HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1931-08-20, Page 8THE CLINTON-NEWS ItECORTS THURSDAY, AEGU,ST 20, 931 CLINTON'S CLINTON'S LEADING.JEWELERY!STORE ALL CHINA IN OUR STORE IS REDUCED AND: MUST BE SOLD. Call and See Our Bargains 11. H. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Nest Hovey's Drug Store. - Jeweller and Optician It ,is only -the :flowing stream th i las power, the speedier' i1 flows the greater its power. The fundamental Jfronble with business' to -day is' the stream is not flowing, goods are not moving. ' Artihes on a shelf in our. store perform no real service, In no other periods of their existence do they serve 00 :little purpose. On their way to els they have contributed' to the earnings of many, in their mak- ing, their transportation, their sel- ling, their invoeing,-and other goods we buy and you in turn buy will do likewise. bier's dine Straw x a To Clear at Half Price We have a nice assortment of this year's Straws in Sailors and Snap Brim Styles. As we do not intend to carry over one, of these hats, out they -go at Ralf Price: $2.00 Hats for $1.00; $1.50 'Hats for 75c; $1.00 Hats for 50c 29c DIMITIES TO CLEAR AT " 19e About 100 yds. Nice Fancy Dimities, regularly sold at 29e yd..for 19g 85e HEAVY RAYON MATERIAL AT 38c A Special Buy enables us to pass on our customers this beau- tiful Cloth at less than Half Price. This Cloth conies in a nice as- sortment of colors and is Suitable for Dresses, Draperies, Cushions, Etc., SEE OUR MEN'S PANTS AT $1.19 and $1.35 MEN'S SOX AT 15e Pair MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 59e .AND BALANCE OF SUMMER GOODS AT BARGAIN PRICES. Plumsteel Bos. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS, "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" ormolarmaewomormaraor 1 BOME=MADE SAUSAGE, PER LB. LAMB STEWS, PER LB. FRONT QUARTER ROASTS OF LAMB VEAL ROASTS, PER LB. ..15o ..,12e 15e ER LB. .CHOICE SPRING DUCKS 15e KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY • CONNELL & TYtaiD LU " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. ANNUUCR. EST S1ITP1S R AND PERDUE, Hardware Merchants, are extending 1' their business to include funeral service and furniture. 0 These new services will be eondueted in the store known at pre - Li ' sent as Robinson's Grocery Store and will be in the charge of Mr•• 11 J. 11.'Valker, the New Partner, who holds a certificate as a qualified licensed embalmer and,funeral director and has had a wide exper- ience in -this profession and is joining the firm in the best interests pof the community. ' 0 Further announcements in regard tb these •services -will appear in the columns of this paper° • BUTTER &P'ERDUE PLUIiIBING HARDWARE, ELECTRIC WURING • Phone 147w 0 0li=tt00)®(0OTC30=e.....r 11 p p Merchandise ceases to profit when it ceases to travel, hence, we have arranged ' in our, south window a quantity -'of goods. In some cases they -are ends of stock, in other cases they are for an unknown: reason just "slow moving or again they may re- present our errors , in judgment of values or elegance. Some were pric- ed as ,high as $1.50. We offer you your choice for 50e. 'It is just ploughing back into our business,' the money we have 'spent and hope in small part to re -possess that we may make attempt to enrich our future business, and unlock onr buying power. • Recovery of business, when it conies, will not blow a whistle nor resort 'to, other forms ,of showman - .ship, but -will steal 'up so quietly that probably it will have: to be well on the way to achievement before it can be recognized with certainty. Ir fact it may have already begun, and we know it not. THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers you the Practical Business Training that has nuidle it possiblefor our , ' es ;af sftidents; to, obtain and hold, positions in sco} this time of depression, be'cause c their h%gh standard of•effieiency. 