HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-17, Page 1The,• Newt Record Eat. 18:78
N.o. 25$6-53ic1 YEAR.
The New Era Est. ISM
I de .a�ad h
i�he�, gYecv �tleite a
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B' using the new' Gillette Razor and the. New Gillette 'Blades
you age, shaving withthe greatest improved razci and blade since. •
Jeweler and Optometrist-
Phone 174w and 174j
his is the Dress House
of Values
5.75 $7
Every Garment in
elf Chosen, Correct Stye.
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It is Warm, Light in Weight, and Wind_Proof, and looks its
Finely tailored, with skilled attention to detail in favored style and
shades of Brown and Grey. We believeit is the greatest
• Overcoat Value of the Season
t ,..
THE :fflsH rtiLllTHiN6 CO:
Wheat, 60c.
Barley,, 30c.
Oats '25e.
Eggs, 12c to
Butter, 20c to 22c.
Live Hogs, $5.00.
At Recreation Park toMorrow af-
ternoon at 4.15,, Goderioh and Clin-
ton will play the new game, Box
Lacrosse.' This game has won great
favor throughout Canada and most
people are anxious to see how it is
played. The game is very fast and
full of excitement. No doubt many.
will be there tte.see. for themselves,-
Mr. N W: Trewarth'a attended
the banquet given at Goderioh on
Tuesday evening, when the Hon. T.
L. Kennedy, Minister cf Agriculture,
formally opened the fair. There was
a large representative, of farmers and
fruit men present and the minister
'spoke principally ee marketing. He
said the time wets drawing near when
cold storage plants would be erect-
ed in all fruit -growing. centres.
Mr. Kennedy evidently intended ,to
confine his . talk to the marketing
end, but on someone asking that tax-
es might be cut in half he said:
"You'll never live to see it. , We
have risen to a standard of living
such as there never, was before, and
I for one, will never see the farmer
go- back to the old standard. We
f5 ners want. our • motor ears,, and
we're going to have thein. We want -
geed ryids. to drive those ears; and
We're going to have thein. We want.
electricity in our homes; • we want.
our farm houses made farm homes:
We don't .want to have to be apolog-
etic for ,being farmers."
Mr. -McMillan, M.P., South Huron,
and Mr. Sputton. M.P., North Huron,
and Mr. Medd, M,L.A., South Huron
end Mr. Robinson, M•L•A•, North
Iluron, were also present and each,
The first nleeting; of the .season ofi
them i ]
I3o eatd Schoal Club the
forma of a reception,�the staffs of the
Coll'eg•iate, Public •schctiol and the
School of Commerce` being invitee~.
The gathering was held in Wes-
ley -Willis, church hall on ,Tuesday
afternoon 'at foul :The ,room was
very handsomely clej;orated for • the
occasiry, presenting; a anent .festive
appearance, "Pretty enough for a
wedding," someoneeremarked, but
when the H, and •Si Club undertake
anything they usually do it well.
ks; G. T. ',Maine, president, Aire.:
Gaudier and Mrs. t1. P. Cooper, the
latter the president`ef the H. and S.
Council, received the guests, • almost
every member • of the several stuff's
being present,
Mrs. T. W. Herman and her cpm-.
mittee .had chaise :' of the tea are
rangements, which . were perfectly
• earried out, and Mei. W. H. Hellyar
and Mrs. F. Venner .hosted tea. Mrs.
Gordon Cuninghame; and Mrs.. Cree
Coe,,'c invited the guests to the tea
table. .
A very pleasant .free and easy
time was spent and' during the pro-
gress of the affaiii Mrs. Wendell
delighted those present with a eon,
-ple'of her beautifullt executed piano
solos, ; • •
Programmes for the coining year
were distributed. The only new
teacher this term is Mr. Cooper (if
Parkhill, a member of the Collegiate
Staff. The next ;.meeting of ' , the
Home and School Glib will be held
in the Collegiate- an October 20th.
IIt is not so het si,),gce the storm of
Sunday night but iSaetill pleasantly
warm for the season.;
Fair time is here:with London,
Goderich and Exeter:dairs this week
it was hard to decide which to at,
I tend.
The following pupils of A. W. An-
derton were ,successful le their exam-
inations in 'connection with the Pe-
rvade Conservatory of Music:
Piano: A. T. 0. M. (completed eg-
agnination), EIeanor P. Fisher; A. T.
