The Clinton News Record, 1931-12-31, Page 5THURS., DEC. 31, 1931
morrow is .Friday, ;January 1st,
Iia News -Record w'shes all a very
pity and kProsperous New Year.
;After all 1931 'was not such a bad
d year. Anyway, it is almost gene;
d iti s up to us to make 1932 a
ter one, if we can:
Take heed, all ye that are inter -
ted, both bachelors and maids,that
ext..year is Leap Year. It is hoped
siliody will take a leapin the dark,
owever, and; regret it later. Fact
,' it win have one mere day foe.
eflection and consideration, so there
e no need to do anything rash.
Every citizen, a contemporary says
hould have unboundedconfidence
n the future -of Canada. A fed roan
an have this confidence readily, but
t is not so easy fSi• the one who is
ungry and unemployed—Toronto
ar Weekly.
That is quite true, and gif the
veli -fed people wereshowing' more
.onfidenee in Canada there' would
tot be so many unemployed and hun-.
Spine municipalities in Huron
aunty are talking of., putting into
ree, the regulation prohibiting
ose frem'voting who have not paid
sir taxes for the previous year.
•re#iraiaing from voting would be
ken as a payment of taxes no
ubt many would consider that -
ntewhat easy way out of a diffi.
Ity. But, unfortunately the thing
not quite so easy. There is alway ry
catch somewhere. And in this
se one can be deprived 'of the
anehise, be compelled to pay back
ixes and: also.the five per cent, ad-
tional. This is a hard world for
x payers; there's no denying it.
:But, when, you come to think of it,-
t;hat other advantages come as cheap
taxes? A man will pay out with
ore or less cheerfulness, twenty -
re, fifty or nue hundred dollars for
embership in a club which does not
ve anything like the return for the
oneyas his taxes supply and yet
nest everybody grumbles about
ying taxes. -"
Those who put on• the taxes, who
e themselves taxpayers, should and
obably do, exercise as much care as
ey can but we cannot have good
hoofs, paved streets and roads, el-
rie lighting on streets and in
ildings and all tine many comforts
luxuries of the modern well-im-
ved community without cost. And,
reverse the old adage. "the one.
o cal%s the tune pays the piper,"
here passed to a higher service
Christmas pay at the; family
•idence• Rev. Robert Hutchison
rtesque Gairdner, late Rector of
itity Church, Washington, Pa. The
teased man was the eldest son of
e late Mr. and Mrs. James Gaird-
r, a prominent pioneer family of
is village. lie received his early
aeation in Montreal avid was x
'aduate of 01,1 Trinity Co?lege, To-
nto, and of Huron College, Lan-
ni. He was ordained to the minis -
y of the Church of England in.
ace Church, Brantford, by the- late
ishop Hellmuth of Huron. Amongst
s oharges were Trinity Church,
iles, Gram Church, Geancd Rapids;
ich., Church of the Redeemer,.
orain, Ohio, St. Martin's, Chicago,
d Trinity Church, Washington, Pa.
e resigned from the letter charge,
ter a pastorate of over nine
ars, on July 1 of this year eying
ill -health, and carie home with his
ife and daughter. Besides his wid-
v, who . before her marriage -wee
iss Gertrude Gaylord of Chicago,
id his daughter, Elizabeth Tudor,
is survived by two brothers, Dr.
nomas Gairdner of Wars, Nebras-
a, and John 'Tudor of • the village.
'he funerad took place front his late
Dine on Monday afternoon and in-
:rment was made in Hayfield Cemea
try.. The services at the house and
raveside were conducted by Rev. S','
Pauli, Rector of Trinity Church.
;listed by Rev. Myers of Seaforth.
r his address. the Rector paid a
Lowing tribute to a life of untiring
:rvice Iived for his Master and
coke of the wrench which had been
"med. both to the people of Trinity
hureh, Washington, and their be-
ved Rector, at their • parting in
The palthearers were Messrs,
Obert and Thomas Jackson, Sea..
rth, E. A. Featherston, Henry Me-
inehey,Wm. Sturgeon of the yin
ee. and T. W. Hider as Toronto.
ie many beautiful floral tributes
.oke for .themselves of the very
gh regard in which he was hekl by
seer parishoners.
