HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-10, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEl'LBEll 10, 193t. lisaistakissamanausseasamesansissraemasis OF INTEREST TO YOU .`AND ME. Admiral Jellicoe; in a speech be - .fore the Naval League, .declared that ,Britain had cut her navy below the line of ,safety. Britain, while saying little•about'it, is leading the way in' disarming. 0 * Lord 'Wiillingdon, as soon as he got Gandhi out.of the country, had to go 'to . bed for .a ten -days rest. He had Metter get well rested.,, up against . • his return,,'It must have been. a shock cr'the poor 'Viscount to be transfer- red trona -peaceful Canadian. shores -.to tile, stormy scenes of India,. Huron; Counts apple crop . is 'said' to be exceptionally • good this year, eighty percent. better /than rta • last, so there wshortage ofill•be no either apple sauce or apple •pits the coining. winter. Let's make the best •of this lavish supply, storing away •plenty for winter use. Apples are a very valuable food and should be used .freely. •r.•• A lady in New :crit, recently com- mitted suicide, leaving a i,noto ex- plaining that the blaring . of a radio n: the house of.a.;neighbee made life unbearable: As, one: walks up and -down the streets seine summer even- ings and hears such blaring from -open doorways one can almost under- • stand how a woman : might be driven to desperation - if compelled tr dive within earshot of such'noiseg all the e time The raihvays; ,after' having taken nnost` of then • hard knocks lying -down, as it Were, seem til have wak-. •.tined up to the fact that they .will have to either fight er dia and•that the privilege of living in this good '.land of ours might be worth a scrap,. -nave entered the lists against all the numerous transportation schemes -which have sprung,', up in the past • few years.': One of the weapons ad- opted is a reduction in express rates' :Net doubt freight rates will come in' for attention soon and, it may be, 'passenger oates will be cut, or at •'least excursion rates be announced oftehe . . No doubt managers and directors •of. ear big railway-'conspanles are very clever men; and probably would go a long way before asking advice • pf', the editor of `. a `oeuntryc. weekly, )but we have alwags th:ught that the -railway companies met opposition in -a. very foolish way. Just when the : use of the automobile became gener- :.al. all reduced railway rates were •discontinued and 'though transpor •tation,;•by, truck same more and more into: use no effort, was made to hold the transportation business by any -lowering of rates.. on either express • on 'freight, Gradually the Business of the railways fall off. Automobiles • and commercial )Susses 'cut into the passenger traffic and `commercial trucks • have built, up a great trans- portation trade. The railways are now wakening hi the fact that some- thing has to be done and we may • expect something of a . fight. As a matter of fact busses or trucks need not have proved formidable rivals of the' railways in anything except short trips if the railways bad taken • the trouble to meet the cgipositiop. A railway -train can be a much more •comfroatble anode .of travel for a long journey ;than a bus and if freight rates were adjusted to meet the competition. the railways would probably still be the cltn'.ce of ship - pets. We shall see what the next few years will bring. In the mean. time, considering the tact that Can- ada cannot get along without her 'railways, citizens would 'be consult- ing their own interests by giving' them as much patronage as possible. •••. October 12th has been chosen as ,-a day of national thanksgiving in 'Canada, in accordance with a statute passed some months ago, separating it from Armistice Day. For • several • years past Thanksgiving Day in ••Canada has beend"Observed or the Monday nearest to November 11th, Armistide Day, but the has been a growing feeling that the%arrange- lnent was '' not satisfactory and last spring a bill was brought into the House of Commons and became law providing that Thknks- • giving Day should be chosen by the 'Government asin former years, and that Nov. llth shotild be observed as "Remembrance'Day: ; For 7 agood • ',many . years. " Phanksgiv n6 r.'"