HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-01, Page 54101111111110,
October 1st. W,e cuter the last
,quarter .of the year today. '
Monday, October " 12th, will, be
'Thanksgiving Day and a, general
Why would it not help out in
several ways if the -Federal Gov-
ernment were to purchase a lot of
•;the stored up ' wheat in Canadian
elevators, have it ground into Flom:
in Canadian milts and thendistribute
'it to those who are in need •o£ assis-
tance? The world 'is not se much
suffering from over -production ae
Seam under -consumption. -If the
people on this .Continent, not to
mention these in many other coun-
`tries, were consuming all the Wheat
they need and should,. consume' the
-surplus. would be nruch'ismaller than
It is.
A. ' Toronto daily complains that
citizens of that ,bailiwick are dis-
couraged from ' exercising
their privilege of walking
-clown town to business by the rush
. of traffic, as they are ;held up at
every intersection, thus losing prec-
ious minutes. The trouble is, probe
=ably, that only a very .small minor-
ity of people wish to walk and the
either large majority who are rid
ing-in cars catch up with them be-
-lore they get more than half way
-and not only beat them down town
-but succeed in making them much'
later than n theywouldibe if
left to
'amble along t a steady gait all' the
- way without being held up at inter-
• sections` by those impatient drivers
of cars.
We see no help for these ambi-'
"Hous exercisers except totedd.othein
-number to such an extent that they
-could demand the city fathers to er-
-eat an elevated treadway for their
especial use. Come to think of it,
wouldn't that be fine! If Toronto
would build such a pedestrian's ele-
vated, where the only wheeled ve-
hiele would be a baby carriage, or
an invalid's chair, we'll wager that
the transportation problem would
be well on to being solved.
The Stanley Women's Club met at
' the home of Mrs. John Pearson,
Brucefield, on Friday afternoon last,
twenty ladies being present. Mrs.
H. Diehl, president, was in the chair,
' The afternoon was spent in work and
in planning the making of quilts to
send to the west, fear to be 'com-
pleted before the next meeting, Nov. ;
• 4th. This meeting is to be held at
the home of Miss Gilmour of the
second of Stanley, At the conclusion
of the business of the afternoon re-
freshments were served by the hos-
• toss, assisted by her group and a
pleasant half hour was spent in the
enjoyment of then,.
Mrs. Jas. Chesney of Tuckorsm.ith
is visiting her daughter, Mrs, las,
' Thomson.
Mrs. Thos. Baird, Sr„ and Miss
' Tena Baird are visiting Mrs, Angus
Gordon at Shepperton,
Mr, and Mrs. John Gilmour, who
have been visiting friends here' the
peat few mopths, leave for their
home near Moose Jei v this week,
This community was grieved to
learn of the death on Friday even-
ing of Blanche Adelaide Saliows,
wife of Harvey Reid, at the form-
er•'s residence; Lot 24, Con; 3, West
Wawanosh. The late Mrs. Reid,
daughter of the late Thomas and
Jean Saliows, was born 46 years ago
at the Saliows' homestead on the 9th
• con. of Colborne, and as a gni at-
tended S. S. No. 1, Colborne. She
cane to this immediate vicinity after
her marriage twenty years ago and
.soon endeared herself not only to her
immediate neighbors but the whole
eonrutunity by her mild and kindly
disposition which radiated cheerful-
ness aid brightness wherever she
went, While Mrs. Reid was an ideal
wife and mother, delighted in acti-
vities .of home -tanking, she also lent
her energies in church and commun-
ity service and her loss will be much
• felt by the congregation of the Bap-
tist church of which she was an
active member.
The •deceased enjoyed good health
until two ,years ago when it was
found expedient that she have an aper,
Minn which unfortunately only re-
lieve the he tnaladY for
a short time.
Her condition gradually grew Worse
until about a mne,-rth ago when she
began to sink rapidiy .until she was
relieved of • all suffering and entered
'unto rest last Friday evening.
Tho late Mrs. Reid is survived by
her husband and one son, Harold,
-in his early teens. five sisters, (Di-
ana) Mrs. R: isf. Young; (Alice'
Mrs. H. A. Tufford; (Maud) Mrs.
