HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-24, Page 2Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO. Terme of Subscription --$2.00 per year in advance, to Canadian addresses; 82.50 to the U.S. or other toreigu countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless a.t, tbe option of the publiaber. The date to which every sutleoription ie paid is denoted on the label, Advertising Pates—Transient adver a tieing, 12e per count line for ,fret insertion. 8c for each subsequent insertion. Heading 'counts 2 eines. Small advertisements, not to exceed. one Inch, such as "Wanted," "Lost;" "Strayed," eta, inserted once for 35c, each 3nbsequent insertion 15e. Advertisements sent in without in. struetions as to the number of In. ,sertib,s wantedwillrun until order. ed out and will be charged accord- ingly, Rates for dieptay advertising made knownon application. Co mmunteaCinna 'Intended for 'pub. !!nation,. must, as a guaranteeof good faith, be accompanied by the name of the waiter. G. 18. HALL, , M. R. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. M. D. 1 &TAGGART Banker A general Banking Business transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts 'Issued. Interest Allow- ed on Deposits. Sale Notes Pur- chased. H. T. RANGE Notary Public, ;Conveyancer Financial, Real Estate and hire 'In. serene.? Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. - Division .ourt Office. Clinton. Frank Finglan'd, I3.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Srydone, K.Q. Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont. CHARLES 13. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. (Office over J. E. Hovey's Drug Store) B. R. HIGGINS Nota; Public, Conveyancer General Insurance, including Fire, Wind, Sickness end Accident, Automo• bile. Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp- oration and Canada Trust Bonds. Big 127, Clinton P.O. Telephone 57. • DR. J, C. GANDIER O10oe Hours: -1.8D to 8,3e p.m„ 6.80 to 8.1)0 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.80 p.m Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence — Victoria St. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican Murcia Phone 172 Eyes Exemineu and Glasses Fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office ane Residence: Huron Street • • Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (formerly occupied by the late Dr. • C. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Glazes Pitted. DR. H. A. MCINTYRE 0ENTI.,T Office over Canadian Nations- Express, C:intoe, Out. Extra...ion a Spte:laity. Phone 21 D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masreur Mee: Burob St. Mew doors west of Royal Bank). .,Duro—Tues„ Thera, and Sat„ n11 day, Other hours be appointment. fiensa'l Office—Mom, Wed. and Fri, ftrenoons. Seaforth Office --Mon„ Wed, and Friday afternoons. PAone 207. CONSULTING ENGINEER' S. W. Archibald, B.A•Sc., (Tor.), O,L.S., Registered Professional Eh. gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering lnstituce of Can- ada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by caning Phone 208. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction. Guaranteed. TH ivicrat,LOP (T 'I.JAL ire Insurance Company ri'tir Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. President, J, Reneoweis, Moenagen. %l,e•president, dames Connolly, Goderlell, Sees,-d'ensurer, D, F. SloCrego�r, Beafofth, Directors: .Taints inane, leeaniivo>d; James. Shouldice, Walton; Win, Knox, Lendesboro; 1tobt, Perris, Hulletti John Pepper, Brucetleld; A.Broadtoot, sea - forth; -'G. T McCartney Scarccth, ' note: 0' 1 Yen. FIJI No, 8, Clinton; Zahn M-nrrny, $ aforth; lames Watt, B1Yi, tetincl eY gg491'AJ' t;, •Fatefitny money, To -old is to paid to the Royal Bunk, Jlihton• Bank of Conn coerce. Seaforth, er at Cal•dntrill's Gro, eery, Bodertcb.• Parties desiring to effect lnsurahee or transact other business win be Promptly attended 1 on application to any of the ab,ve officers addressed to their respec- tive Post offices. Losses ink:acted by the director who lives nearest the scene. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Godertch .Going East, depart 6.58 a.m.0 " „ 3.05 pan, Going West, depart 11.55 a.nl, " " " 9.44 p,m Lon'lon, Huron et Bruce Going South 8,08 pan. Going North 11.58 a.m. A cup of Salada V►reen tea invigorates . and refreshes r'oesh Froin the gardens* Wh';..t New York h Wea11'i1K9 BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Dressmaking Lessen Fur- nished With Every Pattern .A new waistcoat type that express- es school girl chic in black and vivid - red woolen, it smart rich combination, a Paris favorite, Don't you love the double-breasted bodice effect and side trimming pieces below the waistline impressive of pockets? The buttoned cuffs are snappy. Another interesting scheme is plain brown used for the skirt with brown and red plaided worsted bodice. Canton -faille crepe is 'also chic in rich wine -red shade. Style No. 3347 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 86 and 38 inches bust. size 16 requires 2 yards S0 -inch or 54 -inch for skirt, with 2 yards 38= inch for blouse. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. 'Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of su^h patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Fireworks. The red -laced colonel was sitting In the first-class carriage reading, his newspaper. Presently the guard's whistle sounded, and the colonel smilingly eongratelated himself on securing alt empty compurtment 801' his long journey, Just as the train began to move the door of the carriage burst open and another passenger scrambled in, The colonel clenched his fists ir- ritably. When, however, the newcomer• had regained his breath he drew out his pipe and. wits about to light it, when he noticed that lie was in a non - molting carriage For a moment or two he looked Wonderingly at itis fellow -passenger. "17-er, pardon me, sir," he sold at last, "but do yet mind if I smoker' The Colonel gave faint a withering stare, ' "No, sir!" he barked back. "You can burst into flames. for all I caret" Cellar or basement dwellinge in London number 30,000. They pro- vide homes for 100,000, including 7,800 families; each of four persons, Vet( live in one -room dwellings. "Whenever I do indulge my sense of humor, it always gets me auto trouble,"—Calvin Coolidge. FASHION HINT q ke my fib tgt ast i n orm ate w ]eugC i was. aero - rem to me until I hit on this plan.. I dropped the hems; and as the part that had been turned under was darker than the rest, I redyed the entire dress, after having bleached the goods, following directions in the Diamond Dyes package. • "I used Diamond Dyes for the redye- ing, of oourse. I have dyed many things with these wonderful colors, They have saved memany dollars and have never failed to give perfect re- sults—smooth, even colors—fast to - wear and washing., Friends think my things are new when I redye or tint them with Diamond Dyes. They do give the most' gorgeous eolof'sj7 Mrs. G.0,, Levis, Quebec. ISSUE No. 39—'31 Notes of Science IIen's eggs weighing four ounces are reported from Manchuria, and experi- ments are. now being made to'produce even larger ones by the Agricultural Experiment •Station of the South Man- churian Railway, It is )tnown that the domestic fowl existed in China at least,4,000 years ago, and that such breeds as Cochin, Brahma and Langshae originated in the southern part, The common Man- churian breed is not especially large and its eggs weigh about two ounces. Some time ago, however, there were 1'mnoi's in- Manchuria of another type of hen which has a very large body find lays extremely large eggs. It was said that the hen }neighed about nine pounds and their eggs to weigh fully three and one -halt ounces. To locate_ this breed, and to improve its quality the station began work in 1986. The native locality of this hen is very restricted, being the northern part of the territory of kIlahiliwa (Pit- suwo) in Kwanto Province (Japaneee- leased region), the eastern part of Fu - beim] and `the western part of Chuan- iaou-hsien, both Chinese districts. The type had not been popular because the Chinese sell eggs by number and not by weight, and as the !rens were not good layers, the breed fled nearly be- come extinct. Bat the experimenters managed to collect thirteen cocks and thirty-two hens in two years from these regions. At first the eggs produced were not remarkable, only three being as large as three ounces. But in 1028 one pul- let laid eggs having an average Weight of about tour ounces, and este lain ono double -yolk egg• weighing five ounces. In 1930 there were four pullets that Tail eggs averaging about three and a half ounces. It is said among Chinese farmers that the ]rens that lay large eggs are not good layers, and this seems to be the case, In the station's flock the number of eggs produced hy the pul- lets that laid eggs about three ounces in weight was less tban eighty a year, One pullet, however, laid 136 eggs averaging nearly three ounces, "Fire -Resistant" Wood Recently