C. NT., (teacher's course), Beatrice
Gordon (honors); A.T.C,Ai., (teachers
course), EllieRyan; Intermediare,
Anne Coehrane; Junior, Edna Elliott;
Introductory, G, R, Harrison (hon-
Singing: A.T,C.M, (Solo perform
en.). Margaret A.. Pentland; Interme-
diate, Mat, R. Stewart, 1st class
r cors, Cela E. Coultes, honors;
Inner, Helen R. Lane, honors; M. A.
Theo«y: Teachers Piano: E. R.
Fisher, honors;» E. R. Ryan, henors;
Intermediate harmony, .„ E. Miller,
honors; Intermediate Counterpoint:
M. A. Pentland, honors; A. Cochrane,
E. Mills; Tutermediate Frrm: E. P.
Fisher, heelers; Intermediate history:
E. P. Fisher„ honor's; Intermediate
history, M. A, Pentland, honors; Jun-
ior Harmony, L. R. Woods, honors;
H. R. Lane, honors, C. Phair, M. A,
Ryan; Junior Counterpoint: L. R.
Woods, 1st class honors; II. R. Lane,
honors; C: P•'tair, M, A. Ryan; Junior
History: C Phair, 1st class honors;
L, R. Woods, honed s; H R. Lane,
honors; Ai. A. Ryan, honors; Prim-
ary V, Fraser, lst class honors;
E. limbed, honors; M. Harrison,
honeys; Elemintary, L. Harirson,
Rev. A. A. Holmes supplied at
Bayfield on Sunday Iast and will
take the services again next Sunday,
also at Porters Hill. Rev. R. M.
Gale is on holidays.
Presbyterian Church
Anniversary .services will be held
in this church on Sunday, Sept. 20th,
when the Rev. '1'. W, Goodwill will
be the special preacher. Sunday ser-
vices at the usual hours.
Ontario Street United Church
The Rev. ,Iain Cobourn of Toronto
will preach in the morning, the ev-
ening service being withdrawn on
account of the anniversary services
in the Presbyterian church.
The' W.M•S. met at the home of
Mrs. Wendorf last Wednesday after-
noon. After the program a splendid
social hour was enjoyed and refresh-
ments were served- by the, hostess
arid' her committee. The ladies were
pleased to welcome. back to their
midst Miss Sybil Courtice of Japan
and are eagerly. looking forward to
hearing her tell%:of her 'work 'there. 1
,: Wiesley-Willis United-,Ohut'dh...
Eervices.as usual on Sunday. The ,
ministesee morning subject will be; e
"Playing the Game." • In the evening
the Rev. John Cobourn of Toronto.
will speak en the Missionary and
Maintenance w_ ork' of the .Church.
"'The W.M,S, met 'in the Sunday
sehoot room on Thursday• evening
last, the president, Mrs. W. Pickard, l
litthe chair. Reports were received
and arrangements made for a baking
'sale and. tea to be held Sept. 26th,
'else for a '.special' Autumn thankof-
feming meeting to be held in Octo-'
the'date ter be fixed later, Grottp
4 .tfieutook charge, Mr'§: MoMath
gave the scripture reading, -eonclud-
i,ng with, a reading;, Mrs, Ohowen and
Miss Frazer sang, a pleasing deet;
Mrs Trew apLha "gave' a we et' cit
initeiesting current events. and Mins:.;
W. Manning gave the ehaptei of the
'study book, .The meeting was closed'
by the repeating of 'the ltiispah bene-
diction. . .
Miss Ruth Bellew -Ile of the School
of Commerce, has secured a position
in Exeter -with the ,Hogarth -Hatch-
ery Firm,
The W. 0, T. U. will inept at the
home of Via. A, Seeley, High street,
et three o'clock on Friday afternoon
Sept. 18th.
Miss Eleanor . Plun;steel . 'has ac-
cepted a position -on the staff of the
Seaforth Collegiate and commenced
her new duties this week,
Rains which fell Sunday night and
sinee were very welcome to every -
ono who had no beans out. Every-
thing had gotten mighty dry.
'A special meeting of the ITpspital
Buaki will be held in the board room
of the town hall on Tuesday even-
ing, Sept. 22nd at 7.30. A full at-
tendance of members is requested.