•:Jarvis McBride, all of Colborne;
(Mary) Mrs. John Ycvnng, Sibbald,
Alta., and (Mattie) Mrs. Robert
• _ Parkins, 'hfedi,eite Hat, Alta.; Three
brothers, William on the homestead,
'Colborne Township, James and Gar-
net, Medicine Hat, Alta,
The large funeral held Monda"y
• afternoon to Maitland cemetery, was
conducted by Rev. G. Sherman, enter
tee of the Auburn _Baptist church,
-The pall -bearers were James May
Intosh, Chester Nicholson, Jarvis
• McBride, H. A. Tufford, John Reid,
'William Sallow.
Anniversary services will be held
',in Grace Church, Porter's Hill, on
-October 11th. ' The Rev. P. G. Far -
rill of Clinton will be the special
preacher. Services will be held at
'.2,30 in the afternoon and 7.30 in the
evening. A male quartette from
• Clinton will assist hi the service' of
song in the afternoon and one from
' Gederich in the evening, • A supper
'will be served on the• Ntonday evening
.'following that is Thanksgiving night,
(Conitined from page•4)
One Heekabaek Towel-IKathleen
Martin, Thelma Hoggart.
Fenn Milk' Stool --Billie Jenkins,'
Weldon Tyndall; Leona Rapson, . Ivan.
iBird House -Weldon Tyndall, •
Rope Science -,Haze! Rapson, John
Lindsay, Ross Hoggart, Ivan I -Ing
,Scrap Book, livestock classes -
Cerinan Whitmore, Willa Potter,
Marion Hugill, Lois Farquhar.
,Collection 12 leaves C. F. Trees -
Weldon Tyndall, Erma Garrett, Vel-
rna Ashton, Iona Hugill.: •
Collection 15 weeds -Faye Lindsay,
Verna Hugill, • Florence Whitrnore,
Madelon-Tyndall. • • •
iColleetion 8 Diseases Veg. anc'
Field' Crops -.John Lindsay, Hazel
Ashton, Verna Hugill, Madeion Tyn-
,Collection 20 different species' of
Insects -Pearl, Hugill, Verntl Hugill,
Frank Potter, Willa Jervis.
Flower inPq+-Lula Tyndall
Frank Potter, Clifford Hugill, Nur-
ray East.
Pattern suitable for Linoleum -
Lloyd Walters, Carman 'Whitmore,
Mary Hugill, Jeanne Todden.
Group of three Fruits -Clifford
Pepper, infadelon Mason, Eldon O'-
Brien, Margaret Crich. -
Group, Chalk Ben, Boolc and Wa-
ter Tunebler-•Leola Not@, Myrtle
Ashton, Pearl Hugill; Verna Hugill..
Map Huron County Pearl McGee,
Wase, CarmanWih it o •e
m r
Jeanne Vodden, '
'Map of Quebee Province -Helen
Welsh, Clifford Pepper, Enna Gar-
rett, Irene Garrett,
Map , of Asia -Leola Nott, Kath-
leen Martin, Pearl Ilugill, Myrtle
"The Little Plant" --:Clifford Hu
gill, Clayton Ellis, Frank Potter,
Phyllis Balt,
'October's Party" -Mina Terry -
berry, Edward East.
"Lullaby": --Carman Whitmore, Lois
Farquhar, Freida Ellis, Willa Pot-
ter. •.
."The Charge of the Light Bri-
gade" -Verna Ashton, Florence
Whitmore, Iona Hugill, Madeline
"My Native Land"--4Sarah White
more, Hazel Ashton, Verna Hugill,
Hazel Rapson, •
Essay, "Methods of Lowering
Costs of Crop Production" --,Sarah
'Whitmore, Pearl Hugill, Hazel Ash-
ton Margaret Levey.
Publie Speaking --Leola Nott, Clete
Ellis, Faye Lindsay.
:School Chorus, (denoted by Home
and School 'Chub) -No. 6, Tueker-
smith, No. 1, Stanley No. 12, Gode-
rich and Hullett.
Weed Naming •Competition -Pearl
Hugill, Florence Whitmore, Verna
Hugill, Faye Lindsay.
'School Parade, each schaoi to re-
ceive $1.00-$. S. No. 1, No. 2, Na, 4,
No 6, No. 11, No. 12,
,Stratheona Exercises ---S, S. No. 12,
S. 8. No. 6, S. S. No. 2,
T. Eaton Prizes ---Keith Tyndall,
Willa Jervis, Verna Hugill,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart spent
this week. in Toronto. Mr. Stewart
as 'Courtin Master of North Huron L
0,L., was • attending the executive
of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West
and County Master meeting,
Mr. James L. Cartwright, Miss
Mary and Cecil spent Sunday with
friends at Parris.
