HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-01, Page 8is CLINTON'S LEADING. J'EW'ELERY;STOILL . ` EYE SPECIALIST EYES TESTE1» FREE Lowest Prices in years in Jewellery and Silverwareo One New Style Gillette Razor Free with 10 iBlades also New Style Sharpener at $1. R. H. JOHNN Graduate of Toronto, College of OpJeweller and Optician ometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. t WITH EVERY SLIT AT NO ADDITIONAL. COST, ONE DAY ONLY *THUSD, Y, CT E •Lth 0 wad op For one day Only. M.. Park, special representative and expert fitter of the Berger Tailoring Co, will The at our stere'to personally measure and advise you in the selection of material and style best suited for your fall suit. A "Clothes of Quality" Suit is a splendid. buy at regular' prices but at this "Extra free Pant Offer" it presents values that you can- not afford. to miss, (Make a note of the date). Plu 1 111 steel Bros. rr +; r � litti 'I f: z .. ,.ts CHOICE .RIB ROASTS, Per Ib. CORNED BEEF, BONELESS, per lb. IIAMBURG STEAK, per ib. . .. • • • . HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per Ib. 180 DRY SALT PORK, BONELESS, per lb. . COOKED HAM, sliced, per lb. ......45o CHICKENS, DUCKS, VEAL AND LAMB FOR WEEK -END KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY 15e 15.1 15e 15e C NNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. 1 The New Four sizes of type in the Editions with words only and one only size type in the Edition with music. We have them in prices ranging from 50c to $5.00 We solicit your patronage TUE 'CLINTON-NEWS RECORD TI.e W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 'THURSDAY,: ocTO13EIL 1, 1:)81' Lester. to this. tisotWor. °layb Wes civet Please ' ev r -Y qdy, bur~: we Meesdy to Kip right on triellZf jlike to tga lfteir as, a datPiyou "YES ---they always wait upon me as if my trade was Appreciated O'NEIL'S IS A FINE SHOP" Beginning Our 0-14 5 October Stock sem, Reducing_ Sale, for Cash, Compare Our Prices with Others. e xtra Brooms, each 25c Pineapple, 2 for 25c Cream Cheese, 2 for 25.c Assorted Fancy Bisc. 25c H. Tap. Pudding, 3 for 25c Icing Sugar, 3 pounds 25c One Friend Tells Another ills Forest City Baking Powderwith Assorted Glasses Jelly Powder, 5 pkgs. 25c Rice, 4 pounds 25c Tapioca, loose, 3 lbs. 25c Minute Tapioca, 2 lbs. 25c 25c FRI I E PICKLED ROLLS, per pound BREAKFAST BACON,per pound WEINERS, per pound SCHNEIDER'S SAUSAGE, per pound BOLOGNA, per pound CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 T. Macaroni, loose 4 lbs. 25c Cocoanut, per pound 25c Rolled Oats, 6 pounds 25c Salmon, 2 large tins 25c Grapes, basket 25c Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. 25c 15c 19c 19c .25c 19c One Friend Tells Another Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Mrs, J. Scott is visiting her son in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gardner of London spent last week -end with Clinton friends. Mr. Jack Muteh of Detroit spent a couple of days at 1115 home in town last week. Mrs. Spooner of Virdun, Man., is visiting her • sister, Mrs.. Clara Rumball of town.. Mise 141;. Livermore has returned to Toronto after e holiday spent with relatives and friends in towns. Dr. and Mrs. Hessian and Master Arthur of Toronto spent the week- end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. Mr. and Ars. Thos. Churchill and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Venner visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Verner of Hamilton on Sunday. Mrs: Margaret Southcombe of Port Union is visiting her sister, Miss Washington of town, who has not been at all well lately. Mr. and Mrs. McFadden and children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mason of London spent Sunday at the hemi of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jennison. Mr. Edward Dale returned to Lon- don on Saturday after spending a week's holidays at -the hmne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whitmore motored down to Hamilton on Sunday last and spent the day'with the fornier's