HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-01-05, Page 1WITI WIIICII IS INCOIRI'Olt STED THE C;el L1NTON>, 0 TON NEW Ell. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1928 l'Jtl OU WHATEVER 1 CAN ll 1 THE ARKETS W Brent, $1;.25. Barley, 72c. Buckwheat, '72c. Oats, 50e to 51e. Eggs, 30c to 50e. Batter, 326 to 35c. Eggs, 30c te 45c. STILL SUFFERS F11O111 INJURIES. Mr. A. A. Colquhoun, M.L.A. for South Perth, a brother of Mrs. -E, Kennedy, Mrs. Corless: and Mrs. II. Fitzsimmons, is reported as quite re- covered from"the injuries which he re- ceived in the railway crossing:acci- dent'in which Mr. and Mrs; Poster Hutchinson were killed some months ago, but Mrs. Colquhoun is still very, frail and it is with difficulty that she gets about the house.' Mr. Colquhoun has been able to do . quite a lot of hard work on the farm during the past summer. NOW, SHOULDN'T 11E? On writing to renew his subscrip- tion to The New -Record Mr.'Anclrew Porter,' Customs"' Collector at God erich, but a- former •citizen of this fine town, wished "The News -Record a Happy New Year for 1928, 1929, -1939,1931, and 1932.'t We rubbed our eyes and looked again. Yes, the* what the letter said, and we looked again, but, no, `Andy" had only en- closed his sub. for 1928. We'll leave it to anybody,, shouldn't he have sent us five years' subscription ahead; •if he's bound to be 'so 'forehanded with his compliments? .MRS. KING DIES SUDDENLY. Citizens were shocked this morning by the news that •Mrs. Walter King had died leery suddenly at her home yesterday evening about nineo'clock, the cense being a stroke. Mrs. King had attended the meet- ing of the W. A. at the Presbyterian church in the afternoon and had tak- en part in the Work Of the organiza- tion, rgan ation, being apparently in her usual healthand spirits. She walked home and shortly after reaching her own hone was stricken and died almost immediately. The funeral, which will be private, will be held at her late home 'tomer- Tow, Friday, afternoon. A. fuller naive will be given next week: LAST MEETING 'CP COiJNQIL. The 1927. council held their last .Meeting -on Monday night, .some rou• tine business being .before it'to be wound up in readiness for the new council to take hold.' Mrs. D. B. Kennedy 'wrote asking for •a rebate and Mr. Brealone wrote regarding law costa in connection. with the difference between the, coun- oil and the pubic tirYili'ties comnfission, giving the total ns ii:55.190. • Several accounts were passed and the financial repeat for the year was received and adopted. Councillor' Langford repented re snowplowing, stating that, he had been in Goderich looking at a new .plow, whichwas too wide for Clinton streets on account of the trees, bent said he had obtained an offer to build ohs narrow enough to meet the needs for the sura of $$100. Mayor Jackson made a brief speech,"complinenting the chairmen of this and other conneils on the efficient and harmonious way in which the work of the commnittees had.been carried on. For himself he said he bad spent"Four pleasant years as Mayor and that he had missed no meeting of the . council. He wished his successor every success in the position. Reeve Trewartha made reply, ,also emphasizing' the harmony 'which had prevailed during the past year, his first year 00 a member of the ooun- cil, and wished continued prosperity tp the town and the incoming court - ell MISSION HOUSES LOOTED. Some months ago the missionaries laboring fin Honan, North China, were ordered from their posts to the Coast, as a measure of- safety and, with others, Dia and Mrs. R. G: Struthers left their homes. at Weih-Wei and went to Peking, where Dr. Struthers is lecturing in ,a medical college. •They were only allowed to carry, with them a liriiited supply of their- house- hold gear, things' easily carried and taking little roorh, and • the bulk of their goods were left locked up in, the compound, Word has just come to Clinton that these homes have been broken into and everything in them stolen or destroyed. A' band of soldiers entered the -town and, break- ing into the compound, they occupied. the houses during their stay and on 'their departure took what they want- ed and could make use of. They also entered the hospital, taking drugs and everything they thought they might need. Later thieves were in and loot, ed everything else. A messenger from the district'told Dr. and Mrs. Struth- ers of their household goods, china, bedding, etc.,' being sold in the mar- ket piece by the looters for a few cents. The soldiers- said they would pay for any damage clone when they occupied the Houses but as there is no settled government there is little hope of any remuneration and of comae main, of theirpossessions could not be replaced. Mrs. Struthers in writino • home about the occurrence said: "For a few' days after hearing 02 our loss 7 Celt vary clownheerted and discour- leed. Bat, afior all, they were'only `things' we lost. We are safe went well and have much to be thankful for." Mrs. Struthers was Eorneriy'Miss Edna Cooper of Clinton: • • LITTLE LOCALS. PLY°' N.Fi E aPE MAKE CLINTON A UVE, UFTUDATL PflOCRESSE school The Public opened. day, the;. Collegiate yesterday. 