'Prepare to be one of the ,employed next year by taking • a thor- ough and Practical Commercial Course NOW. WE OFFER ,YOU THE FOLLOWING COURSES:-- Secretarial, General Office, Stenographic, Commercial Special Courses Arranged.. ran Teem ; opens Sept. 8th, 1931 Write or phone for partleulars as. to Courses, Fees; ,Books, Etc., to Phone 198. M, A. STONE, Coni, Specialist R. P. WARD, B. A., Vice -Principal. w Principal. Tie W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Ruth Shobbrook of • Toronto was home over the week -end. Misses Jean Match and Elva Cook arecamping at Burks this week. Miss Marion Stele, R.N., of Oshawa is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Shipley. Miss Rudd returned home Thursday last 'after a holiday spent at Ken- sington, F.E.t ' Mr. S. Ralson of Toronto was the week -end guest of Ma. and Mrs, J. W. Shobbrook, Mrs. J. E. Cook is spending a couple of weeks with Mr, ante Mrs. Bert Pridham of Detroit. Miss Louise Mason of Toronto spent a couple of days last week as the guest of Miss Mabel Clarlc, Mrs. 3, T. Ross of Toronto is spend- ing the week with her mother, Mrs. Permelia Cook of toren. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn and Miss Eileen ' Rumball motored to Simooe on Saturday. Mr. Jack Gibbings, who has been taking a summer course in Toron- to, returned home on Thursday last. Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Bert Johnson and Miss Betty of Chippewa are visiting the formrer's son, Mr. W. L. Johnson of town, Mr. and Mrs. Willard of Buffalo have returned home after a visit with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Shobbrook. Dr. and Mrs. M. A, Shipley and Mary Ann of Kirkland Lake, have been visiting at the home of the Doctor's mother, IMIrs. George Shipley. Mr. Frederick Colquhoun of Toronto, actuary for the Imperial Life In- suraneo Company, was the guest on Sunday of'.his aunt, Mrs. Eli- zabeth Kennedy. Rev. and Mrs. Anderson and dough - ter of Carrol, Mae., -visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. Tennison and Mr. and Mrs.. R. J. Fisher of town. Mr. and Mf;s. It. Tasker and. Miss Jean visited last' week in St. Catharines and on their return were accompanied by Miss Mar- garet, y+ho had spent a longer holi- day with relatives 'there. Mrs. McKever and Mr. Frank Moore of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Snob- brook. Mrs. Moore and Miss Shirley, who have been -visiting •here returned home with them, Mrs. Wan. Rowlett • and daughter, Miss Helen, of Ypsilanti, Mielr. and Misses Sarah and Minnie Mos- her of os-herof Pontiac are en a ten days' visit with the . former's sisters, Mrs. Minnie Cole and Mrs. Per- melia Cook. 9 S �iOCE:T�; SpeciaL CSale of Groceries mmer and the Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 packages 2'5c Pep or Bran, each • 10c Fancy Assorted Cakes 19c Large Bottle of Olives 39c, FRIGI DAIRE Picnic Hams, lb. 25c Cottage Rolls, lb. 28c Breakfast Bacon 25c FREE DELIVERY i1- eginning of F10 f z^';.UIT Fancy package of assorted Cakes for picnics 35c Sweet Pickles 39c Lavelle Water Bottle 15c Moody's Blueing, pkg. 5c NEW VALENCIA RAISINS, 2 lbs. NEW AUSTRALIAN RAISINS, 2 lbs. Macaroni, 3 lbs. 25c Special Black Tea, 3-$1.00 Special Coffee, lb. 29c Cocoa, per pound 19c Blue Ribbon Tea 49c Blue Ribbon C9ffee - 49c FRIGf rAI E Lard, 3 lb. pkg. 30c Variety Loaf 35c Jellied Corn Beef 30c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails FREE DELIVERY naftworonmasmesammenieramsh Mr. W. J. Argent returned on Fri- day after a motor tripeast as afar -as Halifax and other points in the Maritimes. He left this morning for Toronto, being ac- companied by kis sister, M'rs. W, ,Castle,' and three sons, who have been visiting. his /tether, Mrs. Ar- gent, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Watts and fam- ily, who, have . been visiting in Clinton for some weeks, ' left on Sunday to spend a few- days in Forest with friends. They will be joined there: by'Rev, and Mrs. An- derson and daughter and the party will motor basic to Carroll,itlsas., in company, While here Mr. and Mrs. Watts and family also visit- ed at London, Guelph and Niagara Falls. They came east to visit ,Mrs. Watts' parents, ltD. and Mrs. R. Jennison. t AY CARNIVAL 