HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-01-05, Page 6art,
,I4ke'Il.1,tl EKsr, '6 rt'‘°Ott
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PiiIa'1114;;:,- , ",.,'„'',..Mafril"ktW,,eilI,',0*.7:'' •Bti$11"..09....',.t404,.'1,,e::41eatItIl.Y.:...*Oa. -;-_,,,,•.„,
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06:1:'i'0*0':'.440,6i).'''.0.fhell.',,'.4.14,'ell-Ch*he;WilIaltetc1401threr.. 143.14,..le„ a:gaeSe, `.',„-, ,:,.•:, t
,itilkhliOee'''iniineritif.. Al theee;,'4118A- 'ilbel.;,:••FlYetlYa 'Ile .'did,-„Yidt. 'Seek' iny •,,.a , .._
lisu.teerl'''.P11-t- tO'''ule 140"' tv*fis .•,-13.4”:4 '. .J „, 1 , osleitl:, hint to XPA4TY T(.1,.' : .• '.
1:110i,U1.gOd;; to ;'the'Weild ..that If '11.'',Wtac SenendlYalinfing he firetldaye, et hie • • ,,,•
..titit:,,,et.:l,aliaiacn,i.e., ' ::witea.enagedte; CanIt9IiiI)":4e'.W.e9 till4wa1erti1g-.'nYHP9e,t'
Yentlg. _ .Man.:, '1,iPt''. ,3'.003f4 '.tfc.4',!??t°940-:,9•114?.thcnight that T 7iieh'
enntiera:thart.M.Yeelf,' I 1lleaf*: Ybeell. an ,914that7 - PaY./414t:.*,9ntan': :4 .1?ea', -., - • ,-..' ,
e1ittetilit'itlien1edia:e0SIIroti.-,S;a8. thehaPP‘, thOdalltite",Meens.,,' No •:onc, Was: .,,,,,,,.., ,,,,- ••,
Niti,t'-Ofagralee . newePaPe1c.attt91ta, .*09 ::i4u1'1#189d '',.thall , he When ., he
lt1011.:..Y#8J40.14 Our 0(1,,'§ige' is:a;harlfantid out .:.that 'I '*ae.li„ri4.0.ess. ''Ot•
ee, inni,riag&lWhen- one of the P11141.eaJSChallIahnagraliP,O•• It .' ,41-a'thetete-1.9 . ': • , r , - ',.,, : . . ', . , • , a
Still1.14 •hia',OY"Itef-Yonth,..:, ,,• , - I certain. and obvious the,t.he leVati Me
,.'tatia,;T,,'eontclnd'atliat„ ..loVe..i0.ne., re- I ter .. Myselt ..alone,Old...not-11er , that, , ,',„.!•-'lat .
iiiectOr.!,c1f.=ttgel;Miti that tlie. fire,'Ofiliatiall'it..iline:-/laY Tleaeure to bestoW.,
alteqbve;,Can -burn as..elearly and as on him on op' wedding day. „ ,c,'... •.' ., ., ,),
InV4Y:: in '149 heart :0, a Ye9t1a4-7:9i* I HI think. that we are geing! to be the , .. •!-, %1
Itat0,t Oa: ag ,OtOlglItY 09 :eighteen I'' i haimieet _ea:apts in .alt tuyopei and. far
if twe,Pellediie' find thatl'thaY. are .'taatlh 'from Making'..anY difference to' our
tiia,tee•that' they .are'aotietinted .With :i.: th 41it , , fa, • age I) t - •-, ,. , .„ . .- • I
6.!"9' .grant
1 ..p
ion for each • etltera-- .Will ratlaera'Comeat it. • There is 45,13,,,, .1.
thellathOY:.haite eveayfri,ght to Inee7cY• One„Ahing that Mita' my,husband's;,de-
ge Ints...netiiing :te do. With it at 11 iliriousliapplueas at.etir_niarriage, and.
le•.eitiheient that th9:t01-i)ertatithg l'tliatie the fact that I inay;•ba taken
etnotion, ewe; i aireeent,..'There al-
. .frofri.:Iiim before, -maty years are -PaSs',
aya ':{*1..61q, . of 4oUrie,' the .eueetion1 ed. • -That was the only consideration . .
