HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-11-12, Page 5THURSDAY, ;NOVEMBER 12, 1931 OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Clinton needs is a business men's :organization of some sort. We used to have a Board of; Trade bat it 'seems to havo gone dead again. Six weeks from today will be Christmas Eve, .the day before Christmas. Is it too early to remind our readers to do their Christmas shopping early? Now that Canada seems t4. be ev- ening up her tr'ad'e balance with the United States a senator over there - writes to Premier Bennet suggesting that there is a .grow.ng,' feeling in favour of recprosity. fill a long felt want in rural tom, inanities such as this, But there semis to be a growing tendency to eliminate the small hospital and di- vert patients to the larger ones. Ie there not a danger of commercializ- ing illness and making a "big busi- ness" of hospitals and nursing? A. hospital such as that conducted in Clinton, served by skilled doctors and surgeons, skilled and careful nurses, is exactly the sort of a place where, patient is likely to receive the very best of care, and treatment. They are personally known to both doctors and nurses, and not merely "eases." Members of their family can drop in and see thein frequently they are kept in touch with their' own Households and every encouragement is given for an early recovery. If regulations as to the number of beds are strictly enforced, ,malting it im! possible for nurses to be trained in the small hospital, then many of them will have to close, as none and self-supporting now.'As to the train- ing of a nurse in a hospital like that in Clinton, while the efficiency of superintendent : and' doctors remains' as at present, and as has always been the case here, student -nurses -are in the way of receiving a varied and complete training. They may, indeed, have 'the advantage aver thosein larger hospitals as, both doctors and superintendents have more time and, 'knowing each nurse individually, more inclination to give bedside training. The present tendency toward cen- tralizing entralizing everything in the large centres is not for the good of the people in general. The more people we can keep happily employed in the smaller places ; and -on the farms, providing them with modern living conditions, which includes skillful hospital treatment, the better it will be for the country. . n k * • Gandhi went to His' Majesty's ,re- • ception clad only in a loin cloth. We sincerely hope he catches a bad cold. He is nothing but a 'niedicine• 'man" with a flair for the theatrical. -Lon-. -:den 'Free Press. We'd be • willing to wager that --were' the little brown man in Canada. -.when this is being Written' he would vivant to den, mere ,than a loin cloth and sandals The 'Mall and Empire had the fol- lowing commentthe other day upon ...an :editorial in the Stratford Beacon - Herald: "The Stratford Beacon -Herald cor- rnends Sir Henry Drayton \upon -his announcement'. that, the liquor ::,shops will not.1 a closed during the 'corning -winter. And our contempor", • ary very properly points out that if the stores .were closed the bootleg- gess'' business would flourish • once more 'and' it would be - increasingly •,•difficult to enforce the 'laws.'' The Beacon -Herald did'say some- - thing like this and, because it pleas- ed the Mail •acid Empire, it comment- •• ed upon it. But the Mall and Em. ;ire did not go on and comment upon something else that the Heaton-H'er old said which was as follows: "There is room for changes in oth- er. directions. To illustrate: There was a case in the London police court following a free fight in a home, where three of the participants were Indians. During the visit of 'the po- lice the liquor permit of •the house- holder was secured, and it- showed that be had purchased $157.20 worth of liquor since July, the month of 'October accounting for $36.85. The .significant part of the case comes to the surface in these wards: 'During 'that peritd it is,'alleged that the man his wife and children have been ap- pealing for relief at the city hall, claiming they were. starving.' There is something decidedly' wrong here. The holder of that per- mit •was spending money in the liq, nor store at the rate of $471.60 per, year and it should have been—and indeed it is --the plain duty ofthe liquor vendor and his assistants — to cheek up on such purchases. We .fear there is not enough attention given to this sort of work, which is actually where 'control' could be made effective." No perfect why has yet been de- vised of "controlling" -the sale anti consumption of strong liquor, and criticisms of any .system are 'per- fectly in order, if anyone has any ideas about improvement. Govern- ment Control is the law of Ontario but even its warmest supporters would not perhaps claim that it even approaches perfection. 