HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-17, Page 5--THE C INT'ON-NEWS RECORD 'TEIJR.SDAY, SEPTEMBER' 17, 19311 yOF' INTEREST 'TO -YOU .AND ;3VIE A, British Fier tirade a speech of 404 miles in contesting •for the Schneider cup the, other day. There would be More sense in making'that speed if one, had a' lot of important -things to do when one arrived. , Editor Robertson of the. Goderich Signal was holidaying last week, the first in over seven years,,.be claims. We hype he enjoyed' it thoroughly. holiday in seven years seems little enough: According to the old Jewish law even Old Mother Earth was given it, holiday every `seventh dycar, Evidently the Jellicoe family n eed •dd some medical and surgical atten - -tion and they £ciuncl the Montreal General Hospital a good place to get it attended to, the father and, 'a'son and' daughter all having to ,take,a -spell of hospital care. Still, it may 'he that the old Sea Dog,wouhd have :been all,,right if they had hot made: !rail give so many speedhes in T'pr- •onto. ! From Manitoba comes the news t hat a caterpillar has appeared which ..destroys the Canadian thistle. That's S ine, and we should. advise Ontario =farmers -to import some of these use- ful little beasts to assist them in .getting rid of "this trgnblesome weed. elan second thought, !however, we -''',should advise delay until it is demon- strated just what will be the diet of this particular caterpillar when, all the'thittlee are destroyed.' And talking aibout road 'oiling, the --teen fathers might well.to•have in -mind the advisability of oiling some -of the most • used bacic,'streets Clinton. A. few patches• . in town- -•were oiled last spring, private Citi- - seas procuring and :applying the oil, • and it is -wonderful what a road -pre- servative it proves. With the pas- . sage of each car or ether vehicle a . certain percentage of road material flies off, alighting on .lawns, trees, window ledges or anywhere it can find lodgetnent. .Consequently by 'the end of the season aelatge part of what constituted a fairly gore road at the beginning bas been removed. On the oiled part, of the road this waste does ,not' occur.•,• the material 'lies where it was placed and the road • remains 'smooth and intact. The ex- ' ^;pendituro.of some money fcg the pur- chase and application of oil would do away with a good deal of expense • :tor repairs on streets. They are oiling leading trunk . highways in Manitoba, thus lessen- ing the dust nuisance. Most of On- • 'tario's trunk highways are paved, • but we have a great "many made which are much travelled which are. stilI, dirt or at best, gravel, _and a • coating of all would greatly improve kheni. Dust roads have become much more cf a prpblem than they used to • be,•with the incl•.ease: in traffic which we have had in the past twenty-five „years, and those who live near a much -travelled dust road have cause to dread -the summer season. Not •,only does the dust••prove a great nui- sance to those living near the road but the dust spoils meadows and other °tops anile wins the beauty ot: trees and shrubs. We •may not be . able to pave all our public roads but the time is not far distant when we shall be obliged to use some sort of a dust -layer on those which bear the heaviest traffic. • • 4 Sr Most people were chagrined by the failure of Kaye Don to finish his race at Detroit and indignant over the trick whioh caused his dis- -qualifica ion. • Where is the "honour" of holding .a 'trophy which is only held by a • trick? That is the 'question which :most of us asked ourselves when Kaye Don was cheated out of a de - :served • victory by the trickery of his opponent; But we should be care- • ful that we. are not cultivating the sort of mentality which blinks at' such things, playing games, not for the sake of the games themselves, but only to win. Such a spirit of greediness for victory is bound tc e result in a laxness in the exercise of fair play We extra] in Canada Bri- tish sportsmanship but do the always display it ourselves? Setting a man on a pinnacle when he wins and calling him "yellow" when he loses, const!