Mrs. D. E. Fester will be at home,
at Wesley -Willis manse,' Ontario
street, en Tuesday afternoon, Sep-
tember 22nd, from.half past three
until half past six.
At the end tf June_, the pupils of
Clinton Public school had, a total of
51,169.65 in the Penny hank, com-
pared with $1,001.80 last year. Fif-
ty-one per cent. of the children are
The marriage tock place early
yesterday morning at the old Wes-
ley parsonage, Rattenbury street, of
Florence Irene, youngest daughter
of My and Mrs, George Huller of.
town, and Reginald W, Shipley, eld-
est son of Mr. and Mrs.,Joseph Ship-
ley of the Landon Road, the cere-
mony being performed by the Rev.
A, A. Hoinies.
Tho bride •wore a very pretty frock
of blue crepe -de -shone with
lace trimmings, a large
hat to match, white hose and ;'loves
and blue•shoes. She carried a lovely
bouquet of Briercliffe reams, budelelee
and fern.
Miss Marjorie Hunter was .brides,
maid. She wore a dainty pink frock,
write hat, gloves and shoes and a
pretty spray of .roses and fern. Mr.
Gotdwin Smith was best man.
At the conclusion oi; the ceremony
the bridal party went to the home of
the bride, where the wedding'break-
fast was served.
The house was prettily decorated
with f1oefers and the table daintily
laid and decorated with.pink stream -
me, flowers and centred with the
wedding cake. 'Only the wedding par-
ty -and members of the two families.
were present. Mrs. Jean Grieve as-'
listed in serving the wedding break..
fast. • ' -
After breakfast Mr. :arid Mrs:
Shipley left by meter on a 'trip to
Beaton, North •Bay -and Belleville.
They will return about :the end of
the .month. The bride donned 'for the
journey a navy blue ensemble with
which she wore' au Empress Eugenie
hat .and matching, accessories.
The bride was the recipient of
many beautiful gifts, amongst thein
being a' handsome eheir and a piece
of faircy glessware frem..tte staef of
the Clinton Knitting, Company,,' of
which she was a member, also hand=
some gifts front 'the' choir and Sunday
echesWesley-Willis' c u'
ch nl:eke 5 of church
with 'which she 'wags connected. The
bridegi'oam's gift was a leather club
bag.To' the bridesmaid he gave a
pearl necklace and to the best' man
initialed gold cuff links.
At the meeting or g the Huron
cal Society in Clinton
en Wednesday
afternoon last there was a• good at••
tendance of medical sten antra most
interesting paper was react by Dr. P.
G.,Goldstnith otaTaronto on nose and
thi•i tt disease's, Dr. Gaudier of
Clinton also gave a paper on• allied
W. 3' . TO MEET
An exceptionally fine program is
expected at the Women's Institute on
Thursday, Sept. 24th, starting at,
three . o'dloek; the Loo4,esboro
branch are toprovide it. The social
Half-hour at .the close of the meeting
will ne catered to by•. the. Clinton
branch, Meeting will be herd in the
Firemen's hall over Bank of . Mott -
The Globe had the following in
yesterday's issue Mr. Coats, is an
old Clinton boy, a brother of Regis-
trar Wan. Coats of Goderich:
"It used to he said in praise of
Sir George Foster that he could make
statistics interesting. The same may
be said mf the Canada Year Book
for 1921, just issued. It is a fat
volume, which surveys athe whole
field of Canadian` activity and pro-
gress. Under the direction of Mr. R.
II. Coats, Dominion Statistician, it
has steadily extended its scope and
importance in the list of Government
publications."' •
Mr.. and Mrs. Clifton Proctor were
in Loddon en Tuesday
Miss 011ie Watkins of Hamilton t3as
home over the .week -end.
Mr. J. E. Watson was a weekend
. guest at the home of Mrs. A. D.
Miss Marjorie Beaton of Toronto
visited last week with her mother
in town.
Miss Edna Hallman of I.ietotveI e'as
the guest of Miss Beth Cartwright
over the week -end.
Principal Gaudier of Toronto visited
his brother, Dr. J. C. Gaudier, of
Clinton on Monday.
IbIrs, 4. Maeliurchie of Buffalo, N.
Y., spent a few days last week
calling on Clinton friends.
Mr. Hugh Hawkins returned en Mon-
day °froi i a visit tvith 'friends In
Philadelphia and Atlantic City
Nlrs. J. Emerson has returned' to her
home in, Kincardine after a 'visit
with her cousin, Mrs. R. J. Muff.!
