HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-11-19, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
The New Era Est IliNe
NO, 2545 -53rd YEAR
:hid is the JJreof ea,' when an
, s an `essential;.
,We have tate newest and best in the. above' line. They are well
oracle and reliable tiinekeeper5,
Is it not time you woke up to the Factthat Christmas is almost
]tore ,1
Colne in and make- your selections early. Goods held for latest`
delivery on malting a small 'deposit,
eweler and Optometrist
Mina esote..eml am=
of Transparent and Cut Velvet
at $Q5.00
Phone 174w,and 174j
Sizes 36 to 40
We cannot emphasize too
strongly the excellent• value
of these garments
if feu,' t6tg comic +G 4wg-to tmgtee tvelm-tK+ mato wt tcitE;G, .rztvcilmoz
Ii -1
1Vee1s tilt
C ristioas
and how they will fly
a0 airolmmaisoitt�traoir7arav` acX; arZe:ivii`Jiwtai$tofu`iratrmirobW" -D2,1 atoi
We now have on. display an ex-
ceptional line of Gift Sugges.
tions, ranging in price from
25e u
Make an Early Selection that we
may assist you in making your
Shopping a Pleasure
ds Sauday,
I li;ii..
I er
So be sure You take full Advantage of the Many
Bargains in which you can secure in
Now This Sale has been very outstanding and 'a
Money -Saving Event and with Winter so
Close. This is an Opportunity to get
Your Winter Requirements.
Wheat, OOe. -
Barley, •30c..,
Oats, 25e.
Eggs 18e to 40e,
Better, 20e, to 22c,
' Live Hogs;' $4.50:
On Tuesday morning of cast week
the barn of iG. Bisback, on the Bay-
field ,goad, ;just south of. town,was
destroyed• by fire, which also de=
stroyed' all his season's -'crop of
grain; . and `hay. Fortuinately, °'no
stock was in the barn, except a span
of horses which •he was at,tlte.:time
getting ready , for ,the morning's
work. But the fire spread so rapidly
that nothing could be done -to save
Early Tuesday morning this week,
between three and four o'clock, the
barn of-MVIr. J. T. Turner, the other
Side of the raitevey on the .Huron
road, west of town, was totally des-
troyed; together with what it cnn-
tained. When the..fire was discover-
ed it had -made such headway that
it was impossible to do anything. The
Clinton fire truck was run out but
the blaze was'•beyond any eontral by
that time. Thee barn was not filled,
as most of the season's crop was
housed in another barn, but there
was some feed, a number of farm
implements and also a threshing
machine belonging to Mr. J. .Camp-
bell. No stock was housed in it,
In both the above cases no cause
can be assigned for the fire. No fire
was near the 'buildings. In the lat-
ter ease no one had been near the
building for: some days. The loss
will be heavy in each case, although
partly covered by insurance. If
these barn fires are the result of
causes within themselves, such .at?
self -heating, farmers would need to
take extra precautions to guard a-
gaittst them. Barn fires have caused
a heavy loss to farmers in Ontario
during the past few weeks and far-
mers can ill afford such losses at
the present time.
•Saturday Was not a' 'very 'pleasant
Hay as to weather but it happened to
be the day set for the•onnuai bazagr
of the Women's Association of Wes-
ley -Willis church, so the ladies were
at their posts and "Business as Elsie
al," was the rule of the day. And,
though there is still some talk of
depression and the day was wet and
disagreeable, the ladies realized the
sum of over $200, their usual rettuns
from a similar effort.
The bazaar was held In the council
chamber, which was handsomely de.
aerated for the occasion, the several
booths being tastefully arranged and
the wares displayed in tempting fash-
ion. Mrs. A. T. Cooper, president of
the organization, • and the pastor's
wife, Mrs. D, E. Foster, acted as a
reception committee,
During the afternoon tea and niee
things to eat were served from
small tables arranged in the centre
of the hall, this department being in
charge of Kis. G. T. Jenkins as con-
vener, with Mrs. H. W. Gould and
VanPlorne as assistants, and.
