HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-01-05, Page 7` rlad Seeds: i t mt,-) Def uctgod tri i diel tact that al?• tt t00 'horsepower of n,c t enlca power 1s i ouized' per ton (Y UYphis?_Or ofC-peak electric Dov+>r can aeranion 900;000 , r used most advantageously la the. r uz rnon ,f steam for hotting or QQ r-. o W r"fil Steuel irng• `' Xt. is• irot surer lr1 This �11Ci 7df1'�� din therefore, that the motive Deaver "y vciYfi`t0 Y ,. r t ��� `tally cit Put of itrfti >pzhnt, W1IU0 auY iehilits �n �! 1 i t li r i E ,used... in this industry : is practically. R€,soureee OteerreCilit trestristedi to hydraulic energy, ' and-: Vide r' f d ail Palo' Acid netsts on adequate 1L n p lie EThergs Hizl9 Inerechsecl 'h'tod, among" .ester re forest re,� elle'Staetcl. r l of Lying owTCO(', sctii'c (cuacia's supremacy In the Pap and, CII° [e } i i, ii.)i1t1021,0. y, Y'... ,ntut0dant'water' powers`: W611 71i.str(-. the nee of steam as a e of. A tremendous . increase in water- ,ower'in this industry, s +'cry liin w - oor devm elopent in Canada has iteu, 'and in most cases is prompted alien place during the last decade' by special conditions such as opera ,ecorciiug to a,report of the Depart tics 1u clo0 association with the petit of interiorof the" Do-iufon, ;or mminufaeture of lumber,. when refuse vhlch Charles Stewart is Minister. from the 201100,000 be used as fuel Che total [tmottrit; invested in water- rxrler the bnilorfl, or In use mas iotven- dovoloPment 9s $900,000,000,ot �ltre of epecialled litres: of output 0101•°' -.:than In any other single maim' . The Census returns for 1926 ,show a' 'acturing: industry:_ The horsepower total sterna pow.0r installation in, the 1.OW developed is 4,833,201.1, which'1g, Dominion of'only 92,270 hor'sepolver - estimated to he about 11 psi• cent, of and if the capacity of the three of ,ho total available for deXelopinhat., four 1,yrge steam operated mills where° There in n Dov in Canada an piton- special conditions obtain it excluded, ctive use of water. power ;in. Aho pu1.p the remaining unit capacity works out and paper industry, in mining, 1" to a very„ small •amount manufacturing genterally and in the . Development in Ontario I .•There ' aro forty-two pulp and productic of electric current for do- rnestic`oonsumptiou• ,paper: mills in/Ontario using water or ' The prtseut. use 02 water 'Power hydroeeleetric power to' the extent: 02 gives _promise of even more extended 362,000 liorsepo'r, er, of which 174,000 uses in the suture;' says the report. .horsepower ,is produced` by the Indus= "Already Canada's Position in Y.bat try and; t:lie'reznaintier purchased of respect is one of outstaitding'i011)01 'the. ;power :produced' 02,000 horse• '.0000.''' Her agg['egate iusttzllation power ie used in the direct drive of .F.l., Seigel Car gat Ilding; 5 esu States and her' leer capita develop- meup, 518, horsepower per 1,000 pope- lation, gives :her a position interior ,only. to Norway'. among all the eoun- tmies of the world. machinery and the remainder hydro electrically "The principal power developments are those of 3. 11, Booth' on the Ot- tawa River at Ottawa, 29,000 horse- vowel-, fort. leranees Pulp and Paper: places the second only -to the United "Water power has enabled Canada' Company, on the Rainy River at Fool; to devsdop from communities largely Frances,, 16,360 Horsepower; ]4ackus- agricuitural or lumbering In their in Brook Competny, at the outlets of the. teresta to a ntanufacturiilg country of Lake of the Weeds at Rendre, 30,000 first innportanoo, To an ine0'ogsing horsepower; the Spanish River Pulp degree, low-cost power has been a; and Paper Mills, 14,400 horsepower magnet drawing to the Peeminion,on the Ste Mary River at Sault Ste. Loin attroad •0lmportant Industries ;11{arid, 15,820 horsepower on the whose onitptit goes to augment Cana- S ianiele River at ,7]spanole, 10.400 dian export trade. Already some 1,400 horsepower -at Smoky Falls Rutl 13,390' ranches 'of 'United States factories horsepower at Sturgeon Falls, on the re stated to have been established in sturgeon River; the. Abitibi Power his country, Hand in hand with this and Paper Company, Ltd., 28,000 