HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-01-05, Page 4li iw9 STORE COOPEWS o Ann aI January will be 1:luary 14 to 28 ill be be of-muisei in es to Keen "Buyers WE WISH ,ONE AND ALLAHAPPY NEW YEAR COOPER. CLINTON A Happy New Year to all . ,. J. McNEIL Clinton's IVlusical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton ndesbero Mr. -slAraithwaite of Detroit etit tljepiYeek-end with his. father,' 1Gix hI ,B thv,mit.,` who is in poor• Mis9,'La'ti4a Snell in' Stratford; wino spent the holiday season with her parents, Mr.; arid' ;sirs; Wm, Snell, has returned to resuresumeher studies, , Misses Elinor and Jennie Mantes> eS Iltp Illlltlf and rIcit -dtwenu potjr s m adjoatgug 1 the rates are from. 40. cents to a maximum of 80 cents" Between points" hi more distantly separated pz cvnlcee the r sotce are froth 50 cents to a maxi - intim of $L55 for tlae'longest.-haul for the maximum weight of 15 pounds, • 'Certain Prolubitiorus EAFORTH.; Mfr's.%H, T,arliin ( � and size are 1.5' e ded i • o Limits of ,ft'eight a Senior d, at ilio, .' heldl min the of the Pounds 'and 3 i% feet in length, width \t , Al, S.' held in the school P case must the Senior or depth, but M no aurae p ter c sl t ek 3c 1 e > t Y_ ks,exceed aed t. 1"combined n rn 1 roomh cc kgirth and length lerg e b. G 1 six feet. For example, a piece meas- uring three feet, ;six inches in its longest dimensions, may measure as Much as two feet, eix inches round its thickest part, or a short piece may. be thicker; thus, if the length is not more theinthree feet, the girth of I ieee may be three feet, F Chicago; • who' :'silent the C here tines and read the 35th psalm.. Thi-. ttas week with their mother,. Mrs. M..ineo, i followed by'; pX trot and the' readiig have returned:; { of the. minutes. The'bueiness report r. Bri ham of Star'. nee -J(4 . 1,o the' reports' of the different Dr, 11, u. i, �<and a. cute. stent' zti.l}leasant week tviih' his committees were also read and adept— Parents' Me. and Mts. Una Brigham ed. The electton'of,of}icers',resulted i ether xeiutrvesWe were all t, follatv5' klonarary President, Mrs - glad to see Dr Brigham looking so Jr' Sl Larkirc pzeaident Mks. K. M• Il • rat the ^.ocd wishes oI many- McLean; mice -presidents; Mrs. J. monthly meeting,of the 4P I t Mrs C Aberhsrt irons will be hale Ila urer rs. $wan Thur•sdely, Jan, the -12th. It is 1etary, Mrs. ' John "Beattie; welcome t p we friends follow 'him home, Kerr,Mrs.ieClny, star. J. C:, Greig; The nron " i y>. secretary,: . , , 1 theConnors t hall •lI T $w n Simith supply sec- young • girls' day," and as he gads rind welfare, Mrs."Nell Gillespie; tid have;always put on something, special, ings secretary, Mrs. 3, G. Mullen; lit- a good time is -expected: erature, Mrs. 3. 0, Greig; press sec- Ma•. and Mrs. Brogden, Who spent the i rotary 1IrSr J. Patterson; social Con - past week with xeiltiveS le ' Blyth,"vent.t Mrs F. 'Anderson; -look otit.: have returned;. • • ' - secretary, Mrs.- W. E. Brea foot, Miss L. Mains whetted the misfor- tune to have' the-,smiiall bone of her ankle hrolceit- recently when' she slipped on the sidewalk, is improving.. There was no service' in the United church Sunday evening on account of:, the storm. Mr. and Mrs, James Elsley 'spent New'Ye,us vav with their son, Mr. J. D. Elsley. Alt, and :Mrs. Ellis and Misses -Bertha and Mary and Jayeorr Ellis were also guests of. the former's daughter. ,Mks. 5. D. Elsley. Mrs, Wallis Allen of New.Ontarib is visiting her mother, Mks. E. Bell, over the hnlidav season. Miss, 0. Brigham returned to` Wind--sor on Monday. Mr. Den and Miss Alberta Snell en- tertained about forty of the young neonle at their' home Thursda:� even- ing. ,A11 report a most enjoyable time. The Newest Pall and Winter t Meeks of the famous Biltmore Hats, - sire ,now in " stock, . in a wide range of colors at prices from $$,00 and up 5IADE-TO-1 EASURE OVERCOATS From $24,75 up Satisfaction Guaranteed Davis & Herman Custom Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing xt o n THE MAsiva 11A'r of