,
1 y -.home._
We hope fora speedy and complete
Ccsjborze Township
On Tuesday, the Women's Mission-
ary Society held their lnonthly;meet-
ing at Mrs. C. A. Robertson's with.
a good attendance. Mrs. Warner'
Walter and •Mrs. Chas. Robertson
sang in memory of Mrs.. Allan Green,
who resided here for some years., and
M't•s. A. Y.'Henderson also spoke in
sympathy, Mns, Marsh gave a very
pleaing as well as talented Waddress
on "'New Days in Old India."
Mr...T. H. Wilson silent a couple of
dwys'in Toronto-this•week.
The violin music class ,begaan a
"series of lessons for the winter
months, which are taught by Rev.
Mr. Poulter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wti't. 'Sallows..enter-
tained then friends to a euchre party
on Monday evening in honor of Mrs,
Sallow's sister, Miss Nellie Courtney.
Miss Annie Miller paid a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. IVlaedel of Carlow.
Mr, Blake Schwa/Az of Rowanvillo
Sask.. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Levi
Word was received of the death of
Mrs„Allan Green, formerly Miss Julia
Sehrweide, of 409 9th St, Manitowa,
Wisconsin. MTS. Green took an Ret-.
ivepart:in religious and social affairs
and was highly ; respected by every-
one. She tool; the "influenza :about
two years ago and the effects has
brought her to an 'early clew th. She.
was buried on Saturday, • Jan. 7th,
from 'her apartment in Manitowa,. She
leaves to mourn ; their loss : two
daughters and a son, Mary, Uerb.ert
arid Dorothy.
ti 9d1ertainsj)o; t—forEve y Occasion
TJAPPY.is the : Inst 0r hostess at any social
gathcriog-when Stewarc•Warnc nadir)
A turn of d,c singte control dial, 5500,15as setting
a 'watchi brings music of famous orthastem- ..-
renditions by famous artists -features w thous
end: -Svety hour of every day,. throughout the
.cntitc year -there's always something appropri.,
Tar/, Grt•',g ate in radio entertainment.
95,41 521 Tlrc selectivity, volume and remarkable, Iife•Iike
,tope of the new Stewart; Waracr Radto'witl aor.
pride and delight ybu. Cabinet and console
I, models afprlces you'll be glad'topay.' Be sate
to see and hear them.
Tb!• C1,,,,
Stewart -Warner Sets are licensid to
sell in Canada.
. Hova'e j Clinton -
geroms Varicose ' Verus
Reduced or Money, Back
'This Simple: Home Treatment: is
aab Gently and Upward Toward the
Heart as I3loocl in Veins' Flows
That Way.
Lr you or any relative or friend. is
'orl:ietd because • 62 varicose veins;
it hunches, the :best advice that any
nein this world can give you is to
art 'your` druggist for an • original
Giving Amazing Results
aid Oil (hill strength)- and apply as
directed night and morning to, the
swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you
will notice that they ago growing
smaller and the treabnient Should
110 Continued until the vents are of
normal' size. >So penetrating ' and
I powerful is Emerald Oki that even
Piles •are c{uicl iy relieved. Drug -
I, on El sesta or
' a eo of London''i a visitor at
Weikman's one
Mr., Ed Taylor oe'.'West tia
exiling or acqur11anee
lai11 ;Sock K
We are ;'lad to velcolue` 'MI'
; and
Mr's. Granville of Goderich to oar ,vil-
lage. Mr. ' Granville intends raising
celery in the swamp out on the town
lite near i-iillsgr'een this conning sea-
The 111;1 sionary Society of St. And
rev's 'United church; held their reg-
ular '
alit; meeting at -pis Jas. .Bb;vey s'
last week, Owing t
bad road condit-
ions there, was not the usual atten-
dance. However the ladies are_busy
making quilts to send away.
Mr, and Mrs. McLellan have r etur--
ire<1 from ilei; honeymoon tial and
The young people of St. Andrew's
17nited church intend putting on a.
play 01 the near future.