- tutes something of a temptation to a man to Will at any east. We seem to ..admire British spertsmanshp ,very much, let us see that we always practise it: LONDESBORO Messrs. Fred and Harold Tohnston spent the week -end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wmt..GIover and son ,f Detroit were theguests of Mrs. -Glover's sister, Mrs. Rabt. Young- ' blutt, over the week -end. The regular meeting .of the W.M,S, '•of the 'United °burgh was held •at the home of Mrs. IGeo. Moon last week with a good attendance. In the absence of the president the 1st vice, Mrs.: l3. Adams, opened the meeting. A hymn was sang and Mts. J, W. Taamblyn ;led in prayer. There was some discussion on sending the bate` of needful articles to the west and amyone who can, may help by contra •buting'ar making a quilt blockstp`be ]elft at 'Mrs. Taanrblyn'S. At tha'con- rlusion of the business pare ;he .pro. • gram was left in charge.: of Gvpup. No, 3 Papers on'Temeerance were read by Mrs, .i, Vodden and Mrs. P. Manning. A pleasing duet was sung `;• by two of'S• the visitors, Mrs, Paxman :and 'Miss" Susie'Satnpeon -The Bible reading was given by Mrs. George Moon and the devotional leaflet by Mrs. Rohl. Caldwell. Tho Study Book was .taken by Mrs. J. S. Carter and Mrs. C. Watson gave a very appre,,: 'priate reading, a duet by Mrs, I. Sampson and Miss ,Susie, Mrs. P. Manning 'gave an;,intefesting reading on ,Africa. • The meeting was :closed by singing a hymn and •1VIrs. C. Rud dell pronounced the benediction. Re- freshments were then\ served by group No. 3 and a social time ,petit, We are Trleased to report that Miss Bell Nott is able to be home again after spending sono time in Clinton' Hospital, the•mesult of an operation. Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Carter spent sev- eral days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong at Grimsby. They returned .Sunday. The meeting ' of ' the W.M.S.'of Knox United church met at the home of Miss Hamilton last Friday. The aprogram wasexceptionally good and refreshments were served at the close. • Miss Alice FingIand also Miss 'Tdaa Lyon have •returned after spending a very pleasant time at the home elf Mr. and 1VIrs. ;Gaunt, St. Helens, Miss Arnett, teacher • bf No. 4•, spent the week -end with Kincardine friends. ' Mrs. Sampson and Miss Susie have returned to their 'home in Palmer stun after spending some time with relatives here, i Mr. and Mrs. Hiles of Clinton re- cently visited friends here. ••Mr D. S'haddick and his two daugh- ters, Rath and Mamie, also T. Cald- well motored to Toronto and took in the last week of the Exhibition. • Mrs. and Miss Reek of Blenheim' were guests of Miss Landy Young' several days last week. Mr. and ' Mrs. D. Roberton, Oro Station, are enjoying their hol- idays at Bruce Beach and other points. . HURON ROAD EAST ' Mrs. Christopher Dale 'and her son, Walter, motored to Owen: Sound Sunday to attend the wedding of her son, Allen Dale. Mr.' G. Vanderburgh and Mr. Ernest Vanderburgh spent a day recently in London 'and on their return home they were accompanied by the for- mes brother, Mr. Ben. Vanderburgh, and wife of London. Mr. Noble Hoilan'a is busy throsh- ing beans around Brucefield and vi- cinity. ACCIDENTS AND COMPENSATION 'There were 4,594 accidents report- ed toy The 'Workmen's Compensation Board during thee month ;af August, as compared with4,945 during July. Tho fatal accidents during August numbered' 34, as against 28 in July. The total benefits awarded during August amounted - to 9416,246.88; $350,747.57 of this Tieing for compen- sation and 965,498.81 for medical aid as compared with 9432,325.92 award- ed in benefits during July. This year's recordto date shows. 