HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-08, Page 2Clinton
News -Record
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A general Banking Business
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Tat New York
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur..
wished With Every Pattern
Notary Public, Conveyancer
Financial, Real Estate and t'tre In.
surance„ Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.
Division .ourt Office. Clinton.
Frank Fingland, E.A., LL.B.
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Extra -.ion a S, o -fatty.
Phone 21
Electro Therapist Masseur
Office: I3uroll St. yaleen14 doors west of
A New kkand tf Bird
Flying, In 1303, did not mean spo-
dially constructed helmet, leather • coat,
parachute, and goggles, Wilbur
Wright, in cloth cap and his working
clothes, climbed onto the lower wing
of the. plane. Tho pilot was to lie
prone, as in the gliders. A kind of
"cradle" fitted his hips; by its move-
ment he manipulated the flexible
wings and the rudder. In one hand he
gripped the elevator lever. The mo-
tor clattered and roared. Everything
was ready.
'Wilbur released the catch by which
1 the reetralning wire was held, and
;with a rush the machine darted for-
The landing was disastrous, The
left wing swung down too late for Wil-
bur to regain balance by use of the
rudder and wing -warping, and scraped
along the ground. The machine swung
around, dug tete skids into the sand
and broke one of them. Other minor
parts lit the framework were broken,
Flyiire was ended for that day.
But it took more than that to dis-
courage Wil and Ory Wright.
Late in the afternoon of December
16111, two days later, the
iidpai and
other damaged parts were
and final rtijustments were being
made. The ma('hine was standing on
the track in front of the sired 'which
had been Intik for it, and Wilbur and
Orville, b, themeelves', were working
over it. A stranger, a 1na1 who bad
never seen the curious craft before,
came past. Silently he surveyed the
machine Prem this side and that. At
TiJiJ MAfi
a+'a-c:o•eo-apo-o.o<-o-e.o�o•°-4-'",'.O-D, -.
He cold hear himself "arguing with
SYNOn--is ,. .
Don Dilswortl s wife, former actress
Sheila 0'81101', disappears, Dr Cavan-
augh criminal Psychologist. learns. +11o(r
married 11fe.11as been unh01 Py
Peter Piper, a ktereld reporter, while
trying to get, an tntorylew with Dr, Ca-
vanaugh, meets 13ar11arar the attraeti"e
(laughter, and finds she was engaged to
Don before h1s marriage. llr. Cavan•
au6"h identifies a body burned in the tole
marsh outsidetheelty as that of Sheila
O'Shay. Barbara 'faints when she hears
this. lams. gene, Sheila's n1111d is i' -
rested and Peter learns that Sheila ..nra-
8(1 -eDn to marry her 11Y a breachof
pot to give him anntery
eiitrieewo. persaa •
Peter spoke rapidly, cmphaticalty,
but without raising his ,voice. His
head was thrust a little forward, his
bright, near-sighted gray' eyes steal-
ily fixed on the dark face before him..
He saw that face whiten about the
lips, saw the veins bulge at the tem-
ples—and stepped back just 'in time
to avoid the lunging sidewise, blow
whose °impetus brought Ellsworth
through the_open door, which crashed
shut behind him.
Don required Peter's steadying
touch on his elbow to recover his bal-
ance and prevent his plunging for-
ward down the steps. He was not
even conscious of that briefly support-
ing hand,
"I may not keep the public out, nit
l can keep you out!" he said, turning
toward the vague blot of shadow on
the darkened porch, which was Peter.
"And every other newspaper reporter,
too. I've not one single word to give
to the press, now or at any A
time. That's my answer!"
"Very well," said Peter inrpert l: b -
ably; but he said it to Don Ellsworth's
back, rapidly losing its form as a
shadow amongother shadows AS
dashed down the driveway, his feet
scuffling with vicious force on the
unoffending gravel.
"And the worst of it is," erased'
Peter as he followed at a more leis-
urely gait, pausing to light a cigar'
ette from a crumpled package which
he exhumed from his overcoat pocket.