Mrs. David Workman of 'Finial'
visited Mr, and Mrs; J. Workman rec-
The Young People's Society meets
00 Friday ,evening.
Miss MaheI Whiteman lett Wed-
nesday evening to spend the winter
in Toronto.
The Gau1d Mission band has mads
a o'ood start for the New Year and
are divided into two sides, the Blues.
and Reds.' Their captains are: Blues,
Mildred Workman; Reds: 'Sean Bell.
They are -busy at quilts and; hope all
the girls will comer out and enjoy
these,pleasant meetings:
"The Horticultural Society held their
first meeting' for `1928 on Saturday
last at the. home of Mrs. French.
Much business of importance and ben-
efit to the inenibers was transacted.
Miss 111. Anderson was bonne over
the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Love are host
and Hostess .for the club of the Kip -
pen road this.week.
Miss ;Juana Love is visiting Mr. and
Airs. J, Workman.'
Mrs. J. Mcelymont was visiting her
daaghiler Mrs.. Goohagen, in London
Mr. Alex McKenzie returned recen-
tly from a very pleasant visit with
his daughters in Toronto, over the
holiday season. •
11 e
Mr. c xli • Idd of -Woodstock
1 I lie el„t k
spent the week -end with Ola parents,
1VIa And _Site. sale. Medd.
Miss 1,ottie Law10r
has returned at-
,spending a cnnPlc of, v
her ister,
e s Mrs. : G. Mcliityrc of
Mr. lto'ed 'Wagner has -gone to De-
troit where he has 'sectared a position
for the•reniainder` oofthe wln:t
Mrs. Sloane of Blyth is visiting her
y visiting
niece, ;Vars. R. 1). Munro, for''' a week,,.
• Mr, Terry Taylor spent a few days
at Goderich last week
Mr. John' Snell had a very success-
ful sale one day last week, cattle and
horses bringing good prices. 1Vlr. and
Mts. Snell intend going to'Detroit.
ro-thMrs. Bennett is .visiting - her bro-
, MT Jas. M.utch.
The Wionlen's Institute held their
regular monthly meeting at the hove
of Mrs. N. G. I'erguson on Tuesday
this week: The meeting was well at-
tended and a very pleasant time was
enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 7. Washington,
Mr, W. Washington and Mr, and Mrs.
'0 E. Erratt visited at oodlands
.Pai'nl, Clinton on Tuesday of this
A meeting of the lot holders of
Ball's cemetery well be held in. the
Forester's hall, Auburn, on Monday
'afternoon, Jan. 23rd,conmmencing at
1.3Q; for the purpose of electing trtits
tees. All interested in the improve-
ment of the .cemetery are requested
to attend. 1.
(Crowded out last week.)
Mu.'. Frank Hibbert spent. the week-
cud with relatives' here.
Miss 1May `Ferguson visited' with her
parents, Mr., and Mrs. Jna.'sFerguson
over the'weak-end'
Mrs.. Cook of Westfield is staying
with her daughter Mrs. Reg. Carter,
for si while.
Mrs McBSian of Whitechurch has
been visiting relatives and ora friends
around the village,
Mr. Harold Bogie got his Mill in
operation on Saturday afternoon last.
Mr. 0. Erratt is in Toronto this.
Week' on business. .
Ropor't o1. Hog S119)10e111. l or weolc
endhig'Jan. 12, 1928..•
Clinton—Total hogs,113; Select Ba-
con, Uu, Thick slneoth, 45; Heavies. 5,
hondetboro-Total Hogs, 61; Sol -
set Ba 227 ; -
c coli, 9, Thick Smooth ,.1, flea,.'
vies, 5; Shop Hogs, 1.
Prucefield-. TQtti l 1logo, 130;
Flacon 1 th 11
6, Thick smoo ,3; 9 , i
2',F_tra heavies; 1; 5ho]) 37
I.igilts d Peecters, 2,
1-iu or County—Total1102's,
Select Bacon; 654; Thick smootl
Heavies, 12]Extra�h
heavies; 3
hogs, 911;.Lights & Feeders,
1100 ltON' SI'PUATTON I ' IU l u�CO I''1'
REPORT ;; � � ; � ;,
OF FOR 1926 AND 1927.
