HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-29, Page 1The News -Record is t 1878 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORAT ED ;; T)E-IE CLINTON NEW ERA. The New Fra .Est, '18$Cs No. 254 - rd YEAR 1 ria ` rwtged CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1931. Sozen hatches In; amid not matter mach if ONE of them shoul;Y quitgaing. IBM When you depeed'Oni One you want that one right, don't you? If ttiih.not doing it's 24 hour -a -day -duty Satisfactorily That is•.a:sigh that cur repair department should be given a chance to investigate the trouble. '1f ;you wait there will be more .trouble and more. expense. The Wisest jreeple net-gnickey when their watches go back on thein. 1' Tt7. ,�E. ,�Eellyar Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 174j eve tet e,- rffi.m•" u 4 ' P JUST AROUNDTHE ,,,,,,..i.,,....................„FFtBr9'u123t3itak. And�' e this Season ? i x are x,11 Got ii nem. toss te?eete EtG twr.�;-r:`l-„. -Y• e 4 .8 .aC • 3`u i' I S T. IVI A Se CORNERR ER ... $i ' • Earlier than usual in Pre in for your far � � P equflrerne tts . ', t t p. } NEW: CHINA 'GLOVES BRASS HOSIERY LINEN UMBRELLAS AS RAYON AND SILK CREPE LINGERIE Speeial for FFriay ' pSaturday LOW PRICES ON ALL NEW COATS IN STOCK " CLINTON'S = 'Ca LEADING STYLE ; SIIOPPE For Special �� ha --TSE AGENT FOR r Advertise this week. the Big tth er t.orpage CLEANING vr, 6• fthe CO. & PRESSING i 4 I t 1 . ORRISH CLOTHIN CLINTON, GODERICH FRENCH DRY A SQUARE , �t EAL FOR EVERY MAN 01111111191 • TIID -MARKETS Wheat, 60c. Barley, 30e. • Oats, 25e. • Eggs; ale to 36c: - 20c2 - Blttt 1, to 2C. Butter., Live Hogs, s '4.75. g � MORE• RIPE RASPBDRRI Taiping about : ripe raspberries, Mr. George Belton exhibited to The News -Record -the other `day branches 'which he had picked from the bushes ie. his garden which were loaded vita ripe and 'ripening [zeal)•, We also heard df a lady who had picked enough to make a pie. " DEATH OF T. J. MANAGI•IAN Death came suddenly on Tuesday to Thomas J. Managhan, eir Victoria •street, at the edge of the town, al- though he . had been in peer health for some mouths. ' After' a life time of almost perfect health about the middle of July last Mr. IVlanaghan was taken lit and fry 'a couple of months he was in rather te bad state. But gradually he began to regain and it was hoped he was on the road to recovery. But Tuesday efterttob-n he took a turn for the worse and in a -few hours was gene. His death was due to a complication of diseases. Mr. Managhan, who was in his sixty-ninth year, was born in Clark township vasbutlir asnail wasbrought pd b of ght tClintona C1 and for most of'his ]' life since he baa been a citizen ton. lee was a quiet, industrious magi, but asses sociable and'brotheriy, an had.i and nanp frieiitts. He was' 'a member -of 'the bTu phy Lodge, the Trait Orange ox'ganization "of the R. B.P. and also 'of the iota I. 0, 0 F. beige, in ,all of which he took :a keen 'and 'active' interest. 'He eves., an ad- herent of Wesley,Willis, formerly of Wesley enngregatinn. ge is survived by his wife, for- merly 'Miss .Fanny Josling, to whom he -was married forty-six years ago, and a family of three sons: Clarence of Walkerville; Wilfred let Toronto and 'Nati@ley J. at home. A daughter Ruby, (Mrs, Iazard), rlied a few years ago. One sister, living in Ne- vada, survives, also two heathers, one 3n Montana and one in Oregon. The' funeral wilt take place from his ]ate residence on Friday after- -noon,service s ce t tom nr c h en o at two o'clock. It will h r 11 a held under the auspices of the Clinton Lodge, No. 83, 1.0.0.?. Interment will be made in Clinton cemetery. DEATH O1 COLIN ANDREWS The funeral of the Iate Colin Ase bury Andrews, a well-known and highly respected citizen of Clinton, was held on Saturday at 2 p.m., freer: the home of his nephew, F. Wt Andrews, The deceased, who was in his 77th year, had not been enjoying good stealth for the past few years, being a sufferer from asthma. He was able to be about however, anti) a rely weeks previous to his death, and for the few last days only was cenfieed to bed. The immediate cause of his death was heart trouble, culminating in dropsy. The deceased was born in An- drewsville, Grenville County, on the 29th of March, 1855. His parents were the late Silas Andrews and Al-, niiretta Helmets. When he was seven years of age his parents moved, to Barrett's Rapids and five years later came to live in Clinton, where their family was reared and educated, and -Where the deceased man lived the rest of'liis lire, about 65 years. 