The sympathy of the eoanmunity
.extended to the 'bereaved ones.
Moe. and :Mfrs. T. W. Hislop Motor -
,from Toronto .on Monday to ats
ad the funeral of the late Rev. R.
• •P. Gairdner, returning to Toron-
nn. Tuesday.
There. named, .away at 'Bayfield en
.remlber. i.9 Debella McLeod, wid-
.the late .fames Thomsonet an
vancedge. • ,•
The deceased was been ina
era &soba' ander the*axle ' girth-
et .sailed"frone.ther, on 'the. vert;
"Lady Elgin,” landing at"King-'
;ton, and brom there „travelled
stage -coach to 'Bayfield, Ontart
then; called: Upper Canada. • Here s
taught Private. School fora few yea
ontil •the tithe ef her marriage
Jaynes Thomson who was engaged
the milling business, They later r
tired to a home alt the outskirts
the village, where they spent the
declining years. Thee deceased
survived by: five 'daughters an
three sons, several ' grandchild -re
and some great grandchildren. T
immediate ' family are; Mrs. J.
Hall, Toledo, Mile, Mrs. V. Welter
Grand Rapids, ()hie; Mrs. 111. M. M
Leod, Port Frances, Mrs. A. MeLeo
Rayfield, Mrs. Malcolm -Fraser, Fo
William, • Stuart Thomson, Lak
Charles; Lit., John Thomson; Fort
.Frances, and Lewis Thomson ni<
The funeral was held from hey.
Iate r si enc
e cl eon Sunday afteinooir,
December 20 and 'interment made in,
Bayfield, •Cemetery. The *ervides;
were in charge of Rev, R. M. Gale,
Pastor of St. Andrews,: United•chuteli
Miss Gladys Gale assisted in • the
singing. The .pallbearers were
Messrs, Jas.;Reid,'Sam Cleave, Arch.
Armstrong, David Dewar, Thomas
Kneeshaw and M. dross. The floral
teibetes yore beautiful.
Amongst those from a distance
who attended the funeral were -Mrs.
J. B. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Carl :Stands
riff, Toledo,. Mrs. V. Walters, Grand
Rapids, Ohio, Mrs. M. Fraser,,Fort
William, Me. and Mrs. •Thos. Knee-
sbaw, Goderich.
The sympathy of all is with the
bereaved ones. •
Mr. and Mrs. C. Standriff, Mrs,
Hall and Mrs. Walters, +*-eft for thein
homes on Saturday after having
spent the week with L. Thomson.
Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull spent
Christmas in London.
Mrs. W. G. Richardson, Ruth and
Robert of Waterloo are spending the
Christmas vacation with her par-
ents, Rev. and Mrs. R. &t. Gale. Rev,
and Mrs. Jas, Gale and family* of
Monkton were also with them for
Dr. and Mrs. A. Newton -Brady re-
turned home on Saturday after hav-
ing spent Christmas with her moth-
er in ,Sarnia. 1
Miss Isabel Kirk left an W'ednes
day for Glanworth to spend Christ-
mas at her home.
Mr, and Mrs. Haus
babe of London spent Christmas
with the formers parent
Mrs. F, W. Baker.
Miss Annie McLeod w
in Landon for the past
returned home on Christ
Mx. and Mrs. H. Lord,
Mrs. T Mallett and babe
were' with. their mother,
Davison, for Christmas,
ion Davison, who has been
don for the past two months
ecl home with them.
b7' cion last week to spend Christmas
Baker and
ristntas Day
s, .- Mr, and
who has been
few weekri
Christmas Eve.
M. and
of London
Mrs.. K.
Mise Mar-
cn in Lan-
ais return -
Miss Lola Elliott and Mr, D. Ifow-
eroft of Detroit spent Christmas witli
the -:forger's mother, Mrs. M. Elliott,
nes Nina Heard of Clinton is
home for the Christmas` vacation.
