HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-08, Page 5TEE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD
No more will the gallant Sir The-
mes Lipton ;contend for the -American
Yacht Cup, He has sailed into his
final harbe
The Canadian Stellar is still at q
discount in the United States. Buc,
you can walk;intc any business,place
in 'Clinton buy one hundred cents
Worth of merehandize with it and get
,a. "thank -you" into the bargain.
'Now that the fall fairs --and
`school .fairs are over we can settle
down to taking up and storing the
•tevinter vegetables, ,filling ,.silos,
rethinking up lloies in the 'outbuildings
:and generally 'gettidg.ready -for win-
' They seeni to be using hypnotism
:hs dentistry in ,New York, snaking
,tootle -extraction easy: and 'painless,
`The discovery of some plan of ren-
-1der'ing :tax -paying painless, and easy.
;would now be a .great boon to the
is world.
• But it does not seem necessary to
'speak of winter during such weath-
er as we have had the past few weeks
-does it? If we co,'ild count on such
Weather during September and Oc-
• tober, fine sunny days, with enough
rain at night to'keeii things growing
and the ground: in condition, who'd
ask for •anything better?
'The Huron -Old' Boy's'' Asseelation,
`Toronto, one of the largest and most
active of such organizations in that
city, is now interesting itself, about
.getting out a, hia",tory df Hurort.Coun-
ty, This is one of tile most ivoithy
:undertakings to whieli an organization
of the kind could lend a hand and ifs
they succeed in getting together a
ft111 and authentic and interesting
history of the old county they will
be rendering a, service which could
not well be over-estimated. One of
• the things Which the writer' has re-
gretted for years is the passing of
the early settlers hi this and many
:another county in Ontario, and with
• them the passing of much interesting
history of the early days in this new
land. If some of this early personal
'history could be gatheeed together
•and put into readable foPin, to be
;preserved fee the generations which
come after, it would 'be a very well
everthwhile work.
There are in the itrohivee at Ot-
tawa, some of it gathered by the
late James Mitchell of'' Goderich,.
much useful information to' which
-access could be hand, no doubt. and
...amongst the private papers held by
descendants of the first families to
settle here might be• found 'Other
-material which has never been•made
•-public. Anyone undertaking such a'
• work would find valuable help in
- the writings of, the Misses Liege
and other early writers. But it is to
be hoped that these would be aug-
mented very largely and greatly en-
• Ached by other experiences of in-
• dividual pioneers, thus making a very
• valuable history. We wish the H.
Q.B.A. the very hest of success and
' if any citizen in the std country can
Assist in any way we hope they will
be only too glad to do so.
On Wednesday, Sept. 30th, at
1 a.ni. in the United Church pare,
sonage, Mitchell, by the Rev. A. E.
Doan, pastor of that church and a
• former pastor of the Ontario street
Tinted church, Clinton, Miss Emma
•Grace Ashton, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Ashton, Tuckersmith
township, and Mr. David. Roy Eas
nm, only son of Mr. and bits. David
Eason of this township Were united
in marriage. • '
Th bride looped charming in a
-suit of brown travel -tweed crepe,
with egg shell trimmings, -with
which she wore a brown fox fur, ' hat,
shoes, purse and other accessories
of brown with sand trimmings,
The bridal couple were attended
by Miss Pearl Easom, as bridesmaid
and Mr, Clifford Ashton as best
The. bridegroom's gift to the
bridesmaid was a white gold neck-
lace set with sapphires and to the
best man gold cuff links,
Amid showers of good wishes,
Mr. and Mrs.. Eason) left by mote:
on a telt to Niagara,
Toronto and
other their points: On herr return they
-will reside on the bridegroom's farm
ion the Maitland concession, Code -
rich township,
Prior to _ the ,-pride's leaving' . Mit
shell, the young people of the
• church, in which she has 'been a
member and , an .efficient worker,
surprised her with s miscellaneous
:.shower in whieh she received many
-beautiful and useful articles.
Friends extend good wishes for a
'happy and .prosperous -future.
tMr. and Mrs,'•' Ben. Rathwefl
-spent Spndav at 'the house of Mt
-and Mrs. Fenv3iek Stewart.
Me. and Mrs. Robt. Cole motored
to tendon on; Monday to, visit their
sons, Randall and Robert.
Mr. Chas. B. Middleton and son,
"Stewart, motored to Woodstock one
--day last week on business.