'In religion he was a Methodist and later '"United. Church. In poli- tics 'he was a staunch Conservative. 'Flo was not a member of any of the de -Morrie organizations, preferring rather the gtiiet of borne life. He -was an inveterate reader, waw wide- ly informals and interestingly enn- versant on a -wide range of sub eets. In partnership with a brother, the late Homer Andrews, he farmed suc- cessfully the two=hundred acre farm adjoining the town on the north and a eoesiderable pol•tion of it within the elirporation. For the past twen- ty years 'he continued •this partner- ship with a nephew, "rank W. len- AMONG HE 'CHURCHHH'ES. The Ministerial Asosiation will, meet on Monday, Nov. e d at, 10.30 asst. at the home of Beg; ,Mr;- Sher- man, .Albert t e . m A beet x et. s The Ministeriali i 1' a Ass cat ou at their regular oto i e October et :meeting ar- ranged r- o r •e tohold1 :I ane tl the ai. teal pasha' service on Reonembraltce; Day, Nov. lltih,° at 10.30 a,m., in 'Wesley -Willis church. Rev.- Mr. Fostetewill address the gathering. The usual offering for the Hospital Fund will. taken. St. Paul's Churns, The Ladies Guild elle -meet on Tuesday afternoon, Novetllber 3rd, at three o'doek in Oweji -Memorial Hall. On Friday 'evening, October 30th, at eight o'clock the, ladies are having- a kitchen shower ;for the ban- ,. aa.•. Ontario Street United. Chureh The I 11 ` nr to .su e• k b� �t on Sultdays "The Tree and. the Fruits," Dinning: "The •Pilgrim has Entered -the Shining Way that leade to Eter- nal Life," continuing the - series of sermons on Bunyon's "Pilgrim's Pro- gress;' The Young Peoples' League held a Hallowe'en Masquerade hn Monday night, when a very pleastnt time was spent. Prizes were awarded as fol, laws: Best dress, Deris:'ittiller, as Gypsy girl; best comic, Geo. Mere doth as Rip -Van -Winkle; best disc Ayarion Pickett, guise, k t twit as the witch. Mrs. G. Murdoch, Mrs. ' I). Maltby and Mrs. Atkinson acted; us judges, lie reshme t. f n g, topped off byapplee Pp and homemade candy, were served A large attendance was present and an njo a e t bl t ] y, time s est A number P of the young people tattle .in . from Turner's fc r the gather ing." . Presbyterian Chltreh • 1110 minister's Sunday . morning subject: "A Vital Questicps." Psalm 8. Evening: "Balm for the Troubled Heart," The annual rally of ;the Young Peoples' Presbyterial of Huron was held in this church on Tuesday even- ing last. Mr. Fred Weir of Godericli acted as chairman, Committees of last year re -appointed evitii the ad - :Mien cf an assistant secretary, Mise Helen Roberton of Clinton. Music was provided by the choly, while Mrs. Chas. E. Doukas, contri- buted an appreeiated seta, • Report of Kintail Summer Scheel and Girl's Camp was given by Mies M. Grieve, Seaforth, She reported an average of 100 present at .each. ono of the three camps. Rev. I. B. Keine, 13.1),. speaking upon camp projects, asked that the young people THE DOME PAPER CL] NTON ANI) MITCI.111I,L TIE ,A bard -fought game • of football wee playel in Mitchell- on Monday between` the Clinton Collegiate an8 i itc l.' li he l Hr h chaos teams s the sure g a bet 1 n Clint :et n rn 1 -Mitchell- he g t n � r , Clinton goal was mined 5a during d u the g tarsi period and the Mitchell goal Was made luting the last half, with only one minute to, play.. The rev feree was Rev, D. E. -Foster of Clin- ton. , Clinton --Forwards, J. Stirling, R Carter, E. Campbell, T. Re, -ss and J. Sine; right half, D. Smith; centre; S. Cook; left, J. Armstrong; right, fullback, L, .Stock; left, F: Weston. gcae, 13. Gibbs. Mitchell --Forwards, C. Brown, 111. Betteger, H. Cowan. S, Golightty and M. Erskine; half -hacks, Jack Han son. Alex, 'Walker, G. Stoneman; full. backs, T. Pullman, J. Col uhaun' q goal, R. Welker. • A. VENERABLE CITIZEN Mr. H. Joyner, one of Clinton's eldest citizens, informed The News- Record on Tuesday that it was sev- enty-five years that day since he was