HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-24, Page 40 • '1 7`t 0' ,w M1 m fo It ti a' .ch • w di .-p0 th • "be p e4 , gr no ':.try• V,r. �W COOPER'S STORE -NEWS E -NES: oasts had es. any t ri y.. urchasing• ' ; STRETCH .T. HEBUYING, BU ING . DOLLAR: OLLAR POW .e. R OF FEATURE • THURSDAY U SEPTEMBE Look at • Large Bill's YOUR µ s SATURDAY 26t1>;. our Q ur p ved b U E.VALUES -FOR THREE DAYS Y FRIDAY Y �S : � 24th, 25th and thee Rmaktab r 1e Valuesn which. you have received, • it Ma 1 of I The 'TWILL P. AY YOU TO BUY HERE A. T ♦ C,COOOOP�1�,: Store with the. Stock. PHONE' 36: Leaders in Low Prices CLINTQ A Grate lIeNace+ PRACTISING PHYSICIANS ANI) • THE DANGER' PYORRHOEA IN UNDERMINING GOOD MANY PRACTITIONERS ALSO `ADVISE USE OF PYltRHOL IN TREATING ,INFECTION. WE KNOW OP' NOTHING BETTER W., R. Holrnes,Phm.... ONT. , . ' :',es eorc $s,leraiie DENTISTS REALIZE, OF HEALTH ..THE, REGULAR THIS DREADED --GET IT NOW AT' • • .. PHONE 51_ • £ v L KI N H � THE AT •• I✓ S l�.r Several 'sized Premier Calgarjr.audience rich -quick sized Goldsmith erring gain.' The dered the and dismissed There who wen as Labor Tainted .oes. o suggest. f, the abar and altogether. .. Gandhi ;dives ietives ight in r take in have ar the od is very fficulty on't be re British arae, .Some 'every t as judges In Latin id stage iron countries d pass "Precisely ports jhy "precisely"? :lock itild be The general one is eat by r herself is suggested M. could invading ain of Hon. neeze that bions by veer. e purchasing. en reduced pegged. utilization egate. Daily `newspapers then large Thea hen the riding ie -unneeded tided steamship t o nneede e ay newspapers e enterprise e• if any "Newspapers have eriti- Bennett for ,advising to avoid the get- spirit, ' No one ever criti- for saying: "Teach man to spurn the rage ' an enemy a ( now; withtnrt that the inevitable that, unfortunately, lowed cause, of "They carried y front the cause every ing+'--but' he reported as to bhe hospital. to • be The Ottawa Most pathetic iency expert enthetic. Wlhere -tion•of waste id of machine reduced overhead salaries and five who hired Frankenstein and big business der it. Gar Wood After all is have used bomb, cr• a It is equal ereased taxes took them all teetotaler, and' clueing the dole, If sacrifices There can only ( Some will 'have will have Clydeside members y nets, Communists• Agitators softly Busybodies cease Self-denial } To make Are the mea courage? Do shrink? Not Re ed Civil Servants' favo to and favor of statutory less than $120 holiday and .full-time , employees. courage' to tithe --and in Gandhi rias and the' :United hien . as as saint any' ether titan spinning yarn sissy; if he libies they .rite; if -he wore goat's .milk nut; if he carried ship a half -ton they would call was eternally would call 'him he headed a sade they would be did •all these a• c ll. • him • a rail a;gaznst the lowing him, to •Gandhi can de of public argument,' scene the usual out motion and bonuses tor —..--e- ownership.. An they repo 't has happened, ,effect has fol. - — e hien slowly and eas- of the accident be - moment was agoniz- t newspapers next day c that he was rushed a c Journal cites as the n spectacle the effie- C of a jab. And it is c new is his elimina- r and his fetish 7 mass production'+ He d except in the 0 of the exeeu- s! 'hint, He builder' a tr big business and he are scrambling un- .. • courts of Germany have or- ex -Kaiser to pay legal reinstate a workman from one of his estate is still some dispute as the war, but there can't to who lost. Day is a legal holiday .pro- in honor of. what labor is and No onehas had the •hardihe Machine Day, in honor .instruments that lightened iri many. eases eliminated would rather watching over London. "If my poor life," it; It's ail cause of Indian. my only protection. pious and patriotic, is that if ':live to tell government --, not have de, hie day and anybody wants said he, "he I have to give inclependenue, " Which The only he is killed he his people that was riot to some acquire• undertake to Shaws. , •Red they get angry In Anglo- get grouchy a newspaper of an'event: it were . two the adverts / is ;that. France • disarma- maintaining forces. eastern fron- against a strategic repeats the improve con- the purchasing of :course, but has --'already where arbitrar- o£ toward reduce the ag- ,, repe,'t that a- be made soon of the . C.N.It, buying : or build- un- or run- n lot. •t"• s of he• the vision management; vehteeed 'tb • ev showed some 'restraint, P1 said and done, he might a torpedo, • or a depth mine, but he didn't. •• " '' d • sacrifice all right. In- ),t on beer and ' income in, except the indigent el they got him by re- n . hi shall be equal be this sequel: ' a to stop and think,'• w to tun to pink, r'0 ^mend their man- fu `st withhold their :banners, to pedal, IA to meddle. se doth suffice, the act a sacrifice. are born brave; while others at betty countries revolutions. they resolgtions,. at 2,13," the opening : If or even 2,1.5 understandable. _ , of to-daylackingin th they falter? Do they much! The Aanalgamat- br d Canada mot atn F passed resolutions in la increases of hoe a year and annual M sick leave with pay for It takes rare .m do that at the present Saskatchewan. m belief holding up further -insisting upon powerful'defensive that her be amply protected enemy by wine cellars. R. J. Clynes yea cannot reducing: You cannot, power except A redistribution power tending will not in devotees 'in . Canada It States who regard' ne and a patripe, but if is spent .so much time pe they would call hien a ti mingled prayer with pe- would call him a hypo- he loin cloth and drank th they would call him a' reit with him.on board o'c of mud to make idols, .him a heathen; if he ta. stirring up strife they to a, mischief -maker; if m divil disobedience' cru- cat call hine a rebel, IF W things they ' would N dangerous fanatic and wi government for,, al- roam, at large. ; But Ja it and wet a .9,,.,.:a,�t; T.,,i loan must the deficits -.company was unneeded branches, hotels, establishing services tr it s d a t praised of the `public mart ,'in • 00 •.�S�ir Ala tiro an atter criticism he was'adenouiiced as. it to the 'heart "df empire,' THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD terra, ‘11111111.111. Little= nibs 'of News, Q w in General •Ifon. Lincoln -Goldie,- former pro- vincial secretary in the cabinet of Howard er u a d P seri cl'at g ted the Guelph General Hospital early Saturday morning. Fie was buried, at Guelph on Mond m n r i a a tominon 1' "° Y 3P t tbt 7 p mete 'including, Iron, Howard ret gu; son, Canadian High, Commissioner to 'England attending'the funeral: Tho British Government after hors gf consultation and the advice - of expert financial'` men, on Sunday decided to abandon the gold standard and necessary parliamentry 'action was taken` on Monday. This is not the fi • t time, me .th . r s has been done; Britain dispensed" with the gold' Ami- de/el tair decd in 1914 and it was not restei•ed until 1925,;. Japan and China are at logger- heads e s 'over the old, question, Man-, chura. , 'China aske evacuation of. tdrtitory•:by Japan and. appeals to the League of Nations to intervene. Bears are swarming down from the rGatineau Hills and the Lauren- tian Mountains and . a number have been, killed near Ottawa., Lack'- of. food is' said to be the cause of their' wanderings. - Earthquake shocks were felt in the United Stat i States Middle d est late late o n Sunday, but damage of any conse- quence AVMS caused ` in only one Ail,. lage, • At "Anna, in. Shelby County, Ohio, virtually every' house in the village was damaged.; Two churches and to high, school were also -damaged. At Sidney, in the same county, several- cliimneys fell. • The quake was felt principally in 4Pestern Ohio and Eastern Indiana. A severe earthquake struck Tokyo .it 11,20 a.m.; lionday, - (9.20 p.m., Sunday, ,E. S. T.),, and it.is ,feared considerable damage was done by the shocks. • Experts., of . Tokyo, eeptral . observa- toi y- aaid. the quake Was the heaviest felt there rthis •3;ear ' They. feared I damage was done in Saitama prefecture, teeth of Tokyo, where the quake anparen.tly centred. Same telephone wires between Tok- rio-and Osaka, Nagoya and other cities were •broken. Ceilings and wall, e ofA e sC r 'buildings. b lido s. g fel., and chinaware shops suffered consid- erabel damage. • o. Tari Jellicoe is at his home in Ventor, Ena., and was confined to his roam over the .week -end with a slight attack. cr. bronchitis. He pent several days in a Canadian I before snaking the trip Koine, It seemed a rather unfortue- ate trip