Mrs. L. Hanle,- and Misses Madeline
VanITorne, Gene Andrews, Mabel
Robinson, Viola Holland, Dorothy
Glazier and Bessie Livermore as
deft and dainty waitresses.
A bhristnias Gift booth had on
display a number of articles, suitable
for gifts and before evening they
were pretty well cleaned up. Mrs,
James Scott was in charge of this
booth, being assisted by Mrs. it. E.
Manning, 'Mrs. E. Paterson, Mrs. W.
Manning, Mrs. W. Mair, Mrs. J.' H.
Brnndson, Mrs. 11. E, Rorke, Mrs.
F, Venner, Mrs. T..7. Watt, Mrs. G.
Cunifighame and Miss Kaine,
The ''home baking and prclduce booth
was a popular one and the hot e -
made buns, pias, etc., were disposed
of almost as soon as they appeared,
141, T. Carless was convener of
this booth, Mks: J. C. Gandiee, Mrs,
Fergus VanEgmand, . Mrs. A. Seeley,
Mas, .Fowler, Mrs. Biggart and Mrs
W. J. Mediger assisting. - -
The Candy table was looked after
by Mrs, H: Ambler, assisted by
Misses Edith Paterson, Mary And-
rews and Catherine Cameron.
Mrs. J. McKinley had charge of
the Touch and Take booth, being -as-
sisted by Mrs. W. Mutch,,Mrs. Heard
Mrs. J. Stewart and Mrs,. T. H.
Cook. ..
Pbe Children's Touch and . Take
was in charge of Mss. M. Nediger.
with Mrs. Wilfred Seeley, Mrs. G.
H. Jefferson, Mrs. J. A, Sutter and
Mrs. VarEgmond assisting.
Mrs. W. Robinson was in theme,
o the f Aron
Booth, MrsCharles-
h e -
.H Coils
worth, Mas, Farquhar, Mrs. W. Rig.
gins and MVlr•s, W. A, Vodden assist-
The tea assistants were Mrs. Sa
ville, 'M'rs. R. dime, Mrs,. Adam
Cantelon, Mrs. J. Jervis, Mrs. J. B.
Lindsay, Mrs, Chambers and. Mrs A.
on furlough and when she went back
The executive of etho ees xoung • Peo- the city was in initis. It has been
else' Society. kora . geeon Presbytery- �Y mesotely rebuilt encs now, she tie -
is. holding ` a Lally banquet 'on' Wed par . ,with any city
nesday, November nth, at ,Op.m. in on this .continent. The old native.
Ontaua Street ehut:ch Gli?iton. Riu- "e,„
A,,.., Ian been replaced by mod
sic addresses byern Ariterican and European style
lead0ts, etc., will Buildings, The
b0 g]veil.• • r'c ,people, especially the
young people, are very anxious " to
Peesbytoriee,pi e:eh' learn all .that is to be taught ane)'
Rfinister'smornr g sni;ject; '`In work among/them is very eneoura ,
the Service of the "Kih; Evemngy' ing,
"Christ Isverythtng i; ). ' Rev. 'Mr' rarrili, in speaking .after
• the address, said he hoped to- have
Wesley -Willis IJetited. Ghercb Miss Courtice'give.an address it 7'
The minister's corning subject ehen•ch service soon. A hearty vote
will be: "Religious -Certainty," Even of thanks was tendered Miss Cour-.
ing: ` Janles the Silent . 1 tice for her interesting talk.
