HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-15, Page 8imagremisaamoneimiwi TIlle•CLINT()N-NEWS RECORD • . CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE EYE SPECIALIST • EYES TESTED FREE Lowest Prices in years in Jewellery . and Silverware. One New Style Gillette Razor Flee with 10 Blades also New Style Sharpener at $1 R. 11. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician womesaixameasamonwassositaaidroman OCTOBER • Specials Men's Bib Overalls, Good Weight 98c DENIM Men's Work Shirts 79c Men's Fine Black Oxfords - $2.95 Men's Fleece Lined Underwear 79c Men's Combinati)n, a niceFall weight $1.50 Very Special Prices on all New Fall Lines f Rubber' Footiv'ear: Plumsteel Bros. 1.11•••• Quality Me • ts ROME -MADE SAUSAGE, PER LB. 15e S. ROAST PORK, per lb. RIB ROAST Ole PORK., per lb. 14e LOIN ROAST PORK, per lb. 16e 15e PICKLED BEEF, BONELESS, per lb. 15o LAMB STEWS, per Th. only,. , .,..,,,,,,... ' 12e ,,• .. .e CHICKENS AND DUCKS FOR WEEK -END KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONN8L1, & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT , MARKET Phone 162 Huron Street. oor1=0====201=101====0=X0 amtograosmoomoosioisk. 1.1111.1•M•21.19Millff6M37...111, Have you visited our Display of the ewest and Most Modern Home Furnishings? We are able to furnish your homes with - the latest Designs in Furniture at a price reasonable to all. ., • Take the first opportunity to come ° in and look over our Stock of Furn- ishings. We know you will like them. SUTTER. PERDUE 11111Ell Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture •Phone 147w Electric Wiring =ozzioE70or===locuogosmico.=. AUBURN' 110. and 1VIes. Jobe Pteger, end ss Erma of Kitebener -were visi- a here over the week-eed. and Mrs. B. Patterson have ne to Galt to spend. a week with atives. Mr. and-M•T. G. Thompsen of ndon spent the holiday:with rela- es here. 4 Anniversary services will be held Knox United church on'eSunday xt, Oct, 18th, at 10.30 a.m. end 10 p.m. Rev. J. C. Forster of Lore, desbero will conduct the serviceee Special mimic will lie given by the' choir under „the, leadership af,114, N' IVTurray ind MissSadie Ceetee, organist'. • e Miss Bedford, who livesee.with 1Vrier, Hill here; had the misreetime to. be knocked, down by a car Me 'Sate ueday last and suffered -al brokee leg: Slikewas taken to Clinton hose ' Mr. Chas. Asquith. is ecenireeeing. operations , at the evaporator this Thursday. Me. Jas. Johnstov teloading neat' this week. • • .$2.50 A. new edition 01“Canacia's Fig,ht- ing Airmen. The original editie,n' was $5.00 and is still procurable in the better binding. The- halteprice edition is bound in serviceable cloth and printed on geed paper. Contains the full contents of the • eriginal, in eluding the 28 splendid photegraphic plates. It is the only authentie story of . imperishable_ *heroism of the Canadians who ware the greateet of all great Allied vvar-pilots. Ev- ery man and woman, growing bey and girl will enjoy it • and benefit from reading it. It is -made ip Can- ada, written about Canadian e by a Canadian: is historical and edema- eional. MURDER AT. • ELLS BUTTE . The price is also. e2.50. These 14 atetieg.abietit the Mounted police are true, takenefrone the Archives of the Police, andnarrate the brilliant solving.. of some of the Most baffling crimes, reveals in a fascinating and dramatic manner the methods and triumphs of the resounded police, who have outeiassed in real life the clev- er detectives of fiction. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 101!1° Ilki1111111111111ipil qt. An. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Chowan visited their. son in Stratford on Sunday. Miss Maud Torrance has returned after a visit with Toronto Mende. Mr. W.. H. Mitch of Hamilton was home for the week -end and holi- day. - Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andiew of Au- burn visited Clinton friends yes- terday. Miss Luella Walkinshaw of Toronto is.spending a holiday at' her hone in town. Miss Mary McTaggart of Toronto was home over the week -end and heliday. Miss Margaret Mahaffy was with 1Staffa :friends over the holiday Week -end. Miss Ricker eg the C.I. staff spent Thanksgiving at her home in North Bay. Miss Brydone of the Collegiate staff was at her home at Milverton for Thanksgiving, Mites Edythe Johnston and Dredge and Elva Crawford spent the holi- day in own. Mrs. T, 3. Watt is spending a week t With relatives in Toronto and. Miss A. M. Stem visited her broth - Mrs. T. Venner