HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-15, Page 5THE. CLINTON-NEWS. RECORD
The ITur'on County'Press Associa-
-.1ion will meet tomorrow at .Grand
Rev. Callen Cody, has beeen ap
•pointed- president of the University
of Toronte,'to assume his new dut
fes next' June.' Canon Cody has al-
ways taken a keen interest in_edu-
national affairs.` Be is himself. a.
graduate=of the'Univertity.
The Maple' woods are glorious,
"'Take an hour off and see them if
you can, But if you Cannot do that
take, a walk all over town, of up and
',down the concession lines and you'll
get an eyeful -sof beauty.'
A resident .of torrie boasts of a
pumpkin that weighs `. 49 pounds.
What a treat it would be to -see the
contents of that .pumpkin wrapped
up in one single pie.
• —The Stratford Beacon -Herald.
The above just gees to prove that
•-a man may be able to eclit_a news-
paper without knowing a great deal
about really important thing's. Any -
ante of experience will tell you that
' these giant pumpkins ace not need
-to inake pies' at. all. They are used
;eta feed the bossies.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart and.
• daughter, Nora spent .Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Taylor.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel RateweIt, of
Waterford spent Sundage with Mr.
and Mrs. Ben. Rathwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ellwood' and
family spent the week-endeas guests
• of Mr. and 1Vhs. 'Fred Thompson)
Bayfield the.
Miss Elsie Blackhall of .Exeter vis-
ited Miss Norma Welsh' last week.
Messrs. Randal and' Robert Cole el
Western Theiverdity, •London, spent
the 'Thanksgiving holiday with`their
Miss Marian Middleton spent the
holiday with friends in Toronto,
Mr. John' McNaughton of -London
•. and Mr; D, H. McNaughton of Varna
visited their niece, Mrs. Fred Middle-
• ton, on Sunday.'
Mrs. Ben Anderson of Toreeito' has
been visiting her brother -i -law, Mr.
Louis 'Anderson.
ever. and Mrs. Jack Watson and
• their guests, Mr. and Mrs. picker-
ing, Miss. Edina Burk and 'Me. Mar-.
ontate of Amherstburg, visited Mr,
and Mrs, Mason Sterling. an Thanks-
giving Day.
Rev. W. H. Townshend of London
Will oonducta Childre',n's,Daylserviee
in St. James' Church, Middleton, on
Sunday, October 18th, at three eel
• clock. Mr. Townshend is an old Gad-
erich"township boy And no doubt
many of his old friends will be glad
,of an opportunity of hearing 'him
preach. •
Mr. and Mrs• Frank Whitmore and
+ Master Harold, of Hamilton spent
• Abe Thanksgiving holiday with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Whitmore. - -. • -
Mr, J. Harrison, Mr, D. Pearson,
and Mrs. J. A. Fulton" of Sarnia. and
Mr. and 'Mr's. J. Grigg of Grimsby
'were holiday visitors at the home of
Mr' and Mrs. Harry Thompson. .
Mr. J. R. Thompson of Huron
Ccrlege, London, visited his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. H. Thompson on igon-
Mr. and Mrs. Middleton, Leman and
• Mr. Oliver Ferguson visited their
parents, Mr. and Mas. Ferguson far
the holiday.
•itrr. and Mrs. Butler were visitors
itt Kitchener with Mrs. Butler's him-
- ther for the holiday.
'Mrs. R. J. Woods, Wilson Woods
and Miss Vera Woods of Toronto
• epeet Thanksgiving at the home of
the former's daughter, Mee. Arthur
Wihitham, Paisley, where' the other
remembers of the -family were also
gathered together,
Misses Mabel and Irene Woods and
Miss Vera Tedd all near Kitchener
spent Thanksgiving • at their homes
Mr, Ed. Nicholson and Mt. Wilson
Woods of the O.A.C., Guelph, spent
the week -end at home.
Mr. McIntyre spent the holiday .at
his home near Paisley.
Messrs. Harold Hyde and •Ronald
and Allan - Cranston of Strathroy
were week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mk. Hyde.
Messrs. Albert and Hugh Wallace
• of Barrie were Thanksgiving visit-
ors with Mr. Wallace Miller.
Rev. T. C. Wilkinson conducted the.
services at Seaforth in place of Rev.