Ms. Fred Heard of Goderich was also
home over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson left
an Thursday to spend Christmas with
their daughter, Mrs. A. Furter,
Miss Margaret Ferguson is spend-
ing the Christmas vacation at her
home in Egmondville,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Edwards and
Miss Ploy Edwards spent Christmas
Day witit friends in 'Waterloo.
Dr. and Mrs. le. P. Lewis returned
to Toronto on Sunday after having
spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs,
N. M. Woods.
Miss Alma 1VIcRay •of Toronto was
home over the Christmas week -end..
;Misses E. and F. :revile spent
Christmas with their sister in Zut'-
ich. Mr. and Mrs, F. Fwlie, Law-
rence Powlie of London and Me. anti
Mrs. G. Boehler were with then* ov-
er the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Stewart of Hamil-
ton are spending the Christmas ve,
cation with the lattee's parents, Mi'.
.and Mrs. J. Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and Mas-
ter Glen, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. King
and little Harald Atwood were with
their parents, Mr. and .'Mrs, Charles
Parker on Christmas Day.
'Miss Elva and Mi•, David Dewar
of 'Toronto are spending the Christ-
mas vacation with their parents;
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar.
Mt'. and Mee. Gilbert Knight and
little Ronald of -Toronto spent Christ,
gas with Mrs. Knight's parents.
Mr. and Mrs, le. o. Gemeinhardt,
Charles IGenneinhardt who has been
visiting in Toronto and. Orillia re-
turned home with them.
Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit is
spending the 'Christmas vacation
with her parents, Dr, and Mrs. W.
F. Metcalf.
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Neelin, of
Seaforth, Miss J. E. Wh:itta.cicer- of
Toronto are the guests of Mrs. J.
McLeod over the, Christmastide.
Miss Violet Seymour spent Christ -
,with' her parents at Exeter.
Mrs: 5, Houston, who was called
to Landon three weeks ago owing to
the seekers illnes of her 'ci'augitei•
Miss Ruth Houston, came home fox
Christmas. ' Mr. ona Mrs•. Houston,
semi; Tuesday in I..ondon"'witl •-their
6mmminer. , Ruth's'"inany Mende wilt
be ,.'?ad tirheat'`that'she'is improving
rtr 'health•,'•'
Mae :robe 'ti. Woods "left fox Lids•
with bis daughter, Mrs. Sparks.
Rev, F. H. Paull celebrated the
serviee of Holy Communion the
mid -night service in Trinity Church
on Christmas eve. The service which
commenced at half -past eleven aorl
lasted over the mid -night hour was'
of a very -joyful and inspiring nate
0Jr. E. Patchett spent Christmas at
his home in Chesley.
Mr. Harold Scotehmer of 0.A,C.,
Guelph, is with his parents for the
Christmas vacation.,
Miss A. M. Stirling, Reg. N,,of St.
Andrews. College, Aurora is spends
ing the vacation . with her •sister,
Miss J. Stirling.
At the nominations -on Monday, A,
E• Erwin,'H, Brandon, J. W. McLeod
and E. A. Featherston were nosnin
ated as police trustees. Messrs.
Brandon and MdLeod have qualified
and they have the privilege of ap-
pointing a third trustee.
.Mr. Ewen Hamilton spent the holt
day period at his home in »•Strata
My. Glen Cartwright spent the
holiday and week -end at his home in
:Mee and Mrs, E. Crawford are
spending the holiday season with
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs—Kunkle Kunkle of. Niagara Falls,
air. and Mrs. W. Glover and son,
Willis of Detroit were Christmas
guests with their sister, Mrs. Robt.
Mrs. E. 'Belt and Mrs. A. Allen
Runt Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs, B. Herrington of Blyth.
*Mies Mary Woad of London spent
a few days at Christmas with her
parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wood.
Wes Jean Mains and Mr, and
Mrs. Troop; of Chicago were home
with their mother for Christmas.
