HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-24, Page 1The Neves -Record Est, 1878 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORAT ED NO. 2537 -53rd YEAR THE' CLINTON NEW ERA. The New` Era Est, 1130&'c CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 24, 1931 THE HOME PAPER, ' Eyer 'Man' a � �t5 to 'See Yhe �stetta ladeand tho New •atb?tfe gaer WITH THE PURCHASE OF TEN BLADES YOU ARE GIVEN A NEW TYPE OF GILLETTE RAZOR'. • THE BLADES WILLNOT AA S W L RUST By , usin g tine new Gillette Razor. and the New Gillette Blades g you are shaving with the greatest improved'razgr- and blade since 1501.• THIS. RA,ZOIL HAS MANY ADVANTAGES OVER ANY OTHER RAZOR. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU, DO NOT DELAY COME RIGHT II' Yieliga ... r Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 174j FALL' i �, rig sk t. .-- � r ESSES This is the Dress Howe of Values SEE OUR SPECIAL. NUM- BERS PRICED AT $4.75 $5.75 $7. Every Garment in \ViII Chosen, Correct Style. " CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE SI4OPPE " FR.: to OVE COAT one of the i.irSProductios IT WILL WEAR WHEN OTHERS WEAKEN It is Warm, Light in Weight. and Wind Proof, and looks its Superiority Finely tailored, with skilled attention todetail in favored style and shades of Brown.,,,and Grey. We believe it ie the greatest c Overcoat Value of the Season Price ,$37.50 WE 'WANT YOU TO SEE THE FURINKA COAT • IF ONLY FOR A LOOK AGENT FOR GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANING & PRESSING HEMORHISH CiDTHINCCO " A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY MAN " THE MARK.ETS Wheat, ode, Barley, 30c. Oats, 25e. 1ggs,;12e,to 21c. Butter, 20e to 22c. LiveECO •e 5,50. grew RI'TURING TO UNIVERSITY Amongst the students of Clinton who have gone or are going to.high- er seats of learning for the autunite turn are; ' Messrs, Brenton Hellyar and Bert Middleton and Miss Mesion 8'ocbee to Stratford Normal. Western University: Misses Mar. ,garet Plunistee], . Dorothy Cox' and Messrs. -Randall and Robt. Dole. University of -Toronto,: first year; Miss Helen -Manning.. Returning: Messrs. Gordon Ball, Albert Salter Reg. Noble, Andrew Fraser, Audrey Carter, : Mieses Zenda Salter, Evelyn Hall, 14Ia garet McLeod, Dorothy In- nes; Florence 'Rorke, Grace McEwen. Osgoode Hall: E. M. Paisley. R,EBEKAHS ENTERTAIN. •Heron -ie• lodge of Daughters of Re- bekah held a social evening in the LO.O.F. hall en, Monday evening and had as their guests the members of Eidelweis Rebekah lodge, Seaforth. At the conclusion of the routine business of the meeting a pleasant evening was spent in, progressive games, followed by dainty refresh- ments prepared and•served by the ladies of the home lodge. The Wren. of course, were in for the games and the eats. The prizes in the games all went to' the visitors and that was a source of pleasure to the hostesses of the evening. There was a good at- tendanee from both hone and visit- ing lodges and all ,expressed them- selves as having spent a very en- joyable evening. AMONG TBI CHURCHES Wesley -Wallis United Church The W. A. will meet in the church hall on Thursday, October lst, at three o'clock. The Salvation Arniy Special I•Iarvest Thanksgiving ser- vices, Sunday, Sept. ETth, at 11 a.ni.i and 7 P.m. Week night ser•vkes Tuesday and. Thursday at 8 p.m. Everybody wel- come. The,, Baptist Church -The Ladies' Aid will meet at three o'clock on Friday afternoon, Sept, 25th, at the home of Mrs.. Walter Mair, Queen street. Ontario Street United Church The minister's subject' on Sunday morning, which is Rally Day, "Work- ers With God." The Rally Day program; of music and varied interest., which it . is hoped every child and parent may be able to attend, will be given at halal past two. Evening subject: "The Breaking of a Divine Light." Secone "in the series on "Pilgrim's Progress." The frllowing Sunday, October 4th, will be anniversary day. Rev. Sidney Davison of Wingham will preach morning and evening. Spe- cial music. St. Paul's Church Sunday last witnessed the orgai3- ization of a' Young Men's Feilowshiu Class in connection with this church. The object of this class is for study of Church, The Bible and Citizenship by means of questionaire• and debate. Officers' eleeted were: President: M: G. Counter. Vice:- M. A. S. Warren. ..Sec.