HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-12-17, Page 6.AGE TExamosommawasousigasigoattgagagona THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Special Prices for Christmas on BOOKS STATIONERY PURSES, GREETING' CARDS, DECORATIONS, PICTURES SILK LINGERIE HOSIERY, TOILET GOODS AND !iliaun el SANTA CLAUS. Will Be Waiting to see you , It's getting so close to Christmas, he-' wantsto make sure that he's got the list of things you went. You will find him oty the second floor. , to 2.30 -p:nt 10 a.m. until 11 a.m.-l.30 p•m The China Gift Shop IS FILLED WITH.' SUE ITABLGIFTS AND• ALL AT POPULAR PRICES TABLES AT 15c, 25c,' 50c and ($1.00 You'll Enjoy Shopping in Toyland And ttra ' Where.Eveiythin g is Bright 'ght ad A olive SPECIALLY PRICED TABLES MANY SPECIAL VALUES CONFECTIONERY THE STORE WILL BE OPEN EACH EVENING UNTI A. Ta C ; ;OPER The Store with the Stock L 10 O'CLOCK Leaders in Low Prices PHONE 36 ,y�• .may, ., ., .,.. • ., :�'-''-�`�' i �.:` �°>'�`'. '�. Buy Your Cbristins Gifts at Davis' .and Hermans GLOVES Lined and unlined ..75c to 53.50 OVERCOATS TWEED-- • Reg. $15.00 eft. `x3.50 BLUE CHEVIOT - Reg. $20.00 for $15.00 FURINKA--- - $22.50 to 550.00 SWEATERS PULLOVER COAT STYLE 95c to $4.00; $1.95 to $5.00 WORK SHIRTS 95c to 51.50 • WEARPIELL SOCKS • ALL WOOL WORK SOCKS 20c to 65e SILK TIES 35e to $1.50 SCARFS 31.25 to 35.00 FINE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 31.75 to 52.75 CAPS Reg. 31.50 for .. 96c WINTER GAPS • FOR ......31.50 MADE IN CLIN TOamN,�e•�.-yac�..f4-., yyy,.'•�.+,�✓,��'' •'.�row�.,r •.wY�r••�ey.,�,r a-f.� ^� ( '. � .. �. .. '.� � .�� .• : i`1"��AYA"li%Y':"L'�,V•iY •3Y1 �'.%'iF"',^/�%%'iMYY•��1,•.M:'J�''•''.il"-�/�•I�.iFY��I".%:�l'i!I•/t'L`: Jf Y!/: lT� �Iz�-`,�rs�:-`.ick-,�"�-`.�cr'-t�•'�r'�-r�-i,�v:-�•''�:-�.��„��:-�''.c�-• _ PYJAMAS . 31.15 DRESSING GOWNS 34.00 25c to 75c AiVIONIG TFIE CHURCTIE:S (Continued from page 1) J, Nediger, Pianist: Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Mrs. Vetiver read a letter that Miss Rapson had received from a' lady at 1014 Atkinson St., Regina, who hadreceived a coat in which Miss Rapson had put a note. "Business being finished Mrs. Scott; vice president, took charge of the meeting ` and conducted a devotional period of singing; prayer, and scrip- ture reading. • Mrs. Venner gave p paper on; Current 'Events. Mrs. Pat- erson and Mrs. Hearn contributed a vocal duet. ldrs. Cooper iiecompan- ied them on the piano. Mrs. Hearn had a very interesting letter written by Dr. Graham, a Missionary in In- dia and Dr. Nethrum,, which is' to be passed around to the members as Mss. Hearn considered it rather long to be read at the meeting. Singing and the Mizpah benediction brought the meeting to a close. THURS, DEC. 17, 1931 imammeangasseaniissamioseeniis Marquis and IVPcInnes. Baby Band: Mrs. IKniglit, ,Superintendents of 'Mission 'Band: Miss- Armstrong and Ma's, G. Mer - dock, jr. Stranger's Secretary; Miss Cor- nish and Mrs. Snyder. At an executive meeting held at the close of the election, the follow rhes w1 Bayfield Parish, were iths guests of the A•Y,P,A, of St; Paul's church, Hensall, on Monday even- ing. They repeated the program of church music which was given in Varna on•Wednesday evening of lase week. Three papers, one on psalms, one on hymns and one on carols, were read and illustrations 'of, the Mg group leaders were appointed, music of different periods were sung there being two