HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-11-12, Page 8)'age 8 CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE • COILATE r 17-1 AT REDUCED PRICES Teaspoons, Set of Six, were $4.25; Now Think of being to buy a 26 piece set with Deluxe Stainless Dinner Knives, 'h a Service for Six; $30 25 As low as ''• Come in and make your selection from the newest --latest de- , signs—Noblesse, Adam, Deauville and Grosvenor. By 'purchasing COMMUNITY PLATE you are assured "Style Leadership" in your gift or for use on your own table -and THINI{ OF THE ,SAVING! H. JOHNSON, Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's : Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician NOP Buy yourself a new pair of Rubbers cr Galoshes and a pair for all tho members of the family at these low prices. CHILD'S RUBBERS, up to size 101-2 at eic MISSES RUBBERS, sizes 11 to 2 Brie YOUTHS' RUBBERS, Sizes 11 to 13 560 650. WOMEN'S RUBBERS, sizes 2 to S 'loo MEN'S RUBBERS, Sizes 6 to 11 SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL LINES OP HEAVY RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS, GAYTEES AND GALOSHES' ALL NEW FRESH STOCK AND NO SECONDS Special Prices en all Lines of Boots, Oxfords and Slippers BOYS' RUBBERS, sizes 1 to 5 750 Plumsteel giros.. Exclusive Dealer -- Tip Top Tailors Ltd, f DRESSED MUTTON, by the half, per lb. DRESSED PORK, by the half, per Ib. MUTTON STEWS, per ib. MUTTON ROASTS, per lb. MUTTON CHOPS, per lb. PORK SAUSAIGE, per 1b. 714c tie 7c 100 15e 1ic HAMBURG STEAK, per lb. 150 FRESH HORSE RADISH, per bottle 18, FOWL, VEAL, BABY BEEF, FOR THE WEER -END KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNELL 4i TYNDAiLL " CLINTON'S LLEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 102 Huron Street. t; r=oRo 0l ====so eso or.mO=- 0 6 SPECIAL TH ".EE PIECE frock* tilit s a ield Large Comfortable Chesterfield, Deep Springy and o Comfortable; Large Wing Chair and . Arm Chair to Match $125.0,,;1'' ii Finished in beautiful Mohair covering, with floral. a 11 designs on 'the reversible eushioiis li Its in Our Window SUTTER,EED UVaIKFR p Hardware 9 Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147'w Electric Wiring OEztW Oho dkd6'A kleithimbYttgikahlfailembilein STANLEY The annual community social wag held on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McJwan, About seventy-five of the neighbors fore -gathered for this annual event and a very happy, social time was spent, en excellent supper being one' of the roost popular features. ` , Mr, John .MacFarlane Wes host' et a dancing party at the'•home .of his Parents, Mr. and •Mrs. J.14Iac arlane, on Wednesday evening of Inst week,, about ninety being present, amongst ahem a number from Goderich' ton'n- ship' and other points. Needless to lay a pleasant time Netts spent. Mr. and Mrs. R. Y•. McLatein, f2ir. W. A, 1l cray en wird family slid 1411. and : Mrs i . 'B ethren, St., of Hen- sall e eee tihe 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 0. ?di:6h do leameitibriiitce Dai'. Master Bdliby 'Glen, th'e little eon of Mr, nni1 *Mos. Ed.' C. 'Glen, picked apples to include iri the car which recently Went to the west,,'anit also endosed 'a 's3na11 note lir the, consign- ment. The little fe11ow had a letter the other 'day from Mr Miller;of Avonlea, acknowledging the 'recipt, of the apples, telling how. welcome they;. were' and how '• they were clist�na' billed. _n l 1 a :.r;_; Ltlaitaidi REMEMBER 1914 1918 How black and lowering the Seri- zon was with the thunderclouds of wan, long years without a glimpse of the returning dove of :Peace. All was desolation and blackness `out there in the great void, lit only by the flash 'of the booming gun and the glint of the bayonet, the earth brown wilderness across which sped the messenger of death. Leagues of trenches, lines of khaki, roar of ar- tillery, the wailing shriek of shells.. and the cracking machine guns. The monotony of trench and hospital, the baeraek-like preeisien: of mere, the jaded feelings and the vague impres- sions. And reverently dwell upon the great sacrifice of that great host who gave their lives that we might live and then the hospitals now occupied with broken and mediated men, faces; disfigured, limbs gone, sight gone, physically, mentally shattered. The triumph of civilization in due time was a reality, the curtain did come down on, the last. scenes in the great drama with the high ideals of liberty and humanitarianism justified. Remember our fallen heroes and observe in a real, grateful and wor- thy way Remembrance Day. "LEST WE. FORGET" Miss Margaret Ctulmore spent the week -end visiting friends at Ethel. Ile Lorne Cools of Toronto spent theAyeek-end at Itis home in town. i4iegsit. McGoun spent the holiday .» t,;,,f{ " her parents at Luean yester- day. • Mrs, George Kemp of 1<'Iitchell has been visitilrg at the home of her brother, Mr. 0.