Hisses Esther and Mary Jamieson
of Toronto spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jam-
ieson. a
The • Christmas Tree and enter-
taimnent held in the Community hall
by the United Church Sunday School
on Christmas Eve was a success as
usual, although the weather was
like a very rainy spring day Okl
Santa Claus seemed to be out of sea-
son. However the entertainment
was very much like Christmas and
very interesting ;throughout, each
number given being well rendered
and enjoyed by all.
The Woman's Institute will meet
in the Community Hall on January
7th. A paper "Canadian Artists
and Authors," by Miss L. Brigham,
reading, Mrs. J. Tamblyn; instrumen-
tal, Mrs. J. Armstrong. Hostesses:
Mee. R. Townsend, Mrs. P. Wood,.
Mrs. R. Welts, Mrs. C. Sundercoek,
Mrs. E. Wood and Mrs. B. Bruitde
Nomination Day drew quite a
crowd here and the afternoon's do-
ings were quite exciting. The follow-
ing were nominated: Fot' Reeve:
Mr. M. Armsttoig, Mr. Janes Lei-
per. Council: Mr. Mogridge, Mr.
Forbes, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Alien and
Ide. Knox.
Bobby Stanley William • Wilson,
youngest grandson of - Mr. W. H.
Lobb, was baptized go Christmas
Sunday at the Central United church,
Sarnia, tvith wetter taken front the
River Jordan, and brought back by a
friend of the babe's parents, Miss
Morris of Petrolia, who recently res
Mimed from Palestine and India.
Mr. 3, B. Lobb of Galt has been
visiting relatives and friends in this
vicinity and addressed the Holmes-
vine Sunday School an Sunday. Mr.
Leith is an old resident in this town-
ship and is always c welcome visitor,
Mr Farland Settles of Toronto.
spent the Chrstmas holiday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos'. Bet,
Miss Grace Stheing of Termite
spent Christmas with her parents,.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. R. Stirling.
Miss Verna .Picot is visiting
friends in Stanley for a couple. of
Mr. and Mrs. Foran of Toronto is
visiting his sister, Mrs. J. McGuire.
Mr. and •A'Irs. Earl Switzer and
family spent Christmas with friends
in Guelph, •
Mr, and • Mrs. W. McGuire spent
Christmas with the• latiom's parents,
Mr. and Mr's. Jeffrey of Goderich,
Sehood Section' No. 8 held their au+ -
neat Christmas entertainment on
Monday evening,' The school house
was crowded with ratepayers and
friends from outside. The program
put on by the children was one of
the best we have heard at these an-
nual gatherings which consisted of
singing and fancy drills, short plays
and readings. Much credit is due
the teacher, Miss M. Douglas, for the
way.the children were 'trained.
A Christmas tree concert was held
in Tinier' Church, Tai'lor's Corners,
an W odnesdav evening, under ;the
ausniees of the' Sunday school,' The,
pastor, • Rev:- 'F. N. Craik wars' 'chair-
man and kept• the targe audience in
exoo'lent hnntor. Mee,'' Harwood en-
tertained •
ntertained• at ..the Plane before the
urogram •o ei:mini md: The nrogrenl
catiiisted ef; the fo]lowing: Piano' du -
Member of Florist -Telegraph,
Delivery Association
Floral Desigits
Crit Flowers
For All Occasions
Our Greenhouse is as near as your
Chas. V. Cooke
IF`L0RJ'S 'x'
Phones: 66w and 66j
CARD OF THANKS .. .. 50e
PER LINE .. ....10e
CHOW',11N-- In ,Stratford, on Dec.
27th, to 1131x,. and .Mrs. James
Oleowen, .a son.—;William James..
ARMSTRONG ---At Toronto, Decent.
ber 23rd, at her date residence,
863 Clinton' Street, Alma Bellamy,
beloved' 'wife of Alexander Arm-
strong, in her 78th year.
GAIRDNER—At 1Bayfield, on Dec.