there has been a revival in research aiming to make wood more "fire resistant" Lumber industries are coneerned'because of the trend in the'abutlding industry toward cement and steel, the so•oalled "fireproof" con- struction; architects, contractors., and builders are seeking cheaper and more adaptable fireproof building material, The public in general is interested In the reduction of lire losses, while wood -preserving and chemical indus- tries see in fireproofing a field of en- larged activities, No treatment of wood, so far as la known, protects wood from destruc- tion, under Tright temperatures, so the term "fireproof wood" is not ati'ictly accurate, The words "fire retardant" or 'Vire resistant" express better the properties of wood treated with fire- proofing chemicals, Statistics show that from about one- third to one-half of the antteal fire loss, to property in this country occurs in frame buildings and their contents. Undoubtedly the use of more fire-re- sistant materials would reduce these losses to some patent, There are two general methods of increasing the resistance of wood to fire; tine use of surface coatings and treatments and impregnation process- es. Most coatings do not increase the flr'e resistance materially, and their effectiveness has generally failed. to impress engineers, But they are cheap and are easily applied. • Impregnation methods are of fairly recent origin, although the commercial treatment of wood with fire retard ants by pressure methods teas under- taken in this country abort thirty -Ave years ago. Fireproofing sternal Were under- taken at the Forest Products Labora- tory of the Department of Agriculture about 1013. • Hardness I have seen them, men and women Standing the things they had to— Sold, heat, the failure of sun and rain, And the walls about those they loved, I have seen them standing the things they had to, And gro ing' 4izc4tder like iron drawn OM bur the forge, • _ A . I have seen how Then turn from them To those who are soft as April after the winds go down. But I say to you who pass by them, seeking a fleece for yourselves, Theirs is. the -wily ofd trumpets ring - Theirs �rthe ay of stns an glitter- ing winter nights, Theirs is the way of men who have lasted down to todoy. —Harriet Plirnter, in Scribner's Magazine. The Wrong Word Toogood's, face ware a worried frown as be approached,13utler, "I say, old man," he said, "I am sorry, • indeed, that I called" you a rhinoceros yesterday." Butler was ready to forgive. THE TULE MARSII MURD R STORY OFA MISSING ACTRESS AND THE TAX 1NG OP WITS TO EXPLAIN HER FATE. 13Y NANCY BAR1U MAVIT.Y, STNOPS1S "• Don Dlisworth's wife, formerly actress, Sheila O'Shay, disappears; lea ing no trace. Dr. Cavanaugh; crinin psychologist, learns that their mai•ri life has been very unhappy:, Peter Plp�r, liorald reporter, whi trying to get an interview with 'C vanaugh, meets Barbara, the attracts daeghter, and finds she was. engaged Don Lllsworth before his marriage. r Dr. Cavanaugh Identifies the body of woman found in .the tele Marsh as h of Sheila O'Shay, and jwhen Barba hears this she .faints: After ma qualms Peter 'determines to call an Ba bare', he a al ed to ve 0 a at r0 ny r - h is un ce be b"- nt 0 lir a' e. a at st h. phi CHAPTER XXII. he Barbara 'stood slim and straight in r (the doorway. Flex clothes,: Peter not - re ed were slim and straight, like her- self. • So were the clothes of every other girl on the street, but the fact had escaped Peter's dbservation. She t was a girl who never bothered with ver being surprised. The cascade of coins on the hall floor passed without im- mediate comment, r "Nellie needn't have put you in the Coventry like this—out in the hall," she said. "Come in. won't you?" d She held, aside a curtain and they were in a small rather jolly little room which seemed to be full of a d fireplace and orange marigolds. Peter followed the casual wave of her hand towards an arm chair. He was already in it before he no - aticed that Barbara remained stand- ing, her "elbow crooked across the core1 t ner of the fireplace. Another of tl.e tribal customs! • He ouglit to, have :c waited till she sat down. But it was too late now to junta up, "Well," said Barbara, gazing down - into the lire and addressing the glow- ing heap of coal. "I don't suppose , you came on purpose to play with the card tray, Don't tell me you're af','er another story!" Peter rose in his chair with de-, t liberation. He was more angry than 1 he hal ever been in his life before,' Anger btoke over him, wave upon wave, and left him trembling. Flo forgot that he had ever in his fe gone after a story and been proud of it, Be stood -aver her, tall and mating, by the fireplace, with lees CHAPTER XXI.