Mr. an Mrs. x
Ross returned.
on Saaartlay after a fortnights' trip
to Northern Ontario and Manitoul-
in Island.
Mr. W. H. Mutch'tif the Royal Bank:
staff, Hamilton, *aa the guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
Muted, over the week -end.
Miss "Annie Nediger (eft Tuo¢day
for Scudder, Pelee Islam~, where
site has taken a position as prin-
cipal of. a Continuation school.
Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Cuninghame at their summer cot-
tage at Bayfield on Sunday. Rev.
Mr. Holmes was taking the ser-
vices in the United church at
Bayfield on Sunday.
Dr. A. F. Axon left today for Chi-
cago to take a short praetitioners'
course at the Northwestern Uni-
niversity. Dr. Axon toile a year's
post -gratitude •eourse at the same
university before conenoncing his
practise of dentistry.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp and Mr. and
Mrs. John Rath attended the fun-
eral of tin uncle of Mrs. Kemp and
Mr. Rath, the late Matthew Rath
of Ingersoll, who died at the age
bf ninety years. The funeral took
place cn Friday at Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 13. Foster of Taran-
to, slid Mr. C. Gunn and his sister,
Mrs. Viette, of Chttham metered
up front Toronto . yesterday and
Mr. Poster remained for a few
days to .visit the old town while
the others metered on bi Chatham.
Messrs. P. T. Jackson, N, Ball, J. A.
Ford, N. W. Treweitha, G. E. Hall,.
and Dr. McIntyre attended_the
ehurrh service of Morning Star
ode A.
Lodge P. & A. M:, Carlow,
which was held in St Mark's
church, Auburn, on Sunday after-
noon last.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
Agnes Moffatt of London, formerly
of Varna, is recovering nicely from
a very critical attack of pheumonia.
--On Thursday night last a large
number of the young people of the
cr;•timunity gathered et the town
hall.' and presented Mr—and Alt's.'
Lloyd Hayter with a pair of w'ielcer
chairs and a fernery and purse, kr.
FTaytee gave tie very smtab•Ie' repay
and the evening was silent in innate
and: dancing. '
Mnand Mrs.. Jim ,Perry endfamily
of Torolito are spending e few days
at the lroine, of. Mi. John Beattti, '
Ma'. and Mese Garnet Cornish and
Miss Dorothy of Clinton visited with
Mrs. J•• W, Reid en. Sunday last,
Ma°, and A2rs Albert Horner and
Gordon and Mi•• and Mrs. John Rath,.
well motored to Wincleme on latiday
' e :1 dew ' With.
t rad f etas t h the friends,
d'sp y
Mrs. George Beatty and babe
have returned home from Clinton:
A large number ea the young pee -
pie of the community gathered at
the home of Mr..Robt,` Webster on
Monday evening and gave a miscel-
laneous shower to Mr, and Mrs. Wats
son Webetei. The 'congregations of
the crminnnity are extended to the'
newly-inatried couple. -
Mrs. Chas Reid of Brucefield and
Mrs Chas. Rathwell of Varna'
ored to Michigan last week
and spent
a few days with friends in Alnont,
Mrs. E. P. Lewis and Miss Dora'
McMahon of Toronto are the guests
of Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Woods.
ltliss J. E. Whittaker, 'weir, : has
been the guest of Mrs. J. H. Mc-
Leod' for the past few weeks, return-
ed to Toronto ori Saturday.
Mr.. and Mrs. Ii. Baker rind babe,
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Burt and fam-
ily - of. Loriden spent the weelt,end
with their -parents,, Mr. aid Mrs. F.
W. Baker.
Miss Olive Lowe of Port Dover is
visiting Mrs. John Toms,
Dr. and Mrs. A. Newton -Brady are
in .Toronto this week while the for-
mer is attending a short course at
St. Michael's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour of Exeter
are visiting their daughter, Miss Vio-
let Seymour, this week.
Rev. R. M. Gale returned home
from Bay City last week and left a.
gain on Thursday, taking Mrs. Gale
and Miss Gladys Gale with him, to
visit in Waterloo and other points in
Mrs. David Prentice..left for hes
home in. Toronto' on Saturday after
having spent a maple c1 weeks with
her parents, Air. and Mrs. W. J.
