HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-08, Page 1The News -Record Est, 1878
The New Era Est. 186
NO. 2539.4ard YUATt,
jf riot(• . tamed
nen Watches
_ _
wadd mit matter ihnek q oNn 'of exem shonld quit going.
But when you depend on (One ;you want that .otte right,saoit aceri)?
If it is not dont Ws .2'4 lhourstadayadate :aatildfaattifile
15hat is a sign that am; repaie,department should be given .a Clasen
- Vs .:Itiveatigal.te the ',trouble.
Isf you wait there -will be .inere trotible mid iimee exPorsu. illre
`wisest people .act quickly when their evatehes •go back on them.
. . , toff n t.
ocettitar .
Jeweler: and Optometrist Phone '174wr and 1743
Tilunned with Fur
at $14.75
You Must see them to be con -
winced ot this most extraordinary
value. The colors are mostly in
New Brown and Green Shades,
.sizes 15 to 20 year.
The Vogue is for Black
and White, Plain Black and
Plain Brown. We have an
entirely New Stock priced from
$1.75 ti 3.50
Fll 1NL4,
ose .fie
lusfur Productions
ist is Warm, Light in Weight, and Wind Noel', ;awl looks its
Finely tolissred, with skilled attention te, detail in. faYgnid style AlY3
shade* of Brown and Grey. We believe IV is the groikatest
Overcoat Wile of the SOS=
Price $37.50
As there were forty plaYers and
only eights chickens, however, a
good many had le, go home empty-
handed. , But all had a good tinsel
The winners were; Messes: S. L.
Lucas, A Morris, F. Rogerson, H.
Bertha,. Hill Ball, P. Ford, A. E.
Fines and H. B. Manning,
Bowling has been a popular sport
this season and new the Club con-
templates enlarging the green in
order to accommodate another c.ou-
pie of rinks. Work will soon be
started so that the green may be in
geful shape 'for next spring.
The town Council met on -Tuesday
evening, Mayor Creeper, who is a-
way frem, town, and Councillors
Cook and Livermore being absent,
Reeve Elliott took the chair and on
calling the council to order spoke of
the satisfaction felt in having the
new clerk in his . place. "We have
been- somewhat disorganized the
past coliPle of months," he said.
"Felt like a ship's crew Without
either captain or first mate."
Clerk Manning then read the min-
utes of the August and September
meetings, which were.allopted.
A communication was read freni
W. J. Elliott requesting that a deed
he made out for some property which
he bad purchased at a tax sale. On
motion of 'Councillors Paisley and
Holmes the clerk was instructed to
have the town solicitor make out a
Mr. 1 T. Turner wrote complain-
ing about a drain Which is giving
him annoyance. On motion of Coun-
cillors -Holmes. and Langford the
street committee was instructed to
look after sarries
J. T. McKnight asked permission
to erect a garage. On motion of
Councillors Holmes and Paisley the
Permit is to be given, same to be
built of proper material, according
to by-law re fire zone.
Chairman Crich of the street com-
mittee gave a verbal report and
sense discussion was heard regard-
ing sone tiling which is being done
an Rattenbuy street, opposite St
Paul'Sunday school. Councillor
Helens thought the whole street
should bedrained but Councillor
Langford said he was willing to see
it partially done, as the church
management was ,paying for tile and
nutting them dawn, the town only
levelling up the boulevard. If any
other residents of the street wished
to do the same it might be done. On
motion of Coencillore Paisley and
Oriel, the request of the church
management will be granted. The
street committee was also instruct-
ed to carry out instructions in a
former emtion.
Bylaws 6 and 7, amending former
bylaws, ee cemetery regulations and
the appointing of a clerk and trees-
uver, were read the third time and
Wheat, 60a.
, Oats, 25c. •
Eggs, 28c to 27e.
Butter, 20c to 22c.
'Live Hogs $5.50
BOWLING Tonsmovr.srry
A local tommainent, and probably
the last orre of the 'season, was put
cli on the local bowling green on
Monday evening, about feisty play-
ers entering: Eight nice plump
chickens were pot up for prizes and,
in these hard times, they proved
great incentive and every man
played his best so that be might
carry home provender to hia wait-
ing family.