Grace church, Porter's Hill, anni-
• versary services will be held on Sun-
-day, service at 2.80 and 7.30. o'clock,
"'Rev, F. G. Farrill "o£'Clinton will' he
the preacher: The choir will;be assist -
'ed by a quartette from the ?resins-
' *erne. church' of CIintcn its the af-
ternoon; a'td`°in' the :evening 'hy
• quartette front-Nortih Street church,
Goderich: • On the • following even-,
ing- a fevvl- supper - will be .served,
s ' aftei''Whicb a. concert will be elven
by the Hiironia PVIale chorus ';c£ Pte-,
ten,. ender t e, •-leadershi •.
h. P yS' .
C ,aiclictgAccompa,r ing heHrt -vi
be an' iiloctrtionist and violinist.
Messrs; 4.1ex Laird. ; and David
Close of Woodstock were recent vis
'visiting In ;'Tornnte. '
Seaforth Fall Fair -had Bad Weather but was
Good. Show
Agricultural -Brood snare and foal
by her. side, D. Fotheringliain & Saa,
RobertWeight, G. A. Glenn; foal of
1931,; D. Fetheringham,& Son, G. A.
Glenne Robert Wright; filly or geld-
ing 3 years old or over, Russel J:
Scott and 2nd, Thos. 0. Scott; agri-
cultural filly or gelding, ,2 years:
old, I1. Fotheringham & Sons, Fred
Roney; filly or gelding, 1 year old,
John Hart; sweepstakes, Reese" J.
Heavy Draught -Breed mare and
foal by- side, William Urquhart, Wil-
liam Black, D. Fctheringlram
and ;Sons;, 'foal, ' 1931, D.
Fotheringham & . Sons, W. Urquhart,
Jim Black; filly or gelding, 3 years
or over, James Scott, K. M'eKellar,
James Scott; filly or gelding, • . 2
years old, Robert Wright, Peter
Simpson; filly or gelding, one year.
old, D. Fotheringham & Sons and.
2nd, Robert McLean; sweepstakes,
:James'Scptt. •
Roadsters -Brood mare with foal
by her side,; Garnet Deters; foal of
1931, Garnet Detain, John Hart.
Carriage -Brood mare with foal by
side, 'Joseph E, French; foal of 1931,
Lorne Wilson, Joseph E. French,
Fred Pepper,
er,- Eph. Snell, Ray Pepper; ram, one
year old 'and under two, Eph. Snell,
Roy Pepper; ram lamb, ,under 1 year,:
'R,oy.Pepper, P',ph.'Snell and 3rd,; ewe
having lambed in .1931, Eph. Snell,
Roy Pepper, Eph. Snell; • shearling,
ewe, Eph. Snell, Roy : Pepper, Eph.
Snell; ewe lamb,. Eph. Snell, Rely
Pepper,. Eph, Snell; wether lamb,
Eph. Snell, Roy Pepper.
Dorset Horned-Ranetwo years old
,or over, P, F. Dearing, William
Henry; ram, 1 year old and under 2
• William Henry, ,P. Ey, Dearing ; rain
lamb, under, year, P. E Dearing,
William Henry, J. K. 'Thompson;;'ewe
having Iambed in 1931, William•Hen
ry, P. E Dearing and `2nd; shearling
ewe, Wim Henry, P; 17, Dearing and
2nd; ewe lamb, William Henry, P.
E. Dearing, ,'William Henry; wether
lamb, William Henry.
Oxfords -Ram two years old or ov-
er, William Henry, S. J. Pynt; ram,
1` year old and under. 2, S. J. _Pym,
William Henry; ram lamb undo! 1'
year, S. J. Pint, W. Henry; ewe lamb-
ed in 1981, Win. Henry and 2nd, S.
J, Pym; shearling ewe, Milldam Hen -
S. J. Pym and 3rd; ewe Itimb,
William Henry and 2nd, S. J. ?Sint
wether' Iamb, William Henry, S. 3,
Pym and 8rd.
Judge -R. H. Harding, •
Loaf white bread, Mrs. Frank.
Storey, R. J. McMillan Mrs. Jam
Carter; loaf .brown bread, J. Peres
Cole, Mrs. N. Carter; muffins; wheat
flour or bran,' Mrs. N. 'Carter, , J.
Percy Cole; buns, plain white, yeast,
W. fe. Wallace, Mrs. Frank Storey;
tea' biscuits, , baking powder, Yeast,
Mrs. Frank •Storey, Jean, Scott;
buns, fancy yeast, Jean Scott, Mrs.
Frank Storey; cookies, plain, Mrs, J.
