HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-29, Page 8CLIN7'ON'S LEADING EW'EL1 RY STOr EYE SPECIALIST EYES TESTED FREE Lowest Prices in years in Jewellery and Silverware. One New Style. Gillette Razor Free with 10 Blades also New Style_ Sharpener at $L H. H. , JOHNSON Graduate of TorontoCollege of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician Keep Your Feet Dry Buy yourself a new pair of Rubbers el: Galoshes and a pair for all the merabeus of the family at these low prices. CHILD'S RU'BBE'RS, up to size 10.1-2 at 45c MISSES RUBBERS, sizes 11 to 2 55e YOUTHS' RUBBERS, Sizes 11 .to 18 . 55o BOYS' RUBBERS, sizes 1 to 5 .................. ..........'65e WOMEN'S RUBBERS, sizes 2 to 8 700 MEN'S RUBBERS, Sizes 6 to 11 75e SPFECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL LINES OF HEAVY RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS,'GAYTEES AND GALOSHES ALL NEW FRESH STOCK AND NO SECONDS Special Prices on all Lines of Boots, Oxfords and Slippers Plumsteel Bros. Exclusive Dealer — Tip Top Tailors Ltd. A new edition of Canada's Fight- ing Airmen. The original editir,.0 was $5.00 and is still procurable in the better binding. The half-price edition is hound in serviceable cloth and printed on good paper. Contains the full contents of the criginal i:n• eluding the 28 splendid photo raphic plates. It is the only authentic story of imperishable heroism of the Canadians who were the greatest of all great Alliecl,way-pilots. Ev- ery man and woman, growing boy and girl will enjoy it and benefit from reading it. It is made in Can- ada, written atont Canadians by a Canadian. It is historical and educa- tional. MURDER AT BELLY BUTTE.. •The price is also,.$2,50. These 14 stories about the• mounted pollee are true, taken from the Archives of the Police, and narrate the brilliant 'solving of some of the most baffling crimes, reveals in a fascinating and dramatic manner the methods and triumphs of the renounded police, who have outclassed in real life the clev- er detectives of fiction. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Clualit Meats B'U•LK LARD, SOIWEIDER'S, LB HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per lb. FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per lb. SIDE ROAST PORK, per lb, RIB ROAST PORK, per lb. DRESSED PORK, flit' I3ALl!, per Th, WiHOLE DRESSED HIOG, per ib. P. M. BAiCK, WHOLE OR HALF, per Ib FOWL, VEAL, LAMB, BABY BEEF, FOR WEEK -END 10e 15c 12e 14e 15e 00 $ c 25e KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNELIL di. 't''YNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. Wohomausrammanmmaarorsommoa ==0=o=0=0=0 =0=0= 8 SPECIAL THREE PIiECE roe Ter Hilt Dhester!iehl o Large Comfortable Chesterfield, Deep Springy and Comfortable; Large Wing Chair and • Arin Chair to Match $125.00 0 Finished in beautiful Mohair covering with floral g designs on the reversible cushions Its in Our Window y qIITTrR*PFRDUE & V'ALKER ` Hardware ' Funeral Directors . Plumbing Furniture , Phone 147w Electric Wiring olio ono o>Qo>C o>QOIC=,-. COUNTY NEWS GORRIE: The large brick house n of Anthony holt on the ninth. conees- cion, c,1e mile east of the village, was completely destroyed by fire. The fire is thought to have started from overheated pipes, which earlier iii the forenoon had been on fire. Mrs. H It was back on the farm when. she noticed the house, in flames. 1Vrost of the furniture en the first floor and the basement was cleared ut. GORRIE: The home of Mr. and :rs. Richard Jackson, north of Gor: e, was coinpletely"tlestioyed,.iby fire• n Friday evening. The fire orig- ated in the kitchen and is thought to have been caused from...an over, heated cooksteve. The fire being in . the corner of the room 'wher e 'the impossible was, im water pump was, itp to do much. Very little furniture and no, fruit' was saved. Mr. and -Mrs. Jackson were at the barn doing the evening chores when it bega-r but Mrs.. Jackson's sister who was in the houseat the time gave the al- arm. The house Was' partially ,ov- ered by insurance. GORRIE: The hard time weinei social which was held by the Y.P,S,. of the 'United Church in the arena on Friday might was a decided sur cess. Various gatnes were played during the evening. Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harrison of Lu can were in town this Leek. Mrs, Jaynes Scott recently returned from a Visit with her son in Bos- - ton, Miss Bessie Shaman has returned to • New York after a holiday spent at her home here, • I Miss Mary Hovey has been spending her holidays in Ingersoll, Burling- ton and Luean. • Rev. Capt, K. McGoon and Mrs. Me- Goun have returned from their trip to the Eastern Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. J. Silcox returned lass week after a visit with relatives at Kankakee and Chicago, 1.11. Mrs, Wesley Lawrence of Sarnia is home attending her mother, Mrs. Susan Leppington, who is quite ill at tine of writing, Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Curts of near Forest Spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephrian Brown of te,wn. Dr. J: S. Evans was in Guelph on Wednesday and Thursday last', week attending a convention of the', Ontario Veterinary Association. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Evans and little syn, Master Bobby, of St. Marys visited the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs: J. S. Evans an Sunday. Mrs. E. Campbell and son, l iastell Billy, left this week for their home in Calgary, after an extended vis- it with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Forel of towel. Miss McKenzie, a missionary on fur- lc,rgh from Africa, who addressed the IVesley-Willis W.M.S. on Fri- day ri-day evening last, was the guest while in Clinton of MIrs. H. Fow- ler. Mrs. F. E. Roy and Mrs. J. A. Brown- lee of Toronto visited their sister, 'Mrs.. W. 1. Paisley last week. Mrs. Paisley's friends regret that she is not . enjoying good health at present. Mrs. James Hilien and son Edward of Detroit, Mrs. Geo. Halfisch, Kit- chener and Mrs. John Walker, Galt, visited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Walker, Ontario street, on Friday last. Mrs. P. Arsedtt and 'her daughter. Mrs. Chadwick of London visited the former's brother, Mr. M. Mc. Ewan of town last week -end, cone ing up tri attend the funeral of the late C. A. Andrews on Saturday. Rev. J. H. Colclough eif West Hill visited at the home of his mother, Mrs, Annie Colole,ugh of Clinton, and that .of his sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Pickett, and brother, Mr. A. Colclough of .Gederich township, recently. - AUBURN TRE CLINTt3N-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 7:331:;., , au of Biuevale; pipers, Messrs. Muteh ,And son, Clinton; also Members of the Presbyterian choir. •vtiss Mary Jeihnston, who is teach: ing school nortf east of Donnybroozl spent the. week -end at the hone of Mr. and YIrp, 3, H. Johnston. The Congregation of Knox ljnited church is having a large concteto• water supply tank built in the ground south of the church, to furnish water for the bath system in the mar.set and to be used as a Water supply in case of fire. Mrs. Thnnas Adapts has returned home after spending .tavo weeks in Kitchener, where she was called to nurse her sister, Mrs. Charlotte Os-, wall. Anniversary services in Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday were well attended. The special preacher for the day ; Was Rev. Kenneth Mc- Lean of Wingham, who delivered im- pressive sermons. at both the morn- ing and evening services. The clerk was augmented for the oonasion by members of the Carlow and, Dungannon • Presbyterian choirs. On Monday evening the concert, held in the Forester's Hall,. under the auspices'of the church, was very much enjoyed by a full house. Among those who took partt, in the program Were: Mrs. Vanwiek, 'eloeul ionistr Wingham; Bruce ;Edgar, soloist Wingham; Mrs. N. Murray, soloist, Auburn; Harvey