HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-12-31, Page 4th
way, of the public school staff; ora Mr. Maurice Switzer spent the
spending their holidays at their home. 'week -end with Win�:ham friends.
to Grey, .Township; Miss Edgar t0 Mr. and Mrs. ,Feed Middleton • mid
Mer home in Harriston, Carl Hent- thetexlly spepa Chs,stmas Day with
,ringway of S. '.S. No. 1, Grey, has ado's. parents, Mu, and Mrs.
eieen engaged'es prineipal of the ipuh- James dVary of the Huron Road.
Ile school here,, to replace M. AsI- Miss Mary ,of
is visiting at
p J the 'home of her .parents near Lon -
ton, desboro..:. '
' Miss Margaret Noble of High,Biv Mrs. John Cliff of
er, Alberta, who Is attending Stank- Clinton •spert
sante Hail, Toronto, is spending her Ghtf5tof with her s•Li •e. Robert
holidays with • her uncle and aunt, Olnf£. °'f the Bayfietd•Line.
Mr, and Mrs.•Charles 'Granby, and •'
other relatives.
1'Mite 4
Cuff with' the Old Year
on with- the New
Special Valiies
Many of the Winter Lines will be•Sacrficed`
to Make Room for Spring Goods
�i : .
A. g , 000PER.
t,- 0.d.ro i l.""R, F .iFG�t' clh'aR�' 'mm.Fnm'p.G�' ii F E -oopo
Rosalie Soap•
Holmes, 1 1111��
The, e. tPtje stare PRONE' 51
r@�y 'y c'
_.... - = —.._.. _ ...__. _.___..
The response to our 15
ppercent. discount for the Christmas
Season was so generous that we have decided to continue it indefin-
itely, while, maintaining the same high class of Cleaning.
Phone 194
The Sunday schools of the var-
:us churches aft held their an-
ual Christmas concerts last week.
'lenity Sunday school holding theirs
the Orange hall when an anjoy-
ble time was spent, Queen Street
concert was held on Tuesday
seeing. A program was presented,
rincipany by the children. A per-
d of games was also enjoyed, after.
hieli Santa Claus appeared and
strihuted the gifts from the four
mall trees, • which were beautifully
;coveted. Among the gifts was a
ego Christmas goose for the pas-
r, Rev. E. L. Anderson and fang
St. Andrew's United church held
eh: concert on Wednesday evening,
len a .splendid time was enjoyed
Mr, enol urs. Wm, Newcomb oe
trth Battleford.' Seek., eeeampan-
I bytheir heli•daughter, r rs, •.
tip II. Mo
of Toronto, were visitors in town
s . week. : Mr, ane Mrs. Newcomb
former residents,of town, and
:Ir many friends are pleased to
ve them in their midst for a holes
Jitizens i11 general regret the re-
val 'of Kenneth Ashton, as public
principal; he having been ser
ed as principal of Brussels public
. Dfirixg` Mr. Ashton's term -
office here he has proved himself
be an energetic painstaking tepeeand
R. McNai+ and Ilenzmen
}on,'to attend funeral services.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and
family of Aylmer, are guests of Mrs.
CampbelPs mother, Mrs. Phoebe Tay-
?or, also other relatives. '
Rev, E, L. Anderson is laid up with
a severe cold this week.
Nentinations for reeve and eosin-
ell for the municipality of -Blyth were
held in Memorial (tall, on Monday
Reeve J. R. Cutt will not stand
for office again this year unci peso-
Orally a new council is expected.
ed 1
The urine Christmas tree and en.
tevtahnnent of St. James' church;
Middleton which was held Monday
of Iasi week in the basement of the
church, was a decided success,
The splendid prog.am was. very
much enjoyed ,by the large crowd
present and was furnished by the ever'
ch Il r t
detof the ,Sunda S � Af- 'nigh
y drool.
terwards jolly old Santa Claus ar- tow(
rived and distributed presents to alle
the children from the heavily -laden info
tree, ''Rev. 1+', H. Null acted' as
chairman, and
Miss Shirley el.eacom, who is at tax
present working in Toronto, •,spent Ree
the •Christras• vaoae'on with het• the
parents, Me, and leers. J. T. Beacom acs°
of the Bayfield Line, come
Miss Marina Midil cion of Kipper)
Mr. Bert Mpddleton :of Strut- ane
ford Normal are• spending the vacs- s,
lino time at their home. .