for the Jellieoes. Attendance at London Fair for the entire week 'was 167,999, being the lowest• figure for some years. A"Liberal rally has been arranged o be held in London on the evening f Octclber 20. Bret. W. L. M. Ring nd M. P. Hepburn will be the prim, ipal speakers. • With impressive ceremonies the. ew Emmanuel Collage, the United beech of Canada's new theological ollege, in connection with the Uni- ersity of Toronto, was dedicated en nesday morning. Principal Gan - ler, ' a ,brother of Dr. J. C. Gandier f Clinton, conducted the dedication reices, a number of noted educa- onalists taking part, b Premier Ramsay' itracDonald, aw- g to the stre0urets work of the past eek or so, has been ordered by his tysician to take a rest. The Canadian Good Roads' As - idiom, in session at Lucerne, Que.. ieeussed the subject of the eomnter•- al motor truck and its effect op usiness and the roads.. Hon. 71. A. Siewart, minister of highways, de - red that—commercial traffi:: wan at too little for the use of the ghways. A nineteen -year-old eirl entered an partment house in Toronto which as being fumigated to dill, cock aches, and fell, overcome by the rhes, %free taking two dozen ens.. it is said that the girl en - red the house in. spite of warning acards,' while the guard' was sling the basement, BRUCEFIELD e -'Dr, R. McEwen of Detroit spent e week -end to the home of his other, Mr. John McEwen. 1VLiss Myrtle Pearson' and Mrs. L. ot'iest. 'visited friends in'London t' week and attended the' Pair. NTrs. G. Simpson and :her mother:' r5. Nevonts, spent last week visit - friends in the village. • Mrs. D. Tough is visiting friends Stanley this week, Anniversary services will be 'held the United church on October 25th Re day service will be r'hserved xt Sunday. A special invirtation extended to' all the children,, young opie and parents' of the congrega- on. A cottage prayer meeting will be he] at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Are the CaldweIl, second ewicpssiop of anley, ora Friday . evening at 8 in?k. • - • Dr. Young, Home Missions Seeree rt', occupied the pulpit ,of the Uni- d. Clmrclr' last -Sunday morning, He ode an earnest appeal for funds to. ry on Missionary Work in the est, taking for' his text "Love Thy eighibor es Thyself, �ayic1 ', Faith wit 'Works is Dead," The following it front . the Moose w '.panespondent ,oe the ,Regina a der-Pose and refers to ,a :Epimere resident of. the vicinity of 'Bruce - field -Valva Road:. Moose Jaye Sask., Sept. 11 -;Death claimed another. of Moose7aw's 'olid timee t stdentsrt a d a pioneer settler in the ,southern 'part ef Saskatche- wan, when Hugh Thomson passed 'a- way at his residence den.o r i cny after- noon, nv. some titheast he had bee P tl ailing and for aliout; six weeks 1be- rvt•ei h s death been- 1 had .orifi e t n d o bed. Ile was' 78 years, of ageam, next Tuesday would'havecelebrated his 79th birthday. .. ' For ea• 49 Pv zs .he •made. the Moose Jaw district -his home, farming Tor. matzy,years in the Buffalo Lake dis- trict and later coming to this" city where ' he had anode his 'home for the pest 26 years. He was one .c thee.' bst known n wit residents of Moose Jaw 'and had hundreds •of friends and acquaintances scattered _, throughout the city and district, , Known ,in Sport, Circles Until a year ago he had taken an active interest in two lines of sp.azt, curling' and golf: lie was known by enthusiasts of 'these two lines . tee sport throughout the length and breadth. of the province., He was'. born at Brubefield, Ont. ario, in. 1862 ;and in the summer of 1882 carate west to 'Winnipeg. Con- ditions there at the time were, iron entirely suited . to 'M'r. Thomson rind in the fall of the mane year he. came further west tr, Moose Jaw 'to take up a homestead northof: the cityeln the Buffalo touf' l o Lakei i d sit ct- a est' of the town •of Tuxford, ' Some', tithe 'ago the late • Mr. Thomson addressed members of one of the service clubs in the 'city on his early experiences in western Canada. At that time be told of the diffieul. ties and trials that faced theearly pieemers to this 'part of the 'Country. `Recalled High. Prices • When he arrived in Winnipeg in the`•fall-'of '82'there 'was very little hotel and rooming house aceoanreo- dation. As a'consequonce, rooms and beds were ata preminiti