3 DAY A U -G U S T 24th, 28th aiiid 26th. ST. JOSEPII'S elle? RC'II IIALI, AND GROUNDS CLINTON A slight change from the 500 supper previously announced has been deemed advisable. Meals will be served every day a la carte and a very wholesome and tasty repast for as low as 25e is assured everybody. A nominal fee of 25e will be charged to dance patrons on the concluding evening to defray the expenses of the orchestra. For further -announcements please listen in to Station C.F,C.0., 247.9 metres, 1210 kilocycles, Chatham, on Sunday, August 23rd at -6.15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, also to speeial recording on the Radio -Phone, combination on display at the Morrish Clothing Com- pany's store, Clinton, P �I FOR ANTIQUES at HOSPITAL, BAZAAR AND ANTIQUE DISPLAY the week of OCTOBER 17TH Prizes awarded for the following: Collection of Antique Furniture; Guns of all kinds; Coins and Stamps Dishes, Silverware, Crockery;` Birds and Animals'; Laces and -Costumes; Photographs and Snaps; Pictures; Mueleal Instruments Sae Miss O'Neil or Mrs. R. H. •Johnson, • OLD TIME PHOTOS fox OUR ZOO IN ANTIQUE SHOT' HOSPITAL BAZAAR WEEK KINDLY LEAVE TEEM With Miss Florence Cuninghame, Have You- Tried, THE HIT OF THE SEASON VE4`:L TN 9 GINGERALE Silverwood's Ice Cream IN BRICK OR BULK at BA TUFF & CRICH Phone 1, Clinton, of Days" Makes one Want a Cool Drink Dry Gingerale and Other Popular Drinks. Delivered to your home for only $1.00 for 24 bottles. Also Agents for Canada Dry New Reduced Prices New "Health Rolls" Baked Daily, These Rolls are "New" and Delicious Our wagon passes your home, try them :for. a real treat or phone 68, PARTY ICE CREAM . Wendorf's akery & CONFECTIONERY — Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD PHONE 68 Perhaps you are Pick- ing a Wedding Gift Or just Something for a Friend Call in and see our new line of Ovenware, • something useful and nfee enough for any table. We also have a new stock of ae stain- less Steel Knives, at du ed prices. For the -Shower, our • Reiland Graniteware is just the thing, or our Alumimnnware at "Special" Prices, T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING ?hong 244 - YOUR CHANCE FOR BARGAINS As Usual We are Running Our August Furniture Sale, But This Year We are Going to make it BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER Our plan is to reduce the price on all,lines of Furniture so that you will receive real values and great savings. So if you are think- ing of getting Furniture it will re rely pay you to buy this month. We have a wonderful stock f rom -which to select. Come early, we will put away anything you want, for future delivery. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU When you deal at your Superior Store you are patronizing fellow townsman and buyiinf at to w prices made- possible by the combined buying power of nearly seven hundred progressive Mer- chants. Support kcal trade and save money by dealing at your Superior Store. - WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Clark's Pork & Beans 3 tins for . 25c Panshino per tin . . , . .....080 Sunlrghe Soap 10 bars ford .49c' 14lanyflowers Soap, 3 for ..170 01d English Finerwax, lb. 69e Choice rink ,Sahnon, 2 tins 25e Pure Lard, per ib. 10c Crown Jars, small, doz. 99e Crown Jars, med., doz. ..51.09 lAyime2 Catsup 12 es,, 2 for • 23c Royal York Tea 1-2 lb. pkg. for ..25c Raspberry or Strawberry 1 Jana, 40 oz. jar —39e 39e Interlake Toilet Paper 3 for 25c Drum. Pastry Flour, 7 lbs. 190 24 lbs. for....... -..,56e Marshall's -Herring lge. ]tin 23c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 2 Ib.190 Seo our window Display of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables MEATS—Special for Thursday, Friday and SaturdaY Kindly phone your order early for an early delivery J. T. McKNIGHT6SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 4v^aew+.roo« FULL LINE OF Bathing suits an Golt c $1.00 to $2.75 $3.00 to $5,50 s , Bathing. Suits Golf Sets DRY CLEANING OR PRESSING Oi 7iC0AT OR SUIT, 51.50 DAVIS. ' Veteran Tailors Phone' 224ve reesaasosra+w