9wt.ehlittetin.--ah10'140is Ei•e:Ino-'11-0,g0."'which has kept Us back in,a..nY way in
fa -net "teasidel'ed. decte•ese.. et.':.Tinieleral '
; but desire to . become :man: and Wife.
bedatiedfite'• parties do not:altar° child* Love will not,bo amiied,..hoWever; and
,ren but livo alone together in uniM. atter, considering the matter fully we
terrePted bline • -. ' decided that we WOuld.enateli our few .,
children ',May' bo a blessing to Marl- it Cost in heartbreak later, when 11 be-, --..e............- ,- -
'ireeee ;
Without Me: moments of happinestspa matter what - .,
Hal, and because' the two contracting, acyoss. the brge that seParates this , -----7--- - ------...---
talthaPpineas, but thoy ere not eseda- c ------------Y tor us to bo" parted
i'--- .
4. A
T'" 1
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(Copyright.1024:63The Bell8mgolte. be.)
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'`. ti5t3' fhiilt°t-'4'..,e't11.1.t6S,106:e°r _keti}14iii'lil''tetid.'"""1/1etle- )1x;,l'i.;.„Tort';i'°:,vttelt.7.tve't .;.'',,,ep.nfo';';`.1t.''p'975,'
r,,,i,iii,,6,:,bi,di,,2„.„ ,i ,order' tcaaea''.ef the ,yonager ,oitee:' Crete I.5e... io, SS,'
ei •, .iftiie0i.'13,. ,wp:11,4t,s4,.itt ilti'dootlidaC.4., f,t1,1;.., ,e,,.er.e:0.1ug, 1-Nivtin'; ea' i3s'eavveere'e,iejeetaiiirneetol 0 jthlidegeyrltoliec:
-, 001i,,n.Iefeete,,heto: rii,tlualciiete .1)-el.:auirtiae0.13, ,6kiint).svra4!"14: , oxd,vie9xit;fanvgaggiani.iceliac,f,,nottanealIieyrelaart(ltireal$01.
silver r1Olestii6ort.‘, f.liale,counot';Lef paritnecapq,EOd1::•owidaaheolteY0 t4es:sDiirety,add,`ao,4.9oaaapat47.0at wiiainIV.; '
wi,,i,d,isinnd.,,foi: inianee,,ftatra.,ifivaiisTehli,3.3;gg,,' 8t8tore,kgillioays7,9110.0161-Vd:gtdi-in. etoars taoi,paRicol'aete• ;
' . . 11afst.iPer.7:e6clite iaiend a.:atatzionligi.tYhe America 1 wotklug girle 'would take the treable
industrY'let recline nftyyearse .. : 1- If all, thee6 people who criticize
• ' Ceintiaent • the pel'te of these faxes to get te. know them, teefincl Put' the
.,•32ibli'illiligollioo''oftllOdSoeliair7s tainletvi abliu3".ine:,s4..,ien. odoienedettleoin, swinxtet,thbooirro iiniyee,:,sothemyaweyouoil • , 1
While alirrice Edward Island is ' the them ars. •Their .courage . in ,tile face
antorwongeheishlt •Iont. foxive-if ayrrnprinovginfo:i;af 11c -eh -al!, (i.,,,:ti <lei:1011Ln nil ty8,0 tt,litebierirlilcrueinciuQii toYssittlo Inliaelltp"
• actaiclibaral'ia'aaltioned,(110clisnfu' 11ttalate:ieS3:teaatre!a. liwalivLersbv9een ,i tehs' :hutd°Peieir bgeihrilnidn ..1.'tibinee: goafy* n-eaenad' 'aritl!thaelrl "
•'a • hard eXterior that many of there elnyar
Iit'. the last few Years •at least 'Ave ta •censerioes weelel. . If judge'
hundred.Tenehers have taken al witet‘ C• rawford had .1caown what he was.