and he told of fabulous prices that were asked for the rent of these.' Even the rent of a chair to sit dcpwn upon •cost in the neighborhood' $10. Travelling to• Buffalo • hake . •die- triet, Mr. Thomson used the only other triode of transportation' other than the' railways at that time, namely' the ox cart. By this means he travelled to his homestead north of the city, settling en the baro prairie without shelter for tate night exeept the covered wagon. Even then his n h s difficulties 'mile began. A ehack had to be built the land ha 1 to be tilled, sickness o cu e ted at times, with other d dffi- culties in an ,effort to dater the sturdy heart .of the pioneer settler. Sometimes there was trouble water the Indiana. Supplies had to be hauled 1r, long distances. . -For a period of 24 years, the late Mr. 'Thomson and his family • re- mained on the' land and in 1906 he moved. to Moose Jaw to establish his city h'otne. At the time of his death he resided et 1043 Clifton avenue. . Oldest Oddfellow Hugh Thomeon was the eedest Oddfellow in. the City of Moose Jaw. He joined the order 68 years ago at his home town at $ruccfield, Ont. He was a member of the Moose Jaw Otd-Tiiners' association and was a former president and henn••ary president of that body. ire was also a former member of the Moose Jaw Rotary Club. Inathletics, he was an enthusias- tic supporter of .all branches and his own activities in this respect cen- tred in curling and golf,' being a member of the Moose Jaw Curling club and the Moose Jaw Golf club. The funeral for • the late Mr. Themspn will, be conducted on Sun- day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from Broadfoot's funeral home to the ltloose • Jaw cemetery, where in-' terment will be rnade Ibeside 'the grave of his'' wile in the family plot. 1Iuglt Thomson was one of a Family or six children and one brother end one sister survive his death They are Mrs. C, Hainer. Eyebrow, and James Thoneson •oe Moose Jaw, residing on High street west. One brother, Alex. Thomson died a few months ago at the age of 83 years at the old Borne at Bruce - field; Mrs. G. Tuxford predeceased hien abc; tt six years ago and Mrs James •McCartney died some 25 ,years ago at Tiixford. The latter were sister:h of the deceased. In his awn family, Mr.-Thornson leaves two sons and two daughters His daughters are Mrs. Angus Mac- Pherson, Saskatoon, and Mrs. Gor, don Haig, Moose Jaw, who resided. with her father. His seem are James It Thomson, Moose Jaw •and W31Iiam Thomson, Moose Jaw. In addition 56 these, the late Mr. Thomson' leaves many ,nieces amt` nephews and five graedehildren, LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. 3. Sangster of flen- call "visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wiltse on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Jack White. of Wal- ton were Sunday visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Manning. Mr. Wm. Cla it and son, contrace tors of Owen Sound, have .commenc- ed week by demolishing the, present` 'steel structure in preparation for, the new cement 'bridge. The Lebeau Bros. have 'been busy silo tilling on the road this week. MAJOR STURDY PROli5OpED rr(, HEAD HURON REGIMENT OTTAWA, ,Sept. 23—Major A. F. Sturdy has' been promoted to the rank of lieutenant -colonel and. , to command the Iiuron regiment, with headquarters ' at Goderich r Ott Vice -Lieut. Col. W. J. Beaman trans - {'erred to and appointed `to. command the reserve battalion 'of that 'regi- ment. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 193e ategetatages_.. Jiro u Presbyterial W, M. Sa'Hold Annual Rally OLD SETTLER OF HURON'; ROAD' PASSES TO HIS REWARD The funeral of Gilbert ,Meir, whose death occurred on 'Thursday in his 85th year was herd on Satur- day afternoon from the residence of his son, ,George Mair, the Huron Road, -Tfing's 13ighway, No. 8. The. service was c udac ted by Y the,Rev. F, G., Farrill' d the; Ontario Street Onitecl Church assisted by i3:ov. J. W. Rerbeet, Ifnlmesville, interment took' place in Clinton cemetery, The Pall - be e a ors were four gran¢saiis, Georg® C., Stewart E, Norman C. and Jatnes. A.: Mair, 'and teva nephews, William Mair and`Dorlancl Glazier, Mr, 'Mair, who , was one of the early settlers of.Iluron County, died' after an ingalid period' of OM years, Deathwas