for each group; by the choristers trained for the oc- casion by Mrs F. H. Paull, who had charge of the program. Delicious refreshments were serv- ed by the members' of St. Paul's A. steel; Mrs. Turner and Mis I. Crichl Y P A• Mrs. Ball and Miss R. Pickett; Mrs. ( The Public school and Y.P.D. of FI. Wi'.tse and Mss. Tiolmes; Mrs. St, Andrew's Church intend having a Christmas concert on Friday even- ing, _ of this week in the town hall. Mrs. Jervis and Mrs, J. Crich; Mrs. Wendell and Mrs. Maltby; Mrs.' Gibbings and Mis m W. Plu- Tiplady and Miss Briekenden. A meeting of Group leaders is con- vened for Saturday afternoon of this week at 2.30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Ai'urdoek, to choose group mem- bers and plan campaign for 19321 : 1Y leader is requested es ted t0 attend, • Presbyterian Church Morning Service Prelude--Venite Adoremus, Adeste Fiddles Lefebure, We'ly. Call to -worship.' ' Doxology. Invocatipn. Flymn: "0 Come All Ye Faithful. Scripture Lesson. • Anthem: "Christians Awake, Sal- ute the Happy Morn, Maunder. ' Prayer, Annotmcernents. Offertory: "March of the Magi Rings," Dubois. Praye:: Solo, Mrs. Dougan, "Christmas," Shelley. Hymn: "As With Gladness Men of Old.". Sermon: "After it, Follow it, Fol- low the Gleam" Anthem: "Behold I bring you Good Tidings," Caleb Semper. Hymn: "The First Nowell." Postlude: "Gloria Excelsia", Mozart Evening Service Prelude, "Pastoraile," Westbrook. ReeeaSiana1 Adeste Fideles. I Spent Sunday with 'Mi. and 1VIrs. ronto, Secretary of the Association dian School Christmas CreetingS Harness {i and Luggage For Il Christmas j Wives and Sweethearts ARE YOU IN DOUBT AS TO HIS CHRISTMAS IT'S EASY Warm up his heart by warming his body with one of our gen- uine Corivan Leather Coats, priced as low as $5.95 or may we suggest a fine wool rug for his car, priced as low as 53.40• It is said, cold hands a warm heart. We say, Warm his hands with a fine pair of our gloves or mitts and !both hands and heart- . eart . will be warmed Christmas Day. HUSBANDS, BROTHERS AND :BOY FRIENDS Think how much she loves you -You will not disappoint her en Christmas Day. Why not give her a genuine leather purse or a dressing case, or a new McErine Aeropack? We fee'. sure she will ap- preciate any of these. They are all very moderately priced and withan any ono's means: VAIMMORGEMMISIN Right Price:.. Right Good!) AIRE liitS Ge lore as Never etore Our Display this year is Composed of Gifts, Entirely New, Very ; h4; Useful and Something for Everybody. BAYFIELD HURON ROAD EAST Mr, Noble Holland hada fine d play of fox hides in Clinton last Sate { urday. Miss Olive Sprung of Londeslbora spent the week -end with her'cousin, Monday evening, December 7th, Miss Sadie Ball. the annual meeting of L.O.L. No. 24 Mr. and Mrs. G. Monk have moved was held in the Orange Hall, where into Mr. Charles Lindsay's house. there was a good attendance and. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jamieson the fallowing officers were elected. • and son, Lawrence, spent Sunday for the year 1932; I withBailey. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. Noble Holland and Mr. William Storey spent a day recently at Wat- erdown. and Airs, Everett Finnigan, while on her way to school thought she noticed Barites_ and smoke, but could not 1 tell whether they were coating from the chimney or from the roof. Be- fore giving the alarm she hastened , to the school to warn pupils who might be inside the building and sent several to notify the neighbors. Won Many Prizes For His Leicesters -.Mr.. Ephraim Snell of Myer:Bar- ton Steck Farm, Hullett, has been exhibiting his sheep at the Winter Fairs just past, carrying off several 1 prizes as usual. Mr. Simla had not exhibited for a couple of years, as Ihe had acted as judge. At Toronto he carried eff second for 2 year old ram, third for one year old ram. fifth for ram lamb, third for yearling ewe, third for ewe i lamb, second fa.. flock and first for wether, and third and fourth for wool. He also carried off chain- pianship for wether, and reserve championship for lamb. He sold his champion wether, which also wen championship at Chicago. Al Guelph he took second and fifth for year, ling ram, seeand for yearling ewe, third for ewe lamb, second for flock and championship for arab. YARDLEY'S GIFT JASMINT+, OF •STAG LINE OF PACKAGE SOUTHRN SHAVINGFR NCEiPARATIONSP REFOR MEN A Dainty Line of Noticing better, Toiletries for Ladies Entirely New 25e UP • 25c UP Goodness & Frag- rance paekaged nip for men and women 35c UL' BATH SALTS Beautiful Odors in naw and lovely Containers 255 Ill' PIPES TOBACCOS CIGARS POUCHES BRUSHES COMBS MIRRORS ' MINIATURE SETS HOT WATER BOTTLE SPECIALS One Year Guarantee 69c Two CHRYea ISMAS Guarantee CANDY 98c Tully Burke, Clarine, Artstyle 1 ib., 2 lb., 31b. PEARL TONE and. IVORY IN TOILET WARE Prices were never• Lower DID YOU SEE OUR CHRISTMAS CARDS. AU New Low Prices YARDLEY'S ORCHID PERFUME FACE POWDER COMPACTS W.M.: John 'Castle; D.M., Wm. Orr; Chaplain, A. E. Erwin; Record- ing Secretary: Ninian Heard; Fin- ancial 'Secretary, E. A. Featherston; Treasurer, tflarold Stinson; Marshal, Geo. Sturgeon; lat Lecturer: Win. MeDool; 2nd lecturer, Emerson Heard; Committeemen: Roht.Orr; Wm. J. Elliott, Lindsay Smith, Wal- ter Westlake, James Rouatt; Sick Committee, A. E. Erwin, W. 3. Mc- Leod, D. C. Galbraith; auditors: W, J. McLeod, A. E, Erwin, After election lunch was served and a generally social time was spent. Mrs. Janes Carnie• of Stanley Township spent last week with Airs. J. M. C. Tough. Mr. and Mrs. Wni, Walters and son Loyd of Colborne township ISEAFORTFI: The -remains of James D. McGill a former esteemed resident of Seafonth whose death occurred on Tuesday at the home of his son in Goderich were interred on Thursday afternoon in the Matt - landbank cemetery. D'UNGANNON: Mrs. Robert Da- vidson left on Monday for 'Toronto, having been called upon to attend an emergency meeting en Tuesday of, the Provincial Executive of •the School Trustees' and Ratepayers' As- sociation of'the Ontario Educational Association, owing to the sudden death of Rev. W. M. iVforris, of To - Hymn, "Hark the Herald Angels spent Osmond. and editor of the Cana Sing." I Th A.Y.P.A. of the three chur- Journal. Scripture Lesson. nater (Carols, "02 the Father's Love Be- gott , Their Flocks,' "God Rest You Merry : Gentlemen." ,l Crrist Scripture Lesson. ell „ „ While ;she herds Watched etvp+c-test;t taiG+ t€t^dgtetGtea2tgtar?etebaactc+v-xtg+x nt: ------------- S.R. Holmes Phi .III CLINTON, O.T. 'eXii�dt+�rTio •�jifrr'Cram PHON E 51 ra,tr r`t:.SGA 'C Y ' the basement of the ehur9h on Friday I ollowing report of S. S. No. 7, LONDESBORO i afternoon and was a success in ev- for month of November: Mrs, J. J! ingland is visiting friends ery way. Each of the booths was ' Sr. 3rd-IJean McCallum, 73; Mil - :in patronized and there was a good died Bell, 77. 