Among the teachers who are :home Mr. and Mrs, IL •Stewart,London, and
for vacation, are: Jeatt Pate from Miss Mary eStewart' of Englehart
',L+'ordwiel Ross' Robison, p a t>,jon
r, 11 ,frons near are spending the Christmas vacaition
iCinglitoni, Jean. Laidlaw from Jel- at: the home, of their .pa parents, Mr, and
3co, Northorp Oritazact;„C1ara.McGaw, Mrs. Fenwick Stewart.. Mr.. Harvey
rn and Clete Watson from McDonalei Stewart is physical instructor' at the
Institute, Guelph. .. • Adam Beck school; London.•
Mrs, J.
i .R.Elliott1 E ec '
t t 3
e red word Much interest was sho'tvn in the
Alis week,' of ::elle death of her eldest nemin
atrons''this 'yi:ar; the `hall' he-
rol.her,,. Wm, ,Boyd who„passed away Mg crowded .foe the even ofi ,i I • ,
er o dent . , r t. 4 oncla,r
,y s d , Y. ' Mrs. Elliott,L'lliatit and son, aftelmoan
'Frank, left unieedeetely fol Thessa
• .,t;,,t ;' Peevp Keys ,tvas ago 'n .,iinmil ated
1?, ?
Esteemed Brucefield Couple Celebrate
Wedding: Anniversary
Mr. McQueen was one of the fam-
ily of the late James McQueen and
Isabella Swan McQueen and was
been near Brucefield` on the London
Road. He has two brothers, William
McQueen former city o',erk of Van-
couver 13.0„ , and Mr.: John ,M;eQueen
of Flint,Mich., and three sisters,
Mrs. Wlatts, Clinton; 'Mrs. Walker,
Tuckersmith, and Alts. Bessie O'Neil,
Regina, ,
Mrs. McQueon, who was the' sixth
daughter, roe' the Landsborough fam-
ily, has three sisters and two bro-
thers living namely, 'Mrs, George
Stanbury of Stanley, Miss Annie
Landsbarough of :Clinton, .Mrs. 0,
E. Clark oe Groton, S. Dakota; Mr.
John Landsboiough, Brownsville,
Peace River, and Mr. W. C. Lands -
borough, of Port Credit.
Mr.McQueen has been• an elder
the Presbyterian ,and United 'Chir
for over a quarter of a century. Mrs,
McQueen is a charter member, of; the
W.M;8., which was organized in
1877. She has been a teacher of the
Boys' Class. in • the Sunday ,School
for thirty years and is, also an active
member of the Woman's Association
'which was organized a' few years
ago. , • ,
(Continued from page 1)
ing the National Anthem and the
gathering "adjourned.
Egilowing are the names put for-
ward and those of their sponsors:
The following were nominated for
the different' offices;
For Meyer:S..S. Cooper, by W,
II, Cowan and F. Rogerson.
For Reeve: G. H. Elliott by W. E.
Perdue and W. J. Stewart
For Gonne:noes; N. W, Trewartha
by C. G. Middleton and A. F. Cucl-
D.Churchill by C. G. Lobb and M.
Herbert Crich, by J. Carbert and
Ie. Rogerson.
W. S. R. Relines, by S. J. And-
rews and C. G. ,Middleton.
• 0. L. Paisley, 'by S. 5.'Cooper.
and S. J. Andrews.
W. G. Cook by F. Rogerson and
J. Carbert.
F, Livermore, by J. A. Sutter and
W I1, Cowan.
W J. Stewart, by W. E, Perdue
el and R. 3. Draper.
eh Bert i:angford, by 15. 5, Cooper
and A. E. Rumbail.
Public Utilities Com,ression: A.
3. Andrews, by 0, G Middleton and
N. W. Trewartha.
Public School Trusteee: St. Andrews
Ward: A. le. Cedlnore by C. G. Mid-
dleton and F. Gleiv.
St.' *Tames' Ward: W. J. Cook, by
F. Cudmore and C. G, Middleton.
St. John's Ward: J. A. Ford, by
R. J. Draper and A. J. McCartney.
St. George's Ward: G. T. Tenpins,
by J. A. Sutter and R. 3, Draper,
For the eelobratioe 'of this very M.
teresting anniversary, the living
room of their home was decorated
in. white and gold and the table ad-
orned with yellow chrysanthemums.
In these beautifpl surroundings' a
wedding dinner was served to a plea-
sant gathering of relatives and their
beloved pastor and his wife, Rev.