CANADA • STE, r(r4 T— cMatchled'wilf'ait Gad�O, Do You ,K`now the R•EAis Charm of adio? Itsuoi of the charm of beautiful painting would be lost—were you aC un g h smoked gloom. So itis with tadio. Mucb of die beauty of soft string music, stimuladngdanceorchestras oc sininvoices is loi,whenyoulistea tktough osdioarynullo equipment "Stewan•Wunu' °Warta get rho meg out of radio, be• cause the M' atched•Unit principle --1n exclusive StovallWarner femme -than, ,to them ratite_ pro. -grams 1 all of their original, natural charm, kip,sdu+„ • Every day' every night to the ynr, famous hrehat1 ,, ai 4xn i ifaluti05 rpedooxr. omedims, 8lnbeea mid other Art- ists ase on the air. it's the moot varied and inexpensive focal et eneeta;timen1 you can buy.. You'll come to know the real ebatiu of ndi&cotetriin• moot whoa you listed with 5tewatLwarner Macleod. utile. This pksaeute is awaiting you cow—at out door, moms. - . A. HoveI 'Pt 0e. 4.nrwi nl.del7,0. CnMtee. M441.3,24' Stewart-Warner,Sets aderdoil. myth , A. Stewart; president, Barbara Kirkman;, Young , Women's Auxiliary, Mrs, I4:'"G. Gilison; presi- dent Goforth Mission Band, Miss Sadie McDonald. The total contri-' bntion for .the year amounted:to over $500. EXETER: The death of William -John Iteys came -as a surprise on Sunday -might. He hail enjoyed his usual health rip to -a very short time before his death when he was taken .with a sharp heart attack and soon succumbed to its, effects. The late Mr. Keys was a former resident of Stephen township and later moved to Parkhill, where, he resided tip to the time of coming. to Exeter some fif- teen years ago.. -.Xie had been afflict- ed with' eye trouble for a number of 'years, but otherwise enjoyed fairly'. good health. Iie was 76 years of age and .leaves. two daughters, who reside in London, The funeral took place to the Exeter , cemetery on Wednesday. -.. An att1aetive hone wedding tool: place in: Blyth on Thursday, Decem- ber the twenty-ninth, -when Helen Madeline, 'youngest daughter of Mr., and leafs. Joseph Stothers became the bride of Jasper Ernest King, C.E., son of Rev. and li1b s• King, Jacksonville,_. Florida. The ceremony was perforrlred by Dr:'Barnby, in the drawing -room where an Mem: acted Christmas Tree formed the background. The win- somebride,- who was given in mar- riage by her father, looked Charming in a bridal gown of -white georgette, embroidered in silver. Her veil was arranged in coronet style. She wore silver slippers. Her flowers, Sunset roses and Va11ey, Lilies, completed her eostume.' Miss. Iona Stothers, sis- ter of the bride acted as bridesmaid and looked ' attractive' in , turquoiso blue georgette frock and silver shoes. She carried a large bouquet of roses Little Madelene MacNeill, of Sarnia, niece of the bride, acted as flower girl and was'daietily dressed in green georgette over pink, and carried sweet peas `slid. Sunset roses. The groom was attended by Mr. E. W. Box of. Kingston, Mrs. ' Stothers; mother of the bride, worn 8" beige gown• and. gold hat. During the sign- ing of the register, Miss Mildred Brown of . Torollta. in blue georgette over rose, sang "Loves Corenation. She was accompanied by Miss- Eelen Roberton of Clinton, who also played the Wedding' March, her costume be - lot. of peach georgette and taffeta. The'lunclreon wee served •iii the dining -room at small tables, from a table with cut work and Venetian Point cover and decorated evith large silver bathet .:of yellow roses, tail 'weld and white candles.' T5'or 'travel- ling the bride donned air ensemble culla of black satin anis enmbroitlered blue georgette.'' She wore a seal anis sonirrel coat, gift of : the green» and. black satin and' lace hat. The bride mid Proem left for New York told �etshiegtee on their- wnv to- Atte-Ate. Georeia, where they will reside. mit-nf-town o'tsestS were Mr, anti t1:1'.% Ti. g, isIaeNeill and ,lnrsahtor, lvrarle- lent% erne:.UTr. and Mrs. T. 