`day • has: been but •poonlj observed .in thiseeinmun-' ityf :at least% 'There -would 'scen't to be no good netinon:, ithiy we should. • not all meet together as a common-` i'tnnnti one' day rile=the yeas to 'give. -.thanks to the .Great All Father 'far' all the blessings of the year. We hnue h reason for thankfulness ave rea o An abundant harvest, (even though markets for surplus are not the best) • freedom from pestilence, fire and sword, these,used tq be; considered • the great eauses for tkanicfulness.. • But we ate k• so' ''nccustonie(t `tn all i"such blessings that, we;••talse,thein as. ,•ra matter of course.. A contmuttity se`rvlce oii'Thanks- giving Da seeme ito•-be much more'. g g o s iltable than half' a dozen services• lobbd in as many ehurehes. The ;elrsirnbnity of Clinton might well un- ite in a sei.vice;'field in sninel'eentra1 Pince, anY.:One of tihe many. churches, :..:on,. Thanksgiving Day, The obser- vance of the day as just one more liplyday is of no particular''benefit. Why have our religious , leaders ' al- • +;jowed the -observance of Thanksgiv- i "•'ing Day to fall into disuse•?:' • November•' 1i falls upon• a Wednes f `day this year, and it. is to be hoped that. this, the first anniversary +of '' -d k is n . ! the a M1xhta,..: purely.'a d 9 mply' Y •-a liar of reinenibranee, wih,;bo;suit- „the .week -end Torontcoable observed. The 66it'nranc h ofMrs. V.'tartin is spending this the Legion Will probably have`te week in Toronto. , . e ,, . ,,� .,1 � . *r rso , • rind but they should have the 'hearty sup- Harry of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. BAYFIELD Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto spent the holiday with `Fier aunt, Mrs. Geo. King. . " , Mr. E. Patchell' teller iii the local branch of the Qanadian Bank of Commerce left on Wlednesday' of last week on" his • holiday's;. Mr. D. E+ Current of Port. Colborne is taking his place. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jrohns and tam- 'ily returned home on Saturday after having spent a vacation'. in Toronto and Wiarton. Miss Edith- Shepherd of W indsos7 ie occupying"Be11e Vue" cottage. Miss Audrey Johnston of Varna is spending a few days with They cousin, Miss Mary Wild. , ;Mrs. E. Howard and little grand son and `son, • boug+las, cf Detroit vis- ited her' sister, °Mrs. M. Castle, -last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. Stem%rt of Flantil ton spent, the week -end' with the latter's' parents, Mr, and Mrs. John. Pollock. • Mi. and Mrs. Frank .•Cameron and three boys and Mr. and Mrs.. Schnei- der and three children • of Detroit spent the week -end and Labor Day with •the - formers sister, • Miss c E. Cameron. ' • Miss' Ethel;Gamercn, who has spent some time with 'her aunt returned to Detroit on Sunday to. resume her teaching duties. •Miss, Lillian 'Clark of ;Injon is the, guest of her aunt, 'Mrs. Chas. Toms. Mr`: and Mrs. Fred. Davison of De- troit,'Mx. and Mrs. IL Lord and Mn and Mrs. Thos. Mallett and babe' of London spent the week -end and holi- day with their mother, Mrs. Kate Davison. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Whitehill oil Los •Angeles;, Calif., are the guests et' Mr. and Mrs. H: A/teClinchey. Mrs. Whitten), is a sister ,of Mos. Me Clinchey.: . Mr. and = MTs. Eldred Agnew,. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Agnew : and son, Norval, returned to Detroit on Mon- day evening after having spent the week -end with Mr: and MTS. Henry Weston. Mrs. Weston accompanied her daughter to Detroit where 'she will visit for awhile. Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Knight and little Ronald of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Knight's par- ents, Mx. and Mrs. F,..C. Gemein- hardt: Mr. and Mrs., Victor Burt and family •of London spent. the week- end •and' holiday with Airs. $urt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. £W;. 'Beker.' Mr. and Mrs. Eric York and little daughter who Have been with 'her Parents for the past week. returned to their home in Toronto on Mon- day. Misses J. and E. Cornelius of Ham- ilton were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. F. Ji.•Paull over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M, Erwin of Kitchener spent the holiday withthe formate aunt, Mrs. 10.' A. Edwards. Mr. •and Mrs. 