W. A. Brenner, and Mrs, Bremner,
be toast to the bride 'and bride-
g'r�oom of fifty years was proposed
by Rev. Mr. Bremner and all joined
n a health to the worthy couple. Mr.
McQueen responded.
The guests had the pelasure of see-
r e the bridal gifts carefully-tr'easnrt
ed by. Mrs. McQueen, among which
are three emblem pieces, sugar bowl,
ream pitcher end snoop holder, each
hes? ing a• raised beet of the Marquis
of Lorne, then Governor-Generai of
Canada.' and the Marehieness of
l,nrnc (Prineeee Le:gee); there was
a 'se erre ef. the c1d•:easltioned erect
lands. Tee welding cake was seer -
oil a china. elate which is a fam-
ly heirloom, being two hundred years
1c1. This was- handed down fitom
he Cosens family in 'England to the
andesborouglt,. family.
A large number of their friend:i-
ailed in the afternoon to offer con-
gz.•atulations and tea was .poured by
niece, Mee, Mary Brown. Friend•;
f the village presented them with a
eautiful table shrub, the honey -
icicle azalea, covered with flowers.
Ver. and Mrs. McQueen were the ye.
Meets of malty beautiful and useful
i rte. '
Their friends. antonte whom we
one they 'anent The News.Reen' l
in in eongratu'at•.ions and wish
nn1 many more happy years to -
The home of Iter. and Mrs. James
cQueen, Brucefield, • was the scene
f a festive gathering on Tuesday,
ecember 22nd, that date being the
ueasien of .the fiftieth anniversary.
f their marriage. 1 T
Only two of the guests present at'
le ceremony fifty years ago were, j
•esent at the anniversary celebra,
on, both sisters of Mr. McQueen,
45. George Watts of Clinton, and i
rs. James Wacker of Tuckersmith.
The marriage fifty years ago took 1
ace at the home , of the bride's e
Pe rents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert bands,
orough of, Tuckersmith. The, minis-.�
r officiating' was Rev. T, G. Thorp
n of Brumfield, who since has)
pa .away.
14fr. and Mrs. McQueen resided on c
fourth'ooncession of Tuekersmith i
r twelve years slid then bought the '
mean farm on the Bayfield road, t
nnee and a quarter from Brucefield , 1
sere their 5011, Mr. Arthur Mc- +'
leen, now resides, They have now i
en living in Brucefield :for the e
t thirteen years.
Four children were been to thi'1 o'
on, three sons and one daughter: b
Cir second eon, Albeit J., was el
owned when on his first miesiotl r
Id at Mannville, Alta., in August ei
1000, this being a severe blow to. g
ese.affectionate parents. Roberti
thus• McQueen resides on the Monte- 1,
ac1, William N. McQueen in Toren in
who was present on this occasion, th
d Mrs. I„ Forest of Brucefield. g
the reeveship and in addition.
William Douglas, former min -
r, was put forward for reeve,
x are running. The following
millers are all in the field for
council; Goldie Graham, H. M.
ly, k'enwielt Stewart, Josep
er, Fred Watson, Robert. Vfeb
Webster Turner and Roy La
5. John Etue was also nomina
nut he decided to drop mit thi
anyway. He has been in th
cil for the past thirteen years
10111, lIanly, Stewart and Ete.
this year's councillors. Monde
t veil, tail
who will manage th
<ship's business for 1932.
Mr. Elliott Andrews of Toronto
spent the Christmastide with his
sister, Mrs. B. Stephenson, returning
to the city on Sunday.
h Mr. Charles Riley of London is
- spending a few days vacation with
- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
t Riley,
5 ' blesses Blanche and Elva Wheatley
o of Toronto are -spending a week's va-
• cation at the'home of their par-
e outs, Mr. and Mee. Geo. Wheatley.
Y Mr. an Mrs.' d M s
. John Maim lVa t n
e ehildi;en of hear Clinton spent Christ-
!'tnas at the home of Mr and 1lIrs,
l Robt. Grinloldby.
, Miss Edythe Riley :eft on Sunday
to spend a while at the home of her
' brother, Mr. Thos. Riley of .Clinton,
• We are sorry to know that Mys.
• Thos. Riley underwent an operation
for goitre in the C?intern Public Hos-
pi±a1 on Tuesday inoiming. 'We wish
her a sure and speedy recovery.
