HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-11-26, Page 8h a f J. Doge CLINTON'S ]LEADING JEW'ELEIlY STORE C411111UNITI, ttLAT AT REDUCED PRICES' Teaspoons, Set of Six, were $4.25; Now Think of being able to buy a 26 piece set with Deluxe Stainless Dinner -Knives, m a Service for Six, $30.25 As low as .. ... .... .. .... ... r11J G Conte in and male your selection from the newest—latest a0. signs--Noblesse, ' Adani, Deauville and Grosvenor. By purchasing '• COMMUNITY PLATE you are assured "Style Leadership" in your gift or for use on your own table—and THINK. OF THE SAVING) $3.75 Next R. H. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College,of Optometry ovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician FRESH BLUR SAUER FRONT QU!A.RTER OF HIND QUARTER OF POR.IC, DRESSED MUTTON, whole DRESSED FLOG, per lb. HALF DRESSED FLOG, PORK SAUSAGE, per PORK CHOPS, per Ib. DILL PICKLES, 2 for 'SAUSAGE CASING oddly KRAUT, 3 lbs. for PORK, lb, per Ib. or half, per ib. per lb. lb. AND SAUSAGE SEASONING 26e 8o 10e 7%e 'Ph e . -.. 8c 151e r 15e 5c CONNELL °& 'TYNDALL. " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 , Huron Street. s"001::30 il 11 O u, p to 0 0510 .Slove Prices Price] • • are C411i1g Bowl YOU CAN NOW BUY A FULL ENAMELLED STOVE FOR ' It will pay you to see what we have offer before you buy. t llardwa Furniture 0 •e Funeral Directors Phone 147w Electric Plumbing Wiring 0 �� LONDESI3ORO The Woman's Institute will meet t the community hall on Thursday. ec. 3rd, at 2 p.m., the following pro- rani: is expected: address, Rev, Mr. &En'se] ; "Ghri,,vtnles to OtherTeencis," tsb-•lumental by Alma Carter; 'recipes it Christmas Candy; reading, May ercy Mantling. Hostesses: Mrs, n, 'odden, Mils. A. McCool, Mrs. I. apson, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mrs. P. fanning and Mrs. A. Vodden. •M s. S. Woodman, who has been resident in the village ,for many ears, bas moved to the home of her aughter, Mrs. T. Oliver of Clinton Miss E. Lyon and Mrs, Geo. Lyon ave returned after having a pleas- et visit with Mrs. T. Sampson at almerston. Mr. and Mrs. Draycott and Mrs. ardiff of London were the guests E Mrs. A. Allen on Sunday. ' The play, "Red Acre Farm," put o by the young -people of the Uni- td church, was given last Friday fight in the community hall and was ell attended and fully enjoyed by tdse hearing it. Much credit is ae the young people, each one of hon did their :part well. They not be afraid to tryit again lit time, The W. A. of the United church et at the home of Mrs. . IShobbrook on Wednesday of. its week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Tyerntan of Sea- visited with Mr;' and Mrs. Imes Elsley on Monday. The Y.P.S. of the United 'church calved an invitation from the : A.u- ! n Y.P.S. to visit their society :ednesday evening. There was a number in attendance. Mr. and ,Mrs. Fingland visited Wal- rburn friends last Tuesday. ,, Mr.' James Woodman of Chatham to spent several days Ludt week th friends.here, has returned. Mr.. and Mrs. James McOool and daughter of Mr. Mr. spending Mr. Brussels. Mr. Mia. last Mr. day in Moen. Reeve of Hanover of Mr. Mr. visited Wells Miss spent latter's Blyth. Mr, have friends returned ,Mr. spent Brigham. Mr, family former's lay' Mr. daughter were Mile. .They Brigham Diss tor ton in 1VIi. motored and spent Two the understanding to catch "soda," One his line, other recently visited the and Mrs. George Moon. and Mrs. George McCall a week at the home and Mrs. Simpson McCall .and ]Firs: Harold Adams harry Riley were Tri Clinton Thursday. " ! 1 I liYeorge Moon spent last Stratford . also the • •• : . Erighaon and Mr's, Brigham were guests at the Wit. ]Ingham last !Sunday, and Ilfrs. Hicks of Centralia the home of Mx. and 'Mrs'. last Sabbath. . L. Mains and Mrs. A. last Friday at the home mother, Mrs. Marshall, r. and Mrs. R. Coekerline enjoyed an extensive visit in Detroit arid Chatham home: and Mrs'. Datebe of Brantford Sunday with their cousin, and M'rs, F. D. . Elaley spent last' Sabbath with parents, Mr; and Mrs. and Mrs. Albert Brigham of the 13th concession guests at the home of Mr. -Ernest Adams last Sabbath, also had Mr. and Mrs. of Hanover. Arnett was aweep-dud Stratford. and