'IL: W. Bristol of Washington, D.C.; came on Friday to spend seine time. at their ecttage, Amongst diose who have returned to their Home this week after having spent nun sinrner in, the village aver Mi. and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. W P. Clement of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kennedy and daughter of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day. and Misa Jean Day, Misses A. and A. Drouin, Misses' Morley, Miss M. Fairbairn, Mrs. Hendrick, and children, Detroit. Mr. William L. Metcalf and brie of Pittsburg, Pa., are visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Metcalf: Congratulations and best wishes for the future ate extended to the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and Mia Carrie Dixon of London spent Labor. Day With Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull who returned to London .with Wein en route for Toronto. They will spend their vacation in Toronto and London. During the Rector's ab- sence the three congregations of the parish will unite for service at Trinity Churcli, Bayfield, at eleven a,m. Mr. Morris Farr of St. John's willhave charge for the next two Sundays. • ;Mr. Jas. A. Cameron of Toronto spent the week -end with his brother, J. R. Cameron. Mrs. MacDonald and Mr, B. Mac- Donald returned to Sarnia do Mon, day evening after.. having visited "hen daughter, M'rs. A. Newton -Brady; Dr. and Mrs. C. W, Brown left on Wiednesday for their home in Clin- ton, Iowa, after having, spent the past two months at their cottage. :;Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Templeman and family- returned to London on Monday .after having spent the past month; at their' cottage which they `purchased this ...Year from Fret 'Trebiicock Dr. and Mrs. --N 43. Alexander re- turned to:linden on Tuesday after having.,a01& . the 'summer at their' ecttage.<; ' Prof. Llonal., 3 edgins has returned to spend a few 'days at his cottage. .Jlrs. Dickson Glass . a`nr3, daughter Helen and Miss Shannon 'of -.Landon are.gpend.ing: a few days at ...their:, cottage. ` '' oMiss''La-ura Part rnsen ;' of; Detroit •epept Sl?ndaywith her aunt, Miss E, Osmond: Mrs.' Gree Cook rind -family have returned :,te 'Clinton after having spent the past month at their cot- ta e. gg ane •;Mr. ii � rs:• h ": Eisner CPA a d, 14i Beern am s s c three ,children of. Doon spent Siiiiday with his aunt,, Mrs P A,,Edwards. ' Rev,` and Mrs. Ivison''''of Rippon are holidaying in one of • Rctter.•t Heard's cottages. Mr .:and Mrs, ' Harold "King and iii tle Ilarbid'Atwood of, Sarnia stent, the week=end with •Mrs. King's• pen encs Mr.: enc! Mrs A 7ea rst on and Miss bonsth rstd8 ' spent .their homes after having spent the Past Week at their cottage, Mr. and Mrs. G. Finout and family' left on Monday for ' their .home in Flint, Mich., after having spent the season at their cottage. - $' Mrs. Lumsden and four daughters' have returned to their home in Royal Oak after having 'spent the summer in the village. , Mts. A: J. Stevens and two daugh- ters of London were at their cottage over, the week -end. ' N. and Mrs, R. Ashton and fain- ily have returned to'their, twain in London alter having spent the past month at their cottage. M1.' and Mrs,' C. R. Will, Miss A. and Bob Will of London, Mrs. M. Grosso and )ilia. Shallhorne, Mr, and Mrs. Debbieand family, of Kitchen. er, 1MIr. and Mrs. Casey; and Mr. and Mrs. Duff and, family, Toronto, Mrs. Goodhew and "-family;' of Stratford, Mr., and Mrs. x 'Winter and•fam!ly rd 'Windsor were amongst those who re- turned to their homes this week. Mr. Fred` Heard of Stratford was; hone over the .week -end. VARNA . A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Avon United •church parsonage on Saturday, Sept. 6th, when Ruby Irene, second . daughter es Mr. and Mrs- .W, J. Taylor, was united in marriage to Watson,Robeit Webster, • second son of Mi. and''Mrs, R. D. Webster all of Varna, Rev. Mr: Penrose officiating. The bride look- ed charming in a traveling dress of navy blue with matching. accessories. The groom's -.gift to the bride was a chest of silver. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Nits.. Webster left on a mot- or . trip to •Crystal Beach,. Buffalo,` Niagara Falls and Toronto. On their return they will reside on the groom's fine farm en Bayfield Road, south. The.best wishes of the community are extended to them for a happy and prosperous 'wedded' We. The Young People's Society of the United church held a corn roast dewy by the river on the, farm of Mr. V.M. Diehl on Friday evening, Sept., 4th. Ml enjoyed a pleasant time together. .,-Mrs. . Susan,,. Redmond and her daughter end family . from Flint, Mich„ have been visiting friends in the vicinity. Mr, David Hodge spent the . v,regt- end with friends at Varna.. He is now attending the high sehool of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeks visited friends in Listowel over the week- end. Mrs. W. MCAsh and Mrs. (Dr:)' Weeks of Exeter have returned from visiting friends in Lciindon and. Glen- coe. B Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schell and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Schell. Sr., 'et Detroit; visited at Mr. Alf Austin's over tltd holiday. • Miss Margaret Chuter spent Sun- day with Miss Muriel Hudie of Gode- rich township. Misses Irene and Mary Chuter and Emily and Gladys Beatty of London spent the week -end at their respec- tive hooves here. The Rev: riIr. Poulter and Mrs. Pc'ilter have returned to take up their duties after spending their holi- days at Rondeau Park. AUBURN Miss 'Kellwood of New York and Mrs. Howson of Wingham visited at the home of Miss M. King during the past week. The W.M.S. and Mission Band of Knox United church will hold their aminal bazaar and tea in the base- ment of the church nn October Pth. Mr. and' Mrs. 0. E. Erratt visited relatives at Clinton on Sunday last. alar. T. W. McRae of Sault Ste. Marie spent the week -end visiting at Munroe and the Misses !Blair and al- so his sister, Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson of Lon- -don -were visitors here over the week -end. Messrs. Wm and Chas. Straughan, W. Cunningham, J. J• Wiashingten, Jas. Jackson and Bert Marsh attend- ed a Layinene' Conference in St. Thomas on Saturday and Sunday last. A Masonic service will be held in the Anglican church Sunday. after- noon; Sept. 13th at 11 o'clock p.in. Rev: Mr. Mills of Goderieh will preaeli the sermon. Anniversary services were held in the Baptist church on Sunday, the • ehureh , 'being taxed, Ir capacity to hold the congregation which attend- ed each service. Tile anniversary preacher' was the Rev. R. B. Gracie of Pembroke, •a' former pastor, who was accompanied by •Mrs. Graefe. The pastor, Rev. G, W. Sherman: who is on holidays, came back for the oceasic,i. Tho services were con- sidered • ittost' successful. GQDEIsIGH:: ;Ti,.AIR NEXT WEEK Goderich' fair, eptenvber 16 and 15,,piieseiits 'en 'Wednesday afternoon a p":ogratti hof Erre' races -2.25 trot or paeet' $15 trot,osi• pace, relay running race, iopen x,'tin and three-,year-oln' colt rte4,afor.'gooib purses. I -Fon. T. L. KennedyinOnfatin Minister of Ag- riculture,'opens the fair on Tuesday evening. COLBORNE Mrs. John . Treble, entertained. the Benmi!ler -Ladies' Aid and Smith's Hill United , church Missionary . Soc- iety- ladies .sin , Thursday. • • IIT: Wm, Clark' attended•tle,.'C.N. E., also Mr. and Mrs. Wm.,.Watson. ,Mr. and li3'is.. Arthur Fulford . are calling on't;friends for • d few days this, wee t toand Garlow. ,; •, Mr. and Miss Jarvis Mollride, and elder sen speflt� atstrday an i`�Sunday a4 Barrie. 1 • Mrs. Mary Addison' stiefin' the week-endwitht '•'.r' her sister Mus. David - not oall,,citt7,ens..T=U a .; of +Windaonave=tato = ed.to dean•., aau, {.xE:;z'x.mw. i :'.+c➢' i a.;. e .a. .:,.,s nit,?a•.rt:,•.i�, lal.. .L ....„•¢ an..:- ...., r,a _... .. afore; a: Member of "Florist Telegraph' Delivery Association CUT FLOWERS, ''"DlrF9*�^"q�" FLORAL DESIGNS WEDDING BOQUI;TS First 'Shipment of arrived Our Greenhouse is as near as your Phone Gras. V. Cooke' F'IJOHIS T. Phones: 66w and 66j Bulbs has CARD OF TIANKS .... 50c MEMORLt'L VERSE; PER LINE l0c 1 • : MARRIAGES VAUGHAN-ACOREY (At St Mat. how's churchLandon,on Sept. '5th, by the Rev. S. E. MCKegney, Alice {Elizabeth, eldest daughter '.q1 Mr. and Mrs Ii ,.•Corey, 'Goderich township,. to Harry Milton Vaug- han, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, C. Vaughan .stf Sarnia. 