-Tieasuier: Beverley McGoun. Advisory ..Com.,: W. L. Johnson. Fred 0. Fate, S. Lobb, H. Sloman. The officers were greatly encour- aged by the attendance at the organ- ization meeting and extend a hearty and cordial invitation to all young; men of the congregation to become identified .with this class. Visitors will also be welcome. The -claw) meets' each Sunday afternoon it three o'clock. - Presbyterian Church . Morning sermon . subject: "Thy Judgments are a Great Deep." Ev- ening: "Divine Compensation.' • Last Sunday was anniversary day in this church, when the Rev. T. W: Goodwill of Blyth preached much appreciated sermons to excellent congregations both morning and ev- ening. . In the evening services were with- drawn in.the Baptist church; _Ontar- io Street United and St. Paul's, and large numbers of the members of the several congregations attended the evening service. Rev. F. G. Farrill of Ontario street church and Rev. G. W. Sherman of the Baptist. church assisted in the service. Greetings were also received barn Wesley -Wil- lis ' 'United rc ht owing to. Un cin h which w g nepreviouslyof a ra tnents madecould d r g not, withdraw their service. At the enprnin.g service the cltoh' rendered as an anthem "Come, Stand Before the Lord," and the male quar- tette eintributed a . number', , "Wan- dering Child Come Home." In the evening the anthem rendered was, "Break Perth` Into Joy", the male quartette sang, "God Be' Merciful to Me," and Mrs. C. E. Dougan cogtri, •buted a solo, "Beyond the Dawn." O Mon evening On Ila eat •the ladle o n s f y g the ri to•t' e n aro serve n d a hot C]liC- g g ken dmnot in the 'basement, when a ' large number , wended their - w'ej 'thither to eat their evening meal, e very excellent repast being served to all who carne. AN OCTOBER P101410 The Hirion, Hdrne and ;School Coixri,• nil will hold their mime' pieni -at 1 c Mrs. Gree Cook's cottage, Bayfield n Saturdayafternoon,- n n �, Oct, 3rii, at three o'clock. A bo;w .luzzeh will be wtl served and members wis ii zn toat- tend a tend are asked to hand in their names to Mrs. George Jenkins. ENGAGEMENTS 'ANNOUNCED Mr and Mrs. John, Ashton of the township o£ Tucker•snith anneunee, the engagement otl;+ their eldest daugh- ter, Enema Gt`ace, to Mr. David Roy Easeen, : son, of Mr. and„Mrs. David Easoin of Goderich ,•township, thi Marriage to take place ;he'end of the present. month. ;•-, Mir' and 1Vers. Arthtu Fisher, Ben- miller, aunpunce the engagement or - their 'eldest daughter :;Edith Beatrice to Mr. 'Irvine Tebbutte. son of Mr.' a MiJohn els 'ut end. s T � t, Goderich township, the marriage to takeplace late in September. MANAGER TRANSFERRED Mr. George, A. MaOague, who has been manager of the ;Clinton braneb of the Gunn, Langlole"Co. plant fee the past couple of. years,. has been transferred to the Hernistcn branch, and left last week foci his new post. Mr. MoCague took aver the'manage- ment of this plant on°'the removal of Mr. P. A. Wiggins VVi tee Toronto,hav- ing 4� hav ing previous to that been Agricultur- al Representative for Huron County Mr. McCague is of a very quiet and unassuming disposition bu£' he won many friends during his sojourn in Clinton who wish hint eontinued sue- cess in the future. 4 new manager has; been appoint- ed,.and is expected next week. In the meantime Mr. Robins ,u, a new assistant manager, and Mr. Robert Marshall inc .carryitrg, on. DEATH Ole IDA TEBBUTT" There died at the home of Mrs, T. J. Watt, nurse,. Rattenbnr•y street, en Friday, after a lingering illness, Miss Ida Tebbutt of Clinton, daugjt- ter of the late Christrpher Tebbutt of Goderich township. 