HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-01-05, Page 5Of interest to You and Rile ,P'dt2 came is With.,11 cold breath. No more holidays now until Easter. Good Friday comes- on, April 61h '.and Easter Sunday on the Sth. Now that the holiday period is over there is nothing to do but work .9:oybody who enjoys a real, 'old- fashioned Canadian winter must be having a fine time this week. it roust have been the same chap c'Ito' predicted. a stmnnerless summer who predicted that this would be a' • winterless 'winter. • The Government, that is the 'peo- ple, sweep the highways so that those who are doing a truck business, run- ning . opposition to the railways, can get over the roads, . then they pay whatever deficit there happens to be 011 railway operation. Looks as if the long-suffering people were getting it both, going and coining. No doubt it .is fine for those living on the highway to, have the road cleared' of snow so they can 'get out with their car's, but it is .rather awk- ward for those who live a few miles off but; Who have to get to the high- way to cane' to town. They have to bring runners and scrape along the bare highway with 'them, because they cannot use wheels over the snow- covered sideroads. Tha Hamilton' bank thak escaped eiag robbed ought to buy that ham- er from Carpenter Woolley and lace it; decorated with ribbon,' in a lace or honour on the wail,-Toron- o Star'Weekly,:, Not at all. They should buy it, all ight, ]pat they ^';should keep it lying •ouud'handy so tliat it could easily picked up and used in like manner r theshead of any other bold robber he, appeared. A few lusty taps on e heads 'of bank .robbers might^itis-. urage then, in their career of crime. Bagfi.eici Miss Anna Elliott went to Luck- w on friday, where she spent the Mader of her vacation with her nt,•;Mrs. A. G. Elliott.. Miss Gwen -Elliott returned to Tor- t() on Tuesday. The 'Y. •i;'. S. social held in the base- nt of St. Andrew's on Friday even- last.was quite enjoyed by those esent. The first • part of . the even- was spent in games, crokinole, pet balls, etc., after which there s an impromptu program and last, by no .means least, .lunch was ved. he annual congregational meeting t. Andrew's United church will be in the basement of the church on sday, January loth, at two k. he Presbyterian services on Sun - afternoon and the evening ser - s in St.- Andrew's United church in Trinity church `"were cancelled hg to the storm. Ir. Wm. E. Parker of 'Sarnia was ie ,for New Years, returning to nia on Tuesday. 'sses Elva and Annie Dewar re- nes to Toronto on Tuesday and 'd Dewar, Jr., has again resumed teaching duties ir>; Colborne Tp. test. R. M. Gale spelt Thursday -and day last with friends in his former gregation near Chatham, where he Mated at the marriage of a bg couple.:. hiss M. H. Gerrie returned on day- and school ,opened on Tues- morning. Iiss Nina Heard returned to Kit- ner on Tuesday. - iss Itette Merner left on Monday 'esume her duties as principal of Continuation School, New. Dundee. Iiss Jean 'Woods returned to. Or - on Monday. fr. Clifford Clarke left on 'Satur- to regain his teaching duties at eron. Ir.' and Mrs. Percy Weston of nia are visiting the former's "par- , Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Weston. ,onsidering• the inclemency of the ther and the- heavy roads there a fairly good -attendance at the •essive'euchre and dance held in Tonin, Hall on Monday evening er the auspices, of the 'local Or- e Lodge: The prize winners were foli'ews: Ladies' prize, *at y Weston.; men's