B. Tyerman, C. H. Holland; tarts, '3
fruit. and 3 any other variety, Mrs.
J. T, Hugill, Mrs: James ',Carter;
dropped •cookies, Mrs. Robert Allen,
Mrs. D. McFarlane; 'angel cake, not
iced, Jean •Scott, Mrs. J. B. "Tye -
man; Parker House "rolls, yeast, Jean
Scott, Mrs.'N. Carter; best decorated
cake, Mrs. D. McFarlane, Florence
E. Beattie; sponge_ cake not iced,
Mas.' 3. B. Tyerman, Jean Scott; dark
fruit cake, not iced, 'Mrs, James Car-
ter, Mrs. D. McFarlane; light layer
cake, Mrs. N. Carter, Mrs. D. Mc-
Farlane; dark layer • cake, 1VIz•s. N.
Carter, Mrs. D. McFarlane; apple-
pie, Mrs. N. Carter, Mrs. 3. 3, Hugill;
pumpkin pie, Mrs. J. B. Tyereman,
Holland; lotion pie, Mrs. Law-
rence Williams, biles. James Carter;
meat loaf, Mrs. Norman Carter, Flor-
ence E, Beattie; homemade `maple
creatn candy, Velma Heist; colleetiop
home made candies frotn fondant,
Jean Scott; meat pie, Mrs. Neiman
Carter; salad in jelly, Mrs. Norman
Carter, Mrs. James Carter; six mac-
aroons, Mrs. Robert Allen, Mrs. D.
McFarlane; six edit cakes, iced, Jean
Scott, Mrs. Lawrence Williams; light
fruit make, not iced, Mrs. Janes Car-
ter, Mrs. D. McFarlane; collection of
baking from cookie dough, Mrs, Ro.
best Allen.
Harness :'Class -Agricultural team,
Russel J. Scott, E. J. Willett; heavy
draft teats, James Scott, K.- McKel-
lar; .general purpose team, Fred
Pepper, Wilson Hawkins, 3. C. Harr
rison; roadster horse, Robert 'Mee
Laren, W. R. Lavery; carriage horse,
H. Young, E. J. Willert; ; best lady
driver and outfit, Robert McLaren,
E. 3. Willert.
Judge -N. Jamieson, ,
Shorthorns --Best eel, W. H. Jam-
ieson and 2nd -heifer, 2 years old,
Oestricher Bros., and 2nd,'` W. H..
Jamieson; heifer, 1 year old, R. D.
Hunter & Sons, Oestricher ` Bros.,
senior heifer calf, • Oestrieher Bros.,
Roy Pepper, W. H. Jamieson; senior
bull calf, ()ostriches- Bras.; junior
heifer calf, Oestricher Bros., Roy
Pepper, William Turnbull; junior
bull calf, Oestrieher Bros. and 2nd;
R. D. Hunter & Sons; bull, 2 years
old or over, W. H: Jamieson; Short-
horn herd of 4 females and bull, Oes-
trieher Bros, W. H. Jamieson,
Grades -Heifer twn years old, A. &
J. Broadfoot; heifer, one yere old, W
H. Jamieson; heifer calf, . calved
since last September, Roy Pepper,
W. I•I.,Janrieson; beef steer calf, Roy
Butcher Cattle -Steer or heifer ov-
er 1 year old, A. & J. 3roadfoot and
2nd; baby beef, one year and under,
Roy ,Pepp3r, H. Wright, 2nd and 3rd;
W. H. Jamieson: •
Ayrshire -Bull, any age, McIntosh
Bros.; 'best cow, McIntosh Bros., and
2nd; heifer, 2 years end, McIntosh
Bros.; heifer 1 year old, McIntosh
Bros. and 2nd; heifer calf, McIntosh
Bros, and 2nd,
Jerseys -Bull, any age, E. 3, Barn-
ett, E. B. Goudie, E. J. Barnetts best
cow, E. 3. Barnett, E. B. Goudie and
3rd; heifer, 2 years old, `Baden Pow-
ell, E. J. Barnett; heifer, 1 year old
E. J. Barnett and 2nd; heifer calf,
Baden Powell, E. B. Goudie; buil calf
E. B, Goudie,
Holstein --Heifer calf, Jack Carter
Herefords ---Bull, • any age, H.
Wright; best cow, H. Wright and
2nd; heifer, 2 years old, I3'. Wright
and 2nd; heifer, 1 year old, Fred H.
Corbett and 2nd; heifer calf, Fred H.
Corbert and 2nd; bull calf, H.