'And one of its greatest weaknesses, is the feel that a man may and often does bay a great deal more liquor than his financial circumstances warrant. TIIE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD CARD OF THANKS .... 50c t. MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE ' ...10c MARRIAGES DAVIDSON'—LAWISON — At the United Church Parsonage,'-Londes- boro, on Nov. 7th, by the Rev. J. W. Johnson, Luella Jean; daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Law- son of Hullett, to john. R. David- son, son of Mi's. A. Davidson and the late Mr. Davidson, Brucefield, WISE—ELLIOTT-At the Church of the Redeemer, London, on No,- yember „7th, by the Rev. Whn. A. Townshend, brother -in law of the bride, Anna Marie, daughter of Thomas H, Elliott and the late Mrs. Elliott : of Goderieh township, formerly of Bayfield, to Herbert Le Roy Wise, eon of 1Vfr. and 'Mrs. Edward H. Wise, Clinton. BIRTHS CURRIE—In Clintqn Public Hospit, al, on Nov. 7th, to Mr. and Mrst Russell Currie, a daughter., -Janet Fraser. • LONDON ROAD On Thursday evening of last week a joliy •tine was spent at the home of Mrs. Davidson when the community club and a number of friends gathered for a friendly chat on learning that Mrs. Davidson was about to leave the neighborhood and during the evening presented her -with a bridge lamp as a token of good wishes. 'MacRae, brother-in-law, of Strath - The following is the address read roy. Tho bride chose a graceful DEATHS CARTER. -fin Clinton, on November '5th, Robert Bell Carter, aged 68 years and 9 months. SIMS -In Wingham, on November 5th, Mary J. Campbell, widow of William Sims of Blyth, aged 62 years. r Member of Florist, Telegraph Delivery Association, Floral Designs Cut Flowers' For All Occasionsse-77 is....ssrese ` CHRYSANTHEMUMS NoW IN SEASON Our Greenhouse is' as near as :lour phone. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66* and 66j parried by Mr. and Mrs.' Pollock who will visit with them for fortnight. Miss Josephine Sterling left on Sunday to visit . her sister, Mrs. II. McLaren at Port Elgin. Beauty Shop Having started a beauty shop in connection with Laughlean and Fish- er's barber shop, would solicit the patronage of the ladies of Clinton and vicinity. Betty Rolph. 44-2. BAYFIELD At the church of the Redeemer, London, on Saturday at high noon, a quiet marriage was solemnized when Anna Marie, daughter of Mr. Tho- mas H. Elliott and the late Mrs. El- liott of Goderich Township, form- erly of Bayfield, was married to Her- bert Le Roy Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wise, Clinton. Rev. Win. A. Townshend, brother -in -taw of the bride, officiated and the wedding musie was played by Mrs. Howard Clark, Clinton, sister of the groom. The church was decorated with autumn tinted chrysanthemums which made an •effective setting for the lovely bride and her attend. ants, Miss Betty Elliott of Edmon- ton, sister of the bride, and' Mr. Ian by Mrs. Milton Wiltse and the pres- entation was made by Mrs. Gould; "Dear Mrs. Davidson: We have learned you are about to leave this neighborhood and make your home in a new locality. As members of the Community Club we have gath- ered here this evenng to say that our good wishes will always be with you. knowing that you will make new friends there, we hope to be remem- bered among the old ones. Please accept this little remembrance, not because of its value, but only as a 'slight token pf appreciation for all you have done for our club. Signed on behalf of the Club—Mrs. Hanley, president; Mrs. Andersen, Secretary While threshing beans at the barn of Mn W. Stanbury on Saturday last a very bad accident occurred when Mr. Cecil Shipley, who was on the feed table, at the time, overbalanced and stepped into the machine. Med- ical aid :was at once stunmoned, but it took. considerable time to release him from the cylinder. He was at once rushed to the Clinton Hospital, where his leg was amputated below the knee. It is feared there • will have to be a further amputation. Much sympathy is felt for the