'Sim,,•, sed ;Mise Mildred, 7'cronte: Vise Bessie Mnllnngh, -'Doren}.es;. le • Miss- es Tearollove „„dProton Roberto' ruin -Lon mei T tr. 1-4. W. Box of Queen's University, Kingston. Stewart-Wrarner.Sets are licensed to sell in Canada. WIMGH4M: '-There passed away Wednesday morning William Ar- buckle, in his 761h- year., Bo was born nes Glasgow Scotland. He spent the greater part of his life on a fain a short distance from Wing - ham, and since the passing of his wife about a year ago, he had been making his home,e, with its daughter,ht er , Mrs. 3.3. Fryfogle. There weer four of a family, one boy, Daniel, died at the age of 11 years. Surviving are Robert of Toronto, William on the homestead, and Mrs, Fryfogle, Whig - ham. The The funeral -will be held .from the residence of his eon-in-law' Fri- day. afternoon, service at the house at 2 o'clock" and "interment will be made 'in the •Wiugham cemetery. . SEAFORTH: The 'winter short course in agriculture and home ecc- nemics has made a good' start; de- spite the unfavorable weather. The attendance opened with 38 boys and 28 girls, but it is expected the num- ber will beirisreased as the weather moderates, Miss Mary Houston, of Perth, is in charge of the class in home ' economics, which .villi continue until February 3. Miss Jennie- Sea brooko, of North Gower, is sewing in- structress. ' G. R. Paterson, agricul- tural representative, and 8'. R. Ostler, assistant, both of Clinton, are in charge of the' class in, agriculture, which also continues until February ti MORE THEY, GET THE MORE ��1�1� �'TC�'uY><iSl1f1J THEY; WANT iter rig drocove+ed that govern- ment, control does. not control, the ,,ovornmoimt ' of •il�lanitoba »now pro- poses to increase the facilities for the sale and consumption of. -liquor, in order, es it is said to overcome bootlegging. But bootlegging; would go on if there was a liquor store at every corner. There was more boot- len int; in Or illia when thirty places were sellipg ittll)alt legally tllan there today, which is saying a good deal, But in those days it ',vent bynoiher aatnt:•'•Orillia Packet -Times, .December report of -S. S. No, 10, Iiullctt: • iroxd0n Sr. 3rd—Donald Sprti Johnston -: Sr. 2nd—Dorothy Vodden and Yungblutt', Charlie Ttlacltai Jr. 2nd—Stanley Yungblutt'`. Primer—Ruth Vodden`^ and 'Beth Govier,`, 'equal, ' Eleanor Sprung , Florence Tunbluti Pearl Johnston, Eddie Hwmking'; Orval Selig. An asteriskclesaotes, perfect attend, ance for the month. No. on roll, 13;. average attendance, 12.8. - E,. Arnett, tesche1, t55 Pal 7l rt J,`,7a1 l,a ,.t u suddenly at his } dme here yeeterday afternoon Of John White, 71 years old,a Pioneer resident of this die - aeric•;." Mr. White had .been doing chores in, the barn told when his wife returned, from town '.she found him dead in the stable, Death was due to heart failure. He had been dead an hour before he was found.'Be- ab t t three n to Brussels, a fou coming Years ago, Mr. White had resided en concession 3, Grey Township. Be- sides his widow, he is ;survived by three sons, Charles, Huntsville; Mil- ton, T'ergus, and Bert, Ethel; also two daughters, Mrs. Arthur -Henry, Ethel,' and Ms, Hopper, of Morris Town- ship. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. iSegin by taking caro of yourself when young, Marc health- examinations at le 4et: once 0 year, Avoid excesses of life Develop early in, life" an avocediozn to maintain interest in the world, s preferably along some line that brings :', one to contact with nature. t 'cted i pities moi by comet Live in 3 p Lry efficient public'" health officers ` and tixeesur. es,—DV. Charles Th Mayo DAMMING- THE' FLOOD Molly' (weary of sermon, in very audible whisper)*MuulroY, if 'alio church caught fire, would he stop then?—Punch.; e1ephon ` Girls Show True Christmas Spirit- Telephone - a that San fact girls cit scores of Bell Telephone Ontario d Quebec are mindful of the fag f many poor families So they club og with basket full of good things all ready for the annus T " hobo offices in an . together attd leuotz his annual visit often has only meagre offerings or makesure that, so far as they can make it possible, scores of humbles on two e# ToI experience seventeensome exchanges, lays tsa of the Christmas Season. 