HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-22, Page 5"OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME ,, Remembrance Day, Nov. 11th is to •'he a 'holiday in Canada, .according to a despatch frcm Ottawa. So all conjecture on the sulbjeet is at an end, * 0 H .} The hospital Fair last week, " in spite of the unfave,,urableweather, was -a great seccess and brought • oue a large number of people. The Prince of Walesis subject to the same losses as corm—loner folks •two of the barns,; on his ranch in Alberta; including several valuable farm' animals, were destroyed • by fire the other night. • Nov. 11th; Remembrance Day,' • eomes on Wednesday this year, three- weeks from yesterday, How is ' it to be observed? Are any plans • under way for its observance? Have the veterans any plans?. If se, they should let ua have them in time to , allow for their proper working out. 'She Alliston Herald expresses the; ,opinion that now "would be a good time to introduce Welsh coal into Canada, as Americas- coal hes gone tap in price, owing to the new duty, - and Canadian' money is at such a •.discount In the United States. Those 'who have used it ,say that We1s1- ' coal gives out much more heat than' other kinds. "Welsh coal at $18," 'declares The Herold, "is cheaper than Pennsylvania coal at 215 per ton." Just the other day a lady who had been visiting in Toronto remark- • ed that the house where she was, visiting was very warm. "They" were burning Welsh coat;" she said. "and it gives tut so much heat that it Was difficult to keep it down to -suit the mild weather." That is the • sort of coal we need in this northern- , country during the long winters. And 'it also burns away to much less ash. '• With the Canadian dollar at 90e in the United States and at $1.15 in Great Britain the cost • of using ' 'Welsh coal should not be prohibitive Who will be progressive enough to try some here? HOLMESVILLE Anniversary services were held in ' the United church on Sunday last, and proved to be both interesting • and profitable. This was •the fifty- second anniversary. At the morn- ing service the Rev. W. C. Robinson of Antler, Sask., was the special speaker and his theme was the res- ponsibility of man for his fellow. His text was the old familiar question, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" His sermon was a searching one and he stressed the fact that the present • conditions emphasized the responsib- ility of man for his brother: In the ' evening the Rev. Mr. Oraik of Vic- toria street dhureh, ' Weigh, preached, and, while choosing anoth- er text,hie-sermon followed along • somewhat the same lines. His dis- course was also listened to with great pleasure and profit. The choir; under the direction or Mr. Fred Potter, rendered very ap- propriate and much appreciated an- thems at each service, Miss Potter at the organ, and in the evening Miss Rita McDonald sang very acceptably "How Lovely are Thy DwelIings." The church was beautifully decorat- ed with flowers and autumn leaves and looked lovely. At the morning service obeli* had to be ,placed in the aisles to accommodate the eon- gregation present. Both services avere well attended. The senior League entertained the parents of the young people on Fri= • day evening last, Miss Cora Trewar- tha being in charge of the meeting • and Mrs. Hutchins :It the piano. After the evening exercises Miss Esther McMath read the- scripture ,lesson, Miss 'Edna Huller read the • minutes of the last meeting; Miss Charlotte Trewartha gave a :,piano solo and Mr. Clarence and Miss Vi- • ora Glidden contributed a duet. Mr; Brogdon MelVliath was then asked to take the chair for a debate, the sub- ject being: "Resolved that Schnoi Influence is More important than House Influence." •Alex. Glen -and Harold Yeo took the affirmative while Ferris Sturdy and Norman Trewartha upheld the negative. The debate was much enjoyed, the young people taking their parts well, and, it is probable that others may be put - nn during the corning winter. Rev: J. W. Herbert, Mr. W. H. Lobb and Miss Johnson acted as judges and gave their decision in favour of the negative. Miss Franees Potter and Mrs. Les- lie lervis contributed suitable read- ings and altogether the program was a very excellent one. The meet- ' ing closed with the singing of a hymn and the repeating -of the pah benediction. _ On ()etcher 14th the W:M,S. met; • at the home of Miss Acheson with Mrs. Waiter in charge. The meeting, • Was opened by hymn 138 and reed ings were; given on devotional work. . 