'The deceased woman had been uncle± nurses' care. since leaving the hospital some months ago and had been gradually sinking as 'her illnessm was beyond medical skill to combat. An only', -brother•, •Chris. Tebbutt,. , Alberta, who visited his sister come months ago, came home for the • funeral which took place from the Ontario Street church on Tues- day afternoon. Her brother only arrived at noon. The late Miss Tebbutt was born in Goderich Tp. Her whole life was spent in this locality. She was a con- stant and faithful member of Ontario Street Citgrch, was in earlier life an active worker in the Young Peo- ple's ea ple's League and later a faitlti'ul teacher in the Stinky School. A very Large connection of cousins, first and second, also survive. The funeral service was conducted by Rev, F. G. Farrill, pastor of the church. Interment took place in Clinton cemetery. The pall bearers wre Mr. D. McNaughton, Nt W: Tre- wartha, Louis Proctor, John Jervi8 and John. and Henry Tebbutt. BOY LACROSSE INTRODUCED Box Lacrosse tirade its first ap- pearance in the Clinton Park on Fri- day last, when -Goderich and Mit- chel combined defeated Clinton by the serve of 10-4. ,Clinton opened the scoring early in the first minutes of play, when Mc - Levan scored from a' scramble in. front of the Goderich nets. Burnside then got two goals in succession and took the lead. Clinton tried hard to tie it up but Goderich soon added twee more to their list. The second .period started . fast when -Frank leutch got another goal for Clinton and the score was 4-2 in ;favor of Goderich. The second per., nod ended up 5-2, , to the third period Goderioh scared two more while F. Nlutch for Cline ton secured one. I'n this period Match threw a wicked shot at Yee-, Laughlin the Goderioh• goalie, and hit him in the eye, raising one of those shiners.' EXPRESS RATES LOVIER'ED C a: a it �h •1 ti t a res ' ie g x1P s .Irat s in .so far as the effect Clinton are s fol- lows, a. lows, according to Agent Gerdes, Cuninghame: On butter, eggs and dressed poultry t r s i z a Toronto, 50e et Y p 100 pounds, nnln u p d , m mn charge 40c, Butter to Windsor, 50e per , 100 pounds, minimum. charge 40c. Or- dinary express .rates have not !been changed. • ROAD SIGNS BEING' CHANGED Traffic, Officer Lever hss charge of improving the traffic' signe thro,ugheut the county. The old clieelcerboard signs at blind eornere are being•. removed. and a large 'board sign, - plainted white with a black arrow .pointing; the way the road goes, will be installed in theft” puce. It is thought that- thie will be mut • ette • than simply calling at. h b t s 1. py g tention to • the fact. that. something shcrild be looked for at. these corners. Mr. Lever thinks when completed;, Huron will have the best road signs in the province. TELLS OF WORIC ` In the current issue of The Cana- diati Magazine is an article from the pen of Mr, Fred Sloman telling something of his work as teacher of a car school in the north. It is written in Mr. Sloman's characteris- tic and original style and ks, it goes without • saying, interesting. Mr. Sloman has his own way of dealing with his job and we do not hesitate to say that it is a way which will result in a' number of foreign -born children, or Canadian -born children of foreigners,, mowing ute • into a much better class of Canadians than .right have happened 'had he not come into contact with them at just the proper time in their lives. And Mr. Sloman is also having some in- fluence on those who are no longer children. LITTLE LOCALS A tournament -will take place on the Clinton Bowling green on Friday, 'Clinton School Fair will be held on Monday next; Clinton Rural on Tues- day. The Bayfield road, which has been graded up the past few weeks, is not in very good shape just now'and hill probably be worse when the fall rains come. Hope it stays passable until after the Bayfield Fair nem week. - • Miss 'Lucile Grant has been exhib- iting her china painting and • other work at the different fall fairs with a good deal of success. She got twenty-seven firsts and four seconds at Goderich, and eleven firsts and four seconds at New Hamburg. Sutter, Perdue and Walker have their furniture and undertaking branch running. Clinton business men, -instead of retrenching, are branching out, so much so"that cote men had to give up business for lack of a stand. 