W. P.eLane,'who conducted anniver
--nary services here, on Sunday. •
Mrs. Lane and daughter, Helen'
accompanied Mr, Lane on Sunday
. and spent the day 'with St. "Helens
friends. •
M. and''Mrs.. Henry. Wagner of
near A:uburn,''gisited at Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Ball's last Auuiiday.
Mr: Ernest Vanderburgh °Irof ch.
2nd, concession' of iuliett motored
- down to tendon one 'day recently
and teek Mr. and Mrs.,Ben Vander,-
' burgh, who had' been spending a few
weeks with the former's brother, Mr.
George Vandenburgh, 'back to Lan-
Quite p number from around here
took in the 'howl supper at Porter's
Hill en Thanksgiving evening ,and all
•t•eforted a good' time -
Miss Olive 'clew of London spent
her Thanksgiefing' at the home of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles; L.
• Mr.• and'Mts.lames Jaelcsere of.
Walkerton etpeilt 'a day recently at'
Mr.' WIn,, Balls:
M'rs.sChaliiles Kook of Clinton apent
Thankagiving ,day with her son, Mr
"Ghed••Cebk Mid :family..' "
'Burn's',United church, Mullett; will
celebrate its anniversary next -Sun,
clay, Oct. 18th Servicee will be
held in the °mornipg at 11- o'clock and
in the- evenings at 7:o'clock. These
will be .conducted l,y Rev- W J.
Mortimore,' B.A., D•D., of A•u'burn.
Special music= is being prcdided. It
is now\ about seventy-two years.
since the first church building was.
opened and •dedicated.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton '1-Tooper.:. anti
son of $t. Marys and Mr. and Mrs.
J. D; Elsiey and family spent Sun-
day at the home of theirs. parents,
Mr. ane Mrs. James Elsley, it, being
the 44th 'anniversary of their wed-
ding day, . Mr. and Mrs, Elsley re-
turned 'with their daughter, Mrs.
Beeper to their home near St. Marys
for a few weeks visit. '
Mr. A. Kerelake and -family of
Exeter -spent Sunday `vitll Mrs. Kers
slake's''mother, Mrs. H: Lyon.
eel's, Helen Pally ' of London is
'spending a week with Mrs. W. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. •Hugh' Chesney and
daughter of Seaforth visited with
Mi.., and Mss.. Percy ..Manning on
' .Mr. and Mrs. James Pipe end Mrs.
Mountain , cf Goderich visited with
Mrs.' Pipe's sister, Mrs. Robt, Yqung-
blutt on Sunday.
The anniversary services held in
the United church, on Sunday were
well attended. Despite 'thea inclem-
ency . ,ef the weather large crowds
assmbled, . Rev. Dr. T. W. Neal of
Toronto delivered two . impressive
and touching sero tens; which were
much- appreciated by the eongrega-
tions. The service of . song was well
rendered by the choir which added
to the enterest -of the gatherings.
Mr. and Mrs. Will .Tambyln and
family of Toronto spent -Thanksgiv-
'ing at the 'holne''hf Mr. Tamblyn's
mother.. During the visit arrange-
ments were completed for a concert.
party of fifty boys from the junior
vocational school, where•Mr. Tamblyn
is principal, -Le give their program
in the community hall an Saturday.
November 7th, under the auspices of
the Wiamans' Assoxiaticn of Londes-
boro United Church.
Miss Marian Snell of Goderich
Collegiate and Miss Laura Snell of
Dashwocid spent the Thanksgiving
holiday at the`home of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Snell.
The following front the Regina
Leader refers to a native of this
township. Evidentally those west-
erners keep their beards on. Prob-
ably it keeps their chests warm dor,
ing rigorous winter days
"Te go 89 years and four months
without shaving having a smoke or
taking a drink of liquer is the claim
of James Johnston; 2230 Cornwall
street, wii`iiwon the first prize in an
"old age contest," held by R. H.
Williams and Sons, Limited, at the
company's store Thursday as part of
a celebration in observance of its
43rd anniversary.
Mr. Johnston said he was born in
Stanley Township, Ont., and came
west 29 years age,. He is a retired
farmer, he said, and has a brother,
in -'law with a beard six feet long.
Miss Mary Gordon of Goderich,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos:
B.'Baird over the week -end.