Stinson. •
Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. P. Ferguson of
London were the guests of the for-
mer's 'mother, Mrs. NI. Ferguson over
the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Wightman re-
turned to their cottage Iast week a%.
ter having spent a week in Detroit,
Gordon A. Peddie whrt baa
been in charge of Knox Presbyterian
church for the past four months left
on Monday for his home in Toronto
before gr4ug to McMaster. University
Hamilton, Cvhere :he is •in his fourth
Misses Annie McLeod and Marion
Davison went to .London on Monday
to spend the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. L. Metcalf left
on Friday for their home near Pitts-
burg; Pa.,. rafter 'having visited -the
reamer's carents, Mr. and' Mrs. W.
F. Metcalf.
A. quiet wedding was solemnized
at Elmwood Avenue Presbyterian
Church London,o
nSaturcaY, Re
the fifth, when Rttth Helen,
elder daughter• of Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam. Higgins of the' village, and
Dalton Smith son of Mr, and Mrs.
Smith of Forest, were joined
Holy bonds of Matrimony by Rev,
GIeniare. The bride was charming
in a pale green suit and close -fitting
bat to match, b"own hose and shoes.
She was attended by her eighty,
Miss Lottie Higgins who was attir-
ed in a brown ensemble. Mr. Brritvn
Biggins, brother et' the bride, sup-
ported the groom. Fallowing the
cel empny the young couple left en m
motor trip to Sarnia and ether points
arriving at the home of the bride's
parents on Wednesday evening. 'On
Friday they left for their home in
West Lorne where the groom is Hy-
dro Superintendent. Ruth's many
friends in this community wish for
the young er,'tple a very happy fut-
Mr. and Nit's. Cleave Erwin of
Prince Albert, Sask., called en rela-
tives and friends here on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fowlie, Mr.
Lawrence Fawlie of Loden spent
the week -end with their sisters Mis-
ses F. and E. Fowlie.
NIr. and Mrs. W. A. Mustard, Mis-
ses Isabel and Jean and Master San-
dy Mustard left en Thursday. of last
week for Florida. En 'route, .they in-
tend motoring through the Eastern
States and will love Miss Isabe)
Mustard, who is on her vacation, to
resume' her studies. at. Johns Hap-
kips_ Hospital, Baltimore.
Miss A. McIntyre who has spent
the summer at the hone of Mrs.
John Pearson returned to Strathroy
last week.
Mr. and Airs. Ian. McRae ee Strath-
roy spent the week -end with the let-
ter's aunt, Mrs. NI. Poser.
Miss Jessie Metcalf who has been
travelling abroad during the summer
returned to Detroit on Saturday af-
ter having spent a few days with
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm.- F.
At the Sunday morning service in
the United' church at Monkton, Rev.
Jas, Gale had charge of, the service,:
assisted 'by his father, Rev. , R• M.
Gale of Bayfield. A baptismal ser-
vice -was ':held where Vary. June,
daughter of Rev„and Mrs. Jae. Gale
was baptized, the service being con-
ducted by Rev. Gale, sr.,Jeremiah”
32;17 was the text chosen by Rev,
Jas. Gale .who .leached an inspivitig
Ammon. '
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Finch 0
Stratford spent Sunday as the guests
Mei, Wesley'legged of
of Mr. and Air ,
ILq a
the 6th concession.
Much sympathy is ;felt fee Mr.
Michael Morrison and his two young
daughters in the loss of wife and
mother, .Hire. Morrison having pas-
sed away cn Monday after an illness•
of some months, '
Mrs: Meerisen, whose maiden
name was Plcrence Tighe way a
daughter qt . lair• Thomas Tighe and
the late 111r -s• Tighe of Hallett, and'.
Ohs was barn ands0.t ent her whole
life here., She leaves to mourn their
loss her husband, two daughters,
Franoes end Patricia, aged ten and
five years, her father, four, brothers,.
Rev. Father Tighe o4 Winlsoi•, The,,
utas of Detroit, John and. Bernard at.
home, and one sister;, Eileen; also at
home. •
The funeral was held from St. Jos-
eph's church, Clinton, on Wednes-
day morning , mass being said . by -
.hot• brr,':her, Rey. Father Tighe. In-
terment was In:the Catholic cernete y'
in Hullett.
The pallbearers, were 1Vfessrs..