"he may have to give all those words
to men. from the district attorney's
office,. and they'll pass then along to
theymay net
a bevy of frightened, indignant,, in-
credulous servants, thoroughly enjoy-
ing the excitement of capturing a
burglar red-handed. He could ^ see
himself submitting with sang f relit
to a ride to the station 11i the jangling
patrol wagon, and the confronting the.
ii:ate, spluttering, and friendly. Cap-
tain Davis, who' would ask him if he
expected toget awe./ with murder.
Decidedly, such a culmination would,
not be without its points.
Neither, 'Peter discovered, was the
pergola without its points. They were
the sharp; half-inch points of a par-
ticularly stalwart variety of climbing
rose. They made lolig claw -marls on
his calves and his hands seemed to
encounter them with unerring and
painful precision,
"Gosh, what a cat -fight!" breathed
Peter. "If I don't claim damages
under the workmen's compensation
act for this—"
He began his climb at 'the farther,
garden end of the pergola, and walk-
ed, crouching, along the top, where
progress was easier, except when his
foot slipped thiough the squares of
the lattice, And then, in a state which
it seemed to him must of one of flut-
tering ribbons, he reached the hoose
wall at last, and, squatting on his
thighs, looked into the brightly light-
ed boudoir of Sheila O'Shay.
Here's a cut model with all the em length 51 Rind o' contraption you
marks of French chic*, yet is as simple' "What
and smart and is practical as any tiny int0110'tlf rite brothers looked up. Wil
girl would wish for. i
A French blue linen with plain and Ore were always glad to answer
white linen made the original. i dnestions.
Isn't the inset yoke 'punning? The Tia mant's a ingiimachiinted lles yes11111 was
pleated ruffling finishes the round
The and may
Lire 1•u.d by cuffs.
a 110W"kouumea1 itnd or rgoesllup in the air?
The pleating indi b r
• • desired. l Your ain't really pin' to 11Y in it?"
contrasting circ bindif 11110,
The circular skirtlyes coact em-! "Just what we thiols we're going to
phasic to the brief bodice. I tin," laughed the other, "3f we `get a
It is lie sin:rle as falling off a log I suitable wind to -morrow."
to make it. The etrnugcr stared. lie stroked
Style No. 3302 may be Mid in sixes his chin,
in,w3 wing It 1115helanc d over he
2, 4, e and 8 years. "Wal,' he commenced, "looks to
Size 4 ardu35-1 lrlss yards 30 -inch, � upIlta fly, er somethin'--
�v36h tits yard 36 -inch contrasting. ; me 's if shoo h
A plaided gingham in yellow °11(1 If helgitsn—e his suitable
e wind." on.
brown with plain brown is fetching.
Then again in a navy blue wool ;.And 7 11— 1110 01'V V tO Charnley, io
challis with, wgitesin dots and vivid "rhe Boys' Life of the Wright Broth -
contrasting, it's adorable.
Write your name incl address plain-'•
ly, giving number and size of such! Lord St. Leonard's once said to Sir Peter was going to be there.
patterns as you wont. Enclose 20c :n 1 skirts of a row of dolls,
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap Powell Buxton, "1 resolved when read- i hey might' let the Kane wor-she Peter's entranced gaze veered to
it carefully) for each number, and ling law to make everything acquired out—though that was unlikely; a Peter's
stand nearby, a e eh rested
tt relloetly my own. Many of mY cant• was fairly sure to be held as a ma. a telephone stand
book b a tapestry :over
nddress your I h
Service, "r3 the
Packed full of tender, plump,
uncrushed Sultanas, retaining the
fine flavor of the fresh fruit. Just
ad wholesome as they are delicious,.
"Knee" Him lt't, • nMI Mary was disturbed by what she had
� seen and heard.
"Raymond feels that his mother is
Lenora M. Bailey i unfair and is rade to him, she
"Knock him down, Mary! Turn thought, "though of course he wouldn't '
around and give him a good one when i express it that way and really does
he hits You like that, Just what he not know exactly what the trouble is.
needs, if you ask me.' I He is lust irritated by her voice and
Mary Nyberg looped at her sister- macer. He ;mows she expects him
in-law in shrprise, rto be disagreeable and so he very of -
"0h, no. You don't mean that, Tilly, ten is disagreeable. I wish I were in -
Why, Raymond was only wanting to timate enough to advise her to deal
play, I'm sure." differently with him—a8 Mrs. Wall
Raymond had come it:o the living does, for instance."—Issue(l by the Na -
retorts as Mary stood be:cre the piano tlonal Kindergarten Association, 3
and bed hit her rather hard on the West Oth Street, New 'York City.
