HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-08, Page 3A MATTER.
By Ursula Bloom
Jim had- heard that it was better to
be born lucky titan rich; he believed
in hick, though not too much of it
came hie way, He had never had a
proper start in life, thrust out into the
Vivid to fend for himself; and one
job having gone flop, another followed
suit, and so on and so on, It seemed road, It was a blue and gold ;cafe,
that the more you tried the there diffi-
cult it was. eHegave. wondered if it would there were sprigs of sunflowers float -
ho better if he up feeling
lag.'. It was all like Elt, area it seemed
Theo, when he was Peeling 1[ke that, unbelievable that She was nodding to
the knife -machine job dropped his
him across the dimity table.,, Elf, with
way a that whimsical triangle ote' her face
It was demonstrating. Ile stood, in
and her truthful eyes, "totting him
the draughtiest part of a big shop and about her life .haltingly. Somehow,
turned the handle and produced intthey knew that they eiloid trust each
scrupulouslytub clean hnivos, and began ; other, these two; they were drawn to -
"May T interest yo'u, madam?" and
!'Just a a moment, madam."
It Was a hateful job, yet he carried
on with it desperately, The nay was
not had, and atthe end of three weeks
he had managed to sell more than he
' had supposed he would, and the com-
mission hail mounted up.. He liad a
little put by against the inevitable
rainy day: "for it will come," he told
himself, "sure enough it will come'
my way.' •
And then he saw her.
She was small and wonderfully sten:
der, with the sort ot hair you associate
with sunflowers, and eyes like 'flax.
Shwas ablue and golden personality,.
and she- was walking along disconso-
latelyewith the most dreadful, fat old
woman who was carrying a dreadlol,
fat old Pekinese under one arm,
"May T interest you, madam; in our
patent knife machine?"' began. Jim;
swaylug forward towards the dreadful,
fat old woman. "It is simple to workf listening
Ito complaints and the good -
efficacious, and ,altogether the beat of, nese ot great-aunts who gave inexpert-
kind," • eased girls handsome salaries which
"You're paid to say'that," said the they did not earn.
old woman. "Isn't he. Elf?"
Elf! What a charming name.
°'It's all right._ We aren't responsible,
for our parents."
"Oh, she isn't"my parent. 'She ie my
great-aunt, and a wialeffhe wasn't, I'm
Jest a sort of charity' child living on
her, That's all." •
Somehow he took fresh heart.
"I'm free '-in an hour,". he -said. "What-
aboutsome tea?'•
:=;I'd loved it,"
And then there appeared two "other
women, and he darted,i'orwerd again:
".Can' I interest you madam. , . (oh,
dash the beastly knife machine!)"
They had tea in. a cafe across the
gether by a simple bond.- •
She had been orphaned young, joc-
keyed about, pitched from pillar to
post -With nobody Wanting her. Nobody
had ever wanted her, she said, aneehe
could not imagine what life was like
when people did want you. It was
queer that he ' should want her 00
She had come to live with the great-
aunt, and to carry out small and aim;.
ple duties for S. modest salary of ten
shillings a week. The simple duties
had not been so simple as she had sup-
posed,. because they were eterhal. For
ever and over she was trotting along
in the walce of her great-aunt, and lis-
tening to her rows and arguments and
wishing that the earth would open up
and swallow her.
She was dusting, and sewing, and
brushing the Peke; she was doing the
flowers, and writing letters, and run-
ning about with hassocks, and always
After all, Jim was not the only un
Jim inclined closer. "Really madam, lucky one is the world. He had thought
let me show you. •
that all tate bad luck bundled itself
He began to twiddle the handle rap—
"I want a kltife machine,' murmured
the old woman, "but ',expect that one
would go wrong." -
"Oh, no, madam; impossible." her great-aunt, it would mean the sack
"Yes, you'll praise it up, but I don't Saturday), he would have said,
suppose it would do. How much is it?