' -• They have tlieif own Journal, alai..
.is called"the neW star 01 farallY.10'tpae• ltiValitgedahsuonoti. hhe0'11:reonn510d, not have per-
• ,: . own. association, at Miniteapolis, aed .. . ,ciathcs Get „lobs
.' hold c,liamplonship. shows. ,
In most trades...woinen's wages aro
' From, Ainerica, fur -farming, -
1148 low, but unless the work is of a very
' e.pread to Japan, and lately to E'rance,'
rough kind employers will not en-
• the Seettiali Ifighlands,,_-Dartmoof, ,
''gage a girl it she Is not decentlY olad.
' and a dozen other places iii this couuni-,
010111, shop assistant, and
farming will beconie (01 important in.;""aPioirtriiatilre.,0„.01,icera a
tdy, . Our pioneers believe ,that f'
good appearance is
1paxt of the necessary stock -in -trade.
dustry, for they have proved that ou
too shabby can neither' keep her job
The girl who lets her' clothes become
nor get another. Far too high, a pro-
PartleEi do not—or cannet--lacrease life from the .next. •Good Place To Leave A Cigar.
ahoule not marry. Mon:Triage le an in- 1
the human race is no reasou why they •Love Knows NO Locksmiths.
dividual estate—iL is personal, and It In conclusion, I Would exhort all w -E
n Trp . Children at the Door
has greatly annoyed me that so many those -wile are denying theruSelves oma orer
people have ,concerned themselves in hapPiness hecauscruf the age bar to Has .Sniall Outfit 1 have no trees before my house
my- love idyll and my fulfilled deter- marriage to take. courage into . To cat their pleasant shade,
xeination to marry the man 1 love, hands and stand before an altar and , _ ' , About my windows never twine
_ ;
' even though. be is many years young-, not to have happiness stolen from Mr:. and Mrs. Martin e °Anson ' '
v + 1 The blossoms God has made,
er than'myself. . them by public opinion. Age is' no But there are roses Sweeter far,
There" 0012 bo tie wrong Present 1 bar whatever to marriage. Love Make Another Trip to '
-where true Iove rides pararhount, and known no locksmiths—not even the
I submit that it ,I had refused to marr
-i'Y the anan I love because 1 am sd
.much older than he, then -I should not
. hare been . doiag him a kindness, but
' awrong--for I know that his love for
me is such that the rest of Iris' lite
Cupid is wily rascal. Perhaps it New York.—TweWe trunks accent- bars of old age. . .
is rather tragie when he shoots kis panied Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Johnson, No -hedges like a honeyed wall ,
arrows in persons very fai: „removed t noted. motion picture photographers of Adorn my dwelling place,
In age, but when he does so let your I •
ourerle life, into Africa, when the No fountains weave upon my lawn
heart dictate to' you. If your heart 1- Y A web of twinkling lace,
sailed on the S S Berengaria, and al- For 1T10.110 yoblns greet the emu,
That on the pavements bloom—
The children of the city streets,
Whoa° laughter lights my room.
wenild_be barren and unhappy vrithout sage "yes," then have courage and go 1
Mee by his gide. There is little doubt through with it, and it true love is in- though'she is noted for er snappy A tau of rainbow gleams,
that in the course of years we shall 'deed present, then 1 de not thiuk you ,appearence •.vhen sitting on a defunct But children play before my house,
thanY years before my 'husband, but Right to Emigrate Denied to ' The trunks are packed with cam-
, Whet lonelinest the. streets would
' unutterable haPpiness and bliss with .' • • nia ds
SPa----r--- ' ' native chieftains and such parapher- ' If children were not here!