'In a Shaded 'Room," the general • work of Canada, and the Dream of Canada. Mrs. W. Yen 'anal Mrs.' E. Teo were put hs charge of the parcel for the West. The meeting was dis- missed by hymn 276, 'The Ladies' Aid mat,. -at the elgae -of the 'W:MiS. meeting. The. con .test wee 'brought to a close, the total amount realized > being $292.71. STANLEX Mr. and •Me's. Alfred Westlake, ac- companied by 'are. Thomas Snowden and -daughter, Mary, spent the -Week- end with friends at St. Thomas. . Mr. arid Mrs. 'Jolts ;Secikchmer motored to London on Monday last, 'Rev. and Mrs: W, H. Townshend and ;children.of London spent'tunday last •:with Me. and Mrs, Will Scotehnier., IlIr, Townsbend'wee conducting spo ' ciel services in St,, James's Angli-,• •:van church, Goderieh township. GODERICH TOWNSHIP The regular meeting of the Men's Club will be held in Grace church, Porters Hill, en, Tuesday evening at the usual hour. Mr. John ,S,�oweroy 'will be responsible for the address of the evening: The :fruit growers 'pf Goderieh township are busy harvesting per- haps the best crop of apples eyer_ grown here. Local buyers and deal- ers lfeom Toronto, Windsor and Kit, chener are sending them out daily, Prices are' fair and thole who have good apples this sease,n are foittunate in that it is about the best cash crop grown this season. On. Friday -evening, Oct. 16th, the A.Y.P.A. • of Middleon, Bayfield and Varna „held its first meeting for this season in the basement of St. James' ehurch, :Middleton, and in spite- of the inclement weather a good crowd, showed their enthusiasm by being present. . Rev. Mr. Paull presided over the meeting which was 'opened in the us-, ual way. Mr. Les. Elliott, treasurer,, was called upas to 'give an account of , the financial standing of the A. Y.P,A. and ' this showed that. ,the year had been very successful f]nan- ciaily as,- well as being most inter- esting and helpful socially and spir- itually. Sixty five _paid rap members were ent)oled during the year. The election of officers took place and resulted as follows: President: Miss Lucy R. Woods; 1st vice; MissiNina E. Heard; 2nd. vice, Hugh Middleton; secretary, Clayton Elliott; treasurer, Stewart Middleton. A program committee composed of Mrs. Paull, Miss Flay Edwards and 111r. Carl Deihl _ was elected to act with the executives -Miss Nina Heard and 'Miss Flay Edwards were appointed as delegates to. the A.Y.P.A. Conference to be held in Stratford on Friday ,evening and Saturday, OCt, 23 and 24th. An invitation was extended to the members to a Hallowe'en Masquerade Party en Friday evening, Oct. 30th, at the home of Mr. Carl Deihl. •The committee responsible for the even- ings entertainment includes Miss Ruth Elliott, Mrs. Ken. -Taylor and Mr. Sana Widcombe. ,Meeting'; this year are to he held every second Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of Michigan are visiting their niece,. Mrs. Ira Verrill. Mr.and Mrs. Perham, who have been visiting at the borne of the lady's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ji Stoddart, have returned to Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. 'Irvine Tebbutt and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Eason, two re- cently -wedded couples, have re- turned free) their ho}neymoon trips and are now getting nicely settled down to ,practical life having "hung the crane" in their neer hones on the Maitland. We bid them welcome to this community of homes and homemakers' and wish then "long life and fair," Ebenezer United church gave a chicken supper on Thursday evening last to a great crowd of people. The tables were set M. the church 'shed, which was decorated and lighted for the ocension, and, it is needless to say, the supper was all that could be desired, After the supper an adv journtnent• was made to the ehurch where a program was put on. The Rev. J. W. Herbert, pastor of the ehurch, presided, and the Rev. J. W. Johnsen of Londesboro, a former pastor, and Rev. Mr, Pointer of Varna, were also present and each gave a brief speech. The Lobb Quartette and the Ebenezer Orches- tra furnished the musical part of the program and Mise Lovett of Clinton and Billy Joe Johnstee of Goderieh contributed appropriate readings. The entertainment - was voted a good one. On Wednesday evening of last week a large number of the young people of Summerhill and.cntmnun- ity surprised Mr. and Mrs. Rey Etta.; ors by gathering at their. new home and spending the evening with them, During the evening the following address was read by Mr. Clarence Bali and the bride and groom were presented with a beautiful chair by Miss 'Mabel :Weight . and Miss Ida Josiing. "Dear Mt, and Mrs. Eas- otn;—We, the young people of --Sum- merhill neighbourhood, -hive gather- ed here in your new hone to ex, tend to you our heartiest congratu- lations and -geed wishes at the be- ginning of your wedded lee. Our Social intercourses with you have aI• ways been very happy and pleasant therefore, it is with the greatest of pleasure that we'desit•e to give tang, ible evidence of the.highest steem in which we regard you. May this chair, as you rest in it, be a symbol of the' great regardin which yen are held. .. May you have joy and pros- perity throughout your married life; .Signed on behalf of the young peo- pl'e" of .Summerhill." Mr. and Mrs. Easohi each heartily thanked their friends for their lsind- ness -and a very enjoyable ,evening was .spent together. 