Miss Tena Baird returned from
Sheppartori on Friday of last week.
Mrs. Wm. Grant of -Clinton was
the guest of Mrs. Arthur McQueen 'a
few days last week.
'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Campbell and
Jean visited at the home of Mr, R.
Woods at St. Helens en Monday.
The neighbors in the, vicinity of
Linsley Terrace, to the number cf
fifteen, gathered on Thanksgiving
evening to enjoy a thanksgiving din-
ner together at the home of bit. and
Mrs, Cecil H. Cooper. The dinner
of nicety -corked fowl, with accoin-
paniments, a vas."..enjoyed • by all and
later music and social chat wiled a•
way a pleasant few hours, Before
the company departed a hearty vote
of thanks was given to the hosts a4
the evening and the.ladies who had
providedthedinner, ,
Mr. Geo. Falconer had the mis-
foltune to break his .ante last week
while cranking: the tractor.
Mr. Frank Lane` had a very sne-
cessful sale of farm stye k and ims
plements last week and this. week in-
tends to move his household effects
to Clifford. The neighborhood will
be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Lane
from its midst. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
McKay, who have taken the farm ov-
er for a term of years, get possess
Sian immediately. Wie extend a wel-
come to them. ,
Mts. Lebeau returned home last
week after an extended visit with
friends in Chicago acid Evanston.
The Cernenunity Club held its Sep-
tember meeting at the home of Mrs.
H. Gould, Clinton. • Oeving`te the
busy time there was not as large an
attendance as might be desired. The
roll call was responded to by "A
Salad Combination" .and some very
tasty salads were given. , The Tuck.
ersmith ladies assisted the hosted
to serve refreshments. The October'
meeting will be held at the hoofer of
Mrs. Glen McKnight.'
Mr. avid Mrs. neighs Ward and
Betty of Elmira, spent the holiday
week -end as guests of Mee. Ward's
parents, „ Mr. and - Mrs, John Cud-
Mr. and Mie. W. S. Kelly and Miss
Jaques of Toronto -were guests ee
Mr. and Mrs..Brogden' erfaobfath for
a,ceuple of days last week.
Mr. Harry - Cudniore spent ` the
week -end et his' parents' bane here.
Mite S. R. lllatMath is spending'a
few days with her sister,, Mrs, 'Camp -
belt of Aylmer' who, has been ie poem.
health for emete tirne,1
'A very' pleasant ,time_ was "spent
en Monday;when. Group No, 3 of thee.
Holmesville Ladies' -.Aid , brought,
their contest toy' a Close by serving
afternoon tea • Mes. Edgar sPrewar-
tha pouring tea. Mrs. Walter and
Mrs, .Fred Potter received the
'Miss. Rita McDonald attended\ the
Teachers''gonventien which was 'mid
at Exeter an Thursday, and Guelph
an Friday, after - ;which' she spent
the week -end at her home in Tees
Mrs: Mortlock -and Doris, who have
spent the past few weeks in Toronto
as guests of Mrs. Mortlogk's, sister,
returned home 'a, few days ago, Mr.
1llottloek Motoring down for them
Mrs. Morticek's many friends are
pleased to'see her so remelt, improved
health after her 'senors illness of
the past rsummer. .=,, °
A group of the Ladies' Aid led by
1Vers. Edgar 'Trewartha, had' a quilt-
ing et the home of Mrs. S. T. Waal -
ter on Thursday afternoon, after'.
which a "pot luck" supper was serv-
ed. ,Good "Luck" seemed tobe in the.
ascendent :on this occasion as the.
supper was all that could be desired.
After supper an adjournment was
made -to the phnrch,where a very
good" program was put on, consists'
ing of musical numbers from several
local performers and a reading by.
Mrs. Margaret Southcombe: of Port
Union, who is visiting in the vicin-
ity. A very' pleasing .entertainrnent
avis the result.
:Miss Barbara Snell, little daughter
of Mr.. and Mrs. Ephriam Snell- was
the -winner of a special prize at the
Wingham fail for the best ewe .lamb,
(If any breed. ' There were fifteen
in competition. The prize was ' a
$25.00 silver tea set.' Miss Barbara
is starting her hope chest early in
life, but t there is nothing Iike a good
start, -
Report of S. S. No. 10, for month
of Septembet:
Sr. 4th—Stanley Yungblutt, Leon-
ard' Yungblutt.