I•shall have had those few years of era, films, rifiesfiashlights, gifts foil • .
be eenarated, because I am likely to will live to regret, it.
be Called lute the ' Great Unknown e tains clothes for•Mee. Johnson.
rhinoceros'. head, none of them coal Who keep me young with dreams.
the man who Possesses all my heart. Madrid.—Itestrictions are placed mil nalia. Mrs. Johnsone who has spent , Th,e.i.rnjionynonnswvnoyi.ces bring a smile
a tear
And does not every woman agree with he right of Spanish subjects to emil eight ' of her 18 years of married life' s•-.
me? If ,one loves, then one lime a grate, by a decree issued by the Min- in the South Seas, two in Borneo ail(' Tile cohnlry house is rich, indeed,
right to snatch all the happiness that istry of Emigrants. The new regula- six in Africa, is taking her clothing With blossom, bird and tree,
love lAings, And if the object of one's tions tend to inspire at least a mini-",fer a ten-inonths' stay in a suit ease . But happy childreat ray door
Are wealth enough tor me1
affectioe loves also; the°' the world „tun of economic, educative and moral ‘' 110 larger than a, travelling eales. I
has ne eight. to deny either hapPiness. guarantees in behalf of those who' man's. --alerris Abel Beer , in "Stye°
The qemetion of their respective ages leave Spain to make a living abroad.' The, modern outfit for 11 W01111111 ex- Lamps."
dc ea not enter into the matter. Under the deeree, no single woman plorer in the tropics was listed by
1 the country 1.11110S8 she is OCC0111- Four pairs riding breeches (to walk
Old Age Is No Bar. under 26 years of age is permitted to thio one as follows:
Ahould marry youth—that it Is, per- panied by her parents, grandparents,i0).
must he shown by' women coming! Two silk shirts—blue--for dinner
ot. g .
under this restriction to prove that wear, by Opposition- Press __ will bring no profit? So many a man
they are going to join legal guardians, Two pairs of jumpers -overalls. .- Cairo.—A nation-wide effort to se- ,01 narrow horizon and blinded spirit -
1 or Egyptian' nal vision would think and feey. But
or, that they will be under the pro- Ode beaded belt and 0(111 in ir of cure better conditions that lonely,missionary, 1118 in .that tar
peaty, •
ereem-colored trousers to wea-r1 with
the blue silk ekirts. King Filed inaugurating .,,a two -clay
childhood was initiated this week,'
!African foiest, lives 111 a larger world
teetion of a financially responsible
they are leaving eithei o join their , b t bazaar and fete at the British Reel_ than trade and profits, even in the
is iritual world of eternal life that has
Male minors will have to prove that • , .
I am quite in agreement that youth cave
The Bible for -the
Already translated 'into more lang-
uages than any ether book, the Bible
has now been translated into the
language of the Balubas, on of the
largest tribes in Central Africa, by
the Rev, T. C. Vinson, a Southern
Presbyterian missionary. 01 this mis-
sionary's plodding toil in a far, land,
The Presbyterian Banner tells us:
"Atter perfecting his knowledge of
the Baluba language, Mr. Vinson
* haps, better—but I am not prepared 'd. Further, doeuments• Three washable crepe white shirts. Lady Lloyd's Efforts Explled
to admit that old age is a bar to mal--
or real love: Rather two per-
sbns of widly different ages marry be-
cause they really love each otlmr than.
two young things who are entering
matrimony for reasons other than af-
fection, and who, although perhaps
not:disliking each other, yet are not
in love.
The marria,ge between ray brother,
the. Kaisor, and Princess Hermine
was love -match. ---yet .both are no
awakens, to put it rather vulgarly.
True, they are not so very different
10 ,age. but 'they hag. every right to
"makry because they loved. 'That was
the answer gave to my brother, the
Kaiser, when he remonstrated with
me On my marriage.
"Victoria,' he said, "yon'are, acting
spent more than a year In the trans-
lation. Theu the Belgian Government
objected to certainforins of the work,,
and he anent another year in revision.
Atter long months of correcting proots,
several thousand copies of the Bible
will be sent to the American Presby-
terian Congo Mission for the natives.
These were long years of hard toil
that produced this translation, and
many a man of the world Would have
said what a useless and thankless
task it was.? What good will it do?