The regular meeting of the W.M: SUSTAINED ;F
S. was held at the - home• of Mrs: T. RACTTJRI
J. "Watt; 12attenbur y street, west on Mrs. Leona Aikenheid had 'the
Thursday, evening ]hst. There was misfortune to have het arm broken
a good attendance axed NIrs. Pickard, when she attempted to crank her
the president, piesidcci for the busi ear last Friday morning, The bat,
nese meeting, Seveeal of the see-
ee- tery was .too logy to start the'en-
reported; the. treasurer re= gine :and she was giving ahand when
ported the finances', ahead of the it "kielred." MrsAikenhead was
same date last year, -also that - the Inst albout to start on a little" motor
autumn thankoffering amounted to trip. at the tune, but this had to be
about $170, $25 of this tieing a con_ .postponed.' Friday was the 'thir-
tr•ibution from the Girls' Club. It teentii, but then it night have hap -
was, decided to send'the Club a let-- pend anyway.
ter of thanks. It was also decided THEY ARE APPRECIATIVE
to entertain the Misei,on Band League
to supper on the evening• of Nevem_ The local branch of the Canadian
bet 27th. A. nominating eonunittee, Legion 'wish to thank the people of
consisting of Mrs. Heard, Mrs. Scott Clinton, Bayfield, Londesboro, Blyth
and Mrs. Fowler, teas appointed to and the surrounding country for
name officers for 1982 andreportat their ]oval and generous support in
the December meeting. Mrs. Ven- our annual Poppy Day Cainpaign,
net reported three mere bales ship- and to assure them that all moneys
ped to the west. Mrs. McKinley thus raised will be used for' relief
gave several current events, 141iss purposes amongst needy and distres-.
Stone gave an interesting paper on sed war veterans and their depen:
the study -book, finishing up the dents,
study for the year, and Mrs. D. E," The co-operation of the business
Foster and. Mrs. E. -Paterson contr]- men and citizens in seeing that Re-
buted a duet. membrance Day • was fittingly, ob.
served was also deeply appreciated.
St. Paul's cher& .
A meeting` was called on Frida;l ONE HOCKEY TEAM
evening, November 13th, to re -or- At a meeting of the cent -rat sports
ganize the A.Y.P.A. , Rev. Mr. Mei committee, last weoic, it was decided
Goun opened with prayer, and then that .only ane hockey team would be
gave a short address, which proved organized for the coming season.
very interesting. He also comment- There seems to be sufficient meter-
ed on the large turnout. iai availaeie'far a
The first business: was the exec_good strong team
to compete in the intermediate sere
tion of office's, the' dlloeeng being ies. tile tenni will be under the
elected:management of the central commit,
honorary Presidsxnte Rev. K. Me; tee and will be coached by a corn-
Goun. i petent ratan. Concentration on one
President: Miss Olive Schoenhals. team should make for the best as -
1st vice: Jack Elliott. sibie results. The officers were el -
2nd viee: Miss Margaret Cudmore• eeted as follows:
Secretary: 14I$ss Mruy Hovey, j President: G. T. Jenkins.
Treasurer: Stint Lobb. I .Secretary: Caryl Draper.
A. committee of three members Treasurer: T•Iarold Lawson.
was elected to work with the offi- i Manager: Jack Nediger,
sets as follows: Miss Olive Thomp- , Trainer: T. W. Morgan,
son, Mrs. C. V. Cooke, Charlie Wil- The boys started their pre -season
sun, training on Monday
The new president then took the last, under MIt
chair and with the assistance of the and the There was a good turnout
rest of the officers; continued the and the boysd are wTke n hard - n -
meeting. get into condition. The next train-
ing will be held tonight, Thursday, et
Miss Schoenha]s the president ex- 7 o'clock ,and every hockey player
pressed the desire, with the co -opera, and anybody wishing a try -out should
tion of the members, to make thi:c be on hand. All the ihoys look for -
year a big success. ward to a good season.