'Mr.'B.Anderson of Tc^onto is vis- iting his brother, Mr. Lewis Anderson of the. Bayfield.'iine, 111r. Ernest Townshend was in To- ronto.'on business the first of the week, , Mrs. A. McEwan anti- daughter, Bessie and Mrs. J. MacFarlane spent Tuesday with the latter's daughter' Mrs. K. Taylor of. the Hayfield: line., Mies Isilarion Middleton, Kippers, spent the week -end at her home' on the ninth concession. ., Miss Kathleen McNaughton e. of London is spending a• few slays,as the guest' of her cousin, Mks. 'Fred Middletony.: Fish are more easily digested than most r,!:her foods. That's onereason it's well to incluiie'fish regularly in the diet. THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD. -MARRIAGES iVfeGOU1'---MoDOU,GALL---At :Tru' L,y church,' iGalt, ori Oct. 12th, by •the Rev. Canon Snelgrnbe,. Edna,' only daughter of Mr: suer SSTs. A. McDougall, Lucan, to Rev, Capt. Kenneth itieGoun, rector of Si. Paul's church, Clinton. BIRTHS ' 1167.—In Clinton Public Hospital, on October 15th, to Mr, 'and Mrs. IV, E. Hoy, a daughter.—Phyllis Ber- nice. DEATHS ANDREWS—In Clinton, on 'Oct. 21st, Colin 'A. Andrews, in his 77th year.' Funeral on 'Salburday afternoon, Oct. 24th, Service at 2 •o'clock. IN MEMORIAM SCOTT xn lovingmemory of our wife and smother, Mrs. Richard :Scott, who passed away Oct. 20th; 1930. Calm and peaceful she is sleeping, . Sweetest rest that fellows pain. And we, who loved her, sadly miss her,. But trust hi God to meet again. —Sadly missed by husband and daughter. • CARTER—in loving memory of rour dear sun and brother, Charlie, who passed away two years ago, Oct, 19th, 1930. 9Short and sudden was the call Of one so dearly loved by a11. The blow was great, the shock severe„ Welittle thought his end was near And only those who loved can tell, The pain of net. saying -a last fare- well. His memory is as dear to -day As in the hour God took him away." =Sadly 'missed by father, mother, sister and brother. CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL BOARD HELD SUCCESSFUL FAIR LAST WEEK (Continued Irene page 1) she really was able to peer Mtn the future. The members of the board, those in charge of the several booths, and their assistants, worked very hard during the three days of the fair and must have felt very glad when it was ever, but they have the satis- faction of knowing that tear ef- forts wero net in vain. On Friday evening the drawing for the Hope Chest and the distribution of the other prizes took place. Mrs. H. T. Rance and Mrs. Brydone drew for the seven prizes, the ticket stubs with the numbers and the names of the, holders, were put into a sealed box, theeoughiy shaken up and the first ticket taken out drew first prize. The result of the draw was as follows: first, Mrs. John Finglund, Londesboro, the hope chest with al) the articles contained therein; se, cond Mrs. Van}Iorne, silver fruit basket; third, Mrs. (Dr.) F. G. Thompson, drip -o -later; fourth, Mrs. James Flynn, umbrella; fifth, Mrs. W. Kutch, linen table cloth; sixth, Mrs. Maddock, Londesboro, table cloth; seventh, Mr. McDonald, God- erich, jar cold ereanr. The bushel basket of apples contained 116 and the correct number was guessed by. Mrs. E, Paterson. Other prizes were awarded as fnli lows: Best decorated booth, Miss Lucile Grant; •oldest costume, Mrs. E. Herman; oldest exhibit, Mrs. A. T, Cooper; meet interesting exhibit, Mrs. R. A. Roberton, sheepskin .deed, given in Ireland 119 yeas ago; col- lection of antiques, Miss oan; guns, W. 11. Cowan, Dr: Fowler; stuffed birds, J.1, Cantelon; best antique, cradle, Mrs. Walker, Seaforthearm- leg pan, Dr. Shaw; antique furniture, Miss Z. Bawden, It. Tacker; collection of stamps and coins, special, H. S. Terrier; Mrs. Gandier and Miss Cum, inghante received an "honourable mention" for the stage decoration, At the childrans' both the follow- ing prizes were awarded: Glider, Bob Gandier; ar'eoplane, John Cuning- hanie, Norman Lever; birdhouse, 3, Cuningltame, Sonny Harris, N. Lev- er; sewing, Cathleen Cunieghante, Lorna Plumsteel, Shirley Sutter, pumpkin, Benson