These articles are appearing weekly
back. in our columns.
"Play, nothings" returned the moth-
corn h.
er. "He's last mean
can't do -a thing with him and I should:
love to see some one else handle him Thunder Shower
and give him what he needs.°'
"I can't think that my little nephew I Sliver pale.
Dr. Cavanaugh's broad back loomed
directly in the field of Peter's vision.
He was seated somewhat absurdly on
5 7
i whosei
• r small a�ey
ling legs and short 'lack gave it t) -e
distorted look of something that ham
started out to be tall and had stopped
It was the sort of chair peculiar to
ladies' dressing tables, but as this
was the first time Peter had ever seen
a 'ally's lressing table, it appeared to
Mini something of a monstrosity.
Dr. Gavanaugh's solid bulk eta•) in
its usual Bober black, projected be-
yond his insufficient seat; he looked,
Pett r thougl't, rattier like a block of
!..1wrte 11 ui'llced on the top of .Cor
tars iso —t ,..
topped, triple -mirrored affair on
is so had," said Mary. "Come on, 111;1Y -titans the path of rivulet and snail
mood, let's have n swing on the porch Through the dark wood, where each
while your mother til(e8 a little rest brown bolo
before it Is time for your father to' Drips magic.
come home."
I nymph stole
Little Rayman(i followed
ant to
to From the old sycamore's embraces,
the Pbreb, where they proceeded I And there a molted satyr fled, , . -
get better acquainted, Oh dim rain -shadowed places,
Mary hod but recently married into Are your ancient gods not dead?
the Nyberg family so she had visited
There a green
us; and by that t 11811. o well. But fa7 to•, ,.tonic her 1 'J if t Mess these new relatives only n few times. Now the rail
sound so well—not certainly a goo [h, d c.t.ng t 6
Barbara's tip was 5 She WAR re1;v unci surprised and
Census; hirci, are whispering again
I almost think he doesn't 'iho resent moment the do_- somewhat bewildered atltloe attitude Sunlit, four silver swans go by
one. which thearp And eunlight, mocicing necromancy,
reporters—not one linin bit he err r(stet a roarhnlant eitwly--was taken toward 11ve•Yeai o w but Upon a silver lake of :sky... ,
doesn't!"i assignment ;vas b3 I eovered With a :u•rritdn multitude ke To lte;lr�311 re tot (h two
c.lesame t t aY,`Ye Shows me a crooked branch and old;
letei s evening ! + 1 objects, each of which looked . kr Makes my sweet nymph of fancy
It means concludeJ. Ile returned-P;honlething epee, they seemed to have learned to talo
^ it as a matter of course. They could A lioney`utl le, trailing gold.
h dark and almost invisible The gl(sss b,ttle of rose-colored both their mother olid not
atthecorner, and looked carefully up
and 11 wn both streets before ho de-
cided That he alight properly venture
the glow of leis 1iglued cigarette be-
hind the side curttrins. i Along stick with a wide flat circle
Ho did net know precisely what he I of powder poli at the end was painted
was waiting for, but he waited 151 a
state of alert quiescence. If the po•{ with the fate of n black -and -plaid,
lice should force the pace and come l very exotic lady.