Olt, much too much—ridiculous:" 1 "Let's share." But you can't do that
You'll pardon me, madam, but on sight. More especially you can't do
cheaper goods are inferior,"
"Nonsense,"'she snapped. "Don't
"I wouldn't think of contradicting
you, madam, but they don't pay in the
long run. Now, 1 calf assure you--."
"You're most impertinent; said the
old woman, going red in the face, and
she started talking so loudly that the
:department manager came up. mane
.Tint knew what that meant. -Elis ger talked the usual prating Calle,
soul sank within him, "rude to customers," "giving offence,"
Long afterwards, when the storm `Can't afford to send people away in a
had blown over, and the fat woman huff," 'business bad," and all the rest
had swept away with the disdainful of it.. Ho planked down the week's•
Peke under her arm, and the manager salary and turned array:
had thrown out hateful hints, Jim saw 1 Jim gathered it up again. Rather
the girl again. She came up shyly. "1 rotten, just when he :lad mat 1211, he
say, I'm sorry. She's always doing :thought, and she 80 attractive and
that, I am most dreadfully ashamed." sweet. The old routine—tramping
Ifrota place to place, searching in. the
same endless, futile way, searching
and finding just nothing at all—look-
ing through newspaper columns mite
er hopelesiy. Well, anyway, there
.would bo time day at Hampton Court,
the day in Heaven, and thea he would
shoulder the responsibilities again.
And the day dawned gloriously flue.
It was one of those exquisite days
when the sun rises in a heat haze,
when the river is too lazy and merely
moves along, dallying With: every reed
dallying in a pearl stillness Under the
willow trees. She was wearing a little
white frock, and at the throat there
was a blue scarf, that was like flax,
too. He stillthought of her as blue
nod gold, and, somehow, he had not
the heart to tell her that he had lost
his job.
They wandered round the old palace,
. they walked through courtyards where
once stately princesses had walked.
They peered into the Tudor kitchens,
dim and cool; they wandered rouud,
and the peace of the place engulfed
"Let's go into the fields and walk
by the river?" he said, for he knew
that he wanted to be alone 0with her,
he wanted to tell her some of those
things that lay nearest to his heart.
They found the fields, and the
lioclgos were tangles of eglantines and
he was not so sure. Poor little thing,
and such a little, little thing, too. If
only he had been certain of his job
(of course, he was certain about it,
though in the wrong way; thanks to
it if you are losing your job.
They -talked and thee evening grew
late. ,
"What about Sunday?" he, asked.
Hanmpton Court?"
"I've never been there," site said,
and her eyes sparkled. Flax flowers iu
ttte sun! That was It,
Saturday brought the sack all right.
Ile had guessed that accurately. The
la Custom Still Prevails
Time-honored ceremony was • participated in when the Lord Mayor
of London presented head boy of Christ's Hospital School„ Horse -
ham, with a guinea.
limp with roaes. They went across
the green, smooth -cut grass and sat
_down under a willow, siltbry and
"Tell me about yourself," she said.
"Oh, I'm a dull person, an ordinary
"1 don't believe you. You can't be
half so dull as I ani• 1 have had a dull
life—" She listener:, "What is that Those who scoff at the rocket as a
sound?" fantastic instrument, of no possible
"That must be a weir round that use except as a Fourth of July delight
She nodded. "Yes, that is why thereIto the small boy, are undoubtedly due
are no boats here, I suppose, and there for a revision of their Ideas in the very
is the current." near future. Within the last few weeks
"No boats?" he laughed. "Wiry, I+weekscables have carried to America no less
look at this,' than four reports of rocket successes
For, round tate corner had come a is Europe, notably in Germany.
