HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-10-01, Page 2Clinton
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Commissioner, etc.
Salada tea- is gathered from
tie 'World's 'finest gardens
6Vresh fa. In the gardens'
RE Pili • f �_
Don Ellsworth's wife, former actress
Sheila O'SbaY, disappears. Dr. Cavan-
augh, criminal psyohologlst, learns their
married life. has been unhaPPY•
Peter Piper, a. Herald reporter, while
trying to get an interview with Dr. Ca-
vanaugh, mote Barbara' Cavanaugh, the
attractive daughter, and finds she was
engaged to Don before his marriage, 'Dr.
Cavanaugh identifies a body burned in
the tule marsh outside the city as at
Sheila O'Shay. Barbara relate when
had not cbvlou..l, ,nd bulkily Stood in
the way.. •
"I rather think you're the person 1
wanted to see," Peter remarked easily,
with one of his friendliest"grid, "In
that case, mayn't we consider the door
already answered' You're Mr. Don
Ellsworth, I think."
"What •did you want -to see me
about?. I'm in rather a hurry," The
voice was brusque and noncommittal.
"I think it would be worth your
while to wait for a, few minutes,"
Peter said firmly.
"I .on't believe I know who you
are—?" The young man, defensive but
puzzled, peered at Peter's kindly and
quite unabashed countenance.
"Yon don't. I'm Peter Piper of The
Herald.. I'm sorry to have to trouble
you at this time, When I know you
must be busy and worried, but if you
can give me a ten-minute interview,'
it will help greatly in putting your'
position in a proper fight before the
„inwhatever to say Y
I have nothing g
which the public is interested." The
voice was controlled, but the heavy
brows draw together in a single line
across Don Ellsworth's forehead.
"I'm sorry, but the public already is
interested.. It's painful to you, but
you can't help it. Certainly I can't`
help it. It's news. That news will be
printed despite you and me.
"If' it were news about somebody
else, you'd read it. It happens to be
news about you, and other people in-
sist on reading it. Believe me, I'm not.
invading your privacy because it's my
personal idea of fun. But if you an-
swer my questions frankly, what you
say will derive an immense advantage
from being said by you of your own
free will. You can't keep (the public
out of it, so you'd better have them on
your side. I'm giving you your
are things I can tell you, Ill say so.
But I'm asking you to be frank with
me, when all I can: promise is to be
as frank with you as I can. It doesn't
seers a very fair bargain."
"It isn't a bargain at all—I'm not
dealing in bargains. Did you think
I was holding olt'for quid pro gtto?"
"No," Barbara said hastily. "Now
or don't go and get angry again. You're
aheested, andfPeteralearn1ithats Sheila so—unpredictabie."
forced 'Ellsworth to many her by a 1 "Goodness knows what Pin letting
breach of promise threat. Peter makes a n yrelf in for. I may be compounding
social call on Barbara. a felony, for all I know. Not that I
•care, only I generally prefer to corn -
CHAPTER XXII,—(Cont'd.) I pound my own felonies, with my eyes
"P' --ease don't look 'like that," Peter open
blurted. "I like you ever so much 1 "But I'm going to trust your judg-
better when you're Alice, in Wonder- rent—because I believe you've got
land. I like you that way best of all." 1 judgment. Only there's just one
"But this isn't Wonderland." thing.
The sad little voice was .barely a „I,ni w:lliug to tell you anything
murmur, from very far away. you want to know—only you :rust
this time, was near and crisp and firm,
"Besides," the voice had come back- never ask rte to withhold anything
from the paper unless you can give
like watercress just out of a brook, me a perfectly clear and complete rea-
"you musn't like me that way. in 1
rt.n for 't. And even then you most
pieces. I won't be a character that. leave it to me absolutely.
you've made up for yourself. I'm' "If you nee anything I get to keep
just—I. If that's not good enough— I somebody else two leaps ahead of the
"It's quite good enough." To hist sheriff well, that just adds to the
urprise, as if it belonged to someone complications of existence. By the
(Office over J. G. Hovey's Drug Store)
Notal Pubt.c, Conveyancer
•General Insurance, including Fire
Wind, Sickness and Accident, Automo•
bile. Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp-
oration and
?ClintnP.. Telephone 57.
Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m,, 6 30
to 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12.$0 to 1.30 p.m
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence — Victoria St.
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont.
One door west of Anglican Church
Phone 172
Eyes Exrmineu and Glasses Fitted
Office ant' Residence:
Huron Street - - Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glases Fitted.
else, Pete: heard his voice shaking.
"Pru sorry I mnde such a fool of my-
self, and got mad n minute ago."
"You were, rather," Barbara
agreed. "After all, the only times
I'd ever seen you, yo..'d been after a
story. I thought it was the only thing
you evet did. ]'in glad it isn't," Iler
eyes, lifter) to hie, had the undisguised
beaming friendliness of a child's.
Peter made a decision. It was ra-
ther a momentous decision, inasmuch
as it sncrificed his gods—the gods of
The Hewald_without a quiver,
"Look here," he said solemnly. "1
promise that P11 never mention the
Ellsworth case to you again. I guess
that'll show whether I'm always
'after' something."
"Oh, but don't do that!" There
was a touch of panic in .the hurrying
protest. "I want to know all I can
•-bout it. The newspapers never tell
anything until it's—too late. Don't
shut me out, please!"
Peter's hand reached out in a ges-
ture of warning. She was giving her-
self away—anti she musn't; not to
Peter Piper of The Herald. The small
face turned up to him was harried.
"Look here," he said again. "Are
you taking me for a friend?"
"Yes," she said quietly. "I've no
business to, I suppose. But I think 1
am.'r lustyand
Peter sigh_d—a heavy,
by no means' chivalrous sigh with
which to greet an offer of friendship.
"It complicates things, rather. But
it's worth it."
"Thanks." That was said as a small
boy might say it, hiding feeling with
an abrupt casualness,
"I can't help knowing that you ar
—interested—in this case."
"I ani that" In • the remembered
Irish inflection of her voice he heard
again the gamin, the "guttersnipe."
the girl of the orphanage, the girl
who had been like a little wild thing
in a hostile wood. If she had bared
her small sharp teeth and struck, in
circumstances she could not know, he
for one, would remember that girl of
the orphanage. He would not blame
her for it. Never. But she did not
know what she was up against. He
didn't know either, for that matter.
He'd have to know, if he was to help
"I' won't shut you out,"• he said
gently, "I'11 tell yo•1 anything you
want to know. But believe me, it's for
oyousake utrI you ask
either. Let's at. itt togethershut ,"
"I know." She closed her eyes. Her
face became a sharp, white mask
against the dark chair back. .For a
moment he wondered if she were go-
ing to faint again. But her -eyes,
when she opened them, were intent
and very steady. "I'm willing to help
you in any way I can," she said. "I'll
help you with my father. If there
Office over Canadian Nation.. Express,
T-laton, Got
Extra..ion a Sp.' -salty.
Phone 21
way, the one bit of news you probaLly
don't know is that Don Ellsworth
married Sheila O'Shay under threat
of air each of promise suit"
"Oh, 1 ani glad!" Barbara's face
was lit with sadden, incredulous de-
light. "No," she added thoughtfully,
'I didn't know that."
"You seem father pleased about it"
The room, for all its dancing firelight,
seemed gray and chilly, tricked out in
the flaming mockery of orange mari-
golds. Don Ellsworth belonged to her
own tribe.
:'I ant. Up to the very day that 1
got his weddi'sg announcement, 'I
(thought Don and I were engaged. I
just had to believe there was some
explanation—he wasn't the sort of
person who could .et you down with-
out n reason. Of course I'm glad to
know he didn't do a thing like that of
his owr, free will!"
"You care—such .t lot?"
"That isn't the point at all. -He
would .ut his tongue out sooner than
acknowledge a thing like that. It's
the one thing I never understood-
and couldn't ask."