35,472 reported accidents as coin. - pared with 48,277 for the seine per- iod of 1930, and total benefits award- ed 98,980,287.88, as against 94,946,• 835.23 to the end of August, 1930. CRITICISES OUR PUBLISHED • REPORT OF MEETING The Editor, The Clinton News- Re - card, Dear Sir: At the last meeting of the Town Council, Mr. Fred Liver- more made an excellent speech in favor of giving the position of Clerk and Treasurer to a returned "Mae. . In your published account of this meeting, you passed this matter with a reference that "Mr. Livermore was in favor of this position going to a younger man, also a returned man." As Mr. Livermeee was the only Member of the Council, who even spoke on this appointment, I think yota.might have stressed his efforts for the returned men a little strong- er than you did. We' have a branch of the RS,L. hese, having some fifty members, and the fact that r'te member of the Council spoke well for them should have;.been given a little pro- dninenee m your excellent paper. ,I have no fault to find with the appointment of Me. Manning, as fait as ability goes, ,but haw he got this appci ntment from practically a Con- ,eervative Ccuneil, is a matter I can- not understand: I might Sayscores of other Conservatives are wondering how this happengd. Yours truly, • -H. B. Combe, (N'aturally there is a lot of dis- cussion at a veniail meeting which we are unable to repeat,,space for- bidding. Wie try to report clearly and accurately any action taken, but inast pass over much of the discus- sion, • Mr, Livermore made no nto- tion, did not call far a vote, so his. speech •on the subject, resulting in no.. action, was not fully reported, even as many another epeech'made at the council .board is not.. The News -Re cord has no brief to defend the ae- tion of the town council, they are per- fectly able to speak for themsel- ves, but probably they felt that par- ty politics ar-typolitics had: no elacein civic ap- pointments. Ed.) OPEN. SEASONS FOR GAME In' South Huron it is necessary fel7 any vesident who wishes to carry a giroto have a license. This license is separate from the ordinary deer hunting license and is 'not • valid for the shooting re, deer, moose, ' car tail,: mink, beaver, fisher,' fox, mar- ten, , rank, muskrat, otter. or . racoon. Bat - is. gond' for the 'shooting of pee teeted or 'unprotected birds. - As there was sonic talk this year of Shortening ,the duck -hunting sea-, son. in .order<.to conserve•'the "ducks,. which are b,ece,ii..ing scarce, the pub- lication. of the following hunting season: for various gamemay be 02 interest. The open season •tor cluck is left just as ii -was: Seasons; Wild Geese and Wild Ducks..North' and :vest of the French and Mattava Rivers and including Georgian Bay wafers,' September ist to December 15th, South of the French and Mattawa Ricers, excluding Georgian Bear waters, September 15th to December 1.5th inclusive, . Wood or Eider Duck: No open sea- son. except that Eider Duck may be taken from September lst to Decem- ber 15th, inejueive, north of the Can=' adian' National Railway from' Coch- rane to 'the Manitoba Boundary. Wilson's op -Sack Snipe: September, 15th to; December 15th inclusive. Woodcock, .September 15th to November 30th inclusive, • Buffed Grouse (Partridges), Prair- ie Fowl, Wild Turkey, Black and Grey Squia'relsy,Quail and Pheasants.' No open season but subject to' change by Order -in -Council as conditions man warrant. Rabbit and Ground -Rag: No close season. Duck Bag Limit. 15 per day. 150 per season..! DON'T— purchase or sell Wild Geese, Wild Dueksa or other Water Pawl, /Snipe, Quail, W'oodcock, Ruf- fed Grouse (Partridge), English. Ring-necked . Piheasants, Canada Grouse (Spruce Partridge), Sharpe tailed; Grouse, Prairie Hen- or Hun- garian Partridge. DON'T carry a loaded gem in a• motor ear orother vehicle: Shooting is prohibited between sanseb.on Saturday night and sunrise on Monday mornmg, . fillewing (Standard •Titne,) • or between sunset .and sunrise at any other time. NEW MINISTER TO BE INDUCT- ED INTO PASTORATE Or• - KNOX .PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, GODERICR Rev._ Dr. Dougan of Clinton, inter- im moderator, Dr. A. C, ".hunter, -Mr. Fred Weir, Mr. H. J. A. MlcEwen, Mc. A. D. McLean, Mr. A. Porter and a number of ladies,. representing the women's organizations, went to a meeting of the Presbytery of Sarnia at Dresden on Tuesday to prosecute bhe call of Knox Presbyterian church to the Rev: D. L,. -Lane of Wallace - burg. A large number of the nrern- •bors of the - Wallaceburg congrega- tion were also at the Presbytery