rangeviilllBx 41
Let Champions of the World Instruct
you. You will attain greater success
and better positions. Last ave Can•
College.hdPay, lEd vening orhCorre poli-
deuce Courses, Write for illustrated
Fore to Acid
EXCESS acid is the common cause
of indigestion. It results in pain and
sourness about two hour$ after eat-
ing. The quick corrective is an alkali
which neutralizes acid. The best
corrective is Phillips` Milk,of Mag-
nesia. It has remained standard with
physicians in the 50, years since its
One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia neutralizes instantly many
times its volume in Heid. Harmless,
and tasteless, and yet its action i$'
quick. You will never rely on crude
methods, once you learn how quickly
this method acts. 13e sure to get the
The ideal dentifrice for clean
teeth and healthy gums is Phillips'
Dental Magnesia, a superior. tooth-
paste that safeguards against acid -
mouth. (Made m Canada.)
Owl Lairs' . 'Here acid There
A cigarette company has a now slo- The only book possessed by the Ea
This "' kimosof Labrador, printed in their
language, has up to now iieen the
The light emitted by glow-worms
has just' the same effects on photo•
graphic plates as that of X-rays.
Among juvenile criminate, the boy
prohabtY'lead to one, of those tests own
Where they blindfold you, let you dclss'
six girls and , then tell Mr. Ripley
which one you liked best,
Neighbor—"Have you seen the new
play that I wrote about the man and
wile who were quarreling?"
Mr, Perkins -"No, but I heard you
and your •wife rehearsing it.".
Bus Conductor—"One seat on top,
ma'am, and one inside."
Lady—"You surely wouldn't separ-
ate a mother from her slaughter?"
Conductor (riugiag bell)—Never
again, lady, I did it once and 1 have
regretted' itever since."
Suitor -"Do you ever, peep through
the keyhole when I am sitting ,in the
Parlor with your .sister?"
Small Brother—"Sometimes, When
mother ain't there." •
"The Golfer—"They're all afrald to
play me. What do you ,think my handi-
cap is?"
The Girl—"Oh, I don't know. It may
be your face.'
The woman 1n the Rat above
Takes vocal—how we curse—
And every day in every way
She's getting worse and worse.
Miss Rayner—"I. hoire you'll dance
with me to -night, Mr. Jones."
Mr. Jones—"Oh, rather! I hope you
didn't think. that I came here merely
Rocket Tests •
Prove Successful
Recent Experiments in .Ger-
many Revive Public
punt, and, sitting in it was a large and
fat old man busily reading a Sunday
newspaper, A girl was punting.
"Father and daughter," said Jim,
"Or niece and great-uncle—" she Kueluhan. He fired a rocket to a height
laughed, and a delicious dimple dent- of a thousand Ceet which returned to
ed her cheek. the ground, as planned, about G00 feet
"No, you are the only person in the distant from its starting point.
world who lives watt a great-aunt or The second successful rocket test
uncle, Others are much too wise." was carried out near Berlin by Karl
"1 am thinking,' she said, "01 chuck- pnggoIlsee. Herr Poggensee's mere
The first of these recent reports gives
scanty details about the experiment
performed successfully by Johannes
Winkler at the military field at Gross
for pleasure!"
caused Adam's downfall, but tltese
days men fall mostly for peaches. A
nervous breakdown seems to be a lux-
ury In which only the rich Indulge.
The man. who is only a follower can't
see where he is going for the dust in
his, eyes. It takes a genuine genius
these da;'a. to tell the difference be-
tween a luxury and an absolute neces-
sity. It takes big mete to do big
things; this holds especially true in
public once; big men have a' hard
time getting public office, true as this
is. Perhaps every man at one time
makes a fool out of himself over a wo-
man. The lucky ones ate those who
do it early in life and get it over -with.
We are quite sure if we did smoke we
would be courteous enough when In a
private home to at least ask if there
was any objection to smoktng before
we would light up and try to stink
everybody out of the house. We would
also jump into the first deep puddle
we came to If we could not do without
smoking for a few minutes.
A magician said to his youthful
helper: "Now, are you sure there is
noticing In the silk hat?"
