HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-10, Page 8,= Trip :round the Uor ABSOL,UTELY F P O'R T WO buy a package of Weston's Fancy Biscuits. P .E Contest Entry Enclosed WHEN YOU HAVE VISITED THE EXHIBITION BUY AT-HOME: Clinton , Creamery .\Butter for 26c per pound Clinton Maple Leaf Flour (Pastry) 60c a bag. FreeSuperSuds with 1 pkg. of Princess Soap ' Flakes 23c CAMPBELL'S SOUP per ti 10c OUR OWN TEA 3 'pounds for $1.00 SPECIAL SUR -- PRISE SOAP 10 bars for 49c Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. Pink ,Sarno 3n, '2 lbs. Peas, No. 4, 3 tins Tomatoes, large size Kraft Cheese, lb. Blue Ribbon Coffee Lipton's Tea, lb. 25c 25c 25c 10c 29c, 49c 55c Large bottle Marmalade 33 Fancy Assorted Cakes 19c Fig Bars 19c Marshmallow Bisc. Ib. 25c Dates, 2 pounds 15c Jelly Powder, 6 pkgs. 25c. Icing Sugar,, 3 lbs. 25c FRIGIDAIRE Pickled Rolls, lb. 19c - B. Bacon, piece 19c• Lard, 3 pounds, 35c' Jellied Beef 30c Bologna, pound "19c 2 Selox Soap Powder large package 25c W. T. CLINTON'S FIG CORNER GROCETERIA Where "Sells for Less" EIL Price Prevails Phone 48 laatteistssoatell prA.DiNa JEW'ELERX;STQRE rt I\Chi4 ALL CHINA IN OUR STORE IS REDUCED . AND MUST BE SOLD. Call and See Our Bargains. - R. H. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's, Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician Men's Worsted Suits VERY SPECIAL 14.95 A 'very special purelisse enables us tc pass' on to you these high,,' class suits at this. very IOW price. They come in bine stripes and fancy grey patterns. Not all sizes in any one cloth but a nice .lot from which to make a choice. SPECIAL PRICE ON MEN'S OXFORDS - Prices from $2.95 Up. See our Specials a $2.95 and 08.50 We are clearing all lines of Tennis Shoes: at Very Special Prices IT WILL. PAY YOU TO LOOK THESE LINES OVER BEFORE BUYING Plumsteel Bros. Q ualiflp Meats SPRING CHICKEN AND DUCKS AT A RIGFIT .PRICE .; BREAKFAST BACON, 1-2 piece or whole .• 10e P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS ..... 18e BONELESS CORNED BEEF 15c SCHNEIDER'S LARD, 20 Ib. pail $2.00 i•_, LET US HAVE YOUR THRESHING ORDER KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNEL L & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 • Huron Street. „._,.....,.....................0, ii 0 AlillOINCHIEN7 1 la o The New Furniture and Undertaking Department of this Firm will be opened on C ti TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th Li A CORDIAL INVITATION,I'S EXTENDED I TO THE PUBLIC. SUTTER, P•LUM.BING . HARD'W'ARE, ELECTRIC WRING, FURNITURE Phone 147W UNDEIiTAiING 013o O • "9ke Vogue" ATS &: DRESSES We. are now ready with the new mode in hats a}1'd D1eyieri Yoii will find the near hats vary captavatin One of our new.wooldrtsses with tilted, hat 2ra'o:''h Anoth sojliasticated allure, .a .;YOUR, IN'S1'EGTION IS 'INVITED :. THANK To the public of Clinton and vicin- ity we extend our heartiest thanks for the patronage received from" you on the occasion of our Public School - and Collegiate Institute )peeing sales. In general supplies we en- deavored tc give you 'greater -values at lower prices and your response quite ,satisfied our expectations. Vou;niay have further present needs and no doubt will have requirements in the future, We solicit this busi- ness, hoping for mutual advantage. Our Stadium Loose-leaf notebook made :so you may decorate it your- self With school colors, crest, nmono- , grains, mottoes, etc., artistically os 'humorously, and our real good lead pencil' at two for five cents have de- servedly been in popular demand, TIe W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest=Always the Beat Mr. R. Mennen is visiting his laugh, ter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Weldon Hovey were in town last week. Mrs. Win. Kemp of Stratford visited last week with me. and Mrs. S. Kemp;' Miss Lena Bolton was called to Gan- anoqua last Week owing to the death of an aunt. Er. and Mrs. Wni. Shepherd of 13u, ron street spent the week -end with friends at Aubcu•n, Mr. George Cantelon spent last week in Toronto taking in the. Canadian National Exhibition. Mr. Jaynes Rapsen of Kitchener vis; ited over the week -end with his mothor and sister. in sown, Miss Norah, Cooper of Toronto Spent the week -end and holiday with her cousin, Mrs. H. B. Manning. Ward ard and Mrs. Ward and babe have returned after a vacation spent with relatives in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane of Toronto spent last week -end wi,,th the lady's aunt, Mrs. Robt. Marshall of town. Mr Leonard 11TcKnight acrd Miss Iso- bel McKnight spent the week -end in Toronto taking in the Exhibi- tion. Mrs. W. S. R. Holies and Miss Ger- trude. returned on Sunday after spending a holiday in Toronto and Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wiltse and Mr. and Mrs. Fired Wiltse of Detroit visited their mother in town over the week end. . • Mr. and Mrs. 1i'ed Cook of Detroit visited •with the latter's another, Mrs H Bagler, over the week end and holiday. Miss Grace IIellyar returned 'Mona Saturday after spending several weeks with her sister at Massey and with Toronto relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKnight, Mr. Leonard McKnight, Miss Isabel and Master Gordon Venner attend- ed the Superior picnic at Spring-, hank recently. • Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall motored to Toronto on Friday and an their return on Tuesday were aceompan- ied by Miss Evelyn, who had spent a week in the city. Mrs. Farnhaan of the C:lintcn Public school staff returned last week in time to resume 'her teaching. duties after spending a. holiday. at Belle Ewart, Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame and family spent the week -end and holiday at their cottage at Bay- field. They had as their. guest Miss Linnie Nediger. , Mrs. Percy Denials, . formerly Miss Lillian Lawrence, and Miss Helen motored up from Ottawa to visit her aunt, Miss Whitely,' and other relatiVes in town and vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence,' •Miss Vera and Master Morley of Sarnia, vis- ited over the holiday with the lady's another and brother, Mrs. Leppington and Mx T. FI. •Lepping- ton, and other friends Mi. and Mrs. ChasCrich•- of Saska- teen,.Sask., who have been spend : - Mg the past couple of rnenths tWith. the for'mer's grandfather, Mr. tier bent Orieh of town, left last week for Tcvonto, where they intend to make their' 'Marro. • Mrs and Mrs. Wm. McqueenaY1cl dauglitea' iV%ss. Viola, of Sandusky, and IVtr. Jollh eQueen of Flint, 'Mich.,. speint-' 'Aaaturiiaq as the guests of the formePe consiii ri