HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-12-24, Page 2PAGE` 2 Clinton NewsRecord With which is Incorprrated THE NEW ERA Terms of Subscription -42M leer' year in advance, to Canedian • a1 dresses; $2,513 to the U:S. or Mae' er foreign countries. No paper' discontinued until all arreiu tire', paid unless at the option ,oe The, publisher.-- The date to ' to which •every' subscription, is paid is 'denoted on, the label. Advertising Rates—Txangle:St ,adver- tising 12e per count line for first, insertion. 8e fes each sabsequeni insertioe.Heading coants '2 lines. Small advertisements, not 'to ex- ceed one inch, _• such as "'Wanted',;; "'Lost," "Strayed," etc., 'inserted: once for 35c, each subeequent section 15c. Rates for display ad=, vertisingmade known ne 'malice - time Communications intended :for Dub- Jication must, as a guarantee of stood 'faith, be accompanied by 'Noe novae of the writer. - eG. E. HALL, M. It. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. THE CLINTON NEWS-ItECOR)) M. D McTAGGART Banker A general Banking Business transacted. Notes Discount- ed: Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale . Notes Purchased. . H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer Financial, Real Estate and Fire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office, Clinton. Frank Fingland, B:A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publio Successes: to W. iirydone, A.C. When one egotist meets au it's an I for ori I. ea Accoi.'ding to the professor tho Scotch :must'be an intelligent people for they have' the: ability to 'laugh at themselves.' They even invent jokes In the British Isles, as in Canada .about their own racial characteris- heavy duties are levied man 'ttr'h'ruaco :actual or ^apoeryilhal, their can; and spirits. In' the raising of Na -1 niness, their .poverty, their penurl tional revenue, therefore, eq'aal sac .i'ousness,,'their"love.of 'whiskey; -their rifice cannot be attained except: by reverence for the `Sawbath,' their snaking everybody drink and smoke, respectefor-.the `Veeenister'. No ane ., or ,making all abstain. • has caricatured theni here than one l of themselves,: 'Sir Harry Lauder, Tn Abertieen they will sell you'books gt=nal=kacao===go3 p . IOW MAY WORLD u WAGS . 11 By That Ancient Mariner 0 Dean D. Humid -Y.0 m v. MY CHRISTMAS RUSH He whirls like a top, Does Santa at the Pole, For Mother Earth spins very fast nes there. I 'wouldn't like to swap Mer place for his, so droll; I'm dizzy now, a -trying to do my share. Sloan Block -- Clinton, Ont. CHARLES B. HALE Cpnr'eyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. What eve call modern diseases one the, latest 'jokes on the not modern at all. They were pre- Aberdonian. 'The stage 'Irishinan valent in Egypt at the time of the was driven off the boards 'by Sinn 'Fein, the stage German 'by the pan - 'German Alliance, but the stage `Scot reveals that he was operated upon for: ppendiei.tis. It will be noted that xeinains; aildiiig to the gaiety o na- although ;the operation was • success- tions tivithqut diminishing the esteem fug. the patient died. n- -' hith •lie 'hdltls 'Himself. . Office oyer J. E. Hovey's Drug Store CLINTON', ONT. What 'to :do with ex -cabinet minis - tie= As giaveially solved for Great Britain 'by 'the press and the lecture platform of 'the tl1liiteii.:States, but many •mens"bers of the late Labor goverseletent ;are still out 'of employ- ment. B. R. HIGGINS - Notary' Public, Conveyancer ;General Insurance, including Fire Wind, Sickness and Accident, A'rtn- mobile. Buren and Erie Mortgage Corporation .and ,Canada Trust Betide Box 127, Clinton, ,P.O. Telephone 57. DR. J. C. GANDI1R Office leeers: 1.30 to 3.30 pee., 6.30 to 8.0e paq Sundays, 12.30 to 1,3Q pin. • ether !lour:s tl 5pp0111,telellt o»Iy. C)ifictt t n j Itesiiienco Vietovla St The city of Buffalo has placed its ban on The Merchant of Venice, be- cause Rabhi Israel objected t I 'Shakespeare's gleraRtior'za.'lif9At .of the Jew in Shylock, alleging that it stirred up hatred and prejudice. Al well ban the bible because of Judas, Faust beacuse of Mephisto, Dickens because of Fagin, Uncle Tom's Cabin because of Simon Legree or any otic, er book or author because of the heavy vn.lian: Shylock is not is lov- ely character by any means, but Shakespeare made him an object of pathos as well as scorn