"Positively," replied the urchin, "tire
rabbtt you put in before the shoe got
Ilanmiond—"Why aro files like tele-
graph operators?"
Mrs. Hammond—"Because they dot
and dash"
thieves' are more apt to gel in "gangs"
than girls, who invariably worts alone.
Britain's wet olid windy weather has, F pa SAI 1e -PURE NOVA. u0OT1A
had the effect of keeping the nation mink. Mester omors won sw,'e -
healthy by cleaning gutters and drains stakes and nk S ,Chicago, .Portland,
stoles at hIr Shows, 1620, Limited
and remo'Jling refuse. I number to - book.. SaLisl'aotIon -at 14eva
Scotia's" oldest minkary, Brook Mink'
Wallpaper that 15 fadeless, ,r'wash•, - Farm, West Middle River, Nova Scotia-
ableand very lasting has been. made
Classified Advertising
List of wanted inventions and full
information sent tree. The Ramsay Cont.
Pliny, World Patent. Attorneys, 211 1aok
Street, Ottawa, Cagada.
eggs, lOigttoCt market,, prices paid,
Write for-qguotations, Immediate settle•
Ment by celhlfied chenue. Crates loaned.
Give us a trial. Rosenfeld Poultry and
]iigg Co, Limited; Montreal,
from glass, according to the claim of a
German inventor: •
Silver -tinted .grease -paint is becom:,
Mg popular for adorning the rims o1
the dyes la Paris, The new fad is for
evening dress only.
.Lit. Scientific laws by world • famous
psychologist. Valuable information free.
Write Simpson's, 66 McNelrn Ave.. 'To-
.111YLJift.. DRN Ruabec mi its,
white 3L1
Beeaty Sson•
)larst, Onwan't, -
Defects of hearing are increasing
among the London shoot children,1
while girls: are said to ,be more liable
to bad eyesight than boys. -
Valuable property in Ireland is held
by the City of London. It includes I
lands and fishing rights which were I
granted to the City as long ago as
Traffic and other noises are said to
deter the blind children of New York
'from learning to walls, as they are
guided by the noise of their own foot-
Warm weather clothing was the sub-
ject of a recent test, the 'average out-
fit of men. weighing 8 lb. G oz., while
that o1 women weighed only 2 lb. 10
oz. •
lug it, and taking up a sensible poai- nhent was, In one respect, more algnt-
tfon as housemaid." Adult than that of Herr Winkler, for
"I've chucked the knife -cleaner job, his rocket was equipped with scientific
or, rather it has chucked Pte—" Instruments to measure altitude and
There, it had slipped out. speed, It also held a camera and a
Then, on the very instant, he heard parachute.
a queer sound, and turned just in time The third bit of encouragement for
to see the punt hit the bank violently, locket enthusiasts comes in the de -
while the girl
slid down the Dole, velopmeut o1 a now explosive material
which had duck In the mud, Into the by Dr, A. Stetbacher, of Zurich. This
water. The fat old man shouted. , t explosive, which was submitted to 111e
In ume:nee' 3 tike that you do not stop German Chemical Association, con -
to think. in an instant Jim had I slats o1 penthrinit and nitroglycerine.
thrown off itis Coat and shoes and :had i While this is not a direct contrihu-
flung himself into the water. He tion to the development of rockets, it
struck out for the girl. She could not lis, nevertheless, of value. Satisfactory
swim a stroke, and the current was I progress in rosiest design rests wholly
strong, `upon tihe development of explosives.
Meanwhile, EIC and the old man bail I The fourth bit of news concerns
secured the punt, and the father -vas peal Ileylandt, who worked with Max
ringing his hands, Valuer. when he first used the tom -
"She'll drown—she'll drown," he btnation ot liquid air and gasoline. He
whimpered. has now announced a fourteen -Pound
Laboriously Jim Cu, ' and fought rocket motor, which is said to develop
his way back to them, .3 levered up 200 horsepower. Max Vanier, it will
his dripping burden late the punt. be recalled. lost lila life in one of his
Somehow, in a strange, rather fantas- experiments,
tic way, all lour of them seemed to I Herr Ileylaadt has gone on with the
know each other with a quick and development 91 the motor and has in -
amazing intimacy. They were talking creased its power from about forty
as though they had known each other horsepower, with a weight ot seven
all their lives. Jim was shivering. 1 pounds, to its present dimensions.