Mrs, N. Bali and to Stratford last Saturday the day. hone aro of near also •1 • I Sakur- Misses home A. Wells of the near who with have Misa , and the Els, and and Robert visi- family with one the broke The. ;e Seamen went fishing, that the first a fish was 'to buy got a bite that almost hart refused to pull up. was fishine wither,+.. a, The present is one of those time4 when the average person is likely to.; be misled by the act%ns o1 the crowd, talking depression and look;; ing at the world upside down. Itr'1929 the pessimist' was regarded with!; pity, to -day the optimist is looked upon' as one to be carefully watchy ed. The upturn may .be slow, but w'►' should not overlook . the possibility; of the reverse happening'. Those who see. daylight ahead are not only: supported by generations •of preced,- cat . but by most of the asailable r:acts. The phrasing•`o1 your Letter reflects your personality, so does the paper la is written upon.. The difference in cost between poor writing paper and good is so slight, why not use the good. 'Ask for Royal Windsor. The present day woman has been tried and found wanting --one of our Luncheon Sets. Pure linen, cover 43"x43"; 6 serviettes, 12x12, seven pieces for $1.15. They read in boat.' They read in train In zeppelin and aeroplane And are they reading histories? Not much, they're reading mysteries. —and we have the mystery story in book or Magazine. Fiction makes moods, Fashion makes modes. If your mood require a change try any. of the following magazines _ Adventure, Argoy, Lariet, Ranch Romance, Detective Story, Windsor, Saturday Post. If your: interest is in present modes we have Walls, Vogue, Delineator, Buttericks, Pictorial Review.- The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best RAID 41101Nl Ilhitm�uwP°InliiunNliom41 It .w.IP11 tPl'a Mrs. A. Foster of Goderich was in town on Saturday last. Mrs. L. C. Harrison of Lucan visited Mrs. M. D. McTaggart last Week. Mr. Lorne Cook of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of his parents in town. Mr. W. H. Mitch of the Royal Bank staff, Hamilton, was at his home hi town over the week -end. Dr. Manley A. Shipley of Kinkland Lir1:e-Ions been visiting his mother) Mrs, George'Shipley, this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Weir and family of Cayuga wee visitors with CIin- ton friends over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of To. ronto were here attending the fun- eral of the latter's uncle, Mr. R. Rowland. Miss Gilchrist left this week for Saginaw, Mich., where she will spend the winter with her sister, as is her usual custom. 4lisses Louise and Marjory Beaton and Miss Edna Turner of Toronto were week -end guests at the home of the former's mother, 'Mrs. A.. D. Beaton. 1VIrs. A. Hugill and her daughter and son -in -late, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones and four children of Stanley township, visited the former's sis, ter, Mrs. Adapt Scott of total on Sunday. bfr. and Mrs. W. S. Paisley of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Paisley of Montreal have been here the past week, being called home by the illness and 'subsequent death of their mother, 'Mrs, W. J, Paisley. • 1ia', and Mrs. Nisbit Cook of Toron- to are holidaying in town and the former is giving a hand to his fath- er, Mr. T. H. Cook, in the ,apple business. Nisbit served an ap- prenticeship with his Dad in the past and can assist very material- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Ball and two children motored up from 'Pembroke last week -end to visit relatives here. Mr. Hall left Mon- day morning for Cayuga, where he has purchased •a weekly newspa- per and assumed control this week. Mrs. Hall and children are re, maining until a suitable residence On be secured. Dr. IL. G. and Mrs. Struthers and little son, Donald, were guests ov- er the week -end at the home of the lady's brother, Mr. A. T. Caen, er. Mrs. Struthers was formerly Miss Edna .Cooper and spent 'her girlhood in Clinton. Dr. Struth- ers has been engaged in medical missionary work in China for some years and .is now home on furlough. They have been through some strenuous tunes,. their home at'Wei-Weih; North Honan, hav- ing aving been pillaged just' before