HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-17, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING' `J11WELERY;STORE G N ' It It - 1 S t VEST IN .,, .. ALL CHINA IN .OUR STORE IS REDUCED AND MUST BE SOLD,', Call and See Our Bargains .H; •, JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry'• Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician am., ammernm.s......msessawsmow TMen's. Worsted Suits VERY SPECIAL ' A very special purch0e enables us to pass on to you these high class suits at this very low price, They -come in blue stripes and fancy grey patterns. Not all sizes in any one cloth but a nice lot. from which to make a .choice. SPECIAL PRICE ON MEN'S OXFORDS - Prices; front 82.95 Up. See our Specials at $2.05 and $3,50 • We are clearing all lines of Tennis Shoes at Very Special Prices IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK THESE LINES OVER BEFORE BUYING 1 ___ ._ Plumsteel..._.. __ ______ PO_ _______ _______S. il-----.........t............. ii Have you visited our Display eldest and Most • a � s of the Modern . . ri 4s? 5 p 11 ®n li We are able to furnish your homes with 0 n the latest Designs in Furniture at a price reasonable to ,all„ ii Take the first opportunity to come 0 in and look over our Stock of Furn- II ishings. We know you will like therm. M M M M ° SUTTEB,PEASE & Hardware Funeral Directors Furniture Phone 147w Electric ALKER° Plumbing Wiring M M M " :. Mr Ysit f r(((('ff�//,,++ • ' eat r"', .: ., rfJ,t/I� //I /l f fl( ` om 1(i I(f((lIl -- it , . i Mi Mr C–. "�'° .. I' .,• LARD, IN BULK, PER L13. ' l5c /1i0ME.MAtiE SAUSAGE, PER LB. '...160 TIOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE, PER LB, 100 HAMBURG STEAK, PER LB, 15c SCHNEIDI R'S PICNIC HAMS, PER LB. ...18e - FRESII PICNIC HAMS, PER LB. ... ....••••.... ...15n PORK OHOP i PER- L.B. 1.g0 FOWL, VEAL AND LAMB FOR THE WEEK -END Rel : e Mis ' t Mir. KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY • .1 CONNELL TYNDALL,. " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT NIARI�ET " • Phone 162 . , , , Huron Street. ' ' / t IN 1 T HURON TEACHERS' WILL MEET IN CONVENTION IN EXETER OCT. 8,9 WILL ' VISIT GUELPH SEr COND DAY vionnesiempomemeasersomm.m—. ^�-�.. Exeter; Geiser, Crediton aril Messrs. Keeler, Dashwood; Biowes, Hensall; /Toward, Exeter and Inspector- Bea- corn, Godericlh.. la. a el t' n, Cl The executive epmrnitteo of West Aron Teachers' Association met on turtles:- to arrange for the conven- qi to be held October 8th and - 9th. to first day's sessione will be: held Exeter and en Friday the teach- > will visit the O.A.C, at'. Guelph, sere they will. bo entertained by r College professors. Teachers go- r by' train will have to be at Code- h, Clinton or Seaforth, to catch i early' flyer, he ooinpnitte are: Misses' Pridliewe , LOT QF WHITE "PELTS The largest single shipment of white fox pelts ever received ire Winnipeg reached there by C. N. R. recently, having been transported front the shores - of Hudsons Bay over the Hudson' Bay railway. . The shipment, which -� was killed inde- pendently, included 431 white fox pelts and a dozen red fox pelts, .all of which were trapped to the foe norm, de-cs„rr• is— .,.,.� ,..,..,� E p y an in- pr. les as. iii c sn 'W T•IIANK.-YtJU To the public'of Clinton and vicin- ity we extend our heartiest thanys, for the patronage received from ycin on the occasion' of bur Public School and Collegiate Institute dpening sales In general supplies we en- deavored to give you greater values at lower prices and your, eesponse quite satisfied our expectations. You may have further, present needs Anil no,doubt will have requirements in the utare. We solicit this busi- ness, hoping for a mutual advantage, Our Stadium Loose-leaf note book tirade so you niay decorate it your- self with school colors, crest, niono- z•ams, mottoes, etc., artistically' nr tumorously, and our real good. lead encil at two for five cents have de- ervediy been in popular demand. lie � . D. Fair Co. ften the Cheapest—Always the Best THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1922. dommatemmessampaosationamormairoasmaxionzismemosavairoomok _ 6 PAdHEsiPEACUE Large Shipment by the basket & Bushel Leave Your Order for Canning NoVv1 SPECIAL