"I can never thank ; ou enough, sir,' . Herr IIeylandt expects to visit this
said the little old ratan. "Anything I country within the next few months,
can do for you, sir—please don't hese with this new invention,'
tate to .asic, I'm Mr. Waterfoi'de, of I Another German, one Klaus Riedel
Waterlordo, Keele an.. Munchitugs. I using liquid fuel, recently succeeded
flare say you have heard of them ----"in sending a rocket to the height o1
"I have," saiei,Sim, a little grimily, one and a hall kilometers at the RalcO-
"The best on the market, sit:"
"You make knife machines.' I tenflugplatz In Berlin, This rocket,
whose construction differs from the
For one moment it flashed "u'ough couveutlai type, is described by Herr
Jim's mina to retort. `You're Paid to Willy Tey, vice-president of the Berein
say that," but he held lits peace. I fur Reumschiffahrt, as resembling a
"I've been selling 7001• machines," "flying proving stand" ranter than the
he said: "and I've lost my job. Give lhttu rocket -
"When we resumed housekeeping a
month ago I found my draperies had
become creased from paektug. I hung
then out oet the line, hoping to remove
the creases. Then I forgot them. The,
result was they became badly faded
and sun -spotted.
"I, was heartsick until the happy
nought struck me to dye them. I
just dyed them a deeper green, and
as I. used Diamond Dyes they look
gorgemie and new, I have never seen
easier dyes to use than Diamond Dyes.
They give the meet beautiful colors—
when used either for tinting or dyeing
—anti never take the lite out o1 cloth
as other- dyes do." F
Mrs. J.,T:, Montreal.
High School Boards and Boards of'Education
Are authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education
may be conducted in accordance With the regulations. Issued by
the Department of Education. -
Is given in various trades. • Tho schools and classes are under the
Application for attendance should bo .made -to, the PrInolpal
of. the school. ,
for in the Courses' of Study in Pubiic,'Separate, Continuation and High'
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools. and Departreepts.
Copies of the Regulations, issued by the Minister of Education may bo
obtained from the Deputy Minister1 Peritament Bulldines, Toronto.
"Doctor, Can't something be done
about my husband talking in his
sleep? It's all so. indisainct!"—Car-
toon is "Lite."
"It was terrible, Mrs. Murphy, There
were seventeen Swedes and an. Irish-
man frilled in the wreck." "Indade.
The poor man!"
Great Britain and Japan aro said to
be the greatest foreign investors in.
China, their total investments being
about five times as much as those of
the United States..
By dropping "dry %e" powder from
aeroplanes ou. the upper side of clouds
a Dutch professor has caused heavy
rain to fail. The "dry tee" was Pow-
dered carbon dioxide.
"Rain" From a Cannon
An ingenious device known as the
"rain cannon," used for watering,
fields, was displayed at Hanover, Ger-
many. I1 consists of - a jet mounted
on a cylindrical prei,sure.tankt
upper portion of the tank is tilled:
with air, which is compressed by the
water until there is equillibrium.
When this is attained a valve loceted
in the nozzle opens an orifice. Owing
to the sudden release, the air pressure
ejects the water in a powerful jet
and throws it a considerable distance
and at the same time moves it around•
This method is ^considered a great
improvement on the old sprinkler and
pipe -line methods. A small rain can-
non, requiring only a pressure of two
of three atmospheres, is finding a
ready market.
Age six—father gives Willie roller
Age tweive — father gives Willie
Age eighteen—father gives Willie
college education.
Age•twenty-three—father gives Will-
ie diploma.