prizes Robt, r. (immolation prizes, Bernice s 'arid: Wm. Higgins. The -door ipts amounted to about thirty - dollars. - r, and. Mrs. A. Furter left oir ay last for their home in North %ss Jessie Metcalf retained to De- on Saturday last. • ' rs. M. Brown and son' John are wen Sound, having gene to spend ' the Christmas season with the 2v- (11000 daughter. • 1Virb, Jean PJlessop returned to Lon- don' en 'Saturday after having°vi;ited with her aunt iVlrs. D, Dewar: Mi .s Mary Wild returned to -Toron- to• last week after ]raving ° Spout .Christmas with her parents, Mr, and The members of the. Presbyterian Sunday school and church and their Lrien is ',n' a < enjoyed delicious hot sup- per 1 per` served by the ladies of'the.con- gregation in the town hall on Tues; day, December the 27th. The social evening, was spent in palings With the children and music. An, impromptei program was given in . which the children took, a prominent pant. Miss Thelma Ritz`returnecl to Clin- Owing„ to the storm the local rural mail couriers were unable to make their rounds, on Tuesday: The pat- rons on the different routes'; should see that the roads are broken for the cour'ier's, as the drivers are cold en- ough without having the added dis- comfort of having to :get out in the snow to get their horses out: rIf the patrons willthus co-operate it will help' greatly- the aim of th,e Postal De- partment, "Bette)! Service." • An event -of 4nterest to many of their old Hayfield friends, occurred at Owen Sound at high noon on Mon- day, Dec. 26th in St: George's church, Owen Sound, being the marriage of a popular young lady of Owen Sound, Lillian E., eldest daughter of Rev. Benson and Mrs. Belrose, to Roland R.; eldest son of Capt. and Mrs. Ed. Reid, formerly :of Bayfield, now of Owen- Sound. The ceremony Was per- formed by the Rev. W. J. Taylor, The happy couple left on the af- ternoon train, amid showers of eon- fetti, for :a short honeymoon trip to Toronto and Detroit. The following 10 the report of Bay- field Publio::School: Sr. 5th -Mary Sterling, Jr. 5th -Eleanor Scotchmer (hon.), Kenneth Young; Jack Stirling, Lottie Higgins, Margaret Elliott, ' Jessie Elliott, Fred Weston, Doris Gerttin -hardt'. Sr, 4th --Bernice Seeds (hon.), Ella: Mackay, Grafton Weston, Mary. Wid contbe, Berthena Sturgeon, John Brown"`. Jr, 4th --Eva Sturgeon, Isabel Os- mond, John Wild,, Kenneth- Merner, Thelma Parker (missed exams.)', Har - Old McLeod' (missed exams.): Sr. 3rd —Lawrence, Johns, Edith Merner, Emma Sturgeon, John, Lied - say. M. H. Gerrie, Principal" Junior Room: Jr. 3rd -Dean Castle (hon.), Keith Gaininhardt,, Carson Johns, James Sturgeon, Fred Sturgeon, Tom Castle, Brown Lindsay, Louis Wild, Hugh McLeod , Mervin Elliott, Maud Par- ker (missed exams), Louise McLeod (missed exams). Sr. 2nd -Jean Dunn, Doris Feath- erston, Dick Weston, Evelyn Geniin- hnrdt, -William Osmond, Charles Par- ker (missed exams.), Clara Paricgrl (missed exams.) Sr. lst-Vera Wild, Jean Elliott; .Pearl Lindsay, Albert Osmond, Stew art Sturgeon, .Mao Murray (missed exams.) - Primary -Kenneth Castle, Harry Brandon and Charles Brandon, equal, Francis Elliott, Bobbie McLeod, En - gene. Castle. . -Anna Woods. Assistant. i3ruceflieid On. Saturday evening _last at the Young People's Society banquet in the basement of the church almost eighty partook of a splendid supper at nicely decorated tables. After supper a splendid program was given which consisted of a solo by Miss Irene Snider and violin, solo by Miss Eva Stackhouse, Several toasts•were also givenand responded to. Tho toast