0 IN GRIP' OF ;STORM;' ue0- This ;section has been in the grip of, a rather severe storm since Sun day, January 1st.. The `,temperature has not been extremely;,severe but the, sweeping wind, which has veered considerably and which at time of writing, Wednesday evening, blows from the southwest, hes 'made get- ting about rather difficult. From all the surrounding community come stories of drifted roads, Mail cour- iers have been unable to get through in several cases,: church services no Sunday in several of the surrounding villages were ' cancelled and people have stayed indoors as much' as pos- sible. It has been a regular old- fashioned storm, but we have not as yet experienced zero weather. The probability is, however, that the wind will soon abate,'the temperature will rise and we might be experiencing 0. thaw before the weel' is out. The new council, what there it, will inset on Monday evening. The. Collegiate commencement ex- ercises will be held this year the firsts week of February.- e --Beginning this week the Public Library wil'L close at eight o'clock every Friday evening. The big snow plow has been clear- ing the highway this week,' scattering the snow in all. directions. • Mts. H. A. McIntyre, Huron street, will he at home on Friday afternoon, Jan. 6th, from four to six o'clock. Mrs. McIntyre of Grand Valley will: receive 'with her. The third lecture in the Extension Course will be given on Friday even- ing, Jan. 13th, in tete Collegiate: assembly hall at eight o'clock. The subject will be, "A ' Trip Through Italy." This is "Conservative 'Year" for warden in TIIuron County and the can- didates we have heard mentioned are Reeve': Baeker, : Brussels, :Reeve Mc- Quaid, Melaiilop, who was elected by a majority of three, and Reeve Hays of Stephen. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg were at home to the members of the congre- gation ongrega lion of Wesley -Willis church on 14s'onday afternoon, when 'a number called. There would have been many more, no doubt, but for the inclem- ency of the 'weather. AMONG THE CHURCHES. . eel -- The e"'The'Week of Prayer is being served by the several churches in town, union services being held each evening. This evening the service will be in"" Wesley -Willis United church,. when the Rey. A. E. Doan will Speak, especially to the young people, who are invited to be present. Tomorrow, Friday, the last service of the series will be held ill St. Paul's church. The Rev. A. Macfarlane will preach. Ontario: Street United: Church Services on Sunday as,'usual. Morn- ing subject: "God," The first of a series on John 3:16. Evening: "Con- ditions Conditions on Which All Servide Rest$," the firstof a series on "Practical Re- ligion." The ballots for stewards will be re- ceived at both morning and evening services on Sunday. The congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, Jan,' 18th.., Presbyterian Chureb Services on Sunday as usual. Morn- ing subject: orning,subject: "The Man Who Didn't' go to Church." Evening: "The Man Within the Mari." The Prayer meeting service will be resumed next Wednesday et 7:30 pan, The annual meeting of the congre- gation will be held on Friday even- ing, Jan. 20th, at S o'clock. The Executive of the Huron Prose byteriai of the W. M. S. will meet in the church on Tuesday, Jan. 10th, at 11"o'clock in the forenoon. The Ladies' Auxiliary will meet af- ter prayer meeting on Wednesday ev- ening, Jan.11th. - Wesley -Willis United Church Sermon subjects for next Sunday. Morning: "The Evidence of Little Things." Evening: "Watchman, What of the,Night?" The exeetuive of the W. M. S. will meet, at the home of Mrs. James Scott on Monday afternoon;e'an. 9th, at three o'clock. - The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will be held at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn on Thursday even- ing, Jan. 1.2th,'at eight o'clock. The•Mission Band League will meet Friday, tomorrow, afternoon,, at.4:15 sharp, when election of officers- will take place. -,Airangements