Do these African tribes have anything
we want? Will they buy our goods
an denlarge our markets? Are they
not ignorant and. dirty and degraded
humans, and why should a man work.
live years to give them a book that
climate -will suit the foxes even bet-
ter than their own.
The Pelts
Portion of the wages of these gills bas
eilTIcyh,e viruilt.hofetilbeeasuiltviglrosxiiviserY
long sheen,andstruggle to keel) up appearances, end
to be spent on clothes In a desperate
and is always ,likely to lte a favorite 'these clOthee,when obtained have.- to
be' very carefully tended,.
for the trimming of coats. An aver -
pounds, but an exceptional one may girl for spending five guineas on a
age pelt has a value of about fifty Tile judge who blames the wealcing
- coat does ' net realize that unless the.
fetch pretty well ten times the price
A. record was set up in London some ;wearer happens to be 0118 Of the tacky
few years ago when a single pelt was i ones .with a comfortable home bellied
sold tor as3.4. , - I her, that coat will have to be made
to do duty till the last possible .mo-
a ranch with silver foxes of pedigree ment, pressed and. sponged, cleaned
It is an expensive business to stock;
I with benzine, and altered when the
strain, "pedigree" indicating that they
; fashions change. Yon can't do that
have been pure bred for six genera.
'with a Shoddy two-gainea coat that
Hone A pedigree pair of the P111100
Edward Island, strain is worth three
hundred pounds.
Visiting a ranch on Dartmoor, the
'omit its shape the first time it gets
wet. ' -'
Wise social workers among girls are
always trying to persuade them to
writery flonunnsd, inascore jot te rfeods ews Iona ne
lilied with comfortable houses. coats, and such ,stapie clothes, be -
spend as much as they can on boots,
cause the cheaper the -article the
slietheeirniv—ersnenubelig—htpainps,,,s_ptIniiel, faanrdmaerres more extravagant in wear, It is 0110
full-grown by iate autumn, By the of the tragedies of poverty that one
families or to be under the guardian-
ship of a financially responsible party
knee' length, to discourage snalces dency to raise funds for infant we -
ihiee pans o so
mosquitoes and quart -size gnats. fare work here, Tho b„a„. „gamehe promiee of the life that 110-0/ is as
• well as of that which. is to C01110. Ho
• 'd b lined ized by Lady Lloyd, assisted b'y an in-'
has the thrill of,letting the light Into
who Must assume the obligation ofi dark brown felt hat with a scarlet silk fluential comnuttee of ...gyp i
one of the darkest places on the ear b
111... 1
completing, their education and pro- ,,. .
inung. European ladies of every nationality
and enlargiag the area .00 a bettm;
fessional training. . • One dozen handkerchiefs and as- in Egypt has met,with an extraordi-
world. About eight hundred tro,nale.-
_--..;.----__ narlly warm welcome by every section I
Sorted neckties. Bons of Lite 131.ile in whole or in. part
•• ' Sure Thing! Six compacts of face powder and 11 i
have now been made, and thus the
Marshal Jefere, who was in cone. lipstick. 1 The Tress praises Lady Lloyd's ini-
of the community.
nuke ar lengthening that will bring
mand at the Battle of the Marne, is 11.1,7 an innovation this time, mrs,:tiative, ev 1 ,
eii the Nationalist inners
the entire human family into 'the
as modest as he is beave. Johnson is taking along a pith helmet, politically opposed Co the British poi- brotherhood of tho kingdom of Christ
• Thut he IS alSO WittY, is 11.1.0V8a by a which she has hitherto relmled to
ieyeef declaring Mich benevolent nett -
and bind the •whole world with gold
madlY. lt you marry thin mau -you 1 --:'
.leeiv golnp the round of the Paris , weal. under the impteesion that pito . . , . „ . • , . , - .. ,,, „ chains about the feet of God."