ndestrial development, the wide horsepower et 'Iroquois Falls, 30,,000 Dread distribution of power for do--horsepetver at Twin P611s and 48,000. elle use has in ',Any different waysIhorsepower at Island Fells, on the ected a decided increase' in' the Abitibi River. Other important pulp ended of living for the mase of the and paper developments have been ,> . and Rapes - Water ami.n the Matta [ 0 1..e g lou made e p t n power development in Can-•linsing titers: On the. lower tIatter de to no ionger'sp0anlative, belt has 1 gami the Spruce, Fells Power and Upper -Class at Esher with M,•.; McNally standing In the ten Lower --School car on the sitting at Esher. Remarkable progress has been made by the.pupils attending' the Canadian Facts' of . Interest Irp latest oofOUS ebews..that there are' 50,000,000 poultry to .Canada v�elu ed . at $50,971,000. * p * A record hay crop was produced In W;restern Canada In 1927, ' :fin ilfctai- preliminary catnnnatC shelve that the. 1)1'evinces of Manitoba, SaCtatchewan, Alberta and 'British UUlunblt pro- -iluceri 2,544,000 tons on hay and clover: compared lilt., 1,504,000 (0112 in 1020;' and 232,700 tons of alfalfa as against 223,000 tons• last year. Ki Y M q Moscrip' Dros., .Major, Saskatche- loan, have completed threshing what ale considered to be the largest crop t,f wheat ever produced by one fanny Sn Saskatchewan. From 2,000 acres they threshed approximWtely 72,000 bushels of No. 2 Northern, Altcough Manitoba, - Saskatchewan, Alberta aro conunonly supposed to .bo exclusively devoted to agriculture, it is interesting to note from a eetutln just made available by the Canadian Government Bureau of Statistics tliat the Prairie Provinces have an annual manizfacturing production - of more than $200,000,000, The ,total .value of production of the fisheries of Canada for the year 1920 was $56,360,633' compared- with $47,- 942;181' for 1926 :and 344,534,235'4er re of the gratin. Pacific School Car operating in Northern Ontario along the 126 -mile string -of cess ii a i i to. u .'net n seems a highly spec al ed :process, Company is ,constructing g °cognized as such by individual lie plant of 56,260 horsepower. 0stor0 all over the world and, Par- "Tile prat uction oe ground: wood re- hgreet nt thebeing the •a'ttiue�! t. bu b this t n, n ws to g r s, at(i e t� peep P elderly on tort declares. "'That new eapltat .is • power -consuming factors in .the pulp readily avaitable'fOr enterprises of a and paper industry, the statement rdutising nature is shown by the re -I, that the 11111113. ot Quebec prodeee[1 sari able clevelopiueltt carried out , over 62 per cent, of the ground wood •Ithiu rite past three years, involving i pulp and over 41 per cent. of the xpeeditures, upward of 3180,000;000.11 neveettrhtt manufactured ' in Canada "III 1023 an estimate of the Per during 1926 predteates an enemata' eutage, of 'Cnuadlan and foreign ttse of hydraullc power;" , 'apical invested in commercial ea -ea. The report contains a digest of the rat' electric stations- indicated 19eDominion and Provincial laws affect- oilowing distribution; Canadie 06.0 tug water power, giving the tune- er cent.; Creat Bme' rttatu, 6.3 pcent.; tions and powers of the various pub- Jnited Buttes, 16 per cent., . and lie regulating conninissiors and tell - her foreign countries' 1'1.8 per emu"' lug or legislatlall designed to profteee 1. is notunlikely that the additional' °heap power for use in Yarfaus Cana- aphtal represented he ;municipal' on- diait tiles. , rah electric stations -dial other water-. s. ettlements between' Cartier and Chapleau lying north of .Abe Great : Lakes, according to Dr. J. B. MacDougall; 'asa4stant chief inspector for the ,Ontario Department of Education. Do MacDougall inspected the sehool car classes recentlyand stated that tee venture had turned out more 'successful than the department -had ever expected. He' credited its success- to the untiring efforts Walter . y of �t , * a.icNa11 edhooi car' teacher, who has had the work In charge since the car first began operating in' September, 1926. WATERY P 'ace After BLOOD - ALWAYS DINT H:i1,011S , . Seven Years Results! Poland and . Lithuania