and Master Gordon et aed his wife at Essex over the holiday week -end. spent the week -end with the lady's son at St. George. Ricinnend Hill. • Miss Ruby V. Irwin was in St. Marys for Thanksgiving with her sister and her family. Me. and Mrs. Rouse of Hamilton are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn. Mrs. Fleetly mid Miss Floody of To- ronto were the guests of Clinton relatives over the week -end and, holiday. Mrs. Veil -maim Brown of Clinton spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs, Win. Hoggart, near Londesbevo. • Mr. and 11/11,S. J. Jenkins and Mt. George Jenkins of London spent the week -end as the guests of Clinton friends. Miss Freda hrasterton of was the guest \Over the ThIlarisigltlov, Ing holiday of Rev. D. E. and Mrs. Foster , at Wesley. -Willis manse. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treleaven and family .of Luckriow were Thanks- giving visitors et the home of the lady's parents, De. IL and Mes. Vowlee. Mr. and MTS. Fife of Toronto visit- ed the lady's sister, Mrs. W. T. Herman over the–holiday .week -end and 1VIrs.-Fife remained for a lon- ger visit. 110.. add Mrs. A. Weatherwax, Mr :Bruce and Messes Catheeine and,. Ray Weathetwax of Orillia and ;Mr. 1VIeBaine of Edmonton were guests over the week -end and holi- day at the home ete Ilers–Weather- , weeree atim fe, Carrtelon. liele 04a Ntr, go,tko and little daughter Shirley, of. St. .Catbar- 10: and trs.–Carl test, To- • ereato, and 'Mr. and 10s. :Edgar nub, sm, Raymond, -of Areefoiel„ were giviste everthe week -end ,,ta,holiday at the home ;of 'their 'sister, Mrs. Gordon. Cure- ' " , 1VIreliend. Mies. Enol leisher'eand Tam- , fly,' or Detroit spent the week -end linhilsY. eVerhtheir aunt, Mrs. leferearet Placa and an their re - were •accompanied. • by Mrs. Flovence Pickett, wee hat) been epl an.rttii- tended Yielt 'here with her teieeer, lOfrs. Veen, am, and , othet 'relative% in theeVicinity. tAA,reizst?o: alf.,45iicybtt Ydur slrocerie's THURSDAYOCT013ER 15; 19ne Alltiumwegasamillinseimmomisassmaimumommstanowarmitrosionarmiwistaimosso Heavens no! Why, when you trade at O'Neil's,- you • can be as sure of getting the ChoiCest things as ,.....,....._______...' if you picked out everything yourself!" 1 7__.____..__,..,.....,...,........„....,....,...... "THE SIGN OF THE -TIME" Rest Quality at Lowest Prices etergemearreaseagreasseseate,reveragesegssa NIIZEISMEIVIMRSEsseinfOLSERNEXEMMESSIIESPIRMIEWIRMIIIIIIMMINIMMEMOISSEN ., Where Your Dollar will• h F NEW FRUIT Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. for... 25c Shelled Walnuts ...49c New Dates, 3 lbs. for 25c Roasted Peanuts, 2 lbs. for 25c • Rolled Oats, 7 lbs.,.for 25c • Golden Spray Cheee .15c Tomatoes, 4 tins '(No. 2) for 25c go t e arthest. -Read These Prices Breakfast Bacon, ,per .1b 19c Weiners,_ per ib. 19c Ridded 15c Bologna, per lb. .. 19c Fresh Hams •, 15C. • ;SA,risge' lb.. • 19e Back Bacon, per lb. 39c B Oh! "COME TO .THE FAIR" Water Ice Wafers, per ib. ....25c BAKING POWDER WEEK Bowes Baking Powder 25e Our Own Baking Powder 19c Forest City Baiting Powder 25c Magic, large .iize • 34'c 19C' 18c 25c .Macaroni,' & lbs. fOr • - New Cheese, per lb. New Brazil Nuts Hospital Fair in Town Hall, to -day Fancy Assorted Biscuits - 15C and to -morrow. Rice, 4 Us: for 25c • CLINTON'S BIG CORNER- GROCETERIA Phone 48' SIMEGNIELSOW T. - Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails - . BRUCEFIELD BULBS! BULBS! wo • The many friends of Mrs, Lindsay Eyre will regret to hear that–she' is in Seaforth• lirremeeial Hospital this week suffering with blood poisoning in her hand,' Mr. and Mies. Elsley of Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family visited at the home of the ,ladies mother, Mrs. Watson, en Thanks- giving Day. Mrs. &miens returned with Mr, mid Mrs. Thbmpson to their home in Sarnia. •' ivrv. S. Reid and Miss Irene Snide,r spent the week -end at -their pewee- tive hones in the village. Miss Eleanor Snider of Kincardine spent Thanksgiving day' at her home. Mr. Wm. Forrest and Miss Beth of Clipton visited friends in the vil- lage this week. ; Mrs. Hastings and family of Bel - grave -spent the week -end at the heene f Mee. Janet Boss. PORTER'S HILL Anniversary services were conduct ed in Grace United Church cm Sun- day afternoon and evening.. Oct. 11th. Rev, F. G. Farrill of Ontario street United Church, Clinton, preached at both services. In the _afternoon he conducted a Thanksgiving sere, and in the evening spoke on the "Upper and Nether Springs