Mrs. Thee, Pollard, Mass Phoebe
r Wakefield, Mr.” W'M. Brittod, Mr,
David Millson aed' Mr. Harold Glaze
..101' spent .Wednesday at London.
here was some criticism of thee
'cement of the weed -cutting act
the new candidate for reeve
he felt that he could havethe
rate lowered if given a chance
ve Keys defended the work of
council and the old •councillors
explained the actions of the
oil for the year, giving a good
nut of 'their• stewardship.:•
e following is a report ef. the
stmas examinationsheld at S.
o. •4. North Stanley:
—John Watson, 68; Beatrico
Houston, 60. ,
Sr. 4th -'-Keith Westlake, 63. •
Jr.. •4th—Jean .Dunn, 73; . 13evt
Greer, 71; Stuart Watson, 68; An-
tionette Rau, 61. ••
Jr $rd=Jennie Bunking, 5; Char-,
lie Bunking, 51. .
Sr. 2nd. -Billy Armstrong, 88; Mae
vin Greer, 84; Gordon. Westlake, 82;
Madge Houston, 69; Ethel Winson,
64; Wilfred Rau, 44. ,
1st—'selene Greer, 90;. Andrew Rau,
83; George Hunking, 62.
Pr.—Anthony Rau.
Best 'attendance:' Keith Westlake;
best spellers: Gordon Westlake Ilene'
Greer, Billy Armstrong, Stuart Wat-.
son,.Bert Greer; average attendee:1e
17; number on tall, 1'9, Vara l Her;
bort, teacher,
A;bey, walked into a barber's, 01('17
to here his hair 4115, '!You want., it
rant, barfly,". ,eaid the,barber anx•ye,-
ins• him,
e.' ,
No, I dont» , aerie the boy,' I
lead,,Se' cut„beelly last_time
11tiss Fanny -Whitely . of Clinton
' spent a day recently at the home of
her. nephew, Mr.. Noble Holland..
MissJessieBall, who, is working
in Detroit,, .repent ..her. •elirielnxas
holidays at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs ' Wm Bali.
Mrs: A. E. Dui.•niil and Miss Doris
Durniei of Goderich'siient Christmas•
With the” former'e daughter, erre.
VVe',lingtoil Crich:
,Mr. •and Mrs. •1'l4yinond Jamieson
and son, Lawrenee, spent Christmas
with the latter's'parents, Mi.' and
Mrs John Batiey; 2nd Coitression of
Stir, Joe Do;hei�ty 'of London Spent
a couple of days with M. Melville
Ball. •
. trr..rt .
c hx-
,1' , , d . � nk had'an acciderrb;,the
°the�•,,day when he eet,his .-hand int.
eler, Stew:eye Bele, ,,,1vho is working
a.t. Qshawa spent.,Christreas at, his
rereatal hone, 'Beet of ,;lt4 4, and Mrs:
.'William, !lee
Miss Grace •Gibbings of .Mensal] spent
the week -end at her home near
Miss Ann Taylor of Toronto spent
Christmas anis the week -end at her
homo in town.
Mr. Wim. Argent of St. Catharines
is spending the olid winter holi-
days with his Mother in town.
bliss C+rive Watkins of Hamilton and
Miss Mary of St. Catharines are
visiting at their home in town.
Miss Ruth Cartwright of the Ding
. Leading Canlpany, . Toronto. motor -
.ed up for the holiday and week-
Mr. ani 114rs. James Morrison of
Walton were recent guests of Mrs,
Eliza 'Welker and Mr. and Mrs.
Geer," Walker.
Mr. and 1ti•s. George Hardy of Lon-
don were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Athos Cartwright over the
holiday week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. McQueen and
daughter, 'Miss Viola, of •Sandus-
icy, Mich., motored over and spent
Christmas with other relatives, at
the Bonne of their cousin, Mrs
Geo. Watts.
Mr. E. Lewis Evans, an old Clin-
ton boy, from New, Albany,
Ind„ writing to renew his subscrip-
tion, recalls an episode in his life as
a boy in Clinton as follows:
"I do not get to read the Record
as regularly as I would like to, on
account of my absence from home,
but when 1 do come home I get them
in bunches, my good wife likes to
look through them, but very carefully
lays then away for the wanderer
to read on his return.
In going through a ibuueh of then
this month, 1. came upon an item in
a recent issue that was interesting
indeed, it was under the caption
"How it was Done" from the pen of
a boy 1 .remember quite distinetly'in
short pants, a brother of your elistin-
guishecl ex -Mayor, Fred od Jackson. •
had lteoum that he was out in Leth-
bridge I weulcl have stopped to have
a. chat a 'bout o+'d times and the hap-
penings since then, as my . travels
took me to Lethbridge on ,the way to
Calgary and Vancouver where 'Wu
]laid Dur convention this year.