"Well," said Peter weaeily. "I don't
think hill share ,your transports at
having it known. It rather puts a
crimp in him as the bereaved young
husband of an adored wife."
"You mean they'll suspect him?"'
"They'll suspect everybody they pos-
>ibly can—you Lan bet on that."
Barbara opened her mouth as if
for a furious protest. Then she dos-
ed it again and merely squared her
shoulders against the back of the
"Don's all right," she said at last.
'Only I suppose there isn't any use
shouting about it. But if you go after
him with any of your strong-arm me-
thods, be sure you know what you're
about. Don doesn't lilce newspaper
reporters --not one Tuttle bit, he
(To be continued.)
Songs For Such Nights
Who can stay in, the first bright
night of Pall?
Now the young, wind bas come down
• from the north,
The cold of yellow Autumn like a
Lose -furled about him, moving with-
out song, '
W1Lh quiet feet, so that you'd scarce-
ly guess
He's come; and yet I know he's
whistling in
Tho t softly,ck
9 o
andii4Dog $ '1 OTTIE— • —P': -\
What came before: After many:tdven- He then showed us how a bambOtu,
taros, Captain funny Janes in 11is s Ih.. pipe -caught the steam from~ the bar -
the Island of b'ormosa. lie and
land to see the camphor 001100 dol the rets and carried into clay chambers:
country of the head -humin{, savages. where it was cooled and turned bank
• 'At last we reached a settlenteut into water, in the way that, steam
of little huts with big one for the Ecom a ]settle will turn to water on
manager. The camp boss was a a cold window pane, young Japanese, who .spoke );aglish Some of the camphor crystalizes
Perfectly. He had a long white scar on the sides of the clay chamber and
e, which he told us was some drops to the bottom as 011.
a souvenir from a After that, they take the crude cam
�•in, fight with ahead- pbor and -teat it again •until. it turns
i( hunter_ to vapor and stream and condense
A group of sav it until it is solid.
age youths had lri another` pati of the camp. they raided his •camp pressed ii into little cakes and pack
at dead of night, ed it in lead boxed, ready to send to
eager , to bring I Japan.
The guide told
old us that
t mo
back heads totheirofthewofld'a camphor supplycones
Thu. above photograph• shows
Captain R. G. Maln R.D.,
whose appointment as Commodore
of the Cunard Line has just been
announced, (Cunard Photo)
"No ,one so obscure nowadays" (to
quote Courage for tbe last time) "but
that he can have a book about him."
There have been several about James.
Matthew Barrie, and there will be
more both in his lifetime and in many
dbsky maidens.
He objected to having his head
cut off and, so'zing an iron_ pot,
bounced it oil the skull of the leader.
Some one threw a knife at him, just
grazing his face, and then the sol-
diers came on the ran and the head-
hunters vanished into the darkness. 1 the d dug up
After the camp foreman had told
from Formosa,
About a quarter of a mile from the
camp, we came to a well beaten road,
with a high wire fence on tho far
side of it. This fence was 'charg-
ed with electric current to keep out
the head-hunters from the hills, Near
fence, someone, had
quantity of
us the story of his fight with the- fresh earth,
head-hunters, he invited us to visit "This", said
the camphor camp. S� 1 our guide, "hap -
"This is the but where I slept on t) pelted teat
night. The head-
hunters tunnel-
ed under for a
--ii? surprise, attack
when a patrol
Years to comp when his books alone the night of the attack", he said,
Electro Therapist Masreur
Officer EnronRSt. Fewk ). doors west of
Oyours—Toed.. Thurs. and Sat.. all day.
Other hours by 'appointment. Bensall
Office—Mot,., Wed. and Fri. forenoons.
Seaforth Office—Mon., Wed. and Friday
afternoons.. Phone 507.