their return to, it after their last fur., lough, but Dr. Struthers says khingsare much quieter and more eirde'ly in that part of China now. Dr. and Mrs. Struthers stopped off at Galt on their return to Toronto to visit the former's home. They will spend their furlough in Toron- to, where they left their three daughters while making the trip. to Clinton. , 1 THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD t C4 Tif URSDAT, NOVEMBDR 26, 1931:` 'i�x4aiA.'aaweenecosiesenieciciaizotecsA� ° w tteicietWe'sitovemc acciciseamelefeles0000.0eatex Jnr Cl��ak oi' Chr°isrmas F�uiis Reminds One, That Now is The Time to Make Your Fruit, Cake•. All The Newest Best Selected Ingredients for Your Christmas Cakes and Puddings are Here t ()Neils ��.2,lP,t�P.`'P.QIP,k.,�;•�'tetA',lfk't2;�iE(i'�C'�iliN4',t�#W{E,`RC4�'-t�t;; °cCt+ratan;��tstetEtnte��tai�ee+eteteity+�C�rdteP�sass�;.�t�teax New Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Lemons, per dozen New Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Naval's Oranges New Dates, 2 lbs. • 25c Chocolate Mallow, Ib. New Orange Peel, pound 18c Fancy Cookies New Lemon Ped, pound ,18c Choice Creamery Butter Citron Peel, pound'. 27c for Cash, 2 lbs, New White Sultana Raisins 20c Many Flower Soap, 4 cakes 23c- Rolled Oats, 5 pounds 15c Fresh Hans, ib. 10b Tapioca, 2 packages 25c Bologna, pound 1• ' tu.��retete!�tctew�q+���t�t�Re�.re'�taietcwteis �•. -- tC�t��W�.t�r@!�"t�tStGaet��t5 tEtKt�te�ta>et'��Btac�cCtf, . Last Date to Secure a Blanket for $1.98 with $5.00 worth of Groceries will be December 15th. �.eW+etc�aeta�tat,:tet;��te ���rei<ee���z�+s3e>,":c�.:+c!ctet~.te, e e e��,i€+��+stat:;c���,.�a�tc;e;s�ieieiet¢t6+ctarn+. Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. 39c Marmalade, 40 oz. 25c: Other Specials while they Last According to Our Bills ttgb'�t:t£tCt�t3�t6`W,'tS b'ti�a;'.'��t:fi�G�&tEtKti`�tat�tGeat@tGi.��26t6�`�e:,sb't_E1S��t�+€Kegto.24"R.t,�13ta+�Ht�it�'� n Phone 48 23c. 39c 15c 15c W. 'T • O'NEILWhere "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA sac`t7r 0,2mt klaia3r0,tm]mot3alo, o,z,oaa; e.vararSn3r;tt2tat r11,.., amooloat2tl7t7a*Il er.mr47sD: r�� ;ar%tu'rs'r?t�rot3r2t9r�tu+=r3+arSr�ia9r3t,tnt�r2t�iyt7r7r3t3,.ra>`a �•atSs9:w;1. A':i►ka; iiS'.�"Gr'��,�jT�'''ci'x6'r�a7`,�1":l.l6YT.,i�1�'xSlx'�G`�FG�`1:'�i �if�G�a��'�GF-.1,� . • .. �'�;i. PEOPLE YOU KNOW nineteen present. Rev, Mr. Poulter closed by prayer, after which a, dain- Mrs. J. A. Ford spent a few days .ty lunch was served and a social half in London this week. hour spent. • Mrs. T. .1. McMichael of Hullett - township is spending a few -days this week with her father and another, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scott. LONDON ROAD The Community Club met at the home of Mrs.' M. Muse on Wednes- day last, with a good attendance and several visitors. Everyone res, ponded to the. troll call ' by naming their birthplace. After the usual opening exercises and business was transacted Mrs. Plumsteel gave a very interesting paper on the "Great-, est Thing in Life." She stressed the point of good health first and a Christian spirit throughout your life time. The paper was much en- joyed by all. During the afternoon Mrs. Plumsteel also rendered a sola in her usual .'good voice and lP1rs. Fear, who was a visitor at the meeting, kindly acted as pianist. Then sewing commenced and plant, were made fora a shipment of quilts and • garments to be forwarded to Caperol in care of Mrs. Fred Slo- man, for distribution among the needy. The Tuckersmith ladies assist- ed the hostess to serve refreshments.. The next meeting will be held at the hone of Mrs. Arthur Wiltse on November 9th,. when the election of officers will take place. GOSHEN -LINE, STANLEY The W.M.S.' of Goshen United church held their monthly meeting at the home of their. president, :Mrs. D. J. Stephenson. Meeting opened by hymn, and prayer by Mis, Jas. M'eClinehey and Mrs. Henry E ratt. Miss Mabel Calver read the scrip- ture lesson. All enjoyed a duet 'by Miss Margaret Robinson and Miss Olive Erratt. Mss. (Rev.) Poulter gave a splendid reading also a read- ing was given, by Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley. A report of the W.M.S. conference at Walton