Sr. 3rd—Ruth Vodden, Beth Gov
ler, Pearl Johnstc't, Eleanor Sprung,
Florence Yungblutt.
Jr. 3rd—Rhoda Govier, Soo Hun -
king, Eddie Ifunking.
Jr. 2nd—John Sprung.
Jr. let—Anna Mae Johnsten.
Pr.—Fern Yungblutt, Berva Mair.
Best speller for month: Rhoda
Govier; number on roll, -14; average
attendance, 13.8.
—E: Arnett, teacher.
:GODl7RICH: The will of the
late Miss Mary A. .McMahon, who
taught schoce in Goderich for nearly
half a century and who died a few
weeks ago in her 93rd year, pro -
irides for a bequest of $100 to Pres
byterian foreign missions and $200
for the,perpetdal careef her plot in
Maitland Cemetery. •
GODERICH: The death occurred
in Alexandra Hositel, where she bad
been a patient.for over three years,
of Mies Jean Cowan, a native ' of
Gerrie, but who; before her illness,
was employed in Goderioh for some
years. A. brother, Arthur Cowan,
and sister, Mrs. Knight, reside at
Gorrie, where the funeral took place
oil Tuesday.
GODBKICH: Death on Saturday
called Samuel Halstead, a pioneer
resident of Gaderich, et the age of
80 years. Of recent years deceased
conducted a chicken farm at Piper's
Dani, near Goderich. He is survived
by his wife, one son and two daugh-
ters in Detroit. The funeral " was
held from the family home, to Mait-
land Cemetery, on Monday, the sec-
viee being conducted by Rev. D. J.
Lane, of Knox Presbyterian Chureh,
which deceased attended,
Financial Report of Town
(Crowded out last week)
Street -Account
Paysheet 74.50
W. T. Hawkins, grease, Etc1.60
R. J. Fisher, grates, Etc,82.50
S. J. Andrews, tile 2.01
illectrie Light Aceount
P. U. Com., st. lighting 160.56
Property Account
Paysheet, Mrs. Brown .4.33
P. 93 Com., light, town hall6.71
P. U. Coni., light, rest room 1.00
P. U. Cem., water, rest room 1.77
P. U, Cont., 3 mths. rent
rest room . 2.7.00
W. J. Miller & Son, 12,730
lbs. coal at $15.50 98.65
D. E. Closet Account
A. Fulford, salary for Sept65.00
Cemetery Account.
M. McEtvan, sal. for Sept.,, 116.66
H. 'W. Charlesworth, salt and
grass seed .,.. 8.42
L. Stong, salary for Sept. e. 70.83
E. Grealis, salary for Sept. 58.88
ii'. E. Rorke, assessoe 175.00
Grants Account
P. U. Cam., light, water, ,
X -Ray Hospital 55.44
Stationery' Acchunt
ltiunicial World, -'forms ... 1..71:'
- Postage Account'
R. E. Manning, 'stamps , .. 3.00
Fire and Water Account.
G. L, Hanley, battery and gas 12.45
-T, Morgan, 3 inths. sal. tak-
ing care Fire truck 12.50
Insurance Account
Royal' Insurance • Co,, Prem.
Fire Appliance 10.70
Toronto Gen. Ins. Co., pmetn.'
• Town's Liabilities ,., , `, 100.00.
Charity Account
Jun J'an, meals fot ;traiwps.. ; ' 2.50
Incidental Account
Harding Bros., dials 3.7e
Typewriting . . 2.80
Market scales , .10.85
Dog, Tax ......... 8,00
Hall - Rent 10,00 28.85
Work . . 5.00 5.00
- E. Grealis, Stock 'scales `:
Memises, tt Florist Telegraph
Delivery Association '
Thousands of Them,
1st QUALITY' ONLY a .8J-1,«.
ChasV. Cooke
• Phones: 66w and GGj
THOMPSON--en ' Clinton • Public
Hospital, on October 3rd, to Mr.
and Mrs, Sidney Thompson, a
daughter.—fftuby Evelyn.