• , ,vities place Egypt under a. debt to
will be the laughing.stock ot Gei,. 1 clubs just now. 'helmets del not photograph '15 01 with the British lat, who is ae,otim, am —ia----
Political opponents haze reeentlY her nose. ,, • efforts to the amelioration of Egypt=
many!" I
end of their first year they sport coats I cannot afford to pay for the things
of ideal quality for the farrier. Wien
the fatal day of pelting arrives, the
end comes mercifully by way of
chloroform. ,
Apart from the 111011 value of the
pelts., the farmer at present is sure
of a good profit from selling hie live-
nvithelm;" 0 replied, "you married "Several sweaters, ati many as there child Oil . , . Hard Luck
taken to belittling hie share in the i "And sweaters," said Mrs. Johnson.
When you. were nearlY mY Age, and ‘• great victory, saying that if it hadn't actiVities provide the surest path to It abets about et 111011S -011d P01111115 tO
you are happy. I don't care' if / am been for Gallioni--ancl se forth, become a doctor, and another thous -
are room for after the rest is packed." the nnitual good will and understand -
the laughing-stoelt cif this, and the 1 The other day a Young French girl, The.:Johnsons are to enter Africa Jug Great laritain and Egypt are now and, at least, to buy a halt -share in a
next world, I am going through with after listening to a lot of idle cbatter this Lima at Cairo, -following the Nile seekillg. Practice.
it. You will admit that I am, per. ot this sort, put the question plump to rtaAaf, and .1 thence cutting acmes the! ,,, , ---.1.----
,..,, I Of coayse, the budding medico ban
hens', ole euough to know ink own and plain o Joffro blineelf, • Congo into 'Uganda, where they expect llalmging.Bas or. Ten nours put up his brass plate and try to
1 life ditione end that such
Climate Suitable
An important point about the fur
of this fox is that it clones tbo falter.
that will really stand hard wear. The
judge objects to 4s. 11%11. for winter
gloves, but good, Untie leather ones
at 70. 68,,,,evould wear more than three
times as long and. be a real savin
of money; 3s. lid. is tamest the limi
of cheapness for hose that are t(
wear any length of time and not los,
their shape atter the first washing,
Taste in color and lino Is a vet
desirable trait, a civilizing Influenc
The hairs are black below, 1801 n The love of beautiful things is often
the middle, and black at the tip, Tho ; blamed for leading girls astray. 1
faker may stick white hairs on to the the cinema and on the stage the of
Inc of a red to/ which has been dyed, outwarn conventions seem to die a
but cannot imitate the genuine eilvery lhard on the Judges' Bench. Bt
sheen. in real lige the feeling for good Mao
In this climate, the 'fox has, proved in dress encourages the girl ot slende
remarkably hardy, It Is a„good par- mean to practise carotin tlitught
ent, and it lais been found Wet it will real self-disciplino.
go on producing cubs for a dozen The well-run clothing club b12.
years. made the Jive -gallica coat a possibillt
The cost ot keeping a pair works to the girl who can only afteffrd 2e
out at about eight pinnies a year. 68. a week for adress allowance, Wan
TheY ere fed on rabbit, meat, eereals,! to the judge is a teifle ho might spent
biscuit and milk. on a cigar atter dinner 18 considm
A return of capital is not long Ile- able sacrifice to 1110 working girl
layed after the . founding of a ranch, cheerfully borne not merely for vau
since rite pulls may be pelted ie their Ity's sake, but also to preserve be
first year. selbrespect and her place In Lii
Owing to the coot 'Of buying or world.