Age twenty-tour—Father gives Will-
ie job.
Age twenty-four ye s, throe days—
father gives Willie up.
The battleship was in port, and
visitors were being shown around. The
guide was exhibiting a bronze tablet
set in the deck.Guide--"HereGuideHere is where our gallant
captain tell."
Old. Lady—"No wonder. I nearly
tripped over it myself."
Foreman—"Do you know that I be.
gan life as a barefoot boy,"
Fireman -"Well, 1 wasn't born with
shoes on, either."
Diner—"Have you any wild duck?"
Waiter—"No, sir; but we can take
a tame one agd irritate it foreyou "
Josie—"A boy friend of thine has
several cups .tor golf, tennis --also
medals for rowing."
Carie—"Weil, he must be quite alt
Josle—"No, he's a pawn broker."
Australian Industry
Sydney Bulletin: If conlldouco can
be re-established and 11 the season and
me another one. Not selling—any- n`Whi.p this success has been going overseas markets help us, expendtlure
thing but that—give mo a decent Job."
on in Germany. Ettore Gattaueo, an on unemployment reliol should clitnim-
"I will,' said the old man, and he Italian engineer, hall recently corn- ish and the revenue from tnxatiolt ex -
took notes. 1 Dieted Loots with a rocket -propelled coed the estimate, \Vh0t is needed
Life ie father extraordinary, really. plane at the TaUodo airport at Milan. especially now is a saner view about
YOU meet a girl and you lose your job, Flights of thirty -Cour seconds, which work and wages. Hitherto pra.ctically
and yon go down to Ilamptou Court, covered a distance et a kilometer, nothing has been sought but high
and somebody falls into the water, have' been attained, 1 :nneo is now wages; • the reduction 01 the burdens
and what happens? You get your job busy with plans to tle:.h the ]English on industry, which have reduced the
°gain, you get your girl again, you get Channel inthe same t t:ch;ne, veluo oJ: the wages, has had hardly any
married. i More neaeerch Work . I attention. The greatest of these bur -
It's not such a bad world, really, L . Willi :such activity in rocket re- dens at the moment is the 01Orntous
and. luck does change. You get the search there eau be little doubt that army of our unemployed; and the Pro-
bed runs, but you get the good runs, We aro ,on the way to the development Inler's Piet' ought, therefore, to be
too. 'Really, when you conte to think of a rocket tnotot' that wilt at least be. supplemented by au organized drive to
(about it it is all a matter of luck."— practical for meteorological work. 1 absorb them into production. Tints.
Tit -Bits," London. Unquestionably 00010 of the expert-, far we have been inclined to stress
mutters pin their hopes too high. They I too mud: tlhe.natioual demand Cor 1ur-
may set torthemselves goals which titer sacrifices. The case calls for
ird Sanctuary Set will never. be realized. But there are, I more than. that. It calls for initiative
Aside in S. Africa nevoi'theless, things which can be ao-! and enteh'nelee. and energy. :It calls for
1omp1101hed with a rocket motor that' hard work and laithtul :service.
Worcester, S. AC,—After a long
can be accomplished in no other way: — w
Maintain Your Health
Take regularly,
of Norwegian
Cod Liver Oil
To Build feSistance
"- Bast' to, Digest *�'
. "r5
struggle, the Cape Peninsula Publicity safe is It e to say that some of these
Association have succeeded in getting 21 15 Sae be done in the present Bete
Table Mountain proclaimed a complete thoration, I
saubtuary for all kinds of game, wild '
!lowers and birds.
Flowers aro to be protected for an
indefinite period, game for there years
andwiltl'iiirds and their eggs will have
Peace for 10 years.