due to a general break-up flue to his advanced age and a.cotn- plication :of complaints, The deeeased•was ,born in• Hawick Roxiboroughshire, •!Scotland, •op the 30th rof Septeinber,:1846. He was the elder son of the lato', Willapn Mair and Janet Knox, who .brought their young family to Canada in the early days. After ' coming to 'Canada the family lived in Brantford for some years and tater settled in Huron County.: .On June 25, 1,873, 115, Mair was married . to ; Sara Elizabeth Carter, daughter of the' late Thomas Carter and Eliza 'Colten, who ,predeceased him by eleven years: He had farmed; 'all his life, having owned .farms s tr Hhllett and later on the Iiurori Road two miles west of Clinton. Ile was Methodist in religion, having been a member of the, former B.C. Church. later • Ontario street Methodist and, still later United 'Church. Surviving . are 'one .son,, George, Huron Road; four brothers, William, Wialtee and Thomas, of Clinton and Dr. Asa Mair of Detroit. Seven grandchildren and a large corn -maim of nephews and nieces also survive. RULLETT TOWNSI IY Mr. Ephriam 'Senell did pretty well with his Leicesters•at the recent ex- hibitions, At Toronto •he Leek second and fifth 'for• ram two years and ov- er, third for shearling ram and first and seeond for ram Iamb. • First- for' aged ewe, second and third for shearing ewe; first and seen(' for. ewe lamb and first. for open fleck, second' foe flock, Canada 'bred, first for pen cf four Iambs, .first for pen ofie f v , the get of one sire, reserve championship far best pen of four lambs, any breed, which was a sit - ver eup, also u re enve cha o ion4h11 for both ram and ewe. At London he carried rff second and third for ram two shears and over, first and nee nd for shearling ram and first. seecnd. and .fourth for ram lamb, and first foe ram any age. First and -third for ewe ttvo shears and ever, first and third for ehearling ewe, first, second and third for ewe lamb, first for pen of five sltearlings, first for pen, ram. lamb and three ewe lambs, second for peer of two ewes and two Iambs, first for pen, Canada bred, ram, two ewes and two ewe Iambs, championship for ewe and fiIamb.rst prize on wool and also wether Mr. Snell intends showing at the Royal Winter Pair in Toronto a• d also at Guelph. Tie has not shawee at the Royal for the past twe years. having served as judge, but- he i. going back this year. Fire, which followed the explosion of a coal oil lamp, totally destroyer: the twc,,storoy frame house of Wil, Hem Ross, lot 6, concession one, ITul- lett township; early on Saturday morning, Mr. Riess, who was filling 'the lamp in the kitchen of his hone when the explosion occurred, mir- aculously escaped injury. The flames quickly envelemed the kitchen and DTA Ross assisted his wife and two daughters, who had been awakened by the explosion, toe escape, clad ,in their night attire. Very little furniture eves saved from the :flames, The Clinton Fire Brigade was celled and prevented the spread of the flames \ to other buildings, Insurance was carried on the building and contents. Mr,- Ross has net yet decided whether or :not he will rebuild. North of Clinton on the county road construction worlt is in pre,- gress, Beyond Londesboro the road bears to the right instead of taking the left turn up the cemetery hill and leads directly into Blyth village, thereby eliminating some very dan- geroue curves and sharp right and left turns before, reaching the vile lage. BLYTH: On Tuesday' afternor s the W.M.S. of Queen Street United Church met .at the home eof Mrs. (Rev.) Anderson with Mrs. S. If. White presiding for its regular meeting. It was also Baby Band day and about twelve babies and mothers were present. Opening ex- ercises included a hymn, Scripture bp Mrs. Grasby; •leaflet by Mrs, S. H. White and 'prayer by Rev. Mr, Anderson. A solo was sung by Mrs. N. R." .Sanderson and a. reading by Mrs. L. Hillbprn was enjoyed. Two tries were given by. members of 'the Baby Band, viz., Jetrid and Joan An- derson and Ivan Tialborn. A read. ing, "bight and Darkness in India," was given by Mrs. Vie Mills. .A pleasing feature of the meeting was the presentation of life inepibetshlp certificates toa Matthew of the Baby Band, to Ivan Hillborn, Velma and Douglas Hesk.of Hudlett, Billie Ross tTohnston 'and' Peru Pollard. •A duet eves sung, by Mrs. H, McElresy and Margaret Johnston. The minutes of the former meeting were read' and business transacted, an item of which was :the appointing of Mrs. C. E. Toll 'and Mrs. N. P.' Garrett as ''dele- s n i gate, tthe �Sect on al 'Conference to� be held in Dungannon, Oct.'