'the Public Works Department at Ottawa have made a grant of 55,000 to the Grand Bend harbor and $800 to Bayfield. If this money is ex- pended at once it ought to assist the unemployment situation in these vicinities somewhat. The London Road Bridge is being replaeed by- a new cement structure. This will be a great improvement se the old one was narrow and rather rickety. A short detour has been ar- ranged tlu'ouglr the property of Mr, Pavey 'of London, the old Stirling place.' A CALL FOR SACRIFICE The Rev. John Coburn, organizer of the Emergency National Relief Committee of United Church of Can- aria, an- aria,:Coronto, spoke in Ontario street church, Clinton, on Sunday morning and In Wesley -Willis church in the evening, telling oe conditions "in the west, • especially Saskatchewan. He painted a picture of extreme serious- ness, declaring that there were in an area of one hundred and seventy miles 170,000 persons. who could no' get through 'the next year without as- sistance. • And ne said, that it was estimated that ninety- . we percent of these 'people were con- ectedior came unde • the care with e t he United Church. The Government, e said, would undertake to see that these people' were supplied with food tit the Church would need, and had ecessary facilities for undertaking he work, to 'see that clothing.' Was vovlded and -that thureh servieee ere continued, many churches which ad in the past contributed' generous- ' to the missionary f tn&—of the March, having to be maintained by t now. This would mean sacrifice on the part of many, he mid, but the church cquld not desert her people, in their. need, He said the, ministers were tc standing -by their people brave- ly, accepting . poverty with them as' they had shared their prosperity; and it was ,hoped that the worst of the c.•lmech would be continued - without interruptip:n. ' This would mean that Ontario, Qnebec' and tee, Maritime Provinces- would have ,te; contribute $350,000 more tq the Missionary fund than •they did last year., ; This ' the. preacher -thought could ;be , (lane ip�. everyone ulade:some-sacrifice. The r (deicers,urc et leading. of the church sieve ta.. n tofferingr'i l t he Way by to co trtbtte en ;percent. of their salaries over and a - hove what they gave last year oriel pastors' and people were asked to fel- low the exaunple and give until they felt the.pinch. The final period was fast, Clinton n came back and secored two. The game ended 10-4. ,The game as a whe,le wasn't as fast ' h as it could and should be played, in-. b side, where the. ball can't get away from the players and hold up the n game. t Clinton has e. bunch of good la- u crosse boys, who neeil_a let of prat:- h tise .together• in order to perfec'i 1 their teamwork. They are mostly c new Men, 'Clinton.. only having two i veterans on their team. Clinton missed lots' of chances to score by; missing the net by feet, their throw- in needspractise. ra,c tse. At times; e th ' gps S game looked more k d'ocke like h as Y, they knocked thee Foch around the grouted.. This game would be a very fast game le played inside. The bays' in- tend to play one, br two games this Sall in the arena, " Burnsides fpr the visitors was the o_utstancling.tnan on the field. The 'line-up: Goderidheelitehell, MaoLaughlin, goal; defence, C, Ful' forth and S. Bowden; centre, White; oover, Allison; n home Br t si e s m ds n<. , a k MaeKa • subs,i • 11 V, Sails, Al Son' "1Ceuton: Goal, ;Cudinere; defence, Rath, 1'dutch; centre, E. Fulford; r•ov: cr, Livermore, homes, Mutch end Me- Ewan; subs, Dale, McGill, Rozell., Referee.: Lawson.. . • PAY FOR NEGLECT Three yoking men travelling in a dilapidated cat went through town on Saturday afternoon at a fas'1 rate, ignoring stop signs, and xefus in to halt when signalled by Chief Stang. Traffic Officer Lever fol- lowed them down. the, London load and brought them' back.-Yiagistrate' Andrews in the e evening fined int, driver 510 and cots - for reckless driving and disregard of stop - signs, As the boys had no money he wad , sent up to Gocleriell' for ten clays. Ther other two were allowed to go, in fact ordered to get out ecf awn. Tliey said they'werb on their way to Wind- sor and &s the ear was held for the ovine,. of ,et when he is again feee they set -out -on foot -elate, Saturday night. IBAYFIEL D. • Prof. Lloyd Ilodgens returned t Toilette on Saturday, after' havin a fortnight at his cottage o The Terrace. Mr, and Mrs. Whitehill, who hay been visiting theelatter's sister, Mrs Henry McClinehey, left on Thursda, of last week for their home in Lo Angeles, .Calif, - Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day, Mis Jean and Jim Day returned to De troit on Tuesday after havingsen the week -end at their cottage. spen Mildred Cameron of Detrol spent a few days this week with, he sister, Miss E. Cameron. Harold Seotehmer left on Monde to resume his studies at O.A.C., a� Guelph. . • Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Martin an fancily retiu.