Wright, Fred H. Corbert; Brown
Swiss, William Hoegy and and; T.
Eaton Cci Special, Kenneth. Powell;
Hereford herd, H. Wright, Fred H.
Judge -Edgar Silcox. •
Yorkshire -.Boar littered since Sep-
tember, 1930, Wilbur Turnbull; sow, 1
year or over, Wilbur Turnbull and
2nd; sow littered since Sept., 1930,
Wilbur Turnbull and 20d,
Berkshire -Boar littered since
Sept, 1930, T. M. Snowden; sow lit-
tered since Sept., 1930, T. M. Snow-
Tamworth -Boar over 1 year,
Dtvrglas & Son, Manson Bros.,' boar
littered since Sept,, 1930, Douglas &
Son and 2nd; sow, 1 year or over,
Douglas & Son; sow, littered since
Sept. 1980, Douglas 3c Son and 2ndl
pair bacon type bogs over" 180 pounds
Wilbur utTurnbull, Douglas &5a'
of four shoats 75 to 100'pounds each,
Wilubur Turnbull.
Judge -R. IL Harding.
.e hropshiredowts--R, D. hunter &
Sons, J. K. Thompson and aid; ram, 1
year and under two, .7. K. Thompson
and 2nd, Aymstrong; ram lamb, un-
der 1, year, J. K. Them/non, R. D.
Htinter & ,5oni.t ewe having lambed
in 1.031, 3, K. Thompson and 2nd, R.
D. Hunter & Sons; shearling ewe, J.
K. 'Thompson and 2nd, Arm"trotig;
rive lamb, Armstrong, 3. K. Thotnp'-
son, R. D. Hunter & Sons; wether
lamb, J. K. Thompson, Armstrong,
+Sonthdr,•vns-Ram, 2 years ,old or
.rver, 3. B. Kennedy and and, J. X.
Thompson; ram, 1 year old and ander
two; •,J. B. Kennedy and aud, J. K.
Thompson; ram lamb, 1 year, J. B.
Kennedy aird 2nd. 3. K. Thompson;
ewehaving lambed in 1931, J. B.
Kennedy" and 2nd, J. IC.'Thompson,;
shearlirie• ewe, J. B: Kennedy an 1 2nd
J. IC, Thompson; • ewe, lamb,' J: B.
Kennedy and 2nd, J, K. Thotnnsty.;
wether lamb; J. It. Thompson, J. B,
Kennedy :and 3rd.
i ilieolns-Ram, 2 years old or ov-
er, T. M. Snowden and 2nd; ram, 1
year old and under 2, George Pen -
hale and 2tii; aari`i lamb, under 1: year
T. 'M. Snowden, George Penhale and
2nd T. :K, Snowden:; ewe having larnfl,
ed In ,x931••4Io, ,.Penhale *.and'. :2tid;
:', 3f :Srinr,n 1 r, i sht arlinG ewe;':
George 'Penhaie,, T. Id. Sisi4ent
Gent ge Penhale; , etre lamb, , ttI,.
Snowden, • George Penhalo; wether
latpb, George Penhalec Ztelv'it Strove-
tibiF"r•J Bi;'.ICennedii ;
Leicestcy--•Rami, 2' years 'old of ow
Sutter, crock, 10 pounds, winter
use, Mrs. Norman Carter, Mrs. Wil-
liam Taylor, Mrs. 13, J. Thiel; butter,
15 pounds in pound prints, Mrs. Wm.
Taylor, Mrs. Norman Carter, 'Mrs.
Janes Carter; Hutchinson's Special,
Mrs. J. J. Hugill; butter, desen indi-
vidual pats, R'ire. William Traylor.
Mrs. James Carter; honey in comb,
5 lbs., William Hartry; honey, ex-
tracted, William Hartry; honey, dis-
play, Wm. Hartry; hen's eggs,white
shell, Mrs. James Carter, C. H. Hol-
land; hen'•s eggs, brown shell, Mr's.
J, 3. Hugiil, Mrs, Robert Allen dres-
sed chicken, Mrs. 3, J. Engin, Mrs.
Janes Carter; butter sweepstakes,
best butter -shown, Mrs. William
Canned Fruit, Vegetables, Etc. --•
Carried pineapple, Mrs, J. B. Tyer-
man, Mrs. Norman Carter; canned
red raspberries, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman;
C. H. holland; canned t'ed cherries,
pitted, hl'rs. ,fames Carter, Mrs. W. 3.
Dickson; canned pears, Mrs. W..1.