Mrs. Chas. Curter is visiting in
this community.
Miss Marien Stewart spent last
week with Miss Irene Vodden of
Goderich township,
Exeter Fair, held Weduesday,
snored a big success with exeeilen'
weather and one of the largest ex-
hibits gathered together in any one
Year for seine time. The attendance
was unusually large, and the show-
ing in the Crystal Palace was se
large that the school exhibit had to
be extended to the second stony;
The showing of apples, pears, grapes
and melens of, the different types)
was abundant. Flowers in great pro-
fish n occupied all the south side of
the ,main floor while the new part of
the main building was occupied.
with potatoes, roots, grain and vege-
tables. The part usually used for
roots was occupied by a display; of
the canning factory showing' the
varirus kinds and grades of their
canned goods. The showing of the
various merchants were ease cam-
mendable, while the paintings on
glass, china, parchment and card-
board drew considerable attention,.
The showing of needlecraft was as
usual large, Honte canning and
coricery, home made butter and tweet?
was not as large as some former
years but the samples were ,ohoiee.
The school exhibit of vegetables,
cookery, home"'tnade woodwork and
exhibits 01 writing rand drawings
were of interest to parents as' well
Jock Ballantyne and his Brunei,
wick trio provided, a number of hu-
enoreu, selections and kept the
grand stand its one hilarious laugh
with the songs of which many radio
audiences have become familiar, ,.
number of choruses in coecunne were
given by a nunribek of young girls
of Exeter who are appearing in
"Corporal Eagan," which is being
•sponsored by the Wtonn.en's Institute
of, this village and Which will be
presented in .the "near future, An
unadvertised attraction gave the
audience a, thrill when J. R. Me-
Corkeli of Windsor, one. of Can-
ada's outstanding• parachute jump -
ern, descended from two thousand,
:feet from an oirnlane piloted by
Lew Wallace of Windsor and Stan-
ley J. Smith of Sarnia. A perfect
landing was made within the
grounds. A chariot .rase was ,Pura in
two streigQht heats by MI4sNadr e
PER LINE , . .. .10c
TRELEAVEEN-In. Clinton, on Sept.
29th, John Wesley 'Treleaven, "aged
01 years. Funeral this, Thursday,
afternoon; from his late residence,
Gibbings street, service to cam -
'menet at -2 o'clock.
SCALES -In II'i liett township, of
Sept. 25th, Esther, youngest.
daughter or George Scales and the
late Mrs. Scales of 13ullett.
RE'ID-At her home. at Auburn, on
Friday, 'September 25t1i, Blanche.
Sallows, wife of Mr, Harvey Reid,
WESTON-nn fond and loving mem-
ory -of Elizabeth Looby, wife of
Richard Weston, who Passed away
two years. ago, October 2nd.
"We often sit and think of you,
When we are all alone.
For memory in the only friend
That grief can call it's own.
The flowers we place upon your
grave .
l levy wither and decay
But the love for one who sleeps be-
Will never fade away."
-Sadly missed by husband, sons and
Ilderton in the fast time of 57 and
56 seconds for the half mile. He
was pressed closely by Paisley of
the saane place.
A softball game between Seaforth
and Exeter was won by the visitors
23 to 10. Drinkall and .Keene were
the battery for Seaforth, while
Gower and Creech were fee Exeter.
Charles Salter was an impartial
umpire. •
A. novel feature in Exeter was
the mile relay . for two' running
horses, the handkerchief being
passed from one rider to his team
mate at the half mile. The result
was as follows: 1st, Dinty Moore
and Sergeant Major, ridden by Mc-
Nair `.and Paisley of Ilderton; 2nd,
I'aince and Lady, ridden by P. and
L. Hearn; 3rd, Ted and Billy, rid-
den ,by A. Lacy and W. Wein; 4th
Charles and *Chester, ridden by
Willard and Willis. In the green
race, Ella Grattan, owned by-
yThomas Yearly of Crediton and driv-
en by Maley of Exeter, won in
straight heats, the time being 2:21;
second money went to Donna. Grat-
tan, owned and 'driven by Cun-
ningham of Clandeboye. Miss Solon
Grattan, owned by Pollock of Park-
hill, was third, while Hansel', owned
by P. Penton of Morrisville, WAS
Prize winners in the live stock di-
visions are:
•General Puigrose--Brood snare -E,
J. Pym, Jas, Willis; filtp or 3 -year-
old gelding -S, King, Wm. Decker;
filly on gelding, 2 years old -=Wm.