Onmotion of Councillors Paisley
and Hohnes the treasurer was auth-
orized to open a Special. bank ac-
count, to whin will be transferred
from the general account sufficient
bands to cover monthly endebtednese
alraccounte to be paid from this
fund by cheque. Councillor Hol-
mes said this would de away with
the need of keeping sums of money
in the vault
eter Cole appeared before the
council repeating a request made by
citizens some time ago for another
light on Albert street, north, Mem-
bers CiP the council who had -Viewed
the locality thought it as well light-
ed as other parte of the town and
suggested that the street commit-
tee trim some trees which obstructed
the light.
Acting -Mayor • Elliott asked Clerk
'Manning to give some report ccr the
'progress of the auclitoes, who have
been examining the 'town accounts.
Mr. Manning said he could not give
much. ca a ,report as the work was
not finished but that a complete re-
port would be presented- to the coun-
61 later, He said he thought the,
were doleg a very thorough job and
Were working hard, although the
wcialt was delayed Friday and Sat-
urday,by.tbe illness of the chief ands
itor. .was prolonged also by the
fact that nobody was able to give
• explanatory assistance. But he said
nothing of a serious nature had nine
to light and the auditors had com-
mented upon the method and 'acme,
key of the late clerk's beekeeping...
On •motion of Councillors Paisley
and Langford the street committee
was instructed to level up the street
to the pavement in front a the chop-
ping mill, fie it Was won down anti
if not attended to the pavement will
suffer. The end of Mary street!
drain is also tr, be cleared out.
The following item fr clipped from
a recent Iselletin of Alumni As-
sociation of the University ay. 'Wes-
tern Ontario:
"Dr. Percy -Hearn Cif Clinton has
given the Archives a 'Lister carbolic
acid spray. It belonged at one time
to the late Di. C. W. Tbonapson,
father of Dr. Fred Thompson, '24 qf
Clinton," •
Assessor H. E. Reflee gives Clin-
ton a Donnie -tie -1,0f 1350 while the
recent census enumerators put it at
1793, a difference id fifty-seven
This disparity. seems 01 be 4 general
thing. Why it is thus is not known.
Cannot the different municipal as-
'sssors count correctly or were the
Dominion enumeratore. careless? The
disparity is so large?' in Stratftrd
that the local press has urged. the
city authorities to take some action
Mr. 3. Neil has purchased the Mc-
Iver cottage, Frederik street, and
gets hninediate .posse Sion.
A car of produce, tc., is being
packed here this week to send te the
dried -out area of the Iii,est,
Next week the Hoebital Pair will
be held, Wednesday, 1,Phursday, Fri-
day and Saturday, inOhe town hall.
Messrs, Parkin and, Halls of Te-
TOTIth have been busy ;the past week
auditing the town accOnts since the
beginning of 1931.
A. number of the members of the
Clinton Home and School Club went
to Seaforth yesterday, afternoon to
attend the reception hpld by the Club
of that town.
Mr. G. VanHorne. C.N.R. agent,
grew some peaches -in his own gar-
den this summer, (niece which must
have been a large spealmen, measur-
ing 9'i inches one way' and 10 inches
the other. s.
East Huren Teachers' Association
meets for its annual 'convention in
Clinton today and toinorrow. The
meetings are being •.held in Owen
Memorial Hall. The speeial spanker
is Miss McCready of the Hamilton
Normal School
Driving along Albert street on
her way to her home at Summer-
hill Tuesday evening Miss Marion
Mason, and other _Of:,1. students,
lest the left hind wheel of her car.
Fortunately she was going fest
and no damage was done. It might
have been much worse.
Turner's Church
The anniversary services will be
bold on Sunday, October 18th at 130
and 7.30 pan. Rev. C. J. More-
house of Exeter will be the preaehen
at both services.
Presbyterian Church
The minister's morning sermon
subject: "The Deeper Note of
Thanksgiving." Evening: The fourth
Psalm: "The Measure of a Man."
The Ladies Auxiliary will lmkl
their regular monthly meeting at the
home of Ms. E. Ward, Tuesday ev-
ening, Oct. 13th, at 8 cielock.
Wesley -Willis United -Church
The Girls' Club will meet in the
church hall Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock. The Missionary topic will
be taken by Miss Bessie Watt and
during the social, hour Miss Rudd
will give a travel talk. Al) the lad-
les in the congregation are invited
to this meeting.