Dickson; Alfred H. Warner; oanned
strawberries, Alfred I•i, Warxler, bit's,
W. J. Dickson; canned plums, Mrs.
Norman Carter, 11Irs. James Carter;
canned peaches, Mrs. Norman Car-
ter, Alfred. H. Warner; apple jelly,
Mrs. B, J: Thiel, Junior Women's In.
stitute; berry jelly, Mo, W. J. Dick-
son, R. J. McMillan; red currant jel-
ly, Tyerman, y, J B. Tyei n n, ivies, Nortnanr
Carter; canned+ chicken, Mrs, 3. J,
Hugiil, Mrs. Norman Carter; canned
sausage, E, J. Willert, Mrs. J. 3.
gill; canned beef, Mrs. J. J, Hugiil,
Mrs. Normah Carter; vinegar pickle's
Miss Addie Tyerman, Mrs. Norman
Carter; mustard pickier; Mrs, 'Nor-
man Carter, IJi'e. J. F. Hugill; to-
mato catsup. Mrs. J. B. Tyerman,.
Mrs. R, J, :Thiel; green relish, Moe.
J. i3. Tyerman. Mrs N. Carters red
sauce, Flora E. Beattie, Mrs. N.
(Continued on page q)
It is expected that the steam
shovel which has, been at work near
the .bridge will complete its •weirk
thin, week.
Mrs, Woods and Mr. and Mrs,
son of Paisley were guests .at the
lioamne. of. Mr, John Hutton on .Sunday
last. •
• The anniversary ,services held in
Knox United thumb on Sunday were
well attended both- morning and ev»
orris•,., The messages by the special
ministers, Rev. E. L. Anderson of
Blyth in themorning, and Rev. A:
M' Grant of 'Belgrave in the even.
ing,'were impressive and much'ap-
preciated by those present. The of-
ficials ' were also much; ' gratified by
l the generous offering presented.
Rev, 'Mr. and Mrs, .Forster mot -
peed ta.,Tc,ronto last week and spent
several, days. They were repainpan-
ied try Mins Barr •and. . Miss. Laudy
Young They returned •Friday.
.Mr. 'Pl. Fingland of Clinton in -
II/loather of Florist -Telegraph -'
Delivery Association
Thousands of Thein.
Chas, V• Cooke
Ike 1L; O R I S. T _
Phones: 66w and 66j
EASOIVI-A.Sl1TO3'-At the Visited
el -lurch parsonage, Mitchell, on
Sept. 30th, by the Rey. A. E Doan,
Emma Grace, eldest daughter of
311', and Mr.'s. John. Ashton, Tuck-
et'aith, to David Rey Easom, on -
1y son of .Mr. and..Mxs. David Peas-.
om of Goderich ,township.
•TEB:BUTT-.FISH-R---3At the home:
of the bride's parents, on. Sept..
30th, by the Rev. W'.'Patton, Edith
Beatrice, eldest daughter of Mr•
and 'Mas. Arthur Fisher of - Colt.
borne township, to Irvine S. Teb-
butt, • son of • Mr.: and • Mrs. John
Tebbutt • ,f Goderich' township.,
MUDDLETON--,At the White •Gross
Despite', Columbus, Ohio, on Sept.
27th, to Mr. and Mrs.. George C.
Middleton, a son.
IDALL-A.t Pembroke, 'Ont., on„Oetc
4th,, to Mr. and, Mrs, lGor i n L.
•Hall„formerly of Clinton, a daugh-
FALCONER -In „Clinton Public
Hospital, on Oet. 6th, to Mr. and
Mr -s, George A. 'Falconer, of Tuck-
ersmith, ` a daughter•-,bf rgaret
Mr. George Scales wishes to thank
everyone who so kindly sent flowers;
loaned cars and extended any kind-
ness and sympathy' in his 'recent
bereavement, t •
Mr. and Mips. T. J. IVlanagthan wish
to express their sincere gratitude to
members of Huronie Rebecca Lodge,
Nc:- 306, Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, No. 83, Clinton, L.O.L, No.
719, 'Varna L.O.L. No. 1025, 'also
their many neighbours and friends
for the many kindnesses tendered due-.
ing Mr. Managhan's recent illness;
Mr. Managhan is at present recov-
ering slowly.
Gently visited this parents, bir. and
Mrs, John Fingland.
Mr: and Mrs. H. Riley visited
Mends near Lucknow on Monday.