Decker, L. Roweliffe; 1 year old --S.
King; team -Win, Decker, 2, Har-
•Agr;eultnral-Brood mare - Wnl,
Bowden; goal --W, Bowden; fillet -e
Jas. Willis, Robert Tinney; filly, two
year old -A, E. Therington, W. Pres
ziater; 1 'year olcl--R. Tinney, W.
Bowden; team -L, 13. Rader, E. J.
Williard; dipIcona, for best animal --
L. H. Rader.
Heavy Draught -Brood mare and
foal -R. D. Hunter ivon all prizee
in this class; filly or gelding, two
year old --,111, Tinney; 1 year old
Albert Etherington; team. -KK. Me-
Keliar; special -MM, Tinney.
Carriage -Foal 1931 -John Nlasan
filly or gelding, two year old -A. E.
Etheringten, William Decker; one
year, old -J. Mason.
Single carriage horse --E. J. Wil,
!lard, E. Wolper; pair' or earrlage
horses in harness and carriage --
Wm. Thiel; lady driver, Mrs. G
Raters, Mrs, J. Willer..
The following in the roadsters wen
firsts-Ceeil Elwood, Albert Mills,
Dr, Campbell, Art Weber and Rob
art McLaren; seconds in roadsters --
0, Davis, Cecil Ellwoo'1.
Shorthorns- W, Oestricicer 4 firsts
and one second; R. D. lunter•, 3
firsts; E. J. Pym one first.
Herefords-,Stutt Bros„ 2 firsts, 2
seconds; O'Neal Bros„ 2 firsts, 2 set -
ands; John ItIrtzel, 1 first; best ani-
mal of any age, O'Neal Bros.
Jerseys -W, J. Veal had beet ant,
mai of any age;; other winners -K,
Bel al, W
> Nelson on
Stan -
lake and Orland Battler.
Grade Cattle -- Newton Clive,
Byron Hicks, O'Neal Bros. and Fred
Ford. Traquair and Linderfield do-
nated a special prize for best cattle
of any breed and was ,von by Fred
Dorset horned --Preston Searing
won six firsts and 3 seconds.
Oxford Downs -P. J. Pym won six
Bests and three seconds.,
,Shropshire -T, C. Wilson and 0.
T ineolris-C. Pensaie, 0 Robson,
T. M. Snowden. .
Leicesters-E, Snell, L. D. Man-
Southdowts-=-;C, Knight.
Yeeksh:ires--G, Mines, . C. Prout
were the chief winners,
Berkshire -Cr. M. Snowden swept
the board in this class,
Tainwarth-J. Manson, S. 2. Pyni
Special prise' donated, by Canadiar,
Canners far best broad sow was won
by G, Mines, Canadian Canners spe-
cial prize for best butte:. bog was
also won by G. Mines,
Little Quibs of News in
By vote of .5,840 to 722 York
;Tirwnship ;voted in favour s,e annex-,
,tion to the city of, Torc,'rta, the
coined being ,given a mandeta- to
Battle terms with the „City. council,'
Member of :Florist Telegraph
Delivery Assoeiatioh
Thousands of Them,
1st QUALITY ONLY , r.-0- •40-
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and 66j 1
About one thousand men will go
next week " to start worn on the
Trans -Canada highway. This is, the
first batch, it is expected that be-
tween four and five thousand will
be employed within , the next few
A number of W'allterville unem-
ployed wrote the town fathers that
they would do some civic work withou'
pay, in order to help out in the pre-
sent time of depisssion.
I wish to thank the friends and
neighbors who were so kind to my
sister • during her illness, also those
who supplied cars' for the funeral,
flowers and x11 who showed
kindness and sympathy. -.C. J. Teb-
Auction Sale
Of Stock Steers and Calves,
Mr. A. E. Townshend •has instruct=
ed the undersigned be sell by public
auction at George T. Jenkins' grass
farm on No. 8 Highway, 11, miles
west 'of Clinton on Tuesday, October
'6th, at 2 p.m, sharp:
40 head of steers, good beef type;
h number of surnm.er. calves.