The meeting then set the amount With but one team in the compet-
of membership fee and day and etive field, why not organize a local
hour of meeting. The fee is 35e, league, have some matches and so
the society to meet at 7,80- each train the younger players for future
Wednesday evening. The first rope seasons?
ular meeting, in the foram of a social,
to be bald Wednesday of this week. LOCALS • : '
Ontario Street Dented Church I Are there as yet any simmerings
The minister's morning sermon in regard to municipal matters?
subject on Sunday: "The Indispen- j 1Vlr, James Howson has been re-
sibie Christ." Evening:"Easy Ways moved to the hospital and is quite i11.
or Hill- Difficulty—a - well warn . St. Paul's Ladies' Guild will have
Path!" i a fancy work 51101101 at the home of
A very special meeting of the W. i Mrs. H. T. Rance tomorrow, Friday,
111.5. was held on Tuesday evening of evening,
last week in the Sunday school I The House and .School Club will be
room, when Miss Sybil the nests
Courtice, ag of 'Victoria :time and
member of the church and society School Club, Goderich, this evening,
who has been in missionary work in, Nov. 19th.
Japan for a emnbee of years and hi A meeting of the lawn bowling -
now home on furlough, gave an ad- club will be held in the council chant -
dress. The occasion was also the an- ber on Wednesday evening, Nov. 25,
Huai Autumn thankoffeeing meeting at eight o'cleek.
and a large number of the ladies of The W.C.T.TT. will meet on Friday
the church, also members of the Wes- I -afternoon, Nov:, 20th, at the home of
ley -Willis and Presbyterian auxiliar- I Mrs, W. Hiles, Ontdrio street, at
fes were present. (`` three o'clock in the afternoon
Mrs, G, Shipley, president, ewe. I... Met E. H. Wil, of Ontario street
pied the chair and Mrs. Beaton' and as a rosebush i
bloom min his gar-
ters. F. G. Verrill also took; part in dem One rose 1s lin full bloom : and
the "opening devotional exereises. there are a nuuuber, al buds coming
Mrs. 'W. Marquis gave a reading and en.
a chorus was sung by a group of Five weeks from tomorrow will
young ladies and Miss E. Wiltse sang be Christmas Day. Now is the time
to do your Christmas shoppin4 Look
over the advertisements in this pas
per and you will see where to do it.
Ina recent examination T. W.
Morgan was promoted to the rank
of major in the Canadian" militia,
Dr. McIntyre to that of .captain and
a solo. The, .audience rose as Miss
Cour•tice more forward to speak, sig.
nifyng their esteem- for the work in
which elm is engaged. Miss Com-
tice spolce very instructively es Weil
as entertainingly and held the tit
tention of hex audience for an hour,
She spoke Cot only, of her world bee Harold C. Lawson to that of lienten-
gave an interesting insight into the ant.
manners, custgms and aspirations of 'Electric storms in the fall seem to
the Japanese people. She touched up- bring Warm. weather, - such storms
on the present conditions. in Man- the last two weelc-.ends being follow-
eltu r •i
aand her r o in]
ot seemed to beed b
Ywealth" more
o Aerie than
that Japan considered itself entirely Novereper. Flowers are stili bloom.
in the right, as if Japan withdraws ing in the gardens.
Russia Rus will
step` in and gain complete Messrs. 5. Ge Castle, It. Tasker;
eontral. Missy (lout ties told of the T. Churchill, F. Miler and Bert Bea -
change ir} the city of Tokyo :since coni went up nort,-li.,ee. a deer hunt,
the esithquake, which the people des- 'ing` blip lastLv 21t, Mr. Miller came
alba as 'The Great Calamity." home before, the others, bringing
This happened 'while she was homewith him ttrdeer shot by Mr. Tasker,
Mayor S. S. Cooper would like to
meet with all the citizens, both men
and women, who are interested in a
u rty Christmas Tree; at the
council ehambee on, Tuesday"evehirg
nests Nov. 24th; when the matter
will be discussed and plans madefor
the carrying •out of such a - project.