to "The King," was given by Miss Ada -Reid. The next, to "The Church,' was propoesd by the Rev. W. A. Bremner, That to the minis- ters Was proposed by. Miss Anne Haugh and responded to by Mr. Brem- ner,. who in his speech read a letter' from Rev: W. D. McIntosh, the pastor when the society was formed, in. 192L The toast to "The Society of 1921," was proposed by Miss Kath- leen, Snider, and Bob McNaughton re- sponded. To the toast to "The Pre- sent 1.P,S." proposed by J. 1t1entosh;' J. Freeman responded. The toast to "The Future Y. P. S" was proposed by Miss Janet-Aikenhead and Lance Norris responded. The watch- Fight service was conducted by Mr. Berm- ner' at which splendid addresses were given by Mist Alma Haugh and Tolin Mclntosh. The girls', quartette sang "Just as T arm," very -sweetly. Miss Inc. Scott of London spent the weele-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. T. Scott. ' Mr. Alex. Addison and his,:sister Cream Wanted We pay cash for Graded Cream CLINTON CREAMERY to 0e rate b� GUNN, LANGLOIS & CO. LIMITED CLINTON, ONTARIO We guarantee Service, Satisfactionfeetion and �.i u �a.b n° eta . I g o' tlef.. t�, Baa Phones 190 or 145. Night' 180 1 6,644,uacnaa,oco.,.4,74,1we,4venae„ ~~~ d. ` $ e,s5n,wc.<,mAwra�a-3 Grace, spent them' holidays in Orillia visiting then sister, Gladys; and otli ea friends. - . lJr. -and cabs, 1)/e11, Boyeo •arid daughter of Moose, Jaw, visited at the home of the former's brother, Mr. J. Boyce, and" other. f; rends'"in- the 'silt - Tinge last week.- Mt'. L. -Reid of Toronto ;spent the .week -end ' at the home of his father. Mr. C. Reid. 'Nurse Roi1 nto-i' London c 5 r vrsited at the home of her pi1rents,Mr. and Mrs. 1) Rouatt.• • C"iderich.Towushlp The ,municipal elections on Monday Mast were keenly contested and al - hough the day was stormy a fair vote wag ,Moiled. The vote by wards. 'was as follows: For Reeve o y y U .. S U No.:1 . 53 18 8 No 2 51 29 '7 No v 58:'- 18 14 No 1 24 12 28 No 5, .. .,.... 34 ., 53 8 Total 235 157 77 ltfajorityfor Cox -81. For Council No 1 70 27 -37 - 12 7 No. 2 59 46 79 14 12 No. 3 . .. . 76 66, 56: '34 29. No. 4 . .. , 34: 57 26 22 28 No 5 ; . .. 59 60 147 47 58 No. 6 . 37 49 35 33 26 Total 355 305 280 162 160 .In the evening -a representative' gathering of electors met in the hall in Hohnesville to hear the returns. The members -elect with the excep- tion of Mo..Salkeld, who was unable to be preesnt, addressed the meeting, and also "gr. B. W, Churchill, who provecl to be a good_loser. We would. conclude that .:although "out," Mr. Churchill is by' no means "down." Clerk Thompson at thisgathering announced the receipt of a gift of a` check for $100.00 :towards the tour- chase of an adding machine, for the use- of the township officials, from Mr. Dudley Holmes, K.C., our popular. Crown Attorney, and Mr. M. W. How- ell, executors of the estate of the late J. R. Holmes, in 'memory. 'of their uncle. '- Ex -reeve W. H. Lobb, who was called on for a speech, eulogized the executors in glowing teams for their kindness and moved that a resolution Of appreciation by the ratepayer$ be forwarded' to them. ` This was second- ed by. Councillor J. R. Middleton, in neat and .fitting terms. Reeve Cox, who occupied the chair, put the mo, tion to the meeting and it was adopted by unanimous vote. The clerk was instructed to so notify them and also tho press. Mr. and Mrs. David Garyie wish to thank the people of school section No. 4 for the gift of a beautiful stove and other- gifts at Christmas, and also to thank all the peopleavho have so kindly