married in England. Mrs. Joyner, ti. whom he was devoted. passed away ten years ago. During the last few years of her life she was n an invalid and hadtowheel- edd be about.It wasfamiliar s a famt int . telt• to see them going about, she sittinf; comfortably in her chair and he wheeling it : : 4 -batting happily R ra Y to- gether. nn y gether: Since her death he has been rather lonely: He is now approach- ing his inet -fr' r • birthday tt r th n vd g �r says the. doctors tell him he will live to, be' one hundred, but -he 'is not anxious to•do so, interest in life is failing. He says he is ieacly "amr time the Good Lord sees fit to call him." Mr. Joyner has been a resi- dent'ef Clinton since 1873 and for many years conducted a market garden. Indeed, until the past -sum; tner he' employed .himeelf making gardens for several citizens, but last summer he -only took on one, that of Dr. Gandier. NEED FOR GREAT CARE Superintendent Runiball of the Public Utilities Commission calls at- tention tothefact t n r h Mat a number of electric water heaters have been pur- ehased in Clinton and vicinity re- cently which are not approved and that the sale of such is unlawful' in Ontario: These heaters, he contends, are dangerous as they conte in di - of the Presbytery be reepennele for rert contact with the water being one of the new huts that are to be heated, that and the vessel, bath tub erected. He pointed out that thc) ar ether container, being rendered earlier they commenced to erect a hut, the better the choice of a site for All young Peoples' Sit -reties and C G.T.T. groups reporter] a gond year. The Rev. 1). J. Lane, B.A , of Gederieh delivered the address of the evening.. "The Suecess of young Peoples' Work." Ile remarked that the stress shr,ald not be on the social side, .hut on the. constructive spiritual side, There should be enthusiasm taken in handling a thing of this eo•nperatian and joy in all Christian kind. We are playing with a mighty work• powerful force 'when Hang electric The W.A. wi]1 hold a social even- power and it behalves us to have a ing at the home of Miss ityeveni n, care. Children or irresponsible per - next, 'Nov. 3rd. A picnic tea will be cess to any device of this sort. It served. is better to be over -careful than to Wesley -Willis )United Chureh run the risk of a serious accident. The minister's morning subject next Sunday will be:. "Am, .I My LITTLE •LOCALS Brother's Keeper?" Evening: "The Lhwt Sons". Look out for spooks on Saturday The Young Peoples' Society will evening. 'Tis All Hallowe'en. meet on Monday evening as usual. hyo G. Vannerne has pares ed Interest in these meetings seems to the residence recently vacatedby be; growing amongst the young peon• Ml•. J, E. Doherty. pie of' the congregation, any or all • re -stein will be welcomed each The Clinton town council meets m Monday evening. A Hallowe'en soc. committee Friday evening and in re - jai will take place next Monday evegular council on Monday evening. ening. condueter when the power is on, and that there are eppertunities for those using them to receive electric shaelcs of varying power. A.nycne who has purchased these heaters, no warning having barn reapplied with then, appar'eittly. should be very- careful in the use of same. It is always dangerous to handle electricity while 'rands are wet so double precautions must be County Contest and Meeting of Educational Organization Combined 0, B. ASSN. TO MEET 1 DIED IN iDATip •The annual meeting, c the Toronto )Mass T. M•tsrt reecived word one: .Huron Old Boys' Association will be the death of her sister, Mrs, W. A. %' held -en Hygenia .Hall, Ehn street, on Ross' of Bliss, Idaho, which took , Ptrda evening, at. tt N i3 h At the ace o i S,n .Th n .da yP y last. Mrs. Mai c nclu ct 1 v a sr r o the bnsttless usually son wits vol aware that her sister 7 cat un i such a occasion' t 1 h nt w s ill n -cm he a and e v, Coming Pn t 5 f e• o her deathcame evening will be spent in cards and' ar. a shock dancing, `,These affairs are usually I Mi•, and Mee. Ileo were former ci-• very pleasant and ane- limonite vis linens ct Minton and will be rentem•- iting in the city at the time is al- : bared by many:here" No particulars. ways welcome. ' are at hand at -thee of writing, RDCOMIITEND PUBLIC MEETTNC I ENCAGEM"ENTS • ANNOUNCED • At a meeting c the n ' .Nr, andMee. Robert ng f t'i Logia held s Lawson of yesterday evening the,foli.owing re- i Mullett township announce the en - solution was: passed: ; gagetnent of their daughter, Luella "We, recommend that.