WOOD—in Paris, Ont, on Oetobee
6th, to Mar. and. Mrs. Harry Wood,
Jr., a daughter.—Betty, M'aribelle.
home- of the bride's father, on
Oct. 7th, by, the Rev. R. M. Gale,
Elizabeth Adeline,' daughter•, oft
bir. H. Drehmann, Bayfield, . to
David Morley Flemming of Pon-
tiac, Mich. r
United church manse, Londesbnro,
on Oct. -14th, .by the Rey. 3. C.
Forster, Mary G. (Marie) only
rdaughter of Mr. and hers.' I. Rap-
son, to Warren H. Gibbings, -young-
er son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gib-
bings, alt et Hulled ` township.
CARTER --Iii loving memory of
rChas. W. Carter, who passed away
one year ago,, October , 19th,
Nothing but memcrtes as we jour-
ney on,
Longing for a smile from a Loved
lone gone;
No one knows thedepthsof cur deep
But -we remember when others for-
—Sadly missed by Mrs. Chas, .Carter
We wish to extend Hearty thanka
to the people of Clinton and vicinity
for the very generous response to
an appeal for vegetables and produce
to ship west, to those who gave mon-
ey to pay for some produce purchas-
ed and also tc those who assisted in
loading the car, which was shipped
Monday. C. J. Wallis, George H. El-
Table For Sale
Dark oak dining table 'fc, sale.
Apply to Mrs. H. R. Sharp, Clinton.
Rhone 12. 40-2.
• Lost
Large yellow Persian cat, between
Clinton 'and Seaforth. Anyone hav-
ing same or .knowing of its wherea-
bouts kindly 'phone 290 Clinton. Res
The Court of Revision for the
Toavn of Clinton will sit for' the
hearing of appeals concerning as-
sessment, . in the Council Chamber,
in the Town'c1 Clinton, at 8 o'clock
pan,, on Friday, October 23rd, 1931.„
Appellants will appear before ,the
Court at'the time and place above
stated. R. Ls, Manning, Clerk. 40-2.
Auction Sale of Cattle
At lot 23, Bayfield Line, rGoderich
township, 5 miles south-west of
Clinton on Saturday, ()etcher 17th, at
1,30 sharp: 45 head of beef type
yearling steers and heifers; a few
thrice forward springers: • ,;Terms:
Cash. A. E.eTownslhend, Proprietor,
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 40-1.
Auction Sale
The undersigned auctioneer has
received instructions to sell by pub-
lic anction at lot 35, can. 4, Goderich
township, now occupied by Thos.
Prosser on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, ce n-
mencing at 1.30 c'cloek, sharp, the
following: `
Three horses; three' cows, Jersey,
Holstein and Angus; 1VI.-H. Binder,
nearly new; M.-11. Fertiliser Drill,
nearly new; wagon gear, nearly new;
good steel rake; mower; disc; drag
harrows; plow; harness; incubatar,
and other numerc,as articles. Also
a quantity of •mixed grain, oats, hay
and straw. Terms: Cash. g
• Geo. H Elliott, Auctioneer. -
Announcing Opening of
OCT, 16 8: 17 n '
with Lawrence Tibbett's Met-
rctpoletan Opera Stars
OCT, 19 & 20
• Popular Canadian Star
OCT. 21 & 22
OCT. 23 & 24
in ,
Children 20e; Adults 3$c;' tax 2c
Clinton's'New-Laid Egg.
And y House
Egga bought according to,;Domin-
ion Government Egg Regulations.
Inquire for 'our prices of eggs.
You will always find our prices par-
allel with the city markets.
Fat hens and welleeinished chieke
always wpnted--Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices
before marketing produce.
N. W., T rearva>rth
Phones -=-Office, 2145 Residence, 214w
A Trot fowl suppr will be served in
the new 'shed, Varna, under the aus•
picas of the•
on the evening: cf •
Supper served from 6 to $ o'clock
Good program;' will follow the supper
Proceeds in hid of the new shed
Admission, Adults, 60e, Children, 80c
Northern Electric Sound System
Goderich, "-.Phone 47
A short drive and a good show!
A newsreel with:everyprogram
Now Playing: Joe E. Brown in
with Warner Baxter and
Una Merkel
the queen cf the screen in a
rainbow of romance
" DaddyLong Legs"
Lilyan Tashman, William Boyd
Regis Toomey ,,
offer you an unusually thrilling
tale woven about a'female
Murder by theClock
Coming—"II'uck Finn"
Spireiia Coreetiere .