'WA-TSON—TAYLOR ri Saturday, September 5th, 1931; at the Av- on United Church parsonage, by the Rev. Jas. WI Penrose, Ruby Irene, daughter of Mr. _ and Mrs. • W. ;1, -Taylor, of Varna, to Watson R. . Webster, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert D. Webster, also of Varna. KIMBALL—HN'YDER-t Manson, nl.e„ on August 26th, 'by the Rev. C. L. Read and. Dr. Wj; C. Wicker, . Gertrude Rebecca, . daughter of Mr. Henry Snyder of Goderich; to Charles Lewis Kimball of Delhi, 'Ont. STURDY''-MeMA.NUS—In the Uni- ted Church, Parry Sound, on Aug- ust 29th, by Rev. J. H. Wells, Ol- ive Martha, daughter cif Mr. and' 'Mrs. James D. McManus, of Gode- rich, to William Oswald Sturdy: son of Mrs. Sturdy and the late Oswald Sturdy of Goderich.' BIRTHS BATSfiN--tin Exeter, on Tuesday September 2;.1931, to Mr. and Mrs. John Batson;•a son. FARNHAM In Kitchener, on Aug- ust 28th, to Mr:and Mrs. CeeiI Farnham, a son.—Donald. . DEATHS F13AR--In Toronto, on Sept. 6th, Rev. Ezra . Adams Fear, foriner pastor at Holmesville., RANEY In Clinton, on Sept. 3rd, Amelia Wiltse, widow of Robert Raney. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Sharon church will hold its anni- versary on Sunday next, Sept. '13th, services at half past ten in the mtgn- ing and half Past' seven in the even- ing.- The Stratford Y.M.C.A. band will have charge of both services. Mrs. Jas, Craigia and son and daughter of Port Credit spent the week -end with the fcnmer's aunt, Mrs. Ii. Murphy the sixteenth con- cession. •Misses Hazel and Vera Steep of Clinton spent the, holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Steep of the Bayfield line. Mrs. A. Steep of the Bayfield line entertained a. number of friends to a corn roast on Monday evening, when a very pleasant time was spent. The members of the A.Y.P.A. of t:++ combined churches of Varna, Bayfield and Middleton held a very enjoyable social evening in the town hall, Bayfield, on Friday evening of last- week at which they presented Mr. and Mrs. K. Taylor with a band - some couch. Miss Isabel Robertson of Brant- ford is spending the week as the guest of her friend, Miss Norma Welsh of the Bayfield line. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' Welsh visit- ed Toronto Exhibition ono day last week. Mr. and Mra. Geo_rge W. Pearson and Misses Virginia and Margaret left for there home at Wtayne, Mich., en Saturday. Miss Margaret had been spending a few weeks at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Pearson. Mrs, Angus Cole is visiting with Mrs. R. Pearson this week. . The family of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill entertained about twenty-five 4 their young friends on Monday, Refreshments were served on the lawn and' games and races were in the ' program Their grandmother, Mrs. Phillips, also took an active part in their amusements. HURON ROAD EAST' Mn.. Stewart Ball of Oshawa and Mr. Frank 'Bullayant, Also of Oshawa spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. William Ball. . Miss Stone of -';Oshawa :. who has been visiting- her aunt,' Mrs..Geo, Shipley, thelast three weeks, has re - ti tned.,hoine. ' 'Miss, Jessie Ball of Detroit and Louisa ouisa McCarty, ef'Kentucky spent a couple af,,tiays with Mr. and, Mrs. WiIlian Bali: and, .family.. Mrs. ',Charles Oook , of : Clinton• spent the . week-end,.withher soh, Mr: Fred Cook.- • Mr. Noble' lipllencl has been out With his.'renchine thrashing beans, al ready, sJ ' mss Olive Glew , of, London was hi?e with her-, , Parents,. r, and Mrs, Charles G.lew over the week=end,' House P'0r,-Sale on Rent Comfortable 8-rr,om house in Prin- cess street, residence of the: lite Peter Cm:ntelon:• . F'or .pM'ticalars ap- t •eor :C 1 1 t G ante on `'t a x” p y o ge R•a t nbu y sheet, €))niton Phone' Btf2 Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry }! douse Eggs .bought- according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for • our prices of eggs. Yon will always find our prices par- allel with ar-allelwith the city markets. Fat hens and welt -finished chicks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produre. N. W. Trewartha - Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Northern Electric Sound System CAPITALTHEATIE Coderich, Phone 47' shows A snor drive and a n d t V go Now Paying: "Clara Bow in "KICK IN" MON,, TUES.,. WED.; EDWARD :L. ROBINSON the screen's newest sensation with Alice White and Neil .Hamilton in a picture that tears the veil of secrecy from gangland "The Widow trout Chicago" Monday night only, the sea- son's newest fur creations will be shown by living mannequins . , •THURS,, FRI„ SAT. Charlie Murray and George Sidney give you an exciting safari across the African veldt The Cohens & Kellys in Africa You just bet you'll laugh! , Comings "SEED" ;Matinees Wed. and Sat. '3 p.m. Music Miss Edith Hill of London, teacher of music on Hawaiian Guitar, Span- ish Guitar, ukelele, banjo and man-- dolin; purposes opening, a studio in Clinton. For further information .telephone 247, Clinton. 