•.a - public Jean .to Mr.. John 11..Davidson, ,son•. meeting he called' 1•riday everting in of Mrs. Davidson and the,late And - the mends chamber :to Settle`- -. the re* Davidsott l en 'he - Laiden Roacie question r° per Remembrance Day the marriago to take place early ha Public ,Service, ,this meeting to in- November. elude the 'tweeters of the town court- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepper, Tuck-, oil " Ministerial t ste Assacra ion, princie ersmith, announce the engagement -of pals of-seheols_ representatives of their only ,daughter•, Mary Pearl, to fraternal societies and 'executive of Charles Casey Way., son of Mr. and' the Canadian Legion." Mrs. Alva Way,- Kippen, the mar- riage M take place early -in Nevem- SPECIAL ,RATEIS CONTINUE - - Agent VanHotne of the C. N. R. informs The News-Recoicl that the setecial week -end rate, which has been in fence .over the •C.N.R. all summer, having been extended from July 31st to Oetcuet- 31st, has again •sheen extended mid will be in force until n Feb. 28th 1938. No doubt the railway authorities are finding that such special privil- N e e •+ r e, are • a r ce ate hpenple thee l P d P yp n POPPY' DAY AGAIN • - In keeping with the ' fust 'th er- vane of November 11 as Remem- brance Day, as provided by the Par- liament, of 'Canada, at is last session, the Clinton n Brant ofCanadian Branch the Ca adran Legion is this year making an extra: effort to, impress upon the people of this community the full significance o this 0 C si n.prince- and h c a r One. of the • nrr . pa and the result,, • Warrant a continu- pies cn which the 'Canadian Legion is sane of them. They should prove founded•,is the belief that the hernia dead can best be honoured •by tasking care of the disaliled veterans and their dependents, and the widows and' children of those 'Who lost their `lives in, the service of country and Em - The following cotmioent is from the pire. With thls in mind, the local' Mail and Empire and refers to a branch of the Legion is now Organ young musician in which many eiti- •icing for its annual Poppy: Day. Cam eerie of Clinton and vicinity are in- paign, in which it hopes -to realize terested. He is a. nephew sof the late a substantial sum for its 'l?oppy` Mrs, William Gunn Of Clinton and in Fund, which is used by, p11 branchea his early youth has often visited here of the Legion throughout Canada to and on one occaeion gave a recitnit take care of veterans and their fame "The professional reputatirn of . flies with' aro in special distresi and Dr. Drnest MacMillan is rounded on need.. By means of this fund, the an extraordinarily wide and intensive Legion is able to take care ,of, many study of many branches of mnsiel families whose circumstances re - and music lovers in this city will be quire special attention, thus not only that theLegion is - makingsure n delighted to learn that ha has nee g g d eepted the post as director of the To- keeping faith with the comrades who rants Synphony Orchestra. As a did not come back, batt helping to re- eomposer, instrumentalist, conductor. sieve the munieipality to some extent and.:teeclter, he, bas nlceady.:aebi,eved„frmn the ,financial obligation of take wide fettle, notwithstanding that ing care of war veterans. Within a the best years of his life a:re still a- few 'days, the plans' of the Chilton• head of hint. Friends of the orches- branch 'of the Canadian Legion Des tra may be assured that under his the Poppy Day Campaign will he guidance it will fiourich--••financially announced, and the officers of the as well as artistically—for among branch are anticipating a generous: his ether attributes Dr. M.neittillan is `reception of their appeal by the ,urb- an excellent lousiness man.” lir. :even more a r m awinter v.nn o t popular la h ,than the summer, as carecanny,• t'ur1 so easily during severe. weather: ,,, : 4 7 BRILLIANT YOUNG MUSICIAN, IIMINOMMINIMINNOW • PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST HELD IN CLINTON, COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM SATURDAY The Girls' Chub' twill hold their Postmaster Scott has received nu - The that the postoffice is to be thenkof£erirtg meeting- on Thursday closed on Remembrance Day, No - evening, Nov. 5th, in the church hall. An interesting program has been vember lith. prepared. Miss Jean Scott will be The. Clinton Hospital Board will the speaker. All ladies of the con-. meet en Tuesday evening, Nov, 3rd, gregation are invited. at 7.30 in the board- rem of the town hell. Brews, with -whom he also made his A large number attended the; Wry home. On agricultural matters he' M.S, thankcffering meeting last was an authority. He and 'his neve , Thursday evening. Mrs.' Pickard, hew apecializetl In sttaWberries and president of the auxiliary, presided poultry as side lines to their weight- and after the opening exercises Miss ler operations, In all en which then Mclfenzie, missionary in Africa, were markedly successful, gave an interesting illustrated add- Ditrieg the -war when the nephew rens on the work there. The,speaker rens sverseas he carried on the farm dwelt upon the encouraging aepeets 'operations ,with the aid of 'hired of the work, telling how the living help. While not often seen about conditions of the natives are irn town of sate years, "Uncle Cohn," as preyed as they embrace Christianity he was familiarly known, will he and how readily the young people gxeatly missed by all who were ace respond -ti, steaching, '.Phe natives: customed to meeting him at home. lrve in very pt'inlative style, their The late Colin Andrews never 'cult -Indian of the soil, mode of pre married and is survived by one Paring food, care of the sick, .etc., be- brother, Magistrate S. J. ,Andrews 'nig of the crudest. But the young of Clinton; one sister, Mrs. R. $. people lento quickly whoa other me- Leonard, Vancouver, B.C.; " fifi;oeii thuds are presented. A hearty vote of t t' harks was tendered t s h nieces' d he . oalcer ew and and P s aa a number "gypd of at the u u groat nephews' and 'ccs ca cl sirh of the address. The judging contests to determine the Huron County winners of the Royal. Fair trip are being held in Clinton today, under the direction of the Agricultural Representative's office, Owing to the, low price and the excellent quality of potatoes in On- tario at present there is surely no need to import potatoes, Those who need to purebase them should, lay in stocks early. 'Phe Clinton Knitting •Company - does not seem to`be feeling the dull= -'Hess coamplained, of in Some linos. Sa. brisk ,is the demand for their wares that itis working •oveitune 16- fill, 1 oide s. pre During the evening Mis Corless and ' Mr. Abe Brandon, when driving Interment took place in Clinton Monte emit Clinton . to •Bayfield on emetery; 'tire' funeral .being con Mrs. H. Fitzsimons contributed a )acted by Rev, D. D. roster,, pastor very appropriate vocal duet, with Tuesday,. sigltted,.two .deer : 011 Wesley -Willis Utlited Church. The Mts, Mrrgaii Agnew at the 'piano. `. Toad in front ne his car. On his ap- preach the animals. scampered into pallbearers were Wm. Tipindy, Wan, A number of the members of. mss• Jewett's woods, Mr. Brandon. says onnell, .Wm. Steep, W.' H. H.ellyt., sfir,narv' organizations 11 other con ,he -saw two deer. at about the same Edward Roctaway anti James Nati gregations were present. spot last ,year,. E mdntl, The SVtnnens , Association will Friends from a . distance . at the meet in the chnreh hall on Wed nes - Air lnailp• osi;'age-has been red`ut:ed user's) iriclided, Mrs. l'ian]t Arseott "day, Nov, lth, at°live in the after. in Canada, •!Co any point in. Canada, and Mee. Stanley Chadviicic; London;i 110011... Great Britain, Ireland end New. las. Alex. McEwen, Stratford; Mrs, On Friday afternoon, Nov. 6th, a foundiend the rate is now •six cents lea. Armstrong, Sebringville; Dr, bale of :'lotting will be packed for for the firstounce ' .and .. five lid; Mee. I3amilton, and Seth Bailey western relief, else m the church cents for each subsequent mince, nn tvessels; •Gen. W. Kitt, Woodsts' k, hall. Contributions to this bale will stead of air and ten cents. ' . olreign ttltd Alrx, ltasip;sorr, Geaeiiah, be gratefully accepted. I