For Corsets, -Girdles, Brassieres,
etc., call on Mrs. 3. Silcox, Clinton.
Phone 236. Listen . in to the daily
broadcast at 1:50 p.m., over W.G.R.
Buffalo. e '40-2-p.
Silent Glow 011 Burner
Citizens of.Clinton and vicinity
are invited to call„ at E. Wendorf's
store and see the above burner in
operation. It will interest you. Gen.
Bolton, Agent. 40-3.
.Baking Sale
There will be a Home-made Baking
Sale and a Hot Supper• served in
the Auburn Baptist church on Sat-
urday, October .17th, commencing
at 5 o'clock. Everyone is cordially
invited. 40:1.
Cider made every Tuesday and
Thursday. Applebutter boiled by ap,
Phone 69, Zurich, 40-2-p.
The Vogue
Hats, Dresses and Fine Tailored
Coats, which ate proving their merit,
now on display at The Vogue. •39-2.
For Sale
A comfortable six -roomed (louse
with modern conveniences and good
garage. Apply to J. A. Sutter.
Piano Wanted
Wanted to purchase a good second-
hand piano. Apply to H. W. Gould,
Secretary of Committee I.0.0,1e.,
Clinton on phone 221. • 39-
• Slab Wood For Sale
A large quantity of slabs at $2
per cord. drill run at yard, Terms:
Cash. Apply to John Hutton, Lon-
desbcro. 39-tf.
Bull For Sale
Purebred, registered Ayrshire bull,
18 months o1d. Apply to C. E. El-
liott, Fairhohne Farm, • Clinton.
Phone 157. 34-14.
Watch Lost
In the vicinity of Brucefield • ct
Clinton, on Tuesday, !Sept. 15th,
lady's silver wrist watch, a Bulova.
Finder kindly leave` : at The News -
Record office. Reward. • , 87-2.
Pure I,eicesters For Sale
•Shearling earns and ram lambs;
budding ewes and ewe lambs, Apply
to' J. H. Quigley, R. R. N'o. 5, -
, Phone 619-3, Clinton central..
You can make splendid money
selling Personal Greeting Cards.
Our co-operation and beautiful
portfolio assures success.
Special Radio Prize. Contest, be-
ginning. No chargefor samples„
Commission weekly..
onto 2i
,.I. Fat -KS
Ntr H
CaT �
fo � W K t.l.
Fite. YGOIa ceFF 1 CE AND
APART -raiser f3O I t-DlNGS
wr ri-v HAPPY :"I —HANTS
-• The; Heat Folks know the
pre,blems of heating a"big stove
or apartment:or office building,
•They know, that satisfactory
heat goes a Iornrg way towards
'snaking •tenants contented.-
Put thein in charge .of your
buildings, and you'll hear f no
mere complaints about eold •
Call the i ►i.PaR5
w .�
Uustaird Co
C. H. VENNER, Electrici n .
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wiring and Repairs • Phone 7
House For Sale
5 -room ' frame cottage, Albert
street, north, Clinton. Quarter acre
of land, town water installed. Cheap
for, quick sale. Write P.O. Box 3255
or phone 83, Gluten. 39-tf.
For Sale
Lady's Persian lamb, sable trim-
med coat.. Medium size, in good cons
dition. Will be sold reasonably. In-
quire at The News -Record office.
House to Rent
Six room cottage, corner Ratten-
bury and Shipley St. Water, lights,
Etc. Apply to T. R. Wiggington.
Hospital Dance.
A. dance will be held in the town
hall in connection with the Hospital
Pair, on Friday evening, Oct. 16th.
Tony Farr's: 6 -piece orchestra. Dane-
ing to commence at 9.30. Admission
Gentleman, 50c; ladies, 25c. -09-2,
House For Sale
A most desirable house on Prins
cess street. 3 minutes from the Col-
legiate, 10 minutes from down town;
1-2 acre of land., Good garden and
fruit trees. An"ideal home in geed
locality. Water and electric light.
Apply to E. M. Akam, or Dr. Shaw.
For Sale
House in Clinton, Beech street.