Sutter; insects: Benson Sutter, Jean Hearn; scrap book, Jean Heart':; oil painting, El- len Charlesworth, Norma Cork; wat- er colors, Norma Cools, , Ellen Char- lesworth• The "Mysterious Lady" was MVlrs. Morley Jordan and she was detected by Mrs. J. L. Heard. • The prize was a worthwhile one, a bag of North Star flour, -donated by Mr. 3. Schen- hale. BRUCEFIEI.D Anniversary services will be' held in the United church, Oat. 25th, the speaker for the day will be Rev. A. Sinclair of Hensall, brie of the lead- ing.,.young men of the Presbytery. Special 'music will be furnished: by the choir, assisted by a soloist, Mr. 0. Crawford of Ripley. . . Mies Myrtle Pearson returned home from London -last week, where she underwent an operation in Vic- toria hospital for auttrim and sinus trouble• `Her many friends Hope. that she makes a speedse recovery. ' Mrs. A. Murdoch and daughter of Detroit spent the week -end at the• hone of Mr. R. D. Murdoch, POSTIKIASTEES OF HURON AND PERTH MEET „A get-to-gether'"rrseetieg c,f the postmasters of Huron and -Perth comities was held at the Hicks House Mitchel] on Tait:sday afternoon and postmasters,'vetepresent frosss Exe tax, Clinton, - St; ;!Marys Seaforth. Shakespeare, Brussels, Mitchell and other places. The .speakers 'were: Mr. Mr.. Johnsen. vice -presiders of the Ontario Postmasters Association and the secretary, ,GOrdot Whitfield of Willi thy , Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association BULBS Thousands of Thetn. 1st QUALITY'ONLYn"�: NARCISSUS, DAFFODILS, TULIPS 'ETC. 'PLANT EARLY TO ENSURE: SUCCESS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Special! Two Weeks Only! For two -weeks only, commencing on. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH A PERMANENT WAVE, COMPLETE 55.00 . Other Waves $6:50, 58.00,'510.00 , 'Wake Appointment Early by non- ' ing 212 • MRS. R. D. FORRESTER, Queen Street, Clinton 42-2. George Elliott's SERVICE — STATION HOLMESVILLE "Buy the Best for Less" . GASOLINE, PER GAL, 25c Red ,Seal,. British. American Shell and Erie OILS 25c PER QUART 51.00 PER GALLON Red Seal, British American •Shell and Erie COMPLETE LINE OF TIRES AT 'A SPECIAL PRICE BATTERY CHARGING AND FREE AIR 41-2. ARMISTICE DAY TO BE OBSERV- ED AS PUBLIC HOLIDAY Ottawa, Oet. 19. --Armistice Day. November 11, will be ` observed throughout Canada as a public holi- day, according to. the act passed at the last session of Parliament regul- ating observance of the ceesatien of hostilities on November 11, 1918. The occasion will be celebrated in the sante manner as Canadian people celebrate Labor Day, Dominion Day and other national holidays, accord- ing to the meaning of tho act, it was said to -day at the ofllice of the secretary of state. For Sale Large size Quebec range, medium size Quebec heater, electric plate with oven, oval drop-leaf table, 2 wash stands, a baby buggy. Apply to M'rs. J. E. Neil, Frederick street. 42-2-p. At once, Drawer B., Wanted a used organ. Bayfield. Apply to 42-1. Lost Black club bag, containing person, al articles of clothing, on Saturday, Oct, 10th, between Londesboro and the first 14 miles north. Finder kindly communicate with Mr. Pellow 90 St. Julian Street, London. Re- ward. 42-1, For Sale Leather coat in good condition, large size, 43 inches long, suitable :for ratan or woman. A bargain. nose inquire at News -Record of- fice. 42-1-p. Auction Sale Of Farm •Sto^k and Implements at lot 21, Oen. 10, %Iullett Township. On Tuesday, October 27th, at. 1.30 pan. sharp consisting of the follow- ing: .HORSES: Draft fatly, rising 2 years; draft filly, one year old; aged draft stare, supposed to be in foal; aged driving mare.• • :CATTLE: Cow, due in April; cow due in May; year-old heifer; year -,old steer; spring calf. IMPLEMENTS — M.H• mower; - sulky rake; set barrette; ' scuffler; wagon; hay rack; seed "drill; buggy; cutter; cream separator. TERMS: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit given, or a discount of 5 per cent allowed for sash on credit amounts.' Everything to be sold as proprietor is in failing health. G. 'E. Elliott, Auctioneer, Charles Ruddelt, Proprietor. 41-11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS -- In 'the Estate of Emma Hill, Deceased • NOTLCE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate, of Emma Hill, late of the. town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, mbrried' wnntan, deceased, who died on orabout the twenty- fifth day of June, A,D., 1981,are required to deliver to Oliver Johnson, or Hiram Hill, the Executors at the' said estate or F:,:Fingland Solicitor, on or before the 7th day of Novem- ber, A.D.; 1931, a full statement of their claims •together with particu- lars thereof, and' the nature of ,,the securities if held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND 'TAKE ' NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date -the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deeeased a- mongst the, persons , entitled thereto #aving regard only ,to sueh claims as shall have reecived due,,notice and in accordance therewith, DATED: at Clinton, Ontario this 20th day of October, A.D 1931. ;F.• FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for •the said estate.. 42-3. Clinton's New -'Laid Egg And •Poultry House Eggs, bought according .to Domin- ion Government Egg Regillations. Inquire for our prices of , eggs. You will 'always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks' always .'wanted—Prices good. . Always phone our .office for prices before marketing; produre,, N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w GODERICH: Wihen on Thursday last Robert Smith carne upon a'steer lying on the highway near Londes- boro, with its two front legs broken, the -victim of an •automolbile, he dispatched the animal, dressed it and Sold the meat. The next day Albert Morrell, owner of tate steer, claimed the proceeds, or part of them. The men could not agree. They appear- ed before Magistrate Reid and asked him to act in the capacity of arbit- rator. The animal brought 525. The i'Vlagistrate awarded the owner 515 and the ,.farmer -butcher $10. The animal was valued at five cents a pound live height. Both Hien were satisfied with the award. THE OPENING DANCE of the season WALKERS HALL, BRUCEFIELD on the evening of FRIDAY, OCT. 23rd New and Old -Time Dances 4 -PIECE ORCHESTRA Admission Gentlemen 40e; Ladies 20e LUNCII' PROVIDED 42-1. We thank our many Clinton friends who have told us they were pleased we had re -opened our Clin- ton Studio again. We will be pleas- ed to have you call and see our Up - to date Studio. We will be glad to stake some real good portraits for Christmas Gifts for your friends: Our work will -please you and our prices are nothigh. Come in now and avoid the rush. Please come in the forenoon car as early as possible in the afternoon as the days are get, ting short now. We do Itodols Fin- ishing promptly. Burgess Portrait Studios Clinton and Mitchell Studios open every wee'; day. ' Auction Sale The following artieles will be of- feted for sale at the residence, Vic- toria street, now occupied by 11. I3. Johnson, at 2 o'clock, sharp, on Sat-, urday, Oct. 81st, 5 -piece living room suite, living . room table, sideboard, dining room table and chairs, kit- chen table and .chairs, bed room suite, white iron , bedstead and springs, 2 rockers, washing maehine, Daniels, incubator, Marmot i3idio, 5+ tube, table model, battery set; 4 -tube Marconi table model, buttery set, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. Miss E. Wheatley, proprietress, G. H. Elliott, auctioneer. 42-2. Silent Glow Oil Burner Citizens of Clinton and vicinity are invited to call at E. Wendorf's Store and see the a'iiove burner in operation. It will .interest you, Gee. Bolton, Agent. 40-8, Table For Sale. Dark oak dining table fat' sale. Apply to Mrs.. H. R. Sharp, Clinton. Phone 12." 40.2. Pure Leicesters For Sale •Shearling rams and lana lambs; breeding ewes and ewe lambs. Apply •to J. H. Quigley, R. R. No. 5, Clin- ton. Phone 619-8, Clinton central. 38-t1. OPPORTUNITY! You pan make splendid money. selling Personal Greeting Cards. Our co-operation and beautiful Portfolio assures success. • NOW IS THE TIME TO START - Special Radio Prize Contest be- ginning. No charge for samples Commission .weekly: MASTER, . KRAFT. ,LIMITE•D Toronto 2• 40.3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, '1J f ' T C 0 A L, COKE, WOOD,' CEMENT Whoever cools the family' l meals -- Whether it's the lady of tad' house or a maid,. le entitled to the best fuel obtinablo. Mobody can cook good food with poor fuel. A great deal of dissatisfac- tion among cooks may be trace ed to the daily battles with d refractory' kitchen stove. Solve your servant problem with some of our excellent coal "" Call tie ItiP,ATP8MS FOR GOOD, CLEAN COAL 1-r ISN'T HARD `t'O KC -EF' A, eootC..1 WF1EN You eNGAGR THE- HEAT t1E.HEAT FOLKS To HELP HER • VUstard Coal PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO Amotoomrr C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs , Phone 7 ABM House For Sale 5 -roots frame cottage, Albert street, north, Clinton. Quarter acre of lined, pevn water installed. Cheap for quick sale. Waite P.O. Box 82$ or phone 88, Clinton. 39-tf, For Sale Lady's Persian lamb, sable trim- med coat. Medium size, in good cone dation. Will be sold reasonably. In- quire at The News -Record office. 