Dir, and Mt's. ' John Armstrong
visited friends in Brussels last Fri-
day. They also took in the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson visited
Blyth friends on Sundey.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox United
church held their regular meeting
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ball
near Sutnnier'hill. ;There was good
attendance and those taking part in
the program deserve credit. Aso-
tial hour was spent at the close when
refreshments were served.
'Mrs. W. Lyon, why spent the past
two weeks at the home of her son,
Dr. Lyon of Leamington, has re-
•Mr. C. Ruddell is not enjoying as
-good health as his many friends
would like to see. Vire hope for im-
pr ventent soon.
The W. A. of the United chureh
nut at the home of' 'air. and Mrs. T,
Adams. The president, Mrs. Towns-
end, in charge. The attendance was
large and a most interesting and
profitable time was spent, as inter-
esting papers wo'r'e given,
Rev. Mr, Keine of Dungannon de-
livered a very able sermon in the
United church last Sabbath ntc- sing,
taking Rev. Mr. Johnston's work
while he conducted anniversary ser-
ervices at Ethel,
The W. I. held their meeting in
Community Hall last week, with .the
president, Mrs, E. Adams, 'in the
chair. A communication was read
from the Auburn Branch inviting
the Londesboro Branch to' meet with
thein on October 20th, which war:
gratefully accepted. Mrs. L''.:Adanig
was appointed as a delegate 'to at•
tend the convention at Ohesley on
Oct. 20th and 21st. It was decided
'to bold a bazaar in connection with
the November meeting. In the ab-
sence''of those' who were to condi-
bute the program the time was filled
with several readings and community
singing. Lovely refreshments -were
served by the hostesses at the close.
The W.M.S. will meet at the home
of Mrs. 'N. T. Brundson on Wednes-
day, Oet. 14th. Group No, 1 will
have charge of the meeting:
' Anniversary services will be
held in the United'Ohureh on Sunday.
Oct. 11th, services at 11 a.m. and 7.30
p.m. Rev. Dr. W. Neal of Toronto,
feeeneriy of Londesboro, is to be the
preacher. The.fowi supper which is.
usually 'held' in connection with this
eventis being dispensed with this
year. But no ;doubt the -Sunday. ser
vices 'will be anade'as interesting as
possible to which everyone tis invited,
The. city of Stratford was allotted
$45,009 for relief work during the
°online, season. • The city had sub-
mitted a program calling for a total
expenditure of $179,995: On some
of the work planned .the government
will pay .fifty:percerst on other the
city will -pay ,seventy-five percent,
A. Hot Chicken Supper
Will be served at' Ebenezer .churclt,
Goderich, township, oft .Thursday, Pet
15th,.,• from 6 to 3. o',eleelc • , •,Conte
and .enjoy, the supper and'prpgrem .
Admission 40e, Childten, 25c. 89-1.
Clinton ',4 Ne 4a' d.,,F
And ., Poultry House
Eggs bought according to DOM/xi-
ominion Government Egg Regulations.
Inquire for oeir prices of eggs.
You will alwalca find our polies par-
allel with the city Markets.
Fat hens and wei1sfinished Chfeks
always wanted :Prices .good.
Always phone our office for prides
before naxlcoting produce.
N. W. Tre ' g
R' VA/�1'. Il2l
Pheimes-Office; 214j Residence, 214w
A hot fowl super will be served in
the new shed; Varna, under the sus-
pices • of the
.on. 4the evening of'
Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock
Good program will follow the supper
-Proceeds in aid of the pew shed
Admission, Adults, 60e, ()ltildren, 30c
- • 39-2.
Stratford Horses Races
Three S'ast harness Classes. Two
mile steeplechase race by Toronto
Hunt Club Horses Band. Admis-
u i.s a d. ,Adm s-
sion 65c. A real treat. 39-1.
Northern Electric Sound System
Goderich, Phone 47 -
. A short drive and a good show)
Now Playing: Winnie Lightner
with Olsen and Johnson in
"Gold Dust Gertie"
Thanksgiving Day Special At-
traction with matinees Monday .:
and Wednesday '
Laura LaPlante and John Boles
in the great universal spectacle
a thoroughly 'enjoyable
Old "man -hole mouth" .and a
cast of popular merrymakers
including Marjorie White and
Buster Collier in
Coming: "Daddy Long Legs."
The Vogue
Hats, 13resses and Fine Tailored
Coats, which are pre,ving their merit,
now on display at The Vogue. 39-2.
