HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-24, Page 8Osvomeestrienesionsonsesserevonoomemonsienosti CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELER Y STORE II4ItGA1N$ ALL 1% C1i4 ., CHINA IN OUR STORE IS ;REDUCED AND MUST BE SOLD. Call and See Our Bargains R. H. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician Men's Special Order . h. Suite or. Overcoat We can now show you a nice Assortment of Fine Worsted and .Tweed Suits and. Good Heavy Weight Overcoats which we will make to .our order at a y , FIT AND MAKING GUARANTEED See Our Tip Top Range at +,;. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE VALUE WE -SPECIALIZE IN MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHING. Plumsteel Bros. ..... Have ii Newest � r the u reasonable i you visited our Display of, the 11 and: Most Modern -1 Mli owe FiirniI1iios? 11 C We are'able to furnish your homes with p latest -Designs in Furniture at a price to- all. Take the first opportunity to come i in and look over our Stock of •Furn- ishings. We know you will like them. 1 SUTTER!. Hardware Furniture ........ PERDUE & 1111:110 i Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w , Electric Wiring n�rnw�•�--r meed -. =linin . e. the public of `Clinton and vicin- ity we extend (Mr ' heartiest thanks for the patronage receive from yc,t• on the occasion of our Public Sihool and Collegiate Institute opening sales. In general supplies we en- deavored to, give you greater values at lower prices and -.your response quite satisfied our expectations. Youmay have further present needs and no doubt will have requirements in the nture. We solicit this busi- ness,•hoping.for a mutual acivantage. Our Stadium Loc,se-leaf note book 'made s.o' you .may decorate it your- self -with school colors, crest, mono- grams, mottoes, etc., artistically ed' humorously, and . our real good lead pencil at two for ,five cents have -de- servedly been in popular demand, P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS, PER L, 18o FRESH PICNIC HAMS, PER LB, - 14c SIDE PORK, PER LB. 14a HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, PER LB: 15e HEAD CHEESE, PER LB. 10e SHORTENING, 2 LBS: FOR 25e SCHNEIDERS GUARANTEED' LARD, BULK .. . .10c• KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY •CONNELL 6c TYNDALLs " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET ", Phone 162, Huron Street. . Tfle W. Fair Co, Often the Cheapest. -Always the Best Mr. and Mrs. H. Bartliff visited Pet- ro]ea friends on Sunday last. Miss, Bessie Montan of New York is spending a vacation at her home in town. Miss Jean .Scott has returned from a visit with her sister, ibis. (Dr.) Adams of Windsor. Miss Jean. Plumsteel of the staff of Elora High School, spent the week- end. with her parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cook returned last week to their home in Sarna after spending a week in. tem. Mr. and Airs. John Hyslop and Miss Smillie of Walton visited 'at thry home of Mrs. Chambers of tom on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Manning, Mrs, R. E. banning and Miss Helen sent a maple of nays in Toronto last weep. - Mr. and Mrs. NI.• E. McFadden and Miss B. McFadden, R.N.; of Cooks- town, spent the week -end with re- latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crich of Pon- tiac, Mich., spent Last week as the guests of the,former's father, Mr, Herbert Crich of town. Dn. I•iarry Browning and Mrs. Browning and Master Gale` of Exe- ter spent Sunday with, the form+ er's cousin, Miss Zetta Bowden. Misses Marjorie McMath and Ruth Laois were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Cuninghaine at their sdmmer cottage at Bayfield over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard' ei' El- mira motored up and spent the week -end with the former's par- ents. Mrs. Fred Leonard returrred with thein for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mair and Misses Muriel and Doherty motored up, from 'Toronto to be present at the funeral of the •foriner's grand- father, the late Gilbert Mair: Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Glazier, To- rente visited the hcvnes of their respective parents over the week- end coning up to attend the fun- eral of the latter's grandfather, Gilbert Mair. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McDonald and daughter of Kintore visited over the week.end,with the lady's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. R. Mair, • They attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Gilbert Mair. AN ANNOUNCEMENT! All articles loaned for the Hospi- tal Fair, which will be held in the Town Hall, Oct. 14717 are for Exhibition only. Nc# to he • sold. Tile White Elephant Sale • will ' be held in the Council Room - in charge of Mrs. Cree Cook, The third -draw, on exhibition in A. J. M'orrish's window, -,is a °Coffee Drip-O-Lator." J TEA &'BAKING SALE tinder auspices pf W'. M. S. in WESLEY-WILLIS S.' S. ROOM SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 from. 3.30 to 6 p.in:. TIHE ANTON-NEWS RECORD THIJKS Pk:"Yi,. 411er =Mir 24,' 103R Free! YOUR. CHOICE OF SIX ASSORTED; COLORED, GLASS.DISHES WITH, ONE CAN' OF Forest City faking Powder all %� ovemeastrammeivatamotesommeramaanemee FRUITS Bananas, per dozen 23c- Large 3cLarge Celery, 2 far 25c' Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. 25c Oranges, per dozen 19c New Dates, 3 lbs. 25c Seedless & Seeded Raisins per pound 15c 2 Star Ammonia 13c Salada' and Red Rose Tea, package • 27c' 2 tins Pineapple 25c 10 Surprise Soap 49c Shelled Walnuts, lb. 49c Selox, 2 packages 25c Soup's Campbell's 2 for 19c Fancy Biscuits per Ib. 15c Fancy Assorted Bisc , lb.. 25c Rol. Oats, 5 lbs. 15c c FRIGIDAIRE Lard, 3 pounds 35c Lard, _5 pound pail 60c Bacon, piece per 111. 19c Pickled Roll 19c Macaroni, 2 pounds 13c New Cheese, lb. 18c Heinz Spaghetti, 2 tins 29c Quick Tapioca Pudding -3 for 25; Marmalade, large 29c Tea, Our Own,' 3-$1.00 Corn Starch, pkg. 10c free elivery CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 T. O'NEIL Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Come; and enjoy a' Cup of Tea and Take Home Some Goodies y for Sunday. 37-1. PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. Alex. Welsh of town went to London last week one:day to take in the fair. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Steven and Miss A. Bartliff of Toronto are visiting the ladies' mother in town, Mrs. C. Ii. Bartliff. Dr. IT. A. McIntyre, Capt. T. W. Morgan and Harold Lawson are taking a short military officers' course at London: Mr. and Mrs. W. 12. Penhale of Exe- ter visited recently at the hone at the lady's piece,. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland, the Bayfield rend south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Whitmire, spent the week -end visiting Toron- to and Hamilton friends.' On their return they were accompanied by Miss Gaynel Whitmore, who had been spending Some time with her • sister in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, D. C. Paisley and daughters, 1llisses Marion and Jessie, have returned to ,their home in Montreal after a visit with the former's mother,; Mrs. W. J. Pais- ley of Clinton, and with Mrs. Paisley's parents in Hensall. Messrs. C. H. Venner, T. G. Seribliins H. P. Plumsteel, G. H. Jefferson,- E.'Paterson and G. E. Hall attend- ed a meeting of Malloch+. Chapter R. A. 11f. in Seeforth, on Monday evening, when Rt. Ex. Cc,n. Alton Hoover of Southampton was Pres- ent' and spoke. At the eonclusi*i1 of the meeting sapper was served at a local restaurant. Dr. J. W. Shaw and Mr. H. E. Rorke, nvho. are both termed "Right Wor- shipful" by their brethren in the Masonic Order, represented Clin- ton Lodge l'Jo. 84, A.F. & A. M. at the reception tendered Rt. Wor Him. F. A. Copas by Tecumseh Lodge, Stratford, on Friday, even - Mg. last on his elevation te, the position of Deputy Grand ': Master,, Mr. and Mrs. William :Dowtne of To.- rento were in town' on 'Thursday and 1111". Downs dropped into The. ii ews-Record to, renew his sub- scription. It is twenty-six years since Mr. Drowns left Clinton but lie' Inas not` fdrgotten the old town by anymeans and likes to return from, time to time, to greet old friends. 'They are growing fewer, •he ,saps, as the years 'go bq.. Th'ey were going on to Aubw.•n, Mr. '."00'4N*'- hia•thiplace, tb •visit rela- tives. LONDESBORO Mr. Fraser Emery visited with Mr. J. D. Melville recently. 