helped then in Mr. Garvie's affliction:. REST/LT OF MONDAY'S ELEC• :TION •IN. MUNICIPALITIES OF HURON COUNTY` HULLETT: Reeve, E. A,• Adams; council: 1I, Mogriilge, J, Forbes, Robt, Lawson, James Leiper. GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Reeve: H. 0. Cox; council J, R. Middleton, W. I'Iaacke, H, Salkeld, F. 1:I. Powell, TUOIUE.RSMITI3: The municipal elections' held for--Tuckersmith town- ship resulted . as .follows: Reeve; Roland Kennedy, 259; Robert P. Wat- son, 208; .councillors. W. P. Thomp- son, 284; Charle's MacKay,251; M. Clarke, 249; J. A. Crich, . 242; John Elgie, 221. GODERXCH, (town): H. J. A. 1VIe- Ewan,'who has been mayor of God- erich for the past four years, was olected to the mayor's chairfor an- other term, defeating.0. C. Lee by a majority of 278, 'Robert Turner de- feated J. J. IVloser for reeve by a Ina - jos ity rajosity of 172. For the council several candidates -were in tiroufield, C. A. Humber polling the lowest vote, was left at- home. Those elected were: Wan. Bailie, Robt. Cutt, W. McLean, D. Sproul,.. Geo. Gould, B. 0, Mun pings. IifeKILLOP: The contest' for the reeveship of McKillop, township was an, exceedingly close, one, Frank Mc- Quaid, winning over John. Dodds by a inicjority of only 3 votes. Frank Mc- Quaid polled a • total of 288 ` votes, while his opponent was, the choice of 285 of the electors.. The councillors elected and the votes' accorded each are as follows: A. Campbell, 425; D Revele, 306 2. Ecicert 282- and Thomas McKaY, 267. • EXETER: The results of the mun- icipal return in Exeter are as follows: Reeve: C. B. Snell; : councillors: E. J. Christie; B. M. Francis, II. C. Riv- ers and H, Bierling; public utilities: Win. Ward; board of education: F. J. Dolbridge, W. H. Dearing and Dr. H. J. Browning. ROAST WAWANOSII': P. S. Stalk- er, reevo (acct.); IN. F. Campbell, Wilfred Reid, S. J. Kerr and R. H. Thompson, WEST WAWANOS$I: Reeve, A. E..-.Johnson;'councillors:: Frank. Todd, :Tames Foster, -William Carr and Wil- liam Stewart.:- GREY Harry Keys was elected reeve .of Grey township in. a close. race over John McNabb, a- former reeve. The majority was 82. Fred- erick Rowland, by a majority irl 84, was elected deputy reeve over Oliver Ilemingway. The elected coupeil is composed of Joseph MclKay, Robert McDonald and Stuart McQuarl'ie, Special "tours Burgess' Portrait Studio in Clinton 4ill be open every Tuesday, `,l'he hours, until further notice, will be from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m, If you want Photographs taken please come' in these lkours. My studio' will always bo walm, 50 (10 not be afraid to bring the children 111±11e winter, Burgess, Portrait Studio MITCHELL . i DLL AND CLINTON, ' 'FLOWERS OR FLORAL 1)BS2GNS Sent anywhere -m, shortest notice We have a 'new stock of Flowering Plants- and Ferns We cordially' wish every one a Happy and Prosperous New Year Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and 66j . Marriaies KING-STOTI-IERS - At Blyth, on Dec. 29th, by the Rev. Dr, Barnby, Helen 1Vladeline, youngest daughter, of Mr. and ,Mrs, Joseph Stothers,' to Jasper Ernest King of Atlanta, Ga., son of Rev. and Mrs. Ring; of Jacksonville, Florida. CARRICK-SMITI3 ''- At Wingharn, on Dec. 30th; by the. Rev, Sydney Davison, Kathleen . Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, to- -William Joseph Carrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carrick of Goderich, REID-BELIIOS1f-A,t'Owen. Sound, on Dec 6th,'byithe Rev. W. J. Tay- lor) rector of St. George's church, Lillian E., .oldest daughter of Rev. Benson Belrose and -Mrs. Belrose, to Roland E. Reid, son of Capt.: -Ed. and Mrs. Reid, all /of Owen Sound. I{ILP;ATRICI--RQB�INSON-Ast the home of the bride's parents, on Dee. 30th, by the Rev. W. R. Alp, of Auburn, Elizabeth, yopng- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Robinson, the 9th concession, East Wawauosh, to John' Kilpatrick of' Ashfield township. ' Deaths , RATHWlELL-In Goderich: township, on Dee. 30th, Eliza Jane Chambers, widow of the late Samuel Rath - well, aged 84 years. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and. Mrs. Berl Rathwell and other members of the family wish to thank .the friends and neighbors for their sympathy acrd kindness in their recent bereavement, the death of their Mother, the, late Mrs, Samuel Rath - well. ' CARD ,OF THANKS I4 wish to extend my appreciation to the electors of Goderich township for their support at the polls on Mon- day last, As they have thus shown their confidence in my ability to serve them as a councillor I shall put forth my best efforts to justify their faith. Wishing all a • Happy New Year. -Frank IL Powell. CARD OF THANKS I would like to 'extend my sincere thanks to the electors ,sof Goderich. township for their generous support wr 11Tonclay, when they again returned me as a member of the municipal council for the township. Wishing 11.11 a very happy and Prosperous New Year. -John It. Middleton. CARD OF THANKS I wish to heartily thank the 'elec- tors of Goderich township for the generous sttp)ort accorded me 'et the polls on Monday, when they again re- turned me as reeve. I shall endeavor, as in the past, to serve the interests of the ratepayers during 1928 to the best of my ability, -Wishing all a very HAPPY, and Prosperous New. Year.- Herbert:C. Co,x Auction Sale. 01 Farm Stock and Implernents at Bayfield road, ' one half mile south- west -of Clinton on Thursday, Jan, 12th at 1 o'clock .sharp, consisting of the .following: Horses -heavy draft snare, 6 years old, in foal; heavy draft,, mare rising 13 years; colt, 16 months old; driving mare, 6 years old; General Purpose filly, "3 years old, Cattle -15 steers ..and heifers rising 2 years old; 10 steers and heif- ers rising 1 year. Old; cow due to freshen Mar. 15th; young calf 6 weeks old. Implements--- Massey - Harris binder, 7 -ft. cut;• Frost and Wood mower, 6 -ft. cut; . Deering side delivery rake; Deering hay loader; Deering Horse rake; Deering tedder; Deering mower, 6 -ft cut;. Deering fertilizer, 13 -hoe drill;' land packer; Massey -Harris stiff tooth cultivator; Cockshutt manure spreader; 2 -row swifter; 1 -row scuffles,• Climax cut- ting box with 40 ft. of pipe and 40 ft, good belt; 11/ h.p.'gasoline' engine,. nearly new; 8 good horse collars; good farm wagon; hay rack; gravel box; walking plow; gang -plow; set' of sleigh's with flat rack; set of scales,. 2,000. lbs. capacity; rubber -tire top buggy; steel: tire buggy; Clinton fanning mill;, set of 4 -section har- rows; Star sedan car in good running order, 2 ,sets of double harness, near- ly new, CO bus of geed clean white sweet clover seed; 10 toll of millet; 10 tor or hayThe above implements are all nearly 411v, most of thele be purchased seed te last 2 years. Everything to be sold as 51ontietor. has—sec—sled down his farm. Terms: 7 mo:ath5':ercdit will he given on ,fur-' wishing bankable Palm, or a. discount of ai per Cent. straight ' allowed for cosh, Gustave B-sback ,5i;oprieter. rn„ r -r 1-0114,1-4.+, ,, ,. no 1 WANTED This 1.,000-, lbs. Goose heather; . {• also 300 lbs, Duck Feather's ENQUIRE FOR PRICES Always in the market for Poultry and New Laid Eggs. Clinton " Poultry House N. W Trewalrtha. Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w Atwater -Kent RADIO Hayti you seen our: new models in above? Many improvements since last year, 01111 and let 'us demonstrate PRICES MODERATE J. B. LAWS 3742 Euchre and Dance A euchre and dance, under the au- spices of the Clinton Bowlifig Club, will be held in the TOWN HALL On TUESDAY EVEN'G, .TAN. 17th at eight o'clock sharp G0021 MUSIC — LUNCH SERVED REAL JOLLY TIME FOR ALL Tickets .50c, including war tax - 43-2 SKATING PARTY s A skating party will be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday Jan:' 10 198 If f IN THE LOCAL ARENA commencing at 8 o'clock, p,m. .HOT DOGS -SANDWICHES --- COFFEE Admission 25c 42 LOGS WANTED We are again in the market for good logs of all kinds, either deliv- ered in our mill yards or on the stump. Highest cash price will be paid. Custom sawing will be done at Bayfield, Thomas Wallis', 4 con. God- erich township, and Clinton as usual during the year. McEWEN BROS. Bayfield P.O. Phone 624-r-4, Clinton 41-12 CARD OF THANKS To the electors. of Goderich township: Ladies and Gentlemen: "I wish; ,;to thank my ;old friends, as well as many new ones„ for the generous sup- port given she at the polls on Monday last. I trust you will never have cause to regret your action, Here's hoping for a happy and successful year for all of us. ., ' Faithfully yours, HARRY" SALKELD. Get It! .Use tt! - For Sore Throats, Bronchial Asthma, Quinsy, Cough, Head Colds, Catarrh and Tonsil Diseases. Good results or money bask. Its Mrs. SybilIa Spars Tonsilitis. All drug- gists. 43-2 Wanted -Fox Furs Will pay $i0 to $20 each for good fox fm's. Highest prices for all other, furs. H. A. Bovey, Clinton. 43-tf Hounds -Lost Pair of male fox hounds, west, of Clinton, mostly- white, tan heads, white stripe on faces, large black spot .on hips.., Reward for their re- eovery. Thos. Churchill, box 883,. Clinton. • Phone 241. 43.2 Wood Cutting by Cord - Am prepared to do woodcutting by the cord. D. Poulter, P.O. Box 845, Clinton, Ont. 42-1-p • Hens and Pullets For Sale 50 1 -year -old -hens, also 50 Rhode Island Red pullets. Apply to John E. Pepper, Stanley, Phone 627-r-1,3.; Clinton. • 42-1 Property For Sale .. Shop and residence combined, cos ner of Albert and Princess streets. Garage large enoUgh for three ears, also winter storage for several ears. Garden with small fruits. Apply to W. L. Peffersr Mary St., Clinton. 41-4.2p - For Sale ' All the parts for a one tube radio set with batteries, phones, aerial, tube, Price, $20.00. II. A. Hovey. 41-tf Farm For Sale 100 acres, good soil, good buildings;, fine Sugar bush; 414 miles from C1h1 ton. Will sell on easy terms; A. E. Matheson, Seaforth 11.0. Phone` 014-r-33, Clinton central, 33-12 Cottage`to Rent, Small, comfortable cottage; wired. for range. electric r rge. Garar..;:c on prem- ises. Apply M, 2. Moore, William street. .8 `; - tf For Sale Number of mules , and some pure, bred 1101020 •cattle, e rd yoipig• balls and females' of all ages. Apply to P. V. Elliott, Bayfield, Phone 600-r-82, ritisa-,, �n}net 00 a .. See the Erna Set before buying Either a 5 or 6 tube ` Price reasonable able Inquire of Mr. Sharp or Mr. Aitken as to what they think, of them. Miller �Iar�dware C� TELEPHONE 53', ;gt C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electricr Ranges, n' ixtures, Bulbs Irons Vans and other Appliances Phone. Wiring and Repairs. Guns -Guns IIave two double barrel shot guns to exchange for two single barrel