The bases of a procession of betties
with a warrant to search the ho^se.! .,eeped from the widespread taffeta
salts had the form of an elephan';; a
tt)Ual object 101110h should have teen
lar of colt cream masqueraded as
understand that 1e—lhedl;et Ler. ry, in the London
mead just what 5110' 85110, But Rnr Observer,
l'. ..
mond, 1(1110 had lived much with his :
• grandmother, seemed mere syn:+hive
He lack
wonder every ned itime his e large tlmotllervraised '
her voice stridmttly and impatiently, 1
"Raymond, why don't you try to
please your mother by doing just es
she wants you to do, so elle won't have
lid impatient?" Mary'
ur order 10 Wilson Pattern; •etitors read as much in n clay as I terial witness, unless Ellsworth cave
West Adelaide St,, Toronto. p bail for her, and Peter was of the
!read in a week; but having fairly moat opinion that Ellsworth would hear
° 'tcre(t it, -what T read was as fresh at h t ument
powers !the end of twelve months as when 1 with equanimity Mrs. Kane's absence
Live while you live, Life calls for all read it, while others bad glided from from his house. Or something Pito-
never could tell. He might better ( ave
bound in gilt braid, together with an-
other and larger o concealing'
telep one instrument.
The electric light brackets by the She is our kindergarten teacher.
dressing table were shaped like She sure 1s nice to ue. She talks nice
candles, with small pointed globes, and soft and never doeU yell or taut
and the reading lamp by the Med cast
. +. loud and ugly no matter what we do. !
She says, 'Raymond will you please i
set these chairs all in a nice circle
for me?' and 1 clo it just as fast as
ever 1 can, I don't even say 'I don't
want to' like I do to Mother."
With that Raymond jumped down
from the porch swing where he had'
been sitting beside his aunt. "There
is Anna Lee,' 'he said, and ran to meet
a p11lymate who had last entered the
yard with some gay ballpoint.
your ]lowers; 1 eco11ectioli,"
gether unforeseen night break, Yin
This instant day your. almost
strength demands,
wastes himself who stops to
watch the sands, the golden
miser -like, hoards up
—William Henry Hudson,
.ours—'foes., 'rhurs. and Sat, all dal,.
llee—bloc bWed. appointment.
seaforthnOfns. pb so o,. Wed..,and Friday
S. W. Archibald, B,A•Sc., (Tor.),
U.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate
Member Engineering Institute of.Can-
ada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
ImforSalesDateat The can be made
News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203.
Charges Moderate
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. -^
President, .1. Rennewels, lirodhagen.
N tee- post dent. James Connolly, (loderlch.
Sec.-t1•easpler. U. F. h111(1!egol', eaf o(h1;
Directors: ,lamas evans,
Zanies Shmlldice, Walton; ,Vin. Knox,
T.ondesbOro; :Cobt, Weil , Rulletti J01111
Pepper, 11rnceneldr
Sea -
forth 0, F. McCartney, Seaforth.
.Agents' W .1.Yee '1t R. No, :1. Clinton;
John Murray, eutarth., James Wa•
pp. ud. PlnchleY. Seaforth; a paid to
1'-nY nOney to be paid my
the mere. Royalaforth or at Cal'�tln Mork Gr o
cery, Goder?ch.
Parties desiring to effect Insurance or
attended. 3 on business will any promptly
. tive post of ices LOSSes inspectediby tbe;
director who lives nearest the scone.
r w-1 ., a �
lip arr,N,attalge),BAiI.
Trains will arrive at and depart from
Glinted as follows:
Buffalo and Goderieh Div.
Going East, depart 6.58 a.m.
" s (( "3.05 p.m,
Going West, depart 11.65 a.m.
" " �s 9.44 pan.
London, Huron &:Bruce
Going South: - 3.08 pan.
Going North - i . 11.68 a,1n,
A Summer Victim
He was sure that everything he knew.
Poor fellow, his way was grim.
He tried to paddle his own canoe
Before he bad learned to swim.
Try this salad dressing ...
it keeps for weeks!
Kft/1OFT Salad prating is so thoroughly
blended, it will keep tot wicks. It stays
good right down to the last tangy tea-
Best 71 all, 11 costo hist one-half the price
you re used to paying. A generous 12 ounce
lar sells tor only 25 :cots. Got some today.
RA9 "i'
Salad 1kessig
Made (o CeCheese n 1d V:l the Makers of Airlift
followed Ellsworth; but after all, lie I its rosy glow through the frosted i.e
had nothing to go on there—and any ahs of a cabbage -shaped flower.
way, his present job was with the
house. • I Peter shifted his weight from one
It was neither the returning Elle- cramped leg to the other.