35-1. Wanted Experienced• upstairs girl, at once. Apply hi Mrs. A.. -S. Inkley, Clinton Inn, phone 167. 84-2-p. Please Return Will the party who took the thresher blew pipe from my barn please return same at once. D. M. Lindsay, Goderich township. 35-1. Banat The W. A. of Wesley -Willis church intend holding a bazaar in the council chamber on Saturday, Nov. 14th. Further particulars later. 35-1. For Sale Pullets, single comb White Leg - horns, 5 months old, Apply to Wil- liam Rutledge, Seaforth, R. R. Ne.2, Phone 616r2, 'Clinton central. 35-1. TRUCKING Engagements attended to for long or short distances. SATISFACTORY RATES S. R. MacMath Clinton, Ontario Telephone 612r34, Clinton Central. 34.2. Gilson Plough Shares Try the Gilson Self -Sharpening Steel Chilled Plough Share. • Fits the Fallowing Ploughs; No, 21 International; 2X Cockshu7 No. 21; No. 21 Percival Cockshutt Riding Plough; No. 21 Wilkinson; No. 21 Cockshutt; No, 21, Verity. Sold By 11. W. CHARLESWORTH 34-2. NOTTCE TO CREDITORS Any one having any claim against the estate of the late Mrs. Hiram Hill will kindly send statement of same to the undersigned an or before Tues- day, Sept. 15th. Hirano Hill, Clin- ton, Ont. 34-2, Student Boarders Wanted Accommodation for a couple of girl students. Apply to Mrs. W. Wilson, Ring street, Clinton. 34-2-p. House For Sale Comfortable six -roomed house in good location, all newly ;remodelled and ,redecorated throughout, new bath and fixtures, lights and wired for electric stove. Price very reason- able as house must be sold immedia- tely. Apply to F. Fingland. 34-tf. Bull For Sale Purebred, registered ''Ayrshire bull, 18 months old. Apply to C. E. El- liott, Fairholme Faim, Clintnhf Phone 157. 34-tf. Faint For Sale` • Looking for a farm,, come and see the Brown property, at easternlila, its -of "Clinton, 1,00 acres, all clear and tillable. Good buildings. Apply on premises or write R. A. Embleton,. Clinton. • 34 -2 -pi 'Attention, Partners!!! ., The Ontari , Equitable Life 'Co., Waterloo,' have 'obtained a quantity, of the Prize Reward and Marquis. wheat and Victory oats , grown by Mr. Merman Treble, Wembley, Alta-, World Champion' wheat grower, and Mr. M. -T. Cortese, •local ' rejtresenta- tive,, has some samples of this grain which h'ia will give 'out: to farmers who are; interested in trying out this seed •wliile suck .;sam, les last. , p M .. .t. COAL,—COKE,, RCApy`i! WHEN WINTEJ%APPEARS AIMWbtuliPOHERV WOOD., ,CEMENT A coal'day in August pre- vent" a cold day in December. . 'Tho Heat Folks can defend your. home ' against cold and storms. . But wait too long to engage their protection, "let them fill your ,coal -bin now Then they'll be ready to battle with Winter front. the earliest frost until the Iast. Call the maria • FOR GOOD, CLEAN COAL J.B liostard Coal PRONE 74 • 'CLINTON, ONTARIO C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 Wanted Roomers or ,boarders. Central location, second house .what of Bap- tist rhumb, Huron' street. Phone 133, MTS. W4"H:. Cole. 82-3.. '•• •• Rouse to Rent A comfortable six -room house. Town water, ..electric lights. For particulars apply to R. TB, Carter, Victoria street, Clinton. 31-tf. House For Sale A most desirable house on Prin- cess street, 3 minutes from the Col- legiate, 10 minutes from down town. 1-.2 acre of land, Good garden and fruit trees. An ideal home in goad locality. Water and electric light. Apply to E. M. Akain, or Dr. Shaw: 32-tfl • Accomodation For Students Rooms can be supplied tcl a num- ber of students. • Apply to Mrs. E. L. Mittell, Princess street, Clinton. Telephone 213. 31-tf. For Sale House . in ,Clinton, Beech street. Frame house . covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 27-tf, House For Sale • Modern six roam house, good la cation. Hardwood floors, good• gar- den, garage. Inquire at News -Re- cord office. 