25th, Rev. R. IL Fortesque Gaird-
ner, son of 'the late James Gaird-
ner of Bayfield.
et, "Santa Claus;"' by Messes Alma
Howell and Margaret Pentland;
"Scenes Front Santa's Toy Shop," by
the school children which included
choruses. "The Work Shop Under
the Ground," "The Parade of the
Wooden Soldiers,"'"Holy Child," "A-
way Up North," by Mildred Powell;
"Dear Old Santa Claus," by Jean Mc-
Allister; "The Left .Over Dote" by
lean Sogerby; "The Poor Sad•Christ-
tnas 'Dolly," by Viola Tiehbourne;
"The Mama Doll," 'Lottie Powell;
"The Stocking's Christmas,'; by La,
verne Powell; musical reading by
Eric McAllister. "Tire wedding of
the painted doll" was aoted' out, with
Mary Harwood taking the . solo
part. '
Graham Join eon; dressed as
Santa, gave a recitation,, "The Pall
of the Stocking." The choir sang
two selections, "The Song the World
is Singing," and "It Came Upon the
Midnight *Clear." A ' monologue,
"Aunt Jeinima's Courtship," was
given by Marion Caltvell. Messrs.
Elgin and Arnold Porter gave 'two
mouth organ selections. A duet,
"The Red River Valley,", was sung
by Maurice Hastvood and Erie me -
Allister; a piano duet, "Qui Vive,"
by Miss Pentland and Mrs. Mar-
A play, "Dinner. for One," was
well acted out. The part of Mrs.
Barnes, hostess, taken by Marion
Celweld; Levi, the butler, by Everitt
Mc/twain; Salty, the cook, by Mrs.
I•Iarwood, Mr. Sims, the miser, by
Herb. Johnston; Mrs. Boggs, the
washer woman, by Nora Soworby;
Miss Tripp, by Esther Alclhvain;
Meg, by Marion Porter; Tip, by
Maurice Mcllwain, and Bennie, the
newsboy, by Mervin McAlliister.
During the play, "Silent Night,"
was sung by Marion Porter and
1'lsther Meilwain, and "Jingle Bells,"
by the entire cast, led by Sally,
the cook.
Its spite of the absence of snow
Santa arrived aaeo'diug to schedule
and presented the many gifts from
the tree, One hundred bags of
candy were distributed to the chil-
dren, by the superintendent. The
Sunday school presented the pastor,
with a special gift. The proceeds
amounted to nearly twenty-seven
Mildred Scott, Lilie, Youngblutt
and Laura Wagner, nurses -in -train-
ing at the Stratford 1•Iospital, re-
turned to duty after'spending Christ-
mas at 'their- homes here.
Joseph Carter has sold his horses
and teaming equipment, having de-
cided to give up business.
Mr. Atex. McKenzie •is spending.
the holiday season with .his daug.h- Toronto. •
Miss $osephine Weir and her cou-
eins, Dorothy and Christine Robert -
see, eater -nod home by train 'from
Toronto' after spending' Christmas
at the home of their 'uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson.
Among those who spent Christmas
here. were. Mr., and Mrs. Wnt. Coates,
Flint, Mich.,. with Mr, and Nees. M,
Allen; Rev. T. W. dloodwitl, Blyth,
With Mr. and Mrs, A. Rollinson;
Mr. and Mrs.. Poroy' Manning, Lon-
dosobro, and Mr, rand Mrs, Cles-
uey and children,. Seaforth, at the
home, of Mr. and airs. dames Howatt;
Mr. and Mee. Ralph D. Knox, Sar-
nia, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S'hep-
pea to
Among these who spent Christ nee
away were.: •-.Ines. George 'Hamilton
with her mother, Mts. W.'Wilson
Brumfield;Darwiu'r�Iacicltn' and Ed.
Helwig at ihe'home' of Mr. anti Mrs,
.it. Bruce of -W. W'awauosli; 114x. and
Mrs, Wer. Robison at the home o:t;
A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
to all our many
N. W. Trewar'h$1a
Phones—Office, 2145 Residence, 214w
Goderioh, Phone 47
Best Wishes for a Happy and
'Prosperous ear
New to l
$ Al
Now PIaying: George Arliss in,
Charles Farrell & Vises. Lands
present- a fascinating story of
intrigue and espionage
"Body and Soul"
Sound News with every program
"Penrod and Sam"
Booth Tarkingtou's great tale
*of irrepressible boyhood fee-'
tering • .