Dog Lost _
Thoroughbred fox terrier, white
with tan markings on head. Tele -
plume information to 285 Clinton.
Reward. 38-1-p.
Terms: Cash.
G. H. ,Elliott, Auctioneer, A. E.
Townshend, Proprietor. 38-1.
Pigs For Sale
A number of little pigs for sale.
Apply. to Alton Johnston, Phone
025r22. , 88-1.
Lambs For Sale
Thorobred Oxford ram lambs for
sale: A'ppIy to .Frank Weeks, \ra`rne.
Phone 622r31, Mitten central. 38-2.
Cottage For Sale
Comfortable cottage, Townshend st.,
Clinton, 6 rooms, lights, water, etc.,
Good cellar, small garden. Posses-
sion Oct. 15th. Apply to. J. W. Bay-
ley, Clinton P. 0. 38-2.
(louse to rent by the month, with
town. water.•,•+bath complete, furnace
electric lights and preferably wired
nor electric stove. Boise with four
to six rooms, furnished or partly
furnished preferred, also with gar-
age in connection, Inquire at News -
Record office. 38-1-p.
Friend Found
At the Firemen's Dance, in thein
rooms on Saturday evening, Oct, 2rid
Modern and 01d Time dances. Spe-
cial music. Admission 25c, 38-1.
For Salo
50 Barred Rock pullets. Geed
strain, early hatched. Apply to
Jack Smith, Raglan street, Clinton,
A second hand single bed, in good
repair. Inquire at News -Record of-
fice. 38-1-p.
Pore Leicester, For Sale
,Shearling rants and ram lambs;
budding ewes and ewe lambs. Apply
to J. H. Quigley, R. R. No. 5, Clin-
ton, Phone 610-8, Clinton central.
Auction Sale of Farm Steck.
Implements, Etc.
I ant instructed by the Trusts and
Guarantee -Company, Limited, as
Authorized Trustee of the property
of Christopher C.Dfl1�
Dale, to offer at
auction itt the premises Lot 26, Con-
cession 1, Township of Tuckersrnith
(about midway on the Huron Road
between Seaforth and Clinton) on
Thursday the eighth day of October,
1931, alt 1 p.m. the fc,llowing:
Livestock -3 cows; 5 mares; 1 bay
stallion; 2 colts; a number of hens,
chickens, ducks and geese.
Implements, Etc. --Wagon with
hay rack; hind roller; hay reek; rid-
ing plow, walking -plow, set harrows-
cultivator, binder; seuffler; DeLaval
Cream separator, fanning mill, Out-
ting bor.; set double harness; stone
boat; open buggy; cutter; seed drill,
ropes and other articles and tools.
Produce -Approximately .10 acres"
of -buckwheat; 2 acres beans; 1 acre
corn; about 20 -tons of .nixed hay; a-
bout 20 loads of unthreshed grain.
If weather permits the above grain,
etc. will be taken into the barn and
if possible threshed before the sale
If not the grain etc. will be offered
and sold in the sheaf whether in the
barn or in the field. ,
Terms: Cash. • All articles must
bo paid fee at the time of sale and.
must be removed. or arrangements
AS to removing the sante made the
clay of sale. The above elatteis may
be inspected at any tune prior to the
sale on making application at thr
For..furthor particulars apply if.
the Trusts and Guarantee Company
Limited, Trustee, Brantford,• Ontar-
ie or the undersigned.
George Elliott, Auctioneer, •Clinton,
Ont. R, C. Hays, Jr:, Solicitor heir.
in, Goderieh, Ont. ' 88-1,
Clinton's New -Laid Egg
And Poultry, House
Eggs bought according -to Domin-
ion Government' Egg Regulations.
Inquire fon our prices of eggs.
Yon will always find our prices `par-
allel with the city markets.
Pat hens and welt -finished .chicks,
always wanted -Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices
before marketing produce,
N. W. Trewartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Northern Electric Sound System
Godorich, Phone 47
A short drive and a good show!!
Now Playing; ' "Big Business
Girl", with Loretta Young
MON., T1?ES., WEED..
most enduring favorite of them
all as the hoydenish little
with Reginald Denny
A comedy eombination that is
'hard to equal in a great laugh
"Gold Dust Gertie"
Coming; "Captain of the
Mat., Wed, and Sat. at 3. p.m.