McGee, entertainer; R. Redmond, violinist; dancer*,' Misses Jennet Stokes, Dorothy Wright, Isabella and Lena Mustard, Wesley -Willis BAZAAR CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP AND BAZAAR Will be held in the Council Chamber. CLINTON Saturday, Nov. 14th commencing at 2.30 o'clock under auspices of_the W. A. • BOOTHS: Christmas Gifts • Aprons Touch and Take Home-Inade Baking and Produce. Touch and Take, for boys and girls. CANDY: Afternoon Tea will bo Served. EVERYBODY WELCOME 42-3. MASQUERADE I-IALLOWE'EN PARTY ST. JOSEPH'S HALL, "CLINTON Monday, Noveniber.2 FUN AND PRIZES For Fancy and .Comic Dress Admission 50c and 25c. CHOCOLATES r 4.'EDUCED Hunt's Limited, Toronto;, have Rh• duced the Retail Price of Chocolates from 600 per ib to 50c. This includes Assorted Bon -Bons and' Hard Centres, t .. This isthe' New ' i Blue and Silverer Box, 45 pieces to e pound box. Pr,r Fine Pastry call at our Store any Day, but 1 dod't fall to sample our week -end ,specials. Bakery Wendorf's B a y & CONFECTIONERY —Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" • PHONE 68 STANLEY • Mrs. Fred Taylor of Gerrie is vis- iting this week with her sister, Mrs. James Jackson of the second. DON'T BUY PERMITS IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TIIEM "Netice—Don't buy permits unless you can afford then. Liquor will not be sold to persons whom the Board finds to be in needy circum, stances." This was the warning and the ad- vice which was posted in a conspicu- ous place in the government liquor store in Stratford on Monday. Sim- ilar posters, it is understood, made their appearance in all government liquor stores in the province. specials For Hallowe'en Home-made TAFFYS & FUDGE PUMPKIN PIES and the latest Malted Milk Cake 0 SO GOOD Made by: BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid Bread, Calces and Pastry f.. Phone 1, Clinton, THEB[ST STOVE at the Right Price Come in and see our all -Enamel Stove at a "Special Price." Just what you need for the coming Fall Weather. A1se our Jewel line. One of the on best 'the market, a Now is the time to buy and you'Il be prepared for cold weather. T. Ha��ins HARDWARE and PLUMBING • Phone 244 ,•, ti FOR FALL HOUSE CLEANIN YOU MAY NEED A NICE NEW • RUG IN CARPET, LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM OR OIL •CLOTH to replace the old one and brighten up some room. Vi'e have the stock at the lowest possible price. WE STILL HAVE SOMIE WONDERFUL VALUES IN: DINING ROOM SUITES AND CHESTERFIELD SUITES • WHICH YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS Then we have a lot ,of wonderful new. Furniture, which will surely Please the eye, as well as your Purse, including DINING ROOM, BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES, TABLE'S OF ALL KINDS, TEA WAGONS, FERNERIES. CEDAR CHESTS. A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF PICTURES, MOTTOS, AND • SWINGING PHOTO FRAMES. Vire are always proud to show yon our lamps because they are al- ways the latest styles at the lowest prices. Drop in and let us show you that we can save you money on any- thing you want to furnish your home. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. PHONE 105 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORE WITH A STOCK "Beware of Spooks, 'Tis Hallowe'en!" Woo to the householder -wife fails tm provide for the visits nf "Spooks" and "bogey men" who call at her door on Hallowe'en Eve demanding "booty". A good supply of nuts, jelly beans, apples and biscuits should be kept on hand. Your Superior Store has a choice °" lino of these "goodies," guaranteed to ward off the attacics of the • most fearsome of these "inopsters." WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 1Nature's Best Tomatoes large, 21 2's, 2 tins incl .Comfort Soap �6 bars fc" ...