Shake 1f Not Ctlrrected. Serious It Hands, and' Europe Sure to FollowBreaths Easier In no trouble Is delay or neglect' The fear of a general flare-up each. is—.'world n war in anaemia— whole I 1 more dangerous than as involved tee thin, watery blood. It is very common' withal recent memory is dissipated, in young girls_,and in persons who are for, the time being, say Geneva dis- overworked or centime within doors.. patches; by the resumption et lege- dtmakes its approach in so 'stenithY f l relations s beoe n Poland and 'a manner, that it ie -often well (level - Lithuania.7rged bY the "big aired. r co , i -- opflct before Ute trouble. is recognized. members of the Leagile•of Nat ons But taken. in time .the tome treat- • Englaito, )manse, Germany ,Italy, and meat through the use of De. Williams' Japau-iho two Baltic nations agreed T'ink Pills, ho enriches the blood that on December 10- to' end the .technical good health and strength is speedily .state of war that has existed 'f'or seven years, and to -enter into direct negotiations for , !the settlement 0f their differences. To Americas news- paper correspondents in .lie' capitals Red ose Orange Pekoe�5 -' the best tea you can .buy hi clears, ,bright Aluminum . pold need .le Salamoa, about 60 miles Classified Advertisements .away, and since the mining opera CitiS ANIr FO1J71'TiY W r.N1 LID: tions were begun inland on a corn- }pe pay`. Riahast market prteeri 0U Partitively large scale, it bas been the a'uarnntee complete eattefoetton ivtth ACene of lunch. activity. ' RIvortfi of 000bTtranon tti0, 0, A, Diann S, 00.,:381,1 q A consignment of 1;000 cases of peal's', grown In British Columbia, oras shipped recently from Vancouver to England. This was the first shipment of pears ever spade from. Britiah Col- umbia to England, though thousands of barrels -of B.C. apples lead a ready market' every year in the " British Isles. progress are awaited With great Inter- est in Austrialia. A PERFECT MEDICINE FOR MILE N' New "Eye" or 'Doctors Dr. Andre' Tours, a Frenehrean,'lnae discovered a means of making the humanbody transparent, so that all espied' moaning -is ov en harder to • the organs will be seen working as titin h; i} e' die -unary than to Alto a mirror. Th doctor has refused all street. financial assistance, and also an offeryi to go "to (bit TJiiited States: olio,: Is de- termined that, the first data shall be elven to medical nien of France.• If flesh can be made traueparent so that the bones can be seen clearly by surgeons and ostopaths, X-rays will be dispensed with in locating .internal troubles. The doctor in future will be able to see the trouble at once without diagnosing blindly. ' In oases of 'consumption and caneer the trans- parency of flesh evil be an enormous boon to medical men. 'Dr. Tours claims that his discovery Durable Goods. 'Until two years ago the 'Mormons hadn't eltanged their enderwear seventy-itveeyears—Pittebur9h: paper.". Parking space—in its, generally ace Baby's Own Tablets Should be In Every Home Where There Are Children. ewer development would' be deltai- tutecl In somewhat the emu manner, The Dog Sentry, 1`7V1 Ile in the past few years • Uni-� The motorist u'bo is compelled to :ed Staten Capital has probably taken 'leave lits ear for a time can 'seldom a larger s'tat'e ih deve r: uncut that., de better than leave it in charge of a British and ' other ontside eeeltitalo Clog, i- wee caused i d situation t ns tlreie aro many evidences w'}ilch ind1-1 amusing si t nate -that the Canadian abaro ltas recently, when a dog mistook another been maintained or ;bettered, demon-1cee standing near for the ,one left tinting the subatantilai support an In his charge, and vigorously opposed 'orded this cuss of investment by the t the rightful owner when he tried to meeting' public of the Demiition."' take it, away. Power in Paper r nd Y pow p stet l Water regained. The correction of anaemic conditions be Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is es certain as anything can he. Miss Teresa kleafey, Dunrayen, Que., is one of the- many anaemic sufferers who or Europe and at Geneva; this means has found nein health. . th gh the use industry .For a long while the mutt endeavor- ]tegardins the use of Water power ed to gain possession, but was em- u the .pulp and paper industry, the suebischorn.. 