The Huron County Children',
Aid Society has five children
for whom good homes are
sought. They are bays of six
months, two years, five years.
and nine years, and one girl of
two years. All' are bright and
'Cpnmunicationts from per-
sons who would like to adopt
one or more of these children
should be, addressed to
Superintendent C. A. Society,
Notice to Dog Owners
I WVish to can the attention of citi-
zens to sections 4 and 7 of the town
bylaw, for the licensing and regis-
tration of dogs, as follows:
"For every dog owned, possessed
or harbored in the said town, of or
before the first day of March in any
year a license hereunder shall be
obtained en or before the first day
ce March in such year and for every
dog subsequently acquired or pos-
sessed during such year a license
shall be obtained within fifteen days
after such dog has been acquired."
7 -Any person contravening any
of the provisions of this by-law shall
be liable to a fine of net more than
810.00 exclusive of costs for each in-
fraction thereof. -
Buil For Sale
Purebred, registered Ayrshire bull,
18 months old. Apply to C. i:, El-
liott, Fairholrne Farm, Clir ton
Phone 157. 34-tf.
House for Sale or Rent
8 -room house, Maple street, Clin-
ton. Furnace, bath, etc. Garden
with small fruits. Garage. Reason-
able terns. Write Box 1, Clinton, or
ie 211.
a7 -i1.
Watch W ch Lost
in the vicinity of Brucefield in'
Clinton, on Tuesday, Sept. 15th,
lady's silver wrist watch, a Bulova.
Finder kindly leave at The News
Record office, Reward. 37-2.
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements
and Reneeheld Effects. ---Mr. Harold
Dale has been instructed to sell by
public auction on North one-half part
Lot 2, Concession 6, Hullett, on
Wednesday, October 7th, at 2 o'clock,
the following: Horses--:Twe aged
horses, good workers. Implements:
One wagon and box, 1 set sleighs,' 1
set double harness, 1 set single hate
ness, 1 plow, 1 set harrows, 1 cutter;
1 buggy, 1 seed drill, logging chains,
ivhiffletrees and neckyokes, scythe,
cow eluting, hay knife, scoop shovel,
grinding stone, double barrel shat
gun, forks and shovels, grass seed
sower, set on clippers,: Household
Effects -One kitchen stove, 1 heater
stove, 1 box stove, .I White sewing
machine, cupboards, chairs, 2 falling
leaf tables,'1 kettle, 2 nil cans, couch,
churns, step ladder., axes and rake,
pictures, dishbs, ;tables, oil stove,
stands, beds and dressers, and num-
erous other articles. Grain -A quant'
City of oats. Terms -On grain, cash,
on the farm, 10 per Cent, down on
day of sale and balance when deed is
received, On all other, articles,
cash. J. M. Govenlorlc,' Inspeetor of
House of Refuge; Harold Dale, Auc-
tioneer. 87-2
THURSDAY, OCT0BER 1, 1931: '
Solid ,cont;Firt?
A wall HOUsi;;
Happiness and warmth,
A sense of well -,being caused
by a good dinner•, a mellow
cigar aria a home made com-
£ort4ble by the Heat Feats,
Don't lose any of .these happy
evenings; Don't shiver around
a cheerless house during the
first cold days, when e little
iforethought now wi11 insicre
comfort later.
Buy your winter eon' now.
Call the VIPATfri5MS
J.IL.MastaFd CaI
C. H. VENNER, Electrics .A
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wiring and Repairs Phone 7
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re.
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's r s Barber
W. J. Jago, 2283-tt.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects, at Varna on
Saturday, October 3rd, at 1.30 sharp.
Full line of household effects Terms
Cash. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer,
Mrs. D. Hee McAsh, Proprietress,
House to Rent
A comfortable six -room house.
Town water, electric lights, For
particulars apply to R. B. Carter,
Victoria street, Clinton. 31-tf,
Rouse For Sale
A most desirable house on Prin-
cess street. 3 minutes frons the Col-
legiate, -10 minutes from down town,
1-2 acre of land. Good garden and
fruit trees. An ideal hone in geed
locality. Water and electric light.
Apply to E, M. Akan, or Dr. Shaw.
For Sale
House in Clinton, Beech street.
Frame house covered with asphalt
shingles, in good condition, fire-
place, town water, garden and fruit
trees. Price reasonable, Apply to
E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 27-tf.