and put in his mouth the strongest arguments ever advanced against anti-Senriti i prejudices. The Rabbi says that Shakespeare never saw a Jew; that Jews did not go to England until 1675 and that, anyway, Shylock is not a JCwislt name. All right. But why allege thrtt the play inflames hatred and prejudice? Shakespeare's works are more widely rend now than they were in his own day, or fci a century thereafter, and in no country have the Jews prospered more than in Shakespeare's 'England. where one once became Prime Minis- ter and two are now members of th;1 government. That result was not achieved by banning The Merchant of Venice. At -a. St. Andrew's Sinner 'in the capital, some twenty years ago, we commended- the Seat because he would stand ler a yoke at ens own expense. The late Senator Adam •Crosby, an Irishman from Halifax, followed with a speech in which he said: `:And hind you, a joke is just about the only thing a Scotchman will stand for —at his own expense." The -treating system -was in vogue then and his retort had more significance than S hes now. ' Rev. Thomas Mahon says the "Hin- dus will never become Christians, be- cause they -will never accept the ten commandments." Afiiati of break- ing them perhaps. The editor of a Canadian dai,`y newspaper rails against the publicity DR. FRED. G. THOMPSON Which is being given to the series of• C)1'flco dud Residence:, contract bridge gautes going on be - A newspaper which refers to rheumatism as being also called ars thritis is taking some chances an arthritis claiming damages for de- famation of character anti injury to Its standing in society. (Copyright, 1931.) TIME TO SING (Echoing Jules Br'azill, Chairman, Kiwanis Club International 'Commit- tee on Music) If ever there was a time to sing. It's nowt it's nowt So, conte, let us make' the welkin ring, And howl And howl We'll sock Old Depression en the beak, -By' helping the poor, the sad, the weak, And brotherly love to spread -we'll seek, • We vow! We vow! Large Still Seized in South Huron Last Week The largest still ever to 'be seized in Huron county was located Satur- day morning on the farm of Moses Bechler, Ilsborne township, five miles from Hensall and Bechler wee placed under. arrest. Appearing in Police Court at God- erich later in the day Bechler was fined $500 and giveli a month in jail, or a total of nine months in default of paying the. fine. He took the time. At addition to locating the still the offiesrs also secured 170 gallons of mash, eke gallon jars and 66 quart bottles of the product, seven bags of sugar and sufficient perephornalin to fill a truck. • Earlier in the week a shipment of IMPOSSIBLE liquor was seizes! at Niagara Falls Mr. Hood's famous dictionary and the trail led to the Huron states that there are no rhymes for county farm. certain avords, such ee E`scarf, fugue, The seizure was made by E. oblige," etc. To dispute the opinion Fleetly, Excise Enforcement Officer of se great an authority would be of Tcronto, who is himself a former unreasonable. Therefore there is Huron cottfty boy and secretary of neither rhyme nor reason in what the Huron Old Boys' Association of follows. • fa Ohrietmas." They laughed, one of those hollow, mirthlesslaughs. "Lookut here," said the eldest, in- dignantly, "did you ever see a jewels ler, that had time to fix his own grids' watches, oe a dentist that had time to attend to his own kids' teeth, or a music teacher that had time to give his own 'kids music lessons? Well, Dad's like that. Ile never has time to get anything for us." "No sir, he hasn't," chimed in one of the smaller boys, his eyes suspic- iously blight. `"Say, we ain't never had notkiri' for Christmas." And two gleaming tears frozelike glass alleys as they fell from his eyes arid clattered to the floor in that Pol- ar temperature. I noticed that the other boys grabbed them and put, them 'in a box.. • "Whatin the world do you do that for?" T marvelled. "We keep 'esti to play rnarllbes with. You see, we have to cry our own 'Christmas presents. Se that's the reason I ani forming the Proteetive Society for the Neg- lected -Offspring of Santa Claus.' BACK IN Till) 'TIME gang Up the Baby's Stocking He's Never Seen (RISCO Yet Anyway, that's what it sounded like when they'd come prancing up to my cradle. And they'd jabber baby -talk at me until I was fairly nauseated. 