'rho dog, entally he tooted stopped, cocked " epoi't says In part: � up his head, Looked at the car, and u of tnt1 - to the Dominion 732- eau of SiatistCs' report for the year then with alt eloquent look Of sPology, 928 the- industry represented a total trotted off and lay down beside the epital 'investment of $601,185,000,' tight one. mut employment for 31;279 persons1 It is generally acknowledged that yem1 ea:r.eIusive of those employed in the doge quickly learn to recognize the 8aods),, settee wages and salaries for Bound of car -horns, and often a dog • tr amounted to' $44,'175,600, lying ii, front of a lire w111 Sump up will - assist experts in tracing the Ouse of death wlteer murdr is sus - elected. The presence of poison will be easily detected, and in the case of shooting the exact course of a bullet will be traced. The perfect medicine for little ono is found in'13aby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle bet thorough laxative which regulate the be eels, sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and u colds and sim- ple breakp ple fevers and promote healthful re- freshing' sleep. It is Impossib)e.,for Baby's' Own Tablets to harm eve,. tate lute! be as'are absolutely new-born ba thy w gueranteod free from opiates or -°any drug. other injurious'g Concerning, the Tablets, Mrs. Alex. 3. Perry,' 'Atlantic, NS., writes:—"I always keep Baby's Own xabiets hi the house for the children, as I have found_ them a .perfect medicine for little 00100." .Baby's Own Tablets are soli by medicine dealers . or by.niai1 at 26 cents a box front The" Dr. Wi4,tams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. a rou , that another, little tear, which might et this medicine. Sha says:—'I can" have spread to lnvolva all Europe, not express too warmly my thanks far has cams formally to an 'slid over the whin Dr. Williams'1 fink Pills Marcmcouncil table of the League. •'More - bane lot• -do. I was soft. I fromvery, y;over, pointe out. the Boston "Globe," badly s, had reit-down condition. desire I was an , "11 is it distinct gain for the world at nervous, had tired out for food and ' large." 'rhe quarrel between, Poland would feel tsreo out at the least kitig'ttnd Lithuania, notes the, `Philadelphia Dr, ithis condition I began taking Inquirer," "had reaobee the fighting Dr, Williams'llPlnit Pills, sad bolero �" using diem very long found my health 'stage, Something like war was an - gradually improviiag, and under their anally in progress along the 'Order. I re- 'More than this, there was 'deep per- - S rfla6 the Crime and Prohibition The Increase of °rime in America is attributed primarily "to prohibition, "which has eaten into the ethical at - Undo of ei10 nation," according o 1.110 r d on editor iia an ' lv t Ga r View F e v , autbol expressed in December "Cur - rept History," "The bootleggers themselves have become an econolfflc upon group that exeticsea inidtler,ce t p political,, parties; police orgauizations and social organizations. The spirit of corruption has. become [tomnant. wide- spread of taw ins" become a spread practice that extends from bootlegger to college co -0d. The ,un- 00103107011 ihtd employment : in boot - tagging, musing a misleading appear- ance ot ppear-ance"ot prosperity; Everything con- nected with bootlegging becomes con' taminated. Both the minds or those who purchase bootleg littnors and those who attempt to arrest those rbo sell liquors become corrupted." 0181 - of "Wanted Inventions" and Pull Inrormatlon Sent Fres on "Request. ., •TBB ELMSA.B CO., Dept. S5, 273 11808 St., Ottawa, oat. Beau Of Hair and S Preserved ,1,y Cu'cur �5h.� $oap to Cieance 203 Ointment to i?,ei Hoarse? Rub throat and cheat thor- oughly ' with. Minaret's Lini- ment. Quick relief assured. 1 -lard Won Gold Gold Crusher to ^Fly to Mules, According . to New Guinea Plans Canberra, Aust.