39-tf:. House to Rent Six room cottage, corner Ratten- bury and Shipley St. Waster, lights, Etc. Apply to T, R. Wiggington. 3941. Spirella Corseticre Icor Corsets, Girdles, Brassiere,s, etc., call on Mrs. 3. Silcox, Clinton. Phone 211j. Listen in to the daily broadcast at 1:50 p.m., over W.G.R. Buffalo. • 40-2-p. 'COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision for the Town of Clinton will sit for the hearing of appeals concerning as- sessment, in the Ootmcil Chamber, in the Torun of Clinton, at 8 o'clock p•m., •ore Friday, October 23rd, 1931. Appellants will appear before the Court at the time and place above stated. R, E. -Manning, Cleric. 40-2. . House For. Sale A most desirable house on Prin- cess .street. 3 minutes from the Col- legiate, 10 minutes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Good garden and fruit trees. An ideal home in good locality. Water and 'electric light, Apply to E. M. leant, or Dr. Shaw. 32-tf. For. Salo Hope in Clinton, Beech street. Frame house covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 274f. House For Sale Modern six room house, good lo- cation. • Hardwood floors, good gar- den, garage. Inquire at News -Re- cord office, 27-11. Car For Salo A ear in perfect mechanical con- dition. Good tires, new top. Price 550. Apply to H. A. Hovey, Clinton, 25-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply to George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 85-11. CIDER MILL Cider made every Tuesday and Thursday.' Applebutter boiled by ap, pointment. P. C. KALBFLEISCH Phone 69, Zurich. 40-2-p. " MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue. of the pow- ers of sale contained in a certain mortgage w'hieh will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, subject tt1 a reserve bid, ori Monday, 26th day of October, A.D., 1931 at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at let 6; concession 1, Hullett township, the following property, namely, Firstly: Lot •number 6 in the First Concession of the said Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, ex- cept that portion of the Lot included in the .plan of the Village of Alma registered in the ltegistry.Office of the County of Huron, save that por- tion of the Lot included in the said plan whhich is -laid out in blocks but not subdivided into Village lets and not numbered in said plan. Second- ly: Lots 34jund 35 in the Village of Alma as shown upon the' said plan. . Upon the property itis said there is a :good bairn end a plentiful sup- ply 01 water. TERMS: . Ten per cent. of the purchase' stoney to be paid down at the time of the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further .particulars and •con- ditions' of Sale' apply to the wider - signed .Solicitor. DATED at Clinton this 6th day of October, AD., 1931. Harold Dale, Auctioneer. F. Fingland, Clinten,0ntaria,Sol- icitor r: the. Mortgagee. fo .' 39-3. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER-PERDUE-WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w Poultry, Eggs & Cream WANTED We are prepared to buy above ev- ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purchased for Bowes' Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator. Victoria St•, Clinton. Phone, 281. • Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt 'implements and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parte and repairs for same. I ani also agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEIIL Queen Street, Clinton, 81-11, AGENT FOR MASSEY-.HARRIS CO. SAWY`R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Flectrican and Plumber 1 A Full Ling. of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures ,Wiring, Hunching and Repairs Phone 58w. 13-1t4 New Tinsmith Shop :Having started a Tinstnithing Shop in Londesboro T ora prepared to do all sorts of Tinsmithing Werk, Specializing to Eavetroughing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me a chance to show you what I can do. F. M. PICKETT, Phone 25r18, Blyth Central, Londesboro. 1341. Coal! Coke! Wood!' Your` can keep warin with Lehigh Valley Coal, or have winter sun- shine every day if you burn the fatuous 0.T.0. Coke. Also a good, supply of our own Canadian product Hamilton Coke, Alberta Coal, Bit- uminnus coal. Prompt delivery front my sheds on Queen street at any time. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen St, Phone' 256 ,Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes . cleaned, pressed and r]i- paired.' Woollen goods dry cleanest. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. 