27-tf. Car For Sale • A car in perfect mechanical con- dition. Good tires, new top. Price 350. Apply to H. A. Hovey, Clinton, 25-tf. NOTICE•, Voters' Lists, 1931, Municipality ,of the Township of Goderich 'County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office in Goderich township on the 19th day of Aug- ust, 1931, the list of all persons en- titled to vote in said Municipality et municipal elections and elections to the Legislatve Assembly and that such list remains there for inspec- tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to - take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law.- - Dated this 19th day of August, 1931. It. G. THOMPSON, Clerk of the Township of Goderich. a - 33-3, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Itt the Estate of Angeline McCartney Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against ,the estate of Angeline McCartney late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of June A.D. 1981, are required to deliver to Evel- ena ' McCartney and Harvey McCnrt- ney, the Executors of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or be- ta* the intik day of September A.D„ 1931, a full statement of their elaiuts together with particulars them{, and the Nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned. date the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate •of the said deecased a= Angst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received clue notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario; this 1st day of September A.D., 1931, F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate.,, ,34-3; NOTICE TO CREDITORS' In the Estate of Samuel 'Woodman, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Samuel, Woodman,. late of the Village of Londesboro, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day. of August, 1931, are hereby notified to send in to . the Solicitor for the undersigned Executors on or beforethe fifth day of September, 1931, full particulars of their claims, • .Im mediately after; ,the said fifth day of September, 1931,.the assets of the said Samuel Woodman, de- ceased, will be distributed amongst the parties ..entitled tljerete, having regard- only to claims of, which the Executors shall then have notice, Jautes Woodman and Jennie Rid- dell, Executors, by, their Solicitor, Douglas R Nairn, Goderich,Ontar- io; Poultry, Eggs & Cream WANTED I We'• are prepared to buy above ev- ery working day. Eggs graded by experienced• graders. Cream purdhased for Bowes' Creamery', Toronto. A. E. FINCH Agent for Viking Cream Separator. Victoria St., Clinton. Phone, 231. Better be . Safe tha Sorry AVOID DISEASE By Using Pasturized Milk and Cream) Delivered Daily Commencing on - MOND-AY, MAY 4th Milk, $c, Cream, 40c McMANUS DAIRY Phone 235 16-tf. Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implemental and cream. separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parte and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Chat. mers • Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton, 81 -tib AGENT FOR MASSEY-HARRIS CO • SAWY`R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing , Phone 1.5w or 15j J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOW ES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w, 18-tf. Accounts Collected We place 40 years' successful col- lecting experience at the disposal of those who list their accounts, notes, etc. with us. NO COLLECTION -NO CHARGE KELLY & AIKEN The Efficient Collectors ORANGEVILLE New Tinsmith Shop Having started a Tinstnrthing Shop in ,Londesboro I am prepared to do all sorts of Tinsmithing Work, Specializing in! Eavetroughing, Roofing and General Repairs. Give me a chance to show you What I can do. F. M. PICKETT, Phone 25x13, Blyth Central. Londesboro,' 18-11. You can • keep . warm with Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal,o1 have win- ter sunshine' every day if you burn the famous O.T.O. Coke. Also a good supply of Wyandotte Coke, Alberta Coal, Bituminous Coal, Prompt delivery trent ,my..shecla Queen Street at' anytime. A. D. McCartney Coal ° Dealer •' Queen Street Telephone 250) Clothes Cleaned andPreeoed Clothes. cleaned, pressed" and rd. , paired. Woollengoods :dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard a Barber atop. W: J. Jago, ' 2283:tdk..