shot guns. For, sale: One Remington' 22, repeater, 24 inch barrel. Price, $18.00, Onesingle barrel shot gun. Price, $5.00. If you, have a 'illy or rifle for sale or exchange see H. A. Hovey, Clinton. • 4042. Farm For Sale Lot 28, con. 15, Goderich township, 85. acres more or less, good land, well, with windmill, bank barn, hog pen, 6 acres hardwood bush,an. 0018 - orchard, Comfortable frame house. Also 50 acre farm on London road, Tuckersinith. Apply to J T. Mc- Knight, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 604-r-4, Clinton central. 284f Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned: Rooms ver Heard's B-rber shop. W. J: Jago. 228341 Poultry Supp _lues " LAYING MASH • SCRATCH FEED - GRIT, SHELL AND BEEF SCRAPS COD LIVER OIL, $1.25 per Gallon E. Lo MITTELL Huron Street , Clinton 814f Poultry and Eggs Wanted We handle eggs every day Poultry Tuesday and Friday mornings Call us if: you want to get the highest market prii;e A. E. Finch Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231 27-tf Clinton's HOW MOUTA LITTLE TRIP To BERMUDA - TIrlce7 uINoois? ` CAN'T s i , AFFORD TO TAKE lYA THEN-HOWAOOUT A TON;` OF HEAT FOLKS -COAL? You GAN`r AFFORD tier To TAKE THAT I ]Yost of us are too busy to think about winter trips ; to Bermuda, or Florida, or the Riviera. -We have to take our outdoor weath- er just as the weather. man sees fit to send it. But indoors -there's enother. mat- ter. ' With Heat Folks Coal we can have warmth and happiness and relaxation and all the health -bringing qualities ofsa southern trip -without the ex- pense. Let's have summer time: in cr• homes this winter'. Call the ' yA' r'for good, dean coal COAL C0 "PMflltili'. 7d AN NEW TERM Opens, on . Jan. 4th in each of -SHAW'S TWELVE BUSINESS SCHOOLS in Toronto. Write; for Calendar. . W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto. House For Sale Large red brick house; corner Or- ange and 'Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences. Possession when desired. Also a barn an 24 acre lot on Wellington street.. Apply to Mrs. W. Jenkins,, 06-tf-6p Buy : Your Coal NOW It's a. long time until spring. Three more cold winter months are •:ahead, and the -mercury will shiver down to zero more than once before the flow- ers bloom again. Have you enough coal to last all winter' Don't gamble with your family's health and comfort. Nt is much cheaper tobuy enough coal than -to pay doctor bills. HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery . Phone 111 WOOD I have a quantity of good Bard wood, .slabs and c'edar•. NOTICE Any coal accounts not paid by the first of February .will be handed in for collection. E. WARD - Phone 155 Huron street, Singer Sewing'Nlachinne Leased on Small Monthly Paymente Big Discount on Cash Sales Now is the time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes. y W. GLEN COOK Phil* 1712 . P.O. Box 201, Clinton RAD •r.a -KING KOLSTE r �,: ee Give your fainly a radio set for Christmas, in doing so you will be giving' them , something which ,they can enjoy the year around. We etre dealers for the Holster and Kings sets and will bo pleaked to give you a demonstration' at any time: -. Batteries charged•and stored for the winter W. J,.,Nedgerf Prop. ASPF,. ��LT ROOFING (1 We have a' complete line of Toronto. Asphalt Shingles and Roofing for siding or roofs if you are considering , roofing compare ours, before buying, with any other. This is the best by test. Feeds. Always; carry Bran, Shorts, Western Oats, best quality at lowest price. J A. FOD & SON Phone 123 Fleur and Feed