meeting and several spoke in ' very, high terms of their' minister and expressed keen regret .at the pros• pect of losing his services. The Knox church representatives urged the acceptance of the call, however, ana after all had been heard the minister+ expressed his desire to accept it, the Presbytery concurring." Rev. Mr. Lane will`be inducted in- to his new charge in Goderich on Thursday, Oct, 1st, taking charge the following Sunday.. At the in- duction service Rev. Dr. Dougan will relate the steps leading to the call and will give the sermon; Rev. Mr. Rhodes of Exeter, moderator, will induct; Rev. J. B. Keine of Seaforth will address the minister and Rev. J. 13. Mcllveen at Hensel! wili ad- dress the congregation, At the conclusion of the service ret freshments will be served and the congregation will have an oportun- ity of meeting the new minister and his fancily. EXETER: A horse belonging to Mr. Wilfred Shapton, of Stephen, gat loose from its stall ori Sunday and fell into a well in the barn And was, drowned. The well was covered with beards but in some unexplained manner the well was uncovered and the animal tumbled into the water.— Exeter ater—Exeter Times -Advocate. A CITIZEN READS' THE LAW TO THE COUNCIL Editor News -Record: I had the privilege of attending the sitting of the town council on Tuesday evening of last week, re the appy ntment of a secretary -treasurer for the town of Clinton and, after some prelimin- ary ;business was transacted, a new, by-law was introduced, which Was framed and the applicants name fil- led in, at a meeting behind closed doors, which Judgs Muloek says is il- legal, the learned judge claims that. all business, concerning' ra municip- 'ality should be attended to in the op- en. This peculiar by-law just got. two readiugs. The 'first reading of a Eby -law should lie in blank, the name inserted and discussed at second read ing and then the third and signed by the mayor, countersigned 'by the see-. retary end the seal of the corpora- tion attached thereto. At the second and last reading of this eviller by- law, Councillor Livenm.ore, was the only member that had back -bone e- nough to say a word in favor of our returned soldiers. But he should have called for the yeas ' and nays, I think this by-law could 'be war - shipped for seripture save anything can be worshipped that there is no likeness of ie the waters, under or. over the. waters. Then the council by motion ordered all moneys and the keys 'of the treasury to be handed ov- er to the new `treasu' or and it Weald it still is to have the third reading. It was ,very noticeable An the fin-' antcial -report' that our returned men got little censideraticm for by that repot two :treeing ' mane:sem of .two ieaseallers. has 'been feeding .at the 'Public . credit aard`(I noticed that cut- ting weeds an our streets was done by a retired farmer and a man draw- ing old age pensions, while erne re- turned men were walking the streets idler But I'll staied un for • Colonel Co-mr� for he'.e a soldier" that had s ace send. Ha. drew • the sword ,to f',rho the Hun, ailrl droye there from the Belirian land. This applies to all the •soldiers, that crossed with hien aver the English Channel,—Yours, A; sCantelen Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association ,CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL DESIGNS WEDDING BOQUETS First Shipment of Bulbs has �. arrived Our Greenhouse is as near as. your Phone Chas. V. Cooke I✓ ,Q� R' I S T 'Phones: 60w and 66j_. - CARD OF THANKS , , .. 50c MEMORIAL VERSE • PER LINE ... ,10c BIRTHS 7ONEES--In Clinton Public Hospital,; on Sept. 8th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Frank I. Jones, a daughter.-Shir- - ley Ruth. MARRIAGES SHIPLEIY—I3ULLER — ;4t Wesley parsonage, Cihtton, an'Sept. 16th, by the Rev. A. A. Holmes, FIor- ence Irene, youngest daughter of. 1Vlr. and Mrs. George Huller, Clin- ton,. to Reginald W'alkeu k• Shipley; eldest, son of Mr. and Mr' ,Joseph 'Shipley, the London road. \ DEATHS MOR.RISON In Hullett toiVnship, on Sept.