—The first eonllire- nuod use was completely bensive Official report of the mining continued activities In New tonnes waif brought stored. Far U i of I earnestly t Ilouree 111 (bit ennfttctllMarshal 31111- to Australia rece»tl r by J. D. Di°L°an, pills, feeling weaksugirls to will thooe r g an officer of the 'Queensland Mines pills, feellug sero that they will do for mane, of Lithuania."d I'remior Walde- ar'ment whose ueen l were nes What they did for me."mares, of Dap t ens whthat nt D ethers meter tl e • into.- i 'I ord he League,- � Commonwealth t here. list t fit Comm ..was t he The vetieo t to Tht name address • ut • nr n Send 0 oil ,Williams'.,allMedicine Co., Brock- , ent r Summoning ,the o b'elllge a he might serve as 'harden of the gold vine, Ont., and they will mail you free ` eat rulers ,to Geneva ,the „big fire" Reid: New Guides is controlled un• it useful little book on "Building TJp - persuaded them to come to an agree- tier mandato frons file League of 21a - the Bleed."' The pills eau be obtained anent. Lithuanian independence is re -tions by the Australian dCommon- throuile any druggist or by mail at,cognized; non -official communlcaUons wealth Goveruinent, and tiro admin- tie idnd $ 60 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams , by railroad, matt, telephone, and tele- weal. on of the Ihning operat ons Medicine Co.,: Brookville, Ont. graph are resumed. But—and more j in : th0 hands el iho Department of i than • ane European ' correspondent ;Home 0(010 rind Territories. makes a Pointe this—the agreement..Hield of 20 erritos to Ton Estimated Oilt#jgRl . i axgest Grain 0� between PlIeudski and \Valdemaras Slate Mr. 'McLean arrived »n the Montreal Por sir . consecutive provides that their actio»: "in no way�fteid at the end of 1926, the miners Years the port of Montreal has ship - affects questions on which tine two working there hacl inion 01006 than peri nitre grain .to British, European governments have differences of I 300.000 +varili of alluvial gold, al- other parts of the world Alt Qe opinion;' This is interpreted to though they had only touched the siu- any other port on the contiuent tnean that the smoking of the peace-1fico of r tkeh' 'claim. No under - and iVorth. America. This year the lead - OM at Geneva dyes not affect Poland's ground work' had yet been attempted, n real showed trro Years ago is Deaton and a now Lithuanian by settlement, tradition,. btanir trnce[l by the outcrop for five high record has been establiehedit16 and Ianguege for mote than six inn -;miles. /et a conservative estimate, is authoritatively stated that by deed ,years. Pobmid,, it le pointed"aocortling to Mr. tl�Ieeui's report, the end Of the 1927 season grain ship• out, 'still 'possessesthe city, an'd has 1 mile n,opld »ay 20' 01111065 to tit ton Imes` Will total 196,000,000 bushelle I not indicated that she is willing to re- ata value of ;i;2 4e. au ounce, Some The figures,. for 1927 compare with Iinquish it. This,:. ie let ills the gross salve of product at the sound =of his master's tactor- ing position that Moi Occupation of Vilna, whiaU, has been but a line oe reef 30 feet in width had mounted to $216;488,000. The ex- horn,- even though 'hundreds of other, o or, t i t contrasted with. the Mg the day. s v ort trade of 3120 in 1890 f this le cars may have passed the 'house dur- istry a often resent eot•respontling figure of $187,- »- -^--+s- 59,000 to demonstrate the remark• , Feasting the Birds 1)1e expansion during this period. Itis ontt'ibntion to the trade balance for he year reached the impressive total £ $175,312,631. , "The question of motive power in ohneCtion with the prothtction el u1p and paper is a most vital olie iii(', en feet, is almost as important cattle, and young an ala grupul 1111 n 1 Pbildflelphia having fallen front UEe, useful outcome of the negotiations, at try, rugged, mountainous and cover s that of raw malarial. In any, in„� pear; throughout; t l b)rds, third place it occupied in 1926 to fifth Geneva a distinet tricker}' for the J.ea• I ed with dense timber masses and Ertl tabling the relative necessity power geProviding a free. for the Chr•see place in 1920, with 21,621,047 bushels. gue of Nations. To quote a roves- trees,- It ii a semon- c111 nd tai- taffy b creeap and 'ad,equate ,, TWo, or three days deze