brothers of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rumball and son, Orville Rmrnball, of Galt are visit- ing the lady's brothers, Messrs. William and Robert Walker of Clinton. Rev, R. F. and Mrs. Irwin rt Glen- coe called on Clinton friends last week.. They were returning from a visvith friends at Lucknaw, a former charge of Mr: Irwin's. Mr. and Mrs C B. Hale and Mr, Bob and Miss Verna were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garber Cuninghame at their summer cot- tage at Bayfield last .week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Meadows of Port Hope have been visiting for a few clays at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. O. J. Jervis, the Base Line, and with other friends in town. Mrs. John Walker r,F Galt is visit- ing with her son and his wife, Mr. ands Mrs. G. A. Welker of town. ' Her sister, Mrs. James Walker of Goderich, has been visiting her the past week Dr. and Mas. McCallum of Kings ' stop gird Mrs. Prouse of Windsor have been visiting the ladies' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiseman. On their return to Kingston Mr. and ' Mrs. Wiseman accompanied them, Mr.' and Mrs. 'J. Hammen of Car- stairs, Alta., who have Green, •visit' ing with Mr. •T. E. Livingston of Ontario street for the past week,, left ontheirreturn ;jemmy, stop- ping in London to visit Mr. Ham — . ©P O O=o—Q01=0) "' 0=0 ' 1 -!ave you visited our Display of the ew:r st and _'o odern I meFunds 'l,s? 11 El We are able to furnish your homes with 11 the latest Designs in Furniture at a price reasonable to all. Take the first opportunity to come p 0 in and look over our Stock of Furnm ii ishings. We know you will like them. BAK1NG RNNIVERSRRY SUPPER CI ALS If yqu have i1", "tom TONEiCAKE "ANGLE CAKE , or "JELLY ROLL" We would say order one for the week -end. They are delicious. *SEASONABLE PIES BREAD: Made Taety for you "TRY IT." CANDY SPECIAL SILKEN KISS CANDY ONLY lee a PERDUE :11 . LLKSUTTED,i Funeralil i Directors P umbing Hurnwure ,•Phone 147w Electric Wiring Furnitriro . o>Qo olaoraogo =loaoi��.. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Cleave. `Adams and _family of Detroit spent the week -end 'with Mrs. W. MoAsh, Mrs. John Wanless of Seaforth is renewing• old acquaintances around :Varna this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ings and MTs. John Wanless attended the 'Zurich Fair on 'Luesday. We are sorry to report that Mr. Tom'' Chutes' isunder the weather but hope he will soon be able to be a- round again. Mrs. Abe Zapfe and little Blanche of Brucefield'visited friends in the village on Friday last. 1VLiee Margaret Muter and Miss ;Hazel Pickard spent Tuesday in Lon- don. The Rev. R. S. Jones of Gorrie conduct Harvest Thanksgiving vices in St. John's clhurch• ..en day. COLBORNE Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PIiONId 68 will Ser., Sun - Mrs. William Durst passed away on Saturday `afternoon at her home in Colborne township, near Benmil- ler: Mrs, Durst, who before her mar- riage was Miss Alalia Mary, Moser, was born near Sebringville seventy- eight years ago, Fifty years' ago, she was nrareibd to Mr. Durst and had since resided on, the farm where her death occurred.-, Mr. Durst pre-, deceased her. in ONTARIO ST. 'UNITED CHURCII MONDAY, OCT. 5th 5.30 to 5 p.m. MENU: Dressed Ram, Creamed Potatoes, 'Salads, Jellies, Pickles, Biscuits, Rolls, Pie, Cake, Tea Children under 14 years 25e Adults, 40c. Supper followed by an interestinl4 musical program and short address by .Rev. Duncan McTavish of Exeter. BUTTER HORNS and PECAN ROLLS We are again making these two old favorites for , Saturday. Don't forget to get some. Also a big as- sortment of buns, cookies, cakes and pies, made Wu mill's sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke, whe left some weeks ago to reside, in To - Tonto, have been visiting friends in town the past Week. They were glad to meet . and greet many friends, who were also glad to see them looking so well. Rev. A. ,Macfarlane of Niagars-n'r- thc Lakce, a fernier pastor of the Clinton and the Bayfield Presby- terian churches, has been visiting in town. and Bayfield the past. week..