rates remdln the same. Aileen Clark, - Fordwich, Wins Public Speaking Award.. Wi1Iie Brown, Zurich, Spelling Prize, The 10th annual Huron County Chairman McLeod had asked that they Educational Assr^_iation convention audience give each speaker close at- and school fair public speaking con- tention, his request however, was not test was held in the Clinton chile- needed for the stage manner',. deliv., giate assembly room nn Saturday. -ery, voice and phrasing of all were. The conventiun opened with the so perfect and the - subjeet matter nt speaking contest, the winners at 1•he the addresses so interesting the vai'iens fairs throughout the county large audience gave their u'tdesturb- being the contestants. At 1.30 On- ed attention throughout, tario Agricultural Representative Ian While the judges were arriving tit Mcleod, called to order an audience a decision the chairman called on which filled the spaci•.ms auditorium prominent men why were present to numbering upward of 250, and After speak. Thos. McMillan, •M,P., for a brief introductory and cxplana. South Huron very warmly eonerat tory address, announced that the ulated the- youthful meters on tate speaking contest wci'aid be the first excellence of their week. He refer - item on the program. Preli'ninnry red to the value of sports in charae- to this those "taking part in the con- ter development and admonished test were asked to cnnie on the stage the youth of today to avoid thought - and draw a numbered ticket from a "lessness which is the besetting sin box to determine the order in which of the young. they wt,old be called upon to speak. Mr. Robinson, 1VLL.A., Newts Hue - This method - resulted in the speaks on said fqi years he had made it' ers being called irtthe following or- a point to be present at the educe: - der: Billie Fairish, No. 8, Colborne, tional convention, to hear ehe, speak. whose subject was "How Agriculture ing contest. "I have always derived Can Compete With Industry"; Mar- much pleasure from attending these tin Morlock. Crediton, S. S. No. 5, events," declared the speaker. "Pub - Stephen, subject, "Conservation of tic men often have duties to per - Ontario Forests"; Laura Ford, Win- 'form that may not give tlrent pieas- ehelsea, S. 'S. No. 6, Usborne, stab ure, but attendance at these. gather- ject, "An Irish Boy Who Became 'ings are not of this nature." • He • Canada's Greatest Merchant"; Mabel added his commendation of the juven- McCallum, Belgrave, S. S. No• 8, ile orators to those expressed by the East Wawanosh, subject, "Ontario's.; previous speaker. Gordon Anderson,S. 5. Nin, 9, Ash- 'Mr. Medal, M,L.A.,_ fee _South Hu field, subject, "Canadian Progress"; roti remarked that it afforded hint Donald Ilartus, S. S. No. 9, Godorich stuck pleasure to add his congeatu- Tow•nship,' subject, "]letter"; • Ken- lations to the preceding speakers. neth Deegan, Clinton Urban, subject, - 11.e was particularly eulogistic in. his "A. Day Spent With Bayfield Fislt-•:'appreciation of the address of 'Dan- ernes"; Lena Munro, Blyth, sub-' ald Harris of No. 9 Gaderich Tovn- aect "The Industria] Pdssibilities, 'of shin who lade BD much of he sub - Northern b-Nmthern Ontario Jaatie Alton, St iedt r. "Hater", Every dairyman, Helens, S. S. No. 13; AsllfieId, sub said lie, would most enthusiastically ject, "What I Should Like to lee anti • endorse the subject matter` of• that nelky"; Leola Nott, Clinton; Rural', address," This was .productive of a S. S. No..6 eseuckeesmith, subject, 'hearty burst of applause -and laugh•• "Laura Seeped"; Stewart 11'Iusgreve, Wroxeter,. S. S,. No. 14,• Newicke sub- ject, ." Wieeds •and . Weed •Control:" Aileen 'Clark, Fordwich, S. S. No. 7, Howick, subject; "The Value of Birds to Men"; Mae Smith, Zurich, No, 7, ITay, subject, "Lowering the Cyst of Spelling Match . Held The :judges not having nett -timed with a decisiou, the, chairman an- nounced alhat the spelling contest would, take ,place.' -This contest' else was between winners at the school Crop Production;' Inspectors Field fairs. There were eight. contestants and, Beacom were chosen to judge and their position in this was the contest. .Approximately 1.0 ]sin- dotextnined in the same manner as Utes 'was talcen by each speaker. (Continued on page 4)