—(Cont'd.) Neither the etiquette, books, whit Peter hadn't read, :ror the nova which he had, provided for a situatio Iike that, She'd probably tai him for a cheeky roughneck. May he was! But still, he had to ,see he He couldn't make her out. She ke playing hide and seek with his ima ination, at the most inconvenie times; when he, was dead tired art trying to go to sleep, for instance,. when' he was half -way through $tory that had to make a deadiin That was the devil of having an itna ination! If he saw her again, she' drop t.to'place and he'd discover th he'd been making it all up. The lies way to lay a ghost was to face it. "Yes, sir?" Peter jumped. The door stood ope framing a maid done in India pit and Chinese white, The tone.of h voice indicated" that the door had' bee open and the maid standing•thore fo an interval long enough to requi patience. "lel like to speak to Miss Cavan augh," Peter spoke with his best .Her - aid dignity to cover that abpurd star "Yes, sir. What name shall I.gi sir?" A small shining tray was whrppe into play before him, Peter had neve possessed a calling card in his life The only cards he owned were prints with "Evening Herald" in large 01 English letters in the iddle, and "J A, Piper" in small blots letters in th lower left hand cornet, He Tooke haughtily past the small shining tray damning it into invisibility. "Tell her it's Peter Piper of Th Herald" His tone challenged th India -ink -and -Chinese -white outoma ton tcr'make the most of it, The til of his long chin ev_a indicated the for two cents he'd knock her bloc off. The automaton stood her ground undeterred by this display Of aro, gance. "I lon't think—" she began. "Weil, you needn't, need you?' There was something sudden and dis arming in Peter's wide smile, "Sup pose you put it up to her? I'll be you two bits she sees me, Are yot on?" The faintest flicker of responsive friendliness rippled aoross the auto- maton's face., "Wil, you come in and wait, sir?" Peter dropped into the nearest chair in the hall, and lapsed into un- plumbed depths of cliseomfurt, It avis like sliding down an inclined 'plane. "Peter Piper of The Herald" had slid from his Nps by habit. What did he want to say that for? It sounded un. believably silly—like "Lod Raven of Ravenswood." What had he comp, for, anyway? He and this girl had absolutely no- thing in common. Curiosity—that was it! Curiosity was said to be,fatal to east. "Cats—bats—bats—cats." Alio in Wonderland. The immortal wonder -child of Lewis Carroll's itn- agination. Was she really like that -- Alice in Wonderland grown up? Or was he betrayed by tint trick of drawing her fair 'lair straight back from her round foreiead? The real Alice probably grew up quite differ- ently. She wasn't mixed up in a mur- der, anyway! Lewis Carroll made foie of us all—he made you love his Alice so. Peter Piper brought himself up with a start. That; word was danger- ous`•. He was walking straight into danger—a danger that befogged your clearness of vision in a mist of senti- mentality. Peter had a deep distrust of sentimentality., It was all' right to be sentimental over "Alice"; yoti couldn't very wellhelp it, and "Alice" was safely out of harms' way, in fic- tion. But this was reality, the twen- tieth wen tieth century, and Sheila O'Shay was dead and Barbara ,Cavanaugh had fainted at the news of the discovery.,. There were too many Barbaras- the "Alice" Barbara and the orphan- age Barbara• and the young lady Bar- bara with 'MT those strange tribal cus- toms he knew nothing about. And was there another Barbara—a deep, clover, wits -about -hg_ Ba?bar'a whom lkg didn't Itnpw at all,',:. Well, he had wits of Ile own if it came to that, Curiosity. Let it rest there. If curiosity made •a fool of him, he wouldn't be the first cat to succumb, It'brought him up 'e his downward jtjg towards despondency to. insist i n the singleness dff his motive. Curi- osity. He turned his back resolutely on that other, more dangerous word. And -she couldn't do more -than turn him out -4n which case he'd remember to slip the black- and-wite automaton her two bits, He needn't mind—he'd Veen tr.rned out of'plenty of houses before, But he would mind—he would mina quite sickeningly. The other times it was The Herald that was turned out —just Peter Piper of The Herald. But this time it would be Peter Piper himself. Aghast at his own