S. W. Archibald, B.A•Sc., (Tor.),
O.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate
Member Engineering lnstitu.x of Can-
ada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario.
with a grill that showed his white
The tido of that great work brings teeth, "and this", he continued,
u p short against one fact about him pointing to a large iron kettle that
hieh has been taken for granted. He stood on a crude shelf, "is the pot
is national, even international,. for that •I bounced off rhe chiefs head. caught sight of them: We nabbed
English-speaking America clamours, One never knows when it might i ono, who was not quick enough to
come in handy again." I get back, We've sent him down to
What a life! Sleeping and wont- the jail for a while."
in in the :shadow of continual dan-I Later of we had a good look at
for him, and already his work has
passed into other tongues. Setting
out from an obscure Scottish village, , him. He was a powerfully built Ye
unfriended, almost self-taught (every ger. Certainly the camphor camps
Scot somehow gets a good education, are no place Inc a nervous person. 1' low, with a square sort of face and
but usually by his own efforts), he l We walked down a trail through' a low forehead. His eyes were
-ked through the wilderness of trees with big, thick green leaveslshifty, f fox,
and finally arrived at a small clear -
crafty like those o a
He was a hard looping euetotner and
not -the sort of person you would care
~hie world, so searchingly that he can where a number o
tell us more about it than tie can ever ing, to have prowling around on
learn of ourselves. But do we even burning. Over coach fire was a largo
now ]snow how or why he can thus pan of water and a barrel. Our night.
speak to us? I guide explained that the barrels 1 (To be continued)
He has called himself two men— were filled with chips from the Note: Any of our young readers2
M'Connachie and the family solicitor I camphor trees and when steam from
—and I have said he is several, ent the aboiling'
11 took thewater with through , Stari Bldg., Toronto,nwiJimmll eive 015
may even be that the whole of Hen- these chips, signed photo free.
ley's description of Stevenson does ap- lit.
ply equally to Barrie, if you add that
stirring tree -tops, mo _ Stevenson (except in some smaller
ingly, ( sort in his poetry) -never learnt the
For on the sand the great hounds utter joy of flying, as Barrie and Peter
'Of the sea Pan learnt it, nor saw so far "beyond
Worry their leashes, straining to his I the paths of all the western stars"—
far beyond the misty island in the
Hebrides wide his bidden in the soul
of Scots exiles all over the world. If
And tireless, answering from hollow
This is tbe wondrous season of deep
Now wins cold clarity the white
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly .answered.,
Immediate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton,•ur-by.calling Phone 203. •.-
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
7 Chocolate Malted Milk
The health -giving, delicious drink for children and grown-
ups. • . Pound and Half Pound tins at your grocers..
you turn Barrie into a London journal-,•
fat, he will not be one id heart; he
il-etlrer a toxic secretion is introduced
will beat against the walls tail he 3s ®��471i1 clear the source of a stream, and in A
at large with the weapons of a learnt fe getable ie
. � short time the fish, "rendered 1=ancon
t trade added unto him, i j a
stars blaze, Tyre trade, no doubt, clung to sin, d'1� h�u ��s
vetoes," begin floating with the cut-
and often marred the clearness and- ----- 'rent 31st below the surface. 7u the
liberty of his flight, It is a cocksure l In ;LJ search for insecticides to eon-' meantime, a crowd of Malays --nen,
Using, this janrnahleln. When you trol pests tbat aro becoming increas-I women and children—have assembled
eyes coo near have been at it for a time, You kuow'ingly resistant to the action of icedlwbere the stream widens into a river.
Are falling, tearing darkness n arsenate, lime sulphur, hydrogen cyan- pinny are in canoes, the older men
thin fire• surely enough whether your manner I
How strailgo to find an angel at your is good or bad, accomplished or de- isle and other long -felted -upon poisons,' famed wills spears, the women with
door— 1 fective. But you may quite well be the United States Department of Ag• nets �_
But I shall bolt mine well with band ignorattt whether your matter be sub- Iriculture has gone far afield—even to Reversal
grown cold, lime or silly. Through that danger Use study of methods by which the ea.