11V. J. Jago. 2283 -are House for Sale or Rent 8-rootit house, :Maple street, Cline ton. Furnace, bath, etc. Garden! with" small fruits. Garage. Reason- ableterms. Write Box 1,Clinton or 0, phone'211, . e 37-tff, Northern Electric Sound System CAPITAITHEATRE ,Goderieh, Phone 47 A short drive and a good show) Now Playing: "Silence" with Clive Brook. MOIL.; TUTS., WED. MARK TWAIN, wrote the immortal character portrayed by Jackie .Coogan, Junior Durkin, Mitzi Green and Jack Searle -in . i Huckleberry Finn also Paramount Sound News THURS., PRI., SAT. CYRIL MAUDE with Godfrey Tearle and Nora Swinburne head a superlative cast in a play by Michael Arlen "These Charming People" Fox Movietene News Coming: Two outstanding 'thrill pictures, "Daughters of the Dragon," and "Murder by the Clock." GODERICH: Wihen on Thursday last Robert Smith carne upon a'steer lying on the highway near Londes- boro, with its two front legs broken, the -victim of an •automolbile, he dispatched the animal, dressed it and Sold the meat. The next day Albert Morrell, owner of tate steer, claimed the proceeds, or part of them. The men could not agree. They appear- ed before Magistrate Reid and asked him to act in the capacity of arbit- rator. The animal brought 525. The i'Vlagistrate awarded the owner 515 and the ,.farmer -butcher $10. The animal was valued at five cents a pound live height. Both Hien were satisfied with the award. THE OPENING DANCE of the season WALKERS HALL, BRUCEFIELD on the evening of FRIDAY, OCT. 23rd New and Old -Time Dances 4 -PIECE ORCHESTRA Admission Gentlemen 40e; Ladies 20e LUNCII' PROVIDED 42-1. We thank our many Clinton friends who have told us they were pleased we had re -opened our Clin- ton Studio again. We will be pleas- ed to have you call and see our Up - to date Studio. We will be glad to stake some real good portraits for Christmas Gifts for your friends: Our work will -please you and our prices are nothigh. Come in now and avoid the rush. Please come in the forenoon car as early as possible in the afternoon as the days are get, ting short now. We do Itodols Fin- ishing promptly. Burgess Portrait Studios Clinton and Mitchell Studios open every wee'; day. ' Auction Sale The following artieles will be of- feted for sale at the residence, Vic- toria street, now occupied by 11. I3. Johnson, at 2 o'clock, sharp, on Sat-, urday, Oct. 81st, 5 -piece living room suite, living . room table, sideboard, dining room table and chairs, kit- chen table and .chairs, bed room suite, white iron , bedstead and springs, 2 rockers, washing maehine, Daniels, incubator, Marmot i3idio, 5+ tube, table model, battery set; 4 -tube Marconi table model, buttery set, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. Miss E. Wheatley, proprietress, G. H. Elliott, auctioneer. 42-2. Silent Glow Oil Burner Citizens of Clinton and vicinity are invited to call at E. Wendorf's Store and see the a'iiove burner in operation. It will .interest you, Gee. Bolton, Agent. 40-8, Table For Sale. Dark oak dining table fat' sale. Apply to Mrs.. H. R. Sharp, Clinton. Phone 12." 40.2. Pure Leicesters For Sale •Shearling rams and lana lambs; breeding ewes and ewe lambs. Apply •to J. H. Quigley, R. R. No. 5, Clin- ton. Phone 619-8, Clinton central. 38-t1. OPPORTUNITY! You pan make splendid money. selling Personal Greeting Cards. Our co-operation and beautiful Portfolio assures success. • NOW IS THE TIME TO START - Special Radio Prize Contest be- ginning. No charge for samples Commission .weekly: MASTER, . KRAFT. ,LIMITE•D Toronto 2• 40.3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, '1J f ' T C 0 A L, COKE, WOOD,' CEMENT Whoever cools the family' l meals -- Whether it's the lady of tad' house or a maid,. le entitled to the best fuel obtinablo. Mobody can cook good food with poor fuel. A great deal of dissatisfac- tion among cooks may be trace ed to the daily battles with d refractory' kitchen stove. Solve your servant problem with some of our excellent coal "" Call tie ItiP,ATP8MS FOR GOOD, CLEAN COAL 1-r ISN'T HARD `t'O KC -EF' A, eootC..1 WF1EN You eNGAGR THE- HEAT t1E.HEAT FOLKS To HELP HER • VUstard Coal PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO Amotoomrr C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs , Phone 7 ABM House For Sale 5 -roots frame cottage, Albert street, north, Clinton. Quarter acre of lined, pevn water installed. Cheap for quick sale. Waite P.O. Box 82$ or phone 88, Clinton. 39-tf, For Sale Lady's Persian lamb, sable trim- med coat. Medium size, in good cone dation. Will be sold reasonably. In- quire at The News -Record office. 39-tf:. House to Rent Six room cottage, corner Ratten- bury and Shipley St. Waster, lights, Etc. Apply to T, R. Wiggington. 