Members of the Centralia 'United
Cheirch congregation, nuinbering a-
bout -forty, visited the Huron County
Home; .Friday evening last and gave
a very pleasing program of instru,
mentals, solos, readings, -etc., whieh
was much appreciated by: the resi-
dents of the Home, After the pro-
gram they distributed a treat of ban-
anas, oranges and candy and spent
an hour or so chatting to the ,old
people, the social aspect of the vis-
it being also appreciated.
.Agent VanHorne . has announced
to The News -.Record that the C.N.R.
put into effect reduced fares ov-
er the Christmas and New Year's
holidays. The return fare will be a
single and a quarter fare, good go-
ing Dec. 2.5, 24 and 25, and valid for
return trip up to and including Dec.
28. The New Year's fare gdod goe
ing Dee. 80, 81 and Jars. 1, returning
up to and including Jan. 4.
Also a special fare for teachers
and students will be in effect. The
rate will be the same and -will be
good not more than three days prior
to or three days later than the dos-
ing and opening of sehoele A. certif-
icate from the principal will have to
be shown on applying for these tic-
Cheap Cates are on now for the
Royal Winter Fair and a number aro
availing themselves of them.
The November meeting of the
Heine and School Club was held in
the Collegiate on Tuesday evening,
November the seventeenth. Mrs.
Geo. Jenkins, the president occupied
the : chair, -Aeraangements- were
made for the Club to visit Goderich
Home and School - Club on Thursday
evening. A matfett was passed to
the effect that people save their pa-
Pers on the chance that a collection
will be made next spring, if the
market improves.
-Special numbers on the program
were a two part song by four Sr.
TV class girls, Eleanore Mantes
gave a reading "Registration Day"
and Jack Perdue gave two numbers
on his clarinet. Mrs. G. ii. Jeffer-
son read a splendid paper on "Pre-
ventives." She dealt on health eaten
around the home and gave uses of
common sense in avoiding accidents.
The meeting closed with "God Save
rho n" -
The depth occurred in Clinton
Public Hospital on Friday of Jesepil
Cecil Shipley, son of 1VIr; and Mrs.
Joseph Shipley of the London road,
who was so severely injured the pre,
vious Saturday forenoon when his
foot slipped into a bean thresher.
The young man, who just passed
his twenty-first year, was sweeping
off the top of the machine prepara-
tory to shutting, off the power when his
foot slipped into the cylinders and was
so terribly injured that it had to be
amputated. Some hopes were enter,
rained for his recovery when he sur-
vived the shack and loss of :blood'
but when bloodpoisoning set in it
was more than his weakened condie
tion could stand.
Keen regret is expressed at the
cutting off of this young life in so
tragic a manner and much sympathy
is felt for. the parents and family
in their •bereavement.
The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon from the home of the par-
ents and was very largely attended.
Mrs. J. A•mstrone Is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. John Carter of Wat-
The Woman's Institute shipped a
bale of clothing reeebtly to the
needy in Saskatchewan valued at
Mrs. M. ivlatining and Will Mang
ping visited with the farmer's bro-
ther, Mr. Janes Morris, St. Thomas
on Sunday. .
Mr. Geo, Barr and Mr. Henry Lear
have both installed Hydro in their
The Ladies' d es Aid of Knox church
are holding a bazaar in the basement
of the community ball on . Friday
November 27th, Afternoon tea will
be served during the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason of Merlin
were callers on Mrs, A. Allen ori
Miss Ida Lyon is spenrding, some
time with. her sister, Mrs. E. Tiesk-
of the 8th concession of Ilulii tt., .
!The young people of the United
char. eb are putting on the piay "Broad.
n in the 'community hat Fri-
day evening.
;Me. Artie Brundson of 'Saslatche--:
. wan, . who was visiting at the :tome.
of - his parents, - - Mr, and Mew. W.
Bruedson, has returned to his home.
. The W.M.S. of .the 'United chat -ells
held their regular meeting, at the"
]tome ef• Mrs. W. Grey, with. 'a;
splendid attendance. The presidents
Mrs. J. W. Johnson, presided in •her,
very able manner.. After the bust -
ruses part group No. ,2• had charge.