Salvation Army
Anniversary services were held in
the 8, A. Hall on Smiday, whet)
Ensign Coonthwaite of London woe
the' special speaker. The ' London
band was also present and supplied
good music for the services and in
the evening put on a fie sacred
concert in the town hall. The Bap-
tist church service was withdrawn in
the evening, and the members at-
tended the service in the 8. A. hall,
She Rev. G. W. Sherman assisting
in the service,. --
Ontario Street United Church
Morning sermon subject ; "Per-
petual Thanksgiving."
In the evening Rev. R. M. Gale of
Hayfield will preach, -
At eight ' &do,* the "Friendly
Fireside" hour will again be con-
ducted. Beautiful set of slides on
"ICorea." All are invited.
• Tho W.M.S. will hold their Meeting
in the S. S. room on Tuesday after-
noon, Oet. 1,3th, when a reception
will be given to Miss Sybil Cotirtice,
recently returned frorri Japan. All
friends of Miss Courtice will be
warmly weelomed,
Very successful anniversary ser-
vices, were held in this church en
Sunday, when the Rev. S. Davison of
etnugetinseeToaneshetdo Pglee"c vneg r e-agnads
tons. In the eveningservice in
Wesley -Willis United, and , the Pres-.
byterian churches were withdrawn
and members of these congregations
attended this service. Rev. Mx. Dons'
gen and Rev. D. E, Felder also took.
part in the service.The ehoir.ren-
deved special music for :the ea-
casi on.
On Monday evening a hot supper
was served in the dining room of the
church, 9 very- large numbea taking
their evening Meal here. Afterwards
-interesting colored slides avere.shown
upstaira. and .latea a pro= ors
m,usic and an addreas,by. the..R.evs D.
McTavish was given. Altogether the
anniversary activities were Very
successful and, enjoyable, -
H. AND S. oouNgiL MEET
_ 'The Huron Home and. School
Council met. Saturdayafternoon at
Mrs. Cree Cook's cottage, Bayfield.
for their annual meeting, wheat fif-
ty being present. The officers were
chosen from the te.presentatives.02
Victoria school club, •Gederieh. Mrs
-Palmer being elected president and -
Miss Thane secretary. Mrs. A. T.
Cooper and Mrs. 3. C. Gandier, Clin-
ton, are the retiring. officers.
When the 'business of the meet-
ing' was disposed of a pleasant time
was spent at the lakeside, the day
being like July, and a number went
in swimming, A, picnic supper was
served and the sunset over the lake
Was enjoyed before' the party broke
The funeral of J. W. Trealeaven.
B.A.., was held' from his late resi-
dence, iGibbings and Princess streets'
under auspices' of Clinton Lobe A
Lodge, ,
F. & NO. 84 G.R.C., on Thurs-
day afternean of last week. A set -
vice was condueted at the home by
Rev. F. G. Email!, pastor of Ontario
street United church, assisted ,ty
Rev. C. E. Dongan, minister of t e
Presbyterianchurch. Following the
regular burial service the mystic,
rites of Masonry were observed by
the brethren of the leeige. Visiting
brethren included Rt. War. Bro. I,
R. Coles.Henson, South
Huron diarict; Bro. Goodwin of Zu-
rich Lodge, Hensall; Dr. Field, Matt -
land Ledge, Goderich, and a numbev
of brethren tram Old.Light Lodge.
A.F. & A,111., Lucknow. Wier. Bro.
F. T. Jackson, Master of caa04
Lodge, gave the exhortations and in-
voc.ytions of the Masonic burial rit-
ual in a mast • expressive manner,
The late V. War. Bro. 3.• W. Trelea-
ven was a Past Grand Steward and
a Past Master of Clinton Lodge.
Interment took 'place in Clinton
Cemetery. The pallbearers were Dr
J. W. Shaw, Col, H. T. Rance, Dr,
3. S. Evans. J. A. Ford, W. J. Stev-
enson and W. D. Fair, all members
el Clinton Lodge.
In attendance at the funeral were
friends fremt La Peer, Mich., Tor.
onto, Stratford and .,Lucknow.
Last Friday evening Clinton's Box
Lacrosse team went to Gaderich and
trimmed the county town team to the
tune of n 5•1. kale. 'The ClintoP'
boy e paid more attention to their
lacrosse than the Godevich team.
herefore. came otit ahead, and had
the Goderich rink been better light-
ed the Clinton boys would have pit,.
ed up no even larger scare. Fast
close 'combinaticn was ininossible.