And light a candle's Rame inside,' Barrie eventually passed to the Inas- tives of tropical countries capture
'When 1 was child—(at least in part,
ter shown•in the two plays jest ex- their fish. Plants, the essence of l For never was I wholly clriltl)—
plored.• But it was never certain till tvhfch, i,ht'otvn into a stream, will I felt a woman in my heart,
they appeared that the imp of jour- stupefy dell so that they may be Too little reconciled.
naliem would not spoil romance by a easily Olen or speared, have yielded I Bred In the flesh, bred in the bone,
erucic or even silly ernss-heading. ]n particularly good results when tested hard on my hope eternally,
the end, however, Barrie has given upon Insects, accovdhtg to R. C. Roark 1 Around my nock, like to a stone,
that portion of him wings, which jour. - of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. t flint terrible maturity,
realists seldom have.—F. 1. IitrveY I Incidentally His report throws light on
Darton, itt "J. M. Barrie:
Anil brilliantly from arehing heavens
Those who have leaned with mad
t earth
i 1 k ess with
for 1
Have seen enough of miracles tonight.
--Mary Isabel Scherer in the N. Y.
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, J, fienhewels, Brodhagen.
I. lee. preeldest James Connolly. C,oderfeh.
Sec. -treasurer, D. F. Mcc,t•cgor, Seaforth.
Directors: James reruns, Beechwood:.
James Shouldlee, Walton; Nm. Ifno�c,
Pepper boBru e0eld t. Ferris,
13 oadfoot, Sea -
forth; G 20. McCartney, Seaforth. •
Agents, tV J. tree. R.R. No. 3, Clinton:.
Jan hfurray 3eafm•th; James Watt
$R 110, Iinchtey, Seaforth.
. ny money"tc be paid ray toe paid to
the Royal Bank,, Minton; Bank.of Com.
Merce,'Seafort:h.. or at Cal'te Nidi'$ Gro
eery, Gederich.
Parties desiring to effect Insurance or
1 transact other business will bo prompt)Y
attended 1 on application to any of the
I ab.ve officers addressed to their reepee-
tire pest offices. Losses inspected by the
1 director who lives nearest the scene,
Trains will arrive at and depart from
Clintoe as follows:
Buffalo and Godarfch Div.
Going East, depart 6.58 a.nt.
a u u 8.05 p.m.
Going West depart • 11.65 a.m.
a, i, „
Len ion, Huron & Bruce Mrs. G.IC.L., M
Going South 8 08 pan.
lgoinlg:R4 tt�' 1166 s'tt1. ISSUE No, 40—'3
Peter parked "Bossy" in the gloom
of a large shade .tree at the corner,
and - extinguished the lights.
"If you do get bumped, it can't hurt
you very much. You've got to take
your chances in this game, Bossy, old
girl," he remarked. • •
Then he marched debonnairely up
"A death occurred in our family and
I ladto go in mourning. I could bald-
ly afford to buy all black clothes, so
decided to dye what I hada I cense t-
ed our druggist and he advised using
Diamond Dyes. Everything Dame out
beautifully; coats, wool dresses, stock-
ings•and all. I have since learned to
appreciate the excellence of the black
Diamond Dyes. I taied another black
dye and the results were impossible.
I had to get Diamond Dyes and do the
work over. Recently I have tinted my
cu e
curtains a beautiful raspberry
and dyed a rug a lovely garnet with
Diamond Dyes.: They are real money
savers—the finest dyes money can buy
tion 1001110 cause flowers
The habit habit of fretting is one that the clever men and" —Pearsons
grows rapidly unless it be sternly 1'e- Weekly.
pressed, and the best way to over -I f
come' it is to try always to look on AT LAST
the cheerful side of things. Perhaps
it will all come right at last;
Nobility of character manifests it-
self at loop -holes when it is not 'pro -
the graveled driveway and rang the video vtitth la geidsors.
doorbell of the Ellsworth house. When I
on business Peter lost no time over
doorbells. And he was on business
now—on "detail" to cover the Ells-
worth house and not to come back till
he got something.