Jackie Coogan and Junior
Coming: Doug. Fairbanks and
Bebe Daniels in "Reaching for
the Moon." '
Matinees Wed & Sat. at 3
To the Ratepayers of the Township
of Hallett
I have been nominated for the post
ition of Councillor for the year 1932.
If you believe I can help to conduct
the business of the township in a
creditable manner, I would ask your
support on January 4th.
Wm. H. Knox
[tido Cate
M open on
Saturday, January 2nd
Mrs. Robison's mother, Mrs. S. Me -
Cool, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, W. T.
Riddell and Miss May Wallace with
Mr. and term. R. McKay, Blyth; Mr.
and Mrs. E. Lawson and Bernice
with Mrs. Latvson's another•, Mrs.
Sclater, Seaforth; Mrs. Wm. Dobie,
May and Gordon, Also Mrs. T. Brad -
nock and Wesley at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Warner Andrews of W.
Wawancsh; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fer-
guson and Stewing. with Mrs. Fer-
guson's mother, Mrs. J. Stewart,
Wingham; Me. and Airs. W. J.
Thdmpson at 3. Thompson's and AI.
Armstrotig's, W. 1,Vawanosii; AIr,
end Russell King and Mr. and Mrs,
Albeit Killough and children, ac-
companied by Mrs, Thos. Doyle witty
Mr. and Mrs. Albert King, Goderich;
Mrs. C. A. Howson and Weenie, and
•Robert Scott at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, M. JetveIl, Colborne; Jo-
seph Irwin at Dungannon,
Mr. Clayton Martin, Englehart,
called on Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Thdmp-
On Christmas eve sufficient snotty
fell to whiten the ground during the
holiday. On account of the all -day
rain on Thursday the Maitland river
is exceedingly high for this season
of the year.
Christmas day proved one of great
anxiety to Mr, and Mrs. H. Mogridge
when they learned that their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Gormley Thompson, oft
London, had undergone an opera-
tioein London to relieve an acute
attack of appendicitis which hag
suddenly developed while she was
preparing •breakfast Christmas
morning. The operation was quite.
successful and Mrs. . Thonpson'e
condition is satisfactory to the at-
tending physician, •
Mr. and Mrs. C. McNeil,. Toronto,
spent the week -end .at the tome of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashquith,
Miss Edith S'tanbury of Port Cun-
niegton is spending her holidays with.
her parents.
,Mx; Gordon Manning has re-en-
gaged for the coining year tyith Mr.
Wm. McEwen of Stanley.
Mr, and Mrs. Santa Clens caused
muelt meeriment•for the children and
also fol older ones. by ".going froth
house'to house on Clti'istmas. clay and
distributing presents from the dif;t
ferent trees. •
Mtteh inconvenience hat been eus-
ed by the detour bridge being wash
tkrk HOME
r h.
.Come to think of it, there is
no limit to the advantages ef:
burning really good coal—the
kind solid by the Heat Folks.
It means comfort and better
eooking, whtch in tarn mean
health, happier dispositions,
more alert minds.
With these three gifts, —
health,. a happy disposition, an
alert mind ---there is no limit to
one's chances for success in
Moral:—envest in Heat Folks
can the Mr Mots
J.B Unstard Coal Co.
C. H. VENN f .:'', Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wiring and Repairs Phone 7,
ed away Christmas Eve, but the-
Depantment of Mghways have a gang
of men working this week and ex -
tied to have it rebuilt and ready for
traffic by the end of the week.
• Miss Annie Crittenden, Toronto,
spent the holiday and week -end with
her parents and other friends.
Mr.. and Mrs. Eddie Farquhar and
family of Hullett and Mr. Mervin
Farquhar, Detroit, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Clegg.
Mr. and Mee. Sam Elliott and fam-
ily, Milford; Mich.; are spending a
few days with the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob.