•.. •2504 Campbell's Tomato Soup i 1 3 tins for 25c Shcrriff's Good Morning Marmalade, 16 CVs23c; 32 oz. for 39e. Family Blend Tea, per lb. .39c Infant Delight Soap, 4 for 250 (Columbia Matches 1 Special . . ...o7c Red Plum .Jan 40 oz. jar for 18o Royal York Tea Sat'day. only 1i; lb. 25e. SnowSlake Anonia, 2 pkgs. 15c Princess Soap, trial pkg. .23c Bleached New Sultanas, lb. 23e Ingersoll Cream Cheese, 2 .25c Large Fancy Brazil Nuts, .25c SPECIAL. AYLMER SOUP WEEK, OCTOBER 26TH TO 31ST SEE OUR: WINDOW DISPLAY AND SPECIAL PRICES J. T. "McKN I OLINTON, • ONT. HT & SON PHONE 111 M ANDSEEOUR SPECIAL SALE ' 'i' cS�!�{� �. r .te of Sweaters 'v ere e a Wonderful B . rgains in Sweaters fr 9k. to $"50 c Come in and pick out. your Wr,t; ter. O'Coa Specially priced from $9.50 to $50.00 DAV iS & HERMAN Tell zthe court e so fast. 6i g fDeiveryh" �. a O'%eiI'sSir" " \♦— r \, CifiE ,-. FRIEND TELLS ,2, ANOTHER ,_7=: l "Discharged", said the Judge. "My wife likes their Quick Service, 'too." FREE DEALS! A WEEK OF SPECIAL VALUES AND' FREE DEALS Ask us how to Obtain a "Two Dollar Mop, FREE?" Liquid Vaneer Deal . FREE one Glass with two bottles of Gingerale for 35c FREE one package Super Suds with one package of Soap Flakes for 23c FREE a Trip Around the World Contest, with Weston's Fancy Biscuits for 35c FRIGIDAIRE SPECIALS ALL WEEK Schneider's Sausage 19c Gunn's Sausage 19c O'NEIL'S FAVORITE WCorn Coffee (Equal to ilb. 39'c Chain Qnaltyl Special Black TeaGooil 45e - Value 3.9 . at . .. : Dependable Values 3 tins Aylmer Soup 25c Syrup, 5 lbs. 35c Macaroni, 3 lbs. 19c NEW DATES, 2 lbs. for 25c NEW FIGS, 2 lbs. for 25c VALENCIA RAISINS;, 2 lbs. for 26c NEW CUT PEEL; 113: 25c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 25c Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. 19c Swift's Sausage 19c . : Fresh Pickled Rolls 15c • For Hallowe'en Fresh Picnic Hams 150_ Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. 25c Bacon, piece, lb. 19c • . . � `° XPi Pop Corn, per pkg. ..10e Marsh Mallow, lb. ...29c New Brazil Nuts lb. 29c Ia Fresh Peanuts, 2 lbs. 250 1s Salted Peanuts, lb... 19c 1' �%� -, CLINTON'S BIG"d� �; CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 °�� r. ca Where '� '°Sells for Less" Price • Prevails au of Biuevale; pipers, Messrs. Muteh ,And son, Clinton; also Members of the Presbyterian choir. •vtiss Mary Jeihnston, who is teach: ing school nortf east of Donnybroozl spent the. week -end at the hone of Mr. and YIrp, 3, H. Johnston. The Congregation of Knox ljnited church is having a large concteto• water supply tank built in the ground south of the church, to furnish water for the bath system in the mar.set and to be used as a Water supply in case of fire. Mrs. Thnnas Adapts has returned home after spending .tavo weeks in Kitchener, where she was called to nurse her sister, Mrs. Charlotte Os-, wall. Anniversary services in Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday were well attended. The special preacher for the day ; Was Rev. Kenneth Mc- Lean of Wingham, who delivered im- pressive sermons. at both the morn- ing and evening services. The clerk was augmented for the oonasion by members of the Carlow and, Dungannon • Presbyterian choirs. On Monday evening the concert, held in the Forester's Hall,. under the auspices'of the church, was very much enjoyed by a full house. Among those who took partt, in the program Were: Mrs. Vanwiek, 'eloeul ionistr Wingham; Bruce ;Edgar, soloist Wingham; Mrs. N. Murray, soloist, Auburn; Harvey McGee, entertainer; R. Redmond, violinist; dancer*,' Misses Jennet Stokes, Dorothy Wright, Isabella and Lena Mustard, Wesley -Willis BAZAAR CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP AND BAZAAR Will be held in the Council Chamber. CLINTON Saturday, Nov. 14th commencing at 2.30 o'clock under auspices of_the W. A. • BOOTHS: Christmas Gifts • Aprons Touch and Take Home-Inade Baking and Produce. Touch and Take, for boys and girls. CANDY: Afternoon Tea will bo Served. EVERYBODY WELCOME 42-3. MASQUERADE I-IALLOWE'EN PARTY ST. JOSEPH'S HALL, "CLINTON Monday, Noveniber.2 FUN AND PRIZES For Fancy and .Comic Dress Admission 