•15 : A i conte tt tr, ee to 'pack .the fruit and elr,+;hiiia' foe the relief' bale was ap- pointed, The annual rally'. of Huron Presby terial W. M. S.,. of the Presbyterian Church in ,Canada was held in Sea.' forth, Tuesday, • September 15th, in •Ffttst Presbyterian Church. It was a'. beautiful 'day arida ovenmg " .arabin vineial, was unable to be present, ,but a letter was toad from her. Mrs. Empey, of Mitefeell, Provincial Life Memaershipe ,Seeret'ary, who was in. the :audience, madea few effective 'mar 1•e l ts.ludo o ` �z s A, e n was passed ed to make this an outstanding meet 'expressing regret at -the removal ing. •- ; :from the Presbyterial of Mrs' 'Ma Mise,Je(alcell, of Exeter, the new 'Dernrind, et Goderiele• who acted as President; t after a shoe Meeting ^t o r"^ - £ 1s t i Ice Pze td s cu't's.; a 'the executive, openecethemorning• see- "Donald of ode :i and of Mrs,- as sion. The Hensall Anx'liar G. t rasp who notee . a- i y melded--; Seeretaxy, •• and 'expressing the'Se- ed the devotional exercise;', • aftee icl'eteee gratitude to thee ladiee for which It NLis s. James Keit, r President of -their fatlrfi5l service and Fielpfulneas--i The -audience bowed their heads in a silent' e ' . tiara ' to the Divine P n D vine healer that Dr; Larkin <-wilt be restored "..to health, ; bhe Seafoeth W; M, S., •tri a few 'ap- propriate remarks, welcomed the Presbyterial delegates to` See -forth. The minutes of the Rally, in Exeter last September, the annual' meeting in Clinton in January, and_bhe-exeeu tire meeting. in June were read iby the Secretary, ,Mrs. J. B. Rhodes, of Easter. Mas. . T. Swan Sttiibh,. of Sea- teeth, Treasurer, gave her, financial reporte which shows some decrease and aome increase, but it is -entice, parted that by the end of the year the 'allocation ,of 0,325 will be realized. The remarks front' the Library and Everyone was.. delighted that the Provincial Board .was represented 'by 'Mrs. P. H. Latkin;•who was the Pres - b i el al Tres" z t from 1925-1928. Yt d n T mln her ,tall., Mee. Larkin gave many helpful thoughts; but specially •stres- sed the importance of intensive study of the Bible, :so that every Christian Will be ready to defend Christ. The dedicatory prayer was given by Miss :C, A. Taylor, President • of Literature .Secretary,' Miss B. Mae the Blyth Auxiliary. The Margaret Larkin C. G. L T. Group ef', First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth," . presented a pageant, "Scenes -a Wbpild F'el'lowship," which every one appreciated, Mrs. Fraser, President of Bayfield Auxiliary, gave the. closing prayer. • The Ladies' Aid of First Presbyter- ian Church entertained the Presby, tory and Presbyterial toes much . en- joyed dinner, at noon and M. five o'clock tea. Ewan, of Godertch, were bright and ,to the point. Many members visited her table, where her 'becks were dis- played at -bhe -noon hour. 'The roll ca1lf o auxili rie a s Y W. Societies, C. G. I, T. Groups. and Mis- sion Bands were responded to by a neenvber from. each eociety, and cre- ated Hauch interest and applause, Miss Jeekell gave a very ceneise and instructive account of the Bien- nial Couneil -meeting in Winnipeg, Her description of the Vesper Service in old Kildonan Church and her ani- mated 'tel'ling of the closing words of. Mfrs. Daniel Strachan at that meeting left with the audience a vivid pic- ture not soon to be forgotten; and a- roused a keen desire to go on to greater achi'eveements in the mission- ary entorprizes, .It was the general feeling that in seeurin.g Miss Jeckell as president, the excellent work of the preceeding presidents would be carried roe by a capable and efficient leader. , Rev.. J. B. Rhodes, of Exeter, Mod- ercitnr of Huron Presbytery, brought gt,`eetings to the Presbyterial and closed the matn.ing session with prayer. The afternoon session opened at two oci tl a- c. 