Fox Sale
A comfortable six -roomed house
with modern conveniences and good
garage. Apply td J. A. Sutter,
Piano Wanted
Wanted to purchase a good second-
hand piano. Apply to H. W. Gould,
Secretary of Committee I.0.0.1".,
Clinton or phnne 221. 39 -
Slab Wood For Selo
A Iarge quantity of slabs at 52
per -cord. Mill run at yard. Terms:
Cash. Apply to 'John Hutton, Lon-
desbcro. 39-tf.
Anniversary Services and Supper
Grace United 'Church, Porter's
Hill will hold anniversary services
on Sunday, Oct. llth, at 2.30 and
7.30 p.m. Rev. F. G. Farrill, Clin-
ton, will be the preacher. Presby-
terian male miartette, Clinton, will
assist the choir in the afternoon,
North street male quartette in the
evening. On, Monday evening a
fowl supper will be served from 6 to
8. q'elock, followed by a concert by
IXuronia Male Chorus, insisting of
16 singers, under the leadership of
W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M., 'assisted
by a violinist, it reader and a com-
edian dmission Adults, 0
A , A , 5 c. Cltil-
deen 3Qo $8-1.,
Of Vaivable •Farm Property
Under and by virtue of the pow-
owers of sale contained in 'a certain
mortgage which will be produced at
the time of sale, there will be offered
for sale by public auction, subject to
a,reserve bid, on Monday, 26th day
of October, A.D., 1931 at the hour of
1.80 o'clock in the afternoon, at lot
6, concession 1, Hullett township,
the following property, namely,
Firstly: Lot number 6 in the First
Concession as the said Township of
Hulled ie the County of Huron, ex-
cept that portion of the Lot included
in the plan of the Village of Ahn'a
registered'. in the Registry Office of
the County. of Huron, save that por-
tion of the Lot included in the said
plan which is laid out in blocks but
not subdivided into :Village lets and
not numbered in said plan. Second-
ly: Lots 34 anti 36 in the Village
of Alma as shown . upon the said
13'pon the property it is said there
is , a good bittn and a plentiful sup-
ply el water, e
TERM'S: Ten ' per cent, of the
purchase money .te be paid downat
the time' of the sale and 'balance to
be ,paid within thirty days, -
For further particulate and' eon.
claims of .sale InPthe '.. Imply to fund i'-
signed Solicitor,
DATI D at Clinton this ,6th dots; of
October, A•.l?., 1931:
Harold Dale, Auctioneer.. ; I
T'. Fin" lad Olin )
C tc't.
t e
icitor for the'' Mortgagee. • 39-3.
EACHER5 1'u��T' WC'-& MAK�•-
L -6' -CACI •OR eI4l ,pg{ Irl IA LARK}
Without geod coal.
Marty of the winter's actio' -t
ities would 'havo to . cease,
Schools would elose.
Bus mess houses would close.
Churches would close.
Everybody would be biisy at
the one occupation` of keeping
warm, •
.Except the doctors.
They'd lie busy "trying to get
everybody well.
But, fortunately, the coal is
Better order yours while it's
plentiful -
Call the tr"t f CC7
J �m
UiitCoaIrsta �
C. 11. VENNER, Electrician -
Electric, Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wirin and Repairs Phone 7
Clothe®' Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re.
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard sBarber
W. J. Jago; 2283-tf
Hous '
e For ala
5 -room-' frame cottage, Albert ;
street, north, Clinton. Quarter' acre
of land, town water installed. Cheap
for quick sale. Write P.O. Box 326.
or phone 83, Clinton. 89-tf.
For Sale
Lady's Persian lamb, sable trim-
rimmed coat: Medium size, in good con-
dition. Will be sold reasonably. Iti-
quire at The News -Record office.
• 3cJ-tfr
House. to Rent
Sisc raom ,cottage, corner Batten -
bury' and Shipley St. Water, Lights,
Etc. Apply to T. R. Wiggington.
• - 89-tf.
Hospital Dance
A dance, will be held in the town
hall in. connection• with the Hospital
Fair, on Friday evening, Oct. lath.
Tony Fair's 6 -piece orchestra. Danc-
ing to commence at 9.30. Admission
Gentleman, 50e; ladies, 25e, 39-2.
House For Sale
A most desirable house on Pain-'
cess street. 3 minutes from.the Col-
legiate, 10 minutes from down town.
1-2 acre of land. Good garden and
fruit trees. An ideal home in gond
locality. Water 'and electric light..
Apply to E. M. Alkam, or Dr. Shaw,
For Sale
House in Clinton,. Beech street,
Frame house covered with asphalt
shingles, in good condition, fire-
place, town water, garden. and fruit
trees, Price reasonable. Apply to
E. Y, Watt, Clinton. • 27-tf.
House For Sale
Modern six room house, good lo-
cation.. Hardwood floors, good gar-
den, garage. Inquire at News -Re-
cord office. . 27-tf.