50c and 25c. CHOCOLATES r 4.'EDUCED Hunt's Limited, Toronto;, have Rh• duced the Retail Price of Chocolates from 600 per ib to 50c. This includes Assorted Bon -Bons and' Hard Centres, t .. This isthe' New ' i Blue and Silverer Box, 45 pieces to e pound box. Pr,r Fine Pastry call at our Store any Day, but 1 dod't fall to sample our week -end ,specials. Bakery Wendorf's B a y & CONFECTIONERY —Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" • PHONE 68 STANLEY • Mrs. Fred Taylor of Gerrie is vis- iting this week with her sister, Mrs. James Jackson of the second. DON'T BUY PERMITS IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TIIEM "Netice—Don't buy permits unless you can afford then. Liquor will not be sold to persons whom the Board finds to be in needy circum, stances." This was the warning and the ad- vice which was posted in a conspicu- ous place in the government liquor store in Stratford on Monday. Sim- ilar posters, it is understood, made their appearance in all government liquor stores in the province. specials For Hallowe'en Home-made TAFFYS & FUDGE PUMPKIN PIES and the latest Malted Milk Cake 0 SO GOOD Made by: BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid Bread, Calces and Pastry f.. Phone 1, Clinton, THEB[ST STOVE at the Right Price Come in and see our all -Enamel Stove at a "Special Price." Just what you need for the coming Fall Weather. A1se our Jewel line. One of the on best 'the market, a Now is the time to buy and you'Il be prepared for cold weather. T. Ha��ins HARDWARE and PLUMBING • Phone 244 ,•, ti FOR FALL HOUSE CLEANIN YOU MAY NEED A NICE NEW • RUG IN CARPET, LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM OR OIL •CLOTH to replace the old one and brighten up some room. Vi'e have the stock at the lowest possible price. WE STILL HAVE SOMIE WONDERFUL VALUES IN: DINING ROOM SUITES AND CHESTERFIELD SUITES • WHICH YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS Then we have a lot ,of wonderful new. Furniture, which will surely Please the eye, as well as your Purse, including DINING ROOM, BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES, TABLE'S OF ALL KINDS, TEA WAGONS, FERNERIES. CEDAR CHESTS. A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF PICTURES, MOTTOS, AND • SWINGING PHOTO FRAMES. Vire are always proud to show yon our lamps because they are al- ways the latest styles at the lowest prices. Drop in and let us show you that we can save you money on any- thing you want to furnish your home. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. PHONE 105 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORE WITH A STOCK "Beware of Spooks, 'Tis Hallowe'en!" Woo to the householder -wife fails tm provide for the visits nf "Spooks" and "bogey men" who call at her door on Hallowe'en Eve demanding "booty". A good supply of nuts, jelly beans, apples and biscuits should be kept on hand. Your Superior Store has a choice °" lino of these "goodies," guaranteed to ward off the attacics of the • most fearsome of these "inopsters." WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 1Nature's Best Tomatoes large, 21 2's, 2 tins incl .Comfort Soap �6 bars fc" ...•.. •2504 Campbell's Tomato Soup i 1 3 tins for 25c Shcrriff's Good Morning Marmalade, 16 CVs23c; 32 oz. for 39e. Family Blend Tea, per lb. .39c Infant Delight Soap, 4 for 250 (Columbia Matches 1 Special . . ...o7c Red Plum .Jan 40 oz. jar for 18o Royal York Tea Sat'day. only 1i; lb. 25e. SnowSlake Anonia, 2 pkgs. 15c Princess Soap, trial pkg. .23c Bleached New Sultanas, lb. 23e Ingersoll Cream Cheese, 2 .25c Large Fancy Brazil Nuts, .25c SPECIAL. AYLMER SOUP WEEK, OCTOBER 26TH TO 31ST SEE OUR: WINDOW DISPLAY AND SPECIAL PRICES J. T. "McKN I OLINTON, • ONT. HT & SON PHONE 111 M ANDSEEOUR SPECIAL SALE ' 'i' cS�!�{� �. r .te of Sweaters 'v ere e a Wonderful B . rgains in Sweaters fr 9k. to $"50 c Come in and pick out. your Wr,t; ter. O'Coa Specially priced from $9.50 to $50.00 DAV iS & HERMAN