hiring suitable land, putting up wire They Deserve Their Share
and housee, and buying atoelt, ranches Why should the girl who bar
are often owned by syndicates. To all the week, and 18110 gives servIc
triune a ranch with twenty fine pairs to the eommunitY, be denied lie
of silver foxes demands a capital ot
• small share in the pretty things the
-"nds' our present system showers 90 Ideal
emnethieg like tell thoesitad P
fully on other women? The ver
Grgzzlies still Numerous week that Judge Crawford was le(
There are over 6,,B00 grizzly bears tering working gide on the extrav{
In North. America according to statis- eeece of their simple budgete, tiler
tics gathered by Harlan I. Smith of was a court case regarding
the National Museum, of Canada which had been s119plie8 to enothe
Which appear in the January issue of woman testing 415,000. I am sill
awaiting suitable continent from tbl
learned Judge about dress bill. of tin
Giriti will have votes 50011. Th
older ones have them already, 'Pm
will have a voice in selecting the Go
eminent white) fixes and pays the 01
ariei of learned Judges. I think
should. adirise certain members of
logal fraternity to mend their 1111
Mind!" , "Marshal,". she mated, "18110 dhl to photograph crocodile, hippopotamus,' Bell-Ringere at Heptonstall C1100011,1niake a connection, bat it is uphill
My brother was silenced, and ,has yeally W111 1,118 Bettie of the Marrior elephants, white rhinoceros, chimpan- near Halifax, achieved a remarkable work, as witness the collo-y(111g story
since refused to have anything to 'do The old soldier smiled 1 zee and perhaps a pigmy 01' tWO. performance when they rang a record told recently by Sir Arthur Conan
" 't 11 'ou tlmt mademOiselle," The new venture was iirranged by peal of "Oxford. Treble Bob Major," Doyle, who Was, of couree, prnetts-
• 'ing surgeon before "Sherlock Holmes"
"but If things had gone the George Eastman, the Rochester Kodak involving 17,0 • c
with rue, and up te my wedding day ,
retained his dlsappreval of my mar- iho said,
!gage. I do no 00 .. , g • id other Way. I 1111018 Who would have enenorecterea, who accothilanied the Bering the ten hours Arty -one min. brought him fame and fortune. ."Field and Stream Magazine.
the other day I wes told that I loelt lost it." • 061m-trot:tine, married pair. . utee taken by the Peal, the bell -ring- A young doctor openet1 a 1 , 1 Mr. Small reports that tbere are
this. was' flattery. One thing I will .
• • in 55 the Star -----4,--- ere locked themselves in the belfry ,new surgery. He waited all day ,More than twice as many grizzlies in
.. and took neither tooth' nor driek,' without a visitor. At hot a breath. 'Mackenzie Park of British Columbia
,.. ,
. eel, and. that ie.:that I have kept my 'Coach (betweee lutlyotil --"WhY, Speedy Trade -In , They remained standing the whole less man come dunning up the drive.] a.s in all the National Forests of the
twenty-five, , but I must admit that '
looke and,figure—not by artiiiCial aicIR Yeu flatfooted,' cheese -headed, bat 1 ' "Th It Is your new father, clear." I t . th United States outside of Montana
. - E i L.....,ii--0.1Cp !I,didn't But, nuninue; We had hardly used
' time. swinging bells weighing bell, "Sit down," said the ( oc 01 son -
tween seven and eighteen, hundred- ing1y, "What can I do for Yen?" ',mid Alaska, Idackenle Park, 1..8 Ands,
"0_0) get on the tetepiteue•—at had 015, grizzlies, wb 110 the National
1' hie qon
healtliwolite. I conelder myself te he ,you, nail that rminer? Way he .the last one. --Life. weigat, at a rate . of ovei twen,-
and coemetics, but 011(0 0110 111111