'thevo ra t' d oma service roe being conducted by the Goderietr Ar- thur Circle. Miss Laura Pelton, Fielcl Secretary. was the speaker of the afternoon anti it was a privilege to hear such a forceful address on missionary work in the Great Wiest. •Miss Pelton 000. sesses a keen mind. a, wenclerfel flr.s of language and.snealcs front a back- ground of knowledge that can only be attained by thorough study.' She caught and held the attention of her audience for everyone felt she, was giving expression to ideas on a sub- ject she thoroughly understotel and had made her own. She showed clear- ly how enneh had been accomplished through missionary enterprise in solving the many problems arising from the incoming tie people' of (lit - tercet nations and convinced her lis, 'toners that only through knowing and hiving Christ could the problems crnfronting the world to -dray be eli- minated. Miss Margaret Grieve brought a very descriptive report of the work of the three camps at I{intall this summer, A very delightful number Was a quartette, "Has the Lord Call- ed You?" sung by Mesdames James Stewart, 'William Wright, tite Miss- es H. Murray and M. P. Patterson, HOME PLOWING COMPETITION The local representative 'hands us the fe,,Uowing: The Huron County Branch of the Ontario Depar.•tment of Agricultum is this fall conducting' a Home Plow- ing Competition among " the junior farmers of •the county. 'We have thought for some time. that the boys in the County have not been taking sufficient interest in good plowing and this is apparent when we con- sider the very small number of boys who 'take part in the eeenual County Plowing Competitions. In order to interest cur young farmers we have arranged•for a competition in which the Plawingis done on the ho ma farm dr on the farm on which the contestant may be working. The following are the more 'm - portant regulations governing this eompetitin is (1) This competition shall be open to all young mei: in Huron County 26 years of age and under. (2) The following. classes are sug- gested: Class 1—Sod, Single plow with^ shinmter at least three acres in a block. Class 2 --Stubble, or any land oth- er than sod --single plow' with shim- mer at least three acres in a binek. (3) Contestant niay enter in either of the above classes but not in both. (4) There antist ibe ' at least two strikes and two finishes in each class. Average depth o;f furrow t,• be 6 inches. Headlands lett .unplow- ed. • • (5) Contestants roust have plowing ready for inspection by November 5th, 1931. (6) Substantial cash prizes will be awarded in each. class, Entries must be in by October 1st, 1931 and contestants shr,'ald apply to the Ontario Department of Agri - accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie, culture, Clinton, for entry form and " • Mrs. Redditt, cf Goder•ieh, General full list of rules and regulations Interests Secretary of Ontario, Pro- governing the competition. bibibbleb Lowest Prices we have ever Quoted By balancing your rations with Purina Chows at these LOW PRICES, you can get good cash returns for the grain you harvested this season. Purina Chows do not take the place of grain. They are made to be fed along with grain, to get more eggs, more milk, more Pork, or More beef, from every bushel grown on the Saint, ' When you ball ance your grain with Purina, you get enough extra production to pay for the Purina, and give you more money for your grain that you can get by feeding the grain alone. HERE ARE TODAY'S PRICES: Lay Chow. $2.00 per bag Egg Chowder,,, , $2.40 per bag 32% Chowder . $2.70 per bag Hen Chow ,scratch) $2.1.5 per bag Protena Scratch $1.90 per bag Pig Chow , $2.50 per bag Steer Fatena $1.75 per bag Omolene . $1.95 per bag 24% Cow Chow - $1.90 per bag 34% Cow Chow $2.10 per bag 13t1ky Las , $1'95 per bag Protena Sweet Feed $1.15 per bag Calf Chow . $3.65 per bag Dog Chow : $7.25 per bag Fox Chow.. $7,25 per bag Checker Chops cracked cornbag C )2.00per . $ Hominy $1.25 per bag Havelock Bread Flour - $2.55 per bag There's 'a Chow that will exactly balance ai y kind of home, grown feed you May have. Tell us what you have in bhe barn and we'll tell you what to •feed with it be make you the most money this ear. • Aslceabout our special prices on teen lots, • GUURDOCII CLINTON ;CHOPPING MILL Huron Stree The Store withi t7te Checkerboard Sign tPI1` usrQlywN�5 �i � :, gtixlxEwoNAo0.A65 +�l IM' r' 4 91'np r. "Profit" is a f 6 et . 1 t er word meaning _ Farah Grain. phis Purina Chows