In Unison
Said the Club bore: "Do yeti. !011.33•.
ar , There are said fellows, I've received a threateuin:;,
to be more species of wild flowers in letter signed 'Unanimous,' and it say:.
the Cape Peninsula than ih.the whole her unless I seed r£60 to .a certain
of Great Britain, but stepS had to be. atidi,e3u, I shalt be ntrdered, What
taken to stop the destruction Of flee,' would you do about It?"
era. Last year over a ton of wild) "Wbatever yondo, don't send the
flowers' were ' shipped for export to money," cried a nuinb.er of voices in
Europe by one steamer. Poison.
Peeling indifferent to food? Out
of sorts? Depressed? Stimulate
Your digestive tract . with Dr+
Carter's Little Liver Pills. Alt
aegetttb le.. Gentle but thorough,
caurid of Indigestion,i
etc., and give you a new ins
tercet in food.
25c &.75c red packages
y��yp, ITERS
your drugyist-for
makes HiM FUSSY
One of the most important things
you can do to make a teething baby
nomfortable is to see that little
bowels do their work of carrying off
wt#ste matter promptly and regular
ly. Por this nothing is better than
Castorla, a pure vegetable prepara-
tion specially made for babies and
children. Castoria acts so gently
you can give it to young infants to
relieve colic. Yet it is always of -
Native, for other children, too. Re-
member, Castoria contales no
aarsh drugs, no narcotics—is abso-
lutely harmless. 'When your baby
is fretful with teething br.a food
>poet, give a cieaneing dose of
elastorla. Be sure you get genuine
Castoria with the name:
4HMetFliltENi.I9f0i";FQR; I
A good applicationof Min-
ard's, according to directions,
just "hit+ the spot". You'll
find that you
got wonderful relief 1 "
After Lunch Would Sleep 3 Hours
Everyone knows the meaning of tho
famous phrase: " That Kruseihen feel-
ing." Well, here is a typical instance of
the extreme reverse of that condition.
This woman had a perpetual tired
feeling. See how it affected her :—
" I am 3 0 years old, and the mother of
two small sons. So my life is a very
htisy once liver since I can remember, I
love niway3 suffered with a feeling of
tiredness, and never felt ready to getup
in the morning, even after 10 hours
sound sleep. 1 have often felt so tired
eller lunch, that I have slept for 3 and
4 hours, having to do the work in the
evening. I took Krusehen Salts for a
fartuight--and lost the tired feeling
completely. I feel fresh and wide
:wake, tint' I have never felt better in
my 1117e."—Mrs. 1;.1)1. W.
Omen and women all over the
world take Krusehen Salts daily—not
because they are really sick, mind you
—but because they know the little
daily dose of ICruscben keeps them
always fit and energetic, and stied keeps
the system free from poisonous matter
caused by Irregular or insufficient
People who take Krusehen Salts every
morning don't have headaches, and
are ahvays free from constipation,
depression, dizziness,
coated tongue and
unpleasant breath.
They have no. poisons
in their system because
the action of levusollen
Salts on thc 'liver, kidneys and bowels
causes perfect and regular elimination.
If you want joyous beaitit and glorious
vigor—to sleep soundly and arise In
the morning- lit and tereshed=if you
want to work hard and enjoy your
work—try taking Krusehen Stilts every
day. Millions of people are enjoying
their , daily labours, thanks to the
" little daily dose" of .Kruselten.
Krusehen Salts is obtainable at all
Drug Stories at 46e, and 75e. per bottle.
Are Filled As Far .
As Possible In the
Order in Which -
They Are
Offering Annual
DEPARTMENT invariably
Faris Help Supplied
The Colonization and immigration Branch ,,,et the
Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have Available a
number ofExperienced• Married Men Wlth Their Wives
and Pamllles—Married Couples. Without Children— -
Also Single Men.
Par:newt requiring holo- will b welt
advised to make early anglioatron to !�
' Geo. A. Elliott .
)ireotor of Colonisation
ParTorontoitament, Ont Bldgs„
File Your
et Once
All Men
Placed Subject
to Trial Period
1-10N, THOMAS L. KENNEDY, Minister -of Agricul'ture.....