•14th, Florence Tighe, wife of, Michael Morrison. COUNTY NEWS ZURICH: Zurich and Hay Town- ship school fair was held on Monday. The heavy rain of the early *morn- ing moraing produced a very aeceptable-cool- nese in temperature whioh made the work much more pleasant for all parties concerned. Only -two schools took part in the fair, No. 7 Hay (the village school), and Na 3 Hay: The classes were not so well filled as at most of thee fairs throughout the county, but the quality was good. This was especially so in the Live. stock entries. There were only four venpetitors in the , public speaking contest, but their rendition and sub- jects''were exceptionally good. This high quality also characterized the story -telling competition in which three girls entered. Only four com- peted in the spelling match, The special prizes were won by the fol- lowing pupils,- all of Na. 7 'section. T. Eaton cup, Marjory Dallman, see- ond, books, Elloy Desjardine; third, books, Ruth Foster, cup winner two years ago. CRIPPLED CHILDRENS' CLINIC The Lions Club of Goderich and Seaforth announce that arrange- ments have been made for their Clinic to be held at Scott Memorial. Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday Sep- tember 26th. Dr, D. E. Robertson, Toronto, will be Clinitlan and Drs. Macklin and Ross will examine cases of defective eyesight. The very bon- efeeial results of the Lions Club work in 1930 were made possible by last year's Clinic and it is urged that crippled children and chlldhen with defective eyesight should be examin- ed. Permission to attend may be 'ob'tained from the Secretary of the Pettiest Lions CIub, either T. G. f'r'inon, Goderich, or . R. N. Jones, Senforth, but early application is necessary. • CHARGEI) WITH MANSLAUGHTER John Lamont of Hibbert township, Perth County was arrested and char- ged in police court at Goderich, on Wednesday with manslaughter. Ile was admitted to bail of 910,000. La-' mont was the driver of the car which figured' in an accident near, Dublin, recently, when Miss Margaret Drake age 17, received injuries which re- sulted in her death in Seaforth Hos- pital. One of the other viotims •of the accident is still in the hospital. The accident occurred: on August 17 when the car Left the road as the party was returning front a daneo. An inquest will be held cn Thutsday, today, Sept. 17 and no action an the manslaughter charge will bo taken until the result of the inquest is made known. Huron. County School Fair Dates School fairs,,.put on unht•'the die. ection of the Huron Agricultural' Re- presentatives; will be held 'on the Grand Bend . ,•. Sept. llth Zurich Sept. 14th • Belgiave „ Sept. 15th Wroxeter Sept.: 17th St. Helens . ... , , .. 21 t Sept. S, ,.Sept. Colborne,Townshit ,,, 123rd Ashfield Township .. Sept,. 22nd -Howiek Township Sept..i8tli Clinton Town Sept, 28th Clinton• !luta!' ....... Sept.. 2.9th. Crediton. S.e t, 10th . 1? Goderich Township Sept. 24th Blyth Sept. 26th Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry h t y H 115e Eggs bought, aceoi.•ding to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices 'of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always ;wanted—Prices good, Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce, • N,'W, Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Northern Electric Sound System CAPITA!LTHEATRE Goderich; Phone 47 A short drive and a good, shawl` Now Playing ' The Cohens 8z Kellys in Africa - MON.; TUES., WED. [[ S -% E D,9 Most widely read of all modern stories and a picture everyone should -see! Startling! Different! With an all-star -. east THURS., FRI.,' SAT. "DIRIGIBLE" with Jack holt, Ralph Graves Fay Wray A story of glamorous adven- dventure and romance. One of the ture sereen'e greatest thrill pictures Coming: "Children of Dreams" Mat., Wed. and Sat. at 3. p.m. BENNETT AND TASHEREAU TALK BEAURARNOIS 21ST e. OTTAWA„ Sept. 12. --September 21 has been agreed upon for a confer- ence between Rt. Eon,. R. B. Ben- nett, Prime Minister, and Premier L. A. Taschereau of Quebec on the Beauharnois project. The meeting will take place in Ottawa. Peaches This will be the last week for peaches. We can• supply chalets No. 1. Peaches at 92,00 per bushel bas- ket. W. Glen Cook. 86-1, Cottage For Salo Comfortable cottage, with large garden. Barn and hen house on the premises. Apply to W. M. Nediger, Clinton. 