•W. Putter. Itir, and Mrs. Drake and family of Staffa visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. Elmer Colquhaun. Mrs. Stan Grieve has returned after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs, Fred Cook of Wyandotte, Mich. • Mrs. Milton Cook of Sarnia was here last week attending the funeral of Iter sister -,in-law, Mrs. M, J. Scho- enhals. Dr. Gandier, who was up north on a duck -shooting trip, was galled home Last week owing to the illness of a patient. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippel and babe of Bowntanville have been visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Miss Eva Carter of Kitchener Pubiio school staff was called home on Thursday last owing to the sudden death of her father. 11e and Mrs. Jahn Rath of Ontario street spent a few days with the latter's cousin, Mr's, Melvin How- ell of Goderieh, last week. Mr. and Pats. Nisbit Cook, and Mr. and Mrs, Hanly of Toronto spent the week -end as guests of their respective parents in town. Mr. Ben Webb of Kitchener was in town on Monday, conning to attend the funeral of the late R. 13. Car, ter. He called on a few olcl friends whilo i11 town. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Clark were hi London oh Saturday attending tha wedding of the lady's brother, Mr. H. L. Wise, who was married to Miss Anna Marie Elliott on that clay. Miss Jean Colquhoun of Mafia hal been visiting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. 1I. Fitzsimons, whe has been confined to her bed the past week owing to alt inured knee. Mrs. 0. Treee and her daughter Mist Helen, of London, vidited over Remembrance Day with the fornner's brother, Rev. V. G. For- tin, at the Ontario street church parsonage. Rev. G. W. Sherman of the Baptist church and Mrs. Sherman left Monday to spend a holiday in Lane ark County. Mr. Sherman will get in some hunting while .away. %tel. Me. Goodwill of Blyth will weepier the' baptist pulpit during Mr. Sheraton's absence. • Mr. .T. M..Sonthcott of the Rxeter .']lines Advocate, and Nr. Creech former publisher of the Advocate, ;were in town on T'hu'rsday atter. noon last. They carne up think- ing that, they 'Would 'try out Glirt ton's golf links but. the Weather ' grew steadilyWor:se es -the after- traan wore on and they had to con. tent themselves• With a :squirt at the course, S''itit Christmas, only girt weeks away, however, it won't' '500110 very lohg until 'nex't spring 'acrd ';hely blot, `Collie tagai0. TIIE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, NOVEMI1ER 12, 123/ eeeasseegaeffemegenswwwwwwswelosseememeateast With Really 'Wonderful Values and Suggestions for Christmas Cakes SEE OUR MARKED DISPLAY BASKETS ---ALL GOODS SPECIALLY LOW PRICED Chocolate Marsh Mallow Cakes, per 15c Fancy Mixed Cakes, per pound NEW HEINZ TOMATO JUICE 10c 15c 15c and 20c Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Seedless Raisins, " '25c Lemon & Orange Peel 19c Mixed Cut Peel, Ib. 25c New Dates, 2 lbs. 25c New Cooking Figs, 2 Ib. 25c Shelled Walnuts, lb. 49c Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. 