Frame house covered with asphalt
shingles, in good eondition, fire-
place, town water, garden ,and fruit
trees. Price reasonable. , Apply to
E. Y. Watt, Clinton. . 27-tf,
,,house For Sale •
Modern' six 'room house, good
cation. Hardwood floors, good gar-
den, garage. Inquire at News-Re-
eord office. 27-tf.
Car For Sale
A ear in perfect mechanical con-
dition. Good tires, new top.
Price $50. Apply to H. A. Hovey,
Clinton. 254f.
House For Sale or hent
Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin-
cess street, residence of the late
Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap-
ply to George Cantelon, Rattenbttry
street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-tf.
•' House For'Sale
Comfortable six -roomed house in
good location, all newly remodelled
and redecorated throughout, new
bath and fixtures, lights and wired
for electric stove. Price very reason-
able as house must be sold immedia-
tely. Apply to F. Fingland. 84-tf.
Cottage For 'tent .
Comfortable cottage, Townshend st.,
Clinton, 6 rooms, lights, water, etc.,
Good' cellar, small garden. Posses-
sicn Oct. 15th. Apply to J. W. Bair-
'ley, Clinton P. 0. 38-2.
Of Valuable Farm Property
Under and, by virtue of the pow-
ers of sale contained in a certain
mortgage which will be produced at
the time of sale, there will be offered
for sale by public auction, subject to
a reserve bid, on Monday, 26th day
of October, A.D., 1931 at the hour of
1.30 o'•clock in the afternoon, at gat
6, concession 1, Hallett township,
the following property, namely,
Firstly: Lot number 6 in the 'First
Concession 02 . the said Township of
Hallett in the County of Htuon, ex-
cept that portion of the T,ot included
in the plan of the Village of Alma
registered in the Registry Office of
the County of Huron, save that por-
tion of the Lot included in the said
plan which is laid out in blocks but
not subdivided into Village lets and
not numbered,in'said plan. Second-
ly: Lotti 34 and 35 in the Village
of Almaas shown upoh the said
plan. . .
Upon the property it is said there
is a -good barb and a plentiful sup-
ply of water.
TERMS: • Ten per cent. . of the
purchase money tit be paid. down at.
the time: of the sale and 'balance to
be paid within thirty days...
For further particulars and T,on-
ditions of sale apply to the under-
signed Solicitor.
DATED at Clinton this Oth day of
October, AD., 1931. •,
Harold Dale, Auctioneer.
F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario Sol-
icitor for.` the Mortgagee. • 39-3. '
Funeral Service
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Complete Motor Equipment
24 Hour Service
Dav or Night Phone 147w
Poultry, Eggs & Crea
We are prepared to buy •above ee
ery working day. Eggs graded b
experienced graders.
Cream purdhased for Bowe:
Creamery, Toronto.
Agent for Viking Cream Separate
Victoria St., Clinton, Phone, 23
Implement Agent
I handle Cookshutt implemen
and cream separators, Frost
Wood Implements and tarry pa
and repairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis -Ch
mers Tractors.
Those wishing to inquire abo
any of the above kindly call at, n
Queen Street, Clinton,
Prompt Attention to Repairing
Phone 15w or 15j
Electrican- and Plumber
A Full Line of Electric Applianc
Plumbing Fixtures
g, Plumbing and Repairs
Phone 53w. 18
New Tinsmith Sho
Having started a Tinsteithing -SI
in Londesboro I am prepared to
all sorts of
Tinsmithing Work, Specializing
Eavetroughing, Roofing and
General Repairs.
Give' me a chance to show
what I can do.
Phone t5r18, Blyth Central.
Londesboro. 13 -
Coal! Coke! Woo
You can keep warm with Lebi
Valley Coal, or have winter s
shine every day if you burn t
famous 0,T.0. Coke. Also a go
supply of our own Canadian prod
Hamilton Coke, Alberta Coal, B
umincus coal. Prompt delivery Ero
ny sheds on Queen street at . a
A. O. McCartney
' Coal Dealer
Queen St. , Phone
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and
paired. Woollen goods, dry clean
Rooms over Ileavd'a Barber s
W. J. 'Jago. 2288
House for Sale or. Rent
8 -room house, Maple street, C
ton. Furnade, bath, etc. • Gar
with small fruits. Garage. Reas
able terms,W Write Box 1, Clinton;
phone 211. "'-•87