36.3-p. Anniversary and Dinner - Ontario street United church an- niversary services on Sunday, Oct. 4th. Rev. S. Davison, Winghain will be the preacher. Monday evening, Oet. 50h a hot dinner will be served, fdllowed by a program. Admission 40c. 36-1. MEN WANTED Liberal Commission Cash Weekly HUSTLERS MAKE MONEY selling our fruit trees, berry ,plants, Roses, Shade trees, Hedging, Flowering Plants. CompleteLine HARDY CANADIAN GROWN' OUTFIT FREE Requirements: Honesty, Ener- gy, Ambition and Willingness to Work, Write today CAVERS BROTHERS It. R. No. 1 Fruitland, Ontario THE BANKRUPTCY ACT IN THE ESTATE_ OF CHRISTO- PHER.DALE, FARMER, AUTHORIZED ASSIGNER NOTICE—is' hereby given that Christopher C. Dale, farmer of the Township of Tuckeesmith, in the County of Heron and Province of Ontario, did on the 4th day of Sep- tember, 1931, ' make an authorized assignment of all his property for. the benefit of his creditors and that; Edmund Wield, Esquire, Official Re- ceiver has appointed us to be Cus- todians of the Estate of the debtor until the Creditors at their first meeting shall elect a Trustee to ad- minister the estate 0f the Debtor. Notice is further given that the first meeting of Creditors of tate above estate will be held at the Rat- tenbury Hate], in the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, on the 25th day of September, 1931, at 2 o'clock an the afternoon, 'Standard Time. To Entitle ,you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with us before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be :filed with us prior there - And Further Take Notice that if ',you have any claim against the a- bove Debtor, -bove-Debtor, for which you are en- titled to rank, proof of your claim must he filed with us within- thirty days from the date of this notice,. for, from and after the eotpiration of the time fixed by the said Act, we silo!!' distribute the proceeds of . the debtor's estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which we have then notice Dated at Brantford this 10th day y of _September 3931 The Trusts And Guarantee Com- pany Limited, 114 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, Ontario Custodian. Messrs. Hay and Hays, Goderich, Solicitors herein. 36-1 COAL, ; COKE; WOOD, CB19IEtT JACK FROST 15I31G,SIAtriARTAHD STRONG BUT HAOTO NV TO HEAT FOLKS. COAL YOU SEE, 1T PIDI'IT TAKE US LANG 3 KNOCK KID JAdtlE FOR G041. The Heat Folks can knock Jack boost' out, but a better plan—and a.ehea er plan P is to keep him out ;. by letting the Heat Folks fortify your house before he thinks of com- ing. .Order your coal now, and Jack 'Fros'twill never have a, look -in, Call the 4i'Cf't FOR GOOD; CLEAN COAL J.JLlllustard C PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO A C. H. VEN ER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs ions, Fans and other 'Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 acommonsrsomesammomes Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete lVlotor Equipment 24 Hour Service Sutter, pordue & Walker • Day or Night Phone 147w House to Rent A comfortable six -room . house. Town water, electric lights. For. particulars apply to R. B. Carter, Victoria street, Clinton. 8143. House For Sale A most desirable house en Prin- cess street. 3 minutes from the Col- legiate, 10 minutes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Good garden and fruit trees. An ideal home in good locality, Water and electric light. Apply to E. M. Alcani, or Dr. Shaw. 32-tf. jecomodatian For Students Rooms can be supplied to a num- ber of students. Apply to Mrs, E, L. Mittell, Princess street, Clinton, Telephone 213. 31-tf. • For Salo House in Clinton, . Beech street. Frame house covered 'with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 2740. Rouse For Sale Modern six room house, good lo- cation. Hardwood floors, good gar- den, garage. Inquire' at News -Re- cord office. 