'They seemed to be re- ferring to some Scotchman named Sandy McClaus, and I wasn't a bit interested. What I was after was those five little pink things on rho end of my foot. They looked so good to eat, but they were hard to get at. I became so tired of the big peo- ple fussing that, at last, Y shouted in a very distinct, loud voice: "Aw, cut it out, for a' change!" Well, say! Then they all. started to throw a fit, and yell: "Oh, Mumsie he said: "Please want my supper.' Wasn't that cute!" Oh, for the old' thrill of Christmas, Oh, for the thought of its doming, When T, a wee boy, Had a feeling of joy, -Like a secret, internal, glad hum- ming. Ansi the big guy they call Daddy came galloping up. In his mouth he had one of those things like a saus- age with fire on the end. When he leaned oyer lily crib, I grabbed the thing and chucked it in his nose.. Then they pretty nearly went crazy, and yelled: "Isn't he just too darlings The little precious!" Now wouldn't that get your bib and tucker! I guess I i'.00ked pretty disgusted, for . they ran and took a tin thing that ratted off a tree that was growing over by the piano, and gave it to me. But it didn't taste any good, so I threw it into the fireplace. Oh, for the hanging of stockings, The mysterious, sweet Christmas Evc, • The awaking at morn, Finding drum and tin horn, Then the games full of brave make- . believe. Oh, for that lost thrill of Christmas, When yet was unfurrowed the brow, But things simply pass, Oh, slack and alas, And, darn it, I'ni .Santa Claus now! -Dean D. Hurmdy. Toronto. The still was located above the et — Clinton, Ont. tween Leuz and Cullbertson, but it ::'X218(1 in the ileellier home. Bech- Oritarfa Stre world not be going an at all if it ler claimed that he took no part in One door ;vest cif Anglican Church, (sere not far daily p'pets• Phone r 2 , ' the manufacture but had rented the Pl 1'place to a ring of bootleggers. When Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted the truck driver Was arrested in Niagara Falls earlier in the week n letter written in German by Bechler was found' on his person. Translated it gave the information for which the officers were looking. DR. PERCIVAL IIEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street — elieten, -Ont. Pilotso 00 (Formerly occupied 'by the late Dr C. W. Thompson) ' Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted DR. H. A. McINTYRE DENTIST E$".t"RACTION A SPECIALTY Office over Canadian National Ex- press, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21 D. H. MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masseur Office: Huron 'St. (Pew doors west of Royal Bank). e Hours -Tues.,' Thurs. and Sat., all day. Other hours ey appointment Hensall Office—Mmt., Wed. and Fri forenocins. Seaforth Office—Mon., Wed. and Friday afternoons. .Phone 207. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling phone 103. Charges Moderate ,'and Satisfaction Guaranteed.. CANADIANNATIONAL RAILWAYS If Jews are to be altgry with Shakespeare because he made Shy- lock a usurer, why should not the Scotch be angry because he hails Macbeth a traitor and a murderer. TIME TABLE Trains 'will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: A Rutgers University professor saysthat a man's ability to Mug]; at himself is a sure sign of intelli- gence. Whether it is or not, it is e sure sign that be has a right view- point. The man who resents a jolce at his own expense (unless it is meant to be insulting) either has no sense of humor or it is under sub- jection to his vanity and conceit, Indeed it may be set down as a self- evident proposition that a man would not be vain or conceited if he had a lively sense of humor. Ile would laugh at the absurdity of his self- importance in an age when no man is indispensable and the world no longer a -temple - for hero-worship.. Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going Fait, depart 0.58 nen Going East depart 3.05 p.m, Going West, depart - 11.55 n.n, „ - • 9.44 p.m. London, Huron & Bruce Owing 'peptic 3.08 pen, ;Going North 11,58 a m, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. President, J. Bennewies, Brodbag- en, vice-president, . James Connelly, Goderich. Sec. -treasurer, D. F. Mc- Gregor, Seaforth. Directors; James Evans., : Bee-rh- wood; James Shouldice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesiboree Robt. Ferris, Hul- led; John Pepper, Brucefield; A. Broadfoot, Seaforth;' G. F. McCart- ney, Seaforth. Agents: W. J. Yeo, R.R. No. 8. Clinton; Jahn Murray, .Seaforth; James Watt, Blyth; .1Td, Pinehley, Seaforth. Any money to be paid, may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Beek of Commerce, Seaforth, ON . at Calvhp Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applies- tien to any of the above officers addressed to. their, respective post 'of- fices. '• Lasses inspected' by the direc- tor who lives nearest the scene. THE HAT TRICK At a meeting of the committee governing it local football cup com- petition objection was made to any of the officials making the draw for the next round. After heated dis- cussion it was decided to co-opt a disinterested person to conduct the draw. A cheerful old man was ask- ed to officiate, and the names of the teams were placed in a hat and mix- ed up. The hitherto noisy meeting became quiet as the old man prepared to draw out the first of the ,teams-- tradition holding that the first team out was in most cases victorious. He unfolded the tiny scrap Of paper, and astounded the eager list- eners by saying: "Six and seven - eighths." des To Set a Christmas present of A silk-and•wooden scarf, Wlould be so heterogeneous It would make a feller lar(, When John Sebastian Bach composed A monumental fugue, I•Ie said: "Mein gracious, mit ilia tint:; Such trouble have 'I toog. Elijah Jones, he kept some hens That wouldn't lay, so 'Lije Politely pleaded: "Please dear hens, Endeavour to oblige. Doings in the Scout World Count Paul Tefeki, a former Prime Minister of Hungary, and Hungarian Honorary Chief Scout, has been ap+ pointed Camp Chief of the World Scout Jamboree to be held in Hun- gary in 1933. THURS:, - DEC- 24 1931 Home Life of Santa Claus It was about 5 p.m. when I ar- rived at the home of Santa Claus, early in December; being commis- sioned by the Canadian Press 'Asso- ciation to get a human interest story about the old gentleman. He met me at the door with his us- Lord Somers, retiring Governor nal jolly smile and jelly-like vibrato. of Victoria, told Australian Scoutn After enquiring about his health and that he thought he still believed in that of Mrs. Claus, I asked, him fairies when alone in the bush. "I w ere could see a queer hole in a tree, "They're th barn bedding down where gamegoblin the re'ndeers," he replied. and at night T used to wonder whe- , ;1 zt BEST TIME TO ADVERTISE IS WHEN 'BUSINESS IS NEEDED "My son," ran an editorial in the Bridgeport (Con.) Post — "there nothing on earth so mysteriously fun- ny as an advertisement. The prime, first, last and all the time object of an advertisement is to draw custom. It is not, was not, and never will be designed for any otter human pur- pose. So the merchant waits ti11 the busy season comes and his store is se "The itinerary of the Prince David ' full of custom that he can't get hie will' be Vancouver, Victoria, San hat off, and then he rushes to his Francisco, Los Angeles, Manzanlile printer and goes in for advertising. in Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Bermuda, Halifax, reaching the Nova Scotia • port en January 3rd, just 23 days af• ter leaving Vancouver. Both ships are being brought to the Atlantic to couver• by rail' from inland points, and return home by rail from Hali- fax to complete 'the 10,000 mile trip. It ik likely that the Prince David will carry more passengers than her sister ship, which was well booked : for her Pacific -Atlantic cruises. The former ship will reach Balboa, Pac- ific extremity' of the Canal at Sun- rise Clfristmas morning. She will ' have traversed the various lakes and locks and have reached Cristobal, At- lantfo extremity by sundown. "When the dull season gets along and there is -no trade and he wants to sell goods so bad he can't pay leis relit, he stops his advertising. That operate winter holiday cruises from• is, some of them do, but occasionally Boston on to Bermuda and Caribbean a level headed merchant does Vlore ports. of it and scoops in all the business, Life membership in the Moose Jaw while his neighbors are making most• Wild Animal Park Society ryas con- gages to pay the gas bill. (erred upon District Commissioner "There are times when you could - C. F. Kempton and the boys of thea n't stop people from buying