are being made to have an open meeting later on and a program: -is to be prepared. All the children of the congregation are urged to attend and assist in the work of the organization. Varna Mr. and Mrs. D. McNaughton and' son of Kitchener, returned to their home on Tuesday after spending the holiday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Foster.' Mr. and Mrs.'Lee McConnell left last week for Minneapolis, .where they intend'' spending a few weeks with 'their aunts, the Misses Easler, Misses Emily Beatty and Irene Cluster of .London.. spent New Years,. attheirhones in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ings and Iittle daugh- ter of London were holiday and week- end visitors. at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A. Ings, Miss Pepper has resumed her school duties after the holidays.. Mr. Will Logan has treated him self to a new radio. Owing to, the ietenso storms on Sun- day therewas no service in either church, Gordon Raymund of London spent the holiday and week -end at the Homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beatty, Dr. Hanley Reid of Toronto spent tine holiday 'ender the parental roof, Miss I-Iiggins of Bayfield is a guest atthe home of Mr. and. Mrs. 1. Epps. Miss Audrey Johnston entertained a few of leer friends on ili%ondae- night. ,• Tylxa, Handy of Toronto is at pre- sent taking: care of tier sister; Miss 1. Johnston; who we are 1 leased to re - Poet, epout, is slightly improved seeeneeemeesesasseesseese London Road'. Mist Ia Forbes' of Tiullett visited with . her sister, Mrs. Norman Tyn- dal, a few days last week.' Mr. Barry Jackson of Blyth spent a few days last week with his cousin, Mr. Jim Nott, who returned with hire for'a visit over'the week=end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.' Lindsay have returned froth Sombre, ' where they have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Frank Rathburn, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rathburn ac- companied them, making the trip in their car. Miss Hazel Harris` and' Miss Mar- jorie Hunter of Clinton' were the guests of Miss Edith Stanbury fora few days last week. Mrs, John Jacob, matron of the County' Home," 'is taking a well- earned holidays, visiting her sons and daughter at Milford, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. W. McDonald, Royal Oak, Mich., motored over and spent the holiday with the latter -'s sister, Mrs. A. 'Wiltse. The Provincial snow plow has been working on the London Road, making it much better for traffic, - Mr. Norman Lloyd spent the week - .end with Exeter friends. Mr.: and Mrs. Robt. Hunter and Miss Marjorie of Clinton Spent the. New Year with Mr. and Mrs. Stan - bury. Mr.Walter Swinbmrk`attended the funeral of' 1VIr. John Lake, who died suddenly at Brussels .on Saturday last. Constance The municipal eledtioni on Monday was quite 'exciting The following officers of the. Lad- les' Aid were elected at the annual meeting on Wednesday afternoon: President:-, Mrs. Peter Lindsay. Vice: Mrs. R. 13. Rogerson.; Secretary:: Mrs. ,To Riley. . Treasurer: Mrs. R. B. Stephenson. Organist: Miss Vera Rogerson,'. Auditors: Mrs, C. McGregor and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley. . Thefollowing people have .had radios' put in: Mr. Wm..Rinn, 1Vlr. Geo. Wheatley and Mr. Leo Stephen - eon. flofresvflIe Mrs. Janes Baskerville of. Middle- sex County` was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Tebbutt. 1tlonday was a busy day in Goder ieh township and, in spite of stormy weather, a fairly good vote was polled throughout the township. In the evening a meeting was held in the Holmesyiilc hall to hear the re- sults. At this gathering - the town- ship clerk, Mr. R. G. Thompson, made the announcement that he had re- ceived from the executors of the es- tate of the. late J. '11„ Holmes, Messrs, Dudley iiblmes, Sr,, and M. W. How- ell of .Goderich, a cheque for $100 to- ward buying an adding machine for the use ; of the township officials. This generous New Year's gift was graciously received by tete. ratepayers and a resolution of thanks was passed to the donors. Fifty years ago on New Year's Day George E. Tebbutt and Caroline'T. Sheppard, were united in marriage' by the late Roy. Joseph Philp, the then pastor of the :Holmesville circuit of the Methodist Church, at the home of the late. Christopher Nesbitt and Mrs. Nesbitt of the sixteenth, the farm now owned and occupied by ,Mr. Bert, Lobb. On their: marriage Mr. and Mrs. Tebbutt settled on the farm on the Maitland, where they still reside, Thfbricle of fifty years ago