egotism, dawned -with curses—on Peter at there wasn't a chance in the old that Barbara had been coneam- with any curiosity about IIIM i He wiped his hands on his handker hipf-they warlo cold and damp with orspiration-and bunched the,iland- kerchief into his already sagging coat pocket. >He snatehed his hat from the bench beside him, She'd know what a fool he'd been -it was too late to help that now --but he'd salvage the reiil- nants of hie folly, _ He'd get out be- fore she 'turned him out. He had already taken ;a step' to- wards the' door when he :remembered the automaton and hastily clawed two dimes and a nickel from the chewing gum, rubber bands' and paper clips it this trouser's pocket. The little shining tray winked up at him from a small table. He laid the three coins' in a row on its gleaming surface, the nickel, being the largest, in the,mld- Ten he glared at it balefully, 'Damn!" he said softly, addressing the troy, "Damn! Damn! Damn!" "Well, if it" isn't Peter Piper swearing 'at the worldf" Laughter rippled through the voice, through and under and around, like broken lights playing across water. For the second time that day, Pete jumped at: the sound of a voice, Then he jerked the little tray a foot into the air,. tossing the coins.\high pcattering them to the corners of -the ZOOM. t "She's lost her bet! Bless Pat, the automaton's lost!" he caroled. �f mr s of ,SPI 4�S T E 1 \ I AMY fyKl'�•i�G�'` eZ�i®S TALI' 'V4 a came before; Al. for the ro5Aue-of the ' prow of the burning ship, Captain Jimmy decides,to sly over tho Island of P'ornr�r�o��sa and villi the country or the hcad=hunting Savages, . Ste arid Captain Stuart take oft early in the mor'nidg,. But don't think that' the Taiwans and not : still headlu,nters. They're just as savage' as ever, An11 all efforts to civilize them have _failed. Beery Young boy is taught to steal thi;ough Ute; anode and make, his kill. Then be brings back the head of a fallen enemy - for' what Taiwan girl would have .a ,youth who. had not proven his bravery by bring - fag her back a head? Yes, sir, they SOD hunt heads in the .mountains of Formosa. So dangerous are these sav- age men of the hills that the Japan- ese have placed a wide road through. the 'Island, guarded by soldiers and a high fence charged with electric cur- rent. Now and then the savages tunnel under the' fence and attack some out- lying camp where camphor is made. One or two of the Japanese' are always killed before th.i head-hunters are driven back, yet they continue to push Peter right up to tbe guard line, for. the best camphor trees are found on the moun- tain slopes and the industry is very , prbtitable, Flying low over the island, we were strurck by'tlre wonderful beauty of tale Country—also we were impressed to see a couple of planes hurriedly leave the ground to investigate us. Maybe those Japanese army planes weren't Sastre They came up 80 quickly it made it feel as if we were tied to a post. We knew that we coafd not get away from them, so we spiralled down into the harbor and taxied up to the landing. Dozens of people crowded down to the water front to meet us, curious to see what was going to hap- pen. Then a big automobile, driven by a chauffeur in utriform rolled up to the water front and stopped. From it alighted the snapplest Japgnese glbeer you ever saw. He certainly looked' like trouble, foil we know we shouldn't have flown oven the island ,without permission, Anyt way, there we were, so we might at( well make the best of It. He waited until' we came withfii speaking distance—batt before he had a chance to say a word, 1 asked fort the Governor ofthe island, In very, precise English, he replied: "I have the honor to present TIN Highness Count e Ogachi: ' I 'introduced Stuart and myself and :• explained that we were anxious ' to visit the camphor camp and see the; article t e being made. By this time, the two Japanese army planes had arrived! and two very hot, irritated army Mita cera were one thea scenere They all; seemed put out probably -because) they hadn't "found an opportunity tel shoot' us down' or place us undo arrest, 'They all asked us a flock of quett- tions: When one would 'run out c8 ideas another would take it up. Fin- ally they( t. brought us beg fore a magis�, trate and wej answered all that o 1 d questlonz; and a lot of new, r Eb ones as well. /�(il,t °i. - I Then, all of a sudden, they de- cided eve were all right. We count! go where we pleased. Visit the came Tibor camps—and they gave us ate' official guide and a car! We 'were too surprised. for