HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-09-03, Page 8• CLINTON'S LEADING 31 WELER 'STORE tJtiUN,S lT is . "ALL CHINA IN OUR STORE IS REDUCED AND MUST BE SOLD. Call and See Our Bargains .61 OIil N S.N Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Ilovey's Drug Store, Jeweller arid Optician lien's Worsted Suits VERY SPACIAL eD 1 4. A' very special purcht se enables us te, pass on to you these hi*, , class suits at this very law price. They come in blue stripes and Laney grey patterns. Net all sizes in any one cloth but a nice lot from which to make a choice. .! SPECIAL PRICE ON MEN'S OXFORDS Prices from $2,95 Up. See our Specials at $2.95 and $3.50 We are clearing all lines of Tennis Shoes at Very Special Prices IT"WILT:, PAY 'YOU TO LOOK THESE: LINES OVER BEFORE BUYING Plumsteel Bros. �I MeatsI . SPRING ,OItICKi1NS AND DUCKS FOR THE WEEK -END HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, PER LB, BREAKFAST BACON, PIECE, PER LB. PICKLED BEEP. BONELESS, PER LB. SCHNEIDER'S PURE BULK LARD, PER LB. 1 LET US HAVE YOUR MESHING ORDER 15c 22e 1.5e I(le KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY CONNELL & TYNDALL ALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Pbppe 102 Huron Street. Joi=0 0 CS�o i9 ci=a01=- p O p a 0 PLUMBING HARDWARE, ELECTRIC WIRING -Phone 147w SPE COFIELD ELECTRIC WASHER 11 89600 p RANGETTES, ELECTIC PLATES, TOASTERS, IRONS, ETC. O SEE AND HEAR OUR NEW p COLUMAIRE 8 TUBE RADIO UTTER & PERDUE "gl.te:: Vogue' HATS' & DRESSES We. are now ready with the new mode, in Hats and Dresses You will find the ne)W hats very captivating One of our now wool dresses with tilted hat have .a most sophisticated ,alltu'e. YOUR INSPECTION' IS INVITED THE VOGUE What Junior Jae k mr Master Jim do not learn Pre,' ier John or Sir James . do not know On Tuesday • next ' the 'heli will ding -long to announce the coining outbreak .of :education,.'and our Book Department will feature the annual selling of Text Books and Supplies for students af. Public 'Schools and Collegiate Institute; Those required for first graders as well as proud seniors. Returning to school is a more happy. event when the • pupil is in possession of ample: 'supplies --it gives them poise --assurance and confidence, while another year • of growth and nregress'awaits .them.. ' We invite you to bring your needs to us where you will find a complete assortment of all the• great and small importances with some spe- cial values. Do not overlook our.Ex- ercise Bonk. 200 pages, red black or blue cover at two- far 25c, Another worthwhile article is our 50e de- pendabio :lientil, ':'standard size•1end; repels and propels, fitted with clip, assorted colors, Tie W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest_•Always the Best Mrs, Russell Currie spent several days in Toronto Iast week. • xis. Joseph Emerson of Kincardine is visiting her cousin, Mrs. R, J. Chn'f, Mrs. R. Tiplady returned on Friday after a visit with Wingham 'friends. bliss Grace Veneer left Monday to take over • her school duties at Thornbury. Miss Elizabeth Lindsay returned nn Thursday last after a short visit in Toronto and London. Dr, and bis. Bert Gerrans, Toronto, visited over the , week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Rath, Mr, Jack Gilrbings has gine to Port Arthur; having taken a position on the High Sahool staff there for this Corm. Mr. J. P. Tisdale of Toronto former- ly of Clinton, spent the week -end as the guest of Mr. and Mir G. D. McTaggart. Reeve G. H. and Mrs. Elliott and family spent a long week -end in Toronto, taking kn the—ex, and vis- iting friends, Mrs. D. S. Cook returned to Toronto the beginning of the week after a visit with relatives and friends 1lor9 sand in Goderich, }firs, T, Herman and children visited for a few days last Week with Mrs, Gordon Cuninghame at her sum'» rner home at Bayfield. Miss Eva Stevenson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Cutting home, for some weeks, returned to Toronto an Friday last, Mr( and Mrs. Lynde Stone and Miss Barbara •of Mansfield, Mass., were guests last week of the former's sister, Miss A. M. Stone. Mr, and Mrs. W, Wiisen and fancily returned last week from a two weeks' vacation spent with their parents at Paisley and Pinkerton._, Misses Liza Ann Izzard and Freda Fowler motored up from Guelph last week and spent a few days with friends in town and vicinity. Miss R. V. Irwin is in Toronto this week attending the convention of the Retail Merchants' Association which is in session at the Royal York.. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCartney and family and Miss Evelyn McCart- ney of Detroit spent the week -end in Clinton and surrounding com- munity, Mr. W. K. Rorke, who has been ball - (laying at the horse of his parents, Mr. and Mts. H. E. Rorke, left Saturday morning to take up his teaching duties at Silver Centre. Mr. and Mrs. John R: Rumball and children, Master John and Miss Mary Ellen, motored up Saturday to visit their aunt, Miss M. G. Rudd. They returned to the city yesterday. Mrs. G. Runuball, her daughter, Mrs. Iiixson, and her son and daughter, Kiss Josephine and Master John, motored over from Flint, Mich., the beginning of 'the week and spent a few days with the former's sister, Miss Rudd. Mrs. RumbalU, ie re- maining for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter and Miss Eva took a motor\ trip last• • week to Kincardine, Port Elgin, Southampton and Owen Sound, re- turning by Mt. Forest and Listn- wel, where .they visited friends. Miss Eva returned this weak to resume her teaching duties as a member of the Kitchener Public school staff. Mr. A. Centelon end his daughter, Mrs. G. •T, Jenkins, motored to Landon Ticesday, taking Mise Min- ton Ift dsdn to' the homeof. his r mother there. Mrs. Hudson wish- ed to have Minion, who has, been staging with •Mr. and Mrs. Cante- Jori since she was a little. child, .spend a term or two at the Lon- don Technical school. TUE C .INION-1Vi9rl''S 1lBCORD (VI VellielealeSlatealletienliedieltailieineneneileadaliellifenlinineasenisas �IIC1RSt1 # ,SGPTEIVIBI!;,r2, Int .4, AT SPECIAL PRICES ALL TRIS ,NEE.," 1( OUR WEEKLY PNCE LIST ..Tale Advantage of these Specials by Ordering Your Supply Now! A Clean up of JAMS & MARMALARE 33c; FRIGIDAIRE Breakfast Bacon 19c Cottage Rolls, lb. 19c Picnic Hams, Ib. 25c Lard, 3 lbs. 30c Dutch Loaf, lb. 25c CLINTON'S You will Enjoy Sh pp ng at O'Neil's CERTo, per bottie SUGAR, 55 -10 lbs. SPECIAL TEA 3 pounds FIG BARS pound CORN STARCH Salmon, Red 25c Pleas All Coffee 29c' Dates, 3 pounds . 25e- Kraft 5e-•Kraft Cheese, Ib. 29c Blueing 5-C Water Ice Wafers . 25c Surprise -Soap, 10 bars 490 Comfort Soap, 10 bars 49c Aylmer Soups, "3 tins 25c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25C Macaroni, 3 pounds 25c Soda Biscuits, package 15c New Cheese, pound . 48c DeLuxe JellyPowder, 6 pkgs. 25C Valencia Raisins, 2 pounds 25c BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Where "Sells for Less" PORTER'S .FALL The Goderich Township Men's Club are holding a field day at Por- ter's Krell on hronday,. Sept. 7th, La- bor Dak. The activities commence with a Calithuttcpian Parade in whie4 anyone is welcome to enter, at half past one, far which a num- ber of prizes will be given. This will be followed by a base ball ga>,ne between Hohncsviile and the CIub team, a softball game by the women, a tug-of4var, races and Contests of all sorts. These sports are open tr, the connnunity and every family is cordially invited to bring along a basket and conic and enjoy the af- ternoon with the neighbors and friends. At supper the small offer- ing of ten ednts per head will be asked fees to cover necessary 'expen- ses. The regular' meeting of the Men's Club will be held' on Tuesday even- ing, when the subject of "The Con- strnetian and Maintenance of Good Roads" will be, discussed by a mem- ber of the Highways Department. These meetings are open to all the, ANTIQUE SHOW • and White Elephant Sale under auspices of Clinton Public Hospital Board (Send Mrs, Cree Cook, convenor, any donations you may have for White Elephant Sale) Wed., Thur., Friday and Saturday OCTOBER 14-15-16-17 The "Hope Oliest, a walnut, ce- dar lined Chest, an display in Bell Telephone office window, will be drawn for the last day. Contents of chest to be displayed later. Tickets admitting to shove and al- so for the draw, 25c, or 3 for $50e. 34-1. Have You Tried THE HIT OF THE SEASON VERNOFI'S GINGERALE Silverwood's Ice Cream IN BRICK OK BULK at , BARTLIFF & CRICK Phone 1, Clinton, • men of the community, Grace Church, Pneters Hill intend holding their anniversary on Sun- day,. Oct, llth, with a fowl supper the fallowing evening, Threshing is the order of the day in this vicinity, no fewer than three outfits being in operation with- in a comparatively small radius. The Young People of Grace church will have a earn roast at the lake 0n Friday evening, NORMA THEIEAVEN A.T C.M. Teacher of PIANO & THEORY Clinton, Ontario School Days are here again Girls and Boys Can Have "HAPPY DAYS" By Eating Plenty of "WENDORF'S" Rich, Homelike Bread Also a splendid variety of Cakes, Cookies, Pies and Fancy Pastry Try our Lunch and Ice Cream Service Wendorf's Bakery & CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD ,PHONE 68 Perhaps you are Pick- ing a Wedding Gift Or just Something for a Friend Call in and see our new line of Ovenware, something useful and nice enough for any table. We also have a new stock of stain- less Steer Knives, at reduced prkees. For the Shower, lir Holland Graniteware is just the thing, or' our Aluminumware at "Special" Prices: . Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Merit, 20 Price Prevails Phone 48 ���i1,!/ [��y]{��'py{n Loo1J1 for[Bargains IF SO LOOK INTO OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT.' And let us show you some of the Greatest Values ever shown in-- • this vicinity. WE ARE REDUCING OUR STOCK So if you need a Chesterfield Suite, Dining Itcam Suite or Bedroom Suite, we sure will save you murrey. - Also Special Values in Mattresses, Verandah Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Odd Dressers, Lamps, Card Tables, End Tables, Ferneries, In fact anything we have in stock, sold at great redactions. These bargains are .only on goods in Stocky so of course it will be a matter of come early and pickup the bargains while they last, Clinton Hardware &. Furniture Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS PHONE 1'15 MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORE WITH A. STOCK SAVING TIME AND MONEY Below are listed the outstanding valuts in pure food prgducts and household necessities that may be obtained at your Superior Store. Make a list of your requirements and phone your order in. It will be carefully filled and promptly delivered, AT NO EXTRA °' CHARGE. Deal at your Ircal Superior Store where you will save • o as well as money. iLux 2 cakes etfo ra lira IBoden's Eagle Brancl - Soap Milk, per tits .. , 19e ii Aylmer Soups, except, iSwansdown Cake Flour Chicken, 3 tins .,25c i per pkg.. ,.....:..31e i Brooms, 5 -string Clark's Spagsetti, try each , .. 29e I it on tc,ast, lge, tin 10c MaCormiek Biscuits, Ib. box 27e Tea, Family BIend, lb ....39e Royal York Tea, 1-2 lb. ,28c 'McLaren Tapioca Pudding 2 for 25c Soap Chips, loose, 2 lbs. ,,25c Parke's Catsup flavour .,,35e FRIGIDAIRE ooked Ham, lb, .. . , ; 50e DriftageBoll, Ib. 25e Breakfast Bacon, Ib. 25e Picnic Bain, lb. 19e McLaren Olives, plain 20c, 23e Salmon Fancy Red, x/2; 2 for 29e Salmon, fancy red, 1's . , 23e Kellogg's All -Bran 19e Crown Jars, small, doz. , , 99e Crnwn Java, med. $1.09 SPECIALS Gard in ib, prints, 2 for —23e Creamery Butter, ib. 26e Choice Deily. Butter 24c Lard in 10 lb. pail $1.10 . T. Me NIGHT & SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 r.e�n®vvrwi Swoa°w°.' '411111111111111 A FINE NEW LINE OF THE LATEST MODEES in ILT ORE. HATS JD ST ARRIVED ti ° t',i 11 lyl DAVIS HERMAN ,' Cleaning and Pressing Overcoat et' Suii,. $1.50• .sans. „„.......„............