27-tf. Car For Sale A car in perfect mechanical con- dition. Good tires, new top. Price 950. Apply to H. A, Hovey, Clinton, 2547. House For Sale eir Rent Comfortable 8 -ream house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply to George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton, Phone 272. 35-0f. House For Sale Contrastable six -thorned house in good location, all newly remodelled and redecorated throughout, new bath and fixtures, lights and wired for electric stove, Price very reason- able as house must be sold immedia- tely. Apply to F. FingIand. 34-tf. Bull For Sale Purebred, registered Ayrshire bull, 18 months old. Apply to C. E.. E1- liott, Fairholme Farm, Clinton. Plione 157. 34•tf. Attention, Farmers!!! The Ontario Equitable Life Co., Waterloo, have obtained a quantity of the Prize Reward and Marquis wheat and Victory oats grown by Mr. • Herman Treile, Wembley, Alta-, World Champion wheat grower, and Mr. M. T. Corless, local representa- tive, has some samples of this grain which 'he will give out to farmers who are interested in trying out this seed, while such samples last. 34-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Angeline McCartney Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims .against the estate of Angeline McCartney late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of June A.D. 1981, are required to deliver to, Evel- ena McCartney and Harvey McCart- ney, the Executors of the said estate or F, Fingland, Solicitor, an or be- fore the 19th day of September A.D., •1931, a full statetnent of their claims together .with particulars therof, and the nature of the securities, if any; held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAICE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date tithe said executors; will proceed to distribute' the estate of the said deemed a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regardonly to such claims as shall have received due notice and m accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this lst day of Septemlber A.D.; 1981. P. FINGLAND,. Clinton, Outario, Solicitor for the said estate, 34-3, Poultry; Eggs & Cream WANTED - We are prepared to buy above ev. ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced graders. Cream purchased for Bowes' Creamery, Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator, Victoria St., Clinton. Phone, 281. Better be Safe than Sorry AVOID DISEASE By Using Pasturized Milk and Cream Delivered Daily - Commencing on MONDAY, MAY 4th Milk, 10e, Cream, 40c ,McMANUS DAIRY Phone 235 1640, . n Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implement* and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and -carry parts and repairs for sante. I .am also agent for Allis -Chas. mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire aboui, any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton. 81-tf, AGENT FOR MASSEY-HARRIS CO SAWY'R AND MASSEY STABLE) AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING - Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone l5w or 15j J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 134f. c A counts Collected We place 40 years' successful col- lecting experience at the disposal of those who list their accounts, notes, etc. with us. NO COLLECTION—NO CHARGE, KELLY & AIKEN The Efficient Collectors ORANGEVILLE New Tinsmith Shop Having started a Tinseathing Shup in Londesboro I am prepared to do all sorts of Tinsmithing Work, Specializing in Eavetroughing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me a chance to show you what I can do. F: M. PICKETT, Plione 2 r13, Blyth Central. •Londesboro. 13-57. You can keep warm with Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal, 0r have win. ter sunshine every day if you burg the • famous 03.0. Coke. Also a good -supply of Wyandotte Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coal. Prompt delivery from my sheds of Queen Street at anytime, A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer ' Queen Street Telephone 254 Clothes' Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned,pressed and rd. paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned, Rooms over Heard's Barber shag., W. J. Jago, 2283-tJ