The game started very fast with
both teams playing wide open la-
crosse. Gibbs Opened the scoring on
a pass from ilticEwan after a few
minutes of play. Snazel of Geder-
ich had the misfortune to receive a
broken nose when he collided -with
the Clinton goalie. E. Fulford scor-
ed the second goal the period for
Clinton near the end of the perioci.
When the period ended the game was
beginning to get rough.
The second period opened very
strenuously, some cf the players were
very hard to manage, the penalties
came by the dozens, the Goderich
players receiving the most. Allison
scored Goderich's lone tally in the
first few minutes of play. When
the period was half over "Sparky"
lVfiddleton, for Clinton made a lone
rush at the goal, when Rosie Stod-
dart jumped on his back and Sparky
pinned him on the chin with his fist.
in a few seconds there were about
fifteen players in a pile, having a
regular battle. After the referee
got control of the game again it be-
gan to ,get cleaner. Picket secret)
another goal for Clinton itt this per -
id, which ended 3-1.
The third, polled ihad 'a lot of very
close checking neither sides getting
past centre .very much.
Clinton came back strong in the
last periodand played excellent la-
crosse. Rath passed to Fulford to
score the fourth geed for Clinton.
Pickett broke through and stored the
last goal of.the game, and the game
ended 5-1 in favour of Clinton.
Bob Middleton was the most olt-
standing man of both teams, while
Pickett showed some very geed stick
handling. C. Fulford and Allison
played the best for Goderich.
The local management are well
pleased ,with the showing, the locals
made at Goderich and are anxious to
get into their own rink .when they
can practise regularly. Clinton has
youth and speed and will give a good
accolfnt of themselves.
• The line-up:*
W. Fulford; de-
fense, G. Rath, B. IVIiddletoris rover,
E. Ifulforda centre...F. MeEsvans homes
K. Pickett and H. Gibbs, subs, Me,
Gill and Livermore. -
Goderich-Poala Blundell,' defense,
B. Stoddart and C. Fulford; roves.,
Robinson; • .eenta.e, Allison; hones,
Sale and MCKety; eubs, Snazel and
Clearibue and Nivens,
Referee -IW. Mute% Clinton.
Mr, J. Walker and Xi's. Mall
Brown Motored to Sandisekr, Mich,
feet week, accompanied b MisS
McQueen, , who has .betii their
guest for the past month,
A. Murdoch of Detroit epent
the week -end at the home of his
stSsisiSaStat Sils-Sos'Asses-•
Lather, Ms'. V. Murdoch.
Mr. Wm. McIntosh ,returned to
.Loring last week after spending a,
few weeks 'at his hone in the vil-
lage. -
Mr. and Mrs. 'Watt of Clinton vis-
itedfriends 'on the London Road last
'week. • • ,.,
Rev. Wr. A. and Mrs..Breirtner,
Mrs. Addison and Mr. R. Watson at-
tended the Missionary ' Congress,
which Was held in Toronto 144 week.
Cemmunion will be observed next
Sunday, Oct. llth at the morning
service. Preparatory service on
Friday at 8 p.m.
The' Wernan's Asscriation of
Brucefield United church held their
regular meeting Thursday afternoon
last, in the school rooms. of the
ehurch with a splendid attendance al'
members and helpers of the congre-
gation. • Early after dinner the lad-
ies were at work and they certain-
ly did good work, four (milts being
quilted for the needy in the west
to send with • a community a
bale. The president presided for
business meeting, the roll call being
answered by poems by 'Wilton and
the te,oic was a paper on the life of
Milton, -read by Mrs. Wm. Rotten -
bury. Plans for a bazaar and chic-
ken dinner were voted on for a lat-
er date. Miss Jean Murdoch kindly
offered her home for the next meet-
ing, Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Repeating
the mispah benediction in nsison
brought a well spent afternoon te a
close. Mrs, Ross Scott was hostess
and perved a very generous lunch
and tea which was Very Muth enjoy-
ed by all. A hearty vote of thanks
was moved to Mrs. Ross Scott ler
her kind hospitality.