was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, and came to Canada when a girl of about seventeen, accompanied by a brother, David;, who now resides at Oxbow, Sask. Miss Sheppard remained with, 11x7 and 1V1'xs. Nesbitt until her mar- oiage, about three Sears later. The, bridegroom was boon on a farm on the Maitland, where he has always continued to xeside. He -was a 5011 of the late Mir. and Mrs. Walgate Teb- butt. Mre and tars. Tebbutt have a ram- ily oi' three daughters and two sone Mas. W. E. Sheppard of Washington Mrs. F. C. Pickard and Mrs. W. J. Coif`- _o o C d ne,ie h township, ill 1'e b W 1, 'nnt6 of Goderich and Oscaro,f Clinton: ':'here are fifteen'erandchildien. II, is Bard to realize. looking at this earthy couple, that they have vrav- gilled so long and 50 Island their many .friends hopo'fhey, may yet live to eslebrate their diamond wedding anniversary, 1. People You Know Miss Jule Bartfiff returned lo Toron- to on Tuesday: Miss Winnie: Mealath returned to Toronto onTuesday. Mr: E. Finch of Stratford was in town for a day or so last week. Mr. R. and Misses Jean and Helena • Middleton returned to Toronto on' Tuesday. Mr. Wilbur Ford has returned to London after a holiday week at his home here, Miss Agnes -Walker returned to King- ston on •Tuesday to resume her teaching duties, Mien Hattie Com'tice' spent the holi- day period ` at the home of her brother -in Hamilton. Miss: Etta Hardy returned to Merrft -ton on Tuesday after spending the holidays at her home' here. F. Wusman -visited his son at, Walkerville and his daughter at Essex during, the holiday •tinier Miss Mabel Wright. of Toronto visit- ed her parents at Summerhill dur- ing the Christmas ,holiday time. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tanner of. Wingham were guests on New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs, Wan. Walker. Miss: Kathleen East of:. Toronto spent the week -end and holiday with .her sister, Mrs. Gordon. Cuninghame., Misses Linnie Nediger and'Marjorie 14IeMath i left;:_Monday to resume their teaching duties • at Burwash. Misses Beattie of The Vogue intend, leaving the end of the week for a visit at St. Thomas and Watford. Miss` Winnifred ' Gowan of Toronto was tlieeguest from Thursday until' Monday of Mr: and Mrs. G. E. Hall.. Mr. and Mrs. R. Morrison and Miss' Morrison Of Hensel]. spent New Year's 'Day with Mo. and 141rs. E. W. Morrison. Mr, Ernest E. Hall returned to Tor- onto on Monday after .spending the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hail. Misses Barry and Agnes Combe re- turned to Toronto on Monday after spending the holiday period at their hone here. Miss Bessie Cole has returned to Toronto after spending the holidays at 'the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Cole. Masters Rob and Billy Pheonix re- turned to their home in Hamilton Tuesday after 'having spent the' Christmas holidays in town. Mr. John Torrance of the Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alta., has been. • spending the Christmas' vacation time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of town. • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Towne, Mr. and Mos. Sylvester and Miss Elva Levis of Toronto spent . Christmas and the holiaayc week as . guests at, the hone of their mother, Mrs. George Levis. Miss. Grace, Verner " returned to Ohurchvillen on Tuesday and Mr. ,Arnold Veneer to Taunton, after spending ' the Christmas holidays with their inothor, Mrs. F. M, Ven- ner of town. Mrs and Mrs. Will Sionian of Chicago spent Christmas and New Years at the Home of the former's father here, leaving this week to visit their brother, Mer. Fred Sioman, Capereol,.before returning home. Messrs. W. Grant and Robert Hun- ter left Tuesday, the former for Windsor the latter for Toronto, af- ter spending the holiday period at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Grant of town.: Mr. Joe Higgins and -Miss 'Ruth Mg - gins have returned, to resume their • studies at the University of Toron- to afterspending the Christmas va- cation at their home in town. Misr, Ruth expects' to graduate in the spring as she is taking a four-year course in arts in three years. • Auburn mi. E. Robertson of ,Toronto called for a -few hours on Saturday at the Ronne of his aunts, the Misses Blair and Miss ;Pierce. Miss Flora and Wksley Killough rc- turned to Toronto after spending a few days here with relatives. M. Harold Bogie is in a"very se- vere predicament it present. During last week the river broke up and, fol- lowing that the heavy snows filled the mill race with iae and slush and he has been unable to operate the grist, mill, which is )run by water power. Ile is at.present' digging out the race, .but with the continued stormy and cold eiwather it is some contract. Mr,, and 14Irs. Knechtel cif. Detroit. who have been 'Spending the holidays at -tire house of Me. and hIrs, R. Shaw, returned home alondaiy by motor. . Mr. and Mrs. , R., Farrow .and fann- ily of Mitchell also' 'retmunaedby motor, 'going ;`by Godsnicii, the .sooner to strike' the highway, aid the other roads Inc;blocked for' car traffic. Mr. anc1. Airs. 1. 