"G hl" he breathed. "What a
to get Sa. ('.rna8 a
finally asked. Aunt Mary, but Il
"I don't 'know,
don't think Mother ought to yell at me
111ce she does. Grandmother doesn't
—and Mrs, Walt doesn't and we mind'
! Mrs. Wall all the time."
"W110 is Mrs. Wall, dear?"
worth nor Mrs. Bane whose appear-
ance brought Peter leaning, forward
in the front seat an hour later, bat a
small black coupe, from which emer-
ged the broad shoulders and rotund
form of Dr. Cavanaugh. He walked
up the ''leeway with long, Ieisureiy.
strides, and stood in parley for some
minutes with the maid at the deo••,
Peter had closed Bossy's door gent-
ly behind him and was half way
across the street when he paused.
"After all, I can't very well trail
the doctor like a faithful pup,
pondered. "He's been pretty good to
n'e, and 1 don't -want to break the
charm. It's just possible I might be
in the -way." While he still hesitated,
the front door • closed and the house
turned to him a shut, impenetr dile
f ace.
Pete!, however, did not recross tl'e
street, Instead, he turned the corder
and gazed upward at the dark side of
the house. A pergola led to a garden
at the rear, and above the pergola to
the left a faint bleam of glass indi-
cated what was probably a sun porch.
A few Nights still shone on the
lower floor at the bac—"Servants'
rooms," commented Peter—and' a dim-
mer .light, as if penetrating a ea -lc
room before reaching the street, loll'.
cniu1 the front ball.
"Hm," meditated Peter. "Now
where the dickens did the great Ca-
vanaugh go to?"
As if in answer a light --bright, de•
finite, uesilatled—flashed' on in the
room over the pergola, on the second
"Now I wonder. Suppose I have a
look-see. If it's none of my business,
I can just climb down again. If it
is, I'll crash the front door, ask fax
the doctor, and Crust to him to let me
in on it. Of course, if I'm caught on
that pergola -thing, it may take a .fail,
bit of explaining." •
It was the idea of that possibld 'ex-
planation that determined Peter,
jimmy' would hot back hila up in eny
such performance—Jimmy, 11aVin0
told' him to eover'the Ellsworth:hyasg
and not come back till he got'stirne•,�
thing, would merely take' his copy "and
read him a' lecture, 31 - Im • got into
difficulties But the lecture would not
be ifearly to hard • to take as if-'bo'baded upbli'theltvlll of rife pooplo;
didn't tArn in any copy
way to live! No wonder somebody)
bumped her off!"
His change of position brought 1.bu
within sight of the door, where stood
a girl in maid's uniform, Her round
flushed face was a study in alarm,
pleased excitement and admiring Awe.
It was a larger number of emotions
than that ingenious countenance was
used to expressing at once, and the
effort had widened her eyes to• the
roundness of very bite marbles. She
stood fiddling with the door -knob, ob-
viously seeking an excuse to remain
in the room. The stolid set of Dr.
Cavanaugh's shoulders and his relax-
ed attitude before the dressing table
indicated bland and patient waiting.
In the darkness Peter grinned,
"She'd give her eye-teeth to stay,
wad the doctor is calmly sitting har
out" he opined.
The window was closed 'rend he
could not hear what was said, but in
another moment. the maid, with a
broad smile making her cheeks bulge
rounder than ever and a`lingering
gaze of extreme respect towards the
figure at the dressing table, withdrew,
closing the door behind.her.
Peter eased nimse:f to his knees
and reached. for the upper ledge of
the window. Ile had no intention of
spying, Ile would open the windoe
and tell the doctor he was there. Then,
theIf s horny pathedbyewhichnrt hebaong
(To be continued.)
Socrates said: "I ;(now this, that I
know nothing."
Every man knows just what he re-
members —Latin Maxim.
Lite without cross-examination is
no lite at a11, Socrates.
Poverty 10 in want of muolr, .but
that does good to another mean,
does also good. to himself.—Seneca,.
Tis. rarely that men have respect
and reverence enough for themselves.
Peace cannot be' established on the
dolor of et swOrd. It riiuSt be broach•
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Cold, damp days which
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