of Life." A male quartette from. the Presby- terian church, Clinton,' gave very acceptable numbers at the afternrene service, and in the . evening Mr. Buchanan contributed very appro- priate, and well rendered solos. The choir of the church took charge of the congregational singing, and also gave special numbers. Both services were well attended $A1112(30.0t101! offering ameented to some On the Monday evening following a• fowl supper was served her the lad- ies, and a large crowd gathered to partake af the delicacies provided. After supper a concert by the Huron- ian Chorus of Exeter, ender the di- rection a mr, W. R. Goulding, A.T. C.M,, was put on in the shecj to the enjoyment of the large gathering. The neeogranune was varied, and ex- cellently rendered. The total pro- ceeds thus fae is' eoneiderably over $300.00. See Our Window FOR 110LID.AY SPECIALS Mellen we will have several "New • Lines!' of Delecious. Pastey. Will also have a fresh. shipments of' HUNTS and 11CLLYS cHOCOLATES These Chocolates are ef the finest Wendorrs Bakery & CONFECTIONERY—Maker's of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" ' BREArj , HARDWARE and PLUMBING •. 'PRoislx 60 Ph24 DIRECT leReVTEHOLLAND _eROW , Bulbs for Winter and Spring Bloom are new hi stock, Quality Splendid—Prices Lower - Plant Paper Wisite Narcissus now for Christmas bloom HYACINTHS, DAFFODILS, TULIPS Etc.., for Winter and Spring Bloom Prepared Soil 15c 'a pail 'delivered. Use "Evergreen" to keep youv house plants clean and healthy, 35c bottle. We .are now members cif ' The Florists Telegraph Delivery • Aeseciatlon Flowers by wire everywhere, Send the Mercury Way, J. CUNNINGHAME Florist Phones 31 and 176 39-2. Oh! BUTTER HORNS and PECAN ROLLS We are again making 'thee two Old favorites for Saturday, Don't forget to get some. Also a big as- sortment of buns, cookies, cakes and pies. -made by BARTLIFF & CRICH • Makers of "Dainty -Maid" and . Whole Wheat Bread Phone "1, Clinton, THE BEST STOVE at the Right Price eCome in and see our all-Entnnel • , Stove, at a "Special Price." Just What you need for the coming Fall Weather. , Also, our Jewel 1111. One of the best on the inaeketee New is the time to buy and yoe'll be prepared ,for told weather. T.iiawkhis FOR FALL ROUSE CLEANING YOU MAY NEED A NICE NEW RUG TN CARPET, LINOLEUM, CONGOLEtled OR OIL CLOTH to replace the old one and brighten up some roam. We have the stock at the lowest possible price. WE STILL HAVE SOME WONDERFUL VALUES INi DINING ROOM SUITES AND CHESTERFIELD SUITES WHICH YO•U CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS Then wo have a lot of wonderful new Furniture, which- Will sure!, Please the eye, as well as your Purse, including DINING ROOM, BEDROOM, -LIVING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES, TABLES OF ALL KINDS, TEA WAGONS,. FERNERIES. CEDAR CHESTS. A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF PICTURES, MOTTOS, AND SWINGING PHOTO FRAMES. We are always proud to show yrea our lamps because they are al- ways the latest styles at the lowest prices, Drop in and let us show you, that we can save you money on any- thing you want to furnish your home. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. PHONE 195 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ' MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORE WITH A STOCK 'SPECIALS" That Count Thur. Fri. & Sat. Leave your Order Where the Merchant is the 'Owner end you Can buy at -Ch ain Store Prices. • Have you Heard the Latest? We Sell the Best •Fter. Less pr e y Bentos Corn Beef I Special, per tin 15e, leanshine 3 tins for 25c Peas, Choke 3 tins for ..... .250; Many Flowers Soap, 4 for 25e Oxo, Cubes, spoon coupon • small • 13c Large . 25e Inter. Teelet Paper, 3 for. 25c ideal Silver Cream ' 23e • Libby's gamer' Kraut, 2 for 25c Campbell's Vegetable Soup, 2 tins foil 23e FRIGIDAIRE .Oxydo), tato pkg. IDe Clark's Peek & Beans med., eetine for , 25c Cellogg's. Corn Flakes ' 3 pkgsi for e.25e Crown Brand Corn Syrup , 2 lbs. small 17c 5 lbs., Med 35e Aunt Jemima Pancake Flom: . ..... . 18c Bulk Cocoa, per lb. 18e Roman Meal, per pkg. –29e French Prepared Mustard 14c Cooked Hain. per lb. .....50c Beek Bacon, per lb: Bolegna, per lb. - • 19c Head Cheese, per Ib. Breakfast Bacon, per lb. ..25 Sausage, -per lb. 3ec 18g 20c J. T. NicKNIGHT &SON CLHITON, ONT, • PHONE 111 150,4•04.5947...1.0 • • •••••••••11,05 A NNE NEW LINE OF •THE, LATEST MODELS • BILTMORE HATS JUST ARRIVED - , DAVIS. & HERMAN Y Cleaning an 'easing Overcoat 'Suit,