0. Moss and fam- ily of VYroodstoelk, who Peeve beenvis- iting. with 'e r.' and Mrs, John Medde returned home. on Monday. Mr,; and Mies.'Jos, 'Scott (efe,Toronto spent.i'ew Years with the former's father, Mr. Robt, Scott. ALr.,Robt•. Asquith spent the week- end with Mo, a.nd Mrs. Chas. Rowson Mr. and Mrs. bI, Jewell and family of Colborne township spent Sunday with Mb'. Robt. ,Scott in the village, AIr. I1amry Docid oC Gode•icb 15 vis- iting lvs parents here, 'Ytr, and Mrs. 'Win. Dodd. Jnr. Thos. Ankerson returned to his school near .Ottawa on Friday -last.. A very enjoyable eveeing• was :'pont at the home of Mr, and Mrs. *MAYOR -ELECT ' COMBE Col: Contbo says' lie believes than Clinton should have'a real live Cham, be of Commerce or Board of Trade, working with the cosineil to promett and encourage industry and to huila. up the town.. He thinks the work of the Horticultural Society should be, encouraged, as it has done much to' beautify the town, and much mere might be,: done. Mb would encourage every organization which has for ifs object the building up of Clinton. "I hope, wehave tree more good mere offering 'themselves to .fill up the ` council," he said, "and we can there get down to the work of the yearn'' Prank Raithby by the young people of the Auburn Baptist Sunday school on Friday last, After .-contests and games a dainty lunch was served. Mr. R. 13. Gracie of Toronto will speak in the Auburn Baptist chards on Sunday, Jan. Stlx, at 3. lam, COL. 31. 13. COMBE, ELECTED MAYOR ON MOND�1.'£ - An election to fill the mayor's chair was held in Clinton on Monday, a small vote being cast, four isundred and fifty three it all. Of these 316 votes were cast for Col. 12, S[ Combe and 136 for Fred 11'- Jackson, the present occupant'' of the position., There was one spoiled ballot. , The smallness of the vote was,sic, doubt in a measure due te the feet' that there was but the ate of#ice 'te Pe filled, that, the day was a holiday, an which many, entertain friends, ant also to the, stormy weather.' Many women did not turn out at 'sill and ism doubt many men alto failed to xecora'lli their votes, Mr. Jackson retires from .t.3 u mayoralty, after having held the posi- tion for four years. Ile was electe$ in,1924 in contest with Mr, A. T. Cooper and on three successive oceae. cions was returned by aeciamation... IIe had also served' two years an: mayor during the war years. "I afh content to abido by the decision the electors,". Mr. Jackson said, before. the election, "If. they ask me to re— tire I shall retire, bat if they wish me to continue as mayor I shall do n` best to serve the best interests el the town." .Col. H. B,' Combe, who takes oa the new honours, has not been active in municipals chatters for some years but hedid serve at the council boar 2or a year or twoseveral years age: Col. Combo has been, considering for myears returning -to hnicfpa" fieldsoe .and this year detertmined'emuto dei` so. He made a good run for a bee: ginning. ' The yot by wardswas aslollowse :nbn:Jsskags St. Andrew's Ward' .. , 70 '37 St. James' Weed . , 88 34'' St. John's Ward 82 32 St. George's Ward, . 76 23 316 13a ' Majority for Combe --186, 1 spoiled ballot . in St, Andrew's Ward. Sffltieg Townsh11lpJ -Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wasman anus Miss Il:elen• at Toronto were vi,sitory over the holidays ae tho home 'of il•Ixs and. Mrs. John runes.' Miss Jean bIcEGven left Monday los' Guelph to eesume her studios al. era Miss Eleanor iblcSwen returned Y!e London on VConday, where she is tending the: University, Miss Mabel Corey of Pa}ie Alice Corey of London; spent the her day season with their parents, M . and . -Mrs, ITarr• Corey,, The annual fowl supper was had last Wednesday night at the horeb Mr. 'F .,Ecu c1: ewart, In spite,, c#f', elle; rain annl bM roads a large ems gathered. A ftez everyos o hacl,• justice to the li lkhsdoh table short program wee styitcl.,',1 comnunnity singing i:oll,crp`?r,:a rest of the evening, +afi dancing. Ness alar•gst 1?thtiand. seined hez duties in S. S' spending her holidays at he Dungannon,