` Niagara -on -the -Lake, like Bayfield, is a summer resort and Mr. Macfarlane takes his' holiday after the season is over, remaining a.t his post during the busy .sem- mer 'Beason. BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of -"Dainty -Maid" and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. • THE BEST STOVE at the Right Price Come in and see our all -Enamel Stove at a "Special Price.' 'Just what you need for the coming Fall Weather. Also our Jewel line. One of the best .on the market. Now is the time to buy and Yeu'll be prepared for cold weather. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 s CLINTON _S FM OCTOBER 14th to 17th ARE. TI -IE DATES ARRANGES) FOR CLINTON'S HOSPITAL. FAIR Tho . Fair -will be held in the Town Hall, commencing at each aftevno.on and 8 p.m. in the evenings of Wednesday, Thursday and • Friday. At the first two evenings; Musical Programs by Artists in 'fn- tique Costumes, will be given. On Friday evening the . the prizes will take place. In the afternoons and evenings the hall will be, open to there -holding tickets, to others a small fee of ten cents will be made. • :The exhibit will consist of Antiques 'of all kinds; Boys' Boothe, Zoo, and many other items of interest to everybcdy. A White Elephant Sale will also be conducted, and donaticas for it are solicited, In the Council Chamber, each afternoon, a tea room, prettily decorated, in charge of counmittee: Mrs. G. D. Roberton, Mrs. E. Fitzsimons, Mrs.' Wendorf and Mrs. Geo. Elliott will be attractive to many after purchasing from the White ElephantSale, 'i of Mss. •Cres' Cools, Mrs. Lucas and Mrs, Herman. There will also be a Fish Pcnd for all children and a Heine -made Balcing and Candy Sale on Saturday afternoon. . The Board are very grateful to all who are assisting in the pre- p • artiti.ons and are confident that. this Hospital drive will be a great. snesese• Are Yo Looking II argailiS IF SO LOOK INTO OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT And let u, show you some of the Greatest Values ever shown in this vicinity, WE ARE REDUCING OUR STOCK, So if you need a Chesterfield Suite, Dining Rohm Suite or Bedroom Suite, we sure will save you money. Also Special Values in Mattresses, Verandah Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Odd Dressers, Lamps, Card Tables, End Tables, Ferneries. In fact anything we have in sicek, sold at great reductions. These bargains are only on goods in Stock, so of course it will be a matter of came early and pick np the bargains while they last. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. PHONE 105 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS TIIE STORE WITH A STOCK WATCH OUR WEEK -END SPECIALS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 10t' WiLL ENJOY SHOPPING THE SUPERIOR WAY WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Pure Lard, 1 lb, pkg. 1 I 2 for ... 21c Sliced Pineapple 2 lbs. fel: 28e1 ',Standard Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, 3 tins Chipso, large pkg ...22o Soda Biscuits, per lb. .. • 15c Lifebuoy Health Soap, 2 for lbc Oxo Cubes, small • 13c Oxo Cubes, large 25c Clark's Spaghetti roc Palmolive Toilet Soap, 8 for 21e ,Campbell's Tomato Soup' 2 tins for 106 McLaren's Jelly Powder 5 for .......... 25ei Cream of Wheat per pkg 230, Carnation Milk, sm., 8 tins 19- Carnatic•i Milk, 2 tall ....25c McLarenOlives, pl., No. 20 23e 5.0.S. Scouring Pads, small 14• Peanut Butter, crown jars 2$c Maple Leaf Salmon, 1-2's..19c Maple Leaf Salmon, 1 lb. ..33.r FRIGIDAIRE Cooked Ham, per Ib. 50c Head Cheese, per lb. 18c Bologna, per .lb. 19e Breakfast Bacon,: per lb, ..25c Back Bacon, per lb. 89c Cottage Roll, per lb, 23r, J. T. McKN1GHT & SON PHONE 111 CLINTON, ONT. .ay.ce+++ srsaaseu+��'�r' SOMI. A FINE NEW LINE OF TIIE LATEST MODELS in. • JLTMHRE. 80y HATS JUST ARRIVED +.2. up 6 ri � DAVIS & HERMAN y Cleaning and Pressing Overcoat or Suit, 81.50