'Mrs. A. Webster attended the fun- eral of her uncle, Mr. Gilbert Mair at Clinton on Saturday. Mrs, E. Bell is visiting at the home of Mr. Ben. Mason, Blyth. We are sorry to report the serious illness of Airs. John Brown, east of the village. We hope for her speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Janes i12cCool and Miss Phyllis are holidaying at Lon - J NIVERSRRY SUPPER ill ONTARIO ST. UNITED O1iURC'fa MONDAY, OCT. 5th 5.30 to 8 p.in, MENU: ' Dressed Ham, Creamed Potatoes, Salads, Jellies, Pickles, Biscuits, Bolls, Pie, • Cake, Tea Children -under 14 years 26c Adults, 40e. • Supper followed by an interestini, program i usicalgand short address n by Rev; Duncan McTavish of Exeter. 37-2, HAVE YOU TRIED Pfl-PSICL[S Made By Silverwoods hlaicers of Smoother than Velvet ICE CREAM, BRICKS AND FANCY MOULDS FOR SPEGIA.L OOCA.iSIO'NS • for sale et BARTLIFF &'CRICH Milkers. of Daihty-Maid 'Bread, Hata and Pastry. Phone 1. ,Clinton, don, Woodstock, Toronto and Niagara Falls. • Miss Vesda , Watson spent the week -end with London friends. Mrs. Fred Shobbrook and Misb Beth, Mrs. Stanley Carter and Mrs, Derwin Carter and Miss Alma at- tended a trousseau tea on Tuesday afternoon at the home of their coin sin, Mrs..B..Revington of Lucan, giv- en in honour of her daughter, Miss Hulda Jean, whose marriage takes place on Saturday. . Mr. Leonard Shobbrocic motored the ladies down to Liman. NDRMR TRELEAVEN A.T.C.M. Teacher o£ PIANO & THEORY Clinton, Ontario Phone 160 36-2-p, i BAKING - SPECI,4LS L If you have not already tried our "ANGLE CAKE", "VI -TONE CAKE or "JELLY ROLL" We would say Order one for the week -end. They are delicious. SEASONABLE PIES BREAD: Made Tasty 'for you "TRY IT." v CANDY SPECIAL SILKEN KISS CANDY ONLY 19c Wennorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY —Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE (18 THE BEST STOVE at the Right Price Conte In and see our all -Enamel Stove at a. "Special Price." Just what you need for the coining Fall Weather. Also our Jewel line. Ons of the best en the miirkcit. New is the time to bey and you'ii be prepared for cold weather. ki T. Haw its _____ HARPeVVA,RE and PLiJMIIING::,: 'hone 244, . 1 Are on Lookin for argaiiiS IF SO LOOK INTO OUR FURNITURE 'DEPARTMENT And let us show you some of the Greatest Values ever shown in this Vicinity. WE ARE' REDUCING OUR STOCK So if you need a Chesterfield Suite, Dining Rem Suite or Bedroom Suite, we sure will save you money. Also Special Values in Mattresses, Verandah Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Odd Dressers, • Lamps, Card Tables, End Tables, Ferneries. In fact anything we have in stack, sold at great reductions. These bargains .are only on goods in Stock, so of Course it will be a matter of came early and pick up 'the bargains while they last. • Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. PHONE 105 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORE WITH A STOCK QUALITY FOODS AT LOWEST COST Two things dominate your buying cf food products—their qual- ity .and price. At Superior Chain Stores you are assured of the maximum quality at the minimum price, Plan to shop regularly at Superior Stores and thereby get the greatest value for your dollar. When inee,ivonient to call, 'phone; a rapid delivery service is avail- able without charge to you. Clarks Pork and Beans ; medium, 2 tins ....15e Columbia Matches, 3 boxes for 258 !Easifirst Shortening ! 2 lbs. fo" .26h Sherriff's Good Morning Marmalade, 16 oz. , .,..23e 32 oz. 300 Ingersoll Crean': Cheese, 2, 26c Green Giant Peas, tin 19c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 25n ,, e l pkg. a _c 'Rc Roman Meal, pg Certo, per bottle 20e Kraft Salad Dressing 23c Surprise Soap 10 cakes for 4341 New Raspberry Jam ' 40 oz. jar 330; Jiff Soap Flakes Large Pkg. '19e• Infant Delight Soap, 4 for 25o Royal York Tea, 1-2 Ib. ..28c Royal York Tea, 1 ]b. 55e Peas, No. 4, ;,sive; 3 tins 25c Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. 25c Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 25u Picnic Vain, per lb. 13e 2Cooked Hain, per Ib. 50e Bologna, per ']b. 19e J. T. Mc,KNIGHT & SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 IIIINllllit ;i. A FINE NEW LINE OF THE LATEST MODELS in BILTMORE HATS JUST ARRIVEI: $2.2J p n DAVIS & HERMAN y Cleaning and Pressing Overcoat o: Suih.881.50