words. Alter a drive of fifty miles or more we came to the end of the good road:, Out we climbed and trudged up the steep path into the mountains, On both sides were evidence of great camphor trees having been chopped: down; here and there stumps had been chopped apart and even roots dug up. The roots, you know, are the richest in camphor, (To' bo continued-) Note: any of our young readers writing to "Captain Jimmy," 2010. Star Building, Toronto, will receive Itis signed punto„ free. 73. Chocolate Malted Milk The health -giving, delicious drink for children and grown- ups. Pound and !calf Pound tins at your grocers. and shalren by an irresistible hurri- cane of mirth. "So—so that's tee way you make a call, is it? Do you 1 --do you—do it like this—very 1 often?" She leaned her forehead against the mantel piece, her shoulders shaking. Against the mighty wind of such laughter there was no defence. Peter was caught up in it, help- less. Bal'bara lifted her face, scarlet from chin to brow, and wiped the tears from her flooded eyes. "No," said the grinning Peter, "I never made a call before." "Let's begin then. The first thing people usually ,do in the course of a it "Quito all right, old boy,"" Its sate. th lrcra'riedly; "you said it iit,th0 hetet W nE the moment, as it were." • ed "Yes,"returned , Tobgootl ';I , bead in the Paper to -day that a rhinoceros e Is 'North 31000." . p li rn than a foot between them. His clench - cd hands were drawn back, the arms call is to sit down. Suppose we do slightly bent. ' that," But before site turned from Barbara stared into furious gray the fireplace, standing very straight eyes. If she had been n man, she and small before the tower -n Peter, knew that he would have knocked her down She squared her shoulders, ever so slightly. "Storyeebe=damned!" Peter said slowly, striking each word a separate blow. "What do you take me for? I came to eee you. I tell you! I cane to—to make a call!" "Ohl Oh! Oh!" Barbara's Iaughter was not polite, controlled, musical laughter. It was the helpless, chok- ing, clutching Iaughter of one seized she held out her hand. It was a small. slim hand, and yet somehow not incompetent—a hand that would be accurate and sure in all its movements, a hand that would never flutter nor fall helplessly not make futile, bungling gestures. Ifs clasp was very firm, very alive, "I want to thank you," Barbara said, her face grave now and sharp- ened into the withdrawn yet alert look which Peter remembered. "1 haven't laughed like that since—for a long tine." The instant's hesitation brought Peter's mind leaping back to forgot., ten reality. "You're feeling quite all right again after—your illness, the other. morning?" "Quite." The word fell like a pebble dropped very gently into deep water. Barbara had sunk into the se.end of the two fireside armchairs. Her hands were clasped lightly in her lap, but some. thing in the p0ise of her body was wary rather than relaxed. (To be continued.) OSTRICH FEATHERS COME SACK' T'ashioel Is reviving the ostrich feather, but the supplies are very restricted. There were 750,000 ostriches in South Africa in 1913, but less than half that number in 1923. MUSIC SPEEDS THE SUM Softly played gramophone musio is said to speed tip the working out of arithmetical sums. Moots under the London County, Council have the services of 115 dot• tors, 350 nurses, and 64 dentists. youtll like this. tempting Keep a copy of the New Magic Cook Book handy and you'll never have to worry about thinking up "suggestions for attractive meals. Here, for instance. is a delightful menu selected at random from the dozens of interesting recipes it contains. DINNER MENU Cream Francalse Soup Orange and Cheese Salad SWlss Steak with browned potatoes .Muffins-Ceremel Pie • Almond Cakes* Chase & Sonborn's Tee or;Coffee tit Look for this merk,on every tin. It Is a guarantee that Magic Baking Powder does not ton' Min alum or any harmful ]sore• diem, w ° Try this Recipe for *ALMOND CAKES i} Cup butter 13 cups flour engineer ' 2 teaspoons Welt 1 cup milk •Baking Powder R ease lap almonds, blenched end cut in pieces Mix ingredients in order given, and bake in individual cake pans, or small paper containers, as shown 1n the illustration. This recipe together with"those used in the Magic Menu, and dozens of other equally de. 11811081 ones, are all listed in the New FRES Magic Cook Book, If you bake at home, write to Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Ave. 8t Liberty St., Toronto, and a copy will be sent to you. BUY MADE=IN•CANADA GOODS .i