Newspaper subscriber's sometime!
wonder why a publisher keeps on
sending a paper when the subscrip-
tion has expired. An exchange thus
explains the matter: When a sub.
scription is paid to a certain time,
and time expires and the paper is
stopped it looks as if the editor
doubted the integrity of the sub-
scriber, and nine cases out of ten
the subscriber will give the editor n
calling down for insinuating that hie
credit was no good. Rather than
cast any reflection against a neigh-
bor's honesty to pay a small debt
has been customery for newspapers
to continue sendng the papers after
the time has expired. The city
weeklies and dailies -do not generally
follow this rule as' their subscribers
are at a distance and they don't know
their financial standing. One should
deem it au honor to know that his
credit is not doubted when the pub-
lisher continues to sand the paper.
Should the subscriber desire to have
his paper discontinued he should in-
form the publisher and remit to date,
if any is owing.
Holiday Portraits
During the holidays when the
family are hone, arrange to have a
.family photograph taken by us.
Our prices and work will please you
We would be glad if you come in the
forenoon or early in the afternoon
as the days are short. 'Sudio . open
New Years Day. Burgess Studios,
Clanton and Mitchell. 60.1.
Tenders Wanted
Sealed tenders wet be receivea for
lighting' fires and scrubbing school.
Applications must be in by Tuesday,
Jan. 6th. Thos. Carbert, sea -Treas-
urer Separate S. 8. No, 2, Kellett,
R. R. No, 1, Clinton, 50-1,
For Rent
A small cottage, suitable for two,
with garage, Convenient to postof-
fice. Apply I]', Fingland, Clinton.
For Mallotte Cream Separator and
Separator Supplies, old machines
any snake, taken in exchange.. F. I3,
Powell, R. R. No. 3,. phone 607x4,
Clinton. 42-tf.
Stoves For Sale
Steel range, self-feeding coal
heater, 3 -burner coal oil stove. All
in first class condition, will be sold
cheap: Apply to F. W. Andrews,
Clinton. Phone 33. 45-tf.
Roomers, Boarders Wanted
gihose wishing board or rooms
kindly apply to Mas. W. H. Cole, se-
cond house -west of the Baptist
ohurch, Huron street. Phone 183,
Clinton. 48-tf.
For Sale
House in Clinton, Beech street.
Frame house covered with asphalt
shingles, in good condition, fire-
place, town' water, garden arid fruit
trees; Pries reasonable, Apply to
E: Y. Watt, Clinton. • 2.7-tf,
House For Sale or Rent
Comfortable 8-rcioni• house in Prins
cess street, residence' of the late
Peter'Cantelon. For particulars ap-
ply a George Cantelon, Rattonb'ury ..
street, Clinton; Phone 272, 85-tf.
Funeral Service
Funeral Director and Embalmer_,
Cantplete Motor Equipment
24 Hour Service
Day or Night Phone 147w
Poultry, Eggs & Cream
Agent for Viking Cream Separator.
Victoria St.. Clinton, Phone, 23L
Implement Agent
I handle Cockshuit implement*
and cream separators, Frost and
Wood Implements and carry parte
and repairs for sante.
I am also agent for Allis -Chas,
mers Tractors.
Those wishing to inquire about'
any of the above kindly call at tine
Queen 'Street, Clinton.
• 81;tl,
Prompt Attention to Repaid?ing
Phone 15w or 153
Eleetriean and Plumber
A Full Line of Electric Appliances'
Plumbing Fixtures
Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs
Phone 53w, 13-tft
To Friends and Cusomers
May Health, Propserity and Good
Cheer be yours this Christmas-
Year,tide and throughput the New
is tlie' sincere
wish of
A. D. McCartney
Coal Dealer, Clinton.
Queen St. 'Phone 260
Cleaned & Pressed
Suits ,.,, $1,50, Pleats extra
Dresses . ..41.50 PIeats extra
Suits, Pressed 'only 50c up,
Pleats extra
Suits, $1.60 Pants 75c
Top Coats $1.60
Over Coats , $1.76
Clothes cleaned, pressed and
repaired. •Woollen 'goods diy
cleaned. Rooms' over' i•Ieard's
Barber shop.
If not open 'work may be left
at ileard's Barber Shop