every; 1st Moose Jaw Scout Troop in re- thing in tho store i£ you planted a cognition of work done by the troop cannon behind the door, and that's the in improving the park. time the advertisement is sent out on its mission. It makes light work for the advertising, for a chalk sign on An impressive incident at an in= the sidewalk could do all that we ternational Rover (older Scout) con- needed and have a half holiday six ference at Vancouver ryas the solemn days in the weelc; but who wants to investiture and .acceptance o£ spec- favor an advertisement? They aro Rt. Rev. Charles Allen Seager, D. ial obligations oof public service by }guilt to clo hard work, and should be D., will be installed as fifth Bishop ' three American and two Canadian sent out on the dull days whoa a of the Diocese of IInron at. St. Paul's Rover Squires. The ceremony took customer has to be knocked down Cathedral in London. on Monday, t+lEtBO n St, Paul's church. with hard facts and kicked insensible January 25, the festival of the con - with bankrupt reductions and drag- version of St. Pato. Young Leaders' International Meet One of the world's largest inter 1 «That's the aini and encs of adver- the diocese, amiontnced that Bishop l aders, he 12t gPacific s of boy I using' my son, and if you ever open Seager will arrive in London at the Petrleaders, the 12th Pfeven Northwest a store don't try to get thein to come , end of this month, probably the day togets. Leaders' Conference, brought when they are already stieking out 'before New Year's. Ile will take over together 200 Ameiican and 110 Cana- of the windows, but give them .your the administration duties of the dio- dian Scouts at Vancouver in Novem- acivertfsement right between the eye;; :cess on January 1, as requested in ber. The boys discuss junior Scout in the dull season and you will wax a resolution of the executive, which leaders' problems. rich and own a fast horse and per- , was relayed to Kingston ThurSda3'. haps be able to smoke a geed cigar i Bishop Seager will file his resie- once or twice a year. natimn as bishop of the 1)ioce=e of Canada on The "Toy ,Standard" 1 Ontario with the. House of Bi+hops "Write that• down where you Il fol. - Canadian movie theatres in numer over ft Query clay. The time to draw of the eclesiastical Provfnee of Our ons cities and towns went on the business is when you want business, taria• A special session of the house • "Toy Standard" in Deceitiber. P01' and not when you have more business will be held this week to consider it. special matinees, that is. The. ad- ,than you can attend to already. If aceeptecl, Bishop Seager will im» mittance charge was made one toy, i mediately arrange pith tri: hotise for new or repairable, and the receipts . the induction eerewith t fn Conlon. were turned over , to the local Boy . MANY PASSENGERS TAKE Scout Christmas Toy' Repair Shop.- 10,000 MILE CRUISE INSTALL FIFTH - BISHOP .TAN. 25 Synod of Huron Executive Sets Date • For Ceremony Rt. Rev. C. A. Seager Expected in London This Month ged in with irrestible slaughter o`i prices before he will spend a cent. At the salve tinge, Very Rev. Dean Norman L. Tucker, adnlinistratot• of A DELICATE APPEAL • Lord Somers Believes in Fairies VOYAGE 1 There is a little matter which we On Christmas Day the Panamn would very mush lilts to di$eu$$' Canal will welcome the second Cana- with a number of our ike$ufiber$. We • diad National party of Canadians di$like making direet reference to acid other cruise passengers Making it in the new$ column$, but if you a voyage across and around the Ani- will look at the label on this copy - here the chtldr b w r . erican Continent. The party board- of your paper, and then call at the in o • , h gh old o might live; o C.N.S. Prince David which office, we $hall be glad to dt$cu$$' ed the you can to1 , l sailed Dec. let's from Vancouver to it wally. Cr perhap$ Y At the first opportunity;' T slipped alter the fairies came .out P aY repeat the -'present voyage on find an opportunity to write u$" out to see them. Lord• Somers frequently led hikes of p regarding thio little matter. Tli'ank "Well,• boys," I enthused, "i'll:ber of Victorian Boy Scouts ort of the Prince Henry from there to Half- our Wetas iiwiti Vines. fax, Passengers will reach. Van- Y you'll begetting something dandy several- days in the bush. sa: b8j AUTSeeRGTFIC-