PRICES THURSDAY, FIItI12AY AN SATURDAY THIS STORE IS RECEIVING SHIPMENTS INDIYIDIIAL OWNERSHIP Kellogg's Pep and Rice Krispies IIc Tapioco Pudding 3 packages 25c Cheese, pkg. 15c 1r. J. F. Wasman has been visiting in town the Iast few days. Miss Ida Walkinshaw was in Toron- to for a few days last week. • Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harrison of Lu - can were in town one day last week. Miss Josie Stirling of Bayfield was the week -end guest of Miss Walk- insbaw. Ir. and Mrs. Rees Tenkins are spending a few days in London this week. ' Mr, Malcolm McTaggart, Jr., of To- ronto spent the week -end with his parents in town. Miss Ruth and Mr. Bill Jackson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford over the week -end. iiss Ethel Holmes of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holing. rs. T. J. McNeil recently returned from a very enjoyable motor trip to Northern Ontario. A. and Miss Clete, Ford re- t:urited Saturday after spending se- veral days in London. iss Potts of Mitchell spent a cou- ple of days as the guest of Mrs. Ford and Miss Foster. iss Margaret heard was the guest of Miss Cathleen Cuninghame at. Bayfield over the week -end, rs. Arehibald and Mrs. Robertson. of Montreal have been visiting with Col. H. T. and Mrs. Rance. iss Elva Wiltse recently returned from a very pleasant trip to the CanadianW'est and the Dakotas. r. and Mrs. Pester Ward of noels. ville, Md., have been visiting the farmer's sister, Miss 13. F. Ward of ..and Mrs. Milton Cook and little Mice Betty of Sarnia have beer visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J, Schoen - hale. ss Madeline Higgins has returned to her home in Toronto after spending a ,holiday at the home of Aer uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs, W Higgins. Ivry. Robt. McDonald, Winnipeg, and Mrs George Ogdon and. Mr. W. R. Miller of Toronto were- the veek-end guests of Misses Hattie and Sybil Cour true. Res Dr. C. E. Dougan was in Dres en on Tuesday in connection with She cal of the Rev. D. J. Lane by Kbox Presbyterian church, Gode'- ich, Dr. Dougan is interim nrod- rator. s Margaret Plumsteel leaves on Monday for London to enter the University of Western Ontario. Miss Margaret was fortunate In winning a scholarship in English his year which amounted to about 110. and Mrs. Harry Marsh. -who ave been visiting , Mrs. Marsh's :other and sisters In town and Mr. Marsh's family, at Auburn, re- urned to their home -ill Detroit on Monday. Miss Mae Davies,, accom- anied her sister : and brother -in - v., for a short visit. ' Ms; Louise Beaton and Miss: Edna urner motored up from Toronto st week anil spent several days s the guests of .the former's moth- Mass Turner, who is a .laugh- er of Mr, and Mrs, Albert E. Tur- n. of C'onsol, Sask., formerly of futon,; has just returned from rgland, where she has spent the ea three years in research work Cambridge University. Miss. urner is a graduate of the New ark and Columbia Universities d went., to England en a.travel g scholarship; which gave her the ivileke gf;visitina; the universit- in ,France and Germany' as well In England. She gave up a nos - oh c,n the staff of'the Now York' olleg+e • to go abroad; She has al - visited in Italy, Switzerland and 0 Chateau 19c Large bottle Sweet Mixed Fruit Sealers, doz. 99c 39c Fruit Sealers, qt. $1.09 DAILY BY RAIL' AND OPERATED BY'. WITH • FREE DELIVERY.. Rolled Oats 6 pounds 25c - O'Neil's Tea 3 pounds $1.00 Redpath Sugar 20 pounds $1.10 2: Selox, large — 25c Comfort for'9c Dates, 2 lb. 15c Fly Spray 8 oz. 29c Kraft, per lb. 30c P'ekles C.&S.Coffee >iG IDAIFtE 55c Lard, 2 pounds 25c Pleas All Coffee 29c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 Breakfast Bacon -19c Picnic Ham 19c Pickled Roll, lb. 19c T. McLaren's Jelly 4 pkgs. 25c DeLux Jelly 6 pkgs. 25c a ILWhere' "Sells for Less" Price Prevails LONDON ROAD Mrs. T. J. Lindsay has returned after spending a month visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. John R. Murray of New York. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Lindsay of London and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murray of New York visited Mr, and Mrs. Falconer on Sunday- last. Miss Annie Crittenden, Toronto, retuned to the city on Monday after spending the past week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal, Crittenden. •Dir and Mrs. Wm, Murch and fam- ilyand a d itTr. Jas. Ilarris, Freston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Wiltse, and Mrs. Harris, who has been visiting friends in the vicinity returned with them. Quite a number from the'road at- tended the fair at London this week,' SPECIAL PRIZES BOYS' EXHIBIT BOOTH HOSPITAL FAIR, OCT. 14 to 17 • Prizes will be given for: Exhibits cf Native Woods Wgod Carving Boys' Bird House Aer-O-.Plane Models Collection of Insects Collection of 12 Noxious Weeds. Collection of Seeds, 36-1. Presbyterian Anniversary Supper Monday, September 21 5 to 7 p.m. MENU; HOT CHICKEN PIE Mashed Potatoes Salads, Jellies, Relishes, Bread and Butter, Rolls Lemon Pie Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream. Tea and Coffee. Adults, 50c, Children under 12, 35c 35-2. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Pumpkin Pies Lemon Jelly Roll and Honeymoon Cake --HAVE, YOU TRIED— DAINTY•dVIAII) BUTT'''ER MILK 'BREAD The Quality Loaf ry ,at RARTLIFF & CRICH wed.err. ' Phone 1, Clinton. WROXET'ER: Rev. Mr. W. Ma- hood of Nebraska occupied the pul- pit of Wroxeter United church on Sunday evening. A large. number attended the service. SECOND DRAW FOR HOPE CHEST Beautiful Silver Flower Basket donated by W. R. Counter Dispiayed`in A. 3. Morrish's'Window Further Draws to be Announced later. 36.1. 1 NORMA *PELEMIEN A.T C.M. Teacher of PIANO & THEORY Clinton, Ontario Phone 159 39-2-p, School Days .are here again Girls and Boys Can have "HAPPY DAYS" By Eating Plenty of "WVENDORF'S" Rich, Homelike Brea4 Also a splendid variety of Calces, Cookies, Pies and Fancy Pastry Try our Lunch and Tee Cream Service Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY—Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE 68 ThE BEST STOVE at the Right Price Come in and see' our all -Enamel Stove at a "Special Price." Just what., you need for the coaling Fall Weatiher: A1sq our Jewel line. One ofthe best on the mnarlcet. New is the time to buy and you'll be prepared for dull weather.. * l;avails HARDWARE and PLUMBING ' Phone 244 i r ir 1N. D' SO LOOK INT() OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT And let us show you some of the Greatest Values ever shown in this vicinity. WE ARE REDUCING OUR STOCK So if you need a Chesterfield Suite, Dining Rc,onr Suits or Bedroom Suite, we sure will save you money. A1'so Special Values in Mattresses, Verandah Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Odd Dressers, Lamps, Card Tables, End Tables, Ferneries. - In fact anything we have in stdek, sold at great' redactions.. These bargains are only on goods in Stock, -•So of course it will be a mutter of come early and pick up the bargains while they last, Clinton Hardware & F rniture Co. PHONE 195 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORE WITH A STOCK TYPICAL VA LI.JES Listed in this advertisement are the outstanding food values for the week. They are typical of values offered regularly by Superior Chain Stores. Frequent visits to your Superior Store will result in 'savings of many dollars per month in your grocery -bills. 1f incons venient to call, telephone; ottr delivery system is at your-.service..at all times. Nature's. 'Best Strawberry Jami, 40 oe. .. 29c 'Bon And Cake or I' Powder, 2 for Bulk Ready Cut Macaroni, 2 lbs ,130 Many Flowers Soap, 4 cakes 25e Chateau Cheese, 1-2's ..,150 Chniolate Bars, 6 for ....25c Libby's Catsup, 12 oz, 2 for 35e Rinso, large pkg. • 23c Choice Red Salmon, 1-2 2 for `29c Ch. Red Saluron, l's, each .236 911110110111W 11.01011101104.111140.• iPosts Bran Flakes per .j kg. 1001' Heinz, large jar tweet Mixed Pickles, 47e1 !Family Blend Tea 0• 1- lb. bag 3901 Grape Nuts, per pkg. ,130 FRIGIDAIRE SPECIALS Smoked Ham, per lb, .....17e Cottage Roll, lb, 23e Breakfast Bacon 25e Cooked Ham, per Ib, 50e Lard, 2 lbs for 25c Dairy Butter, • per lb. 24c BIG SPECIAL IN PEACHES AND GRAPES, THURS., FRI., SAT. J. T. McKNIGHT & SON CLINTON, ONT. • PHONE 111 A' FINE NEW LINE OF THE' LATEST MODELS' tri rr 13ILTMOE HATS JUST' ARRIVED 0 $ .DAVIS & HERMAN / v Cleaning" and Pressing Overcoat ee Suit, 31.50 "