-ned to Detroit oft Sunda after having spent the season 'a their cottage, Boulder Lodge. Rev. C. E. Dougan of Clinton wil conduct the service in Knox Chure Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, Miss Grace Jowett returned t MacDonald Hall, Guelph, last week t resume her, studies. Misses Morley of Detroit spent it week -end at their cottage. • Mi•. and Mrs. R. W. Bristol Ief en Sunday for their home in Wash ington, D.C., after having spent it Couple of weeks at their cottage. of the fire is unknown. Misses A. and A. Drnuin returnee to Detroit on Tuesday after having spent the wee! end at their cottage. • Dr., and Mrs A. Newton -Brady re- turned home on Sunday after having spent the week in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. le. G. 'Neelin, who have spent the past tiro weeks in Toronto andSeaforth returned home Sa t u d Sunday. Misses Annie McLeod' and Marion Davison have returned beetle after having spent last week in London. Mrs. rel. P. Lewis and Miss Dora M-oMahon returned to 'Toronto on Sunday after having visited with Dry end Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mrs. J. L. Buchan accompanied them to Toron- to. Harvest Thanksgiving services wit" be held in St. James Church, Middle- ton, Trinity Church, Bayfield,, and St. John's Church, 'Varna, on Sun- day, October 4. The preacher or this occasion will be the Rev. R. S. Jones of Gerrie. The Semi -Annual meeting of the Deanery of Huron will be held in Blyth on Tuesday October 0th. Mrs. W. J. Slilisap, who has spent the season at the Bayfield Highlands left on Wednesday fee her home in Toronto. tMr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and two .children of Seaforth spent Sun. day with Mrs. Geddes sister, Mrs. M. Ferguson. Mr. Ferg. Carter, ho has been em- ployed in P. A. Edwards store during the summer months returned to Clinton on Monday. Bayfield Fall Fair will be held on September 30 and Octc,'her 1 this year. The officers and directors are doing all in their power to make it "Bigger and Better than ever.'' The Young People's Society oe Knox United Church, Auburn, will present the'corned', "When a feller needs a friend, "in the Town Hall or. the' evening of October the first under the auspices of the Bayfield ,Agricultural Society. __Mr. and Mrs. A. • Brandon a spending this week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Bender, Mr, and Mrs. Schroeder and son of Zur- ich spent Sunday With Mrs. Bender's sister, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mr, and Mrs. George Fisher, who have been visiting the formers aunt, Mrs. F:' A: Edwards, returned to their home in Kitchener; on Wednes- day. ,Collapsing as he played golf Char- les S. McDonald, prominent' retired business, man of Toronto, died last Thursday. Death was caused by a heart attack.. Mt'. McDonald was 78. Bornat end e Bayfield, •he went t Yf n a outh Toronto -as He began'his y commercial career with a hardware firm' later. entering into •eartrrership with his cousin to form the firm of McDonald Sc Wilson Lighted Studios, • lie retired in 1915. - ' 11ih. McDonald, was a leader in Presbyterian • •Cbureh �ci;reles and from, -the time of church union until a year, ago was chairman ofe'the Presbyterian board of administra- tion. . s' - ' fornter's ,parents, -Mr 'and Mrs. Bert Pearson ck tee lith. ..On their' yeturn •the beginning of theweeks .Mrs Angus' c'ole, ' who is' reins. G, 1' a •so o e z Y's mother r �thd to � who . has been spending, seve • wee al ]c i r s with b M4, and'. Mrs Pearson and other frig i - ncls tr- the vicinity, returneci with them. +Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence. Stephen- son, Me: Arthur Stephenson, Miss. June ,a" l ' Baby Billy ttc B � Y ] Y of 'Hyde Pork. ,spent Sunday as guests of; Messrs, Arthur and Oliver •tSgjsh. Me. A. B. Stephenson of Heck Parti ks _spending' the week with M. Arthur Welsh: ,Messrs. Bob and Randall Cole' left Monday. to attend' the, University el Western Ontario at London. ee Ma•.: and Mrs. •Dick Ellwood and ebildren cpenj. ;Sunday with Mr. and Mee. L. A-nderson. " Mr. B. 