John and' Charles Shanahan, Toxo
'Carbert, Joseph Blake.., anti Joseph
and Thomas Flynn.
Aniongat these from a distance
who' were here far the funeral were:
Rev, Father Tighe of Windsor and
Mr. Thos. Tighe of Detroit;' Mra,
Jotiin and her . daughter, Mrs. Hineh-
ey, of Torolito; and Mr. and Mrs..
Krauslcropf and two sons of Dublin_
Growers of canning cern have
been very busy the past week. The
canning factory in Goderich has
been running two shifts. in order to
handle the excellent crop. •
A tnuclz, needed' rain' fell,in this
section Sunday night and early
Monday morning. No. rain , of any
account had 'fallen for a utrnth pre-
viously and the tato crops were
showing the effect of dry weather.
Jack Yea visited Hamilton friends
Mr. and Mrs. R. McCartney and
Miss Altalind and Miss Emily Proc-
tor have been visiting in Stratford.
The members and officers of Morn-
ing Star Ledge, No. 309, A.F. 53 A.
M., Carlow, augmented by brethren'
of Goderioh, Blyth, Millett and 'Clln
ton Lodges, attended divine worship
Sunday afternoon in St. Mark's Ang-
lican church where the services were
conducted by the rector, Rev, L. V.
.Pocock. An instructive sertnen was
preached by Rev. J. N. H. Mills, rec-
tor of St. George's church, Goderich,
and a past master of the Brantfor.s
Masonic Lodge. As Morning Star
is situated at Carlow, in the,
centre .of a large rural area bound-
ed by the lodges of Goderieh, Luelt-
now, Blyth, Londesboro and Clin-
ton the committee in charge decided
to revive an old custom of attending•
service at different places and Au-
burn was chosen. The brethren met
in the Foresters' Hall and after'the
opening of the lodge by the W. M.
Bro. Ernest Mitchell paraded to the
church under direction of master on
ceremonies Bro. H. Hill, ,
The members cif tate Baptist church
who held services each Sunday af-
ternoon withdrew to attend in a
body, also.
Rev. Mr. Mills' text WAS: "Anel
now abideth, faith, hope and charity,
these three, but the greatest of these•
is charity."'. The speaker dwelt et
some length cin the origin of the
terms "free" and "accepted" mason.
He explained that at the 'building of
King Solomon's temple the members
of the vast army orf aneut one quar-
ter of a million masons and arti-
sans who labored for seven years at
the construction work were ' given
exemption from taxation by Solomon
or in ..other words were made "free."
hong after when Icing .Solomon's
temple had been destroyed and pre•
parations were being,. made., for the
building of the second' temple it waa
found that the posterity of the nm -
sons who had built the first temple
had retained 'the ''skrB''and °learning
of their forefathers to stolon it degree
that they Kele "aceepted"•.as fit and
proper persons to. carry., on its eene
structiele ...,
Toward the, conclusion of his ad-
dress the preacher erfiphasized that
the, only hope foe relief from the
present wood conditions of defies -
stun was in the exercise cnf, charity
or ',aceording,•to•,tho.revised version
. 14i'e"' n' such • a Way es, to correct.
.the want, and enffeiing.that now ex-
itts while' the world' is; Messed with
an abundance.
During the offertory Miss Nina
Johnston -of' Ifirkt4't, who anent the
'ge'ok-end at home, song "0. Holy
After the Masonic' brethren re-
turned .to the Forester's Hall a nio-
tion of thanks and 'appreeietien was
expressed to Rev.•J. N, I3, Milts and
Rev. L. V. Ptteoek for the instructita
sermon ,and the use of St. Mark's
church was moved - -by .Bro, B. C.
Robertson' and seconded by Bro. B.
C. Weir, to which h'eanade a suitable,
reply: Short addtessee wete also
given by Bub. F. Jackson, Master of
Clinton Lodge;' and Bro. N. V. Tre-
wa•r tha; of Cl.itlton• Lodge. ..
a Next dunday, September 20th,' the
service 'at the United church here..
'tyill be Withdrawn on account of'Don-
nybroolc Anniversary Services on
thatdaYat 2.30 arid 7.80 pee. Rev.
P.'S, Hanes, B.A.; former pastor on
the Beniniller apd Auburn Circuit,
will preach et both services. .The
Beigreve United church choir will
furnish 'special music.