'The picture shows to nn l distribution to some of the City's poorer families. SEAFORTH: On Thursday, De- cember 22nd, 'a 'quieb wedding vias solemnized` at' St. Andrew's church. Stratford, when Miss Laura Ross, of Windsor, and formerly of Brucefield, was tniited in marriage to Mr. Hector Alexander Hays, of Stratford, son of Major and- Mrs, 1t.. 'S; Hays, of Sea -- forth. Rev. G. I', Duncan performed the eeremotry. - On their return from their honeymoon, Mr': and Mrs. Hays Will reside in Stratford, where the congratulatiome and best wishes of a host of friends from Seaforth and vi- cinity will follow them. ' SEAFO117'H: M. anis Mrs, Martin, Fleming, 6677 Burns Avenue, Detroit, Mich;, announce the marriage of their daughter, : Winnifrede' on December 28th, at the Old Mariner's church, by Rev'. H. J. Pearson, to Warren Win- ter Ament, son of Mr. and Mrs. W11 - ham Anent, Seaferth, Ont. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, Fon 1t928 Clinton: Reeve, Bert Langford. Brussels: Reeve,, A. C. Backer, Wingham: 'Reeve, J. W. McKibben, Seaforth: Reeve, J. W. Beattie. Blyth: Reeve, Dr. W. J. Milne, Goderieh, town: Reeve, Robt. Tur- ner; deputy reeve, 3, W. Craigie. Stanley Township: Reeve, J. A. Manson, Hay Township: Reeve, Elmer Klopp Stephen Township: Reeve, John Hays;deputy reeve, R. Goetz. -Osborne Township: Reeve, James 'Ballantyne. , 'WINGHAMi Wifl McCool, who, has boon running a lob printing busi- •ness in •tpwn for a ',year, has made satisfactory 'arrangements with'. the Advance -Times to return again: to its eninloy and once more take over the duties of foreman, Will, has practic- ally grown up with this establishment and we trust that for the future. he will find it "A Betted '01e."—Wing; hailer Advance -Times. Colborne Township: Reeve, Hugh Hill, fi ` Howiek Township: Reeve, .Tiros. Inglis; deputy reeve, Geo. Hubbard, East Wkawanosh Township: ;` Reeve, F. D. Stalker. Morris township: Reeve, Win. Hen- derson, t Hensall : Reeve,R. Higgins. Goderich township: Reeve, Herbert 0..Cox. Mcl(iliop Township: Reeve, F. Ste- Qnaid. !'uckersmith 'Township: Reeve, R, Kennedy. Exeter: Reeve; Charles B. 'Snell. Ashfield township. Reeve, A. Hack- ett; deputy reeve: Thos. Ander'Son. - West Wawanosh Township: Reeve, A. E. Johnson. T allett 'Township: .Reeve, Ernest Adams. time Provinces are grouped as one: Tttrnbel'ry ;Township: Reeve, John l3ebween points in the saluo province 4lwroxe the fates are from 30 cents to e. maxi - Grey: - eeve H .ryin eysnti- g• I moria o1 60' cents., according to weight. Crxey: Reeve, Barry Keys, :_ RATES TO, -BE REDUCED, ON EXPRESS PARCELS A handsome New Year's Gift to the people of Canada was indicated in. the announcement • of -reduction of rates charged : by: express companies 'of Canada for, shipment »of packages to 15 pounds in weight and not over 3�/ feet in length, width or depth, which has been issued .and. filed with the Board of Railway Commissioners i:or Canada, by- C. N.. Ham, , chairman, Express Traffic Association. This reduction is of importance to those shipping smaller parcels, and represents an important , saving,: on previous rates in force. It went into effect on Jan, 1st and includes a con- tinuation of the arrangement under which the express companies give pro- tection against loss and damage tip to :$55 without. extra charge on such parcels. The reduced rates aro calculated to apply upon packages ranging from 5, pounds or loss, 6, 7, R 2, 10 and 1.1•. 16 pottnds•inclusive. The three Mari, - 66 ON 99 ilxe the- "standing army" that "just stood," goods that remain on the shelf . axe expensive luxuries to any merchant, - ADVERTISING is the faroe that moves' slow sellers front counter to customer. Every advertisement is a salesman of proven ability, reaching every class, creed and sex in the coni- munity. The set-up of an Advertisement is as important as the dress of a saleso`' man. In The Clinton News—Record "An Advertisement' is an invitation"