• cent Mille matter Ot age, lett a well. 1105 1)111111011 idiot! WIM,'; was the mat. it You lutv it,"peal tablet" in the church.New Mexico aregon 2. Mon-
etet requested me to pay
e.younger, and I think that.my husband spilled that guY1 You just 801 right • seven changeil a, minute. The feat. once!" gasped the vieltor. "ely WIte'S 100reSt 14 1 a 10
11115 riot marrlee\an old women ex- Acme in front of hini,-you sat, you Tuncis, to the iradesmtni: "How is'
Ili honored by the „dm-tined:0u ill, and I watt to ring up my doctor," 20, Colorado 25, WYmniag 60, axizolia
as been
-DU par with a W0111911 thirty years was coming at yon,12%. baby could 'a''
----a, - . alr. G. B. Shaw hat stated that his. taint 436, and Alahka 4,900--a total of
preserved wife that will do her (lay ter with you? . I Your account?" Tradesmen: 011, 1 see, America First
earliest 500 41101(5 • as a boy, weie 55911 110 1110 11051 152' In Yellowstone
, Worlds Most Fo,rnous
to 1801 as stanchly as it she were - 'Alan Who Missed, the Tackle-- never eel:" a gen tlenum for Money! `'llow Was the scenery on your ."Tlie Prbgross' 'and "The ',leant -mai Park theta 'ere a total of
I 11,
1180111) 11111ll COacli worked in a 1 '`Indoed. Thep how- 11 100 'get on if - Artloian It> later lite' lte is 248 bears of which manlier 71 are
ibis he does not. Tay • V%. • attei a eel- "It Tap largely to tooth paste and believed to have been profoundly inv. 1 grielies Tnerti are 41 cubs listed The proposal to extend 1,a. ti
that • I ant' a 11r.inctevi `of the Blood JuSi. 'like Richard Dix."—LIfe, • man, and then, 1 ask him;
COUriet. 1 ShaW.—Puneh. big its legal tele, tac
ster Abbey or, to glve eacr,ed
00 (1111(1418 thInge about Us. It is a. fact summer, .1.111 that halfback looked tain thim I coin:hide he's not a gentle. • .. • ,,
sitokmg tobacco. — Louisville pressed by the works of Mr. G. B.sincluding one
. 1 four cubs. old grizzly miller with
Perked tonginin have F‘Vi(1 eorts , en: the eoast
diturch. of St.. 'Peter in Westminstl
toaises the iutereiting question: 1‘,'
Make room ror further ,l)011101 oie
MUTT AND JEFF---Bv Bud Fisher. •
swee otiTI s
•ir • L00140/ A13&at. ANgitItle'S';,'
r",‘ue,c 9r) tviVAT,'
Lt., 'Mee' StiNkg:
•-Oc` k.kt*tetetesc.-•1:I1 I.
taexT Get‘e! DAIS, 11 A j
Pe:We:Be:r, CePY
NoWye .teibC- tee,
PAINT teNb Bi.'0us tee -3
so MUTT Weerr,
T Ute S •C• 113
-nee, F•INcr TIAN('
r PAINT -6 b.
EASY' feioe.)q!,
IT'S A Gemuime-
AND As I'm lefee‘e•
crteeP IF C,Clot.11 NE
Looic AT 13' BY
rtit wiNbow uiflef&
L3G1-Cr Is
ter -re -RI
(WI'. Be cAcer...:Fut.
14ow You It A
ct, 11-1c- PAINT
AIN'T (1.1tRY
• Jeff Didn't Even Knaw Rerohrant Was Sick.
should • this church, not a catheth
., loom larger than 1 L. n . ,
bury Cathedral, awl St. Peul's in t!
,...,: ;:. • ,
•-•,.,- -5-5 , , ,
.0 f - , .
' ration, with 11411011 thifl monarch
'. was built around ',his shrine. T
eyea of' the English-speaking WOH
And why should it be the 11(8120111Tale exCeptional 110110111211111 or_
weddings, and the most fitting. bui
scene of our coronations and re
place for our Illestrions- dead?
gotten to.day the extraordinary ‘
regard0 by an. A magniiient ch
Abbey takes origin from,the.fact
the 'Confessor: We have alnuis,t
last of the 01,1 -17,1150141 Mega, Ede
Lite .shrine 1(0180 the l'581111115 of
crowned at hie graVeside gives
tienal sanctity to the rite, and t
buried near 311s ashes, Is the 11:
110110? 111811, can wish,
•Aaffa faCea4RINtallaT's
leuefbc2Bra. 1E-feRS:
"Give a copper te a num with
children." ateut last week you
Wadtliree children?" "Yes, hu
brother has gone to 'prison and
'have hie two, to keep."--liasper