3941. Spirella Corseticre Icor Corsets, Girdles, Brassiere,s, etc., call on Mrs. 3. Silcox, Clinton. Phone 211j. Listen in to the daily broadcast at 1:50 p.m., over W.G.R. Buffalo. • 40-2-p. 'COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision for the Town of Clinton will sit for the hearing of appeals concerning as- sessment, in the Ootmcil Chamber, in the Torun of Clinton, at 8 o'clock p•m., •ore Friday, October 23rd, 1931. Appellants will appear before the Court at the time and place above stated. R, E. -Manning, Cleric. 40-2. . House For. Sale A most desirable house on Prin- cess .street. 3 minutes from the Col- legiate, 10 minutes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Good garden and fruit trees. An ideal home in good locality. Water and 'electric light, Apply to E. M. leant, or Dr. Shaw. 32-tf. For. Salo Hope in Clinton, Beech street. Frame house covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 274f. House For Sale Modern six room house, good lo- cation. • Hardwood floors, good gar- den, garage. Inquire at News -Re- cord office, 27-11. Car For Salo A ear in perfect mechanical con- dition. Good tires, new top. Price 550. Apply to H. A. Hovey, Clinton, 25-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply to George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 85-11. CIDER MILL Cider made every Tuesday and Thursday.' Applebutter boiled by ap, pointment. P. C. KALBFLEISCH Phone 69, Zurich. 40-2-p. " MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue. of the pow- ers of sale contained in a certain mortgage w'hieh will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, subject tt1 a reserve bid, ori Monday, 26th day of October, A.D., 1931 at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at let 6; concession 1, Hullett township, the following property, namely, Firstly: Lot •number 6 in the First Concession of the said Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, ex- cept that portion of the Lot included in the .plan of the Village of Alma registered in the ltegistry.Office of the County of Huron, save that por- tion of the Lot included in the said plan whhich is -laid out in blocks but not subdivided into Village lets and not numbered in said plan. Second- ly: Lots 34jund 35 in the Village of Alma as shown upon the' said plan. . Upon the property itis said there is a :good bairn end a plentiful sup- ply 01 water. TERMS: . Ten per cent. of the purchase' stoney to be paid down at the time of the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further .particulars and •con- ditions' of Sale' apply to the wider - signed .Solicitor. DATED at Clinton this 6th day of October, AD., 1931. Harold Dale, Auctioneer. F. Fingland, Clinten,0ntaria,Sol- icitor r: the. Mortgagee. fo .' 39-3. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER-PERDUE-WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w Poultry, Eggs & Cream WANTED We are prepared to buy above ev- ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purchased for Bowes' Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator. Victoria St•, Clinton. Phone, 281. • Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt 'implements and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parte and repairs for same. I ani also agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEIIL Queen Street, Clinton, 81-11, AGENT FOR MASSEY-.HARRIS CO. SAWY`R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Flectrican and Plumber 1 A Full Ling. of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures ,Wiring, Hunching and Repairs Phone 58w. 13-1t4 New Tinsmith Shop :Having started a Tinstnithing Shop in Londesboro T ora prepared to do all sorts of Tinsmithing Werk, Specializing to Eavetroughing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me a chance to show you what I can do. F. M. PICKETT, Phone 25r18, Blyth Central, Londesboro. 1341. Coal! Coke! Wood!' Your` can keep warin with Lehigh Valley Coal, or have winter sun- shine every day if you burn the fatuous 0.T.0. Coke. Also a good, supply of our own Canadian product Hamilton Coke, Alberta Coal, Bit- uminnus coal. Prompt delivery front my sheds on Queen street at any time. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen St, Phone' 256 ,Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes . cleaned, pressed and r]i- paired.' Woollen goods dry cleanest. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. 11V. J. Jago. 2283 -are House for Sale or Rent 8-rootit house, :Maple street, Cline ton. Furnace, bath, etc. Garden! with" small fruits. Garage. Reason- ableterms. Write Box 1,Clinton or 0, phone'211, . e 37-tff,