The figures es denttin
the niai:etingof ho �liom Huron have
completed for 1927. They are given herewith' and, would indicate an.ak
of any general panic dile to the price situation as has been reported
other counties, : The percentage of selects has increased slightly ovel
and it is remarlcable to note that considerably fewer sows ,were marke
1927 than in 1926.
Stations Clinton Londesboi,•e Brucefield iluron C
1926 1927 1926 1927 1926 1927 1926
Total' Hogs .. ., .2149 3626 3946 2833 1369% 1643 ' 7-2791
Select Bacon : , .. 921 1577 1735 121Q 364 -384 21912
Thick Smooth ...1054 1820 2029 1513 759 894 41847
Heavies . 177 :' 100 202, 83 1.07 114 3745
Extra 7Teavies , . 9u ' 8 4 8 • 14 366
Shop Hogs 5 41 . 29 24, 62 42 2554
Lights & Feeders 14 28 24 21' ' 19 25 700
Roughs , , , 1 2 1 1 •'52
Sows No. 1 . 14 17 11 - 14 1 3 222
Sows No:2 , .'. 36 35' 54 22- 19 ' 10 1301
Stags . . .1 3 13 1- 3 .S
ale pay cash for Graded Cream
Operated by -
We guarantee,Service, Satisfaction an
Quick Returns
*Phones_ 190 or 145. Night 180
The Wiomens Missionary Society of
the United :. Church 'was held at the
home of Mi.'s. H. Snell with thirty-two
of the members "present. The chair
was taken by the president, Mrs. J.
Tamblyn and after the business part
over group No.three toolc charge,
Mrs, G. 11toon taking the -chair. A.
splendid program was given, after
which tea was served.
Mr, St'm, Brigham passed his 84111
mile stone last Sunday. He is still
hearty and cheerful.
Mr. Wni. Brogdon of Winnipeg, who
has been visiting his parents at the
home of his sister,'Mrs. 'Wm. Lyoni
Blyth, returned home this week. His
sister, MMiiss Bertha, returned to Lon-
don also. Ms's. Brogdon is not as well'
as her many friends would wish. -
Mr, Robert Townsend has moved in-
to his own house and the house he
vacated is. to be occupied by. Mr. A.
Webster, who intends to moue next
The monthly meeting of • Women's
Institute was held in the community
hall on Thursday, Jan: 1st, with thq
Piesidentin the .0halr. The meeting
was opened in the usual way, Mrs,.
Bell leading in prayer, Mrs. J`. Man-
ning, leadingin the Lord's prayer.
When the usual business had been
transacted the girls took charge.
Miss Alberta Snell, president and
Miss Pearl Moon, secretary, and a
program was given by the girls as
follows:—Instrumental, Miss Gladys
Mountain; Duet, Misses Brown; Solo.
Miss Lillie Garrett; Duet, ,Miss Al-
berta Snell and Miss Verda Watson!
Mouth organ selections, Miss Medd
of Constance; Solo, ' Miss Katie
Brown; Treading, Miss Jean Voltz-
hauer; Instrumental, 'Miss Edna Gov-
ier; Solo, Miss Medd, of Constance.
The meeting was closed.:by singing
God Save the King, There 'were
eighty-five in attendance and at the
close of the =program all repaired to
the basement; where a 10 cent tett was
served by the girls.
(Crowded ' out' last week.)
' Mrs. W. B. Allan, who"has been 'vis-
iting, hsr mother, Mrs. E. •Bell, has re-
turned to her home in. Pakesly.
IMTss. Bentham and, daughter Jean of
-Clinton sp..ent the week -end with Mr,
and Mrs, Robt. Townsend.""-
14Ir, Bob Churchill of Mitchell isVis-
iting at the Home of Mr, Wes, Vod
den. •
Mrs. A. Peters of Ohio, Mich., spent
a "few 'days with relatives in the
Mr. Jas. Robertson, who has been
working in W.'arroad, Minnesota, for.
several -months, has returned home.
52. Elelens
Mrs. R. Ti. Miller and Mrs. Wallace
lhliller are spending a few days in
Goilerieh visiting friends.