The reading of the item brought
back a flood of memories, of passa-
ges in, life almost forgotten, but a-
mong them, was vividly restored •to
mind, "flow 1 Earned My First Dols
lar" Dave Forresterhad a chief
factotum who was known among the
bays as "01d Tommy" 11 I ever knew
his sir name, :I have forgotten it, but
he was Chief of the, wagons: and
flax fields in summer and in the
dusty milt • in winter, and what he
said was the easy, to wo 'kids at any -
rate, One morning as the wagon
came round the corner on its way to
a ripening flax field with a Lair load
of ''Pullers" .i. hawed Tommy, and
asked him 11 he had 400an for an-
other, he -said "Climb in Boy" which
I ded,.wo drove out' scene miles, and
piled off, and into the field, Tommy
measured off the line far each pul.
ler, and in his Irish way, said, "Now
boy, keep up and do ttot let your,
neighbor rat out on you," meaning,
that if you.. got, behind, one or both
of your neighbors would let your
swath _get ;Wider 'and wider.. W.ellt I
started -in .beeveiy enough, x11,1 -ell
went well 1''er,,,a. few hours, but my
sno •• r,
ri . , b e . ,
gr to feel the right
angle tied, and; thenm[i
ey hands began.
to get so;e• front the. dry,flax stall's,.
end the fellows on each side, maybe
being inthe same fex.ber,•an to cut, out
and 1 got' beeline the .gang : ;1• .was
game i owe er,•, .eed • push0ed x . .en.. as•
THURS., DEC. 31, 193]
hard as I could, my " hands were
bleeding and my eyes were sore from
the sweat and I could hardly see the
swath, Old Tom came around and in
his, rough jocular way, said, "Boy, 1
told you to keep up," but he saw that
I was doing my best and he called the
two neighbor's back and showed then
how they Were imposing on me, and
made them pull out what they had a
right to do, that cheered me up a lit-
tle, we finished the field at last, and
it was too late to go to another', so
we loaded up and started home.
Among the Crowd was a• circus
clown who got away from Barnum's
show on a lark and went broke, and
had to earn enough to catch up -with
the shave. As I recall it he was the
real thing, ho had the crowd in con-
vulsions all the way home, his 'hands
were bleeding too, so I suppose he
used his knowledge to allay the sore-
ness, and keep up his spirits,: He
1445 the life of a tired crewel, all .the
first clay out. 1 stood the game for
the rest of the week. getting ,better
every day, but when I got my pay
cheek Saturday I decided that some.
thing else would be better. That is
the way I earned my first dollar, I
have earned many a hard one slnee
then, but that remains in my mind as
the hardest, , That was in the suns•
leer of 1880 but it stie has a fresh
green spot in the back of my head.
I, like Brother Jackson, needed 501118
spending money, and I thought • I
had earned it before I quit, but dol,1
lays were scarce those days."
A Christmas entertainment was
given at school section No, 6, Miss:
Jamieson, teacher, one evening last 1
week, The program, which was an
interesting one, was well presented
each individual and group taking
their parts well, indicating much
care its preparation. The following
numbers were given: Opening chor-
us, by the school; chairman's address,
Rev. F. G. Ferritl, Clinton; recite:
tions, Myrtle Ashton, Kenneth Ter-
ryberry and Haze' Ashton; Little
Helper's Drib'.; recitation, Verna Hu.
gill; chorus; recitation, Dorothy
Celoenan; dialogue; recitations, Minor
Terryberry and Rutin Carnochan; solo
Erlin Whitmore; drill, recitations,
Edna Ashton and Mildred Ashton;
dialogue; Christmas cantata by atm
of the school, trained ed •hv 1 M •
Rennie n e of Hensall. Miss Jamieson
and her pupils are deserving of much
commendation for the excellence of
the entertainment provided on this
Tuckersmith, will have no eleetion
on Monday, the '00011111 being return-
ed by acclamation.' Reeve Consiti
dropped out this year, Mr. William
Archibald steps up and Mr. Ira
Johns goes in as councillor, The
council for 1931 will be as follows:
William Archibald, reeve; Angus
Browle, C. McKay, '114, Clark and era.
W. Johns, councillors,
Report of S. S. No. 10, Mullett,;
for month of Decornber:
Sr. 45h: Stanley Yungblutt, 68;
Leonard Yungblutt, 59.