Car For Sale
A ear in perfect mechanical con-
dition. Good tires, new top.
Price $50. Apply to H. A. Hovey,
Clinton, 25-tf,
House For Sate or Rent
Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin-
cess street, residence of the late
Peter Cantelon. 'For particulars ap-
ply to George Cantelon, Rattenbury
street, Clinton. Phone 272. - 35 -ti.
House For Sale
Comfortable six -roomed house in
good location, all newly remodelled
and redecorated throughout, new
bath and fixtures, lights and wired
for electric stove. Price very reason-
able as house trust be sold immedia-
tely. Apply to F. Fingland. 84-tf.
Bull-; .._^_w
For r Saln
P bred, registered Ayrshire bull,
18 months old, Apply to 0. E. El-
liott, Fsirholtue IV'arn, Clinton.
Phone 157. ' . ^. i 84-4.
• House for Sale or Rent
8+roam house, Maple street, Clin-
ton. Furnace, bath, etc, Garden
with small fruits. Garage. 'Reason,
able terms. Write Box 1, Clinton, or
phone 211. 87-11.
Watch Lost
In the vicinity of Bi'ucefield er
Clinton, on Tuesday, 'Sept. 15th;
lady's silver wrist watch, a Bulova.
Finder kindly leave at, The ' News. -
Record office. Reward.' 37-2.
Lambs For Sale
Tlrorobred Oxford ram lambs for
sale. Apply to *Frank -Weeks, Varna.
Phone 622r31, Clinton central, 882.
Cottage For Rent
Comfortable cottage, Townshend st.,
Clinton, 6 rooms,' lights, water, etc.,
Good, cellar, small arden. Posses
sun Oct, 16th. ,Appy to 3, W.Bay-
ley, Clinton 'P.'O.-to , • • 38-2,
Fort 'ale .
50 tBar'red Rock •pullett.; Geed
strain, early, 'hatched. Apply , to
Jack Smith', Raglan street, Clinton.
88 -o -p,
Pure Leic 'tees F o 'ale
�� F. •
It rli -
S ea n Fern`s. ' n d•.
g a t x;tntillamlis;
budding ewes at d::ea,'ealambd. Apply
to J,sI QulglON It fR: t,Nq, 5, ;an. -
tom' Phone 1 -$;, t k rrOmi eentoat.
;l. t}! r,'!,d �...�` 1 Y4� t'� r:�;'•°n *t• `��,` �,?`.'+ '"3't�4 Y`f:J.
Funeral ` Service
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Complete Motor Equipment
24 Hour Service
Day or Night Phone 147w
Poultry, Eggs & Cream
We are prepared to bay above ev-
ery working day. Eggs graded by
experienced graders.
Cream. _ purdhased • for Bowes'
Creamery, Toronto.
Agent fol•' Viking Cream Separator,
Victoria, St, Clinton. Phone, 231,
Implement Agent
I handle Coekshutt implements
and cream separators, k'rost and
Wood Implements and carry parte ,
and repairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis -Chale
mers Tractors.
Those wishing to inquire abou%
any of the above kindly call at mly
Queen Street, Clinton.
81 -til,
Prompt Attentioxt to Repairing
Phone 15* or 15j
Elcetrican and Plumber
A Full Line of Electric Applianeea •
Plumbing Fixtures • '
Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs .
Phone 58w. 13-tf.
If effectiveness means anything to
yin, then you will send your list of
notes and accounts to
The persistent colIector's
Monthly Statements
No Collection No Charge,
New Tinsmith Shop
Having started a Tinstnithing Situp
inLondesboro I am prepared to do
all sorts Of •
Tinsniithing. Work, Specializing -- in
.Eavetroaghing, Roofing and
General Repairs.
Give me • a chance to show you,
what I can do.
Phone 251.13, Blyth' Central.
Coal! Coke!' . VIJO ti m'I!
Ycrt can keep warm .• with,.Lehigli
Valley: Coal, 00• ,have winter sun-
shine every day if you burn the
famous O.T.O. Coke, ••.Also a good
supply of our own Canadian prodnet
Hamilton Colte, Alberta Coal, Bit-
uminous coal. Prompt delivery front
'tiniyme.sheds on Queen street ' -at any
D. Ca
c �aey
Goal Dealerrt• -
Quoin St. Phone 254