That is was now 9 o'clock in the
evening and Peter's working day sup-
posedly closed at 4, meant nothing to
Jimmy. To be fair, it meant very
little to Peter, either. His gray over-
coat' was worn smooth at the curls
so that the criss-cross of threads was
plainly visible to the observing, and
one pocket was ripped half -way down
by the jamming of copy -paper folded
magazines, and large apples into its
capacious maw, but he wore it as
jauntily as if it were an opera cape.
Peter on an assignment was not to
be intimidated by men, angels or but-
lers. -
The door opened with surprising
promptness and revealed a young man
with eyebrows done in charcoal, a
sullen mouth, and eyes puffy from lack
of sleep; whose hat and overcoat indi-
cated that he was just leaving the
house Idle had the air of one not so
Easily Remedied
how a great steal of food reaches the I But when I knew a woman's state
table in lands souls of the Temperate And should have ceased to be de.
Zone. ' fate
In Costa Rica, for example, in the bewildered, lost, 11 was my
Sono it the best This
000, take district about Turrialba, fish are usual-
sual- To feel a child, and lusecurte
years to circulate. This one, about ly'killed by the Indians with bows and Around my neck, like to a stone,
the Prhlat of Wales as a child, arrows, and it is a common sight to There is reversal meaningless.
though rib a back sonro• years, is , see huntsmen standing waist -deep 1n Bred in the flesh, bred in the bone,
well worth repeating. the streams waiting for their prey. At This terrible ingenuousness.
The Prince was once welt, to times, however, theyuse, a shrub -Dorothy :.ovules Pinkney.
King Edward about Roosevelt, the known Locally es "barbasco." Their,
was dt that time President Of the I method is to erect a wild -cane barrier
United States. 'from banks to hank, and then, hall a
"Mr. be?"
is a vary good man, mild above it, to throw the plant into
isn't het" he quested. the 'water. Blinded by the poison
"President replied
It g a very I which the water attracts from the
clever man;" replied ]ling Edward.
Fora time the Prince did not t leaves, the fish come to the surface,
speak, but went on turning the leaves are
pried edndown
s oaslty etbarrier
rriero and
of Use album through which he was
looking, and which contained the humors.
President's portrait. The next day he 1 In Ethiopia two 11511 poisons or in-
ertia to the K1ng, "I have changed , toxicants have been in use for many
the more common of which is
"1s he a good story teller?"
"Can he make his wife believe
"Man, you expect too much."
It is a great misfortune to have a
fretful disposition, It takes the
fragrance out of one's life, and leaves
only weeds where a cheerful clttspos R00
0fsRulers to thea album where tiara
prepared ,"- from the seeds of a Coe
9,A4 P.In• —I truly believe,'
much answering the doorbell as acci-
dentally coinciding with it.
Peter s
stepped at
once into the shat
ed from he open
of light that stream
"Oh you rang? Someone will an-
swer the door in a minute," The young
man would have brualled'P.sst itf 1.i
called barherra, which grows in b g
altitudes along the banks of streams.
The powder of the seeds is spread on
the surface 0f the water in the midst
of the dry season when the current is
11 may be, when all Is done, ' slow and free of torrential mutt. Some -1
We shall be together in some good times the fish succumb quietly; at
world, I other times they aro excited to . in
tense activity.
Wheys to tvish and to have are in Malaya the tuba .root is employ 1
one. ed. By means of rubbing the roots to1
-Richard Henry Stoddard.
DRAINS and the
NI Full strength For Sink Drains a Full strength for the toilet bowl li In solution for all general cleaning
GILLETT9S Lye "Fitts Dirt".
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Special Circular
covering this
Interesting Speculation
F. W. Macdonald & Co.
Standard Stock & Mining Exchange
Montreal Curb Market
38 King St. W. 159 Craig St. W.
ELgin 6255-6 MA. 7785.4121
Wirprie ~markets to all
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