Mrs. Sam. Gibson visited her home
in Ashfield one day last week.
Mrs. W. J. Humphrey is visiting her
daughter; Mrs!" Geo: Walker at pre-
sent. .
Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Walker
of Last Wiawanosh, a son on Jan. 12th
Air. Donald McDonald's youngest
son, who has been under the doctor's
care is, we are glad to reptkrt improv-.
ing:.nicely .
Mr. , and Ira 1Vlakenzic of Kincar-
dine are visiting at the Mane of Mr,
Melfenzie Webb.
112r, John Joynt has bought the
Jonathan Farrier farm.
Mr. 11aniish iuicl'arlane, who has
spent the past throe.rveek, at liis per-
eiriis' home near Blunval<, has retur-
etur-ned to work Tor iMt J;. B;'iJirtherford.,.
The Wontgn's Institato'10 havinc un
oyster adipic; for the members on Fri-'
dais, Tan. 20th. A geed time is all-'
OII tan be rich. Don't wait for your ship --grasp this op
portunity to. make your pile. Own your own home — have
a fine automobile send your .children.to college - have win -
fort, luxury, social position:
With $1,500 you can build up a fortune. And you can w n
this grand spin. .Xt won't cost yon' a, penny. You don't have to
be clever — it's easy. Don't waste a minute — send the °button
now. You'll get your cash prize" before March 15. ° I3e a winner.
..k''htd the two airplanes that are exactly alike.
IT'S SIM : —i "'EA 'w .°HIS
At first glance . all the airplanes look alike. But upon ex-
amination you will see that almost every one differs in some way
fnom all the others. In some the difference may be in the black
stripes on the tail of the planes, and some- have black radiators,
while other's are white. Or some have two black stars on the
wings and sonte white and black stars. Only two are exactly
alike. No, it's not as easy as it looks.
gust look closely — make sure that yon have found the TWO
airplanes that are exact duplicates, then send in your answer.
Someone who finds the right airplanes is going to ruin a lot of
money. Make that "someone" be Y011.
here's a great array of splendid Cash Prizes offered by The
London Free' Press. That's what it is, folks -- and you eau be
a winner. The prizes range from $2.00 to $85.00, and front
$20.00 to :1,500, and if you make upyourmind to go into this
thing heart add soul, you tan win as much as $1,500.
Think of it! You can have $1,500 in casks In all, $8,000
in cash prizes may be won ht this interesting Puzzle Contest.
The Contest closes on March 8, and all prizes will reach the win•
ners on or about March 10. • ."
There will be 25 winners, and the First Prize,The Golden
Opportunity, 9s $1,500 -and you can win this, if you act quickly.:
iln the event of ties for any prize, the uil amount of the
prize will bo awarded to each of the contestants so tied. .
Ii'ive hundred pointsgains first prize, We are , giving you
475 points for firming TWO airplanes that are exactly alike.
Promptly upon receipt of your answer we will send you
'particulars of a Magic Word Game, in which, if successful, yon
win the; final 25 points required togain a $1,500 First; Prize
or one of the 24 otherr3yig Cash Prizes. ;
Listed below are the Masisuum. Prizes you can win:
let- Prize .. ,.....$1,500.00 7th Prize ... 50.00
2nd Prize .. ..... 500,00 8th Prize 50.00
3rd Prize . 200.00 9th Prize , , .... 60.00
4th Prize , . 100.00 10th Prize ` ... 50.00'
5th Prize ,. 100.00 11th to 25th in- "
6th Prize 100,00 elusive : .. .. 20.00
' alP
- --- — GOOD FOR 475 POINTS'— .
f'aazzle. Manager, 'Room 47, -
The London Free Press, London, Ont., 47
Numbers .. , . . , and , , aro the TWO air.
planes that are etiactly alike, if these are correct, please
give mo 475 points and tell inn how to gain the feral 25
points' to win First Prize.
Full Address . , . .
Mail' your answer ro;iritl to PUZZLE s 1 r y MANAGER, It'imn•
47, The London hree' Press, Londois, Out.