88; .in Toronto. 'United. Church Sunday school �. assortment of everything. Althoug c 'Bobby 2nd-Isabel �a7Fi; Irene iam, McOalltuny The U 'are holding .their annual Chitistmas I the weather waslendidS' turnout, the 76. 'Tree entertainment in the Comamn- { there was a splendi -two Jr, 2nd -:Lydia Bell; 83. it hall on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th, proceeds being seventy-two Beginners -„oris Lear,3 Billy Pol- yprepared 1 -a good program is being Mr. and Mss. James Elsley and lard. Pol- and a good time anticipated-.`. Mis. J. Tamlblyn attended um I 1VIr, and Mrs. New- dance, 7.3. -Clive A. Moaa 9p Prove.'. Amrcnneonien i5. Offertory. "The First Newell:: Fantasia en Christmas Carol Plant, e Offertory Prayer. Anthem, "And He Shall Reign," Caleb Semper. Hymn, "Holy Night, Peaceful Nigh;." .Sermon, "The Spell of Christmas." Carol, "Thou Didist Leave Thy Throne." Hymn, "It carte Upon the Mid- night Clear." Benediction. Postlude, Fantasia on Christmas Carol, "Good Christian Men." Sunday School Christmas enter- tainment will be held in the Sundhy School hall'on Tuesday evening, Dec. 22nd, at 7.30 ,sharp. At the annual meeting held last. Tuesday night the Ladies' Auxiliary elected officers as follows: President: Mrs. M. C. Jordan. Vice President: Mrs. E. Ward. Secretary: Mrs. J. Neilans. Treasurer: Mrs. J. E. Neil. Convenors of Committees: Social, Mrs. l'. Muteh; Finance, Mrs. G. D. Roberton; I oric•.Out, Mrs. Chas. E. Dorgan; Flower, Mrs. 3. Cook. Christmas Services will be held on Sunday as follows: Ontario Street United Church Christmas services, both morning and evening. Pastor's subjects: Morning: wills Luminous Christ." 24 is HEATERS MAY YET KILL Two Dozen of Mel. Dangerous Things" .Sold, PrisonerAdmits Water heaters sold by Benjamin 'Steinberg, salesman, of the Lux-Vis- ey Co. of Canada, were characterized as "the most dangerous things that have struck this province," by W. F. he Strickland, chief mspe etm for t the Hydro Electric Commission, in Health Court to -day. Tie charged Steinberg, together with Percy 'Steinberg, and Jacob Hynes, with selling the heaters with- out having Hydro approval. Ben Steinberg pleaded guilty, and his „namesake and Hynes were remanded for sentence. Magistrate Patterson fined Steinberg $25 or ten days. "They are made for sticking into water basins, baths, and dish pans". testified Inspector Strickland, "and as a result of their use a child was killed last month." He explained that the H•E.P.C. had been put to a lot of trouble and 'considerable expense in detecting the sellers of the non - approved heaters. "We have, informed the public of the danger' they, were risking by Means of the radio• and the press, and .i. would not be surprised to hear of another fatality," went on the inspector. Mis. Rose Freeman, who 'perches - ed one of the heaters, said the agent told her that `approval by the Com- mission was pending. The defendant stated that he had' received three dozen of the heaters from the .United States, had, sold two storm Mony 1 .dozen, and ue5tt'ayed the re, ala which is always Airs. Roy Stonehouse. Mi p dozen, and thennop st ]earned they :give the restin is a sister of Mrs. Tamblyn and M'rs. interacting. h (commonly ]mown as Ptospet- were not approved, and would not be •.quite I The bazaar under ,�ho'auspces of i Elsley..1VIr• t ded the Diem- Number on roll,3, average atter, Moon, teacher. Next. Sunday moving at 10.30. the and Wedding of usual "White Gift Service" will be ton Campbell, which was celebrated i held bythe Sunday _Scheel of the at Goderich at the homeand he son in taw, Mx United church, when the pupils will 1 daughter and s. Campbell DUN�GANNON: During the' Monday morning the, schoo house of S.S. No. 2,. West . Wawa and Mrs Frank Tamblyn 110th . ,. t home of Mr. ity) caught fire about 8.30. Miss approved as safe.