House -For Sale
Modern six room house, good lo-
cation. Hardwood floors, good gar-
den, garage. Inquire at News -Re-
cord- office, 87-tf,
Car For Sale
A car in perfect mechanical con-
dition. Good tires, new top.
Price $50. Apply to H. A, Hovey,
Clinton, 25tf,
Mouse For Sale or Rent
Comfortable 8 -teen house in Prin-
cess street, residence of the late
Peter Cantelon, For particulars ap-
ply to George Cantelan, Rattenbury
street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-tf.
House For Sale
Comfortable six -roomed house in
good location, all newly remodelled
and redecorated throughout, 'new
bath and fixtures, lights and wired
for electric stove. Price very reason-
able as house must be sold imntiodia-
tely. Apply to F. Fingland. 34-tf.
Cottage For Sale
Comfortable cottage, with large
garden. Barn and hen house on the
premises. Apply to W. M, Nediger,
Clinton. 86.3-p,
Auction Sale
Of Paten Stoat and Implements, at
lot 21, Con. 1, Stanley Township, on
No. 4 I•Iighway, one and one Half
miles north of Brucefield, on Wed-
nesday, October 7th, at
1 o'clock,
sharp, consisting of the following:
HORSES: Teant of aged work
horses; agricultural mare, rising 3
years; aged work mare; driving
horse, good single or double.
CATTLE: Durham cow, rising 4
years, due Dec, 23; Durham cow,
rising 4 .years, due Dec. 31; Durham
cow, rising 4 years, due in April;
black cow, rising 5 years, due Dec,
20; Holstein ectw, rising 4 years, due
Sept, 30; 4 steers, rising 2 Years;'
two steers, one Year old; 2 heifers,
one year 'old; 4, spring calves.
HOGS: 14 store hogs, about 125 lbs
each; brood sow, bred 4 weeks,
IIVIPLEb1iENTS: McCormick Deer-
ing plower, 6 ft. cut; spring teeth
cultivator; seed drill; wagon; hay
rack; gravel box; 'set harrows, neat-
ly new; Cockshutt walking plow,
nearly new; riding plow in Al shaper
set bob sleighs; .set double harness,
nearly now; set single harness, hay
;fork,,,car, ropes and pullies; quantity
of turnips and mangolcls in rows;
quantity of household effects, includ-
ing tables, new washing machine,
coal ail stove, couch and numerous
other articles, also whifflett'ees,
neckyokes, chains. forks and other
articles. Everything to be 'sold as
proprietor leas rented his farm for a
term of years.
Terms: All sums of $10,00 and
ander, cash; over that amount 6
mouths' credit will be given,- anfurs
nishing approved ,joint bankable
paper or a discount of 6 per cent per
annum allowedfor cash on credit
0. E. Elliott, Auctioneer, . Frans
Lane, Proprietor, 87
Funeral Service
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Complete Motor Equipment
24 Hour Service
Day or Night Phone 147w
Poultry, Eggs & Cream
We are prepared to buy above ev-
ery working day. Eggs graded by
experienced graders.
Cream purchased for Bowes'
Creamery, Toronto.
Agent for Viking Cream Separator,
Victoria St., Clinton. Phone, 231.
Implement Agent
I handle Cockshutt implements.
and cream separators, Frost and
Wood Implements and carry parts
and repairs for same,
1 am also agent for Allis-Chal.
mars Tractors,
Those wishing to inquire about
any of the above kindly call at ray'
Queen Street, Clinton
81 -ill,
Prompt Attention to Repairing
Phone 15w or 15j
Electrican and Plumber
A Full Line of Electric Appliances
Plumbing Fixtures
Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs
Phone 53w, 1.3-tf.
If effectiveness means anything to
you, then you will send your list or
notes and accounts to
The persistent collectors
Monthly Statements
No Collection No Charge.
New Tinsmith Shop
Having started a Tinteething Shup
in Londesboro I am prepared to da
all sorts of
Tinsmithing -Work, Specializing in
Eavetroughing, Roofing and
General Repairs.
Give me a chance to show you
what I can do,
Phone 25e13, Blyth Central.
Londesboro. 13 tr•
You can keep warm with Lehigh
Valley Anthracite Coal, ot• have win-
ter sunshine every day .if you bursa
the famous 0.T.O. Colce,
Also a good supply of Wyandotte
Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coal.
Prompt delivery from my sheds oa
Queen •Street at anytime.
A. D.
Coal Dealer
Queen Street Telephone 25