was presents} • by Mrs. Robt., McKinley and was very much appreciated. There wart Teacher—This is the worst com- position in the class, so I'm going to write a note telling your father a, bout it, Pupil—I don't dare if you do, be- cause lie wrote it. St. Joseph's Parish Hall Friday, November 27 AT 8.30 CARDS AND OLD THYME AND HARD THYME DANCES COSTUME PRIZES The Breadline will feral at 11.30. Gents 50c, Ladies, 26e - 46-1. — v SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY CREAM PUFFS CREAM ROLLS PUMPKIN P113 WITH WHIPPED CREAM „ . MINCE PIES With our own make of Mines Meat OH SO GOOD Made by: BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid Bread, Cakes and Pastry Phone 1, Clinton. CAKE Specials K• SATURDAY WE WILL FEATURE THE `PPRINCE OF WALES CAKE" Also other popular Cakes, Cookies, Fried Cakes rand Creamed Rolls. When Buying Gandy See our Assort - anent of Taffies and Special Chocolate Bargains.. Agent's for Willards, Hunts, Brolly's Lowueys and "Page and Shaw", Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and ]`Snowflake" ElifIEA b.. PHONE 613 THE FIRST COLD WEATHER MAKES US THINK OF THE FIRES WE ARE GOING To NEED Have your frunace cleaned and overhauled and in perfect condition, ready for use when' you need it. Your kitchen stoves alsomight need new pipes or cleaning after the summer's use. dust call us and we will be at your crviee immediately. Te IJaukins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Mono 244 1 Some Day the Snow will be Frying To Remind us Christmas is Coming And we want to let you know we are ready with a fine new: range of furniture, that will be most suitable for Christmas . Gifts. We have the new Lane Cedar Chests, carrying an Insurance. Policy of $100 against destruction by moths, all included in the pride.• of: the .Chests. ---/Just think of it—ask us about them—Order yours early. We have a great line of Tea Wagons, Spinet Desks, Tables of • all kinds, .Magazine Racks, Occasional Chairs, Fibre Furniture and Ferneries. It will pay you to buy furniture now as these are all wonderful' values and prices will never be lower. As you know we always carry a wonderful stock of Lamps se, it's wise to buy where you can get the stock; and a1 great price range to select front. Also our usual large stock of Children's Fur- niture. Make your selections early and avoid disappointment Later:. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co.' FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 195 MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORE WITH A STOCK Ur„tctkletetetC tQ, tvetutetr,tmewF.tiee.tetwavetoC tRmt$teoroo oeteteeeete• ONLY ONE MORE MONTH 'FILL CHRISTIVMAS WATCH FOR OUR SPECIALS EACIi' 'VVEEIC' of YOU WILL ENJOY DOING YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT" McKNIGHT'S V, Peas, No. 3 solve, NoI 2 size, 2 for 23a Maxwell Ilouse Coffee l's for 43c Large New Prunes 2 lbs. for 43c FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. ,,.25o New Currants, 2 lbs. 35c Bleached Sultanas, per Ib. 23e Lemon Teel, per ib. „18c . 18c Orange Peel, per Ib. 18e Citron Peel, per lb, '27e Cut mixed Peel, i/a lb. pk. 2 25c , Glace Cherries, 1-4 lb. 14c Singapore sliced • Pine- apple, per tin „....11c Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes for ler Tiger Catsup per bottle lire • Shelled Almonds, per lb. ..49c Chateau Cheese; 1-2 Ib. .,.17b Many Flowers Soap, 4 !cakes 25e Maple Leaf Salmon, tall ..384 Maple Leaf Salmon, small 19q, Clark's Spaghetti, lge. ....10e Benson's Corn Starch ....12n. MEATS :. Fresh Sausage, per ]p. ...20c Breakfast Bacon, per Ib. ..19e Pineapple Rings, 1-4 lb, ..17c Fresh Pic. Hams, ib. '14c SEE NEW CANDY DISPLAY FOR THE KIDDIES FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE WEEK -END J. T . MGKN JGHT & SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 ..!,ail orDin.. aamiasatsagae000ininizramaraiZi,nanua`tar 00,--400r zierai; tar,9rr 00,00V.. Fine Custom Tailoring. See our special Indigo Blue and Plain Blue serge, reguler $35.00' suit for $27.50' FOR A Siii<ORT' TIME' 'I! NIA Semi Suits made -to -measure for $24,50 Suit or Overcoat Cleaned andPrressed,for $1t00 for t tiisiweeIr only DAVIS HERMAN i i y -civarthig and Pkessfiag; AlteratYons' m.