with Sheaves7ofiln eoiisider4ng #'nese comparisons, it Ctttative daily, the New Yar1c World: i "3' on foot from the Coast, although ubrbe ganged by the amount re- mss, wagons 1l20(0'the teams. Every should be borne in mind' that, Mont-� ,,This settlement,. hawovor'.precI I1 distance is not very .great. For 'nail nor dollar of product, and, with oats are ° taken !into he tounch or more, � real has only about 'eight titonths'' ous 'arid beset with evitoltfes, 1 ' rcascn there is an entre absence he possible eacceptlon of certain alae- family theyti inn 'fro trees, roofs and open navigation, 'whereas tidited most 0reditable to Waldelitaras and'Ittf -maclttnet'y at the field, and this has rho chemical and metallurgical pro -`toilet, g u� -, i States .ports are open all Aho year pilstidski, et is most creditable to 1ticieased' the difficulties of the min "asses, the requirements for pulp and fences. a (tountl. .Montreal is the largest grain the ,Soviet i'epreseetative, fie. Lituin- I ers and only the most es oftith aper are importance the highest theworld and t f they "Tito 3nportance of IoW Ca meth- s, One of the m081 commendable the total of x36,897,582 bushels deliv- Christmas cuatols'ts that observed pondents, le the fundamental factor 1 °i inion, with. which tee could not ef- by ,Norwegians and Swedes, who Bred t° and shipped freta the Mont- which makes Geneva's settl8inent of 1fictaily. identifyMake their dumb afainials share in himself, that 1hero real harbor grain elevators ,irn 1926, the geareel between tee two Baltic Has b12;000,000 w0eee of gold to bis when New di sin } say foreig11'•eorres-ot the minors 1ia11 exp0essed the ew York stood soc0n n gr nation's more appa80t than real, obtaiued.' n 99 297,772 bustlela,' hand not a few pz runs tirroug Galveston third and Battimoro fourth, , American editors consider the sue: very tliftlettlt and ivaodefisiUta come the festival, They give an extra al- shipments with On the other1 The reef, however, h lowance of food to their horses anal e IMPROVEMENTS UNDER WAY - Mrs. Arlstah, Krait; There could be considerable improvement in Your manner, ,Mrs. Nduveanl•iehe. Mrs, N. (loftily): We are spend- ing a pend-ing,a hundred thousand In, repair, on our manor now, Mrs. Krait, Midnight Sun Moves South. Sunshine retttrzted to Los Angeles today, atter it night of light rains, and w111 centiz1ie tonight and to•morr0iv. -Los Angeles Herald Minard's Liniment for rheumatism. A record for long railway tickets is d f one recently sold in New YRIAG WOMEN , OSi SUFFER 11 ,31 F These Two Found Relief %y Taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound Ayer's Clio', Quebec. — "I have been teaching for three years, and „ at the end of the ' ear I always feel year and have no appetite. I was awful sick each month too,having pains in me back/ 'anti) sometimes I! was'oblgedtoatop wonting. Afriend LydiaEeP k - ham's Vegetable Compound to me . and,I heard many women telling how good it was so I thougghtitwould help ma. And it did. Now T take six In et td it 'om r d Tett bottles every year A x , to atllaPFl. -- noNAT.DA T''APITLU , Ayer's Cliff, Quebec "Unable to Work” Canning, Nova Scotia, -"I had ir- regular periods and greet suffering at those times[ the pains causing vomitinng school and often and �for some as teach- ing I would be unable to attend to my work. Through an advertisement inl� the papers I knew of Lydia N. Piuk h Vegetable Compound and it ams elalle for . has been of great benefit 1.a me; they 'York winch measured eleven and a troubles being completely relievd.» Incidentally, it 60vered.2 —LAURA 3. LAmoie. Canning,King's half tem. + County Nova Scotia.' lfi,612 miles: exporting port. in Toff, whose ready steep ante a oils have boeu possible. s1. pmveri7he King of Fain—Minards Liniment tbrb g � .Che long, tit � S 17xcese acid is the common cause of' iidigestion. It results in pain and 00180061 about tWo.hours atter eating; lie tl quick corrective is an elka)t telt neutralizes acid. The best cor. � Ma nsia, active is }, lilltills Mille of g t has remained standard: with phyei- ans in the 50 Years since its Owen - on. One -spoonful oe Phillips' Mille- oe agnosia