un- fortunate young m.ar. •ancl his fancily, as his father has not enjoyed good health for some time. It will be a. long time before he will be able to be around, but Cecil possesses an abundance of grit and a strong will that will carry Minn through. We hope after the severe shock and pain abates that we will improve rapidly. sv5e At a meeting of the American Hospital Association held in Toronto recently one speaker, when the ques- tion of the famhly doctor was up, was quoted as saying: ' "The old physician has gone, and, ht my opinion, has gone to stay — for the simple reason that it was Physically and financially impossible for _ him to be equipped in align. rent with the demands of today. I am satisfied that, more and more, the hospital and clinicwill take the place of the personal tough that had been, and is, expected of the persona/ physician." Happily for the community in which we live this has not happened. • Clinton has' always, been blessed, as many other commwtitiee in Ontar- io are with 'skilled doctors, and we ' have them still, the kindly, cultured "family doctors," who know, their patients and are interested in them and whose presence 'in the sick' room always brings' cheer and comfort: -and we trust we shall .:always have ...them. Clinics and hospitals havetheir places and arts of benefit•., to, many. ' but no clinic can take the place of 'a family doctor, who is ecfluiiint'ed with his patients and deals„ idiffe eptly with each one. By clinic is probably • meant' the travelling kind, with speL' aialists and nurses, who examine patients and prescribe treatment.. ' These may be all right for special cases, but for the ordinary' ills which afflict mankind' nothing can equal the good old family doctor who can be blunt enough to tell you there •cry nothing wrong, with you which a dose of castor oil will not set right, when. you become finicky about your health -or can, when occasion presents itself, give you expert ,treatment for some really serious trouble. Hospitals are 'all rnght,' too, They Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg 'Regulations. Inquire for our prices, of eggs. You will always find our prices "par- allel with the city, markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our•,office for prices before .marketing produce. _ N, W. Trevirar'tha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Clearing Augiion Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements at lot 48, Bayfield Road; 1 mile south No - an ' Thursday, west 'of Clinton vember 19th,, . at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting, of the following: HORSES: Black mare, 12 years old; black horie, 9 years old, a right good team; aged horse. CATTLE: 2 young Durham cows. fresh two months; 2 young Durham cows, due to freshen in December; pure-bred Jersey cow, milking, due to freshen in December; 2 Holstein cows, milking, due to freshen in Feb- ruary; 2 Holstein cows, milking, due to freshen in March; Holstein cow, freshened two months; 3 Holstein heifers, due to freshen in January; Durham heifer, due to freshen in January; 6 fat heifers, about 800 lbs. 8 choice Polled Angus 'steers, about 800 lbs.; 8 yearling steers and hei- fers; 6 spring calves. PIGS: 3 store hogs, about 100 lbs. 2 chunks, about 50 lbs. HENS: 100 yearling Leghorns; 50 yearling Barred Rocks. IMIPLEMENTS: M:II. binder, 6 ft. cut; M. -M. mower, 6 ft. cut; In- ternational mower, 6 ft. cut; bean cultivator, with putter attachment; seed drill; set of harrows; 2 walking plows; heavy farm wagon; hay rack; wagon box; stock rack, new; Deem ing hay rake; M. -II. hay rake, disc barrow, spring tooth cultivator; set of, bob sleighs with flat rack; steel ;ired buggy; 2 Portland cutters; set of scales, 2,000 bl. capacity; set of heavy harness; set of plow harness; set of single harness;' 20 new grain bags; about 400 bus. of oats; ladders, forks, chains, whiffletrees and other articles too numerous to mention. Quantity of household effects. TERMS: Grain, Poultry', Household Effects, and all sums of 810 and un- der, cash; aver that amount 10 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing satisfactory joint bankable paper, or a discount of 5 per cent straight, allowed for cash on credit amounts. Everything to be sold as proprietor has sold his farm. Ev- erything to be settled for on day of sale. Guarantee: Any'cow sold to be with calf and proving not to be with- in 30 days from date of sale. 20 per cent will be refunded. Geo. Holland, Prop. H. Gorey, Clerk, G. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. 44-1. gown of nigger brown georgette with trimmings of Chateuse and carried a corsage of Ophelia roses. After the ceremony a wedding luncheon to the immediate families was served at the home of the bride's sister, Church of the Redeemer Rectory, Adelaide St. Mr. and Mrs. Wise left later on a motor trip to Michigan and Ohio States. For travelling the bride chose a smart silk and wool sport suit and wore a muskrat coat and 'small deity hat of brown with shoes and gloves to snatch. On their re- turn they will reside on the groom's farm in Goderich township. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and three children, Mr. and, Mrs. ITarry Baker and babe of London spent Sun- day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford Ding and Master Douglas and Miss Mina Proc; for of Toronto were the guests of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. George Ring. Rev. and Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Miss Betty Gairdner spent the week -end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. 1•I. Johns and family motored, to Wiiatrton where they spent Remembrance Day with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ker of Wal- kerton, Mr. and. Mrs. T. Mallett and babe and 14liss Marion Davison of London spent Sunday with the lat: ter's mother, Mrs. Jno. Davison, Mr. Harold Scotchmer, 0.A.C., Guelph, was home over the week -end: IVIr. Sydney Castle who has been visiting • his mother, Mas. M. Castle: left last week to resume his duties with the Canadian Departmental Stores Ltd. Mr. E. Patchell, teller in the local Branch of the Canadian Bank o/ Commerce, spent Remembrance Day at his hone in 'Chesley. • Mr. F. A. Edwards who has been visiting relatives in Leaden- and Lobo- returned home on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. A. Newton, Brady - motored. to Sarnia to spend Remem- brance Day with the latter's mother, Mrs. McDonald. , Mrs. M. Ferguson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geddes in Seaforth, this week. Mx. and Mrs. J. Stewart' d Handl- ton spent the week -end with, the lat- ter's parrents, Mr and Mrs. I; Policia. On 'Blair *return they were accom LEAVITT'S THEATRE EXETER Thursday, Friday (Saturday Matinee and Evening) Return Engagement By Special Request `PROF. GLADSTONE" The sensation,; of. Three -Continents Europes •Mastexy"Mind Reader. See the Wizard Malt of ItI ,stery who will appear at every performance in conjunction with our De Luxe pic- ture Program. Positively no advance in prices: WED., TRUSS. "CISCO KID" Warner Baxter and Edrn.ond, Lowe ..."MAGIC CARPET" Comedy: Laurel and -Hardy int Another Fine Mess. FRI., SAT. WILL ROGERS IN Young as you Feel Fox. Movietono News NEXT .WEER, MON., TUES., WED. -Jack Holt and Ralph, Graves in Hell's Island THURS., FRI., SAT. CHARLIE'S AUNT WITIF 'CHARLES ` RUGGLES Northern Electric Sound System CAPITAILTHEATIZE Goderich, Phone 47,,E A short drive and a good showy P. Trader Herrn Mg: MON, TUES., WED. MARIE DRESSLER AND POLLY MORAN in "POLITICS" You'll have the' time of your life while the comedy queen is running for mayor. THURS., FRL, SAT. • MYSTERY. ADVENTURE! ROMANCE! . THE d , "BLACK CAMEL" A thrilling adventure drama with enough of the mystic to keep you in suspense until the final scene. Coming: "The Devil To Pay". COAL, COKE, .tCT1 HEAT FOLKS 'The: WECi. KNOWN FURNACE FAVORITES WIU. NOW SNOW THEIR 8TRgtioTH WOOD, , •CEMENT,' Ijfles, lql 9 The Heat Folks; are ren'ovvned in this town fpr malting cold vanish quickly.: They put win- ter weather to shame and • fairly take Jack's breath away. The coal roan is the joy man when he delivers this "Blue Coal." It is the cream of coal, fresh and sparkling. 'Each piece is jam- med and crammed full of happy heat' ready to do your bidding.. You are buying warmth and cheer when`you Call the vpier Mtn FOR GOOD, CLEAN COAL J.B. Vustard{ ral 1 PHONE 74 • CLINTON, ONTARIO BRUCEFIELD Fowl Supper, Concert and Bazaar will be held in the. United Church, BRUCEFIELD Friday, November 20th Supper will be followed by a Concert by the Exeter H'uronia Male Chorus, including Duets, Quartettes, Violin Selections, also a Scotch Comedian anti Elocutionist. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS THIS WILL BE A REAL TREAT Admission 50e; Children 86c. 44-1. C. H. VENNER, ' Electrician Electric Ranges, . Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 For Sale Holstein cow, • 4 years old, fresh Apply to p Wim Sparks, eon. 13., lot 15, Stanley, phone 78 ring 15, Hen - sail. 44-2-p. t For Sale 16 York pigs, seven weeks old, also 11 chunks, all in first class shape. Apply to John B. Hyde, lot 8, con, 2, Stanley. Phone 11-86, Hansail central. 44-1-p. For Sale A four -cylinder stationery engine, friction clutch, self-starter, in first class eondition. Terms reasonable. Apply Noble Holland, R.R. No. 41 phone 617r22, Clinton. 4472-p. Photographs For Christmas ,Gifts for your friends. Only 6 weeks until. Christmas. We're busy now with Christmas orders. We will make Portraits that you will be proud to give to your friends. Spec. tial offers for Portraits. Please come early in the day. Sudio open every week day also Saturday nights till 9 p.m. Burgess Studio, Clinton and Mitchell.' Let us finish your next snapshots. Clearing Auction Salo Of Farm Stook and Implements at Lot 15, Babylon Line, Stanley town- ship, 2 miles south-west of Varna ort Wednesday, November 18th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of the fol- lowing: HORSES: Draft horse, 7 years old; Agriculture mare, 8 years old, supposed to be in foal; driving horse, 9 years old, quiet and reliable. •CATTLE: Durham cow, 8 years old, due to freshen in June; Durham cow, 6 years old, with calf at foot; black cow, 6 years old, due to fresh- en in February; black cow, 3 years old, due to freshen in July; blue cow, '4 years old, due to freshen in Marek; Polled Angus • cow, 4 years Old, due to freshen' in April; 10 Durham steers, 2 years old; 3 Dur- ham heifers, rising 2; 5 Durham yearling heifers; 4 Durham spring halves. - PODIIIPRY: A number of good young hens. • IMVIPLF0MifNT$S: Deering binder,. 7 ft. cut; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering,11 disc drill; 2 spring tooth cultivators; riding plow; single fur- row; riding plow, 2 furrow; acufflers set 'of harrows; • set ot` scales, 2000 lbs. capacity; 2 Clinton fanning mills; hay rake, John Deere' hay load- er; steel tire buggy; road cart; cut- ting box; forks, chains, whiflfetreett and numerous other articles; quart, tity of household effects, quantity of mixed hay; about 200 bus. of good oats, suitable for seed; quantity of mixed grain. Everything to Ilxj.sold as proprietor has, sold 'his farm. Terms: Grain., poultry and all sums o:f, 810;and under, cash; aver that: amount 10 months' credit, will .he given:. on .furnishing approved joint notes or a' discount of 5 per cent., MEITING''OF HURON COUNTY • COUNCIL The Ilnroih County Council will meet in the County Council Cham- ber, Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'clpek in the afternoon, Tuesday the 1st' day of December 1931. All accounts and petitions should begin the bands of the Clerk not later than Monday the 30th day of November, to insure attention, and notices of deputations or requests for hearing, should be sent in previous to the meeting of the .Council. Geo., straight -allowed for cash on credit W. He lmax , C oimty_ Clerk. ani on*Il. ., .'IE', d' vousi 'd Su` cte p''o h neenesron , P.,4 i o p., Gnder'ch'No .•10th, 131. 44-.Gce,.. MORTGAGE SALE Of Store and Residential Property Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on Monday the 30th day of November A.D., 1931, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the •after- no'on at the undersigned property, in the Town of Clinton, subject to a reserve bid and certain conditions of sale, the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract 'of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, being com- posed of the South East part of Town Lot Number Two hundred and ninety-six in the said Town of Clinton and better described as hav- ing a width 'or frontage of sixty-one feet ten and one-half inches on Vic- toria Street measured Northwardly from the South Easterly angle of the said Lot, and extending back with the same width and distance of nin- ety --four and one-half feet to a line running parallel with Victoria Street' aforesaid containing by admeasure- nient one seventh of an acre mare or less; subject to a right of way fif, teen' feet wide along the Southerly Unlit of said parcel of land to the rear thereof for the use and benefit. of the owners and occupiers of the South Westerly part of said Lot two hundred and ninety-six, a gate to be maintained at the Westerly end of the said right of Way. ;Upon the property it is said there is erected' a store with first class living quarters at the rear and upstairs. TERMS: Thirty per cent. ofthe purchase money to be paid down at• the time of sale and balanee to be paid within thirty drays.' For further particulars and condi- ti�o�ns of sale 'apply' to the updersigni oil: Agent For Mallotte Cream Separator and Separator Supplies, old machines any make, taken in exchange. F. H, Powell, 11, R. No. 3, phone 6071-4, Clinton. 