1, Rathwell spent •a couple o a as f d ys last week at 'London Fair and' with friends' in Hyde Park and Lon- de - o .. Mr. Norman Holland, accompanied ng by Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Holland and - n Miss Viola, motored to Springbank by way of London one day last week e Mr. and Mi•s. Ralph Cantelon and ' baby Francis. Mrs,' Henry Corey and ' Master Joe Corey spent Sunday with. s Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Vaughan o£• London, s After an illness of tell years' dur- aticn hi which she was confined to i bed, Mrs. John Breen passed' away t at her home on the Huron Road, on Saturday morning. During her leng- e thy illness Mrs. Breen suffered sevs. erely from rheumatism and other a1' complications and through• the long trying years was devotedly anti pae- iently cared for •by her•husiband, note tl in his eighty-second Year. • M. Breen. whose maiden name • was Amelia. Ginger, wah - born in Oclborne Township, the daughter of 1 the late 141. and Mrs. Charlee ch der of the First Concession. In 1878 she married Mr. Breen and they re - e sided in Bemniller. later returning- :: eturninga to the farm -en Colborne where Mrs. Breen was.born, until 1515 when they e moved to Goderich Township, She was. identified with the Evangelical t Church in Ce; borne and Knox Pre-- -' byterian in Goderich. Besides her aged husband, Mrs, 'Breen ie survived by three sons and two danglitels. They are Henry C., ) Goderich Trwnslript Oliver L., To- ronto; William A., Brandon, Man. Mrs. John Moore, Goderich Town- ship,. -and- Mrs. John Millian, Col- borne Township, There are twelve grandchildren. also one brother and one sister, Charles Ginder and Ylrs:. Nathan Johns -of Saskatchewan. For the past year Mr. and Miss, Henry C. Breen have resided - with their parents. Mrs. Breen was laid to rest in Maitland Cemetery on Monday after- noon. Goderich township school fair is' being held at Porter's Hill today. Anniversary services will .be held in Grace Church, Porter's Hill, on Sunday afternoon and evening, Octo- ber 11th. Rev. Mr. Farrill of Clinton will have charge of the services. A fowl supper wi]] be given on Monday evening. A splendid program is in preparation. The 14fen's Club met on Tuesday evening when they had invited the ladies. Mr. Fairlie of Toronto gave the address, his subject was "Life• Insuianee, it's application and bene- fits to Partners,'' which was much' enjoyed by about 50 present. Ebenezer United Church kohl its annual rally and anniversary ser- vices, on Sunday. Rev, Mr. Poulter of Varna United Church was the special speaker at both services.. At the rally service, Mrs. Addison. of Lonclesboro, acted as organist and Carmen and Irvin Tebbutt assisted with • their violins. Supplementary readings were given by Gertrude Eason. Margaret Williams, Eldon Merrill and Pearl Eason, At .the anniversary service in the evening special music was furnished by the Lobb -Pearson quartette. The church was beautifully decor- ated with fiowers and branches of colored maple leaves and there was a good attendance. - 'GODERICH I TOWNSHIP his George Peas•son and daughters and Mr, Hargraves motored' over from "Wayne, Mich., last Friday and visited over the week -end with the STANLEY Mr. and' Mrs. Alfred Westlake spent Wednesday last in London. Miss Marie Hodgson of Wilton Grove is visiting •'with her sister, Mrs. Harold Penhale. - -. .Mr. and -Mrs, John Seotchmee spent Wednesday last at the Western Fair. ,Mr, Will Scotehmer was in Clinton. on Friday last. COLBORNE Mr 'and Mise, Vere 'Cunningham, and Mrr.s M U• .two Whn: Cantwell, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Tyndall and d 'Kathleen Ruth and Charles, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. 'Fisher took in the London Fair last week, Mrs. Robert Bean, Jr., spent last week visiting friends at Stratford' returning this weekend. . - Mrs.. Jarvis McBrisie is attending - her . sister, Mrs: Harvey Reid, who is' very ill at tithe of writing. An-• - other 'sister,, Mrs., Tufford, is 'also* with the sick patient:'• • M'r Fordyce r ce Clerkis u at improving after a badly sprained anlle, receiv- ed i'r,the :open running .horse race o,t Goderich Fair. Ret. John ;Wrung of Mexico-, N,Ye, U,S.A., is -visiting -relatives around here.