A large bale; consisting of quilts,
elothieg, boots and shoe, yarn, ete,
was packed in the basement of the
church this week • by; the Ladies'
Auxiliary, valued at • s200.00, to be
sent to the dry area in Saskatche-
The Tuckersanith Ladies' Club..
held their October meeting at the,
home of Mrs. C. J. O'Brien on Tues-
day. Nineteen members answered'
the roll call with a sample of home-
made' candy, Mrs. Coleman had
charge of the program which was as
follows: reading by Mrs, COleman on
"Sunday Slaves;" reading, "Why do
Girls Wed," by Mrs. V. Terryberry;
veading,'"a "greet Man's Debt," by
Mrs. F. Townsend; reading, Change
in Colour," by Miss Sarah Whitmore
and a reading "Too much Govern-
ment," by, Mrs. Iamdesborough. The
remained of the afternoon was
spent In sewing.
The November meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. V. Terry -
berry and the roll call is to be ans-•
wered by "My Pet Superstition."
- A -
Clinton C.I. Scored Highest Number of Points.
Clinton Students Won Four Medals, Three
Shields end a Cup.
In Clinton, on Friday, October 2nd.
Erskine Mitchell. Running. high jenny
J, Gandier,lClinton; K. Elliott, Clin-
ton; J. McLean, Goderich. Hop.
step and jump, F. Moynes, Clinton;
P. Page, Godetith; NI Erskine, Mit,
chell. Pole Vault, T. Rennie, Sea -
forth; E. Campbell, Clinton; 0.
Worthy, Gotiasich. Shot put - W.
Sutherland, -Goderich; G. Holmes,
Clinton; G. Rennie, .Seaferth. Relay
-Clinton C. L, Seaforth High, God-
ealch, CIL ,
Junior Boys
100 yards -H. MeKienon, Exeter;
3. MeTavish, Exeter; C. Jerry, Godes
rich, 220 yards -R. Passmore, Hen -
sail; C. Jerry, Goderich; II. Frayne,
Exeter. 880 yards -R. Pessinore,
Hensall; R. McInnis, Clinton; H.
Sherrit, Hansa% Running broad'
jump -J. McTavish, Exeter; A. Bell,.
Hensall; R. Passmore, Henan;
Running high jump -H. Wilken;
Goderieht A. Bell, Hensel': R.
Clinton. Hop -step and jump --
-A. Bell, }Tetuan; R. Passrnore.
Hensall; 3. McTavish ,Exeter, Pole
vault, W. Craig, Goclerich, C.
Holmes, Clinton; R. Rennie, Seaforth.
Shot put.-]. Coleuhoun, Mitchel);
MoTavieh, Exeter; 32. Stewart,
Seaforth. Relay - Exeter High
Clinton 0.2., Goderich C.I.
,Senior Girls
75 yards dash - E. O'Brien, Gode-
rich; Id. Gandier, Clinton; D. Rus-
ton, Mitchell. Hop, step and jump -
E. O'Prien, Goderich; D. Ruston,,
Mitchell; H. Gandier, Clinton. 13as-
ketball throw -4. Grossman, Writ -
obeli; M. Ha:bit-irk, 'Seaforth; V. Re-
sell, Clinton.Running high 'Sump--
D. Ruston, Mitchell; , FT. Gandier.
Clinton; M. Daer, .Goderich. Targea
throw - L. Parrot, Mitchell C,.
Ccsven, Mitchell; V. Rozell, Clinton.
Standing broad jump -H. Gandier.
Clinton; A. Metagan, Mitchell; 31.
Daer, Goderich. Relay -Clinton C.
I., Cederich C.I., Mitchell High.
Junior Girls
50 yard dash -II. Bettger, Mitchel)
tinnSiinmgs, hEigxheteitu.;m15.Ro
.s, piekett
Clinton; M. PO:ter, Clinton and V.
Virells, Exeter, tied fOr second. Hop,
step and jump -Ruth Pickett, Clin-
ton;• R. Davis, Mitchell; M., Hemp,
hill, Hensel]. Target threw -Ruth
Pickett, Clinton; D. Hodge, Mitchell:
E, Cox. Clinton, Standing broad
jump -R. Davis, Mitehell; B. Eck-
ert, Seaforth; M. Smis, Exeter. Base-
ball throw -.B. Parrott. Mitchell; 12.
Pickett, Clinton; Rycliman, Exeter.
Relay -Mitchell, Clinton,Exeter.
imi charge of senior girls' events -
Misses Brydone, Hadgens and
Blayne. In charge of junior girls'
events, Misses Ifillyer, Simpson aria
Dale. Mr. 31111,. Gotlevich, starter; E.