netitralivts instantly many, in cid. It is harm- less and tasteless and its action is times its volume a u h the large volume of ° er plan smoothed the. way for further' tvaarisonre journey- from commodities handled• ranks as e . consideration. It is ,most i ted1101)10 the coast to. the field is now, however, second largest port ot North ...erne? ea., to M . Briand,. who, using to Its fink �• 1 measure the. influence -o France with being overcome to some extent by the tee, 01 airplanes for the carriage, of paieengers and stores, and for trans - ;porting 'the gold front the field, Ef- forts are being made' 10 extend the use of airplanes by using 'teem. to cott- vey machinery to the mines, Almost Every Mineral There 'Western Hemlock in Cana a i Poland as a nation especially close to The western hemlock (Tanen beter=i her in frlendship, anter as master of ophylla) is one .of the most important , ceremonies:hi the drainatfc reconsilia• trees in British, Colnm1ia in regard to, tem But the Honors go. first of bode available supply and prodzrction.0011 to the League. In a 'survey of the forest re80110008 081 "Tile League leas appointed the that province the quantity of standing Foreign Minister of Holland ,- es a Umber of this .species was estimated 'special reporter' to attempt; to find : One company is reported to be, eli- te be 64,000,000,000 fee board metes- ;some formula satisfactory to both. taming from Englencl an 'enpI:tne urs;' of title some 52,000,000;000 feet/ sides. Hie efforts y come to ao• eaeaelweighand wheni%tgis one a available et n (lead is located in the coast region, tele thing. But ,e ori.;diad yiegin supply' 's almost intact, I If actual warfare ea {It©°mod a avoided land at ted that it sectio i oC be Possible sible to fi a small pati havhig been cut, so far, it is becameparts'for Aho erection of a crusher: n 03.15 way the 'abeenee of rotate will zt be overcome, it is' anticipated. 1Viz. McLean has. expressed the opinion that New tzt ansa is:_tl emotive of great mineral eveaitli, Almost every m1110121 has been -towel there, platinum :.having been one 'of the lii e est minerals l0 Itc dissevered, .701011 there aro' many indications thee the countryis oil t etrii . he present t rest 0r to ales p 'lie{ 7 any The cut of western hemlock lumber influence of the League Inas operated Mae for some soars averaged about i on the side of peace. The 'League 42,000008 feet annually, forming • may not be able to- settle a complek per 15 cent, of the total ltem- quick. you Will ne1OY rely. on Crude loch lumber cut in Canada, metiiode, #fever coutimie to suffer,. pia. xt remain for Lord AslcWtth to When you 200'0, hew quickly, hoW ii l ` his premier "Method acts, coin, unc01100lously, perhaps, the fare- pleasan v to when he said in London ,that ve 1 0l you—now. v 1J ou show e t y so i'Aho Plea it hill in in t ue Plilli}}s' ITenry Ford, by causing a 0 of M g get the genutae helped ed I3 l of automobiles, . o p Miila of Magnesia pi'escribod by PhYsi• manufacture clans for 50 Y_ in correcting ex- to avert a world shortage in tin,Y oars eons,acids. Uttob.' bottle 60ntain0 full iifrectitns—any drug store for'irostbito nsg Minard'e 1 Inlmoi0t: , I.' problem, but to date it has averted,a newWa• iii Europe..: Miitard's Liniment for sore throat. four times lot ns 'aro s r Mexicans 1ending » bull -fights.` much on movies, as o as But, of coot"so, theveee much more bull in °a movie than in a hull -light Ai' Isansas Gazette, - To 'break it cold bariniassIY lend' in a hurry try an As Aspirin abl ',And for headae)ze,` The action of Aspirin is very Cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism rnat Sm and children—oft lumbago? l there's no after effect; d'obtors ain thilik of .Aspirin. The &mai .infants. Whenever there's P ,All lclru is. • rthe 13ax ante o , every tablet• A_ , gg _- 1 s iiltl has Bayer on _ �P vitli proven directions Physician§ prescribe Aspirin affectit does NOT the heart !re ' ''Aahicln is 1 17,0 ttnd° mix1;;(es,stroa f» nu niSn i u1 z t,nb. tfn n uTenio re- Savclrio inn. Aaglrinmettnltrt$et mnnutaMnre, 10 nnsnreagainsttC- ital. . Lions, he T5ble4n trll ie statAgd scut; weir "1307erQtrnd0Wr14