19c O'Neil's FavoriteCoffee 39c Our Own Special Tea 49c resits kh Heinz Pork & Beans 2-25c Salada & Red Rose Tea 55c Pumpkin (No. 2) 2 tins 19c Aylmer Soup, 3 tins 25c Peas (No. 4) 3 tins 25c Pork & Beans, 3 tins 25c FRIGIDAIRE SPECIALS Picnic Ham (Fresh) lb. 12c Pickled Rolls, pound 15c Mince Meat, 2 pounds 25c Breakfast Bacon, Ib. 19c s A NEIGHBOR'S RECIPE UNUSUAL CAKE One-half cup butter, one cup brown sugar, one cup strained toma- to juice (or one can tomato scup, adding one teaspoon soda to tome, tes), two cups of flour, one teaspoon nutmeg, one teaspoon cinnamon, one, teaspoon cloves, one - 'half teaspoon salt, one cup chopped walnuts, one cup raisins. Bake in a loaf thirty to thirty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Icing: One pack- age cream cheese; one and one-half cups icing sugar, one teaspoon van- illa. Spread on cake when cold, CLINTON'S . BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 'NEIL Where "SeIIs for Less" Price Prevails GODERICH TOWNSHIP Bliss Helen Beacom has returned ]tome after a visit with her aunt in Bruceficld. Miss Gladys Way attended the wedding of her brother, Mr. Casey Way, of Kippen, on Wednesday of last week, acting as bridesmaid. Mr. Albert Colclough, who has been serving on the jury at the fall assizes in Goderiell returned hone on Wednesday, Mrs. Anne Colclough spent tho week -end with her son, Mr. Albert Colclough. St. Joseph's Parish Hall CLINTON on the evening of Monday, November 16 CARDS: 5.30; LUNCH; DANCING Achniseion, Gentlemen 50e, Ladies 25e •14.1. Wesley -Willis BAZAAR CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP AND BAZAAR Will be held in the Council Chamber, CLINTON Saturday, Nov. 14th commencing at 2.30 o'clock under auspices of the W. A. BOOTHS: Christmas Gifts Aprons Touch and Take Home-made Baking and Produce. Touch and Take, for boys and girls. CANDY: .Afternoon Tea will bo Served. EVERYBODY WELCOME 42-3. CHOCOLATES REDUCED Hunt's Limited, Toronto, liave Re (Weed the Retail Price of 'Chocolates from 60c per lb, to 60e, 'phis includes Assorted Bon -Bons and Hard Centres. This Is the . New Blue and Sliver Pox, 45 pieces; to a pound box. For Fine ° Pastry call at 'our Store any Day, but don't fail to snow(' Our weeltuend Specials. 9 Bakery Wendorfs . & tCot t+�ECT ONEtla" ,: Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" DREAD ,n PHONE G Thursday November 19 at 8 pan., in the TOWN HALL it Lecture by Colonel J. S. Bladin OF NEW 'ZEALAND Entitled: Knights of the Kitbag or THE EXPERIENCES OF A PADRE ON ACTIVE SERVICE' Colonel 11. 13. Combe will Preside. and Prominent Townsmen will Assist Admission 25e. For other announcement see else• where in this paper. Have You. Tried ICYEAST THE NEW HEALTH BAR MADE BY SILVERWOODS Makers of Smoother Than Velvet Icecream. SPECIAL SATURDAY MACAROONS ANGEL CAKE VI -TONE CAKE Made by: BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid Bread, Cakes. and Pastry Phone 1, Clinton. THE F1':ST COLD WEATHER MAKES US TI3INK. OF THE FIRES WE ARE GOING TO Have your frunace cleaned and overhauled and in perfect Condition, ready for use when you need it. Your Ititehen stoves also might tteedelew pipes or cleaning after the summer's use. Just call us and we will •be at your service immediately. T. llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Ii jT9f be Lon till Christvnas DO YOU REALIZE IT'S ONLY 42 DAYS SO YOI; WILL BE WISE TO START MAKING YOUR SELEC- TIONS EARLY AND HAVE IDEM PUT AWAY POR FUTURE DELIVERY WE HAVE A WELL ASSORTED STOCK 010 FURNITURE 011 ALL KINDS AND YOUR MONEY WILL GO FARTHER THAN IT EVER D1D• BEFORE WATCH (IVR WINDOWS AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE NEWEST IN FURNITURE. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co, PHONE 195 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DI:ALE'R5 THE STORE WITH A STOCK SPECIAL THURSDAY, FRI. & SATURDAY I C1 , ark's Pork & Beans medium, 3 tins for 25e ;Aylmer Catsup 12 oz,, 2 bottle ...23c Wnxtite Soda Biscuits ! 16 oz. pkg, .14c' Ammo." solommas;o6. Ch. QUAL, Mincemeat, .2 ib. 25c Molasses Snaps, 2 lbs. ....25c Interlake Toilet Paper, 3 for 25c Premitinr Tea, per lb. • ....59c Catnpbeli's' Vegetable's Soup special 2 tins )Ile Rinso. large pkg. Caen . l9c Aylmer Choice Peas Sieve No. 4, 2 tins l:le ,tiff Soap Flakes 19c Kraft Salad Dressing 21e Chateau Cheese, per pkg. 19e Ch. Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. 25e FRIGIDAIRE SPECIALS Fillets of Haddio, lb. 20c Sausage, per ib. 20e 13reakfast Bacon, per Ib, „23e Fresh Pickled Rolls, per ib. 15e Choice Dairy Butter 25e Creamery Butter 25c Lard, 2 Tbs. for 211 Fresh Picnic Hams, per Ib. ld' J.T. PlicliNIGHT & SON €LINTON, ONT. PRONE 111 w..r...r.d ae.ewni ND SEE OUR SPECIAL SALE v. . �. I rcoa�:s of Sweaters V e Wonderful Bargains in Sweaters from 95c to $5.016 Come in andY p ick out your Winter O'Coat Specially priced from $9.59 to $59.00 HERMAN DAVIS �