-Poronto, Tele- llers at he Evening: "What Christmas Does. At a quarter to seven in the even- ing an organ and piano recital will be given, Carol singing, anthems and Christmas music will be render- ed. A cordial welcome to all to join in these festal services. Christmas Tree on Tuesday even- ing, Dec. 22nd, at 3 o'clock. Santa Claus and usual program. Christmas Tree Concert at 'Tur- ner's church on Wednesday evening, Dec.' 23rd. Usual Program. The annual business meeting of the W.M.S. was held last Tuesday afternoon. After the regular pro- gram the following officers were elected for 1932: . ' Hon. -President: Mesdames H. Plumsteel, A. D. Beaton and G. La - vis. • President: Mrs. Geo. Shipley. 1st vice Pres.: Mrs Farrill. 2nd vice Pres.: Mrs. Ball. 3rd vice Pres.: Mrs. W. Marquis. Rec.-Secretary: Mrs. W. M. Aileen.. Assistant MI's. I. Crieh. Cor, -Secretary: Mis. W.. Wlalker. Press Secretary: Mrs. C. ,W. Thompson. Treasurer: Miss. W. J. Stevens. Pianists. Miss 'E. • Willie, Mrs. Gibbings. !Mite Box Secretary: Mrs, Glaziers, Christian Stewardship; Mrs. Hiles. Secretaries, of,, Snpreies• :Mesdames 3. Well and. F. Leonard. ' Literature Supply: Mesdames Ken- nedy and Turner. YSI•issionary Monthly: Mrs. Rozell Temperance: Mia. Hawke. Convenor of Finance Committee: Mrs. Murdoch.. Study Book Leaders: Mesdames 31 as a argaifS Give Her Something She Will Never Forget fi Electric Kelvinator Refrigerator ELECTRIC AND TREAD SEWING MACHINES ELECTRIC AND (New andP Second WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC KOLSTER RADIO, 7 -TUBES ALL, GOING A'1' A DIG SACRIFICE IN PRICE Singer Sewing Machine Shot) (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) 9 2aben e n tilers �trer, tr eteiernm` reire-ereietaleietWesiess iintsr a7"ma sen ee S'ieeteseiexei ya the "Friendly, ,Glass" and the W.4• were also ca Ross, teacher, who hoards with. Mr, {gram. .of 'the United' church, was held in Stonehouse. Chilstmas PACKAGES MADE TO ORDER XMAS FRUIT CAKE Any Size, Iced or 'Plain NEW MIXED NUTS KANDYYIiANES _~ NEW NOVELTIES FRESH MADE CANDIES AT PRICES TO PLEASE ALL Balker`ll an d 11� endorf S Confeaenoner J i Makers'of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread nit s SBE OUR ATTRACTIVE BOXES PAGE & SHAW HUNT'S LOWNEYS WILLARDS ' NEW FLAVORED BREAD - ------- CAKES AN)) PASTRY Which is More Delicious Than Any You May Have Tasted Ih'y Ckaiiing Prices REDUCED FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY $1,00 ONE DOLLAR _$1.00 WILL CLEAN AND PRESS YOUR Suit Overcoat Topcoat or Raincoat EVENING DRESSES Si 25 up CLEANING GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR NO CHARGE • DYEING PRICES REDUCED 10 TO 20 PER CENT. Our representative, Mr. W. E. Gillespie, will call on you y have. in few days and gladly give you a price on any order y We can give u two-day servic e on Cleaning. Orders for dyeing are usually ready in a week. Mourning Orders can be ready in 36 'HERMANDAVIS Sc , AGENTS FOR GILLE)SPIES CLEANERS Sc DYERS, SEAFO'R 1EI