A. Fines, B.A., 'Clinton, announcer.
Senior boys' events, C. Copper,
Clinton; ' intermediate baas' events,
I, FL Weedman, Seaforth; junior.
biys'ets,W.I. 11,Mi t chl
31. Alhmi,
It is seldom, that weather condi-
tions are so ideal for the fall field
meet of the Huron Amateur Athletic,
A-ssociation as was the case last
Friday, when the gathering was
held in Clinton Recreatir,n Park. The
result was a fine gathering, both of,
participants and of spectators, as
bout five hundred or so being pre-
sent. A small fee of ten cents wan
charged spectators and this resulted
in putting a niee,, awn, in the,
'treasury, for the meeting of neces-
sary expenses. And the fee was
gladly paid, the contests put en be-
ing well wn"th much more.
The schools competing included
Gederich, Mitchell, Seaforth, Exeter.'
Hensall and Clinton. Entries in the
various events were nu.merous, evi-
dencing that great interest is beim/
taken in athletic sports among teach-
ers and students throughout the
, Clinton Collegiate scored the
highest total of points, with 155 to
their credit; Goderich collegiate came
second, with 101 points; Mitchell
High, third with 05 points; Seaforth
High, 4th with 40 points; Hensall
5th, 32 points, and Exeter fith with
31. The trophy fa, highest pointr
was a handsome silver cup donated
by Thomas McMillan, M.P., South
Huron. Second highest. a silver
trophy donated by W. G. Medd, ivr.L.
A., SouthsHuron.
Individual championships Were
won as follews: Senior boys', J.
Stirling, Clinton, and V. Elliott.
Goderiob. tied. Each received a med-
al and the shield for the school will'
he retained by Goderieh C. I. for the
first half. and .Clinton for the
last 'half of the year. Intermediate
boys championship was won by
Thomas Rose, Clinton, who was pre-'
netted with a medal and a shield for
his school. ,Tunior bays' Pahamplon-
shio was won by R. Passmore of,
"Mime% medal and shield fen his
school. Senior girls' championship
cep and medal. Harriet - Gandier,
Clinton C.I.; junior girls' shield and
medal, Ruth Pickett, Clinton C.T.
Following are the winners in the
various events:
Senior Boys • ...
100 yard -3. Stirling, Clinton;
V. Elliott 'Goderich; D. Sills, Sea -
forth. 220 yards -J. Stirling, Clins
ton; V. Elliott, Goderi*. I. Mc-
Kay, Goderich. 440 yarde-W, Bar-
row, Goderich; 3. Stirlh,g, Clinton;
I. McKay, Goderich.. 880 yards -
W. Barrow, Goderich; I. McKay,
Goderich; J. Stirling; Clinton. One
raile-W. Barrow, Goderich; I -Mc-
Kay, Goderich. Running' broad
jump-iV. Elliott, Goderich; j. -Stirl-
ing, .Clinton; D. McKay, Goderith.
Running high jump - D. . McKay,
Goderich; M. Tyndall, Seaforth; R.
Aberhart, •Seaforth. Ilop, step and
jump -M. Ryekman, 'Hensall; V.
Elliott, .Goderich; 12. Aberhait Sea-
fonth. Pole vault -V. Elliott, God-
erieh; L. Hagen, .Seaforth; D. Stone-
man, Mitchell. Shot put -1. 'Aber- •
hart, Seaforth; R. Fisher, Goderich;
J. Sutherland, Godorich. Relay-
Goderich C. L, Clinton C.II, Seaforth
• Boys'
kJ 4>
0 t
• Intermediate Boys •is V E
• r..7 tZ
100 yards - T. Ross, Clinton; S. • C.) 14
Cook, Clinton; E. Gillespie, Sealesth. Senior . ...20 57 15 5
220 yards -S. Cook,'Clinton; J. Arm- Inter, .. ....61 14 17
atrong, Clinton; R. Errington, Godes junior i ..10 15 2 26
rich. 440 yards --T. Ross, Clinton, S.
Cook, Clinton.; R.' Erringten, Gode-
rich, 886 yaeds-T. Ross, Clinten;
12. Gibb-§, G. Rennie, Sea -
forth. 010 Young, Mitchell.
0: itennies Seaforth; E. Crawford
- -
Tote' 91 86 34 31 23 12
Senior , 19 15 8 22
Junior 25 3 1 8 26'
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