42-1f. Spirella, Corsetiere For Corsets, Girdles, Brassieres, etc„ call on Mrs. J. Silcox, Clinton. Phone 215-j. Listen in to tl't daily broadcast at 1:50 p.m., over W.G.R. Buffalo. 43 -2 -pi NOTICE Voters' Lists, 1931, Municipality of the Town of Clinton, County • of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up in my office, in the Town of Clinton, this 30th day of October, 1931, the list of all persons entitled of vote in said Municipality at mun- icipal elections, and at elections to the Legislative Assembly, and that such list, remains there for inspec- tion. And I hereby call Upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, before the 21st day of November, 1931. Dated this 30th day of October, 1931. R. E. MANNING Clerk of the Toeat of Clinton 43-2. Pulletts For Sale Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Pullets for sale from blood -tested cockerels Apply to Ed. Miller, Clinton, R. R. No. 3 43-th Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w Poultry, Eggs & Crea Menefellalerillanantinier Foot Correction! Have completed a special training itt Foot Correction All foot ailments treated. Con- sultation FREE. D. H. McINNES Chiropractor. Drugless Tl,eropist. Phone 207, Clinton 4.3-2-p. .. DATED at Clinton, this 10th day of November, A.D., 1981. Geo: H. Elliott, 'Auctioneer. F+, Fingland, ,Solicitor for the Mort- gagee. ' ,44-3 44-3. WANTED We are prepared to buy above ev- ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purchased for Bowes' Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator. Victoria St., Clinton. Phone, 231. Implement Agent I handle Cockshntt implemental and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire aboai any of the above kindly call at my. residence, •4?p . JOHN V. DIEHL Queen :street, Clinton, House For Sale 5 -room frame cottage, Albert street, north, Clinton. Quarter acre of land, town water installed, Cheap for quick sale. Write P.O. Bax 324 or phone 83, Clinton. 39-11. For Sale Lady's Persian lamb, sable trim- med coat. Medium size, in good cons dition. Will be sold reasonably. In- quire at The News -Record off3ice. 81-t11. AGENT FOR MASSEY-HARRIS CO. House For Sale A most desirable house on Prin- cess street. 3 minutes from the Col- legiate, 10 minutes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Good garden and fruit trees. An ideal home in geed locality. Water and electric light. Apply to E. M. Akan, or Dr.' Shaw. . 32-tf. SAWY'R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j For Salo House in Clinton, Beech street. Frame house covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply' to E. Y. 'Watt, Clinton. 27-1f. Rouse leer Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply to George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 85-tf. Pure Leicesters For Sale Shearling ,rams and ram lambs; breeding ewes and ewe lambs. Apply to J. IT. Quigley, R. R. No. 5, Olin- ; ' t central. torn. Phone 619.3, Clinton n,ra. • 38-11. J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf. New Tinsmith Shop Having started a Tinateithing Shup in Londesboro I am prepared to do all sorts of Tinsmithing Work, Specializing In Eavetroughing, Roofing and • General Repair!. Give me a chance to "show you what I can dc. F. M. PICKETT, Phone 25r13, Blyth Central. Londesboro. Coal! Coke! Wood! Yet can keep warm with Lehigh; Valley Coal, or have winter sun - Shine every day if you burn the 'famous O.T.O. Coke. Also a good supply of our own Canadian product Hamilton Coke, Alberta Coal, Bit- uminous coal. Prompt delivery from my sheds on Queen street at any time. ' A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen St. , Phone 256 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and rel paired. Woollen goods 'dry cleaned, Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. .1. Jago.' 2283-t1, Rouse For Sale ' Modern six room house, good lo- cation, Hardwood floors, gca'd gar - don, garage: ' Inquire at News -Re- cord office.' 27-11,