Mrs. Prank 'Wood being leaders;
Mrs. Fred Shobbrook read the bible
lesson, ties. Joe Vodden gave a tail'
en Temperance, which was well'
dealt With, Mrs. Edwin Wood • took -
the study book on Japan which was,
much appreciated; a duet by Mee.
W. Lyop and Mrs. Spinks was welt'
rendered, aceomanied by Mrs.,Weod,
and a very interesting and profit-
able time was spent by alt. Re-
freshments served at the close.
Mr. and Mrs, Prank Marshall of
near Blyth recently visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs., A. Weals,
Mr. and Mrs. George McCall spent
last Wednesday at Seaforth•
kr. and Mrs, J. Lyon recently vis-
ited the tatter's parents, 14r, and
Mrs. W. Beacom of the 13th ranee-.
Mr. and AIes, G. McCall had a vis-
it from Mr. and ' Mrs. Moffatt or
near Whitechurch last week.
Mrs. L. Ball and daughter spent
latt Wednesday at the home .of Mr.
and Mrs, Ball on the Base line.
Mrs. A. Well spent several days
last week at the home of her mother
Mts. Marshall near Blyth; We are
sorry to state that Mrs. Marshall is
quite ill. We hope that she may
Seen improve.
Mr, James Fairservlce is adding to
the appearance of his name by hav-
ing a parch •built Me. Floody of
Blyth is doing the toric,
Miss Esther Lyon and 1/115. C,
Lyon ,are at present visiting at the
home of Mrs, Sampson, PaTmersten.
.Miss Olive Mc'f3rien and Miss 3fyr••
tle Green of 'Windiest, spent the week-
end as the guests cif Mr. anti airs.
Hairy Ford,,•
Mr, and Mrs. Brogden Alengthe
who went to Toronto last week t,
spend the winter months, were ie
time to be present at the annual
meeting and party of the Huron
Old Boys' Association, which wax
held on Friday evening. :Meeting
thus with so many former eitiaenl
of the old county they would no
doubt feel that they were still very
much among friends.
Proclamations foe the holding off'
the municipal nominations are past-
ed up. The date of the nomination
meeting is Friday, November 27th,
and if a poll be denned%) en 'e]cr-
titin will be held on :Monday, Dee.
7th. So will the good citizens of
Goderich township get the burden of
the municipal .election off thele
minds well in advance of Christmas
and the New Year.
Miss R. MacDonald spent the
week -end at her hone in Teeswater.
The meeting of the Young Peopie's
Society of the United Church will be
held on Friday evening, Miss Cora
Trewctrtha, third -vice in charge, A
feature of the program will be de-
bate entitled: "Resolved that North-
ern Ontario has more advantages
than Southern Ontario,
The roads in ail directions are kr
very fine shape. It is seldom that
they are so good so late in the sea -
eon. The weather, too, is more like
spring than the autumn. We age
promised some cooler weather,
Mr. John Jackson of Winnipeg
was the guest over the week -end of'
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Jackson of the second.
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Bevan at
Toronto have been visiting Mr, and
Mrs. Wm, Stanbury, Mrs. Bevan,
and Mrs Stanbury are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQueem and`
Mrs. L. Forrest motored to Parkhill
last Monday and attended the funeral'
of Mrs. McQueen's cousin, the late
1VIr, Stephen Cosens, who is the last
of the family. "Friend after £rienr1
departs. Who has not lost a friennl`i'°
Miss Helen Tough visited. frieedsc
n last
(7. -Watt of Clinton visited'
friends in the village and vicinity
last t week,
Mrs. A. Davidson has gone to
London, where she will reside with
her daughter, Miss Helen.
A fowl supper, bazaar and prograte
will be given in the United Chtleele
Friday evening, November 20th.