5r. 3rd ---Beth Gooier, 81; Roth
Vodden, 81; Menne:" Sprung, 74;
Pearl Johnston, 63; Florence Yung-
blutt, 61.
Jr. 3rd—boda Govier, 77; Joe
Hunking, 68; Eddie Bunking, 63.
Jr. 2nd --john Sprung, 55;
Jr. lst---Anna Mae Johnston, 80.
'Pr, --Fern Yuegblutt, Berra Mair
Number oe roll, :14; average at.
tendance, 18.0.
—5; Arnett, teacher.
Dr. McEwen of Detroit ' and. Mr
and Mrs. Holmes and ;family of
London were the guest's of Mr, John
McEwen and Mie. Pearson of Stan
Mr. Alex. Addison and Miss M
Aikenhead of London visited at th
home of their parents,
air, Carman and Miss Anna Haugl
Mr. John McIntosh, .Mr. Lance Nor
res o£ Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
of St. T1lonta5, Mr. Aldie Mustard a
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wen McQuee
and daughter of Sandusky, Michigat
visited friends in Clinton, Bruce:Bel
and vicipity.
Mm. and hers. Win, McQueen an
daughter attended the golden wet
ding anniversary of the former
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M'eQueel
Following. is the report of S. S, N
4 for the month of: December:
Sr. 411h-elerank Williams.
Jr, 4th—Joy Lobb, 89; I•sa
Oakes, 82; Irene Williams, 60; Bi
Williams, 50.
Sr, 3rd—Mary Thompson,
Margaret Lobb, 75; Erwin Merrill,
Jr. 3rd—Gertrude Masora, 78;
feed 'Butler, 73; Ross Merrill, 62;
Stoddart, 57; Harry Oakes, 56.
lst—Bernice Lobb, Harry Lo
Alice Stoddart, Lillian Churchill.
Pr.—Marianne Merrill, Ca
Stoddart, Jack Merrill.
Pupils with perfect attends,
since first of September: Maria
Merrill, Ross Merrill, Harry Oaik
Bernice Lobb.
—N, E. Hard, Teacher,
BRUSSELS: A successful me
ing was he'd in the town hall 1
the Brussels post of the Canadi
Legion, when a number of ne
members were initiated. The fo
lowing resolution was passed: "R
solved, that the B1•ussels'post of t
Canadian Legion of, the British E
pore ,Service League request 1111
as far as possible returned settee
who, when living within the respe
tive subdivisions, be appointed
all municipal positions, such as ,
turning :officer, clerks and eonsta'
Board of U.S.S. No. 8, Ashfie
(Dungannon) held its final meeth
for the year, on Saturday even:t
at the home of the secretary, Mr
Davidson to complete the busine;
of the year. le. Ross was appoint<
as, the board's auditor, The financt
of the section are in a fiourishin
condition despite the fait that tl
requisition from the townships 14
$509 leas than for many Sears 544
viously and that the salary of • th
junior teacher was t'aised 11100 f
the last year, owing to the fact th
•the junior room has a very lar
enrolment at the present time. ,
annual meeting of the ratepayers
being held on Wiedneeday afternoo
GORRIE: At the annual •nxeetin
of the Junior League the followin
officers were ee'ected: Superinte
dents, Mrs. W. Gallaher, Mrs. Biel
president, Vern Abram;'.vice-pres
dent, Aline Clarke; • secretary, Ma
garet Dalle; treasurer, Nellie Re'
tan; pianist, . Janet Rotten; flow
committee, Olive Campbell, Arte
Galbraith, Betty Edwards; Audre
Pyke, Billy Newton, Jack Thornto
Catherine Brett; lookout committe
Margaret Rattan, Margaret Brei
tit znl
Be • '
Day, '
canoe Carson, Reggie Taylor, B
Thornton, •.Billie Edwards; auditor
orothy Edward*, Janet Rutta
tete were 29 present and tWo'.yi
ors, 'A ;contest .was pia:n1led, a
04ntains are, ..Al n'a Galbraith e
illy Batt ,
BRUSSELS: At the meeting of Al
the young Peale'. S cie
p a t of, the ;
Jnjted chm•cin, J;ttcic Edgar, .who . is
leaving. for, Port Feaneis; was re.
p 1Y
fed. with a .club lag. M'jss ,Helen ' Ti
Balker merle the. ')iesentation. and
spelte on behalf of the young.,peop'e ;1
Mr, Edgar pude a suitable •reply, •13